End Times

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END TIMES – script

Many of you have perhaps noticed, looking at the geopolitics of this Dunya, looking at the
events that have been happening. In Philistines, looking at the Uyghurs, looking in Sudan,
they are being massacred. They are put into apartheid style regimes, put into concentration
camps. They are removed from their families. Their children, their women are killed.

Their honours are attacked. All of our honours have been attacked, brothers and sisters, and
we have been labelled as extremists. Let's take a look, and let's really understand why this has
happened, and why it is more important now than ever before that you are not only aware, but
that you are ready. So why is this happening? All you have to do is listen to Ben Shapiro or
Sam Harris, or any of these so-called intellectuals.

Even Jordan Peterson, sadly, has fallen into this camp. If you listen to any of these pseudo or
supposed intellectuals, you will hear the same nonsense rhetoric. They claim that Muslims are
radical. They claim that Muslims are a threat because we want to follow our religion. But if
we look at the facts, what do they actually reveal?

Over the last 20 years, since the beginning of the so called War on Terror, over 5,000,000
Muslims, mostly women and children have been killed. Multiple Muslim countries have been
invaded, and ironically, all of the wars in the last 20 years, what proportion of those have
been on Muslim countries, brothers and sisters? The vast majority. And how many of those
were actually justifiable because of so called terrorism? The answer is none.

They were all built on a pack of lies. Muslims have been executed and killed en masse
through bombing, starvation. Refugees over 40,000,000 have been created. And the truth is
brothers and sisters, we have not seen the scale of destruction like this since World War II.
SubhanAllah, even in World War II, The bombing of civilian infrastructure Blind carpet
bombing did not equal the destruction that we are seeing now in Gaza.

That's right brothers and sisters. Even with the Nazi extermination of Jews in Auschwitz, they
did not kill people as quickly as the Israelis are killing people in Gaza right now. Let that sink
in. The true radicals are the Kuffar. They consistently put in economic and political puppets
into the places of rulers for the Muslim countries Anytime that there is a real lion of Allah,
they kill him or remove him Anytime that there is a scholar who speaks out, he is made to be
silenced or he is put in jail Anyone who doesn't follow the program gets kicked out or
persecuted And now, we live under tyrants and cowards who follow the way of the Kuffar
and openly speak about this.
For anyone who has any dispute with what I am saying, sadly, many of the members of our
Ummah are brainwashed and do not understand the truth, if you really want to know the
truth, look up just a little bit of evidence, and you don't have to look very far Look up the CJ
Werleman show Look up a few of the details from Muslim skeptic. And these are not things
that are faked, it's not from one particular speaker, like for example, Sami, who has many,
many marks against him because of what he said against the Nabi Many people have used
this to completely eliminate the truth of what he has said. Many people also rail against the
Muslim skeptic because of the problems with his manners and with the way that he
approaches things. However, what you cannot refute is looking at what's happening in our
world today, looking at the damning evidence against the so called Muslim rulers, the video
evidence of them claiming that Sharia is not the best way to rule, claiming that international
law is supreme, claiming that they want to be the best friends of the United States. Watching
how over the last generations, they have not come to the aid of their Muslim brothers and
sisters, despite having the weaponry and the ability and the wealth to do so It has become
very clear that the extremist ideology of the Western Kufar has infiltrated its way into the
Muslim world, into our rulers, into our institutions, and to this very day and age, if you see
someone who's a niqabi, if you see someone who has a large beard and lives in a traditional
way and is very religious, they are feared now even by the Muslims.

This kind of racism and anti-religious sentiment has been spread by the Kufar and has started
with them, when the reality is, very very few people, and in fact mostly Muslims have been
killed by terrorist organizations such as ISIS and others of their ilk, other Khawarij like them.
And the Muslims almost uniformly reject these organizations. It is the Kufar who are
welcomed in countries like Saudi and Kuwait and Dubai and other places like this. The
people who are given special privileges and special passports and who are paid the most and
treated the best. It is these people Who have been the most dangerous who have destroyed
more countries and more lives around the world than any other group of people in the last 20
years alone. Not to mention the last century of destruction that their industrialism, their
military industrial complex, their western secular nonsense has spread all over this world.
Everything that they do is designed to destroy the Muslim ummah and to slowly weaken the
Muslims and our leadership and our structures.

