Justin CHRISTOFLEAU - Electroculture Book Amp Patents

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Justin CHRISTOFLEAU -- Electroculture book & patents


by Justin Christofleau

Electromagnetic Fertilisator
FR 829789

For soon 20 years when electroculture is extended from the laboratory to enter the
practice, the results obtained each year since this epoch, have shown the triumphal
running of this large progress.

The purpose of the apparatus represented here is a larger power of collecting of the
electromagnetic forces of the nature, so that used with the fertilization of the ground, the
results obtained in electroculture are further increased.

The shape of execution of the object of the invention was given as example in the
annexed drawings which show: . 1, a view in end of the apparatus South side; . 2, a view
in elevation; . 3, a plan view.

In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same portions always. The
apparatus is consisted a cast iron A part, in the shape of elongated, supporting magnet
on its walls a certain number of fins C. It is finished Sud side in the shape of tip B, this to
facilitate the collecting of the terrestrial magnetism moving the South one with the North
one always. The fins come from cast iron with the body of the apparatus. At the base of
the apparatus, between the 2 poles of part A in form of magnet, pass a metal ranging D,
maintained at an equal distance from the 2 poles of the magnet, by an insulating part E,
held by small bars I coming of cast iron with the body of the apparatus. - This metal
ranging follows the apparatus in all its length and is bent; to pass in an opening G, spared
in the flange of the apparatus where it is bolted.

The operation of the apparatus is the following one: The apparatus is hidden in the earth
with one depth such as it cannot be reached more by the passage of the ploughing
implements. It is rigorously directed magnetic SudNord, the tip B with South, in order to
collect the magnetic currents which move the South one to the North one. As soon
covered with earth, the negative electricity whose sphere is loaded precipitates on the
apparatus. The fins C are used then as antennas to attract the electricity of the earth to
mass A and as the experiment showed that the larger the contact of the apparatus with
the earth was, larger was its capacity of collecting, the fins are thus surfaces intended to
increase the contact of the apparatus with the earth.

They play also another role. When a soft iron bar is placed in the direction of the needle
of the compass, it is as soon traversed by a current. All the fins being on the apparatus
are thus traversed by this current which comes to already join the body of the loaded
apparatus of the negative electricity of the ground. Mass A thus becomes a formidable
loaded magnet of negative electricity of the earth. When the apparatus is in place, the two
poles into low, one of the fins is placed on the top of the apparatus aiming at the vertical
currents of the atmosphere which are attracted by induction with the formed mass by the
apparatus. The purpose of the fins which are in the East and the West of the apparatus
are collecting of the earth currents. So that the circuit is not closed between the 2 poles of
the apparatus, a metal ranging D, pass between these 2 poles, maintained by an
insulating part E, collects of it the energy and brings it to the head of the apparatus Nord
side, where it taken and is bolted in an opening G, in such way that all the negative of
earth and positive energy of the atmosphere, being able to be collected by the apparatus,
arrives at the end of the stem D from where it escapes from the apparatus by a driver H
which will distribute it in the cultivated basement.
The forms, dimensions and materials employed for the construction of the apparatus
susdécrit, can vary without changing into anything the object of the invention.


Apparatus of electroculture

Present invention relates to an appa reil of electroculture entirely subterranean, the
purpose of which is collecting the currents élec cudgels of the ground and a small amount
of électri quoted static.

[Sorts the shape of execution of the object of in vention was represented, as example, in
the annexed drawings which show: . 1 one transfers in elevation of the apparatus, . 2
naked view out of longitudinal cut, . 3 a view cry plane, . #l. a view cry crosses following X
there of . 1, . U a view cry plane of the apparatus in operating position under the earth
with fate network (the son distributors.

The body of the apparatus is formed by a mass of magnetic metal A in the iron shape
with< B> U,< /B> finished south side by a tip B intended for the collecting of the currents
diri giant of south for north magnetic.

