GW Folktale

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Group Work

(Social Function, Generic Structure, and Language Features of a Narrative Text)

Instruction: Discuss the social function, generic structure, and language features of the following story!
Then present your discussion result to the class!

Story of Rainbow

A long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he found
that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked down. The
farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of this
happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.
One evening, while the farmer was in guard, he heard something strange
near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising
him because there were three-star maidens there. When they saw the farmer
was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and
escape but one of them was left behind.
The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon
the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden
would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly
anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.
Time went by they live together and got a cute baby boy. They lived
happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings
near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her.
The farmer was alone and heart broken.
The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they
decided to build a bridge of different colours for him to climb to the sky and
see his son and wife.
1. What is a folktale?

2. What kind of text does it belong to? Is it narrative or recount text? Explain your reason!

3. What is the writer’s intention in writing a folktale?

4. What are the generic structure of a folktale?

5. Identify the structure of the following folktale?

Story of Rainbow

A long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he
found that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked
down. The farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of
this happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.
One evening, while the farmer was in guard, he heard something strange
near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising
him because there were three-star maidens there. When they saw the farmer
was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and
escape but one of them was left behind.
The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon
the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden
would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly
anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.
Time went by they live together and got a cute baby boy. They lived
happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings
near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her.
The farmer was alone and heart broken.
The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they
decided to build a bridge of different colours for him to climb to the sky and
see his son and wife.

La Dana and His Buffalo

In Toraja, South Sulawesi, lived a young man. His name was La Dana.
Everybody knew him. He was known for his clever ideas. He always tricked bad
people. That’s why the villagers loved him.
In Toraja, there was always a ceremony when someone passed away. In the
ceremony, the guests could get buffalo meat from the host of the ceremony. La
Dana went to the ceremony. Before he went home, the host gave him buffalo legs.
On the way home, La Dana met Mr. Kikir. He brought the whole-body parts of the
buffalo except the legs. Mr. Kikir was a very stingy man. Nobody liked him. La
Dana then had an idea to trick him.
“Mr. Kikir, you have all parts of the buffalo except the legs. And I only have
the legs. Why don’t we put them together and gave them back to the host? We
ask him to exchange it with a living buffalo. We raise the buffalo until it is big. Do
you agree?” “That is a good idea. Let’s meet the host,” said Mr. Kikir.
Together they went back to the ceremony. The host agreed with one
condition. He would exchange with a young buffalo. After they got the young
buffalo, Mr. Kikir and La Dana went home. “La Dana, let me grow up the buffalo,”
said Mr. Kikir.
He wanted to grow up it by himself because he was afraid that La Dana would
steal it. “I agree, but let me visit the buffalo every day,” said La Dana. He was
happy, his idea was running well so far.
On the following day, La Dana came to Mr. Kikir’s house.
“Hey! Look! The buffalo is getting fatter,” said La Dana.
“The buffalo has just been here for a day. How can you say he is getting fatter?”
“Look at the buffalo carefully. It is getting fatter. Mr. Kikir, I want the legs now.
They are mine, right?” said La Dana. Mr. Kikir was silent. He knew if the legs were
cut, the buffalo would die. “Don’t take the legs now. Wait for another time,” said
Mr. Kikir.
On the following day, La Dana again came to Mr. Kikir’s house and asked for
the legs. Mr. Kikir said the same thing, he asked La Dana to wait. Then La Dana
came and came again. Every time he visited the buffalo, he always asked Mr. Kikir
to give him legs.
Finally, Mr. Kikir could not hold it anymore.
“It’s enough La Dana! If you cut the legs, the buffalo would die. The buffalo is
still young. We will not get a lot of meat. If you want to get the legs, here take
this buffalo with you!” said Mr. Kikir. He gave the buffalo to La Dana. La Dana was
happy. His plan worked! He got a living buffalo and brought it home.

Put the sentences into the right column to make it become a good story!


Series of



Group Work
(Language Features of a Folktale)
Instruction: Discuss the answer of the following questions with your group members! Then present your
discussion result to the class!
1. What are the language features of a folktale.? Write down the example!

2. Analyse the language features of the following folktale?

Story of Rainbow

A long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he
found that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked
down. The farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of
this happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.
One evening, while the farmer was in guard, he heard something strange
near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising
him because there were three-star maidens there. When they saw the farmer
was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and
escape but one of them was left behind.
The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon
the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden
would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly
anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.
Time went by they live together and got a cute baby boy. They lived
happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings
near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her.
The farmer was alone and heart broken.
The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they
decided to build a bridge of different colours for him to climb to the sky and
see his son and wife.

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