And so, what is it that's coming next? What is it that we can really do? Well, for those who
have been studying their Deen, you will notice that every single minor sign of the end times
has been fulfilled. Every single one without exception. All that we're waiting for is the
opening of the major signs.

One of those major signs will be the drawing of a certain river, which I would like for you to
research now at this time. You can write it down in the comments which river that is, and
which country it is located in. We're also waiting for the discovery of gold in a particular
country And if you can write that one down in the comments as well below, we would
appreciate that Once those two signs open, it is expected that there will be a tremendous war
between the Muslims and the Kufar and that there will be such a destruction on the world that
99 out of every 100 men will be killed. This is a very interesting and strange thing,
considering that this recent round of vaccinations, as most people are finding out now, too
late, disproportionately affects the health of men. And so, we're waiting to see the results of
all of this.

After it's only been a few years, we see that there's been a tremendous amount of death and
destruction, even amongst the kuffar, from this forced vaccination program. So, subhanallah,
it's a very strange time to be alive right now, brothers and sisters. A crazy time, in fact. So,
what can we do? Well, we definitely can't rely on the Muslim rulers, and sadly, many of the
scholars, who give fatwa according to what the ruler desires, can also not really fully be
trusted anymore.

What the scholars said, and is very true, is that you should follow someone who has already
died because they are free from fitnah. Only the dead are free from fitnah. And so, in this
way, we follow some of the older scholars, the great scholars, such as, sheikh al Islam ibn
Taymiyyah, or for many, Salahuddin al Ayyub, who was a warrior and a scholar and a leader.
There are many such warrior Imams, who we will detail in the coming series, of people who
we can model ourselves and our sons like so that we can create strong Islamic masculinity.
The way forward, brothers and sisters, is not to wait.

Waiting is a great way to become a victim and to get yourself killed. When people go out on
patrol, they don't wait for the enemy. When they're waiting, that's when they get attacked.
That's when they get ambushed. That's when people get killed.

You go out with an active mindset. You are seeking something. You are seeking your mission.
You are seeking your victory. You are seeking resources.

In a similar way, we are not sitting ducks though we are surrounded by enemies on every
side. Not people who we made enemies, not people who we have any problem with. Muslims
have always been tolerant and have lived for generations in tolerance. Our Khalifa’s in the
past are perfect models of this beautiful tolerance where Jews were openly welcomed, where
even Christians were able to live freely, where the sciences prospered, and where we didn't
have the kind of mass war and genocide that we see coming from the society of the Kufar,
who are now in charge of this dunya. No, we didn't make them into our enemies.

They have chosen to be our enemies. They have chosen to persecute you, to put you into a
branch of extremism that they belong in, and they have decided to ethnically cleanse you
from land that they believe is theirs, even if they have no right to it at all. It is by their
decision that now we have to prepare ourselves brothers and sisters. We cannot pretend
anymore that we are going to just continue to walk off of this cliff to follow our leaders and
those who tell us to simply obey, to simply remove our religion from the equation, to simply
remove the hijab, to simply cut off your beard, to simply be like everybody else. That is to
lose our religion.

That is to become like the Jews, like the Christians who have lost their true religion. And in
fact, we can say that even those who are truly following their religion, like the Jews, sadly,
they are opposite to us, brothers, and sisters. Their religion actually calls for genocide. It
actually calls for horrific war crimes against women, and children, and babies, and non-
combatants, and these are things that are prohibited in Islam. So even amongst those who
claim to be the most religious of the Jews and the Christians, the Muslims will always be
better, we will always be more ethical, and we will always be kinder and have a system of
laws that are in place that we are supposed to follow.