In order to collect the earth currents moving in general East-West and sometimes West-
east, a magnetic metal plate C supporting on each side of the frayed teeth, is attached on
the top of the apparatus, such way that all the currents of the earth will be easily collected
by the teeth of this plate. The plate is also finished south side by a very frayed tail,
intended with, to increase the capacity of collecting of the similar ap of the currents
moving the south one with north magnetic.

The apparatus door on the top a series of frayed D, attached tips in the mass. North side,
the apparatus ends in a way of nose E supporting a small opening intended to receive a
bolt F to fix at the apparatus the wire network distributors G of the forces electrical

In order to give a perfect contact between conducting wire forming the network, of the
clamping pieces H in two parts in me tal magnetic; are clamped highly using bolts by
imprisoning wire in suitable grooves. The wire constituting the subterranean network are
placed, as well as the apparatus, in the direction of the needle of the compass.


New apparatus of electroculture

After exposed electricity of the nature, and especially since the biologists showed us that
the ground was something of living, of many seekers thought of increasing the microbial
life of the ground, while attracting, on the part where one wished to increase the
vegetation, the electricity of the nature, source of life of all that lives on the earth, knowing
that where the electricity would be attracted and concentrated, there would be more life,
consequently an increase of the vegetation and also an increase of the biological qualities
of this vegetation.

To arrive at this purpose. one built amount of slight apparatuses which had, to collect the
electricity, to be placed on a mast raised with a certain height above the ground. But the
presence of these masts in the cultivated earths, obstructed the ploughings considerably;
in the pastures, they were inverted by cattle; and near the dwellings they harmed
aesthetic of the properties. Moreover, the apparatuses raised in space, while bringing to
the ground a large static quantity of electricity, increased it is true in considerable
proportions the quality of the products and also the amount of the crops, but daN, S
certain cases, for example for cereals the static electricity increasing the development of
vegetal especially, it arrived that those, because of their size were subjects with pours.

The purpose of the present invention, concerning an apparatus entirely subterranean, is

curing especially this disadvantage by removing the expensive and disgracieux masts
initially, and into decreasing the collecting of the static electricity of the air, to take a larger
amount of the currents of the earth concurrent to the increase of the crops in amount and
quality, but not in the gigantic face; consequently removing by there the causes of pours.

In a word, the purpose of the apparatus is increasing the crops as well in amount as in
quality, but by a method which approaches more the nature, that when one will only seek
the electricity with a certain height above the ground.

The shape of execution of the object of the invention was represented, as example, in the
annexed drawings which show: . 1, a view in elevation of the apparatus; . 2, a view out of
longitudinal cut; . 3, a plan view; . 4, a view out of cut following X there; . 5, a plan view of
the apparatus in function under the earth with its wire distributors network.

In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same portions always.

The body of the apparatus is formed by a mass of magnetic metal A in the iron shape
with U, finished with dimensions south by a tip B intended for the magnetic collecting of
the currents moving south-north. The shape out of U is intended to reinforce these
currents crossing the apparatus.

In order to collect the earth currents moving in general East-West and sometimes west-
east, a magnetic metal plate C supporting on each side of the frayed teeth, is attached on
the top of the apparatus, such way that all the currents of the earth attracted with the
apparatus by its mass, will be easily collected by the teeth of this plate. The plate is also
finished, south side, by a very frayed tail intended to increase the capacity of collecting of
apparatus of the currents moving south-north magnetic.

The apparatus door on the top a series of frayed tips D attached in the mass, intended to
collect by induction through the layer of earth which covers them, a small amount of
positive electricity of the atmosphere.
North side, the apparatus ends in a way of nose E supporting a small opening intended to
receive a bolt F to fix at the apparatus the wire network distributors G of the electrical
forces collected.

In order to give a perfect contact between conducting wire forming the network, a double
small part H in magnetic metal is clamped highly, using a bolt, one against the other,
imprisoning the end of wire in a suitable groove.

