Urban Hydrology Unit-II

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→Time of Concentration (Tc) is a critical parameter in urban hydrology that
plays a significant role in designing stormwater management systems and
assessing flood risks.
→, Time of Concentration is a vital parameter in urban hydrology that
influences stormwater runoff patterns, flooding risks, and the design of
drainage systems.
→Accurate estimation of Tc helps urban planners and engineers develop
effective strategies for managing stormwater and minimizing the impact of
heavy rainfall events.
→ Here are 10 key points about Time of Concentration:
1. Definition: Time of Concentration (Tc) refers to the time it takes for rainfall to
flow from the hydraulically most distant point of a watershed to a specific
point of interest, typically a drainage outlet or a collection point.
2. Importance: Tc is crucial in determining the peak flow rate and volume of
stormwater runoff during a rainfall event, which is essential for designing
effective drainage systems and controlling flooding in urban areas.
3. Factors Affecting Tc: Tc is influenced by various factors, including the size
and shape of the watershed, land use patterns, surface roughness, slope of
the land, and drainage network characteristics.
4. Calculation Methods: Several methods are used to estimate Tc, including
empirical equations, analytical models, and hydrological modeling software.
Common methods include the Rational Method, Snyder's Method, and the
Kirpich Equation.
5. Rational Method: The Rational Method is a widely used and simplified
approach to estimate Tc by considering the time it takes for rainfall to reach
a collection point via overland flow, using the formula Tc = L / i, where L is the
flow path length and i is the average rainfall intensity.
6. Snyder's Method: This method uses the concept of travel time distribution to
estimate Tc. It divides the watershed into segments and calculates time
delays for different flow paths based on watershed characteristics.
7. Kinematic Wave Theory: Kinematic wave routing is another approach that
simulates the movement of water through a drainage network over time,
considering the effects of inertia and friction. This method is more complex
and requires detailed hydrologic modeling.
8. Hydraulic Design: Knowledge of Tc is essential for designing stormwater
management infrastructure, such as storm sewers, culverts, detention basins,
and retention ponds, to effectively control and manage runoff during storms.
9. Urbanization Impact: As urban areas develop, land surfaces become more
impervious due to increased pavement and buildings. This reduces Tc,
causing faster and higher peak flows, leading to increased flood risks and
potential damage to infrastructure.
10. Local Variability: Tc can vary significantly within an urban area due to
variations in topography, land use, and drainage patterns. Proper
consideration of these local variations is crucial for accurate hydrological
modeling and infrastructure design.


