Bombay Co-Operative Societies Act, 1925
Bombay Co-Operative Societies Act, 1925
Bombay Co-Operative Societies Act, 1925
Website :
1. Short title
2. Extent
3. Definitions
4. The Registrar
5. Societies which may be registered
6. Restrictions on interest of member of society with limited liability
and a share capital
7. Conditions of registration
8. Power of Registrar to decide certain questions
9. Application for registration
10. Registration
11. Evidence of registration
12. Annual general meeting
13. Special general meetings
14. Change of name: its effect
15. Amalgamation or transfer of societies
15A. Division of societies
16. Amendment of the by-laws of a society
16A. Change of liability of society from limited to unlimited or from
unlimited to limited
17. N o rights of membership to be exercised till due payments are
18. Votes of members
19. Restrictions on transfer of share or interest
20. Address of societies
21. Copy of Act, etc., to be open to inspection
22. Audit
23. Societies to be bodies corporate
24. Prior claim of society
24AA. Charge on immovable property of members borrowing loans
from certain societies
24A. Deduction from salary to meet societys claim in certain oases
25. Charge and set-off in respect of shares or interest of member
26. Shares or interest not liable to attachment
27. Transfer of interest on death of member
28. Liability of past member
29. Liability of the estates of deceased members
30. Register of members
31. Admissibility of copy of entry as evidence
32. Exemption from compulsory-registration of instruments relating
to shares and debentures of society
33. Power to exempt from income tax, stamp duty, registration and
court fees
33A. Provisional Government may give loans or guarantee interests
34. Restrictions on loans
35. Restrictions in borrowing
36. Restrictions on other transactions non-members
37. Investment of funds
38. Restrictions on dividend
39. Reserve Fund
39 A . Contribution to educational fund of Bombay Provincial Co-
operative Institute
40. Ristrictions on distribution of profits
41. Provident Fund
42. Contribution to charitable purpose
43. Inquiry by Registrar
44. Inspection of books of indebted society
45. Costs of inquiry
46. Recovery of costs
46A. Registrar to bring defects disclosed in inquiry or inspection to
notice of society
47. Winding up
48. Society may be wound up if membership is reduced
48A. Effect of liquidation of society on Past, member or on estate of
deceased member
49. Effect of cancellation of registration
50. Power of a liquidator
5 0 A . Pow e r of Registrar to assess damage against delinquent
promoters etc.
51. Bar of suit in winding up and dissolution matters
52. Disposal of surplus assets
53. Surplus assets of housing society
54. Arbitration
54A. Tribunal power to modify, correct or remit award
55. Attachment before award
56. Appeal against decision of Registrar and his nominee
57. Finality of order
58. Powers to enforce attendance
59. Money how recovered
59AA. Private transfer of property made after issue of certificate
void against society
59A. Transfer of property which cannot be sold
59B. Recovery of moneys due to land mortgage bank
60. Offences
60A. Penalty for officer sanctioning benami loans
61. Penalty for offences not otherwise provided for
62. Prohibition of the use of the word "co-operative"
63. Cognigance of offences
63A. Bombay Co-operative Tribunal
64. Appeals
64A. Power of Provincial Government and the Registrar to call for
proceedings of Subordinate Officers and to pass orders thereon
64B. Application of this Chapter
64C. Definitions
64D. Constitution of Board
64E. Appointment of an Inquiry Officer and his powers
64F. Preliminary procedure
64G. Registration
64H. Publication of the scheme and inviting claims and objections
64I. Inquiry by the Inquiry Officer
64J. Decision of disputed claim
64K. Report of Inquiry Officer
64L. Board may sanction scheme with or without modification or
may refuse to give sanction
64M. Effect of scheme
64N. Power to enforce scheme
64O. Contribution towards the costs of the scheme
64P. Dues of Farming societies to be first charge
64Q. Recovery of arrears
64R. Power to exempt Farming societies from provisions of Chapter
65. Recovery of sums due to the Crown
66. Power to exempt societies from conditions as to registration
67. Power to exempt societies from provisions of Act
68. Indian Companies Act not to apply
69. Branches, etc. of societies outside the Presidency
70. Notice necessary in suits
71. Rules
72. Saving of existing societies
72A. Contraction of references to Co-operative Societies Act, 1912,
in enactments
72B. Validity of transfer made under section 59 (2) of Bom. VII of
73. Repeal
Bombay Co-Operative Societies Act, 1925
07 of 1925
[04 December 1925]
Amended by Bom. 8 of 1933.