The wire constituting the subterranean network being placed as well as the apparatus, in
the direction of the needle of the compass, are traversed by the terrestrial magnetism,
under the terms of the quite known phenomenon, that if one place a bar of soft iron in the
direction of the needle of the compass, this bar is immediately traversed by the magnetic
current moving south-north and àcquiert immediately two poles.
This network thus made up would be already capable to retain with the passage a large
amount of the negative earth currents moving East-West and sometimes ouestest, very
favourable with the vegetation, but as it will receive the small amount of positive electricity
collected by induction by the apparatus and thrust in the network by the terrestrial
magnetism, the positive electricity which will be thus distributed in the network will attract
there more and will retain there a large part of the earth currents; what will have as

consequence that the earth part where this network will function, will have accumulated
the arable layer on a formed magnetic field by the negative electricity of the ground and
the positive electricity of the atmosphere, there by the apparatus and the network.

In addition, in the vegetal ones which will be on this terrane and which is used already
usually as drivers between the positive electricity of the atmosphere and that negative of
the earth, to and from of these two electricities will be increased in considerable
proportions and vitality will be increased in the proportions where this exchange of the
two electricities already making will be increased live all that lives on the earth. In a word,
the subterranean apparatus and its network, support and increase the play of the
electrical forces of the nature chairing already the life of vegetal not subjected to the
action of the apparatuses.

Moreover, as the electricity of the nature is the source of life of all that lives on the earth;
the concentration of the natural electricity in the cultivated basement will develop to with it
the microbial life absolutely necessary with the life of vegetal and their good health.

The forms, dimensions, details and materials employed for the construction of the
apparatus know-described, can vary without changing into anything the object of the


Protective electromagnet for young plants

The present invention has as an object an apparatus intended to protect the young plants
against the slugs and snails which devour them. Moreover, this apparatus forming frame,
makes it possible if it is wished, to sow earth seeds full and to obtain a larger speed of
germination than in the ordinary frames and to avoid being obliged to replant the plant
which, thus, shoot where it raised. This apparatus allows moreover a faster growth of the

The shape of execution of the object of the invention was represented as example in the
annexed drawings which show: . 1 a view out of cut of following apparatus AB. . a plan
view of the apparatus. In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same
portions always.

This apparatus is composed of a small circular reservoir C intended to receive water, with
an hole at the center D reserved for the site of the plant, either that it there or
transplanted into outgoing of the frame, or that one sows called seed there to give this
plant. In this last case the seeds are put in the earth at the center of the opening D which
is covered by a small tile with glass pane E the purpose of which is forming frame and to

accelerate the germination of seeds and the
growth of the young plant. When the plant
arrives at the tile of glass pane, this one is
removed and of water is put continuously in the
throat of the reservoir C which will be
sufficiently large so that slugs or snails cannot
pass to reach the plant and often to devour it
like that product by wet times.

Moreover as the apparatus is in magnetic

metal and than it rests on the earth, it takes
care rapidly of negative electricity of the earth,
at the same time as it attracts with him the
electromagnetic waves and other positive
currents of the atmosphere. The plant is
surrounded at its base of a formed magnetic
field by the currents which circulate in the
metal forming the basin which surrounds it and
active its power of vegetation, its richness in
nutrient qualities and also its maturity.

It is clearly understood that forms, dimensions, details, and materials employed for the
construction of the apparatus, can vary without changing the object of the invention.


Apparatus to collect atmospheric electricity

The drawing represents, as example, the shape of execution of the apparatus, by the EM
- ploi of which inventor A. obtained D sultats of electroculture interesting.

1 of it is a view in elevation, 2 a plan view.

The apparatus represented comprise a canister intended for, being attached with top of a
post, with height wanted in the atmos phère. This box door a tail B in me tal magnetic,
directed towards the South one. It present moreover a housing in which is placed base of
a stem I' in metal of which the axis vertical and around the end périeure is known of which
are laid out a beam of metallic antennas flexible L of which which ques-ones only are

On two lateral faces .de la box are laid out of the steel plates magnetized. antennas
collect the electricity of the ambient air and those coming from the induction of the clouds,
under the terms of the capacity of the tips.

These same the purpose of antennas L are moreover producing electricity (of rubs lies) in
vibrating under the effect of a slow wind vio.

