A Novel Magnet Tubular Linear Generator
A Novel Magnet Tubular Linear Generator
A Novel Magnet Tubular Linear Generator
n Wave Energy
Abstract -- This paper presents a novel ppermanent magnet employing magnetic fields for contaact-less mechanical energy
tubular linear generator (PMTLG) buoy syystem designed to transmission, and power electroniccs for efficient electrical
convert the linear motion of the ocean wavves into electrical energy extraction. The term “dirrect drive” describes the
energy. The design incorporates no workingg seals and a salt
direct coupling of the buoy's veelocity and force to the
water airgap bearing surface integration betw een PMTLG buoy
components. The internal generator design w ill be discussed, in generator without the use of hydraullics or pneumatics.
addition to the system integration with the bu
uoy structure and
the linear test bed performance results. PMTLG ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL
The project design criteria was to
o develop a point absorber
Index Terms—Marine technology, Energy conversion,
wave energy converter that would provide a nominal 1 kW
Permanent magnet generators, AC generattors, Ocean wave
energy, Renewable energy. output under summer ocean cond ditions off the coast of
Newport, Oregon with wave heightss of 1.0 to 1.5 meters.
PMTLG: permanent magnet tubular linear ggenerator
WEC: wave energy converter
The solutions to today’s energy challennges need to be
explored through alternative, renewable aand clean energy
sources to enable a diverse national energy resource plan. An
extremely abundant and promising source of energy exists in
the oceans in the forms of wave, tidal, marine currents,
thermal (temperature gradient) and salinityy. Among these
forms, significant opportunities and bennefits have been
identified in the area of wave energy extracttion. Waves have
several advantages over other forms of reneewable energy, in
that the waves are more available and moree predictable with
better demand matching. Wave energy also offers higher
energy densities, enabling devices to extrract more power
from a smaller volume at consequent lower ccosts and reduced
visual impact.
This paper presents a novel permanentt magnet tubular
linear generator (PMTLG) buoy system dessigned to convert
the linear motion of the ocean waves into electrical energy.
The internal generator design will be discusssed, in addition to
the system integration with the buoy structurre. The buoy has
been tested in the ocean and on OSU’s wavve energy Linear
Test Bed (LTB).
Oregon State University’s direct drive wwave energy buoy Fig. 1. Cross sectional view of buoy and gen
research focuses on a simplification off processes, e.g.
A cross sectional view of the buoy
b is shown in Fig 1.
replacing systems employing intermediatte hydraulics or
There are three main components: the
t spar, the float, and the
pneumatics with direct drive approaches to allow generators
PMTLG. The spar is the cen ntral cylinder measuring
to respond directly to the movement oof the ocean by
τ p C fi (1 + α m )
Ag = (3)
Bg = (4)
μR kml k c
1+ Br
Where C fi is the inside circumference of the active spar
and α m is the magnetic fraction given by the ratio of the
magnet pole length τ m and magnetic pole pitch τ p . The
magnetic flux density includes the flux concentration factor
Cφ = Am / Ag , the magnet recoil permeability μR , and the
Fig. 4. Airgap flux density
permeance coefficient ( )
Pc = l m / l g Cφ . The magnetic
remanence Br is a property of the NdFeB-35 magnets which 2) Radial Laminations:
have a value of 12,300 Gauss. The magnetic flux leakage In a tubular machine design, there is a changing flux in
factor kml accounts for air gap leakage and is given by both the axial and radial directions. To limit eddy current
4l m lg losses, radially oriented laminations are used on both the
kml = 1 + ln 1 + π (5)
πμRα mτ p (1 − α m )τ p armature and magnet sides of the machine. Fig. 5 shows the
armature laminations during construction. The individual
The Carter coefficient kC , which corrects the air gap laminations are laying on the table in the lower left. Each
length for pole face geometries, is given by one is installed in a fan pattern around the perimeter. During
kC =
τ s 5l gc + ω s
) construction, two pieces of wood serve as the “bookends” to
τ s 5l gc + ω s − ω s2 ) the lamination stack. The top and bottom retaining rings are
fiberglass. The windings are bobbin wound, and will be laid
Where τ s is the slot pitch, ω s is the slot width, and the in the twelve slot openings visible.
effective air gap for Carter coefficient calculation
l gc = l g + l m / μR provides an additional conservative
correction factor [1], [2].
