Ict Model

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a) Out;line the Chandy-Misra-Haas Algorithm to detect deadlock in OR Model

and iilustrate the algorithm with example. U 3

b) Outline Ricart-Agarwala’s Algorithm for implementing mutual exclusion in 3
INTENSIVE COACHING TEST- 4 (MODEL) distributed systems and illustrate the algorithm. (13)
CS3551– DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING a) Describe the physical clock synchronization and logical clock synchronization and R 4
Session : FN explain the framework of a system of logical clock ..(13)
Year: I I I /V Section :A 14. OR
Time: 3.00 Hours Max Marks : 100
(i) b) Explain the key characteristics of a distributed system. (8) A 4
PART A (10×02=20 MARKS) What is the role of communication in distributed systems? Discuss different
communication models. (13)
Sl. NO Questions Blooms CO
a) A company have to like to have an advanced collaboration services like video, R 3
1. Distinguish between message passing systems and shared memory R 3 chat and web conferences for their employees, but their employees, but their
systems 15. system doesnot support any of the IT resources due to insufficient infrstructure. If
2. What are the motivations of distributed systems. U 3 they could leverage cloud computing technology in their system, suggest a
suitable cloud type with proper justification. (13)
3. Define Global state and Consistent global state. R 3
4. What are the limitations of logical clock? R 3
b) Discuss and elaborate about Cloud Security challenges. (13) E 4
5. List the advantages and disadvantages of Token based Algorithm for U 3
implementing mutual exclusion algorithm.
6. What is IaaS? A 4 PART C (1×15=15 MARKS)

7. What is False Deadlock? When did it occurs? E 4 a) Consider an ABC IT Company wanted to provide services like scientific
8. Outline the issues in failure recovery. R 4 converter, data converter, currency converter and some of the business AP 4
9. List the advantages and disadvantages of Asynchronous U 4 logic as a serverside component to the developer to tailor make the
Checkpointing. application. Explain the various adaptable technologies to implement in a
10. What is service cloud? U 4 distributed environment. State its merit and demerits. (15)
16 OR
PART B (5×13=65 MARKS)
b) An organization has planned to implement a client module that emulates
a) Explain the design issues and challenges in the design of distributed U 3
a conventional file system interface for application programs, and server
operating systems. (13)
11. OR modules, that perform operations for clients on directories and on files. State
b) Explain blocking, non-blocking , synchronous and asynchronous the best distributed architecture to deploy and deliver the system. Also A 4
primitives for distributed communication. Also summarize major libraries R 3 explain the suitable system model to avoid failures and adapt a recovery
and standards for building distributed applications.. (13) system for the same in case of unavoidable failures. (15)

a) What is Snapshot snd what are the needs of taking snapshot in distributed
A 4
systems? Outline Chandy-Lamport’s Algorithm for snapshot and illustrate the
12. algorithm. R- Remembering U-Understanding, Ap- Applying, A- Analyzing, E- Evaluating, C- Creating

b) Explain various ways of ordering messages in group communications. Also Ap 4
illustrate distributed algorithm to implement total order and casual order of
messages. (13)


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