22 of 1935.
8 of 1936.
17 of 1936.
24 of 1936.
Adapted and modified by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
Council. Amended by Bom. 29* of 1942.
16* of 1943.
28 of 1948.
14 of 1949.
53 of 1949.
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Co-operative
Societies in the Presidency of Bombay.
WHEREAS it is expedient further to facilitate the formation and
working of co-operative societies for the promotion of thrift, self-
help and mutual aid among agriculturists and other persons with
common economic needs so as to bring about better living, better
business and better methods of production and for that purpose to
consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in
the Presidency of Bombay; and whereas the previous sanction of
the Governor-General required by sub-section (3) of section 80-A of
t h e Government of India Act (5 & 6, Geo. V c. 61) has been
obtained for the passing of this Act: It is hereby enacted as follows
: --
1. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Bombay Government
Gazette, 1924 Part V. pp. 46-48; for Report of Select Committee,
see ibid., 1924, part V. pp. 108-13 and ibid, 1925, Part V. pp. 68-
70; and for proceedings in Council, see Bombay Legislative Council
Debates, 1924 and 1925, Vols. XII, XIII and XV.
* This Act has been repealed and re-enacted by Bombay 28 of
1948, Section 2.
1. Short title :-
2. Extent :-
4. The Registrar :-
When any question arises whether for the purpose of the formation,
or registration or continuance of a society 1[or the admission of a
person as a member of a society] under this Act a person is an
agriculturist or a non-agriculturist, or whether any person is a
resident in a town or village or group of villages, or whether two or
more villages shall be considered to form a group, or whether any
person belongs to any particular tribe, class 2* or occupation, the
question shall be decided by the Registrar, whose decision shall be
9. Application for registration :-
Every society shall within a period of three months after the date
fixed for making up its accounts for the year under the rules for the
time being in force call a general meeting of its members.
13. Special general meetings :-
No person shall exercise the rights of a member of a society unless
or until he has made such payment to the society in respect of
membership, or acquired such interest in the society as may be
prescribed by the rules or the by-laws of such society.
1. The words and figures "Chapter III--Rights and Liabilities of
Members" were substituted for the words "Rights and liabilities of
members" by Bombay 8 of 1936, Section
(1) No member of any society shall have more than one vote in its
affairs, provided that in the case of an equality of votes the
chairman shall have a casting vote.
1[(1A) Where a share of a society is held jointly by more than one
person, only the person whose name stands first in the share
certificate shall have the right to vote.]
(2) A society which has invested any part of its funds in the shares
of another society, may appoint one of its members to vote in the
affairs of such other registered society.
1. Sub-section (1A) was inserted by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section
The registration of a society shall render it a body corporate by the
name under which it is registered, with perpetual succession and a
common seal, and with power to hold property, to enter into
contracts, to institute and defend suits and other legal proceedings
and to do all things necessary for the purposes of its constitution.
1. The words and figures "Chapter V--Privileges of Societies" were
substituted for the words "Privileges of Societies" by Bombay 8 of
1930, Section 2.
(1) A copy of any entry in any book, register or list regularly kept
in the course of business in the possession of a society shall, if duly
certified in such manner as may be prescribed by the rules, be
admissible in evidence of the existence of the entry and shall be
admitted as evidence of the matters and transactions therein
recorded in every case where, and to the same extent to which, the
original entry would, if produced, have been admissible to prove
such matters.