Fig. 8. Cogging force
Each phase has four bobbin coils. These coils are
connected in series to make one phase winding. The three
phases are Y connected. The machine parameters are given
in Table 1. Resistances and inductances were measured with
an LCR meter.
Parameter Value Units
Power 1 kW
Linear rated velocity 0.76 m/s
Rated thrust 1315 N
Pk. line-neutral voltage at rated velocity (open circuit) 346 V
Rated current 2.95 A rms
Airgap length 5 mm
Number of phases 3
Bobbins per phase 4
Number of slots 12
Number of bobbins 12
Turns per bobbin 77
Coil slot pitch 68 mm
Per-phase resistance 4.58 Ohms
Per-phase inductance 190 mH
Airgap flux density 0.76 T
Yoke flux density 1.6 T
Number of magnets 960
Magnet pole pitch 72 mm
Magnet type NdFeB
Magnet max energy product 35 MGOe
Conductor current density 2.25 A/mm2
Conductor gauge 14 AWG
Primary generator testing was done on the Linear Test Bed
in the Wallace Energy Systems and Renewables Facility
(WESRF). The WESRF is located at Oregon State
University, and is the highest-power university-based energy
systems lab in the U.S. Fig. 9 shows the system mounted in
the Linear Test Bed (LTB). The spar, containing the Fig. 9. Magnet assembly and spar mounted on the Linear Test Bed
armature, is bolted to the pallet at the bottom of the LTB.
The LTB carriage is bolted to the magnet assembly. The
LTB then moves the carriage and magnet assembly up and
down to emulate the action of ocean waves.
Generator output voltage (line-neutral) is shown in Fig.
10. The generator was connected to a resistive load bank and
actuated at a speed of approximately 0.15 m/s. Fig. 11
shows the same voltages zoomed on the time axis. The three-
phase power output is shown in Fig. 12.
Results for a repeating sinusoidal excitation at a peak
speed of 0.7 m/s are shown in Fig. 13. The top set of
waveforms are the three phase voltages from the armature A,
B, and C windings. This shows voltage amplitudes of
approximately 200 V peak, line-neutral (200 V per division).
The middle waveform is A-phase current, and is
approximately 1.7 Amps peak (2 A per division). The bottom Fig. 10. PMTLG line-neutral voltage output
waveform is power and is approximately 800 W peak (400 W
per division).
Fig. 11. PMTLG line-neutral voltage output
The authors would like to thank Columbia Power
Technologies, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC), and the Department of Energy.
[1] D.C. Hanselman, Brushless Permanent Magnet
M Motor Design, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1994.
[2] S.A. Nasar, I. Boldea, Linear Motion Electromagnetic
E Devices, Taylor
and Francis, New York, 2001
Fig. 12. PMTLG three-phase power output [3] J.L.G. Janssen, J.J.H. Palides, E.A. Lomonva, A.J.A Vandenput,
“Cogging Force Reduction in Tubular Permanent Magnet Actuators,”
CONCLUSION Proc. IEEE International Electric Macchines and Drives Conference,
2007, Volume: 1, Pages: 266-271.
A novel Permanent Magnet Tubular Lineear Generator for [4] H. Arof, A.M. Eid, K.M. Nor, “Coggingg Force Reduction Using Special
ocean wave energy conversion is presentedd. The generator Magnet Design for Tubular Permanent Magnet
M Linear Generators,” 39th
International Universities Power En ngineering Conference, 2004,
combines several novel aspects, including a two-part design Volume: 2, Pages: 523-527.
with a sea-water airgap, cogging force reduuction, and radial
laminations. The design specifications aree confirmed with
hardware testing.