Research Article: Optimization and Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Considering Fluid-Structure Interaction

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

e Scientific World Journal

Volume 2014, Article ID 131802, 9 pages

Research Article
Optimization and Analysis of Centrifugal Pump considering
Fluid-Structure Interaction

Yu Zhang,1 Sanbao Hu,2 Yunqing Zhang,3 and Liping Chen3

Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan, Hubei 430064, China
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Automobile Parts, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Center for Computer-Aided Design, School of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Yunqing Zhang;

Received 24 February 2014; Accepted 23 July 2014; Published 13 August 2014

Academic Editor: Mohammad A. Abido

Copyright © 2014 Yu Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper presents the optimization of vibrations of centrifugal pump considering fluid-structure interaction (FSI). A set of
centrifugal pumps with various blade shapes were studied using FSI method, in order to investigate the transient vibration
performance. The Kriging model, based on the results of the FSI simulations, was established to approximate the relationship
between the geometrical parameters of pump impeller and the root mean square (RMS) values of the displacement response at
the pump bearing block. Hence, multi-island genetic algorithm (MIGA) has been implemented to minimize the RMS value of the
impeller displacement. A prototype of centrifugal pump has been manufactured and an experimental validation of the optimization
results has been carried out. The comparison among results of Kriging surrogate model, FSI simulation, and experimental test
showed a good consistency of the three approaches. Finally, the transient mechanical behavior of pump impeller has been
investigated using FSI method based on the optimized geometry parameters of pump impeller.

1. Introduction approach and genetic algorithms to obtain a higher efficiency

by redesigning the shape of impeller blades. Papierski and
Centrifugal pumps provide the energy to move fluids through Blaszczyk [4] decomposed the optimization design of cen-
piping systems, including equipment, piping, and fittings trifugal pump into two levels to maximize the efficiency
and through elevation changes in open systems. Centrifugal and simultaneously minimize required net positive suction
pumps have been widely used in various industrial applica- head (NPSHr). These researches mainly focus on optimizing
tions, such as oil and gas, agriculture, chemistry, and marine the performance data of centrifugal pump, such as head,
industry as well as metallurgy. Because of the customers’ efficiency, or NPSHr. However, the vibration performance is
increasing demands of high-quality pump, optimization important especially for high-pressure centrifugal pump.
design of centrifugal pump plays an important role in pump The vibration that occurs while centrifugal pump works
industry, and there have been many efforts to optimize the can cause fatigue and damage of pump components and
performance of centrifugal pump in recent years. Anagnos- weaken the operation stability. Vibrations of centrifugal
topoulos [1] proposed an optimization algorithm based on pump have attracted interest of researchers. For example
unconstrained gradient method to find the impeller geom- Hodkiewicz and Norton [5] investigated the influence of
etry that could maximize the pump efficiency among a set of different flow rates on the vibration performance of double-
blade angles. Zhou et al. [2] optimized the geometric shape suction centrifugal pump. Guo and Maruta [6] presented
of the centrifugal impeller using orthogonal experiment an experimental study of the pressure fluctuation and the
method to improve the performance of the centrifugal pump. impeller vibration in a centrifugal pump with some vaned
Derakhshan et al. [3] presented the incomplete sensitivities diffusers. Rodriguez et al. [7] developed a theoretical analysis
2 The Scientific World Journal

