3661-Ferritin-Gen2 v1.2 en

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Gen 2

Diagnostic reagent for determination of Ferritin concentration.

Liquid. Dual reagents (Ratio: R1/R2: 4/1). Store at +2/+8°C. For in Vitro Diagnostic Use (IVD). Do not freeze.

Ref No Package Ref No Package

LAB133 200 mL TF130 250 mL
LB126 200 mL TF131 125 mL
LM244 200 mL TF132 50 mL

Changes made in the instructions for use are marked as grey.


The test is applied for the quantitative determination of Suspension of latex particles coated with anti-human
Ferritin in serum. ferritin antibodies
Sodium azide ≤ 1.00 g/L


Ferritin is the major iron storage compound in the body. It
Reagents are ready for use.
consists of a protein shell enclosing a core of a variable
amount of iron. Ferritin is present at particularly high
concentrations in liver, bone marrow and spleen.
Reagents are stable at +2/+8˚C till the expiration date
The plasma ferritin is in equilibrium with body stores and
stated on the label which is only for closed vials.
variations in the quantity of iron in the storage compartment
are reflected in plasma ferritin concentration. Once opened vials are stable for 30 days at +2/+8°C in
Serum ferritin concentration decreases very early in the optimum conditions. On board stability is strongly related
development of iron deficiency and it serves as a very to auto analyzers’ cooling specification and carry-over
sensitive indicator of iron deficiency. On the other hand, a values.
large number of chronic concentrations, plasma ferritin is
also increased in patients with hemosiderosis. Reagent stability and storage data have been verified by
using Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
Serum ferritin causes agglutination of latex particles coated EP25-A protocol.
with anti-human ferritin antibodies. The agglutination of
the latex particles is proportional to the ferritin SAMPLE
concentration and can be measured turbidimetrically.
Serum is collected according to the standard procedures.

Clinical diagnosis should not be made only with the

Ferritin in serum is stable for
findings of test results, integration of the laboratory data
7 days at +2/+8ºC,
should be used in clinical diagnosis as well.
7 days at +20/+25ºC,
1 year at -20°C.
Method : Turbidimetric For reagents which are related to antigen antibody
Wavelength : 540 ± 20 nm reaction, do not shake the sample, R2, control and
Linearity : 500 µg/L calibrator; just gently mix.


Reagent 1: Serum:
Glycine buffer ≤ 185 mmol/L Children : 7 - 140 µg/L
Sodium chloride ≤ 125 mmol/L Men : 20 - 250 µg/L
Sodium azide ≤ 1.00 g/L Women : 20 - 200 µg/L
pH 8.2.

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It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own Linearity may considerably vary depending on the
normal range. instrument used.

Reference interval has been verified by using CLSI EP28- Precision Studies:9
A3c protocol. Repeatibility (Within Run) (Intra-Assay)
Mean Concentration CV% n
108.0 µg/L 1.80 40
Commercially available control material with established
values determined by this method may be used. We Repeatibility (Day to Day) (Inter-Assay)
recommend: Mean Concentration CV% n
35.0 µg/L 3.90 40
Protein Control Serum I Lyophilized
108.0 µg/L 2.10 40
Ref.No: PCN01
Ref.No: PCN02 Precision Studies data have been verified by using CLSI
EP05-A3 protocol.
Protein Control Serum II Lyophilized
Ref.No: PCN05 Prozone Effect: No prozone effect has been observed up
Ref.No: PCN06 to 7500 µg/L value which is tested for Ferritin.

The assay requires the use of an Arcal Auto Calibrator. We Interference:3, 4, 12

recommend: No significant interactions were observed for hemoglobin,
conjugated bilirubin, rheumatoid factors, lipemia up to the
Ferritin Standrad (Calibrator) Lyophilized interferent concentration given.
Ref.No: TA130S
Hemoglobin : ≤ 4.5 g/L
Calibration Stability: It strongly depends on the Lipemia : ≤ 220 mg/dL
application characteristics of in-use auto analyser and Bilirubin : ≤ 9 mg/dL
capacity of cooling. Calibration stability is 30 days. Rheumatoid Factors : ≤ 650 IU/mL

Ferritin concentration is given on the label. Concentration The acceptable interference limit is set 10% below the
value is traceable to the Biological Reference Material highest interference concentration within ± 10% recovery of
94/572 (World Health Organization). the target.

