G6 - May 15 - Worksheet

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Revision Worksheet

NAME: __________________________________ Subject : COMPUTING

1.Explain the difference between a while loop and a for loop in programming.

2.What is a program?



3.What do you mean by conditional structure? Give one example.




4.Give 3 examples of relational operators.




5.What is

a. Counter Loop - ---------------------------------------------------------------------

b. Conditional Loop - ------------------------------------------------------------------


6.Write the first line of for loop that repeats 100 times.



7.Find the errors:

a. for i range(100)- ________________________________________________________________

b. for i in (100)- _________________________________________________________________

c. if a>b - ________________________________________________________________________

d. WHILE(a>100) - ________________________________________________________________

8. What is

a. Syntax Error - _____________________________________________________________


b. Logical Error -_____________________________________________________________



a.Compiler -_____________________________________________________________


b.Interpreter - _____________________________________________________________


10.What is the role of language translator .



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