Lang Educ Research Module II
Lang Educ Research Module II
Lang Educ Research Module II
This course develops skills in applying principles and
approaches in research to find answers to questions in
language learning and teaching.
Self-Assessment Oct. 7-8, 2020
Learning Experience/Content
7 Oct. 9-14,2020-
Learning Activities 08-07
11 Oct. 15-20,2020-
Self-Assessment 08-07
Learning Content
In doing research, identifying the topic is difficult to decide. The following are the steps
in selecting a good topic.
Identifying a topic.A research topic focuses the study to a defined, manageable size. It
provides structure for the steps in the scientific method and is discussed in many ways by
identifying the research question, the research problem and the purpose of the research.
Main sources of topics. The four main sources of topics are: (1)theorywhich is an
organized body of concepts, generalizations and principles that can be subjected to investigation.
It provides conceptually rich topics and confirmation of some aspects of the theory; (2) personal
experience; (3) replication; and (4) library immersion.
2. Narrowing Topics
Problems encountered with broad topics: enlarging the scope of the review of the
literature beyond reason, complicating the organization of the review of the literature itself, and
creating studies that are too general, too difficult to carry out, and too difficult to interpret.
To help narrow the topics, it might help to talk to experts in the field like professors in
college or departments or researchers known, or to read secondary sources that provide
overviews of the topics such as handbooks and reviews of literature.
Quantitative research topic identifies the variables of interest and nature of the
participants, and describes the specific relationship between variables. Qualitative research topic
emerges over the course of the study. It begins as an initial statement that tends to be stated as a
general issue or concern and becomes focused as more is learned about the context, participants
and phenomena of interest. It is typically stated late in a written study.
Researchable topics can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data. They
have theoretical or practical significance and have been conducted ethically. They contribute to
the educational processes and can be adequately researched given the expertise, resources and
time constraints of the researcher.
The review of the literature involves the systematic identification, location and analysis of
documents containing information related to the research problem.
It is the process of collecting, selecting and reading book, journals articles, reports,
abstracts and other reference materials, including electronic sources about the problem under
A review of literature and studies is a must in research. It aids the researcher in many
a. It helps the researcher identify and define a research problem. A new problem may
arise from vague results, conflicting findings, or the inability of the study variables to adequately
explain the existence of the problem.
b. It helps justify the need for studying a problem. When findings of related studies are
not clear or do not provide adequate/conclusive answers to certain issues or questions, then
conduct of a study is justified.
c. It helps prevent unnecessary duplication of a study. There are many research problems
that are already “over studied” and yet, similar studies are still being conducted. If a researcher
has adequately reviewed related literature about his/her study, unnecessary duplication can be
d. It can be a source of a theoretical basis for the study. Correlation studies usually use or
generate theories to explain the research phenomenon under study. Researchers may use or adopt
the same theory or theoretical framework used in the related studies.
e. It enables the researcher to learn how to conceptualize a research problem and properly
identify and operationally define study variables.
f. It provides a basis for identifying and using appropriate research design. It also helps in
the formulation or refinement of research instrument.
g. Results related studies provide lessons for data analysis and interpretation. Findings of
a study can be compared to findings of related studies.
2. Functions of a Review
A review of related literature and studies links the study to any underlying assumptions
and theories related to the initial research question. It assess the researcher’s preparedness to
conduct the study, identifies potential gaps in the literature, suggests promising educational
practices, refines the initial research question and embeds the research questions in “guiding
hypotheses”. Specifically, the review seeks to:
b. provide insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits;
c. provide the rationale for the hypotheses being investigated and the justification of the
significance of the study;
When considering the scope of one’s review, the researcher should be reminded of the
following guidelines:
b. heavy researched topics provide enough references to focus only on the major studies.
c. lesser researched topics require reviewing any study related in some meaningful way
even if this means searching related fields.
a. Identifying key words to guide the search. It is important to experiment with several
key words and combinations of them. “Legal” key words may also be used for particular data
bases like ERIC Thesaurus which can be accessed through the ERIC homepage.
The following resources can facilitate the researcher’s search: For books, use electronic
databases of university libraries and keyword searches; for journals or papers, use ERIC; for
indices, access them more easily through the library using EBSCO or other search tools such as
Education Index, Psychological Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts and Readers’ Guide to
Periodical Literature; for the web, the search engines are Google, Excite, HotBot, the subject
directories are Yahoo!, Web Crawler, Lycos and meta search engines are Dogpile, Mamma,
Vroosh; for educational sites, access the following; ERIC, Ingenta, New Jour, Education Week,
National Center for Education Statistics , US dept. of Education, Developing Educational
Standards, Education Resource Organization Directory. For evaluating the quality, honesty,
bias and authenticity of web sites, check Thinking Critically about WWW resources, Critically
Analyzing Information Sources.
The following are certain strategies used in abstracting: 1) begin with the most recent
references anmove toward the most dated; 2) record all bibliographic information such as author,
date of publication, title, journal name or book, pages, library or website name , volume and
issue, pages, library call number or URL; 3)identify direct quotes and record page numbers; and
4) identify main ideas.
d.Analyzing, organizing and reporting. Having abstracted the information needed, the
next stage is to analyze, organize and report the information gathered. This is the time to make
important decisions regarding the following: the outline of the review, and the technical nature of
reporting which includes the use of formal language and adherence to prescribed style (e.g.,
The review may be grouped by topics, analyzed for similarities and differences within
subheadings, and discussed from the most relevant studies, to the least relevant studies. It must
include a discussion on the implications related to the research problem.