(2) In the case of such societies as 1[the Provincial Government] by
general or special order may direct no officer of a society shall in
any legal proceedings to which the society is not a party be
compelled to produce any of the societys books, the contents of
which can be proved under sub-section (1), or to appear as a
witness to prove the matters, transactions and accounts therein
recorded, unless by order of the Court or a Judge made for special
1. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
Nothing in section 17, sub-section (1), clauses (b) and (c), of the
1Indian Registration Act, 1908 (XVI of 1908) shall apply to--
(1) any instrument relating to shares in a society, notwithstanding
that the assets of the society consist in whole or in part of
immovable property; or
(2) any debenture issued by any society and not creating,
declaring, assigning, limiting or extinguishing any rights, title or
interest to or in immovable property except in so far as it entitles
the holder to the security afforded by a registered instrument
whereby the society has mortgaged, conveyed or otherwise
transferred the whole or part of its immovable property or any
interest therein to trustees upon trust for the benefit of the holders
of such debentures; or
(3) any endorsement upon or transfer of any debenture issued by
any society.
1. See Central Acts.
33. Power to exempt from income tax, stamp duty,
registration and court fees :-
(1) Except with the general or special sanction of the Registrar a
society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member.
3(2) * * * * * *
(3) 1[The Provincial Government] may, by general or special order,
prohibit or restrict the lending of money 4[on the security of
moveable property or] on mortgage of immovable property by any
society or class of societies.
1. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government", ibid.
2. These words and figures "Chapter VI-- "Property and Funds of
Societies" were substituted for the words "Property and Funds of
Societies" by Bombay 8 of 1936, Section 2.
3. Sub-section (2) was deleted by Bombay 28 of 1948, a. 17 (i).
4. These words were inserted, ibid., Section 17 (ii).
A society shall receive deposits and loans from persons who are not
members only to such extent and under such conditions as may be
prescribed by the rules or by the by-laws of the society.
36. Restrictions on other transactions non-members :-
1. The figures "6¼" were substituted for the figures "10" ibid.,
Section 19.
(1) Every society which does or can derive a profit from its
transactions shall maintain a reserve fund.
(2) In the case of a Resource or Producers society at least ¼th of
the net profits of the society each year shall be carried to the
reserve fund and in the case of any other society at least 1/10th of
the net profits of the society each year shall be carried to the
reserve fund, and such reserve fund may be used in the business of
the society or may be invested, subject to the provisions of section
37, as 1[ t h e Provincial Government] may by general or special
order direct, or may, with the previous sanction of 1[the Provincial
Government] be used in part for some public purpose likely to
promote the objects of this Act or for some purposes of provincial
or local interest.
1. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
39A. Contribution to educational fund of Bombay Provincial
Co-operative Institute :-
Any society may establish a provident fund for its members 1[or
officers or servants] out of contributions from such members 2[or
officers or servants, as the case may be,] in accordance with by-
laws made by the society in this behalf and may contribute to such
provident fund from its net profits, after the prescribed payments
have been made to the reserve fund, provided that such provident
fund shall not be used in the business of the society but shall be
invested under the provisions of section 37; and provided further,
that no part of such provident fund shall be considered as an asset
of the society.
1. These words were inserted by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 22
2. These words were inserted, ibid., a. 22 (ii).
42. Contribution to charitable purpose :-
(1) Every order passed by a liquidator under section 50, 1[or by the
Registrar under sub-section (1) of section 50A] or by the Registrar
o r his nominee or arbitrators on disputes referred to him or them
under clause (g) of section 50 or under section 54 2[or under sub-
section (3) of section 54A], every order passed in appeal under
section 56, 3[every order passed in revision under sub-section (6)
of section 63A] and every order passed by 4[the Provincial
Government] in appeal against orders passed under 5[section 50]
shall, if not carried out--
6[(a) on a certificate signed by the Registrar or a liquidator, be
deemed to be a decree of a Civil Court and shall be executed in the
same manner as a decree of such Court; or
(b) be executed] according to the law and under the rules for the
time being in force for the recovery of arrears of land revenue,
provided that any application for the recovery in such manner of
any such sum shall be made to the Collector and shall be
accompanied by a certificate signed by the Registrar or by an
Assistant Registrar to whom the said power has been delegated by
the Registrar. 7(2) *****
1. These words, figures, letter and brackets were inserted by
Bombay 28 of 1948, a. 32 (i).