approach to investigate the vibrating frequencies in the the equations that govern the flow and the structural defor-
vibration of centrifugal pump induced by the rotor stator mations of the pump.
interaction (RSI). Wang et al. [8] studied the structural
dynamics characteristics and vibrations of pump volute 2.1.1. Fluid Flow Equations. The fluid flowing through the
casing for a double-suction centrifugal pump using a fluid- centrifugal pump is treated as incompressible and isothermal.
structure coupling interface model. For x ∈ Ω𝑓 , the conservation of mass and Navier-Stokes
Studies agree in considering the fluid-structure interac- equations governing the unsteady flow are, respectively,
tion (FSI) as the source of the highest vibration levels in large written as
centrifugal pumps. Moreover, hydraulic excitation forces are
due to the FSI and cause pressure fluctuations, mechanical 𝜕𝜌𝑓
+ ∇ ⋅ (𝜌𝑓 k𝑓 ) = 0,
vibrations, and alternating stresses in different components 𝜕𝑡
of centrifugal pump. In recent years, the application of FSI (1)
theory to centrifugal pumps became more popular and it is 𝜌𝑓 + 𝜌𝑓 (k𝑓 ⋅ ∇) k𝑓 − ∇ ⋅ 𝜎𝑓 = f𝑓 ,
well documented in literature [9–13]. 𝜕𝑡
Vibration performance is one of the most important where 𝜌𝑓 is the fluid density, k𝑓 denotes the fluid particle
parameters in designing a centrifugal pump. Actually, exper- velocity at time 𝑡, f𝑓 denotes the body forces per unit of
imental tests and CFD simulation are the two methods volume on the fluid, and 𝜎𝑓 is the stress tensor defined as
performed in order to obtain the centrifugal pump vibration
response. However, both of the two methods cannot be 𝑇
𝜎𝑓 = −𝑝I + 𝜇 [∇k𝑓 + (∇k𝑓 ) ] , (2)
considered in optimizing the vibration performance of the
pump using an iterative method. Appropriate metamodels
must be established between the decision variables and where 𝑝 is the pressure, I denotes the unit tensor, and 𝜇
the concerned objective functions. Therefore, metamodel represents the absolute viscosity.
technique demonstrates its superiority in the optimization
problem of engineering. 2.1.2. Structural Equations. While working, the centrifugal
Kriging metamodels [14] were originally proposed by pump undergoes large deformation and rotation. For x ∈ Ω𝑠 ,
the South African mining engineer named Danie Gerhardus the conservation of momentum for the solid deformation u𝑠
Krige. With the rapid development of computer technology, is described through Lagrangian formulation:
Kriging metamodels have been widely used in various fields
[15–19]. Kriging metamodel differs from other metamodels 𝜕2 u𝑠
𝜌𝑠 = ∇ ⋅ 𝜎𝑠 + f𝑠 , (3)
because of the optimal unbiased prediction for the unknown 𝜕𝑡2
response points [20]. Compared to traditionally response sur- where 𝜌𝑠 is the solid density, 𝜎𝑠 represents the Cauchy stress
face methods, Kriging shows its superiority in high dimen- tensor, and f𝑠 denotes the body forces per unit volume on the
sional nonlinear problems and prediction accuracy due to solid.
the stochastic assumption [21], especially for multiobjective Closure for (3) is found by evaluating the stress using the
optimization problems [22]. relevant constitutive relations. Moreover, since the centrifugal
This paper presents an effective optimization method pump is related to large deformation and rotation, the
based on Kriging metamodel. The presented method opti- constitutive equations are described using a stress-strain
mizes the vibration performance of the centrifugal pump relationship.
undergoing FSI phenomena, which reasonably take advan-
tages of the FSI simulation, Kriging metamodel and experi-
2.1.3. Interaction between Fluid and Solid. As mentioned
mental tests. Although considerable researches were devoted
above, the FSI occurs during the running process of centrifu-
to investigating the vibration performance of centrifugal
gal pump. Fluid pressure information transfers to the solid,
pump, it should be noted that there exists little literature
while displacements information of the solid transfers to the
evidence on the vibration optimization of centrifugal pump
flow. Furthermore, on the no-slip fluid-structural interface,
in particular that combines with FSI phenomenon. The
the information exchange between the fluid and solid should
second part of the paper deals with the study of the transient
follow the equilibrium conditions
mechanical characteristics based on the optimized centrifu-
gal pump using FSI method. 𝜕u
𝜕𝑡 ∀x ∈ Γ, (4)
𝜎𝑓 ⋅ n = 𝜎𝑠 ⋅ n
2. Centrifugal Pump FSI Simulation Model
where Γ denotes the fluid-structural interface and Γ = Γ𝑓 ∩ Γ𝑠 ,
2.1. FSI Governing Equations. In this study, the fluid-struc- n represents the unit normal at the interface Γ.
ture interaction (FSI) problem’s domain Ω consists of two
subdomains: Ω𝑓 and Ω𝑠 with the boundaries as Γ𝑓 and Γ𝑠 , 2.2. Decision Variables. The working process of centrifugal
respectively. The subscripts 𝑓 and 𝑠 denote the fluid part pump involves vibrations, FSI, and energy conversion and
and solid part, respectively. The following section defines loss. As the “heart” component for a centrifugal pump,
The Scientific World Journal 3


D 𝜆2

𝜑1 B


Figure 1: Main dimensions of centrifugal pump’s impellers (unit:

mm). Figure 2: Meridional section of the pump impeller.