→Peak flow estimation is a crucial aspect of urban hydrology and urban
drainage design.
→It involves predicting the maximum rate of runoff during a storm event,
which is essential for designing stormwater management infrastructure such
as storm sewers, culverts, and detention basins.
→The choice of approach depends on the available data, the level of
accuracy required, and the complexity of the catchment.
→Often, a combination of methods is used to account for different aspects
of the urban environment.
→It's important to note that accurate peak flow estimation is essential for
designing effective and resilient urban drainage systems to mitigate flooding
and manage stormwater runoff in urban areas.
→Peak flow estimation in urban hydrology involves various approaches to
predict the maximum flow rate of water during a rainfall event.
→These methods typically include empirical equations based on local data,
rational method using rainfall intensity and catchment characteristics, unit
hydrograph methods considering time-varying flow, advanced modeling
with hydrodynamic simulations, and integration of green infrastructure for
sustainable stormwater management.
→ These approaches help urban planners and engineers design effective
drainage systems and mitigate flood risks in urban areas.
→Several approaches are used to estimate peak flows in urban areas. Here
are some common approaches:
1. Rational Method: The Rational Method is a widely used and simple
approach for estimating peak flows in urban areas. It calculates peak flow by
multiplying the rainfall intensity, the catchment area, and a runoff coefficient.
While it's easy to use, it assumes that the entire catchment behaves as
impervious, which may not accurately represent the urban environment.
2. SCS-CN Method: The Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN)
method is another widely used approach. It considers the land use, soil type,
and hydrologic condition to estimate runoff. It's more versatile than the
Rational Method as it accounts for varying degrees of imperviousness within a
3. Unit Hydrograph Method: This method involves the convolution of a unit
hydrograph with the rainfall hyetograph (rainfall intensity over time). Unit
hydrographs represent the response of a catchment to a unit of effective
rainfall over time. This approach is more complex but provides a more
detailed representation of the runoff process.
4. Time-Area Method: The Time-Area method involves dividing the catchment
into sub-areas and calculating the time it takes for runoff from each sub-area
to reach the outlet. The sum of these times provides an estimate of the time
to peak flow and the corresponding peak flow rate.
5. Hydrologic Modeling: Hydrologic models, such as the Storm Water
Management Model (SWMM), HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center -
Hydrologic Modeling System), and EPA SWMM (Environmental Protection
Agency Storm Water Management Model), simulate the entire hydrological
cycle, including rainfall, runoff, and routing through the drainage network.
These models offer a comprehensive approach but require detailed data
and calibration.
6.GIS-Based Approaches: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are
increasingly being used to integrate various spatial data (land use,
topography, soil types, etc.) and estimate peak flows based on the
catchment characteristics and the chosen method.
→The Rational Method is a widely used empirical equation in urban
hydrology for estimating peak stormwater runoff from a specific area during
a rainfall event.
→ It is commonly applied in the design of stormwater drainage systems, sizing
of culverts, and planning for flood control in urban areas.
→ The method is relatively simple and is suitable for small to medium-sized
watersheds where detailed hydrological data is limited.
→Remember that while the Rational Method is a useful tool, its simplicity can
lead to significant inaccuracies in certain situations.
→ Therefore, it's important to use the method judiciously and consider the
specific characteristics of the catchment and local conditions.
→The Rational Method equation is expressed as follows:
Q = Ci * A
- Q is the peak stormwater runoff rate (in cubic feet per second or cubic
meters per second).
- Ci is the rainfall intensity (in inches per hour or millimeters per hour) for a
specified return period (e.g., 10 years, 25 years, 50 years).
- A is the area of the watershed or catchment (in acres or square meters).
→Key points to understand about the Rational Method:
1.Empirical Nature: The method is based on historical rainfall data and
assumes a direct relationship between rainfall intensity, area, and runoff. It
does not consider complex hydrological processes in detail.
2.Time of Concentration (Tc): The Rational Method assumes that all the runoff
from the entire catchment reaches the outlet at the same time. This is often
not the case in reality, as different parts of a catchment may contribute
runoff at different times. Tc represents the time it takes for runoff to travel from
the most distant point in the catchment to the outlet.
3.Curve Numbers: In some versions of the Rational Method, a curve number
(CN) is used to account for the land use, soil type, and antecedent moisture
conditions of the catchment. The CN helps adjust the runoff potential of the
4.Limitations: The Rational Method is best suited for small to medium-sized
catchments with relatively simple land use patterns and well-defined
drainage areas. It may not be accurate for large and complex urban areas
with extensive impervious surfaces or areas with significant natural storage
and infiltration.
5.Applicability: The Rational Method is a quick and easy tool for preliminary
design and estimation. For more accurate and detailed hydrological analysis,
other methods such as the SCS (Soil Conservation Service) method or
hydrological modeling software may be employed.
6.Local Calibration: The values of Ci and other parameters may need to be
calibrated based on local rainfall and runoff data for accurate results.