2. The words, figures and letter "or under sub-section (3) of section
54A" were inserted by Bombay 17 of 1936, Section 5 (i).
3. These words, figures, letter and brackets were inserted by
Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 32 (ii).
4. The words "Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
5. These word and figures were substituted, for the words, figures,
letter and brackets "sections 50 54 or sub-section (3) of section
54A" by Bombay 28 of 1948 Section 32 (iii).
6. This portion was substituted for the portion beginning with the
word "be executed" and ending with the brackets and letter "(b)"
by Bombay 16 of 1943, Section 3, read with Section 2 of Bombay
28 of 1948.
7. Sub section (2) was repealed by Bombay 22 of 1935. Section 3.
2[(1) The Provincial Government shall constitute a Tribunal, called
t h e Bombay Co-operative Tribunal, to exercise the functions
conferred on the Tribunal by or under this Act.
(2) The Tribunal shall consist of not more than three members
possessing such qualifications as may be prescribed.
(3) Any vacancy in the membership of the Tribunal shall be filled
by the Provincial Government.
(4) Subject to the previous sanction of the Provincial Government,
the Tribunal shall frame regulations consistent with the provisions
of this Act and rules made thereunder, for regulating its procedure
and the disposal of its business.
(5) The regulations made under sub-section (4) shall be published
in the Official Gazette,
(6) The Tribunal may call for and examine the record of any
proceedings in which an appeal lies to it for the purpose of
satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any decision or
order passed. If in any case it shall appear to the Tribunal that any
such decision or order should be modified, annulled or reversed, the
Tribunal may pass such order thereon as to it may seem fit.
(7) An order passed in appeal, or in revision under sub-section (6),
by the Tribunal shall be final and conclusive and shall not be liable
to be called in question in any civil or revenue court.]
1. The words and figures "Chapter X--Appeals and Revision" were
substituted for the words "Appeals and Revision" by Bombay 8 of
1936, Section 2.
2. Section 63A was inserted by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 37,
64. Appeals :-
1[T he Provincial Government] and the Registrar may call for and
examine the record of any inquiry or the proceedings of any officer
subordinate to them 2[except those referred to in sub-section (6)
of section 63A] for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the
legality or propriety of any decision or order passed and as to the
regularity of the proceedings of such officer. If in any case, it shall
appear to 1[the Provincial Government] or the Registrar that any
decision or order or proceedings so called for should be modified,
annulled or reversed, 1[the Provincial Government] or the
Registrar, as the case may be, may pass such order thereon as to it
or him may seem fit.
1. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
words "the Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
2. These words, brackets, figures and letter were inserted by
Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 39.
8[This Chapter shall apply to 3* Farming Societies :
Provided that the Provincial Government may, by general or special
order, direct that the provisions of this Chapter shall also apply to
any other class of societies and thereupon they shall apply as if
such societies were 3* Farming Societies.]
1. Chapter XI was inserted by Bombay 8 of 1936, Section 3.
2. These words were substituted for the words "Crop Protection
Societies" by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 40.
3. The word "Better" was deleted by Bombay 14 of 1949, Section 7
4. Section 64B was substituted for the original by Bombay 28 of
1948, Section 41,
64C. Definitions :-
(1) The Board shall appoint an Inquiry Officer for the purpose of
holding inquiries under this Chapter.
(2) For the purpose of such inquiries, the Inquiry Officer shall have-
(a) all the powers of the Registrar under section 58,
(b) power to enter upon, survey and take levels of lands proposed
to be included in the scheme, to dig or bore into subsoil and to do
all acts necessary for the purpose of the inquiry.
64F. Preliminary procedure :-
64G. Registration :-
On the date fixed in the notices issued under section 64H or any
other day to which the inquiry has been adjourned, the Inquiry
Officer shall proceed to inquire into the claims (if any) which may
have been made pursuant to the notices and shall hear and decide
any other matter which may be required to be heard and decided
by or under the provisions of this Chapter.
64J. Decision of disputed claim :-
(1) After the inquiry under section 64I is completed, the Inquiry
Officer shall make a report to the Board containing the following
particulars :--
(i) the names of all the owners of lands affected by the scheme and
the nature and extent of the right or interest of each in respect of
such land,
(ii) the names of all persons whose rights or liabilities are affected
and the manner in which they are affected by the scheme,
(iii) a detailed estimate of the net cost of the scheme to be borne
by the society,
(iv) a detailed estimate of the amounts of compensation to be paid
to, or of the amounts to be recovered from, persons affected by the
(v) the manner in which recurring costs of the maintenance of, and
other expenses incidental to, the scheme shall be fixed and
(vi) any other particulars prescribed by or under the Act or the
(2) Such report shall be published in the village or villages and at
the headquarters of the taluka within the limits of which the lands
included in the scheme are situate and separate notice of such
report shall as far as practicable be given to all persons mentioned
in clause (ii) of sub-section (1).
(3) Any person aggrieved by the report of the Inquiry Officer may
appeal to the Board.
64L. Board may sanction scheme with or without
modification or may refuse to give sanction :-
(1) On receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer the Board may, in
consultation with the Collector, after deciding, such, appeals as
may have been made under section 64K and making such further
inquiry as it may think fit, either sanction with or without
modifications or refuse to give sanction to the scheme.
(2) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Board may, within
a period of the thirty days from the date of such decision, appeal to
1[the Provincial Government], who may pass such order as they
deem fit.
Scheme to become final on publication.
(3) If an appeal is made within the period prescribed in sub-section
(2) and 1[ t h e Provincial Government] decide to sanction the
scheme with or without modifications, the scheme as sanctioned by
1[the Provincial Government], or, if no appeal is made within the
period aforesaid, the scheme as sanctioned by the Board, shall be
published in the 2[Official Gazette] and in any other way which
may be prescribed and shall, on such publication, be final.
1. The words, "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
2. The words "Official Gazette" were substituted for the words
"Bombay Government Gazette", ibid.
On and after the day on which the scheme comes into force, the
1[2* Farming society] concerned may, after giving the prescribed
notice and in accordance with the provisions of the scheme,
execute any work which it is the duty of any person to execute
under the scheme. Any expense incurred by the society under this
section may be recovered from the persons in default in the
manner prescribed in section 64Q.
1. The words "Better Farming Society" were substituted for the
words "Crop Protection Society" by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 40.
2. The word "Better" was deleted by Bombay 14 of 1949, Section 7
65. Recovery of sums due to the Crown :-
(1) All sums due from a society or from an officer or member or
past member of a society as such to 2[the Crown], may be
recovered according to the law and under the rules for the time
being in force for the recovery of arrears of land revenue.
( 2 ) Sums due from a society to 2[the Crown] and recoverable
under sub-section (1) may be recovered, firstly, from the property
of the society; secondly, in the case of a society of which the
liability of the members is limited, from the members or past
members subject to the limit of their liability; and, thirdly in the
case of other societies, from the members or past members.
(3) The liability of past members shall in all cases be subject to the
provisions of section 28.
1. The words and figures "Chapter XII--Miscellaneous" were
substituted for the word "Miscellaneous" by Bombay 8 of 11)36,
Section 4.
2. The words "the Crown" were substituted for the word
"Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in Council.
