Application Vacation Programme Updated 26.11.2023 Web 2

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Application Form

Practical Vocational Training (Articles of Clerkship) and Vacation Work Programme

Please complete to apply for Articles of Clerkship and/or the Vacation work programme.

If you wish to apply for Articles and/or the Vacation Work Programme tick the applicable boxes.

Practical Vocational Training

commencing in January 2025 (Closing date: 31 March 2024)

2024 Vacation Programme ✔

commencing 9 – 12 July 2024 (Closing date: 21 June 2024)

2024 Vacation Programme

commencing 3 – 6 September 2024 (Closing date: 16 August 2024)

Title _______________________________________________________

Surname _______________________________________________________

First name(s) _______________________________________________________

Present status: Student Yes No

Other _______________________________________________________

Identity Number _______________________________________________________

Date of birth (yy/mm/dd) _______________________________________________________

Home Address _______________________________________________________

E-mail address _______________________________________________________

Cell _______________________________________________________

Home _______________________________________________________

Herold Gie will handle all confidential information in terms of the POPI Act which recognises the
right to privacy enshrined in the Constitution. Herold Gie will not share or disclose or give out any
personal information.

University _______________________________________________________

Home language _______________________________________________________

Other Language(s) _______________________________________________________

Nationality _______________________________________________________
Do you have a driver's licence? Yes No

[Whilst this is an advantage it is not a requirement for the post]

Anything further you want to share with us?

Do you suffer from any medical condition or disability which may impact on the manner in
which you will participate in this programme? [Please note that this information is required to
assess how best to accommodate any such person.]

Please take note that the following information is required for statutory reports

Gender Male ● Female

Ethnic origin Black (African) ● Asian

White Coloured

Criminal Record Yes No ●

If yes, please elaborate ___________________________________________

Do you consent to having your

fingerprints taken? ___________________________________________

Name of university currently

attending Name of previous university
attended ___________________________________________


Year started with legal studies ___________________________________________

Current academic year ___________________________________________

Have you ever been subject to any

disciplinary action by any university? ___________________________________________

Provide information on your ____________________________________________

activities at school and in the
community. ____________________________________________


Provide information of any

leadership positions you ____________________________________________
have held.

Do you have a bursary,

scholarship or loan? If yes,
please provide details. ____________________________________________

If yes, does it carry a service
obligation? If yes, please
provide details. ___________________________________________


Please provide information of work experience since leaving school.

Name of Organisation From date To date Position Reason for leaving

Briefly motivate why you have chosen a law degree and how you intend to use it after

Is there any information which you have not shared which is relevant and/or material to your
participation in this programme?

Kindly attach the following documents to this application:

 A certified copy of your ID

 Copy of all your academic qualifications up to date
 Copy of your Senior Certificate
 Curriculum Vitae
 Motivational Letter
 2 Reference letters
 Photograph (optional)

I declare that to the best of my ability all the information on this form is true and correct.

________________________ ____________________
Signature Date

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