Computer Science Paper 2 SL

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Computer science
Standard level
Paper 2

Monday 7 May 2018 (morning)

1 hour

Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer all of the questions from one of the options.
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks].

Option Questions
Option A — Databases 1–3
Option B — Modelling and simulation 4–6
Option C — Web science 7–9
Option D — Object-oriented programming 10 – 12

2218 – 7015
15 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2018
–2– M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

Option A — Databases

1. Galaxy Bank is a US based bank with many banks (branches) across the country.
Galaxy Bank uses a relational database to support its operations.

Each branch has many customers and each customer may take out a number of loans.

(a) Construct the entity relationship diagram (ERD) that shows the relationship between
the bank branch, the customers and their loans. [2]

Some of the data in the LOANS table is shown below.

The underlined attribute indicates the primary key.

Loan_ID Customer_ID Amount Type

XY080911 668848616 500 000 Home

RD050789 987887982 430 000 000 Venture

RG903540 124567552 231 900 000 Venture

XY348801 648782904 800 000 Home

ED569891 456783356 230 000 Education

… … … …

(b) With reference to the table LOANS, state the output of the following query:


WHERE (LOANS.Amount > 600000) AND ((LOANS.Type = "Home") OR
(LOANS.Type = "Venture")); [2]

(Option A continues on the following page)

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(Option A, question 1 continued)

Two other tables in the database are identified below:

• The ACCOUNTS table contains the account details of the customers.
• The CUSTOMERS table contains the contact details of each customer.

The underlined attribute indicates the primary key in each table.

Acct_no Customer_ID Balance Account_Type

171345090 987887982 212 456.00 Deposit

171345087 987887982 3 450.00 Current

345904570 456783356 320 567.00 Deposit

345904571 456783356 590.00 Current

435362728 987635218 610.00 Current

356278236 533763373 4567.00 Current

… … … …

Customer_ID Family_Name Zip_Code Phone

668848616 Smith 90906 3456042

987887982 Wallace 32001 3205600

124567552 James 23057 6783456

648782904 Evans 21026 4545542

456783356 Donnan 23058 3789036

453627286 Davies 24026 3678936

546373883 Walker 25098 3974673

… … … …

(c) Identify the steps to create a query to find the names of customers whose account
balance is greater than $300 000.  [4]

Security is the top priority for Galaxy Bank.

(d) Explain how controlling access rights contributes to the security of the
Galaxy Bank database. [3]

(e) Explain how row locking ensures the consistency of the data in the Galaxy Bank
database.  [3]

(Option A continues on the following page)

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(Option A continued)

2. ShowTime is a local theatre that allows online booking for its various shows.
All customers are able to access the database to book a movie of their choice.

However, some of the customers have received incorrect information when their booking has
been made. This has been caused by update anomalies.

(a) Identify two types of update anomaly. [2]

ShowTime have introduced a database recovery system in case the database becomes

(b) Outline two methods of database recovery that can be used to restore the system. [4]

(c) Identify three tasks that are carried out by the database administrator (DBA). [3]

Customers can choose a credit card as their method of payment. However, some
customers are concerned that their personal information could get shared with
unauthorized third parties.

(d) Explain one way that the DBA at ShowTime can ensure the anonymity of the
customers is maintained. [3]

(Option A continues on the following page)

–5– M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

(Option A continued)

3. Jackson City University has a Music Department that provides music lessons to students in a
number of high schools in the city.

The Jackson City University Music Department teachers visit the different schools in the city
to teach students a range of musical instruments.

The following diagram shows an unnormalized table of student data.

Student_ First_ Family_ Date_of_ School_ School_

Student_Choice School
ID Name Name birth Post_Code phone_no

VIOLIN, 065544335,
305 JOE PARKAR 02/09/2000 Tampines 512233
PERCUSSION 065544336

306 MARY ALCHIN 01/06/2000 198876 065543213

307 RAM WONG 23/03/1999 GUITAR Bedok 467501

308 KATE MOHAMA 17/08/1999 PERCUSSION Simei 512233 065444412

309 RYAN TAN 02/09/2000 GUITAR 208563 065667898

310 PHILIP BALMER 10/10/1999 VIOLIN Orchard 309893 065756379

311 MIKE MOSES 10/11/2000 GUITAR Clementi 308978 065745677

… … … … …

(a) Explain one benefit of normalizing a database. [3]

(b) Identify three ways that incorrect data could be prevented from being added into the
School_phone_no field. [3]

(c) Outline what would be necessary to make the above unnormalized table conform
to 1st Normal Form (1NF).  [2]

(d) Construct the 3rd Normal Form (3NF) of the unnormalized relation shown above. [8]

(e) Explain the difference between 2nd Normal Form (2NF) and 3rd Normal Form (3NF). [3]

End of Option A

Turn over
–6– M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

Option B — Modelling and simulation

4. Ralph owns a furniture store that trades in second-hand furniture, lamps and musical
instruments. He buys these items, repairs them where necessary and then resells them.

