Social Bece Mock 1 2024

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Answer All Questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question
and shade in pencil on your answer sheet the space which bears the same letter as the option you have
chosen. Give only one answer to each question.
1. In the context of Ghana, what role does 7. How can inappropriate parenting behavior,
marriage play in terms of the elderly? such as neglect, affect children?
A. It often ensures economic support and care A. It promotes responsible parenting.
for the elderly. B. It has no impact on children.
B. It isolates the elderly from their children. C. It fosters independence in children
C. It provides no support to the elderly. D. It can lead to detrimental consequences and
D. It leads to the abandonment of the elderly. hinder a child's development.
2. What does the concept of marriage as a social 8. Why is inappropriate parenting behavior, such
institution primarily emphasize? as drunkenness, a concern? Because…
A. Individual independence. A. it can result in the failure to provide
B. Family division. children's basic needs and emotional
C. Societal cohesion and stability. support.
D. Religious isolation. B. it leads to excessive discipline.
3. Why is air pollution considered an C. it has no impact on children.
environmental challenge? D. it promotes responsible parenting.
A. It enhances natural beauty. 9. What does population structure primarily refer
B. It has no impact on ecosystems. to?
C. It degrades air quality and harms the A. The density of a country's population.
environment. B. The distribution of the population across
D. It promotes ecological diversity. different regions.
4. Which of the following is a common activity C. The composition of the population in
in the environment that leads to air pollution? terms of age, gender, and other
A. Planting of trees. characteristics.
B. Reducing energy consumption. D. The total number of people in a country.
C. Using clean energy sources. 10. Why is it essential for students to study
D. Emission of fumes from vehicles. population structure at an early stage?
5. Which of the following is a key benefit of A. Because it has no relevance to their
community education on air pollution education.
reduction? B. Because it fosters ignorance about the
A. It leads to higher levels of pollution. world.
B. It empowers individuals and communities C. Because it helps them understand the
to take action for a cleaner environment. dynamics of their own country and the
C. It promotes environmental ignorance. world.
D. It discourages community involvement. D. Because it encourages political activism.
6. Which of the following is a common activity 11. What is an example of a global energy source?
in the environment that leads to air pollution? A. Internet connectivity
A. Planting trees. B. Solar power
B. Emission of fumes from vehicles. C. Social media platforms
C. Reducing energy consumption. D. Paper production
D. Using clean energy sources. 12. Why is researching alternative energy source
A. It has no impact on the environment.
B. It helps in finding cleaner and more
sustainable energy solutions.
C. It encourages the use of fossil fuels.
D. It promotes energy wastage.
20. Parent-child conflict is minimized when
13. Why is marriage considered an important
A. listen to the views of the child.
pillar of society in Ghana?
B. report the child to school authorities.
A. It has no significance in societal
C. report the child to religious authorities.
D. reprimand the child instantly.
B. Because it fosters division and conflict.
21. Provision of environmental education helps
C. It encourages isolation from the
us to
A. keep our environment clean.
D. It promotes social cohesion and
B. realize the implications of large
contributes to the continuity of traditions
and values.
C. understand environmental pollution.
14. Which of the following is not a process of
D. understand ways of fighting fire.
getting married?
22. Services that individuals are obliged to
A. Customary marriage
perform to the state are
B. Ordinance marriage
A. conventions.
C. Religious marriage
B. occupations.
D. Patrilocal marriage
C. responsibilities.
15. Parenthood begins as soon as a child
D. rights.
A. is born.
23. Rapid population growth can lead to
B. is conceived.
A. high dependency burden.
C. is named.
B. high standard of living.
D. Starts schooling.
C. low employment rate.
16. The love and affection the child needs best
D. low mortality rate.
comes from
24. Marriages can best be sustained when there
A. parents.
B. teachers.
A. adequate financial resource.
C. peers.
B. guidance and counseling.
D. grandparents.
C. mutual respect, love and trust.
17. What are examples of non-renewable natural
D. regular communication.
resources in Ghana?
25. The first step in the process of contracting
A. Solar energy and wind power.
customary marriage in Ghana is
B. Gold, bauxite, and oil.
A. knocking.
C. Timber and freshwater.
B. payment of bridge wealth.
D. Agricultural land and fertile soil
C. period of courtship.
18. The consequences of rapid population increase
D. seeking consent of people.
do not include one of the following.
26. The right to decide on the number of
A. Pressure on lands.
children in marriage is the responsibility of
B. Destruction of land for development.
C. Improper planning of towns.
A. family.
D. Depletion of forest resources.
B. couple.
19. The effect of childlessness in marriage can be
C. husband.
overcome when there is
D. wife.
A. abundance financial resources.
27. The family’s function of procreation
B. genuine love and commitment.
primarily is to ensure
C. no external family interferences.
A. Effective socialization and orientation.
D. periodic personal diagnosis.
B. Proper parental care and maintenance
C. Transmission of family values.
D. Continuity of the family and the
28. Which of the following type of marriage is the 34. How can natural resources contribute to job
foundation of all other marriages in Ghana? creation and economic growth in Ghana?
A. Concubines contracts A. By depleting resources quickly.
B. Marriage by ordinances B. By reducing economic opportunities and
C. Customary marriage industrial development.
D. Religious marriage C. By providing opportunities for industries,
29. What are some examples of global energy creating jobs, and generating revenue.
sources? D. By discouraging resource exploitation.
A. Bicycles and walking. 35. Which of the following is a potential approach
B. Wind power and solar energy. to minimize social problems and rapid
C. Wasteful energy practices. population growth?
D. Increased use of fossil fuels. A. Providing limited access to family planning
30. Why is it crucial to discuss efficient ways of services.
exploiting natural resources in Ghana? B. Encouraging early and frequent pregnancies.
A. To encourage resource depletion and C. Promoting the importance of family planning
environmental harm. and providing accessible services.
B. To minimize resource use and economic D. Discouraging access to education and
growth. healthcare.
C. To promote the preservation and 36. Couples who want to sustain their marriages
sustainable use of resources. should always
D. To prioritize resource waste. A. avoid pointing out the mistakes of each other.
31. What is air pollution primarily caused by? B. hide their past lifestyles from each other
A. Excessive use of natural resources. C. maintain constant communication with each
B. The release of harmful substances into the other.
air, resulting in reduced air quality. D. report each other’s behavior his or her parents.
C. High levels of atmospheric oxygen. 37. Parental responsibility does not include the
D. The use of public transportation. provision of one of the following
32. What are the potential challenges in efficiently A. health needs.
using human resources for production in B. nutritional needs
Ghana? C. personal vision.
A. There are no challenges in this process. D. educational needs.
B. Skills mismatch, lack of job opportunities, 38. All the following can take up parenting roles
and limited access to training. except
C. Abundant job opportunities and unlimited A. older siblings of the child.
skills. B. women who work in orphanages.
D. Overqualified workforce leading to C. football team mates.
resource waste. D. baby sitter.
33. What is the primary goal of efficiently using 39. Which of the following rites of passage is
human resources in the production of goods most often celebrated?
and services? A. Dipo
A. To discourage productivity. B. Marriage ceremony
B. To maximize unemployment rates. C. Naming ceremony
C. To achieve higher productivity and D. Bragoru
economic growth. 40. Population growth can be positive when
D. To promote underutilization of skills. A. the number of births exceeds the number of
B. the number of births decreases while the
number of deaths increases.
C. there is a balance between births and deaths.
D. both births and deaths increase.
1 Hour
[60 MARKS]
This paper consists of three sections. A, B and C. Answer three questions only, choosing one question from
each section. All questions carry equal marks. Answer all the questions in your answer booklet. Credit will
be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.