After gathering notes from the different sources reviewed, the researcher prepares the final
review. Most literature reviews consist of the following parts:
1. Introduction. The introduction briefly describes the nature of the researcher problem
and explains what led the researcher to investigate the question. The summary presents the main
topics covered in the literature review section.
2. Body. The body of the review briefly reports what experts think or what other
researchers have found about the research problem. Studies done on one key element or factor of
the research problem are reviewed under that topic followed by studies done on other aspects of
the problem. The common findings of several studies are summarized in one or two sentences
and only when necessary, some specific findings of each study may be presented.
4. Conclusion. This part presents the course of action suggested by the literature. Based
on the state of knowledge revealed by the literature, the researcher could further justify the need
for his/her study.
Activity 1
Name: ________________________________________
Activity 2
Name: ________________________________________
Instructions: Compare and contrast “Related Literature” and Related Studies” and give
examples each.
Activity 3: iSEARCH
Name: ________________________________________
Instructions: Search for a sample related literature and studies for the following topics. Use the
parts of review in finalizing the note gathered from different sources.
The Use of Simulated Recall Methodology in Language Teaching
The Relationship of Academic Reading and Modern Technology
Name: _____________________________
Course&Yr: ________________
Score: ________
Instructions: Narrow the following topics to make a sample research title. Follow the steps
in narrowing a research topic.
1. Listening Comprehension
2. Phonological Awareness
6. Critical Thinking
8. Literature Instruction
Lesson 2: Components of Research
Learning Content
A research plan is a detailed description of the procedures that will be used to investigate
your topic or problem. It is a justification for the hypotheses or exploration of the research
problem. It is a detailed presentation of the steps to be followed in conducting the study.
Moreover, it forces the researcher to think through every aspect of the study. It facilitates the
evaluation of the proposed study and provides detailed procedures to guide the conduct of the
A well thought out research plan saves time, provides structure to the study, reduces the
probability of costly mistakes and generally results in a higher quality research study.
There are 3 important issues to consider in a research plan which are ethics of research,
general considerations and legal restrictions.
The five ethical principles are: (a) beneficence and non- malfeasance, (b) fidelity and
responsibility, (c) integrity, (d) justice, and (e) respect for people’s rights and dignity
The general considerations concern the cooperation of the participants starting from
gaining entry to the research site where approval is needed at several levels, for instance from the
site, administrators, teachers, and students. There are certain strategies to enhance cooperation
from participants; (a) clearly explain the benefits of the study; (b) afford stakeholders the
opportunity to review drafts of the report for their approval; (c) brief stakeholders on the
findings; and (d) provide professional development sessions for stakeholders.
Some research topics have legal restrictions. For example, a study that will require
interviewing prisoners will be subject to legal constraints. The researcher has to decide if he/she
has the time and resources to pursue a study that may be hindered by legal provisions before
he/she embarks on it.
A variable is a concept that stands for a variation within a class of objects or persons. It is
a characteristic or property that can take different values or attributes. Variables are the basic
elements which are measured in a study. They are observable and measurable. Some researchers
cannot answer their research questions because they don’t have clear measures of their variables.
A variable must be operationally defined according to how it is used in the study, so that it can
be properly measured.
The operational definition gives a specific meaning to the variable. It specifies how
variable or a term is interpreted in the study and also sets the procedure for measuring variable.
The definition clarifies how a variable or a team is used and measured in the study. A variable
must be defined in terms of events/ units of measurement that are observable by the senses.
These events/units of measurement serve as indicators of the variable. An operational definition
of a variable used in one study may differ from that employed in another study.
Types of Variables
Researchers make educated guesses to tentatively answer the research questions. Usually
they make many tentative answers to the research questions. From these, they select the more
logical and theoretically sound guesses. These tentative answers to the research question/s are
called hypotheses.
A hypothesis is defined as an educated guess or tentative answer to a question. It is a
statement about an expected relationship between two or more variables that can be empirically
b. Deductive derived from theory and aimed at providing evidence to support, expand, or
contradict aspects of that theory and is typical of quantitative studies.
Functions of a Hypothesis
b. Sometimes a hypothesis specifies that, under certain condition(x,y and z), variable A is
associated with or can influence variable B.
c. Some hypotheses may state that a particular characteristic of a person or object varies
according to another variable.
Types of Hypotheses
An alternative hypothesis, also called research hypothesis, is the positive form of null
hypothesis. It may state the presence of a significant relationship between the independent and
dependent variables, or the presence of a significant difference between two means or two
A directional hypothesis states whether the relationship between two variables is direct or
inverse or positive or negative. A positive or direct relationship is present when the value of one
variable increases with the increase in the value of another. The relationship is negative when the
value of one variable increases as the value of another decreases.
Directional hypothesis is a statement of the expected direction of the relationship or
difference between variables.
Activity 1
Name: ________________________________________
Activity 2
Name: ________________________________________
Instructions: Go back to your answers in Activity 3 from the previous lesson (lesson 1). Choose
3 language research topics. Write a hypothesis and identify the variables for each research topics
then tell the type of hypothesis used. Justify your answers.
Activity 3: iSEARCH
Name: ________________________________________
Instructions: Among the given general educational research issues, choose one of these issues
and narrow it to a reasonable topic in your major areas of specialization then state a specific
hypothesis.(1) instructional leadership ; (2) instructional strategies ; (3) technology in the
classroom ; (4) high stakes testing
Name: _____________________________
Course&Yr: ________________
Score: ________
1. Children taught by the vocabulary method will learn more than children taught by the
experimental method.
2. The greater one’s retention ability is the more one’s learning from the related prose will
3. Given equal prior learning corrective and non-corrective instruction are likely to produce
different levels of achievement among fourth-grade students