CBYDP 2019 2022 Updated Jan. 2021

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Region : VI – Western Visayas

Province : Iloilo
Municipality : Miagao
Barangay : MANINILA


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to take part in providing and availing more access to quality education, encourage learning through formal and informal ways, to prepare and help them adapt with the
continuous development of science and technology and utilize it for better learning and development, and for them to not only be globally competitive but also aware and are attentive to the
needs of their own nation.

Target (Quantity/Quality/Time)
Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Project/Programs/Activities Budget
2019 2020 2021 2022

High rate of youth engagement in To provide youth the knowledge Lessen petty social media At least 60- At least 60- Media Literacy Program 30,000 SK Committee on
social media and being prone to on how to properly use social disputes, more responsible 80% of all 80% of all Education, SK
online/computer games addiction media, and also how to properly youth in terms of social youth youth members Officials, in
manage their time in using media usage; members coordination with
internet and playing online Brgy. Officials, LGU,
games Decreased number of youth NGAs, and NGOs
spending excessive hours
on internet cafes especially
during class hours

Increasing number of OSYs due to To encourage youth about the Lessen number of OSYs in All OSYs and All OSYs and All OSYs and Refer youth to available ALS/TESDA 40,000 SK Committee on
financial difficulties and lack of importance of education and the barangay; interested interested interested and other scholarship programs Education, SK
educational assistance among refer OSYs to ALS/TESDA youth members youth youth members Officials, in
students who need it the most programs; To inform youth about members coordination with
available scholarship programs Brgy. Officials, LGU,
they can apply to NGAs, and NGOs

To provide indigent youth with Indigent youth Indigent youth Procurement of necessary school 20,000 SK Committee on
basic school supplies members members supplies and materials Education, SK
Officials, in
coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs

Lack of knowledge on basic To educate youth about basic Increased number of youth All interested Training and Workshop on MS word, 30,000 SK Committee on
computer skills among youth; lack of computer knowledge and skills; trained and able to use youth Excel, Powerpoint, and other Education, SK
computer and internet access To increase number of youth basic computer knowledge members computer functions Officials, in
able to use basic computer that has been earned coordination with
knowledge and skills on their Brgy. Officials, LGU,
daily lives (be it at school or NGAs, and NGOs

To make available use of Availability of computer set All youth All youth Procurement of computer set and 70,000 SK Committee on
computer set and printer to aid and printer members; members; printer Education, SK
youth in their academics Budget Budget Officials, in
Availability Availability coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs
Lack of spaces for learning and To provide spaces for learning Increased academic All youth Establishment of LRC in the 20,000 SK Committee on
discussion among youth and discussion among the youth performance, unity and members; barangay; Mentoring and Peer Education, SK
and help them interact with their harmony of the youth; Budget Facilitation with SK Officials Officials, in
peers and help each other availability of spaces for Availability coordination with
learning and Brgy. Officials, LGU,
discussion/mentoring NGAs, and NGOs

Sub-Total 210,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to engage and participate in the programs, projects, activities and services conducted on addressing problems related to youth’s overall health and well-being, and for them to
be well-informed, active and attentive in promoting healthy living and harmonious relation with their peers in the community.

Target (Quantity/Quality/Time)
Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Project/Programs/Activities Budget
2019 2020 2021 2022

Increasing of suicide rates and lack To educate youth about the Prevention of deaths At least 60- At least 60- Symposium on Mental Health 30,000 SK Committee on
of mental-health awareness importance of mental health caused by suicide; 80% of all 80% of all Awareness; Peer Counseling and Health, SK Officials
awareness and that it is part of increased youth awareness youth members youth Support Program in coordination with
the other incurring medical on mental health and other members Brgy. Officials, LGU,
problems medical problems NGAs, and NGOs