He calculates the value of each item using the information below:

• type: furniture, lamp, musical instrument
• brand recognition: 1 (low), 2 (medium), 3 (high)
• condition: “very good”, “good”, “needs repair”
• estimated volume of item: maximum volume accepted is 2000 dm3
(note that 1 dm3 = 1 litre).

Ralph is going to use a spreadsheet to model this information.

(a) Copy and complete the following table showing the variables, each variable’s data type
and range of values that would represent the information shown above. [4]

Variable Data type Range of values

The spreadsheet model will inform Ralph as to whether he should buy an item. The decision
to buy is based on the following rules:
• the default values for the items are; furniture $100, lamp $30, musical instrument $80
• multipliers are applied to these default values depending on the volume of the item;
for volumes that are 500 dm3 or above it is 0.7, for volumes less than or equal to
30 dm3 it is 1.2, for any other volume it is 1.

Ralph will not buy any item with a value calculated to be over $90.

(b) (i) Using the above rules, construct the pseudocode that will help Ralph in deciding
whether to buy an item. [4]

(ii) Describe two items that would have a calculated value of more than $90. [2]

(Option B continues on the following page)

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(Option B, question 4 continued)

The model is also used to calculate his final selling price for each item. This price is
calculated using the following rules:
• initial selling value is 5 times the original default value
• a multiplier of 1, 2 or 3 is applied to reflect the brand recognition (a “top brand” receives a
multiplier of 3)
• another multiplier is applied to reflect the volume occupied. This multiplier is 5 when the
volume is greater or equal to 500 dm3, 3 for volumes between 30 and 500 dm3 and 1 for
other volumes
• a further multiplier is applied depending upon the item’s condition. This multiplier is 2 or 3
when conditions are good or very good, but is 0.8 if the item is damaged.

(c) Calculate the selling price of a top brand guitar with a volume of 96 dm3 that was
damaged. You should show your working. [2]

(d) With the help of a diagram, suggest an appropriate design for a spreadsheet used to
calculate the final selling price, following this model. [4]

(e) Identify two tests that should be included in the test plan for this model. [2]

5. In a small shop two people prepare and sell bread rolls. The space for preparing the bread
rolls is small. This space includes a sink and a cash register. Each of the ingredients used
to fill the bread rolls is kept in a separate bowl with its own fork or spoon. Sometimes the
bowls need to be refilled.

Preparing a bread roll requires the following steps:

• slice the bread roll
• spread its base with some sauce
• add lettuce
• fill with at most two chosen fillings
• cover the roll with the other half
• wrap it in paper.

After that, the roll is ready for payment and collection.

Even when the shop is busy, each person only prepares one bread roll at a time.

(a) Outline two problems with this method of preparation that could affect the time it takes
the two people to prepare an order. [4]

(b) Describe how the two people could improve the efficiency of their work, without
compromising on the quality of service to the customers.  [3]

(Option B continues on the following page)

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(Option B, question 5 continued)

A larger restaurant is already using simulation software for the preparation of their dishes.

The restaurant has a menu with eight possible dishes. These dishes may require a
number of steps such as cutting, mixing, boiling and grilling to prepare them, as well as
different cooking times. The restaurant has a cook and an assistant who prepare one dish
at the time.

(c) Explain the difference between a model and a simulation. [3]

(d) Identify three elements that the simulation software might consider, in addition to the
information already described above. [3]

The simulation program will group all orders received in an interval of 10 minutes. The
program will then produce a sequence of all the cooking steps so that these orders can
be completed as quickly as possible. Once the kitchen has completed the orders for one
interval, it is ready to accept orders for the next interval.

Customers are impressed by the rapidity of service, but not by the quality of prepared food.

(e) Suggest two elements that the software simulation may have not considered that may
lead to complaints from the customers.  [6]

6. The electronic control unit (ECU) of a vehicle is an on-board computer that is constantly
monitoring the performance of several components of a vehicle. For example, the ECU:
• controls the functioning of the lights, the brakes, the airbag, and the fuel-level signal
• permits the scale being changed in some digital displays, such as switching the
speedometer from miles/hour to km/hour.

The software embedded in an ECU receives input data from a variety of sources when it runs
auto-diagnostic tests.

