Contraception - Grp. 5 (Ethics) Bsit 1a
Contraception - Grp. 5 (Ethics) Bsit 1a
Contraception - Grp. 5 (Ethics) Bsit 1a
Balan, Nicolai Benedict
Marcelino, Jeramie
Palero, Aldrin
● Rationale
● Ethical Principle
● Ethical Dilemma
● Example in Reality
● Church
● Conclusion
● References
The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy
because of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are barrier
methods, of which the most common is the condom the contraceptive pill, which
contains synthetic sex hormones that prevent ovulation in the
female intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent
the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus and male or female sterilization.
By reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, contraception also reduces the need for
unsafe abortion and reduces HIV transmissions from mothers to newborns. This can also
benefit the education of girls and create opportunities for women to participate more
fully in society, including paid employment.
5. Respect for children's well-being: Using contraception can help ensure that kids are
born into homes that can meet their needs in terms of health, happiness, and mental
stability. Contraception can help the development of children's overall well-being and
support the establishment of secure and loving settings by enabling parents to plan
You should be aware that many cultural, religious, and philosophical viewpoints on ethics may
exist regarding contraception. Some people or organizations might have special moral or
religious objections to a certain form of contraception. The ethical problem in the realm of
contraception is to strike a balance between respect for individual freedom and tolerance of
other worldviews.
The ethical dilemma of contraception revolves around conflicting values, beliefs, and societal
considerations. Some key ethical dilemmas include:
These instances show the wide variety of contraceptive methods that are available to
people, each one meeting their own tastes, needs, and health considerations. It's crucial
to remember that the selection of contraception should be decided with the help of a
healthcare professional, taking into account the particular circumstances and medical
history of each person.
● Church - The moral precepts of the Catholic Church's teachings offer a unique
viewpoint on contraception. The Catholic Church's views on contraception are
influenced by how it perceives natural law and the function of human sexuality. The
main components that make up the moral guidelines for contraception in the Catholic
Church are as follows.
2. Respect for Life: From conception to natural death, the Catholic Church
strongly emphasizes the sanctity of life. It considers any intentional
attempt to avoid conception to be morally reprehensible and sees every
sexual act as having the capacity to bring forth new life. Contraception is
considered to be in opposition to the deference due to the gift of life and
the divinely created natural order.
It's crucial to remember that not all Catholics agree with the Catholic Church's position
on contraception, and others may hold different views. Furthermore, different Christian
sects and theological traditions could have diverse ideas on contraception, reflecting the
variety of religious viewpoints on this issue.
● Conclusion
Contraception is generally regarded as a crucial component of family
planning and reproductive health. It encourages personal liberty, conscientious
parenting, and individual wellbeing by enabling people and couples to make well-
informed decisions about whether and when to have children. Access to
contraception is frequently linked to beneficial effects such a decline in
unplanned pregnancies, a reduction in mother and newborn mortality, and a
reduction in the spread of STDs. There is widespread support for making a variety
of contraceptive techniques accessible, assuring informed consent, and attending
to public health concerns even though moral views on contraception may vary. In
general, contraception is important for empowering people, advancing public
health, and influencing demographic trends.
Rationale About Contraception