Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts
This is a consolidation and slight amplification of notes created by Mr David Hulme and Mrs Munirah Osman-
Hyder, which are used with her kind permission.
This is a focus on some basic ideas and concepts which explain the place of a constitution in
the government of a society. It will deal with the elements that comprise constitutional law.
• State
• Society
• Law
• The modern state has many branches and institutions exercising a wide variety of functions
in the name of the state, including the following:
o Creating law;
o Accumulating resources;
o Resolving disputes;
o Maintaining order;
o Regulating the economy;
o Planning for development;
o Engaging in commercial activity;
o Providing social services;
o Upholding individual rights.
• The most prominent agency of the state is the government (or executive)
o The state’s power is formally invested in government;
o Government speaks on behalf of the state;
o Often mistaken as being identical with the state;
o The instrument of government is the administration – body of bureaucrats and
officials (civil servants) situated in government departments who run the state.
• Over the years the concept “state” has developed and some changes have been made along
the way due to the changing political conditions and the needs of the communities.
• The functions of modern states go further than the above list and include regulation of
many aspects of social and economic life.
• Consider, for instance, the emergence of the “welfare” state or “administrative” state –
where the state plays an active and interventionist role in the economy – seeks to secure
social and economic welfare of its citizens.
• The state can be seen as very powerful and citizens sometimes seek to be protected from
the power of some of its agencies – police power.
• Civil society institutions – for instance, church, trade unions, political parties, the press –
have developed to act as buffer between the state and its citizens.
• Law is also concerned with justice – the different functions account for different
understandings of law.
• Law can be seen as a system of rules and procedures which ensure that promises are kept
and losses are made good – normally enforced by courts – usually by means of the private
• Also can be seen as a tool of the dominant group – which uses it to give effect to its social
policies – seen as the public law.
• Public Law – State vs the individual or another state body.
• Private Law – relationship between two or more non-state entities.
• Constitutional law is concerned with public law – has both positive and negative elements.
• Positive – public law confers power on state bodies (empowers them).
• Negative – public law controls these bodies – imposes structural and substantive rules on
them making them accountable for their actions.
• Three ways in which public law is relevant to the way in which states regulate society:
o Law legitimises the existence and power of the state;
o The state uses law as a means of regulating society;
o Law is used to control and limit state’s power.
§ The state’s power must come from an external, impersonal source and not
from the state itself.
§ This is primarily the law of the constitution in many modern states.
§ Law must also comply with minimum standards of morality and social
§ Laws sanction and validate the policies and actions of the state.
§ Other means can also be used to pursue the government’s agendas – e.g.
economic measures and propaganda.
§ However, law has the advantage of providing legitimacy for the actions of
the state.
§ This is because law is perceived as a neutral social institution – not
influenced by special interests in society.
§ Therefore people tend to accept, follow and obey the law.
§ Law can also be used against state bodies – meaning that the law connotes
a limitation on state power.
§ Where the state tries to circumvent standards, they can still be upheld to
some extent because public law and the institutions that enforce it, such as
the courts, have a certain measure of independence from other state
§ Hence most modern liberal (in the traditional sense) democratic states find it
necessary to subject themselves to the law. (Law has a diminished role in a
totalitarian state and regulates the conduct of ordinary citizens rather than
that of the state itself).
Basic Concepts - Constitutions
1. What is a constitution?
• It is the body of normative rules that determine and regulate the structure of the principal
organs of government, their relationship to one another, their essential functions and the
relationship between the individual citizen and the state.
• It is the cornerstone of any legal system because the rules identify the law making authorities
themselves (executive and legislature), the courts and various administrative authorities.
• The contents of Constitutions differ as a result of the different political and historical
circumstances which prevail when they come into being.
• Some of the more general contents can be listed as follows:
o Preamble;
o “Chart” of the state system;
o Amending provision;
o Bill of Rights;
o Financial provisions.
Amending provision
• The difficulty of amending can vary. With a “rigid” constitution – difficult to amend;
• Where more difficult to amend, it allows the present generation to modify the rules it
inherited, whilst avoiding amendment based on political “fads” with short-term aims and
potentially destructive long-term consequences;
• Different ways in which amendments can occur (sometimes two methods for amending any
provision in one constitution, e.g. US Constitution);
• Sometimes different amending procedures for different provisions e.g. SA Constitution –
some provisions more difficult to change than others;
• In some countries certain fundamental provisions are deemed to be unchangeable (for
instance, India - basic structure theory);
• Informal amendment – a court’s interpretation of a provision can have the effect of
changing the meaning of the provision and therefore “amending” the constitution without
the formal amending process taking place.