Increasing number of youth unaware To educate youth about the Increased youth At least 60- At least 60- Symposium on Health Awareness in 30,000 SK Committee on
or misinformed about health-related importance of health and participation and 80% of all 80% of all relation to the relevant health Health, SK Officials
concerns, especially on reproductive promote awareness on sexual, awareness on issues about youth members youth concern (e.g. Teenage Pregnancy, in coordination with
health (teenage pregnancy and HIV- non-sexual, and reproductive health in general and those members Reproductive Health, etc) Brgy. Officials, LGU,
AIDS Awareness) health problems of which affect youth the NGAs, and NGOs
To be ready and be informed of Availability of health and Budget Budget Procurement of necessary medical 20,000 SK Committee on
health issues present and be medical supplies/ materials/ Availability Availability supplies/ materials/ equipment/ Health, SK Officials
able to provide assistance in equipment/ hygiene kits/ hygiene kits/ medicine in coordination with
times of health crises medicine Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs
Lack of amusement, games, and To promote healthy living and life Improved health and All interested All interested Physical fitness activities; Zumba 30,000 SK Committee on
sports program for stress-relief and style (exercise, nutrition, medical socialization among the youth members youth members dance sessions Health, SK Officials
healthy living and dental attention, stress-relief) youth in the community in coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs

To promote unity and harmony All Interested All interested All interested All interested Sports League/Sports Festival 60,000 SK Committee on
amongst the youth and help them youth members youth youth youth members Health and SK
relieve some stress through members members Committee in Sports
engaging in sports Development, SK
Officials in
coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs

Convenient multi-purpose Budget Rehabilitation of multipurpose court 80,000 SK Committee on

court/ sports center Availability Health and SK
available for public use and Committee in Sports
operating with complete Development, SK
facilities Officials in

coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs
Availability of sports Budget Budget Budget Budget Procurement of necessary sports 70,000 SK Committee on
equipment and other Availability Availability Availability Availability equipment, materials, etc. Health and SK
necessary materials for Committee in Sports
sports program Development, SK
Officials in
coordination with
Brgy. Officials, LGU,
NGAs, and NGOs

Sub-Total 320,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to be able to participate in the country’s economic development as competitive and empowered employees, entrepreneurs and workers of the nation, to boost youth’s capacity
for employment and gain more knowledge in the working field to help them in knowing their rights and keep them away from vulnerabilities related to labor and employment.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022

Lack of employment opportunities To help inform youth about Increase on youth All unemployed All All unemployed Job Fair; Launching of Facebook 40,000 SK Committee on
among youth existing job/employment employment rate youth unemployed youth page and bulletin boards to post or Livelihood and
opportunities youth display job openings and Economic
opportunities for interested job- Development and
seekers Livelihood, SK
Officials in
coordination with
Barangay Officials,
LGU, NGAs, and
Lack of knowledge or capability of To improve youth’s knowledge in Increased youth All interested All interested Seminar or Workshop on 40,000 SK Committee on
youth in formulating or writing basic formulating documents or write- employment rate and youth youth Employment (writing of resumes, Livelihood and
requirements for employment ups necessary for their capacity application letter, etc.) Economic
employment; Development and
Livelihood, SK
To improve youth’s proficiency in Officials in
responding to job interviews and coordination with
provide tips in finding jobs Barangay Officials,
LGU, NGAs, and

Sub-Total 80,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to engage in an inclusive community where there are equal and equitable opportunities and access to all aspects of development, social security, and protection regardless of
their individual differences; for them to participate in the projects, programs and activities centered in eliminating the stigma against one’s gender identity, color, ethnicity, religion, special
needs, political beliefs, and socio-cultural and economic status, and thrive in a peaceful and just society where everyone is respectful and understanding towards one another.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022


Lack of knowledge on Gender and To educate youth about Gender Lessen rate of gender At least 60- At least 60- Gender and Development 30,000 SK Committee on
Development and stigma against and Development and encourage discrimination 80% of total 80% of total Orientation and/or Gender Gender and
members of LGBTQA+ them to promote an inclusive youth youth members Sensitivity/Gender Consciousness Development (with
community where everyone feels members Seminar and/or Pride Month SK Officials in
safe and respected regardless of Celebration coordination with
individual differences LGU, NGAs, NGOs)

