Inorganic Phosphorus Reagent: Direct UV Method Without Reduction
Inorganic Phosphorus Reagent: Direct UV Method Without Reduction
Inorganic Phosphorus Reagent: Direct UV Method Without Reduction
Xi - Irritant
INTENDED USE specimens which have been refrigerated should be acidified and/or heated at 56°C for
This reagent is intended for the in vitro quantitative determination of Inorganic 15 minutes to redissolve any precipitate. (Acidified specimens are unsuitable for urate
Phosphorus in human serum, plasma or urine. or creatinine estimations). Dilute urine specimens 1 in 20 with distilled or deionized
water prior to analysis.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Storage: Serum or plasma samples are stable for 7 days at room temperature
More than 80% of the body’s phosphorus is present in bones as calcium (18-25°C) or 4°C and for 6 months frozen1. Urine samples when stored at 4°C are
phosphate. The remainder is found intracellularly as organic phosphates stable for 7 days. 6
such as phospholipids, nucleic acids and ATP or extracellularly as inorganic
There is generally a reciprocal relationship between serum calcium and inorganic • If required, pipettes for accurately dispensing measured volumes.
phosphate levels. Increased levels of serum phosphorus are seen in renal • A clinical chemistry analyser capable of maintaining constant temperature (37°C)
disease, hypo-parathyroidism and excessive Vitamin D intake. Decreased and measuring absorbance at 340 nm.
levels are seen in rickets, osteomalacia (adult rickets), hyperparathyroidism • Analyser specific consumables, eg: sample cups.
and diabetic coma. 1 • Normal and abnormal assayed control material.
• Calibrator or a suitable aqueous Inorganic Phosphorus standard.
Most methods for inorganic phosphate in serum involve the formation of ASSAY PROCEDURE
phosphomolybdate and subsequent reduction to molybdenum blue. Problems The following system parameters are recommended. Individual instrument applications
with variable color formation and reagent instability are common to these are available upon request from the Technical Support Group.
methods. 2,3
This procedure is based on the method of Daly and Ertingshausen4 as modified SYSTEM PARAMETERS
by Wang, et al. 5 The formation of the unreduced phosphomolybdate is measured Temperature 30°C / 37°C
at 340 nm and is directly proportional to the amount of inorganic phosphate Primary Wavelength 340 nm
present. Secondary Wavelength 380 nm
Assay Type Endpoint
Active Ingredient Concentration Sample : Reagent Ratio 1 : 50
Ammonium molybdate 0.8 mmol/L eg: Sample Vol 3µL
Sulfuric Acid 430 mmol/L Reagent Vol 150µL
Sodium chloride 77 mmol/L Incubation Time 6 minutes
pH < 1.0 at 20°C. Reagent Blank Limits Low 0.0 AU
(340nm, 1cm lightpath) High 0.5 AU
WARNING: Do not ingest. If spilt, thoroughly wash affected areas with water. Linearity 0.0-5.00 mmol/L
Flush with plenty of water when disposing. For further information consult the (0-15.0 mg/dL)
Inorganic Phosphorus reagent Material Safety Data Sheet. Analytical Sensitivity 0.357 ΔA per mmol/L
R38 Irritating to skin. (340nm, 1cm lightpath) 0.115 ΔA per mg/dL
R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. CALCULATIONS
Results are calculated, usually automatically by the instrument as follows:
Reagent is supplied ready to use. Absorbance of Unknown
Inorganic = ————————————— x Calibrator Value
Phosphorus Absorbance of Calibrator
Prior to use:
When stored between 2-25°C and protected from light, the reagent is stable until Example:
the expiration date stated on the bottle and kit box label. Absorbance of calibrator = 0.496
Absorbance of unknown = 0.387
Once the reagent is opened: Value of calibrator = 1.39 mmol/L (4.31 mg/dL)
When stored capped between 2-25°C and protected from light, the reagent is
stable until expiry.
Inorganic Phosphorus = ———— x 1.39 = 1.08 mmol/L
Indications of Reagent Deterioration: 0.496
• Turbidity;
• Reagent Absorbance > 0.5 AU at 340 nm; and/or Inorganic Phosphorus = ———— x 4.31 = 3.36 mg/dL
• Failure to recover control values within the assigned range. 0.496
SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING2 To convert the urinary phosphorus result from mmol/L to mmol/24 hours, the following
Serum: Use non-haemolysed serum. formula should be used:-
Plasma: Use heparin.
Urine: Accurate analysis of Urine phosphate can only beperformed if all Urine Phosphorus = Phosphorus Result x Dilution x Volume (L)
precipitated phosphate is dissolved prior to testing. Twenty Four hour urine (mmol/24 hours) (mmol/L) Factor
specimens should be acidified with 15 mL of concentrated HCl. Non acidified
Phosphorus = 1.55 mmol/L (4.81 mg/dL) The following data was obtained using the Inorganic Phosphorus reagent on a well
Dilution = 1 : 20 maintained automated clinical chemistry analyser. Users should establish product
Vol of Urine = 1.25 L (12.5 dL) performance on their specific analyser used.
The quoted values should serve as a guide only. It is recommended that each
laboratory verify this range or derive a reference interval for the population it
serves. 9
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Phone: 800-528-0494 Reorder Information
540-869-3200 Catalogue No. Configuration
Fax: 540-869-8132 TR30026 2 x 250 mL
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