The top of box A is consisted one zinc basin in the hollow .de laquelle one is attached a
copper plate

Conducting Shoe

The purpose of the present invention is a considerable improvement in the current design
and the construction industry of the shoe.

Since a large number of years, many scientists, belonging a little in all the countries of-
world, showed that the man and the plant were subjected to the same laws of the nature,
that one and the other had requirement to develop in a normal way, to be in contact with
the forces of the nature and especially with the earth.

The plant living out of pot and apartment, insulated of the earth, needs to develop in an
addition of food to cure the deprivation of the telluric electricity and of that the flowing
ambient air through its branches when it is in full earth.

It is the same for the human beings, of the men deprived of garments and going naked
feet, setting on the earth, constantly in contact with the forces of the nature, develop
normally and acquire a large force with an insignificant food; whereas the people covering
garments and locking up their feet in shoes which isolate them from the ground, need, to
maintain their vitality, of a food much more abundant and much richer to compensate for
the forces of the nature from which they are insulated by their garments and especially by
their shoes. As the potted plant they are private telluric electricity, of that of the ambient
air, which cannot circulate through their body.

To prevent that the shoe in which the foot is locked up, isolates the human body from the
earth, it is necessary to make cross the shoe by one or more small metal ranging, good
conducting of the electricity, resting of an end on the earth and other end in contact with
the foot locked up in the shoe.

The shape of execution of the object of. the invention is given here, as example only, in
the annexed drawing which watch: . 1, a view out of cut of a bead of shoe provided with
one with these stems; . 2, a plan view of this bead.

A bead of shoe A is crossed in all its height by a metallic screw B with wide head of
resting foot on this screw will be put by it in contact with the earth, thus allowing the
passage, the exchange and the combination, through the human body, of the telluric and
atmospheric electricities. ! It residue of course that the number of these stems; is not
limited, that they can be placed at one, unspecified place of the sour chaus- which
enables them to touch of an end to the earth and other end the foot, and that the forms,
dimensions, details and metals employed, can vary without changing the object of the

Electromagnetic bell

Until present, to increase the growth rate of the plants and their maturity, one covered
them with a bell out of glass or a glazed frame, having for purpose letting penetrate in the
Inner one of the bell or the frame, the light and the rays of the sun, and, by withdrawing
them from the abrupt variations of the outer temperature, preserve around them the
atmosphere of determined heat by the radiation of the earth under the green surfaces
neck, and the rays of the sun passing through the glass and heating the ambient air
under the bells or frame.

It is obvious that the culture of the plants under glass can increase the growth rate and
the maturity, for the explained reasons higher, but with the detriment of the quality of the
vegetal products, because these principles are in obvious contradiction with the laws of
the nature. All the vegetal ones whatever they are, have sheets eL branches, all provided
of serrations around the sheets, or small barbs, which are as many small sensors
intended to receive on these antennas of which A provided nature, the forces of electrical
origin to the latent state in the atmosphere. Gold the plants cultivated under glass, are
completely insulated these various electrical forces to which from the laws of the nature
quote are called to ask life, like-all what lives on the earth, thus that show it multiple small
the year tend natural they are provided. In locking up the plants under bells or frames

glass panes, these plants are, by the glass, insulated of the electrical forces of the nature,
it who night enormously with the speed rise nelle of the sap in the vegetal ones and with
their richness in nutrient qualities.

The purpose of the present invention is bringing inside the bells, frame and mssme
greenhouses, electricity of the ambient air and it my terrestrial gnetism.

The shape of execution of the object of the invention was represented, as exeraple, in the
annexed drawings which show:

1, a view out of cut of the apparatus has, a view one crosses of a simplified apparatus.

This apparatus is composed of a bell in pierced glass A of two holes B to his part known
prioress, intend to let pass two wire metallic of different nature, for example an iron wire
galvanized D and a copper C wire.

The iron wire galvanized D is, bent with its upper part, in such way that it pre a tip feels
towards the south one, in order to collect the terrestrial magnetism moving the south one
with the north one. The copper C wire is finished in tip and is directed towards the sky, in
order to collect by this tip, the static electricity of the ambient air.