Prevalence of reported and To educate youth about the Increased awareness on At least 60- Seminar and Awareness talk on 20,000 SK Committee on
unreported VAWC Cases; machismo existence of VAWC Law (RA importance of 80% of total VAWC and Related Cases; Gender and
and stigma against men who are 9262) and related Laws; understanding VAWC; youth Awareness Bulletin Board Development (with
victims of violence Lessen rate of VAWC members SK Officials in
To lessen the cases of not only cases coordination with
women who fall victim of VAWC, Brgy. Officials, LGU,
but also men who were afraid to NGAs, NGOs
report their cases

Prevalence of Cyber-bullying and To promote responsible media Decrease rate of bullying At least 60- Awareness Talk on Anti-Bullying and 15,000 SK Committee on
lack of promotion on Anti-Bullying Act use and encourage youth to and acts of bullying among 80% of total Promoting Responsible use of Social Gender and
in schools and in the community respect and acknowledge members of youth youth members Media; Development (with
differences of one another; to SK Officials in
eliminate bullying against youth coordination with
members Brgy. Officials, LGU,

Sub-Total 65,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to be involved in the projects, programs, and activities conducted to promote public safety and order, eliminate prevalence of abuses and exploitation towards youth and help
them avoid in engaging to activities that bring vulnerability towards national peace and security;

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022


Lack of knowledge and To promote awareness and a No cases of youth involved At least 60- At least 60- At least 60- Symposium on Anti-Drug Abuse 45,000 SK Committee on
understanding of youth on illegal much thorough understanding of in drug abuse or any crimes 80% of total 80% of total 80% of total Anti-Illegal Drug
drug abuse campaign against illegal drug related to illegal drugs youth members youth youth members Abuse (with SK
abuse members Officials in
coordination with
Barangay, LGU,
Lacking knowledge of youth about To educate youth about the laws No violation of youth’s Symposium on Human Rights and 15,000 SK Committee on
their human rights on human rights and keep them human rights related concerns Anti-Illegal Drug
aware about such rights in order Abuse (with SK
to maintain a safe and peaceful Officials in
society; To prevent discrimination coordination with
and abuses on youth’s human Sangguniang
rights Barangay, LGU,
Lack of games, amusement and To provide youth access to No cases of youth involved At least 60- At least 60- Mini-Sports Fest and Campaign 40,000 SK Committee on
entertainment to keep youth games, amusement and in drug abuse or any crimes 80% of total 80% of total against Drug Abuse; Formation of Anti-Illegal Drug
engaged; Lack of understanding the entertainment while keeping related to illegal drugs youth youth members youth patrol group Abuse (with SK
negative effects of drug abuse them aware of the negative members Officials in
effects of drug abuse coordination with
Barangay, LGU,
Sub-Total 100,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to participate in the decision-making process in formulation and implementation of projects, programs and activities for youth development, increase their capacities and
capabilities as leaders of their generation, and contribute towards more efficient and effective operational procedures.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022

Lack of leadership trainings and To educate and improve youth’s Increased number of youth SK Officials SK Officials Leadership training and team- 50,000 SK Officials in
capability building programs capacity to become better future leaders and more and interested and interested building activities coordination with
leaders opportunity for the youth to youth youth members Sangguniang
get involved in governance members Barangay, LGU,
Lack of youth involvement in the To encourage youth to Increased youth attendance All youth All youth All youth All youth KK Assembly Meeting (twice a year) 24,000 SK Officials in
community and decision-making participate and take part in the members members members members coordination with
process decision-making process of the Sangguniang
Sangguniang Kabataan; Barangay, LGU,
To conduct regular KK Meeting NGOs, NGAs