→The NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) Curve Number (CN)
approach is a widely used method in hydrology for estimating direct runoff
from rainfall events.
→Originally developed by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) NRCS, this method is primarily applied to rural and agricultural areas
to estimate runoff and design stormwater management practices.
→ However, it can also be adapted for use in urban hydrology with some
modifications and considerations.
→In the context of urban hydrology, the NRCS Curve Number approach can
be applied to estimate runoff from developed or urbanized areas, taking into
account the changes in land use, soil conditions, and drainage patterns that
occur in urban environments.
→It's important to note that while the NRCS Curve Number approach can be
adapted for urban hydrology, it has limitations and assumptions that might
not fully capture the complexities of urban stormwater systems.
→Urban areas often require more sophisticated modeling approaches, such
as hydrologic and hydraulic models, to accurately assess runoff and design
effective stormwater management systems.
→ The NRCS Curve Number approach can serve as a useful starting point but
should be used in conjunction with other methods and tools for
comprehensive urban hydrological analysis.
→ Here's a basic overview of how the NRCS Curve Number approach works
and how it can be applied in urban hydrology:
1. Curve Number (CN): The Curve Number is a dimensionless parameter that
represents the hydrological properties of a watershed, including land use, soil
type, and antecedent moisture conditions. It ranges from 30 to 100, where
lower values represent less runoff and higher values represent more runoff.
2. Hydrologic Soil Group: Soils are categorized into four hydrologic soil groups
(A, B, C, and D) based on their infiltration characteristics. In urban areas,
impervious surfaces like roads, sidewalks, and buildings significantly reduce
natural infiltration rates, leading to higher runoff. Therefore, a separate
hydrologic soil group may need to be assigned to impervious surfaces.
3. Land Use: Urban areas consist of a mix of land uses, such as residential,
commercial, industrial, and open spaces. Each land use type has a
corresponding Curve Number value. It's important to accurately determine
the percentage of each land use type within the watershed.
4. Antecedent Moisture Conditions: The NRCS method considers the
antecedent moisture conditions, which reflect the initial soil moisture content
before a rainfall event. In urban areas, these conditions can be influenced by
stormwater management practices, previous rainfall events, and the
presence of impervious surfaces.
5. Runoff Calculation: The NRCS Curve Number approach uses the CN value
along with the rainfall depth and the initial abstraction (which accounts for
interception, depression storage, and infiltration) to calculate direct runoff.
The SCS (Soil Conservation Service) runoff curve is used to determine the
runoff volume.
6. Modification for Urban Areas: In urban hydrology, modifications are often
needed to account for impervious areas, stormwater management
practices, and other urban-specific factors. The CN values for different land
uses may need adjustment to reflect the impacts of impervious surfaces.
Additionally, the initial abstraction values may need modification due to
altered infiltration rates.
→Runoff quantity in urban hydrology refers to the amount of rainwater or
stormwater that flows over the surface of urban areas and is not absorbed
into the ground.
→In natural, undeveloped areas, a significant portion of rainwater infiltrates
into the soil, gets absorbed by vegetation, and gradually recharges
→However, in urban environments where the land surface is covered by
impervious surfaces like roads, parking lots, and buildings, the ability of the
land to absorb water is reduced, leading to increased runoff.
→ Managing runoff quantity in urban areas is crucial for reducing flooding,
maintaining water quality, and promoting sustainable urban development.
→Several factors influence runoff quantity in urban hydrology:
1.Impervious Surfaces: The extent of impervious surfaces directly affects
runoff. More impervious surfaces mean less infiltration and more runoff.
2.Rainfall Intensity and Duration: The rate and duration of rainfall events
impact the runoff quantity. Intense rainfall over a short period can lead to
rapid runoff.
3.Land Use and Land Cover: Different types of land uses (residential,
commercial, industrial) have varying levels of imperviousness, vegetation,
and permeability, influencing runoff patterns.
4.Soil Characteristics: Soil type, compaction, and moisture content affect the
ability of water to infiltrate into the ground.
5. Topography: The slope and shape of the land influence the speed and
direction of runoff flow.
6.Drainage Infrastructure: The presence and effectiveness of stormwater
management systems, such as storm drains, retention ponds, and green
infrastructure, impact runoff quantity.

→Excessive runoff in urban areas can lead to various issues:

*Flooding: Insufficient drainage capacity can result in localized or
widespread flooding, causing property damage and disruption.
*Water Quality Degradation: Runoff can carry pollutants from streets, rooftops,
and other surfaces into water bodies, degrading water quality.
*Streambank Erosion: Increased runoff can lead to erosion of streambanks
and sedimentation of water bodies.

→To manage and mitigate runoff quantity in urban areas, various strategies
can be employed:
(a)Green Infrastructure: Implementing green spaces, permeable pavements,
rain gardens, and vegetated swales can help increase infiltration and reduce
(b)Retention and Detention Basins: Constructing retention ponds or basins
can temporarily store excess runoff during storms and release it gradually.
(c)Improved Drainage Systems: Upgrading stormwater infrastructure, such as
larger pipes and culverts, can help manage higher runoff volumes.
(d)Urban Planning: Careful land use planning and zoning regulations can
help control the extent of impervious surfaces.
(e)Educational Outreach: Public education campaigns can raise awareness
about the impacts of runoff and encourage responsible practices, such as
reducing impervious cover and minimizing pollution sources.

→Runoff quality in urban hydrology refers to the condition and characteristics
of stormwater runoff as it flows through urban areas.
→ Urbanization significantly alters the natural hydrological cycle by replacing
natural surfaces with impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings, and
→As a result, rainfall that would have been absorbed or evaporated in
natural environments now becomes surface runoff in urban areas.
→Runoff quality is a critical concern because as stormwater flows over
impervious surfaces, it can pick up various pollutants, contaminants, and
→ managing runoff quality is crucial for maintaining the health of urban
water bodies, protecting aquatic ecosystems, and ensuring the safety and
well-being of communities.

→ These pollutants can include:

1.Sediments: Soil erosion from construction sites, roads, and other disturbed
surfaces can lead to sediment-laden runoff. These sediments can clog
waterways, degrade aquatic habitats, and decrease water quality.
2. Nutrients: Fertilizers from lawns, gardens, and agricultural areas, as well as
organic matter, can contribute to excessive nutrient concentrations in runoff.
Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can lead to nutrient enrichment in
receiving waters, promoting the growth of harmful algae and negatively
impacting aquatic ecosystems.
3.Heavy Metals: Urban areas often contain elevated levels of heavy metals
such as lead, zinc, and copper due to vehicle emissions, industrial activities,
and aging infrastructure. These metals can be toxic to aquatic life and pose
risks to human health.
4.Petroleum Products: Oil, grease, and other pollutants from vehicles can be
washed into stormwater runoff, contributing to water pollution.
5.Chemicals: Various chemicals from industrial sites, urban activities, and
household products can be carried by runoff into water bodies, posing risks to
both aquatic ecosystems and human health.
6.Bacteria and Pathogens: Runoff can also carry bacteria and pathogens
from pet waste, failing septic systems, and other sources, which can
contaminate water bodies and pose public health risks.

→Efforts to manage runoff quality in urban hydrology include:

1.Green Infrastructure: Implementing green infrastructure practices such as
rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavements can help absorb and
filter runoff, reducing pollutant loads.
2. Best Management Practices (BMPs): These are strategies and techniques
aimed at reducing runoff and improving its quality. BMPs can include street
sweeping, detention ponds, and constructed wetlands.
3.Regulations and Policy: Local and regional regulations may require
developers and property owners to implement measures to control runoff
quality, such as using sediment control devices during construction.
4.Public Education: Raising awareness among residents about the impact of
their actions on runoff quality, such as proper disposal of waste and
responsible use of fertilizers, can contribute to improved water quality.
5.Monitoring and Research: Regular monitoring of runoff quality and its
impact on receiving waters helps inform management strategies and track
progress over time.
→Wastewater reuse in urban hydrology refers to the practice of treating and
repurposing wastewater for various non-potable uses within urban areas.
→ As water resources become scarcer and urban populations continue to
grow, wastewater reuse has gained importance as a sustainable water
management strategy.
→It offers several benefits, including conserving freshwater resources,
reducing pollution of natural water bodies, and enhancing overall urban
water resilience.
→ Wastewater reuse in urban hydrology is a complex and multidisciplinary
endeavor that requires collaboration between water agencies,
policymakers, engineers, and the public to ensure sustainable and safe water
management practices in urban areas.
→Key aspects and considerations of wastewater reuse in urban hydrology
1.Types of Wastewater Reuse:
→Direct Reuse: Treated wastewater is used directly for non-potable
applications such as landscape irrigation, industrial processes, and toilet
→Indirect Reuse: Treated wastewater is discharged into natural water
bodies (such as rivers or aquifers) and later extracted for various uses
→Environmental Buffering: Wastewater is released into natural systems, such
as wetlands or constructed wetlands, where it undergoes further treatment
and natural processes before being reused.
2.Treatment Processes:
→Wastewater undergoes treatment processes to remove contaminants
and pathogens before reuse.
→Common treatment steps include primary, secondary, and tertiary
treatment, which may involve physical, biological, and chemical processes.
3.Quality Standards and Monitoring:
→Regulatory agencies establish water quality standards to ensure the
safety of reused water. Monitoring and testing are crucial to verify that the
treated water meets these standards and is suitable for its intended use.
4.Infrastructure and Distribution:
→ Implementing wastewater reuse requires a distribution system to transport
the treated water from treatment plants to end-users. This infrastructure
includes pipes, pumps, storage tanks, and distribution networks.
→Water Conservation: Reusing wastewater reduces the demand for
freshwater sources, particularly for non-potable uses, thus preserving limited
freshwater resources.
→Drought Resilience: Wastewater reuse can provide a reliable water
source during droughts or water shortages.
→Energy Savings: Treating and reusing wastewater may require less energy
than treating freshwater sources.
→Nutrient Recycling: Reused wastewater can contain valuable nutrients for
agricultural or landscape use.
6.Challenges and Considerations:
→ Public Acceptance: Overcoming the stigma associated with wastewater
reuse and ensuring public acceptance is a challenge.
→Health and Environmental Concerns: Proper treatment and monitoring
are essential to mitigate health and environmental risks associated with
reclaimed water.
→ Infrastructure Costs: Establishing wastewater treatment and distribution
infrastructure can be expensive.
→Regulatory Framework: Developing and implementing regulations and
guidelines for wastewater reuse is crucial to ensure safe practices.
7.Case Studies:
→Examples of cities that have successfully implemented wastewater reuse
include Singapore, which has an extensive NEWater program, and Los
Angeles, where recycled water is used for landscape irrigation and industrial
→Stormwater reuse in urban hydrology refers to the practice of collecting,
treating, and utilizing stormwater runoff for various beneficial purposes rather
than allowing it to flow directly into storm drains, rivers, or other water bodies.
→This approach has gained prominence as a sustainable water
management strategy in urban areas, where rapid urbanization and
increasing impervious surfaces can lead to issues such as flooding, water
pollution, and reduced groundwater recharge.
→stormwater reuse in urban hydrology is a holistic approach that aims to
mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization on water resources by treating
and reusing stormwater for various beneficial purposes.
→ It contributes to more sustainable and resilient urban water management
while addressing water scarcity and pollution challenges.