(1) 1[The Provincial Government] may, for the whole or any part of
the presidency and for any society or class of societies, make rules
to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power such rules may--
(a) subject to the provisions of section 6, prescribe the maximum
number of shares or portion of the capital of a society which may
be held by a member;
(b) prescribe the forms to be used and the conditions to be
complied with in the making of applications for the registration of a
society and the procedure in the matter of such applications;
(c) prescribe the matters in respect of which a society may or shall
make by-laws and the procedure to be followed in making, altering
and abrogating by-laws and the conditions to be satisfied prior to
such making, alteration or abrogation;
(d) prescribe the conditions to be complied with by persons
applying for admission or admitted as members and provide for the
election and admission of members and the payment to be made
and the interests to be acquired before the exercise of the right of
(e) provide for ascertaining the value of a deceased members share
or interest;
(f) provide for general meetings of the members and for the
procedure at such meetings and the powers to be exercised by such
(g) provide for the appointment, suspension and removal of the
members of the committee and other officers and for the procedure
at meetings of the committee and for the powers to be exercised
and the duties to be performed by the Committee and other
2( g a ) prescribe the manner of giving notice of the preliminary
resolution under sub-section (2) of section 15A];
(h) prescribe the accounts and books to be kept by a society and
provide for the audit of such accounts, and the charges, if any, to
be made for such audit, and for the periodical publication of a
balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of a society;
(i) prescribe the returns to be submitted by a society to the
Registrar and provide for the persons by whom and the form in
which such returns shall be submitted;
(j) provide for the persons by whom and the form in which copies
of documents or entries in books of societies may be certified, and
for the charges to be levied for the supply of such copies;
(k) provide for the formation and maintenance of a register of
members, and where the liability of the members is limited by
shares, of a register of shares;
(l) prescribe the payments to be made and the conditions to be
complied with by members applying for loans, and the period for
which loans may be made, and the amount which may be lent to
an individual member;
( m ) prescribe the prohibitions and restrictions subject to which
societies may trade 3[or transact business] with persons who are
not members;
(n) provide for the formation and maintenance of reserve funds,
and the objects to which such funds may be applied, and for the
investment of any funds under the control of a society;
4[(na) prescribe the rate at which a society shall contribute towards
the educational fund of the Bombay Provincial Co-operative
(o) prescribe the extent to which a society may limit the number of
its members;
(p) prescribe the conditions under which profits may be distributed
to the members of a society and the maximum rate of dividend
which may be paid by societies;
(q) prescribe the procedure to be followed in presenting and
disposing of appeals; 5[(g a) prescribe the qualifications of the
members of the Tribunal;]
(r) provide for securing that the share capital of any society shall
b e variable in such a way as may be necessary to secure that
shares shall not appreciate in value and that necessary capital shall
be available for the society as required;
(s) provide that persons qualified under the bye-laws of a society
shall not be excluded from membership without due cause;
(t) prescribe the procedure to be followed by a liquidator appointed
under section 47;
(u) prescribe the mode of appointing an arbitrator or arbitrators
and the procedure to be followed in proceedings before the
Registrar or such arbitrator or arbitrators and for fixing and levying
the expenses of determining the dispute;
(v) provide for the issue and service of processes and for proof of
service thereof;
(w) provide for the writing off of bad debts;
(x) regulate the manner in which funds may be raised by means of
shares of debentures or otherwise;
(y) provide for the withdrawal and expulsion of members and for
the payments to be made to them and for the liabilities of past
(z) provide for the nomination of a person to whom the interest of
a deceased member may be paid or transferred;
(aa) prescribe the cases in which an appeal shall lie from the order
of a liquidator appointed under section 47;
(bb) provide for the inspection of documents in the Registrars office
and the levy of fees for granting certified copies of the same;
( cc) prescribe the procedure to be followed for the custody of
property attached under section 55;
(dd) provide for the payment of contribution at such rates and
subject to such conditions as may from time to time be prescribed
by co-operative societies to any provident fund which may be
established for the benefit of officers and servants employed by
them; 6*
(ee) prescribe the period and terms under which Government aid
may be given to co-operative societies and the terms under which
7[the Provincial Government] may guarantee the payment of 8[the
principal of and] interest on debentures issued by registered
9[(ff) prescribe the particulars to be furnished by the persons
applying for the registration of a 10[Farming society] under section
(gg) prescribe the officer before whom the statements of owners
referred to in section 64-G may be signed;
(hh) prescribe the manner in which the inquiry shall be held by the
Board or the Inquiry Officer under Chapter XI;
(ii) prescribe the particulars to be mentioned in an Inquiry Officers
report under clause (vi) of sub-section (1) of section 64-K;
(jj) prescribe the manner in which the scheme shall he published
otherwise than in the 11[Official Gazette] under sub-section (3) of
section 64-L;
(kk) provide for any other matter which is or may be prescribed or
for which no provision exists and provision is, in the opinion of
12[ t h e Provincial Government], necessary for the purpose of
carrying out a 13[farming scheme].