Bill of Rights
• Normally the limit to public power as regards private individuals is set out in the Bill of
• BOR – list of fundamental rights of members of society which the state cannot or should
not violate;
• Wide variety in the contents of BOR;
• Civil and political rights including the traditional “freedoms”;
• Socio-Economic Rights;
• New rights.
Financial Provisions
• For the Constitutional Lawyer it should reveal the juridical basis of the constitutional legal
o Colonisation;
o Revolution;
o Independence;
o Unification of separate territories;
o Dissolution of a political entity;
o Slow evolution (Britain, for instance, although the evolution was characterised by
occasional dramatic events.)
• Regarded as the most important source of constitutional law;
• Legislation refers to generally applicable rules of law made by legislative authorities;
• A constitution itself is the most important statutory source of constitutional law;
• It is an internationally accepted norm for a state to have a constitution – constitutions are
seen to be a symbols of statehood.
Common Law/Custom
• Custom (or convention) is of a far lesser scope and significance than statutory law;
• Custom still applicable in South Africa is British in origin – South African constitutional
law was based on British common law and convention;
• Current constitution – only a few elements of British origin are left:
o Majority government;
o Separation of Powers;
o Other minor conventions exist – e.g. the parliamentary Standing Committee on
Public Accounts (SCOPA) is always chaired by a member of the opposition.
• Parliamentary sovereignty and any other remaining British conventions have been
Customary Law
• We see a unique concept featuring in South African Constitutional jurisprudence – ubuntu
- emanates from the customary laws of the land – note, however, that although this was
expressed in the Interim Constitution of 1993, it now remains only in court jurisprudence
• Ubuntu - recognising a person’s status as a human being, entitled to unconditional respect,
dignity, value and acceptance from the members of the community.
• Conversely the person has a duty to give the same respect, dignity, value and acceptance to
each member of the community.
Case Law
• Case law was an extremely limited source of constitutional law in the past.
• Situation has changed drastically.
• Current constitution has a justiciable Bill of Rights – many cases before the Constitutional
• Furthermore, the Rule of Law and constitutional supremacy provisions have led to a
dramatic increase in Rule of Law litigation, challenging the decisions of the executive in a
fashion not previously available in Administrative Law.
• Hence a dramatic increase in case law as a source of law
• 1. Sovereignty
• 2. Separation of Powers
• 3. Rule of Law
• 4. Democracy
• 5. Representative and Responsible government
• 6. Independence of Judiciary
• “Parliament” is the name given to the legislature in certain countries where Britain has had
an influence. More loosely, as a reference to legislatures generally it can refer to an
assembly, congress, legislature, legislative body, senate, upper house, house, lower house,
house of representatives, etc. (For instance, although ‘Congress’ is the name of the US
legislature, reference can still be made to ‘parliamentary procedure’ within the US context.)
• The term “parliamentary sovereignty” developed in the British context and it means that
Parliament as representative of the British people is the ultimate source of legitimate power
in Britain.
Constitutional Monarchy
• Before expounding on the term “parliamentary sovereignty” we will first look at the concept
“Constitutional monarchy”;
• The monarchy has been a constant feature in the constitutional history of Britain.
• Monarchy has developed over time;
• Initially it held a monopoly over government power – absolutism;
• Currently it is described as a constitutional monarchy – meaning that the monarch’s powers
are no longer absolute but are limited by the British Constitution;
• The king is said to have the trappings of political authority – in reality he has a very limited
• Beginning in 1215, but with a radical shift in the late 17th century, the monarch has become
subject to the authority of Parliament and common law;
• Monarch has no legislative powers;
• No right to veto Parliamentary legislation;
• The monarchy’s executive power has been limited by law and convention;
• Judicial power has been transferred to the courts;
• Today the king occupies the position of non-partisan head of state – symbol of national
• Conducts mainly ceremonial duties.