These two wire are had together with a certain distance of their upper end, by some
towers of rolling up and a spot weld F, cross the bell by the holes B, and come to be
inserted in the earth E under the bell, each one has an opposite base; the iron wire
galvanized D at the south base of the bell, the copper G wire at the magnetic north base.

As these wire are different metals, depressed in the earth they form a stack whose circuit
is closed by the moisture of the earth, and as the two pals are depressed in the earth at
the Intérieure base of the bell, one with south, 1 ' other with north, the circuit closing
themselves by the moisture of the earth, bathes its ellluves constantly the roots of the
called plants G has to grow at the center of the bell. To the product of this small formed
stack by the two different metals, still comes to join the terrestrial magnetism collected by
the tensioned tip D towards the south one, the static electricity of the ambient air collected
by the tip eflilée of the copper C fìl tensioned towards the sky.

Gold it is shown today that the élec- static tricity of the atmosphere gives to the plants a
faster growth, a végé- more abundant tation, and the terrestrial magnetism brings an
addition of richness to them which appears by an increase of the frue- - tification and an
increase out of alcohol and sugar and other nutrient qualities revealed each time one
makes the analysis of it.

One can to still bring under the bell the electrical forces of the atmosphere, to be useful
itself of only one wire H finished by two branches; one I turned towards the south one to
collect the terrestrial magnetism, and the other J towards the sky to collect the static
electricity of the ambient air, and enfoneant other end in the earth E under the bell, fiv. 9.

This Mrs. apparatus appli (read also à= any covered surface out of glass, or transparent
material being able tre bushing by the lutnière or the rays of the sun, such as frame,
greenhouses, etc

One can still use the apparatus GD, and the apparatus H, single, for the earth plants full.

The forms, dimensions, details and materials employed for the construction of the know-
described apparatuses, can vary without changing into anything the object of the
invention, of Mrs. that the number of the drivers employed which were given here only as


The possibility bring to the plants pushing under bells or frame, electrical forces of the
atmosphere of which they are insulated by the glass or another transparent material of
which one is used for oneself usually to cover them,

Maybe by employing two formed stems of two different metals, one finished in tip directed
towards the sky to collect the static électri- quoted of the ambient air, the other finished in
tensioned tip towards the south one to collect the terrestrial magnetism moving the south
one with the north one. These two stems joined together then together close to their
upper end, cross the bell by two spared holes to this etfet and. are depressed in the earth
under the bell, in such way that the circuit is closed by the earth and forms stack, and that
the roots of the plants are taken in this circuit;

Or by means of a metal ranging supporting two branches, one directed towards the sky,
different I' towards the south one, and crossing the glazed surface, bells, frame,
greenhouses, etc to be inserted then in the earth and to bring to the plants the electrical
forces of the atmo- sphere of which they are insulated by the glass or another transparent
material of which one himself-is useful usually to cover them.

Electromagnetic incubator

Since a large number of years the phy- sicians of all the countries recognized that it was
enough to place a soft iron bank in the direction of the needle of the compass, so that
immediately this bar is bushing by the magnetic currents moving the south one with the
north one always. II has be also proven by scientists belonging with all country of world,
that Félectricité natural, not only played a considerable role in the vegetation, but still that
this élee- tricity has the latent state in the atmosphere, and especially the terrestrial
magnetism, were the source of life of all that saw on the earth, that it is for the plants, the
human ones or the animals. It is absolutely die shown today, in a precise way, that a
magnetic field created by a series of soft iron bars placed in the direction of the needle of
the compass, put around any tre living, increases its vitality in considerable proportions.

The purpose of the present invention is thus showing the application of this principle with
the pondoirs and incubators.

The shape of execution of the object of the inven- tion was represented as example in the
annexed drawings which show:

Fig.i, one. view out of cut of an incubator;

. 2, a view in elevation of the closed incubator;

. 3, a view in elevation of the open incubator.