Answer one question only from this section

1. (a) State four air pollutants in your community that render the air impure. [4 marks]
(b) Identify two activities each which cause air pollution in the following areas;
(i) School
(ii) Home
(iii) Community [6 marks]
(c) Describe five ways by which air pollution affects people in your community. [10 marks]

2. (a) Copy and complete the table below by providing two examples each of global energy sources
and conservation methods for the following countries.
Country Global energy sources Conservation method


United State


[12 marks]
(b) Suggest two ways of preventing fire outbreaks in Ghana. [4 marks]
(c) In environmental conservation, what does the term “Let’s Go Green” mean? [4 marks]

Answer one question only from this section
3. (a) Explain the term marriage as a social institution. [2 marks]
(b) Suggest five preparations that future couples have to go through before marriage. [10 marks]
(c) Highlight four purposes of marriage as a social institution. [8 marks]

4. (a) Explain the following concepts

(i) Parenthood;
(ii) Parenting. [2 marks]
(b) Discuss four ways in which parents show responsibility to their children. [8 marks]
(c) Highlight five ways by which children expose their parents as being irresponsible. [10 marks]
Answer one question only from this section
5. (a) Explain briefly the term population growth. [4 marks]
(b) Highlight three factors that affect population growth in Ghana. [6 marks]
(c) Suggest five effects of rapid population growth on the nation. [10 marks]