Table 1: Decision variables and their boundaries.

impeller plays an important role in all these phenomena and
transforms the mechanical energy into the kinetic energy of Decision variable Lower boundary Upper boundary
the fluid. Moreover, the geometry shape of impeller blade 𝜑1 (deg) 0 30
has strong effect on pump performance, including vibrations. 𝜆1 0.02 0.98
This paper focuses on optimizing the impeller blade to 𝜑2 (deg) 70 90
minimize the vibration response of the centrifugal pump. 𝜆2 0.02 0.98
The recommended number of impeller blades for high 𝑙 (mm) 145 195
head centrifugal pumps is usually between five and seven. In
fact, too many blades lead to higher friction losses and may
cause low blade loading; fewer blades may result in higher method. The simple points are the input data of Kriging
blade loading. Turbulent dissipation losses will rise because of surrogate model, while the test points are used to validate the
the increased secondary flow and stronger deviation between accuracy of the Kriging predictor.
blade and flow direction. Therefore, six blades are chosen. Table 2 summarizes the combinations of decision vari-
Figure 1 shows the main dimensional parameters of the ables in the sample points. The FSI simulation models are
impellers of the centrifugal pump studied in this paper, built based on these sample points. Figure 3 shows one case of
notably, it is double suction type. In addition, among all kinds FSI simulation models. Figure 3(a) corresponds to a full FSI
of centrifugal pumps, the double suction centrifugal pumps model with solid and fluid parts. Figure 3(b) is the cutaway
are widely used in industry for various applications due to view of the full FSI model, and Figure 3(c) gives the detailed
large flux and high lift. view of the tongue region. The structural part consists of
Figure 2 shows the meridional section of the impeller. pump volute casing, impeller, and impeller shaft, while the
Due to symmetry of the model, the optimization of double fluid part is the liquid flowing through the structural part.
suction impeller can be converted into the optimization of a Moreover, the fluid part is also called the hydraulic model of
single suction type. Hence, as Figure 2 shows, the meridional centrifugal pump.
section of the single suction impeller is actually determined The calculation of structural part of the pump has
by the solid line and dashed line 𝐹𝐺. The solid line is parame- been carried out through computational structure dynamics
terized by quartic Bézier curve with five control points; the (CSD) analysis, performed using Abaqus FEA software. The
five decision variables for the pump impeller are 𝜑1 , 𝜆 1 , 𝜑2 , pump volute casing and impeller are both made of alumi-
𝜆 2 , and 𝑙. Table 1 summarizes the boundaries of the decision num-bronze alloy; the elastic modulus is 125000 MPa, the
variables. Here, 𝜆 is the relative position in the line segment. density is 7630 Kg/m3 , and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.327. The
For example, taking line segment 𝐴𝐶, 𝜆 1 is the ratio of the impeller shaft is made of alloy steel, with elastic modulus of
line length 𝐴𝐵 to 𝐴𝐶. 𝑙 is the length of line segment 𝐹𝐺. 206000 MPa, density of 7800 Kg/m3 , and Poisson’s ratio of
0.3. The increment size of time step is set as 1 × 10−4 s, and
2.3. FSI Model Sample and Simulation. Latin hypercube the total simulation time is 6𝑇, where 𝑇 is the cycle of the
sampling (LHS) is a design of experiment (DOE) method pump corresponding to a changed angle of 60∘ . Furthermore,
originally developed by Mckay in 1979. LHS approach has the the differential equation of the centrifugal pump at excitation
space-filling character and can guarantee the sample points state by FSI can be expressed as
covering the entire design domains homogeneously. Hence,
119 simple points and 30 test points have been obtain by LHS Mẍ (𝑡) + Cẋ (𝑡) + Kx (𝑡) = F (𝑡) , (5)
4 The Scientific World Journal

Table 2: The sample points and corresponding results of FSI simulations.