The incubator is composed of a bolte A, provided on all its inner surface, of small soft iron
bars B. In this boot are put eggs A to brood, and when the chicken or any other poultry, is
coated on its eggs, one flap the cover C which is him also provided with small soft iron
bars B, so that the chicken is entirely surrounded by soft iron bars, of which one their
ends, finished in tip, is turned side of the south one, and the other on the side of north
magnetic. Being given the orientation of the bars with which is provided the box to brood
on all its inner surface, the chicken which broods thus finds entirely surrounded by these
bars which, because of their orientation create around it a magnetic field which wraps it
entirely, read a vitality gives which enables him to achieve until the end and almost
without tiredness its task. The eggs which are also bathed by this magnetic field, make it
possible future chicks to acquire Mrs. before their rise, a vitality much larger than that
which they can obtain in any case where the chickens brood in an unspecified nest.

The cover C east constitutes by a series of soft iron bars B go up on a frame. While the
chicken broods and especially pendent the night, the cover C is undercrust on box A, and
the movable wall D is raised, so that the boot is quite closed (. 2), so that the destructive
rats and other animals cannot go to importune chicken, and same with the requirement
destroying the eggs which it broods.

When the chicken owes tre released pendent the day so that it can leave for Ali menter,
the cover C is raised and the lowered wall D (. 3). It is of Mrs. when the small chicks are
hatched. The wall D is lowered so that they can leave limps and to walk. The chicken and
the chicks having returned again, the wall D is closed again, as well as the cover C.

The explanation above watch the utility of this box for the incubators, but being given the
advantages which one has has to make live the animals in the middle of a magnetic field,
a series of boots A can tre placed the ones beside the others, and by removing the cover
C, they will constitute a series of pondoirs of which the number is limited only by the
requirements of the hen house.

These principles can tre appli- also qués with the artificial incubators.

The forms, dimensions, details and materials employed for the construction of the
apparatus susdécrit, can vary without changing into anything the object of the invention.


Thermo-electro-magnetic stack

Since exposed electricity of the nature, the man ingénié himself to domesticate it with his
profit. The experiments made by the scientists of all the countries of the world showed, as
the years were passed, that this invisible force whose they could measure the
effectiveness, was the source of life of all that lives on the earth. Also many were the tests
of collecting of this fluid mysterious to increase it around the living organisms, in order to
increase their vitality by it, with variable successes according to the scientific value of the
used apparatuses. The purpose of the present invention is to join together in the same
apparatus a thermoelectric stack, using for its operation the changes of temperature, and
a sensor amplifier of the electromagnetic forces of the nature in order to increase the
vitality of any living organism which one can place at the center of the apparatus.
The shape of execution of the object of the invention was given as example in the
annexed drawings which show.

. I, a general view of this apparatus. . 2, a view of the apparatus in the shape of

nonclosed, ready circle to receive at the center, the living organisms which one wishes to
increase vitality.

In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same portions always.

This apparatus is composed of a tube A, formed by a steel wire rolled up in spiral.

Inside the formed tube by these turns, is past a copper B wire, insulated over all its
length, only stripped with the two ends in order to be in contact with each of the two ends
of steel tube A where it is attached, thus forming a closed circuit. In this steel tube A is
also locked up a wire of soft iron C, also insulated over all its length, except at the two

The operation of the apparatus is the following one:

The electricity of the atmosphere is attracted by the whole of the apparatus which forms
magnetic mass and its power is increased by its passage in the steel A wire rolled up in
spiral, which becomes for this cause a sensor and an amplifier of the electromagnetic
forces, atmospheric electricity.