6. (a) What is meant by “natural increase” in population growth? [2 marks]

(b) State four social problems associated with rapid population growth. [8 marks]
(c) Enumerate five ways of minimizing social problems associated with rapid
population growth in Ghana. [10 marks]


[40 MARKS]

1. A 6. B 11. B 16. A 21. C 26. B 31. B 36. C

2. C 7. D 12. B 17. B 22. C 27. D 32. B 37. C

3. C 8. A 13. D 18. C 23. A 28. C 33. C 38. C

4. D 9. C 14. D 19. B 24. C 29. B 34. C 39. B

5. B 10.C 15. B 20. A 25. A 30. C 35. C 40. A

(a) State four air pollutants in your community that render the air impure.
 Sulphur dioxide
 Carbon dioxide
 Chlorofluorocarbons
 Carbon monoxide
 Nitrogen dioxide
 Smoke
 Dust
 Noise
 Heat
 Volatile Organic Compounds
 Lead (Pb)
 Radon
[4 marks @ 1 mark each]
Correct spelling score
(b) Identify two activities each which cause air pollution in the following areas;
(i) School
 Transportation: Emissions from school buses and cars that transport students can
release pollutants such as exhaust gases and particulate matter into the air.
 Heating and Cooling Systems: Inefficient or poorly maintained HVAC systems can
release air pollutants, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
 Art Supplies: Some art supplies, like paints and markers, may contain volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), which can evaporate into the air.
 Cooking: School cafeterias or cooking classes that involve frying and cooking with gas
stoves can release cooking-related pollutants.
 Science Experiments: Certain science experiments, particularly those involving
chemicals, can release fumes and pollutants into the air.
(ii) Home
 Cooking: Preparing meals using stoves and ovens can release cooking-related
pollutants like carbon monoxide and VOCs.
 Heating and Cooling Systems: Similar to schools, HVAC systems can release
pollutants if not properly maintained.
 Smoking: Smoking tobacco or other substances indoors can result in indoor air
 Cleaning Products: Some household cleaning products contain chemicals that can emit
VOCs when used.
 Burning Solid Fuels: Using wood-burning stoves or fireplaces can release particulate
matter and other pollutants into the indoor and outdoor air.
(iii) Community
 Transportation: Vehicle emissions from cars, trucks, and public transportation are a
significant source of outdoor air pollution.
 Industrial Activities: Factories and industrial processes can release pollutants,
including greenhouse gases and particulate matter.
 Construction and Demolition: Dust and emissions from construction and demolition
activities can contribute to outdoor air pollution.
 Agricultural Practices: The use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals in
agriculture can release pollutants into the air.
 Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of waste, including open burning of trash, can
release pollutants into the environment.
[6 marks @ 1 mark each]
(c) Describe five ways by which air pollution affects people in your community.
 Acid rain
 Respiratory infection
 Skin disease
 Eye infection
 Heart disease
 Global warming
 Poor visibility
 Stunted growth of vegetation
[10 marks @ 2 marks each]
(a) Copy and complete the table below by providing two examples each of global energy sources
and conservation methods for the following countries.
Country Global energy sources Conservation method

Ghana  Hydroelectric,  Energy-efficient appliances,

 Oil,  Afforestation and reforestation
 Natural Gas,  Public transportation,
 Solar, Biomass  Solar water heaters,
 Sustainable agricultural practices

United State  Natural Gas,  Energy-efficient lighting,

 Coal,  Public transportation,
 Oil,  Renewable energy incentives,
 Nuclear,  Home insulation,
 Renewables  Recycling programs

Germany  Renewables,  Energy-efficient appliances,

 Natural Gas,  Cogeneration,
 Coal,  Green building standards,
 Nuclear  Carpooling initiatives,
 Smart grids

[12 marks @ 1 mark each]

Any one correctly stated scores
(b) Suggest two ways of preventing fire outbreak in Ghana.
 Public education on fire safety measure
 Enforcement of fire safety measures or regulations
 Provision of fire extinguishers
 Redevelopment of old building and markets
 Amnesty for people with illegal electricity connections
 Encouraging the public to feel free to contact Ghana fire service
 Etc.
[4 marks @ 2 marks each]
(c) In environmental conservation, what does the term “Let’s Go Green” means?
 The phrase "Let's Go Green" is a call to action that encourages individuals, communities, and
organizations to adopt environmentally friendly and sustainable practices to protect the
environment. OR
 The phrase Let's Go Green" is a rallying cry that signifies a commitment to reducing the
negative impact of human activities on the planet and promoting a more sustainable and eco-
friendly way of living. [4 marks]
(a) Explain the term marriage as a social institution.