→Stormwater reuse involves several key components and considerations:

1. Collection and Conveyance: Stormwater runoff is collected from rooftops,
roads, parking lots, and other surfaces through a system of catchment areas,
gutters, and pipes. The collected stormwater is then conveyed to treatment
and storage facilities.
2. Treatment: Stormwater may undergo various treatment processes to
remove pollutants, debris, and contaminants. Treatment methods can
include filtration, sedimentation, chemical treatment, and biological
processes to improve water quality and make it suitable for the intended
3. Storage and Distribution: Treated stormwater is stored in retention or
detention basins, underground storage tanks, or other storage systems. This
stored water can then be distributed for reuse purposes.
4. Reuse Applications: Reused stormwater can be utilized for a range of non-
potable (non-drinking) purposes, such as irrigation of parks, green spaces,
and urban landscapes, flushing toilets, industrial processes, and fire
protection systems. In some cases, treated stormwater can even be used for
groundwater recharge to replenish local aquifers.
5. Benefits: Stormwater reuse offers several benefits, including reduced
flooding and erosion, decreased demand on potable water supplies,
improved water quality in local water bodies, and enhanced resilience to
droughts. It also contributes to sustainable urban development and supports
ecosystem health.
6. Challenges: Implementing stormwater reuse systems requires overcoming
various challenges, including designing appropriate infrastructure, ensuring
reliable treatment processes, managing competing water demands,
addressing potential health and regulatory concerns, and engaging the
community in understanding and supporting the benefits of such systems.
7. Design and Planning: Successful stormwater reuse projects require careful
planning, site-specific design considerations, and integration with existing
urban infrastructure. This includes assessing local hydrological conditions,
determining appropriate treatment methods, sizing storage facilities, and
establishing efficient distribution networks.
8. Policy and Regulations: Local regulations, permits, and guidelines play a
crucial role in the implementation of stormwater reuse projects. Clear policies
can help facilitate the adoption of these systems and ensure compliance
with water quality and environmental standards.

→Urban hydrology deals with the study of water movement, distribution, and
management in urban areas.
→ It involves various systems and approaches to effectively manage
drainage and water-related challenges in cities.
→These systems and approaches are interconnected and need to be
integrated into urban planning and development to effectively manage
drainage and water-related challenges in cities.

