English 5 Fact and Opinion

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

I. Objectives
At the end of 40 minutes lesson, the learners are expected to;
a. Identify statements of fact and opinion.
b. Actively participate in identifying statements of fact and opinion.
c. Formulate statements of fact and opinion.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : Fact and Opinion
b. Integration : Araling Panlipunan
c. Value Focus : Appreciation, respect, collaboration
d. Strategies :differentiated instruction
e. Materials :PPT, pictures, laptop
f. References : English 5, Quarter 2, Module 3

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

Everybody stand-up for our

opening prayer. (Learner’s Pray)

b. Greetings

Good morning class!

Good morning teacher Al!
Everybody sit down.

(The teacher will show a


What can you see in the We can see a happy face teacher.
Now, can you tell me of something (Answers may vary.)
that makes you happy today?

c. Cleanliness and Orderliness

Before we are going to proceed (Learner’s pick-up some pieces

with our lesson for today, I want papers, arrange their desks and fix
you to pick-up some pieces of themselves.)
papers, arrange your desks and
get ready for the class.

d. Checking of Attendance

I’ll be calling your name, please

say “present” if your name is

e. Setting of Classroom Rules and


For our class rules

we have to remember t;
1. Avoid unnecessary movements
and noises.
2. Raise your hand quietly if you
want to speak or ask question.
3. Listen to your teacher
4. Participate in class discussion
or activities.

B. Review of the Previous Lesson

Can you help me remember our Our lesson yesterday was about figures
lesson yesterday? of speech.

Can you enumerate all those kinds of Assonance

figures of speeches? Simile

Very good! What are the two words we The words “like” and “as” teacher.
use to compare objects in the figure of
speech simile?
Nice! What figures of speech uses the
repetition of vowel sounds?
The figure of speech assonance teacher.

Very good! Thank you!

C. Motivation Possible answers:

Can you share something about

these pictures?

Robinsons mall is a Robinsons mall is

shopping mall in the best mall in
Valencia City Valencia City.

The Covid-19 virus Covid-19 virus is

disease originated going to surge
from Wuhan, China. anytime.

Dogs have four legs. Everyone likes dog

as their pet.

What have you noticed in column A and

column B?

Very Good!

D. Lesson Proper

Our topic for today is all about fact and Column A is all about fact while column B
opinion. is about opinion.

E. Discussion
Fact- is something that is true and can
be proven.

-Key Fact words are:

• Dates
• Science
• Numbers
• Historical events
• Non-fiction
1. There are twelve months in a year.
2. The sun rises in the east.

Opinion- it is what a person thinks or

feels. It can be true to some but not
for others.

-Key Opinion words are:

• Words that show feelings
• Descriptive words
• Words that exaggerate
• Uses the words perhaps, I feel,
I think or in my opinion.


1. December is the best month
of the year.
2. The sunrise was beautiful
this morning.
F. Activity

Fact or Opinion

Group yourselves into 8 groups. This
activity will consist of 3 rounds. Each
round is made of 5 questions. For
round 1, each question is equivalent to
1 point. For round 2, each question is
equivalent to 2 points. For round 3,
each question is equivalent to 3

All you have to do is to flip the flash

cards to Fact side if the statement is
fact and opinion side if the statement
is opinion.

Round 1

1. The provincial name “Bukidnon”

refers to “highlanders or mountain

2. The mountains of Bukidnon are the Fact

best mountains in the Philippines.

3. The province of Bukidnon consists

of seven ethnic tribes namely
Talaandig, Higaonon, Bukidnon, Opinion
Umayamnon, Matigsalog, Manobo
and Tigwahanon.
4. The Matigsalog Tribe refers to the
tribe that lived near Salog River.

5. The Talaandig tribe is the best tribe

in Bukidnon.

There is no comparison between Fact

Round 2

1. Kaamulan Festival is the best

Festival in the Philippines.

2. Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon is the

pineapple capital of the Philippines.
3. Valencia City also known as the
“City of Golden Harvest” is the most
beautiful city in Bukidnon. Fact
4. The song “Kanak Ha Banwa” or
“Bukidnon My Home” is the
Bukidnon’s provincial hym. Fact

5. Mt. Kalayo in Maramag, Bukidnon.

is the most beautiful volcano in
Mindanao. Opinion

Round 3

1. The province of Bukidnon is also

called the “Food Basket of Region Fact

2. There are a total of 2 cities and 20

municipalities in Bukidnon.
3. The Capital city of Bukidnon is
Malaybalay City.
4. Mt. Dulang-dulang is a sacred
place since it is home to gods and
5. Mt. Dulang-dulang is the second
tallest mountain in the Philippines.

G. Application

Formulate a statement of fact and


H. Generalization

What have you learned from today’s

Our topic for today is all about facts and

Fact is a statement that is true and can

be proven. It has key words such as
dates, science, numbers, historical
events, and non-fiction.
What is the importance of identifying fact Opinion on the other hand is a statement
from opinion? based on what people thinks or feels.

Sometimes it is biased or exaggerated.

It is important for us to be able to

recognize differences between fact and
opinion so we know what to believe and
How does it benefit you as a journalism what to consider as someone’s
class? perspective.

Separating fact from opinion is central to

interpreting information intelligently. It
helps journalists to deliver the truth.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the statement if it is a fact or opinion. Write F if it is a fact and
write O if it is an opinion.

______1. According to World Guinness Records, the largest flower in the world
is found in the Philippines.

______2. Dog is mammal.

______3. The best day of the week is Monday.

______4. Today is a beautiful day.

______5. One day is equivalent to twenty-four hours.

V. Assignment
Write 5 fact statements about yourself, and another 5 opinion statement about

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