And when we follow them, we will again rise up and that is why they are trying to stop us
brothers and sisters. That is why they hate us. And not only that, but they are also trying to
bring out Al Masih Ad Dajjal. For those Muslims who do not know, you sincerely need to
learn more about Al Masih Ad Dajjal because this is the greatest trial that the Muslim Ummah
will face, And the Jews have openly said that they are trying to prepare for him to come out.
They believe that he is the true Messiah, but we know that he is the false Messiah.

They have already predicted that he will come out when they take Masjid Al Aqsa and when
they destroy it and rebuild the temple on top of it. And that is what they are trying to do right
now, when they are taking steps in so called cleansing of Gaza, and then they will move into
so called cleansing of Rafah. What do you think that cleansing means? It means to imply that
Muslims are dirty, that we are supposed to be removed from the land. Brothers and sisters, if
you're still listening, and you've reached the end of this message, then please share this
message with other Muslims who need to hear it.

We need to prepare, brothers and sisters. Everywhere, everywhere that you are, tell us about
the persecution that you are facing. This is essentially exactly what happened to the Jews
before the Nazi extermination of them. They were othered, they were watched, they were
made to seem like the problem, they were made to seem like they had no good qualities, they
were dehumanized, They had Brown Shirts come in and attack Muslims with impunity, with
police backing, which is exactly what we see in Israel with the settlers, and exactly what we
see in India now with the Hindutva and these extremist morons who are making up their own
version of history, and who are now turning all of the Hindus into a radical mob who are
ready to kill Muslims, do you think that this is not what's going to happen in your countries as
well? The Western governments are openly supporting genocide and hiding it in broad
daylight, denying it to our faces.
How long do you think this is until it comes to your home? Brothers and sisters, this is the
time to prepare, and to stop living under a rock and pretending like this is going to go away.
We are divided more than ever before, and we cannot make a stand against this enemy. What
we can do is we can prepare ourselves. So how do we prepare?

Well, brothers and sisters, one of the best ways to prepare, aside from learning your Deen,
from memorizing as much of the Quran as possible, from studying in a student of knowledge
program, from learning what the most important aspects of Islam are, like Tazqiyah, like
Tadabur of the Quran, like learning to pray properly and with khushoo, like learning to gain
Iman and what that means, like removing yourself from the major sins, like getting yourself
around other Muslims who are similarly minded, such as those here on Brave Deen. Aside
from all of those things, you need to prepare yourself physically. Consider hijrah to a country
that you feel is safer than the others, where at least you will have some form of protection
within its territorial borders. Some countries are known to sell out their citizens, like Saudi
Arabia and the Emirates, where they're basically falling over themselves to bow at the feet of
the Americans and to do anything that they want, including sending them their own people, or
sending them people who make hijrah there, supposedly in safety. But if the Americans want
them, they'll be happy to scoop them up and send them over to Uncle Sam.

You don't want to be there, brothers and sisters. You should move to countries where they
have some dignity and they actually have some pride, where, despite the secular agenda that's
forcing different rules and secular rules down all of the Muslim rulers' throats, and all of the
different Muslims' throats, despite the fact that people are rapidly losing their religion, there
still are places that are safe and where people are well mannered. Places like Indonesia, or
even Malaysia, where people can be extremely polite, extremely kind and patient, where it's
mostly safe, they don't have the kind of instability that the Kufar are creating in the Middle
East, because it's very close to China and the kuffar do not have as much reach into countries
like Indonesia and Malaysia. Despite the fact that there are many problems in these countries,
they have some dignity. For example, many Indians have moved to Indonesia, and despite the
Hindutva extremists trying to take them back to India simply to persecute them and harm
them because they couldn't stand the idea of a Muslim leaving India to be happy, I mean,
what kind of backwardness is this, subhanAllah?

