Inventory Checklist
Inventory Checklist
Inventory Checklist
● The objectives of the physical inventory observation include determining that (1) the inventory exists, (2) the methods of inventory taking are
effective in obtaining accurate counts, and (3) the inventory is in a usable and salable condition in the normal course of business (e.g., not
damaged or obsolete).
● This checklist is organized to facilitate documentation of information obtained and audit techniques usually employed during a physical
inventory observation, including tests of perpetual inventory records.
● The checklist is not an exhaustive list of considerations for all observations. It should be supplemented by additional procedures whenever
● This checklist is organized to cover three main stages of a physical inventory observation:
1 . Initial Procedures - includes evaluation of inventory count instructions and initial inquiries of those in charge of the count;
2. Execution- test counts results tables with corresponding specific questions, and
3. Overall Conclusions - documention of conclusions reached regarding the effectiveness of the entity's inventory count procedures and
Entity's assertions about the quantities and physical condition of the inventories.
● This checklist should be prepared by the JACK count attendees responsible for a location or department count and be completed before
leaving the inventory location.
This checklist should be prepared by the JACK count attendees responsible for a location or department count and be completed before
leaving the inventory location.
Type of Count
JACK test counts are to be performed for following types of inventory (select each that applies):
Raw materials
Work in Progress
Finished goods
Coverage of inventory:
Nelspruit 1700 #DIV/0!
Richardsbay 1300 #DIV/0!
Links to tesing:
'General information'!A1
'Initial ISA procedures'!A1
'Existence Testing'!A1
'Completeness testing'!A1
thods of inventory taking are
urse of business (e.g., not
of the count;
General Comments, if applicable (e.g. specific details of the client's location and details of any specific personal identification requirements, e.g. JACK
at previous count(s); details of any specific risks of fraud and/or error that may be relevant to this count observation; any requirements for specialist clo
Telephone Number
Email Address
Secondary Contact
Raw materials
Work in Progress
Finished goods
Total 0 0 0
How to select count items (e.g. target test high value, other risk)
How to select count items (e.g. target test high value, other risk)
Expected entity count techniques (e.g. physical count, weighing, other measurement techniques)
Where specific counting, weighing or measurement techniques are applied (e.g. as documented in entity count instructions), provide details of any acceptable difference or threshold
dentification requirements, e.g. JACK identification card; reference to any other communication; details of any issues identified
on; any requirements for specialist clothing such as hard hats or boots or any restrictions on particular type of clothing or
Name T. Mbowena
Name N/A
Area Requirement
Discuss the procedures the auditor should complete when attending the entity’s physical inventory counting using the categories listed belo
Entity Count Instructions Does entity management issue written inventory count instructions to their count teams?
Entity Count Instructions
Inventory Types & Organization Have inventory items been arranged in an orderly manner (e.g., properly packed and binned) prior to the inventory cou
to facilitate the counting ?
Inventory Types & Organization
Inventory Types & Organization Have obsolete, special order, damaged, over stock or slow moving items been designated on the tags/count sheets ?
Inventory Types & Organization
Personnel Have the entity's inventory count personnel been briefed on inventory count procedures, i.e. inventory count instruction
Counting methods
Counting methods
Counting methods
Counting methods
Counting methods
Tag/Sheet Control
ding the entity’s physical inventory counting using the categories listed below.
in an orderly manner (e.g., properly packed and binned) prior to the inventory count
ed, over stock or slow moving items been designated on the tags/count sheets ?
sonnel been briefed on inventory count procedures, i.e. inventory count instructions
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Count Results - Floor toSheet - Raw Materials
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Location (e.g., areas, aisle or Difference
Entity Count JACK Count Evaluation of difference / Notes
shelf location) (+ / -)
Overall Conclusions
The physical observation of the Papyrus's stock count was performed on 1 January FY at Nelspruit (81 % of inventory is held in Nelspruit, we therefore
The adjustment report will be obtained the day after the count to ensure that no other variances were posted after the JACK count was performed. We
numbers to verify our count against. Describe our procedures to determine that inventory items are not added subsequent to our observation procedure
The inventory count observation covered majority of inventory for which Papyrus is responsible.
The warehouse physically safeguarded by security gates at the entrence of the premise and no one can enter the premises if not cleared.
All items to be traced to final listing for the location which was obtained after the count.
Nothing came to our attention which was inconsistent with our initial inquiries of the person with overall responsibility for the count, or that was potentia
count did not proceed in an orderly, controlled and effective manner.
held in Nelspruit, we therefore have sufficient comfort over the existence of inventory)
ACK count was performed. We also obtained the entities count
nt to our observation procedures.