As it spiral in steel A wire is connected at the two ends with the copper B fil', thus forming
a closed circuit composed of two different metals, each time for an unspecified cause a
change of temperature reaches the apparatus, this closed circuit, heated unequally, will
become a small thermoelectric stack; In addition, the passage of these different electricity
in the turns of the steel wire, magnetizes it and its two ends being very brought closer to
the two ends of the soft iron wire C being inside the apparatus, it forms by induction a
second closed circuit traversed constantly by the electromagnetic forces of the
atmosphere. The apparatus being flexible, if one forms of it a nonclosed circle around the
body of a man or an animal, the heat of this living organism makes increase the
temperature in the apparatus. But as the nature of the metals forming this circuit is of
different composition, the temperature increases more quickly in one of the metals than in
the other and the apparatus becomes a thermoelectric stack. If this circle surrounds the
foot of a shaft or a plant in full air, this stack will function each time the temperature of the

ambient air changes. The apparatus is thus a double power source being able to be used
to increase the vitality of the living organisms that one place in his magnetic field. One of
these forces formed by the collecting of the waves electromagnetic and amplified by their
passage through the turns of the apparatus, the other produced by the acting change of
temperature on a formed closed circuit by two metals of different composition.

The forms, dimensions, details and metals employed in the composition of the apparatus,
can vary without changing into anything the object of the invention.

Electromagnetic lighting apparatus

Since long years of many scientists noticed the role .bienfaisant of the electricity of the
nature on the life of the plants and same on all as there is the living one on the earth.

The workings .de these many scientists, studied, condensed, bringing .des irrefutable
proofs of the increase of the life everywhere where the electricity of the nature was
increased, have given rise with electroculture, i.e. with the culture of the plants by means
of the natural electricity collected by apparatuses special and drained in the .cultivé
basement where one wants to obtain an addition of vegetation.

There is today in all the countries of the making world of the experimenters, of improved
results according to the quality of the apparatuses of which they make use for collecting
of the natural electricity and its mode of distribution in the cultivated basement.

But whatever the mode of collecting that the experimenters employ, it is a point on which
they all arrive at the same purpose, i.e. if a living organism is placed in a magnetic field
created by the single electrical forces of the nature, collected, drained, increased on the
point where one wants to increase the life, the life increases on this point in the same
proportions where the natural quantity of electricity there was amplified.

All these workings which last since exposed electricity and which had thousands of
experimenters, at the head of which the largest names of science are placed, show by the
results obtained on all the living organisms, that the electricity of the nature is the source
.de life of all that lives on the earth.

The human ones are thus also tributary of these forces. But as they cannot remain day
and night outside in contact with the electromagnetic forces of the nature and than they
are private partly when they are locked up in their residence, one can cure this
disadvantage by bringing an addition of natural electricity in their dwelling.

The purpose of the present invention is thus:

a pickup apparatus of the natural electricity and the diffusing one in the human dwelling.

The shape of execution of the object of the invention was represented as example in the
annexed drawings which show: .

1, a view of face of the apparatus;

2, a view out of cut.

In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same ones by ties always.

The apparatus is composed of a metallic circle nonclosed A, magnetized by means of the

negative electricity of the earth. On this circle a reflector B is attached, with the bottom of
which a light hearth 0 is laid out. The whole is attached using bolts or of rivets D, on a tray
E, pierced, of an opening F, allowing in the light of being spread in the part. This tray E is
maintained upright by a foot G. The operation of the apparatus is the following one:
metallic circle A being as a preliminary loaded of negative electricity of the earth,
constantly attracts with him a larger positive quantity of electricity of the atmosphere. The
space contained in the inner one of the circle thus becomes a magnetic field created by
the natural electricity which the light rays must cross before being spread outside the
apparatus. These light rays while crossing the magnetic field take care themselves of
natural electricity which they transfer onto all. the space reached by their radiation. As the
electricity of the nature is the source of life of all that lives on the earth, any living
arganism reached by these light rays which bring an addition of electricity to him, sees
increasing its vitality in considerable proportions. This apparatus can also extend to.
stables, hen houses, rabbit burrow, etc, and in the greenhouses to increase the vitality of
the plants and their maturity.

Forms, dimensions, details and materials employed for: construction of the apparatus
susdécrit which can adapt to all the modes of illumination, can vary without changing into
anything the object of the invention.

Champ magnétique oscillant


Appareil pour capter de l'électricité atmosphérique.



Appareil électro-magnétique terro-céleste


Réseau thermo-magnétique moto-solaire pour l'intensification de la production de la terre

et la force motrice



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