Decision variable Objective

Serial number
𝜑1 (deg) 𝜆1 𝜑2 (deg) 𝜆2 𝑙 (mm) RMS (mm)
1 0.00 0.028 85.76 0.061 157.71 0.5411
2 0.25 0.183 70.00 0.223 183.14 0.4068
3 0.51 0.191 87.29 0.744 184.41 0.4228
4 0.76 0.728 73.90 0.752 185.25 0.3867
5 1.02 0.777 83.22 0.484 161.10 0.4108
6 1.27 0.199 89.66 0.109 156.44 0.5271
7 1.53 0.557 87.80 0.459 189.07 0.5251
8 1.78 0.085 71.19 0.427 168.73 0.5812
9 2.03 0.467 84.24 0.305 161.95 0.5672
10 2.29 0.264 75.08 0.321 155.17 0.4128
11 2.54 0.232 80.51 0.378 147.97 0.3603
12 2.80 0.288 81.53 0.834 177.63 0.4529
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
117 29.49 0.646 88.64 0.443 163.64 0.3627
118 29.75 0.817 84.75 0.516 168.31 0.3667
119 30.00 0.891 76.10 0.785 189.49 0.5792

Fluid part
Z Structural part Z Impeller
Y Impeller shaft Y
(a) Full model (b) Cutaway view (c) Detail of the tongue region

Figure 3: One case of FSI simulation models.

where 𝑡 is the time; M, C, and K are the structural mass Table 3: Basic parameters for numerical simulations.
matrix, structural damping matrix and stiffness matrix,
Parameter Value
respectively; x(𝑡),
̈ x(𝑡),
̇ and x(𝑡) represent the acceleration
vector, velocity vector, and displacement vector, respectively; Flow rate 𝑄 2000 (m3 /h)
F(𝑡) denotes the load vector of the node. Rotational speed 1400 r/min
The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been simu- Number of blades 6
lated using Fluent code. The fluid is water, with a temperature Inlet operating pressure 1 (atm)
of 20∘ C, density of 998.2 Kg/m3 , and viscosity of 1.003 ×
10−3 Pa⋅s. Table 3 lists the parameters for CFD simulations.
The hydraulic models are established by the standard 𝑘 − 𝜀 upwind discretizations are used for determine and diffusive
turbulence models and wall functions based on logarith- terms of the turbulence model equations. The residual error is
mic law, which are consistent with the no-slip condition. set as 1 × 10−5 to judge whether the calculation is convergent.
Static boundary condition and rotary boundary condition In addition, the time step and total simulation time are set as
are imposed on the boundary of volute flow domain and 1 × 10−4 s and 6𝑇, respectively, in order to correspond with
impeller flow domain, respectively. Moreover, the interaction the structural simulation part.
between these two boundaries is taken into account through The information exchange between solid (Abaqus) and
the moving mesh model. The unsteady Reynolds-averaged fluid flow (Fluent) at the coupling interface is performed
Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations are calculated by finite in the platform of MpCCI. Figure 4 outlines the process
volume method (FVM), and the pressure-velocity coupling of FSI simulation: first, the models of CSD and CFD are
is solved by means of the SIMPLEC algorithm. Second order prepared independently, such as the setting of material, loads,
The Scientific World Journal 5

Preparation of CSD CFD

CSD and CFD model model
Scan Scan

Preparation of FSI Coupling

model interface
Read Read

CSD server 1 server 2 CFD
Data transmission solver solver
and Data Data
coupling calculation

Postprocessing of CSD CFD

results results results

postprocessing postprocessing

Figure 4: The process of FSI simulation.

and boundary conditions. Then, the pressure information model and localized departures of the form describes a
of the fluid is transferred to Abaqus for structure analysis; Kriging model; thus,
meanwhile, the displacements information of the structure
are transferred to Fluent for fluid analysis, and the infor- 𝑛
mation exchange at the coupling interface repeatedly until 𝑦 (𝑥) = ∑ 𝛽𝑘 𝑓𝑘 (𝑥) + 𝑍 (𝑥) , (7)
the calculation has converged. Finally, the results of FSI 𝑘=1
simulation are post processed using both Abaqus and Fluent.
As aforementioned, this paper mainly focuses on opti- where 𝑦(𝑥) is the response function, f(𝑥) = [𝑓1 (𝑥), . . .,
mizing the vibration performance of the centrifugal pump 𝑓𝑛 (𝑥)]𝑇 is the regression basis function, 𝑛 is the number of
using FSI. Hence, the root mean square (RMS) value of the the basis function, and 𝛽 = [𝛽1 , . . . , 𝛽𝑛 ]𝑇 is the regression
displacement response at the pump bearing block is chosen coefficient. 𝑍(𝑥) is assumed as a realization of an indepen-
as the objective function, which can be defined as follows: dent Gaussian random process with zero mean and spatial
correlation function given by [23]