(a) With relation to the activities that the software of an ECU has to perform:

(i) identify two of the sources that provide input data to the ECU;  [2]

(ii) suggest one reason why the auto-diagnostic program in the ECU depends upon
the make and model of the vehicle.  [2]

Vehicles are tested for their exhaust gas emissions using simulation software at specialist
garages. During a period of 5 minutes, a vehicle with the engine switched on is monitored for
emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and fine particulates. The software uses 3D visualization
techniques to display these parameters on a screen for the whole duration of the test.

(b) Explain how emissions of CO2 and fine particulates could be represented in 3D by
the software. [4]

End of Option B
–9– M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

Option C — Web science

7. Home banking allows individuals to perform operations over the Internet on their own bank

(a) Outline the relationship between the Internet and the world wide web (WWW). [2]

(b) Explain why the choice of browser should not affect a customer’s ability to access their
bank account details. [4]

(c) State two features that make HTTPS more suitable than HTTP in the context of
home banking.  [2]

Access to a bank’s home banking services requires, as a first step, identification and
authentication of the user. Individuals log on the bank web site, and enter their own personal
space by providing their full account number and a personal code that the bank gave them.
The processing of this information takes place on the server side.

(d) Explain why server-side processing is used in this case. [3]

The 20 most recent account transactions can be displayed on screen in a webpage that uses
XML. A print-out of all transactions of the past three months may be obtained by clicking an
onscreen button on the webpage. The print-out is landscape oriented and shows many more
columns than are displayed on the screen.

(e) Describe how this processing takes place with reference to the use of XML and XSLT.  [3]

(Option C continues on the following page)

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– 10 – M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

(Option C continued)

8. RunAndBeyond is a sports knowledge website, offering expert knowledge and technical tips
on sport disciplines. Official teams and associations are invited to include some of their own
multimedia digital resources to RunAndBeyond.

A team of triathletes, finding their sport discipline under-represented in the website, wants
to contribute content for RunAndBeyond. The team intends to use a wiki in collaborating
online with other similar interested groups in triathlon when creating and updating their own

(a) Describe how a wiki can support the ongoing collaboration in producing the triathletes’
resource. [3]

The triathlete’s online resource provides a variety of references through external links, and
one of them points to:

(b) (i) State the reason why the above link is a URL.  [1]

(ii) Outline the processing that takes place when the line of code above is executed. [3]

There are also external links on the website to videos and some of these are transferred
using lossy compression. When these videos are transferred, they can either be streamed or
downloaded for future viewing.

(c) Suggest why lossy compression should be the compression technique used. [4]

The RunAndBeyond website continually automatically updates its content regarding a live
sporting event.

(d) Suggest how a dynamic web page would function in providing this service to the user. [4]

(Option C continues on the following page)

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(Option C continued)

9. A web application (app) runs on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It allows
users to locate their position in real time on a map, as they walk around a city, as well as
the surrounding attractions. The app uses icons to represent tourist attractions such as art
galleries and museums. When the user clicks on the icon, further details are shown, such as
opening times. The app includes some use of client-side scripting.

(a) (i) Outline the functioning of this app. Include specific references to the technology
and software involved. [3]

(ii) With reference to the use on mobile devices, outline a feature of this application
that may rely on client-side scripting.  [2]

Many art galleries have websites that can be found by search engines. White hat techniques
and practices allow website developers to optimize the search process. It is good practice to
maintain the source code of websites up-to-date with actual information.

(b) (i) State two metrics used by search engines. [2]

(ii) Explain why maintaining a clean HTML source code of a website by removing old
information optimizes the search process.  [5]

The evolution of the web, architectures, protocols and their uses has led to increasingly
sophisticated services that run on peer-2-peer (P2P) architectures.

(c) Explain how a P2P network can provide more reliability than a client-server model. [4]

End of Option C

Turn over
– 12 – M18/4/COMSC/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX

Option D — Object-oriented programming

A hotel chain has a loyalty scheme in which customers are awarded 1000 points for each day they
stay in one of their hotels. With these points, customers can achieve one of three status levels:
Gold, Silver or Bronze. The level will determine the extra services to which they are entitled.

The total number of points collected during the current year will determine which of the three
status levels they are assigned for the following year: For example only the points collected in
2018 will determine the status level for 2019.

Occasionally, new customers receive additional bonus points as part of a promotion.