Marriage, as a social institution, is defined as a formal union between a man and a woman
who have agreed to live together as husband and wife and have gone through all the
procedures recognized by the families of both the man and the woman for such purposes.
 Marriage as a social institutions defined as a socially approved union between two people
usually a man and a woman who have agreed to stay as husband and wife for their social
and economic benefit. [2 marks]
(b) Suggest five preparations that future couples have to go through before marriage.
 Making intension for marriage
 Choice of a partner
 Investigation into future partners background
 Period of courtship.
 Financial preparation
 Social and psychological preparation.
[10 marks @ 2 marks each]
(c) Highlight four purpose of marriage as a social institution.
 Companionship
 Procreation
 Avenue for sexual satisfaction
 Provides mutual support between husband and wife.
 It helps individual to become responsible.
 Promote social peace
 marriage bring unity among groups or families
 helps individual to gain societal respect and prestige
 marriage guarantee proper up bring of children
[8 marks @ 2 marks each]

(a) Explain the following concept;
(i) Parenthood;
Parenthood is all the activities involved in pregnancy, delivery and responsibility of
taking care of one’s biological children OR Parenthood is a state of being a parent. OR
Parenthood is defined as a situation where an individual accepts fully responsibility of a
(ii) Parenting.
Parenting is all the activities involved in the up bring and looking after children to
become responsible citizen of the society. OR
Parenting refers to the duties that biological or non-biological parent is expected to
perform in other to ensure that children are properly brought up.
[2 marks @1 mark each]
(b) Discuss four ways in which parents show responsibility to their children.
 By provision of physical and needs of the family
 Provision of emotional or psychological needs of the child
 Provision of the health needs of children
 Provision of social needs of the children
 Taking care of spiritual needs of the child.
 Giving of moral training
 setting Boundaries and Discipline
 provision of quality education
 teaching financial planning
[8 marks @ 2 marks each]
(c) Highlight five ways by which children expose their parents as being irresponsible.
 When parents Neglect Basic Needs
 Lack of Emotional Support:
 Inconsistent Discipline
 Financial Mismanagement:
 Parents who struggle with substance abuse issues may neglect their children's needs
 Failure to Ensure children Safety
 Disregard for Education
 Failure to Listen and Communicate
[10 marks @ 2 marks each]
(a) Explain briefly the term population growth.
 Population growth is the rate at which the population size of a defined geographical area
increases or decreases within a given period of time as a fraction of the initial population.
 Population growth refers to the increase in the number of individuals within a specific
geographic area over a defined period. it is typically measured as the difference between the
number of births and the number of deaths in a given population, often expressed as a
percentage increase. [4 marks]
(b) Highlight three factors that affect population growth in Ghana.
 Birth Rate:.
 Death Rate:
 Fertility Rate:
 Immigration:
 Emigration:
 Life Expectancy:
[6 marks @ 2 marks each]
(c) Suggest five effects of rapid population growth on the nation.
 Poverty
 Overstretching on the country’s natural resources
 Low standard of living among the people
 High indebtedness
 Pressure on the country’s existing social amenities.
 Scarcity of food
 Frequent breakdown of social infrastructure
 Over-crowding of people at public places
 Frequent outbreak if diseases
 Environmental pollution
 Etc.
[10 marks @ 2 marks each]

(a) What is meant by “natural increase” in population growth?
 Natural increase in population growth refers to the rate at which a population grows due to the
difference between the number of births and the number of deaths within a given geographic
area over a specific time period. [2 marks]
(b) State four social problems associated with rapid population growth.
 Overcrowding
 Unemployment
 Pressure on Healthcare:
 Education Challenges
 Pressure on Social Services
 Increase in crime rate
 Child labour
 Child trafficking
 School dropout
 Traffic jam
 Etc.
[8 marks @ 2 marks each]
(c) Enumerate five ways of minimizing social problem Associated with rapid
Population Growth in Ghana.
 Family Planning Education
 Improved Healthcare:
 Quality Education:
 Employment Opportunities:
 Urban Planning:
 Environmental Sustainability:
 Social Welfare Programs:
 Public Awareness
 Etc.
[10 marks @ 2 marks each]

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