Lack of SK Office for storing To establish SK office Establishment of SK office; Availability of Construction/Establishment of SK 50,000 SK Officials in
documents, conducting regular Improved operational funds, SK Office coordination with
meeting and smooth SK operation efficiency of SK Officials officials Sangguniang
Barangay, LGU,
Lack of facilities and equipment to be To make necessary equipment Availability of equipment Availability of Procurement of equipment 75,000 SK Officials in
used for conducting seminars, and materials available in necessary to conduct funds necessary for trainings, seminars coordination with
meetings, and trainings conducting seminars, meetings program, trainings, and meetings, such as projector and Sangguniang
and trainings; meetings and other portable speakers with microphone Barangay, LGU,
To make organizers more activities NGOs, NGAs
efficient and help in the smooth
flow of the program

Lacking knowledge of SK Officials To train and educate SK officials More efficient SK Officials; SK Officials SK Officials SK Officials SK Officials SK Mandatory Trainings/ Seminars/ 40,000 SK Officials
that are well-informed and about governmental procedures Complete attendance of SK Summit
knowledgeable about governmental and SK operational procedures Officials in mandatory
procedures trainings, seminars,
meetings and workshop

SK Federation Election To take-part in the SK Federation Participation of SK Official Availability of Budget allocation for SK Federation 20,000 SK Chairperson
Election Fund Election
SKMF operating expenses and To contribute to SKMF’s annual Increased SK Federation SK Federation SK Federation SK Federation SKMF Annual dues 10,000 SK Chairperson and
annual dues dues and operating expenses efficiency SK Treasurer

Sub-Total 269,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to be engaged in the projects, programs and activities that promote the preservation of the country’s history and culture, enable youth to exercise their rights, perform their
roles, responsibilities and get involved in public and civic affairs as well as to provide an avenue for the youth to hone their skills and values for the development of the nation.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022

Lack of youth’s interest and To encourage and educate youth Increased number of youth At least 60- At least 60- At least 60- Program for barangay’s foundation 60,000 SK Officials in
knowledge on activities delving on about the relevant historical and that have a more in-depth 80% of all 80% of all 80% of all day; Celebration of National Arts coordination with
cultural and historical context of cultural events in the municipality understanding of historical youth members youth youth members Month and other relevant events Sangguniang
relevant events, people, places, etc. and/or the barangay; and cultural events in the members barangay, LGU,
municipality; NGAs, NGOs

To promote our own culture and Increased youth SK Officials in

history, help in preserving and participation coordination with
propagating it; Sangguniang
barangay, LGU,

To hone potential skills that are More skilled and confident SK Officials in
centered on history, culture and youth in terms of history, coordination with
arts; culture and arts Sangguniang
barangay, LGU,
Lack of gatherings and activities To conduct Linggo ng Kabataan Participation and All youth All youth All youth All youth Linggo ng Kabataan Celebration/ 50,000 SK Officials in
centered on youth’s enjoyment, as mandated in Sec. 30 of RA attendance of all youth members members members members International Youth Day coordination with
significance, and socialization 10742 (Sangguniang Kabataan members Sangguniang
Reform Act of 2015); To barangay, LGU,
encourage youth participation NGAs, NGOs
and interaction with their peers

Low rate of youth registered for To encourage youth to exercise No vote buying cases All youth Orientation on Voter’s Right and 15,000 SK Officials in
voting their right to vote and promote amongst the youth; members Voter’s Education coordination with
voter’s education amongst the increased voter turn-out eligible to Sangguniang
youth among the youth and register for barangay, LGU,
improved voting behavior voting NGAs, NGOs

Sub-Total 125,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to actively participate in the programs, projects, and activities in the protection and preservation of the environment, become part of the planning, preparedness and recovery
operations in times of disasters and emergencies, and to contribute in spreading awareness on environment, climate change adaptation and DRRM in order to be ready to address any
issues and concerns brought by natural disasters and/or emergencies.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022

