Construction Spec For Concrete Work
Construction Spec For Concrete Work
Construction Spec For Concrete Work
TANGGUH LNG Project TLNG Author’s Org. KJP
BPMIGAS KJP Doc. No. S-900-3120-001 Date 06 Feb, 06
BP Berau Ltd. KJP Job Code J-3400-20-0000 Sheet 1 of 18
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................................2
2. INGREDIENT OF CONCRETE...............................................................................................2
3. CONCRETE MIXING ...............................................................................................................4
4. REINFORCEMENT ..................................................................................................................6
5. CONCRETING...........................................................................................................................7
6. REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS .......................................................................................12
7. PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND CONCRETE...........................................................12
8. PRECAST CONCRETE ..........................................................................................................13
9. HOT WEATHER CONCRETE ..............................................................................................14
10. MASS CONCRETE..................................................................................................................15
11. INSPECTION AND TEST.......................................................................................................15
For Information For Review For Approval X For Release For As-Built
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PT. Brown & Root Indonesia
BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Doc. No. 900-SPE-RC0-1001
KJP Doc. No. S-900-3120-001 Rev. 6A
Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 2 of 18
1.1 Scope
The specification covers the construction requirement of the Onshore Concrete Works for TANGGUH LNG
PROJECT for BP Berau, Ltd.
1.2 References
1.2.1 Codes and Standards
ACI “American Concrete Institute”
ASTM related to orks described hereinafter.
2.1 Cement
2.1.1 Material Description
Portland Cement Type I and V of ASTM C150 shall be used. Type V is especially for underground parts of
reinforced concrete objects. Alternatively the following type as per ASTM C595 may be used with Owner
and KJP’s approval: -
• Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement
• Portland-Pozzolan Cement
• Slag Cement
Manufacturer’s Test Certificate shall be submitted to KJP on each delivery.
2.1.2 Storage
Cement shall be stored in sheds, bins or silos which will provide protection from moisture and contamination.
Cement bags shall be stored minimum 0.3m above floor, that floor shall be concrete paved.
Consignment of cement shall be stored as received and shall be consumed in the order of delivery.
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2.2 Aggregates
2.2.1 Material Description
Both Fine and Coarse Aggregate shall meet the requirement of ASTM C33. Fine Aggregate shall consist of
clean, washed, natural or crushed sand of uniform gradation. Coarse Aggregate shall consist of washed
gravel or washed crushed stone, having hard, strong, durable piece, free from adherent coating, or other
weak, deleterious substances.
2.2.2 Storage
Aggregate stockpiles shall be arranged and used in a manner to avoid excessive segregation and to prevent
contamination with other materials or with' other sizes of like aggregates. To ensure that this condition is
met, any test for determining conformance to requirements for cleanness and grading shall be performed on
samples secured from the aggregates at the point of batching. Stockpiles of sand shall be allowed to drain to
ensure relatively uniform moisture content throughout the stockpile.
2.4 Admixture
2.4.1 Material Description
Admixtures shall conform to the requirements given in ACI 212.3R, 212.4R, ASTM C 260, ASTM C 494
ASTM C 618 or ASTM C 1017 and shall not contain chloride nor any corrosive agents.
2.4.2 Storage
Admixtures shall be stored in a manner that will avoid contamination, evaporation, or damage, conforming to
the recommendations and instructions given by the manufacturer.
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Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 4 of 18
2.4.3 Usage
Careful attention should be given to the manufacturer’s instruction.
When more than one admixture are used, the combination of such admixtures shall not harmful effects on the
concrete. Subcontractor shall submit written statement to prove no harmful effects prior to use.
The batch plant and associated facilities shall include, but not limited to,:
• Batching and mixing units
• Aggregate bins/weighing hopper
• Cement weighing hopper
• Cement silos
• Operator cabin
• Conveyors
• Water chilling system
• Insulated water storage tanks and water pump.
• Cement & admixture storage warehouse
• Aggregate storage bins/shelters/yard
• Laboratory and office with toilet
• Curing pool for compression test cylinder
• Washing basin for truck mixers
• Drainage facilities including siltation pits.
• Generator with electrical distribution system
• Mixer trucks
• Lighting system
Subcontractor shall submit his complete plan to meet the requirement herein and hereunder for KJP’s
approval before commencing related works.
_ __ shall have roofs for sunshade and equipped with water spray system.
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Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 5 of 18
(4) The cement silos shall be an adequate size to store sufficient cement to ensure continuity of work. The
silos shall be equipped with thermometers to check temperature of cement. The silo shall be separated
each cement type. Ventilation system shall be provided for cement storage.
(5) The laboratory shall have equipment for the field testing of concrete and concrete materials.
(6) Temporary drainage system including siltation pits shall be provided and drains from the batch plant
area shall be treated prior to discharge to the surface water drainage system.
(4) Mixing
The concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer capable of thoroughly combining the aggregates, cement,
and water into a uniform mass within the specified mixing time, and of discharging the concrete
without harmful segregation.
(6) Calibration
All laboratory equipment and batch plant equipment shall be calibrated regularly in accordance with
Indonesian Regulation and ACI 304R.
_ __ For Early Activity such as Camp and GPFSB Construction, Subcontractor may propose a Batcher Plant
__ RA| which is fit for purpose for KJP’s approval. Equivalent data and detail shall be included in the proposal.
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KJP Doc. No. S-900-3120-001 Rev. 6A
Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 6 of 18
3.4 Durability
(1) Normal weight concrete required being watertight shall have a water-cement ratio not exceeding 0.50if
exposure will be to fresh water or 0.4 for exposure to seawater, per Table 4.2.2. of ACI318.
(2) The maximum concentration of water soluble chloride ions (Cl-) accumulated in the concrete by all of
the ingredients including water, aggregates, cement and admixtures shall not exceed the values (percent
by weight of cement) stipulated in ACI 318, Table 4.4.1.
(3) The total water-soluble sulfate content of the concrete mix expressed as SO3 should not exceed 4% by
mass of the cement in the mix and ACI318 requirement.
(4) Concrete exposed to sulphate-containing solutions shall follow the requirements of ACI 318 Table
3.5 Slump
Unless otherwise specified, ACI211.1 shall be referred to for recommended slumps for various types of
construction. The slump shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C143.
4.1 Material
Steel reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of JIS G3112 SD390, ASTM A615 Grade 60 or
equivalent. Steel welded wire fabric shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A185 or equivalent.
(b) The ratio of the actual ultimate tensile strength to the actual tensile yield strength is not less than 1.25.
4.2.2 Fabrication
(1) Welding of reinforcing bar shall be avoided.
(2) General construction details and workmanship relative to reinforcement, including bar bends, lap splices
and installation, shall be in accordance with ACI 318, Chapters 7 and 12. Unless otherwise noted, all lap
splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in tension shall be Class B.
4.2.3 Placing
(1) Reinforcing bars shall be free from mud, dirt, loose rust, loose mill scale, oil, grease, and any other
foreign matter that may reduce the bond between bars and concrete.
(2) All reinforcement shall be supported and fastened together to prevent displacement beyond the required
tolerances due to construction loads or the placing of concrete. Reinforcing bars shall be supported by
_ __ pre-cast concrete/mortar blocks having a compressive strength not less than the specified compressive
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Doc. No. 900-SPE-RC0-1001
KJP Doc. No. S-900-3120-001 Rev. 6A
Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 7 of 18
their placement shall conform to both the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, Chapter 3, and ACI 301.
(3) Splices in reinforcement shall be made and located as called for on the drawings, in the construction
notes, or as otherwise approved. Splices in adjacent bars shall be staggered.
5.2 Formwork
5.2.1 General
(1) Requirements for formwork not covered herein shall be in accordance with ACI 347R.
(2) Forms shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placement and vibration of
the concrete, and shall have sufficient rigidity to maintain specified tolerances.
(3) The forms material for concrete material expose to view shall produce smooth, hard and uniform texture
on the concrete unless different texture requirement shown on the drawings.
_ __ (3) Formwork for columns, walls, sides of beams and other parts not supporting the weight of the concrete
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Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 8 of 18
may be removed as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to resist damage from removal
Forms and shoring in the formwork used to support the weight of concrete in beams, slabs and other
structural members shall remain in place until the concrete has reached the required strength to support
the weight of concrete and anticipated imposed loads. Field-cured specimens shall be used to estimate
the strength of concrete. When fieldcured specimens can not be used to determine the time of the form
removal, forms and shoring shall be remain in place for a period of time not less than that specified in
ACI 347R.
Note 1 : Where such support formwork for slab or beam soffits, the removal times of the latter should
Note 2 : In the case that design strength of concrete is confirmed by crushing test at 7 days, formworks
may be removed.
Note 3 : Where forms may be removed without disturbing shores, use half values shown.
(4) When forms are removed before the end of the required curing period, the concrete shall be cured after
removal of the forms by suitable methods.
5.5 Waterstop
(1) The material and location of water-stops in joints shall be in accordance with the construction drawings.
_ __ (2) Water-stop material shall confirm to CRD-C572 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Handbook of Concrete
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Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 9 of 18
5.6 Joint
5.6.1 Construction Joint
(1) Construction joints shall be made as shown on the drawings and per ACI 301. Construction Joints not
indicated on the construction drawings may be provide at Subcontractor's option, except that they must
meet the requirements of ACI 301. Joints shall be perpendicular to the main reinforcement.
(2) Construction shall not be made in horizontal framing members unless called for on the drawings.
Construction joints in elevated slabs should be located preferably at mi span between adjacent
supporting members.
(3) The surface of the concrete at all joints shall be rough, thoroughly cleaned and all laitance shall be
removed prior to placing adjoining concrete. The laitance shall be removed by brushing, chipping, wet
sandblasting or high pressure water-blasting down to sound mortar matrix, leaving clean, sound
aggregate exposed over the entire joint surface, but not undercutting the large aggregate particles. The
surface of the concrete shall then be washed thoroughly to remove all loose material.
(4) All concrete joint surfaces to receive new concrete shall be free of surface water but shall be in a
saturated surface dry condition. Construction joints of which strength is critical against shear, or which
requires water-tightness should be covered with 12mm mortar immediately before the concrete placing,
or provided with keys having 1/3 width of the smallest joined member and 50mm depth.
_ __ which concrete is to be placed shall be moistened immediately before placing the concrete. Concrete
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Construction Specification for Concrete Work Sheet No. 10 of 18
5.8 Finishing
(1) Finished slab surfaces shall be true plane surfaces. Slab surfaces shall be constructed with a tolerance of
6 mm in 3 m unless otherwise indicated. Surfaces shall be pitched to drains, as required. Finish to be
provided shall be as called for on the drawings and shall conform to the following requirements.
(2) Steel trowel finish shall be finished by tamping the concrete with a wire mesh tamper to depress the
coarse aggregate sufficiently to bring the matrix fines to the surface, then screeding and striking with
straight edges to bring the surface to the required finished level. While the concrete is still green, but
sufficiently hardened to bear a man's weight without excessive imprint, it shall be floated either by hand
or mechanical means to a true, even plane, with no coarse aggregate visible. Sufficient pressure shall be
used on the float to bring moisture to the surface. After surface moisture has disappeared, the surface
shall be machine or hand troweled to a smooth, even finish.
(3) Wood Float finish shall be provided by screeding to the required level with a straight edge and finished
with a wood float.
(4) Screeded finish shall be provided by screeding to the required level with a straight edge only.
(5) Heavy broomed finish for vehicular traffic is to have a wood float finish, followed by brooming with a
heavy broom, producing patterns perpendicular to traffic.
(6) Surfaces designated for foot traffic are to receive a light broomed finish. They are to receive a steel
trowel finish, followed by brooming after completion of the troweling with a horsehair bristle brush or
light broom in a direction perpendicular to the main line of traffic.
_ __ (7) Surfaces indicated to have abrasive finishing shall be finished as specified for trowel finish, immediately
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KJP Doc. No. S-900-3120-001 Rev. 6A
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following which, an abrasive material shall be evenly applied to the surface at a rate of not less than 0.1
kg of abrasive material to each square foot of surface. The surfaces shall then be hand steel troweled.
(8) When concrete is to be left with the surface finish imparted to it by the forms, objectionable irregularities
shall be removed
(9) Top surfaces of concrete below finished grade shall be screeded to the specified elevation, tamped with
a grid tamper and given a wood float finish.
(10) Unless otherwise specified on drawings, top surfaces of concrete foundations on which grout will be
installed shall be rough-finished to an elevation of 25 mm to 75 mm below finished elevation.
5.9 Curing
5.9.1 General
(1) Requirements for curing and protection of concrete not covered herein shall be in accordance with ACI
(2) Beginning immediately after placement, concrete shall be protected from premature drying, excessively
hot temperatures, and mechanical injury, and shall be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a
relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of the
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(1) Defects of concrete such as honeycombing, cracking or condition(s) detrimental to strength, stability,
durability and water tightness of the concrete shall be repaired immediately after form removal per ACI
301, Section 5.3.7 or by approved repair procedure. All defects shall be removed down to a sound
surface. Curing procedures shall not be delayed or interrupted while making repairs. Prior to repair of
defects, it shall be notified to KJP.
(2) Holes left by the withdrawal of tie-rods shall be filled solid with cement mortar and the ends made flush
with the adjoining surface. It is recommended to refrain from using hole-through tie rods for liquid
retaining structures.
7.1 General
Concrete shall be made so that it will perform satisfactorily when exposed to various atmospheric conditions,
to waters and soils containing chemicals, and to other kinds of chemicals. Chemical attack on concrete is
generally the result of exposure to sulfates or acids.
Such environmental conditions shall be taken into consideration for concrete mix designs and application of
protective coatings on concrete surfaces to ensure the required durability of concrete.
7.2 Material
Asphalt, coal tar, coal tar epoxy, bituminous based coating materials are acceptable for concrete surfaces
contacting soil.
Surface coating materials and application to underground foundations shall meet the following
definition and material vendor catalogues, Attachment-1.
7.2.3 Foundations in Low Corrosive Zone, (this paragraph is not a part of 900-TM-KJPJ_BPJ-324)
Cement Type: Type-V
w/c ratio: max. 0.45
Sheet barrier: no sheet
Coating: no coating
7.3 Application
(1) The application procedure of a coating including surface preparation of concrete, weather restrictions, a
minimum thickness, number of coats, curing, inspection, and repair methods shall comply with
recommendations and instructions given by the coating manufacture/supplier. Subontractor shall submit
a method statement for KJP's approval.
(2) Proper concrete surface preparation is essential for good performance of the coating. The surfaces of
concrete should be free of oil, grease, dirt, loose, weak and unsound materials. The recommendation for
concrete surface preparation given by the coating material manufacturer should be followed.
(3) Appropriate safety requirements should be followed with respect to the coating material characteristic,
operations, procedures described in the instruction given by the manufactures.
(4) Surface Coating Extent and its grade shall follow the specification S-900-1310-301, Surface
Coating Extent for Underground Foundations and related design drawings.
8.1 Production
(1) No precast members leave the works unless they have reached the appropriate hardening phase and they
are marked in compliance with the hereafter section.
(2) Precast members shall be free from damage liable to adversely affect their structural performance.
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(4) If precast members are left to harden in the open air, arrangements shall be made to protect them from
adverse weather conditions.
Concrete work is significantly affected by high temperatures in the concrete and in the air, or by a low
relative humidity, or by a high wind velocity. If these conditions are prevalent, the concrete work shall be
carried out in accordance with the requirements of ACI 305R, and the following:
Where the concrete temperature exceeds 32 °C, necessary preventive measures, as noted below, shall be
taken. However, if the rate of evaporation from the concrete surface as determined by ACI 305R is less than
1.0 kgf/m2/h that no preventive measures are required even when the concrete temperature exceeds 32 °C. In
no case shall the concrete temperature exceed 38 °C. Exceeding the limiting water-cement ratio in order to
have sufficient slump for placing at concrete temperatures between 32 °C and 38 °C shall not be permitted.
Instead, the preventive measures noted below will be used to increase the slump.
The following preventive measures shall be taken to avoid the adverse effects of hot weather
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(h) Shading materials and facilities from the direct rays of the sun.
When the measures given in Section 8.4.2 are considered insufficient to avoid the adverse effects of hot
weather, the following additional measures may be taken:
(a) Carrying out concrete placing in the evening, at night, or in the early morning
(b) Spraying water onto the aggregate and considering new w/c ratio on design mix.
(Any water in the aggregate must be accounted for in the water-cement ratio.)
(c) Providing wind breaks during concrete placing
(d) Using flaked ice as a part of the mixing water
When the concrete is considered as massive concrete, ACI 207.1R should be referred to.
11.1.2 Concrete
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11.1.3 Reinforcement
(1) Clear distance to formed surfaces:
The definition of clear distance is referred to Section 2.2.2 of ACI 117.
Member Size Tolerance
4 in. or less. + 1/4 in. + 7mm
- 3/8 in. - 10mm
Over 4 in. but not over 12 in. 3/8 in. 10mm
Over 12 in. but not over 2 ft. 1/2 in. 13mm
Over 2 ft. 1 in. 25mm
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Samples shall be taken from each complete pour for individual foundations or structures supporting main
processing units, heavy mechanical equipment, buildings, storage tanks, and from other important concrete
structures. At least two samples shall be taken from each full days concreting or not less than required by the
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