1 𝑁 2 Co V [𝑍 (𝜏) , 𝑍 (𝑥)] = 𝜎2 𝑅 (𝜃, 𝜏, 𝑥) , (8)

𝑈RMS = √ ∑𝑈 , (6)
𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑖
where 𝜎2 denotes the process variance, 𝑅(𝜃, 𝜏, 𝑥) is the
correlation function between the points 𝜏 and 𝑥, and 𝜃 is the
where 𝑁 is the total number of the time steps, and 𝑈𝑖 unknown correlation parameter. Several types of correlation
denotes the displacement response of the 𝑖th time step, and models, such as linear correlation model and exponential
the direction is the vertical direction of the bearing support. correlation model can be considered. However, the Gauss
The last column of Table 2 summarizes the results of 𝑈RMS correlation model adopted in this paper is more popular in
calculated through FSI simulations at the sample points, Kriging metamodels with the form
which are the output data used to build the Kriging model.
3. Kriging-Based Optimization 𝑅 (𝜃, 𝜏, 𝑥) = exp (− ∑𝜃𝑗 (𝜏𝑗 − 𝑥𝑗 ) ) , (9)
3.1. Kriging Approach. Kriging predicts unknown values of a
random function based on all of the observed points [22]. where the quantities 𝜏𝑗 and 𝑥𝑗 , respectively, denote the 𝑗th
Moreover, Kriging metamodels show global performance components of sample points 𝜏 and 𝑥; 𝑚 is the dimension of
rather than local characteristics. A combination of a global the decision variables.
6 The Scientific World Journal

The predicted value and estimation error at point 𝑥 are, Table 4: The parameters of the Kriging model.
respectively, given by
Parameter Value
𝑇 ̂ + r (𝑥) R (Y − F𝛽)
𝑦̂ (𝑥) = f (𝑥) 𝛽 𝑇 −1̂ , 𝛽 [2.688𝑒 − 5, −0.142, −0.062, −0.036, −0.093, 0.107]𝑇
(10) 𝜎2 0.00453
𝑠 (𝑥) = 𝜎2 (1 + u𝑇 (F𝑇 R−1 F) u − r(𝑥)𝑇 R−1 r (𝑥)) , 𝜃 [8.406, 14.718, 18.851, 21.512, 21.401]

where Y represents the response of the sample points, u =

RMS of displacement response (mm)

F𝑇 R−1 r(𝑥) − f(𝑥), F is a vector which is composed by 0.6
the value of f(𝑥) at each sample point, r𝑇 (𝑥) denotes a 0.55
vector which represents the correlation between an unknown
point and all known sample points. In addition, r𝑇 (𝑥) = 0.5
[𝑅(𝜃, 𝑥, 𝑥1 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝑅(𝜃, 𝑥, 𝑥𝑁)], 𝑁 is the total number of the 0.45
sample points, R is an 𝑁 × 𝑁 symmetric correlation matrix 0.4
written in the following form:
𝑅 (𝑥1 , 𝑥1 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝑅 (𝑥1 , 𝑥𝑁)
[ .. .. ] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
R=[ . d . ]. (11)
Serial number
[𝑅 (𝑥𝑁, 𝑥1 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝑅 (𝑥𝑁, 𝑥𝑁)]
Under the unbiased condition, the unknown parameters FSI
𝛽 and 𝜎2 can be estimated through Figure 5: The results of RMS values at test points.
−1 𝑇 −1
̂ = (F𝑇 R−1 F) F R Y,
(12) corresponding with the test points. In addition, for the FSI
1 ̂ 𝑇 R−1 (Y − F𝛽)
̂ .
𝜎̂2 = (Y − F𝛽) simulations based on the test points, the basic parameters and
boundary conditions are the same with the sample points.
As a matter of fact, once the types of regression model Figure 5 shows the results of the displacement response’s
and correlation model have been chosen, the correlation RMS values obtained by Kriging predictor and FSI simula-
matrix R and unknown parameters 𝛽 and 𝜎2 all depend on tions at the test points. Results show that the predicted values
the correlation parameter 𝜃. Thus, a Kriging metamodel is of the Kriging metamodel correspond to the FSI simulation
completely established only if the value of 𝜃 is determined. values. Hence, the vibration optimization of centrifugal pump
Furthermore, the most commonly used approach to calculate can be performed based on the Kriging surrogate model.
the value of correlation parameter 𝜃 is maximum likelihood
estimation (MLE), and the problem can be converted into an 3.3. Optimization Based on the Surrogate Model. The opti-
unconstrained global optimization problem as follows [20]: mization problem of centrifugal pump in this paper can be
given as follows:
󵄨 󵄨1/𝑚
Minimize {𝜓 (𝜃) = 𝜎(𝜃)2 󵄨󵄨󵄨R𝜃 󵄨󵄨󵄨 }
(13) Find X = [𝜑1 , 𝜆 1 , 𝜑2 , 𝜆 2 , 𝑙]
Subject to 𝜃 > 0.
Minimize 𝑈RMS = 𝑓 (𝜑1 , 𝜆 1 , 𝜑2 , 𝜆 2 , 𝑙)
3.2. Modeling and Verification of the Kriging Model. Kriging Subject to 0∘ ≤ 𝜑1 ≤ 30∘
metamodel is established according to Table 2. The input data
is the set of 119 sample points obtained through LHS method, 0.02 ≤ 𝜆 1 ≤ 0.98 (14)
and the input variables are the impeller geometric parameters
𝜑1 , 𝜆 1 , 𝜑2 , 𝜆 2 , and 𝑙 shown in Figure 2. The output data are the 70∘ ≤ 𝜑2 ≤ 90∘
results of FSI simulations corresponding to the sample points,
and the output variable is the RMS value of the displacement 0.02 ≤ 𝜆 2 ≤ 0.98
response 𝑈RMS . Table 4 shows the parameters of the Kriging 145 mm ≤ 𝑙 ≤ 195 mm,
metamodel, 𝛽, 𝜎2 , and 𝜃.
The Kriging metamodel can be applied to the vibration where is 𝑓 the Kriging approximation of the displacement
optimization only if the Kriging predictor’s estimated accu- response’s RMS values.
racy is higher enough. Otherwise, the metamodel should be The above-defined problem can be resolved through
rebuilt by adjusting the parameters. An additional set of 30 multi-island genetic algorithm (MIGA), a modified version of
points obtained through LHS method is used as test points genetic algorithm (GA). MIGA decomposes the population
to verify the performance of Kriging’s predictor. The FSI in one generation into several subpopulations. The subpopu-
analysis gives the RMS values of the displacement response lations are also called “Islands,” and the genetic operations are
The Scientific World Journal 7

Table 5: The parameter settings of MIGA.

Parameters Value
Size of subpopulation 100
Number of islands 10
Number of generations 10
Gene size 32
Rate of crossover 1.0
Rate of mutation 0.01
Rate of migration 0.5
Interval of migration 5
Number of runs for the problem 30 Figure 6: The prototype of centrifugal pump corresponding to the
optimization result.

executed on each “Island” independently. Furthermore, this

independency can prevent the optimization solution from
local optima. Table 5 lists the detailed parameter settings used pump, especially for accumulating the practical experience of
for MIGA. The experiments are carried out on a Desktop PC pump design. Moreover, the well validated surrogate model
with Intel Core 2 quad CPU and 3.25 GB RAM; all of the cores can benefit both the further development of centrifugal pump
have the speed of 2.66 GHz. Due to stochastic behavior of manufacturer and the improvement of the pump designer’s
MIGA algorithm, at least 30 independent runs are required ability. Therefore, the surrogate model method makes the
to provide the results with statistical confidence. investigation of pump performance easy, which is of course
on the promise that the model accuracy is high enough.

4. Result and Discussion

4.2. The Analysis of Impeller Mechanical Behavior through
4.1. Optimization Result and Validation. Table 6 shows the FSI. The mechanical characteristics of the pump impeller are
optimization result and average CPU time. The RMS value of significant for the working behaviors of centrifugal pumps.
the displacement response improves to 0.3341 mm. Moreover, During the working process of a centrifugal pump, the
the accuracies of Kriging metamodel and FSI simulation periodic hydraulic loads imposed on the pump will lead to
have been further validated through experimental tests. Thus, the dynamic deformation of the impeller and impeller shaft.
a prototype of centrifugal pump based on the geometric Moreover, the dynamic deformation will further influence
parameters in Table 6 has been produced, as shown in the flow field distribution. The analysis of the mechanical
Figure 6. The pump is fixed on the test bench; a 1 MW electric behavior of the impeller is a typical FSI problem. In general,
machinery drives the pump impeller. A displacement sensor there are mainly three types of loads acting on pump impeller:
installed at the pump bearing measures the displacement coupling pressure load from the fluid, gravity, and inertia
response of the bearing block. The water circulates in a close force due to the circular motion. However, all these loads
loop and the flow rate is constant. The basic test parameters are finally balanced by the support reaction of the bearings
correspond to parameters of FSI simulations summarized in and the input moment of the pump. FSI method allows
Table 3. investigating the dynamic force of the impeller and the
Table 7 compares the results of Kriging predictor, FSI input moment, and the calculation results are important to
simulation, and experimental test. The results given by the highlight the mechanical properties of the centrifugal pump.
three methods well agree to each other. The error of Kriging For example, the analysis results can help in choosing the
metamodel is 3.1%, the error of FSI simulation is 4.4%, appropriate sizes and types of impeller shaft and bearings.
and they are both less than 5%. It is well known that the Actually, either the radial force of the pump impeller or
experimental test plays an indispensable role in validating the the input moment of the pump cannot be easily measured
optimization design for centrifugal pump. However, manu- because of the expensive measuring equipment and complex
facturing a prototype pump or the experimental equipment is multipoints installation. When the simulation model is accu-
expensive. Furthermore, due to the complexity of the model, rate, FSI simulation method shows advantage in obtaining the
the FSI simulation is time-consuming. Hence, the optimized radial force and input moment. Furthermore, as previously
design of the pump should minimize both elements: costs and mentioned in Section 4.1, the results obtained by Kriging
calculation time. predictor’s, FSI simulation, and experiment test well agree to
This research shows that the predictive ability of the Krig- each other. The comparison indicates that the FSI simulation
ing model has been well justified both by FSI simulations and model is well validated, and FSI simulation model leads to
by experimental test. Therefore, the well validated surrogate reliable results. This research investigates the radial force
model can completely replace time-consuming FSI simula- of the pump impeller and the input moment of the pump
tions and substitute a great majority of expensive experiment through FSI method. In addition, the radial force and input
tests. That is, the Kriging surrogate model provides great con- moment are calculated based on the FSI simulation model
venience in studying the vibration performance of centrifugal in Section 4.1. The basic settings of the FSI simulation are
8 The Scientific World Journal

Table 6: The result of optimization.

𝜑1 (deg) 𝜆1 𝜑2 (deg) 𝜆2 𝑙 (mm) RMS (mm) Average time (s)

26.37 0.938 83.31 0.934 156.89 0.3341 1836

Table 7: Results of Kriging, FSI simulation, and experiment. well integrates Kriging surrogate model, FSI simulations, and
experimental tests. Moreover, the proposed method over-
Kriging FSI Experiment comes the faults of expensive computation and cost, and it
RMS (mm) 0.3341 0.3296 0.3447 has been proved to be effective on improving pump vibration
performance in terms of minimum cost and reduction of
3500 development period.
3000 The Kriging surrogate model of pump vibration perfor-
2500 mance has been established based on the sample points,
Radial force (N)

2000 and the results at the test points showed that the Kriging
1500 predictor well agreed with the FSI simulations. The final opti-
1000 mized decision variables have been obtained using MIGA;
500 a prototype has been manufactured according to optimized
0 values of geometrical parameters of the pump. Experimental
−500 tests carried out on prototype well agreed with the results of
−1000 Kriging metamodel and FSI simulation.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Furthermore, based on the final optimized decision
Time-periodic variables, the dynamic mechanical performance of pump
Figure 7: The radial force of the pump impeller. impeller was further investigated using FSI method. The
results showed that the radial force curve and moment curve
exhibited cyclical fluctuation.
Conflict of Interests

−4000 The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests

Moment (N·m)

regarding the publication of this paper.


−8000 Acknowledgment
This research was supported by the National Natural Science
−12000 Foundation of China (no. 11172108). This financial support is
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 gratefully acknowledged.

Figure 8: The input moment of the pump. References

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