Just let them go. Let them be. You want Muslims out of your country? At least let them leave.
They wanted to take them back and continue to punish them.

This is the kind of evil that we're dealing with brothers and sisters. To come back to my point,
the Indonesian government prevented the Indians from taking back this Indian citizen. They
protected him so that he could stay here and continue as a Muslim. And after I learned about
this, I had tremendous respect for the Indonesian government. Furthermore, they deeply
support Palestine.
They're very good and kind and simple hearted people, and this is one of the things that is the
most beautiful to be around. And so I deeply encourage you, brothers and sisters, to consider
moving to the Far East, and to not consider the Middle East, which is sadly, ruined. The adab
and the culture of the Arabs is all but lost. And as we can see, even our most holy religious
sites are being pulled apart from the inside, being commercialist, being turned essentially into
a joke. SubhanAllah, for the Holy Land, the land of Tawhid, to host a Halloween event, To
host a concert on the day of an invasion of another Muslim country?

To host Kufar warplanes that fly over their airspace? To bomb Muslims? What kind of
nonsense is this? And how can any Muslim tolerate this without his blood boiling? How can
anyone with a backbone not call this out for exactly what it is?

For everyone who wants to hide their head in the sand you go ahead and continue to do that
You're irrelevant anyways because you've essentially taken yourself completely out of the
equation. You're just waiting for the time when the rulers will tell you to go and join the
armies of the Kufar, and you will join them in that too as well. And the Nabi sallalahu alaihi
wasalam has something to say about each and every one of you as well. And he said that
there will come a time when there will be despotic and evil rulers. A time when they will be
like shayateen, shayateen, but they will be in the bodies of men, and you will have to obey
them in what is halal. But you cannot obey them in what is Haram, and there will be those of
you who support them in what is Haram, there will be those of you who support them in what
is evil, and who make it seem right, and you will be punished alongside them. You will be
punished alongside them.

So, consider this very carefully brothers and sisters, and do note, for those who are going to
look for the Hadith that I mentioned, it is actually a compilation of 3 Hadiths on the same
subject. One hadith is specifically on the subject of the rulers and that there will be rulers
with the hearts of Shayateen in the bodies of men that will whip your backs and steal your
wealth, and still, you will have to obey them. And then another hadith further clarifies this
and says that when there comes the time of the tyrannical rulers, you obey them in what is
halal, but you do not obey them in what is impermissible, which is further supported actually
by many other hadiths on that same topic, you do not obey people in what is haram, you must
obey Allah first. And then the 3rd hadith that I wanted to mention on this particular topic is
speaking about the Fahisha and the evil of the rulers, and those that support them in it and do
not call out their evil because when you make public mistakes and you publicly say this about
Islam, like we don't need to live by Sharia, like we put international law first, like Sharia is
backwards, audhubillah, when people say open kufr akbar like this, and you don't correct it
openly, then that means you are complicit in it.

And even if you were to just stop at not saying anything, perhaps you would be forgiven
because maybe you would be killed if you would say something. So maybe people would
understand that you don't say anything. But when you actually have the gall to go out and
support the ruler in these things, to give fatwa, supporting this person who is clearly
dismantling Islam, and to pretend like this is actually part of Islam, what's happening? You,
you are putting yourself in the category that is extremely dangerous and extremely similar to
those of the Munafiqun. So, may Allah protect us from that, and may it protect us from
following people who clearly have set themselves on the wrong path.

May Allah instead set us on the path of guidance, and set us to prepare, to prepare our
finances, to prepare our wealth, to prepare our families for the time when we can escape these
bad places that we are in, where we can remove ourselves from the West, and where we can
start to compile ourselves and to collect ourselves in places that are actually open to us, will
protect us, and will actually uphold Islam and uphold the Sharia, Insha'Allah. Brothers and
sisters, if you found this message to be important, or to be helpful, or to grant some kind of
perspective, then please share this message with others as well.

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