The Points class keeps details of the points and status levels of each customer.
public class Points
private String memberId; // id of the hotel customer
private int totalPoints; // this year's points
private int bonusPoints; // any bonus points given to this year's new member
private String statusNow; // current(this year's)status
private String statusNextYear; // following year's status
private Visits[] allVisits = new Visits[366];//details of each visit
// during this year
int y; // number of visits this year

public Points(String id) // constructor for new member

memberId = id;
bonusPoints = 0;
y = 0;
statusNow = "Bronze";

//constructor for new member given bonus points (valid for current year only)
public Points(String id, int bp)
memberId = id;
bonusPoints = bp; // multiples of 1000 - maximum number is 5000
y = 0;
statusNow = "Bronze";

// all the accessor and mutator methods are present but not shown

public Visits getAllVisits(int v)

return allVisits[v];

public void addVisit(Visits v) // adds a new Visit object to the array

allVisits[y] = v;
y = y + 1;

isGold() {code missing}

calculateTotalPoints(){code missing}
daysMissing(){code missing}
(Option D continues on the following page)
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(Option D continued)

10. The instance variables in the Points class are preceded by the modifier private. The
choice of modifier affects the way in which these variables are accessed or used.

(a) With the use of two examples other than private, outline how the choice of this
modifier affects the way in which these variables are accessed or used. [4]

(b) With reference to the two methods with the same name in the Points class,
explain the OOP feature that makes it possible to successfully implement either of
these methods. [4]

The customers will be assigned one of three levels for the following year (Gold, Silver or
Bronze) depending upon the current year’s total points as follows.
• Bronze = less than 10 000 points
• Silver = 10 000 or more but less than 50 000
• Gold = 50 000 or more.

In 2018, Tim became a member for the first time and was awarded a bonus of
1000 points. So far, in 2018, Tim has stayed three times at one of these hotels. The first visit
lasted 2 days, the second visit lasted 1 day and the third visit lasted 6 days.

(c) State the status level that Tim has been assigned, for 2019, following these visits. [1]

The different Points objects are stored in an array which is declared globally in the main
(driver) class as follows: Points[] allPoints = new Points[10000];

(d) State how an individual object can be identified using this array. [1]

The attribute statusNow is assigned its correct value at the beginning of every year for
existing members. It cannot be changed during the year.

(e) Construct the method isGold() in the Points class, which will return whether the
current status is “Gold”. [3]

(Option D continues on the following page)

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(Option D continued)

11. The details of hotel stays during the current year are stored in the variable allVisits which
is an array of the Visits class. allVisits is used in determining the total points awarded in
the current year.

The Visits class is outlined below:

public class Visits

private String hotelCode; // id of the hotel
private int days; // number of days of the visit

public Visits(String h, int d)

hotelCode = h;
days = d;

public int getDays()

return days;

(a) Construct a UML diagram for the Visits class. [3]

The main (driver) class manages the Points and Visits classes. It contains the
following code:

Points[] allPoints = new Points[10000]; // declared globally

allPoints[0] = new Points("m100");

allPoints[1] = new Points("m101",5000);
allPoints[2] = new Points("m102",2000);

Visits v1 = new Visits("h003", 3);

Visits v2 = new Visits("h013", 1);
Visits v3 = new Visits("h013", 2);
Visits v4 = new Visits("h005", 6);

allPoints[1].addVisit(new Visits("h004",6));

(Option D continues on the following page)

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(Option D, question 11 continued)

(b) State the output given by the following statements:

(i) System.out.println(allPoints[2].getMemberId()); [1]

(ii) System.out.println(allPoints[0].getBonusPoints());[1]

(iii) System.out.println(allPoints[1].getAllVisits(1).getDays());[1]

(c) Construct the method calculateTotalPoints(), in the Points class, which will
calculate and return the total number of points awarded so far in the current year. [5]

(d) Construct the method daysMissing(), in the Points class, that will return the
number of extra days that a customer needs to stay in order to keep the same status
the following year as they have in the current year. [7]

The hotel chain maintains the details of the extra benefits that each status provides in
appropriate classes.

(e) Suggest how the hotel chain might make use of the inheritance feature of OOP when
designing the classes from pages 12 and 14. [4]

At midnight on 31st December each year the systems are temporarily made unavailable as
the hotel chain makes the changes needed to prepare the system for the new year.

(f) Identify three changes that would have to be made to the classes previously described
in order for the system to function correctly in the new year.  [3]

12. Full details of each hotel are stored as objects of the Hotel class.

For research purposes, the managers want to identify the name of the hotel in which a
particular customer has stayed the most days during the current year.

Without writing code, outline the steps that would have to be taken to accomplish this.
You should include reference to any classes, methods or attributes that will be created or will
be needed. [7]

End of Option D

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