Parliamentary supremacy
• Clearly a historical mapping of UK history indicates that the Parliament was the institution
which rivalled and came to surpass the British monarchy;
• Since the 18th century it is the dominant organ of the British state;
• This dominance is expressed in the doctrine of “parliamentary supremacy” or
“parliamentary sovereignty” ;
• Classic formulation of this theory is proposed by Albert Venn Dicey (1835 – 1922);
• Dicey states that the doctrine has two essential components:
o Parliamentary omnicompetence – that Parliament has the right to make or
unmake any law;
o Parliamentary monopoly of power – that no person or body may override or
set aside legislation made by parliament;
• There is no other constitutional authority whose powers can prevail over those of
• All other legislative bodies and organs of state are subordinate to parliament;
• Hence, parliament is the supreme law making authority in the state.
• What prevents Parliament from being a tyrant? Dicey explains that Parliament is a
representative of the electorate, of the people who elect it to power – therefore parliament
cannot legislate against the wishes of the people.
• In terms of parliamentary supremacy there are no substantive constraints on power –
meaning that there are no mechanisms which can review the contents of law being made
by Parliament.
• There is however procedural constraint – parliament must follow the procedures laid down
in the Constitution when passing laws.
• Courts have some say in determining whether the correct procedures were followed or not.
• The British parliamentary system has had a great influence on the system in South Africa.
• Therefore parliamentary supremacy played a big role in the South African constitutional
• Parliamentary sovereignty remained a constant feature in the South Africa until its demise
in 1994.
• Currently in South Africa the Constitution is regarded as the supreme law of the land.
• Constitutional Supremacy was first introduced in the 18th century with the ratification of
the US Constitution;
• With the American Constitution, the Constitution takes on the nature of a higher law;
• This means that the provisions of the Constitution will prevail over all other legal or political
actions of government;
• Where there is inconsistency with the Constitution it will be declared null and void.
• Constitutional Supremacy is set in contrast to Parliamentary Supremacy;
• In a system of Parliamentary Supremacy – Westminster system – Acts of Parliament are
legally supreme and the constitution is subordinate;
• In a system of Constitutional Supremacy the constitution is supreme;
• The notion of Constitutional Supremacy is a prevalent doctrine in modern
• The constitution can be given the status of a supreme legal norm because it is
enforceable/justiciable by the courts. (Judicial Review);
• Supremacy of the Constitution therefore obliges all government bodies to act consistently
with the Constitution, lest their actions be declared invalid by the courts.
• French philosopher Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) expounded the doctrine of trias politica;
• However, de facto a situation of separation of powers had existed in England since the late
middle ages/Renaissance. This was confirmed in the cases of Chief Justice Coke during the
early 1600s;
• John Locke (1632 – 1704) recorded the virtues of the doctrine some 60 years before
• Locke advocated the division of the government functions into:
o Legislative
o Executive
o Foreign relations
• Basing his ideas on the British constitutional arrangement, Montesquieu classified them as:
o Legislative
o Executive
o Judicial
• Montesquieu’s classification still stands today.
• Both the above must be seen in the context in which the concept was developed.
• European monarchs possessed absolute power – hence the idea of dividing power was
• By dividing the power and allocating to different institutions absolute power was limited.
• Clearly this concept arises out of a distrust of government power and a need for individual
• The United States Constitution translated the doctrine into constitutional provisions.
“How can it be that all should obey, yet nobody take upon him to command, and that all should serve and yet
have no masters? These wonders are the work of law. It is to law alone that men owe justice and liberty. It is
this salutary organ of the will of all which establishes in civil right the natural equality between men. The first
of all laws is to respect the laws”.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
• This was also done by Mathews in South Africa in 1964 during the apartheid era.
• Mathew summarised it as follows:
o In a decent society the idea that a state should wield arbitrary power over the
individual is unthinkable;
o All persons, including government officials, are equally responsible to the law;
o Effective judicial remedies afford the individual greater protection than
constitutional declarations.
• The rule of law is contained in among the founding provisions of the current South African
Constitution, in association with the supremacy of the Constitution (section 1(c)). Some
ideas and principles contained in the rule of law can also be found in the Bill of rights
(Chapter 2 of the SA Constitution), but rule of law litigation is rarely based on the Bill of
Rights as it has become a cause of action in its own right.
Representative government
Responsible government
• During the medieval period the English Parliament won the sole right to create legislation,
removing it from the monarch. However, the monarch remained the executive;
• The further development of parliament in early modern times from the late 17th century
revolved around two aspects:
o Development of political parties;
o Development of cabinet. (The ministers now selected from members of Parliament
by the prime minister rather than the monarch, with the eventual exclusion of the
monarch from cabinet).