Lack of trashcans alongside the To contribute in normalizing Cleaner surroundings Availability of Availability of Procurement of trash bins for proper 20,000 SK Committee on
national road and prevalence of youth’s behavior on keeping the funds funds waste disposal and segregation; Environmental
neglect on proper waste disposal surroundings clean by providing Protection (with SK
among youth easy access to trash bins; Officials in
coordination with
To initiate observance of proper Sangguniang
waste segregation barangay, LGU,
Lack of youth’s knowledge and To educate and improve youth’s Youth participation, Cleaner At least 60- At least 60- Activity on Environmental Protection 40,000 SK Committee on
awareness on environment and awareness about the surroundings 80% of youth 80% of youth and Climate Change Adaptation; Environmental
climate change environment and the ways on members members (e.g. Tree-Planting Activity, Clean-up Protection and SK
how youth can contribute to Drive, Coastal Clean-up) Committee on
protecting and preserving it; DRRM and Climate
Change (with SK
To encourage youth participation Officials in
in clean-up drives and clean and coordination with
green programs in the Sangguniang
community barangay, LGU,

Vulnerability and inadequate To prepare and equip youth with Increased number of youth All interested All interested All interested Training or Drills on Disaster Risk 50,000 SK Committee on
knowledge of youth on disaster necessary knowledge and skills skilled and trained on youth members youth youth members Reduction Management/Disaster DRRM and Climate
preparedness during the occurrence to provide immediate response or disaster risk reduction members Preparedness; Change (with SK
of natural disasters and unforeseen efficiently address issues and management Officials in
incidents concerns brought by calamities coordination with
and unforeseen incidents Sangguniang
barangay, LGU,

Lack of knowledge and skills on first- To educate and capacitate youth Increased number of youth All interested Workshop/Seminar/Training in 20,000 SK Committee on
aid and response in times of with knowledge and skills on first able to respond on youth Providing First-Aid Treatment Environment and SK
emergency situations aid emergency cases and members Committee on
provide first aid treatment DRRM and Climate
Change (with SK
Officials in
coordination with

barangay, LGU,

To make available of necessary Easy access to first aid kit Availability of Procurement of first-aid/ emergency 20,000 SK Committee on
equipment or supplies in times of and other emergency funds kits and other equipment needed in Environment and SK
disaster and/or emergency equipment case of emergencies Committee on
DRRM and Climate
Change (with SK
Officials in
coordination with
barangay, LGU,

Sub-Total 150,000.00


AGENDA STATEMENT: For the youth to experience inter-cultural programs, provide them with an avenue to international exposure through introducing them to working and studying opportunities abroad and
partnership with other organizations, and educate or encourage them to be vigilant against illegal recruitment and human trafficking.

Youth Development Concern Objective Performance Indicator Target (Quantity/Quality/Time) Project/Programs/Activities Budget Person Responsible

2019 2020 2021 2022

Lacking avenues for intercultural To encourage youth to be aware Increased awareness and All interested United Nations Day Program and 30,000 SK Officials in
programs and international exposure of international issues and help in youth participation on youth members Orientation/ Cultural Exhibition, coordination with
providing access towards intercultural programs and Introduction of opportunities to study Sangguniang
intercultural programs and activities or work abroad, etc. Barangay, LGU,
activities NGAs, NGOs

Inadequate knowledge of youth on To educate youth and make Increased well-informed At least 60- At least 60- Awareness talk on Anti-Illegal 30,000 SK Officials in
human trafficking and anti-illegal them aware of the important and conscious youth about 80% of all 80% of all Recruitment and Human Trafficking coordination with
recruitment that make them information centered on anti- illegal recruitment and youth youth Sangguniang
susceptible towards it illegal recruitment and trafficking; human-trafficking; Reduced members members Barangay, LGU,
To prevent abuses and cases of illegal recruitment NGAs, NGOs
exploitation amongst the youth and human trafficking

Sub-Total 60,000

Grand Total 1,379,000.00

Prepared by:


SK Secretary SK Chairperson


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