Neonatal Seizures 2024
Neonatal Seizures 2024
Neonatal Seizures 2024
Neonatal Seizures
Emily S. Stieren, MD, PhD,* Catherine A. Rottkamp, MD, PhD,* Amy R. Brooks-Kayal, MD†
*Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA
Department of Neurology, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA
Seizures are common in neonates with underlying brain injury.
Neonatologists need to recognize which infants are at risk for seizures and
implement and interpret neuromonitoring for those infants.
Neonatologists should be familiar with the basic diagnostic evaluation for
neonatal seizures, including laboratory testing. Recently published research
studies, reviews, and expert consensus guidelines provide consistent
recommendations for the pharmacologic treatment of neonatal seizures.
Neonatologists should also be aware of the long-term outcomes of
patients with neonatal seizures so that they can properly counsel families.
Neonatal seizures are common among patients with acute brain injury or
aEEG amplitude-integrated
electroencephalography critical illness and can be difficult to diagnose and treat. The most common
ASM antiseizure medication etiology of neonatal seizures is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, with
cEEG continuous
other common causes including ischemic stroke and intracranial
CSF cerebrospinal fluid hemorrhage. Neonatal clinicians can use a standardized approach to
EEG electroencephalography patients with suspected or confirmed neonatal seizures that entails
GABA c-aminobutyric acid
HIE hypoxic-ischemic
laboratory testing, neuromonitoring, and brain imaging. The primary goals
encephalopathy of management of neonatal seizures are to identify the underlying cause,
ICH intracranial hemorrhage correct it if possible, and prevent further brain injury. This article reviews
IEM inborn error(s) of metabolism
ILAE International League Against
recent evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of neonatal seizures
Epilepsy and discusses the long-term outcomes of patients with neonatal seizures.
KCC2 potassium-chloride
cotransporter 2
MR magnetic resonance
MRI magnetic resonance imaging INTRODUCTION
ND neurodevelopmental
NKCC1 sodium-potassium-chloride The highest incidence of seizures across the lifespan is during the neonatal pe-
cotransporter 1 riod. The estimated incidence of neonatal seizures is 1 to 3 per 1,000 live births
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Figure 1. In mature synapses (right panel), combined action of the KCC2 chloride transporter and the NKCC1 chloride importer leads to net extrusion of
chloride ions into the extracellular space. Stimulation of GABA receptors in this scenario leads to chloride influx and hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic
membrane (inhibition). In immature synapses (left panel), unopposed action of NKCC1 chloride transporters leads to the accumulation of intracellular
chloride. Stimulation of GABA receptors in this scenario leads to chloride efflux and subsequent depolarization (excitation). GABA5c-aminobutyric acid,
NKCC15sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter 1, KCC25potassium-chloride cotransporter 2. (Image created with
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If family history of
Phenobarbital load
Correct any abnormalies channelopathy, consider
(20 mg/kg)
sodium channel blocker early
Phenobarbital load
(20 mg/kg)
Figure 2. Example of seizure treatment pathway based on current evidence and expert consensus recommendations. aEEG5amplitude-integrated
electroencephalography, ASM5antiseizure medication, vEEG=video EEG.
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certain patients at high risk for seizure recurrence, such 10. Stefanski A, Calle-L opez Y, Leu C, Perez-Palma E, Pestana-Knight E,
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as those with ischemic stroke. disorder, and intellectual disability: a systematic review and meta-
• Neonatal seizures are associated with adverse long-term analysis. Epilepsia. 2021;62(1):143–151
outcomes, including ND impairment and epilepsy. Seizure 11. Sanchez Fernandez I, Loddenkemper T, Gaınza-Lein M, Sheidley
etiology is a major predictor of outcomes. It is difficult to BR, Poduri A. Diagnostic yield of genetic tests in epilepsy: a
determine if the presence of seizures is an independent meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness study. Neurology. 2019;
risk factor for adverse outcomes or if seizures merely re-
12. Weeke LC, Van Rooij LG, Toet MC, Groenendaal F, de Vries LS.
flect the severity of underlying brain injury. In HIE, how- Neuroimaging in neonatal seizures. Epileptic Disord. 2015;17(1):1–11,
ever, there is evidence that seizures do lead to more severe quiz 11
brain injury and worse long-term outcomes. 13. Cheong JL, Coleman L, Hunt RW, et al; Infant Cooling Evaluation
Collaboration. Prognostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging in
neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: substudy of a
randomized trial. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(7):634–640
American Board of Pediatrics 14. Nash KB, Bonifacio SL, Glass HC, et al. Video-EEG monitoring in
Neonatal-Perinatal Content newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with
Specifications hypothermia. Neurology. 2011;76(6):556–562
15. Clancy RR. Prolonged electroencephalogram monitoring for seizures
• Understand the spectrum of seizures in the
and their treatment. Clin Perinatol. 2006;33(3):649–665, vi
newborn infant.
16. Hahn CD, Riviello JJ Jr. Neonatal seizures and EEG: electroclinical
dissociation and uncoupling. NeoReviews. 2004;5(8):e350–e355
e346 NeoReviews
1. Seizures are more common in neonates than any other age group, occurring
in 1 to 3 per 1,000 live births of term infants and at much higher rates in
preterm infants. Multiple developmental processes characteristic of the
immature human brain underlie this increased risk for seizures. Which of the
following mechanisms represents a mechanism of increased seizure risk in
A. Increased expression of the neuronal potassium-chloride cotransporter 2.
B. Decreased sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter1 activity.
C. Increased responsiveness of glutamate receptors to magnesium.
D. Excitatory effect of c-aminobutyric acid.
E. Decreased intracellular chloride ions.
REQUIREMENTS: Learners can
2. Most seizures in the neonate are acute symptomatic seizures, with hypoxic- take NeoReviews quizzes and
ischemic encephalopathy representing the most common cause of neonatal claim credit online only at:
seizures. Which of these other etiologies does NOT represent a cause of
acute provoked seizures? neoreviews.
e348 NeoReviews