14[(ll) prescribing the manner in which any property shall be
delivered to, and the terms and conditions subject to which such
property shall be held by, a society under section 59A.]
(3) 12[The Provincial Government] may, subject to such conditions,
if any, as it thinks fit, delegate all or any of its powers to make
rules under this section to any authority specified in the order of
(4) The power to make rules conferred by this section is subject to
the condition of the rules being made after previous publication.
(5) The rules so made shall be laid on the table of 15[each of the
Chambers of the Provincial Legislature] for one month previous to
the next session thereof and shall be liable to be rescinded or
modified 16[by a resolution in which each of the Chambers concurs
at the said next session].
1. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
2. Clause (ga) was inserted by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 45 (1).
3. The words "or transact business" were inserted by Bombay 8 of
1936, Section 5 (a).
4. Clause (na) was inserted by Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 45 (2).
5. Clause (qa) was inserted Bombay 28 of 1948, Section 45 (3).
6. The word "and" was omitted by Bombay 8 of 1936, Section 5
7. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
words "the Government" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in
8. The words "the principal of and" were inserted by Bombay 22 of
1936, Section 5 (1).
9. Clauses (ff), (gg), (hh), (ii), (jj) and (kk) were inserted by
Bombay 8 of 1936, Section 5 (c).
10. These words were substituted for the words "Crop Protection
Society" by Bombay 53 of 1949, Section 3, Second Schedule.
11. The words "Official Gazette" were substituted for the words
"Bombay Government Gazette" by the Adaptation of Indian Laws
Order in Council.
12. The words "the Provincial Government" were substituted for the
word "Government", ibid,
13. These words were substituted for the words "crop protection
scheme" by Bombay 53 of 1949, Section 3, Second Schedule.
14. This clause, which was inserted by Bombay 22 of 1935, Section
6 (2) as clause (ff), was relettered as clause (ll) by Bombay 24 of
1936, Section 2, Sch.
15. The words "each of the Chambers of the Provincial Legislature"
were substituted for the words "the Bombay Legislative Council" by
the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in Council.
16 The words "by a resolution in which each of the Chambers
concurs at the said next section" were substituted for the words "by
a resolution of the said Council tabled at its next session", ibid.
(1) Every society now existing which has been registered under the
Co-operative Credit Societies Act. 1904 (X of 1904), or under the
Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 (II of 1912), shall be deemed to
be registered under this Act, and its by-laws shall, so far as the
same are not inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act,
continue in force until altered or rescinded
(2) All appointments, rules and orders made, notifications and
notices issued and suits and other proceedings instituted, under the
said Act shall, so far as may be, be deemed to have been
respectively made, issued and instituted under this Act.
72A. Contraction of references to Co-operative Societies
Act, 1912, in enactments :-
73. Repeal :-