If controls are not within acceptable limits, calibration is Interferences may affect the results due to medication or
required and each laboratory should establish its own endogenous substances.
Quality Control diagrams and corrective and preventive
action procedures. These performance characteristics have been obtained by
using an analyzer. Results may vary if a different instrument
Quality control is recommended every morning. or a manual procedure is used.
Calibration is not recommended if quality control values
are acceptable. Reagent should be calibrated after lot WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
IVD: For in Vitro Diagnostic use only.
Do not use expired reagents.
Reagents with two different lot numbers should not be
Limit of Detection (LoD): The limit of detection is 2 µg/L.
For professional use.
Follow Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines.
Limit of Quantitation (LoQ) [LoQ values are based on
Contains sodium azide.
Coefficient of Variation Percentage (CV) ≤ 20%]:87 µg/L

CAUTION: Human source samples are processed with this

LoD and LoQ values have been verified by using CLSI
product. All human source samples must be treated as
EP17-A protocol.
potentially infectious materials and must be handled in
accordance with OSHA standards.
High Linearity: The method is linear up to 600 µg/L.

For values above high linearity, dilute sample with 0.9%
EUH032 :Releases a very toxic gas if contacts
saline, repeat the test and multiply the result by the dilution
with acid.
H317 :May cause allergic skin reaction.

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Approved Guideline.CLSI Document EP09-A2.
Precaution Wayne, PA: CLSI; Vol. 22 No. 19.
P280 :Use protective gloves / clothes / glasses 12. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
/ mask. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Approved
P264 :Wash your hands properly after using. Guideline.CLSI Document EP07. Wayne, PA: CLSI;
P272 :Contaminated work clothes should not 3rd Edition.CHERIAN G., SOLDIN ST. Clin. Chem.
be allowed to be used outside of the 27/5:748-752 (1981)
workplace. 13. Bernard A, Lauwerys R. Turbidimetric latex
immunoassay for serum ferritin. J Immunol Methods
Intervention 1984; 71: 141-147.
P302+P352 :Wash with plenty of water and soap if it 14. Wiedemann G, Jonetz-Mentzel L. Establishment of
contacts with skin. reference ranges for ferritin in neonates, infants,
P333+P313 :Seek medical help if it irritates your skin children and adolescents. Eur J Clin Chem Clin
or develops rash. Biochem. 1993; 31: 453-457.
P362+P364 :Remove contaminated clothes and 15. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3rd edition. Burtis
wash properly before using. CA, Ashwood ER. WB Saunders Co., 1999.
16. Young DS. Effects of drugs on clinical laboratory tests,
Disposal 3th ed. AACC Press, 1997.
P501 :Dispose the vials and contents 17. Worwood M. Ferritin. Blood Reviews 1990; 4: 259-269
according to the local regulations. Friedman and Young. Effects of disease on clinical
laboratory tests, 3th ed. AACC Press, 1999.


1. Tietz, N.W., Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, p. Archem Sağlık Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş.
940, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1987. Mahmutbey Mah. Halkalı Cad. No:124 Kat:4
2. Tietz NW. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Test. 2nd ed. Bağcılar/İstanbul/Turkey
Tel: + 90 212 444 08 92
Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company; 1995,52.
Fax: +90 212 629 98 89
3. Tietz NW. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests. 3rd ed. info@archem.com.tr www.archem.com.tr
Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company; 1995:88-
4. Tietz NW, ed. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests. 3rd
ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1995:919.
5. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry. 5th ed.
Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, eds. Philadelphia, PA: WB
Saunders Company; 2001:605.
6. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Evaluation of Stability of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents;
Approved Guideline. CLSI Document EP25-A. Wayne,
PA: CLSI; 2009.
7. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Defining, Establishing and Verifying Reference
Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline
– Third Edition. CLSI Document EP28-A3c. Wayne,
PA: CLSI; 2010.
8. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Protocols for Determination of Limits of Detection and
Limits of Quantitation; Approved Guideline.CLSI
Document EP17-A. Wayne, PA: CLSI; Vol. 24 No. 34.
9. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Evaluation of Precision of Quantitative Measurement
Procedures; Approved Guideline – Third Edition. CLSI
Document EP05-A3. Wayne, PA: CLSI; 2014
10. Passing-Bablok W et al. A General Regression
Procedure for Method Transformation. J Clin Chem
Clin Biochem 1988;26.783-79.
11. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient
Samples; Approved Guideline—Second Edition;

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In Vitro Diagnostic Medical


Lot Number

Reagent 1

Reagent 2

Global Trade Item Number

Reference Number

GLP Good Laboratory Practices

Identifies Products to Be Used


PRODUCT OF TURKEY Product of Turkey


Expiration Date

Temperature Limits

Consult Instructions for Use


Number of Tests

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