→Here are some major systems and approaches in urban hydrology,

particularly focusing on drainage systems:
1.Stormwater Drainage Systems:
Stormwater drainage systems are designed to manage rainwater runoff
and prevent flooding in urban areas. These systems include various
components such as:
→Storm Drains: Underground pipes that collect and convey stormwater
from streets, rooftops, and other impervious surfaces to designated discharge
→Culverts: Large pipes or structures that allow water to flow under roads,
railways, or other transportation infrastructure.
→Retention/Detention Basins: Designed to temporarily store excess
stormwater, allowing it to slowly infiltrate or be released at a controlled rate.
2.Green Infrastructure:
Green infrastructure involves incorporating natural and vegetative
elements into urban planning to manage stormwater and reduce runoff.
Examples include:
→Green Roofs: Vegetated roof systems that capture and absorb rainwater,
reducing runoff and providing insulation benefits.
→Permeable Pavements: Porous surfaces that allow water to infiltrate,
reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge.
→ Bioretention Swales: Vegetated channels that help filter and treat
stormwater before it enters conventional drainage systems.
3.Floodplain Management:
Proper management of floodplains is essential to mitigate flood risks in
urban areas. Approaches include:
→Floodplain Zoning: Restricting certain types of development in flood-
prone areas to minimize property damage and protect natural flood storage
→Levees and Flood Walls: Physical barriers constructed to prevent
floodwaters from inundating urban areas.
4.Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM):
→IUWM is a holistic approach that considers the entire urban water cycle,
including drinking water supply, wastewater management, and stormwater
control. It promotes efficient use and conservation of water resources while
minimizing negative environmental impacts.
5.Real-time Monitoring and Smart Technologies:
→Modern urban hydrology integrates real-time monitoring and advanced
technologies to improve drainage system performance. This includes the use
of sensors, data analytics, and predictive models to manage stormwater in
real-time and respond to changing conditions.
6.Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS):
→SUDS focus on mimicking natural water management processes to
reduce the impact of urban development on drainage systems. It includes
features like swales, ponds, and infiltration devices to manage stormwater in
a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
7.Computer Modeling and Simulation:
→Hydrological modeling and simulation tools help urban planners and
engineers predict how drainage systems will respond to different conditions,
enabling informed decision-making and design optimization.
8.Public Awareness and Education:
→Educating the public about responsible water use, flood risks, and the
importance of proper waste disposal can help reduce the strain on drainage
systems and improve overall urban hydrology.

→Minor systems in urban hydrology refer to the smaller-scale components
and features within a city's drainage system that help manage stormwater
runoff and prevent flooding.
→These minor systems work in conjunction with major drainage systems to
efficiently manage the flow of rainwater and prevent inundation of urban
→Minor systems play a crucial role in urban hydrology by complementing
major drainage systems and helping to manage stormwater runoff
effectively. They contribute to flood prevention, water quality improvement,
and sustainable urban development.
→Here are some common examples of minor systems in urban hydrology:
1.Culverts: Culverts are structures that allow water to flow under roads,
driveways, or other transportation infrastructure. They help maintain the
continuity of watercourses and prevent localized flooding by directing water
away from urban areas.
2.Catch Basins and Inlets: Catch basins (also known as storm drains) and
inlets are designed to collect surface water from streets, sidewalks, and other
paved surfaces and direct it into the drainage system. They often have
grates or screens to prevent debris from entering the system and causing
3.Gutter Systems: Gutters are channels along the edges of streets and roofs
that collect and channel rainwater towards the drainage system. They
prevent water from pooling on roadways and roofs, which could lead to
flooding and structural damage.
4.Green Infrastructure: This refers to the use of natural or engineered
vegetation (such as bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavement) to
manage stormwater. These features help slow down and absorb rainwater,
reducing the overall load on the drainage system and promoting
groundwater recharge.
5.Detention and Retention Basins: These are designed to temporarily hold and
manage excess stormwater runoff. Detention basins are intended to control
the rate of discharge into the drainage system, while retention basins
permanently store water and often include wetlands or other ecological
6.Sumps and Pumping Stations: In low-lying areas prone to flooding, sumps
and pumping stations are used to collect and remove excess water from the
urban environment. Pumping stations help lift water to a higher elevation
where it can be safely discharged.
7.Swales: Swales are shallow, vegetated channels that help direct and slow
down stormwater runoff, allowing it to infiltrate into the ground. They are
often used in combination with other green infrastructure practices.
8.Check Dams: Check dams are small structures placed within a watercourse
to slow down the flow of water and reduce erosion. They can help control
the movement of sediment and debris, preventing blockages downstream.
9.Overflow Routes: Designing overflow routes or relief channels helps divert
excess water away from populated areas during heavy rainfall events,
reducing the risk of flooding in urban zones.
10.Permeable Pavement: Permeable or porous pavement allows rainwater to
infiltrate through the surface, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater

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