English 5 Fact and Opinion
English 5 Fact and Opinion
English 5 Fact and Opinion
I. Objectives
At the end of 40 minutes lesson, the learners are expected to;
a. Identify statements of fact and opinion.
b. Actively participate in identifying statements of fact and opinion.
c. Formulate statements of fact and opinion.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
What can you see in the We can see a happy face teacher.
Now, can you tell me of something (Answers may vary.)
that makes you happy today?
d. Checking of Attendance
Can you help me remember our Our lesson yesterday was about figures
lesson yesterday? of speech.
Very good! What are the two words we The words “like” and “as” teacher.
use to compare objects in the figure of
speech simile?
Nice! What figures of speech uses the
repetition of vowel sounds?
The figure of speech assonance teacher.
Very Good!
D. Lesson Proper
Our topic for today is all about fact and Column A is all about fact while column B
opinion. is about opinion.
E. Discussion
Fact- is something that is true and can
be proven.
1. December is the best month
of the year.
2. The sunrise was beautiful
this morning.
F. Activity
Fact or Opinion
Group yourselves into 8 groups. This
activity will consist of 3 rounds. Each
round is made of 5 questions. For
round 1, each question is equivalent to
1 point. For round 2, each question is
equivalent to 2 points. For round 3,
each question is equivalent to 3
Round 1
Round 3
G. Application
H. Generalization
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the statement if it is a fact or opinion. Write F if it is a fact and
write O if it is an opinion.
______1. According to World Guinness Records, the largest flower in the world
is found in the Philippines.
V. Assignment
Write 5 fact statements about yourself, and another 5 opinion statement about