• Hence, the legislative initiative was being transferred to the executive. (The members of the
cabinet were prominent in Parliament and introduced legislation to Parliament);
• However, due to the concept ‘representative government’ the executive/cabinet could only
govern with the continuous support of Parliament;
• Why? – because it has to be ensured that the elected government at all times acts in the
interests of the people on whose behalf it governs;
• Thus, the principle “responsible government” is established through Parliament’s control
of the executive. The ministers are responsible for their ministries and answerable to
Parliament for their performance and that of their ministries.
• This includes functions such as:
o Control of state spending;
o Inquiries into the administration;
o Analysis and criticism of government policy through questions and debate.
• Originally courts were just another branch of the state – judges had no institutional
independence from the monarch;
• Judges exercised their power in the name of the king;
• 1215 Magna Carta – the popular king’s courts were required to remain in one place. This
created a physical separation from the king’s royal court, which moved around the country.
This led to a notional separation, even though the king still appointed and dismissed judges
at his discretion;
• During the leadership of Chief Justice Coke (1552-1634) courts began to assert their
independence – rejecting the king’s treatment of judges as his servants;
• Act of Settlement of 1701 – improved the position of the judges by providing that they could
not be dismissed during good behaviour – previously judges were threatened with dismissal
if they did not comply with the king’s wishes;
• In modern Westminster constitutions independence of the judiciary is secured by several
o Judges are appointed by the executive in consultation with the bench;
o Judges cannot be removed from office except by the resolution of both houses of
Parliament – only on grounds of misconduct and unfitness;
o Remuneration of judges is fixed directly by Act of Parliament – not possible to
reduce a judge’s salary his/her tenure;
o There are restrictions on the right to bring legal proceedings against judges;
o If incorrect judgment is given judge cannot be held liable;
o contempt of court proceedings protect the judiciary from public denigration.
Judicial Review in the American System
• The judiciary assumed the important role of enforcing and upholding the American
• Power of the courts to enforce the Constitution is referred to as judicial review;
• In interpreting the Constitution the courts ventured into giving decisions on social and
political issues – e.g. abortion, electoral system;
• Thereby they assumed a more political role and were accused of “activism” by usurping
the main policy-making functions of other structures.
1. What is constitutionalism?
2. Westminster Constitutionalism
• RG – Began in 1258 – see above. Franchise was “qualified” and only males who
had a certain annual income were permitted to vote;
• 19th century – franchise was extended and only extended to women in 1918;
• Party system arose in 17th and 18th centuries;
• Resulted in two predominant parties, - the “Whigs” and the “Tories”.
3. American constitutionalism
Profoundly important and the model for most modern democratic constitutions, apart from
the Westminster System.
• Regarded as a revolutionary contract – state’s power is only legitimate to the extent that it
derives from the consent of the people. (Social Contract);
• 1787 Constitution – unification of 13 states – product of a deliberate process;
• Delegates at a convention drafted the document – assumed they were representatives of the
4. German Constitutionalism
4.2 Rechtsstaat
5. African Constitutionalism
5.1 Since the 1990s on the African continent, sweeping constitutional reforms have been
aimed at promoting constitutionalism and good governance with the introduction of
new constitutions (Fombad).
5.2 After gaining independence from colonial rule, African states often adopted
constitutions drafted by the very colonial powers from which they broke away –
adopting constitutions based on systems such as the Westminster model (British) with
some presidential system elements (US), or the Gaullist system (French) in French and
Portuguese speaking Africa (Francophone and Lusophone).
5.3 Most of these third wave constitutions (except Cameroon and Eritrea) have
incorporated elements of constitutionalism such as:
i. The recognition and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms;
ii. The separation of powers;
iii. An independent judiciary;
iv. The review of the constitutionality of laws;
v. The control of the amendment of the constitution;
vi. Institutions that support democracy (Fombad (2011) 2).
5.5 The drafting of the constitutions are key, but also their implementation.
5.9 There is a gap however, between the provisions that promote constitutionalism in
constitutions, and the practice of constitutionalism. For example,
o Multiparty systems may have a multitude of opposition parties but these are not
effective and democracy is primarily practiced in the form of elections (to the
exclusion of other aspects of democracy). Instead dominant party dictatorships
are rife;
o African absolutism is created through the concentration of power in the
president who may dominate the legislative and judicial branches (e.g.
Francophone countries);
o Bread and butter issues have not been addressed – socio-economic rights may
be ‘guaranteed’ in some constitutions but implementation has been lacking.