Urban Hydrology Unit-II
Urban Hydrology Unit-II
Urban Hydrology Unit-II
→Time of Concentration (Tc) is a critical parameter in urban hydrology that
plays a significant role in designing stormwater management systems and
assessing flood risks.
→, Time of Concentration is a vital parameter in urban hydrology that
influences stormwater runoff patterns, flooding risks, and the design of
drainage systems.
→Accurate estimation of Tc helps urban planners and engineers develop
effective strategies for managing stormwater and minimizing the impact of
heavy rainfall events.
→ Here are 10 key points about Time of Concentration:
1. Definition: Time of Concentration (Tc) refers to the time it takes for rainfall to
flow from the hydraulically most distant point of a watershed to a specific
point of interest, typically a drainage outlet or a collection point.
2. Importance: Tc is crucial in determining the peak flow rate and volume of
stormwater runoff during a rainfall event, which is essential for designing
effective drainage systems and controlling flooding in urban areas.
3. Factors Affecting Tc: Tc is influenced by various factors, including the size
and shape of the watershed, land use patterns, surface roughness, slope of
the land, and drainage network characteristics.
4. Calculation Methods: Several methods are used to estimate Tc, including
empirical equations, analytical models, and hydrological modeling software.
Common methods include the Rational Method, Snyder's Method, and the
Kirpich Equation.
5. Rational Method: The Rational Method is a widely used and simplified
approach to estimate Tc by considering the time it takes for rainfall to reach
a collection point via overland flow, using the formula Tc = L / i, where L is the
flow path length and i is the average rainfall intensity.
6. Snyder's Method: This method uses the concept of travel time distribution to
estimate Tc. It divides the watershed into segments and calculates time
delays for different flow paths based on watershed characteristics.
7. Kinematic Wave Theory: Kinematic wave routing is another approach that
simulates the movement of water through a drainage network over time,
considering the effects of inertia and friction. This method is more complex
and requires detailed hydrologic modeling.
8. Hydraulic Design: Knowledge of Tc is essential for designing stormwater
management infrastructure, such as storm sewers, culverts, detention basins,
and retention ponds, to effectively control and manage runoff during storms.
9. Urbanization Impact: As urban areas develop, land surfaces become more
impervious due to increased pavement and buildings. This reduces Tc,
causing faster and higher peak flows, leading to increased flood risks and
potential damage to infrastructure.
10. Local Variability: Tc can vary significantly within an urban area due to
variations in topography, land use, and drainage patterns. Proper
consideration of these local variations is crucial for accurate hydrological
modeling and infrastructure design.
→To manage and mitigate runoff quantity in urban areas, various strategies
can be employed:
(a)Green Infrastructure: Implementing green spaces, permeable pavements,
rain gardens, and vegetated swales can help increase infiltration and reduce
(b)Retention and Detention Basins: Constructing retention ponds or basins
can temporarily store excess runoff during storms and release it gradually.
(c)Improved Drainage Systems: Upgrading stormwater infrastructure, such as
larger pipes and culverts, can help manage higher runoff volumes.
(d)Urban Planning: Careful land use planning and zoning regulations can
help control the extent of impervious surfaces.
(e)Educational Outreach: Public education campaigns can raise awareness
about the impacts of runoff and encourage responsible practices, such as
reducing impervious cover and minimizing pollution sources.
→Runoff quality in urban hydrology refers to the condition and characteristics
of stormwater runoff as it flows through urban areas.
→ Urbanization significantly alters the natural hydrological cycle by replacing
natural surfaces with impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings, and
→As a result, rainfall that would have been absorbed or evaporated in
natural environments now becomes surface runoff in urban areas.
→Runoff quality is a critical concern because as stormwater flows over
impervious surfaces, it can pick up various pollutants, contaminants, and
→ managing runoff quality is crucial for maintaining the health of urban
water bodies, protecting aquatic ecosystems, and ensuring the safety and
well-being of communities.
→Urban hydrology deals with the study of water movement, distribution, and
management in urban areas.
→ It involves various systems and approaches to effectively manage
drainage and water-related challenges in cities.
→These systems and approaches are interconnected and need to be
integrated into urban planning and development to effectively manage
drainage and water-related challenges in cities.
→Minor systems in urban hydrology refer to the smaller-scale components
and features within a city's drainage system that help manage stormwater
runoff and prevent flooding.
→These minor systems work in conjunction with major drainage systems to
efficiently manage the flow of rainwater and prevent inundation of urban
→Minor systems play a crucial role in urban hydrology by complementing
major drainage systems and helping to manage stormwater runoff
effectively. They contribute to flood prevention, water quality improvement,
and sustainable urban development.
→Here are some common examples of minor systems in urban hydrology:
1.Culverts: Culverts are structures that allow water to flow under roads,
driveways, or other transportation infrastructure. They help maintain the
continuity of watercourses and prevent localized flooding by directing water
away from urban areas.
2.Catch Basins and Inlets: Catch basins (also known as storm drains) and
inlets are designed to collect surface water from streets, sidewalks, and other
paved surfaces and direct it into the drainage system. They often have
grates or screens to prevent debris from entering the system and causing
3.Gutter Systems: Gutters are channels along the edges of streets and roofs
that collect and channel rainwater towards the drainage system. They
prevent water from pooling on roadways and roofs, which could lead to
flooding and structural damage.
4.Green Infrastructure: This refers to the use of natural or engineered
vegetation (such as bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavement) to
manage stormwater. These features help slow down and absorb rainwater,
reducing the overall load on the drainage system and promoting
groundwater recharge.
5.Detention and Retention Basins: These are designed to temporarily hold and
manage excess stormwater runoff. Detention basins are intended to control
the rate of discharge into the drainage system, while retention basins
permanently store water and often include wetlands or other ecological
6.Sumps and Pumping Stations: In low-lying areas prone to flooding, sumps
and pumping stations are used to collect and remove excess water from the
urban environment. Pumping stations help lift water to a higher elevation
where it can be safely discharged.
7.Swales: Swales are shallow, vegetated channels that help direct and slow
down stormwater runoff, allowing it to infiltrate into the ground. They are
often used in combination with other green infrastructure practices.
8.Check Dams: Check dams are small structures placed within a watercourse
to slow down the flow of water and reduce erosion. They can help control
the movement of sediment and debris, preventing blockages downstream.
9.Overflow Routes: Designing overflow routes or relief channels helps divert
excess water away from populated areas during heavy rainfall events,
reducing the risk of flooding in urban zones.
10.Permeable Pavement: Permeable or porous pavement allows rainwater to
infiltrate through the surface, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater