ICCC Tender Document

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RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)



Volume 1 - Instruction to the bidders

Original RFP NO: RCIL-2023--PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 DATED: 01.06.2023
Corrigendum: RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart Page 1 of 170
City-RFP-01 (Modified) Dated 27-07-2023
Digitally signed by RAJEEV
Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

• Table of Contents
Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Introduction to Puducherry Smart City Project ....................................................................... 10
1.2 RFP Format ............................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Fact Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 11
2. Instruction to Bidders ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Eligible Bidders ............................................................................................................ 14
2.2.1 Bidding entity ............................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Consortium Conditions ............................................................................................... 14
2.3 Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response .......................................................................... 16
2.4 Bidder to Inform ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Bid Preparation costs ............................................................................................................. 16
2.6 Pre-bid Meeting & Clarifications ............................................................................................. 17
2.6.1 Bidders Queries .............................................................................................................. 17
2.6.2 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum ............................................ 17
2.7 RFP/Tender Document Fee ................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) / Bid Security ........................................................................ 17
2.9 Bid Validity Period .................................................................................................................. 18
2.10 Contents of Bid ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.11 Bid Formats ............................................................................................................................ 19
2.11.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Format .......................................................................................... 19
2.11.2 Technical Bid Format ................................................................................................... 19
2.11.3 Commercial Bid Format ............................................................................................... 20
2.12 Language ............................................................................................................................... 20
2.13 Authentication of Bids ............................................................................................................ 21
2.14 Amendment of Request for Proposal ..................................................................................... 21
2.15 Bid Price ................................................................................................................................. 21
2.16 Deviations and Exclusions ..................................................................................................... 21
2.17 Total Responsibility ................................................................................................................ 21
2.18 Late Bids ................................................................................................................................ 22
2.19 Right to Terminate the Process .............................................................................................. 22
2.20 Non-Conforming bids ............................................................................................................. 22
2.21 Acceptance/Rejection of Bids ................................................................................................ 22
2.22 Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.23 Disqualification ....................................................................................................................... 24
2.24 Key Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.24.1 Initial Composition; Full Time Obligation; Continuity of Personnel ................................ 24
2.24.2 Evaluations ..................................................................................................................... 24
2.24.3 Replacement .................................................................................................................. 25
2.24.4 High Attrition ................................................................................................................... 25

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

2.25 Inclusion of MSMEs / Start Ups and regulatory compliance in Project Delivery .................... 25
2.26 Eligible Goods and Services, and OEM Criteria: ................................................................... 26
2.27 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ................................................................ 26
2.28 Site Visit ................................................................................................................................. 27
3. Selection Process for Bidder ......................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Opening of Bids ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids ............................................................................................ 27
3.3 Clarification on Bids ............................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Evaluation Process................................................................................................................. 28
3.4.1 Stage 1: Pre-Qualification .............................................................................................. 28
3.4.2 Stage 2: Technical Evaluation ........................................................................................ 28
3.4.3 Stage 3: Commercial Evaluation .................................................................................... 29
3.4.4 Successful Bidder Evaluation ......................................................................................... 29
3.5 Pre-Qualification Criteria ........................................................................................................ 30
3.6 Technical Evaluation Framework ........................................................................................... 38
3.6.1 Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................... 39
3.6.2 Technical Demonstration of Proof of Concept (PoC) ..................................................... 44
3.6.3 Key personnel Evaluation Criteria .................................................................................. 45
4 Award of Contract................................................................................................................... 47
4.1 Notification of Award ...................................................................................................... 47
4.2 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) ............................................................................ 47
4.3 Signing of Agreement .................................................................................................. 48
4.4 Warranty & Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 48
4.5 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP...................................................... 49
4.6 Concessions permissible under statutes ............................................................................... 49
4.7 Taxes ...................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8 Audit, Access and Reporting .................................................................................................. 49
4.9 Records and Information ........................................................................................................ 51
4.10 Terms of Payment .................................................................................................................. 51
4.11 Right to vary the scope of Work ............................................................................................. 51
4.12 Fraud and Corrupt Practices .................................................................................................. 52
4.13 Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................. 53
4.14 Sub-Contracting ..................................................................................................................... 53
5. Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries................................................................................. 53
6. Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid ......................................... 54
6.1 Pre-qualification bid checklist ................................................................................................. 54
6.2 Pre-Qualification Bid Covering Letter ..................................................................................... 55
6.3 Company Profile ..................................................................................................................... 57
6.4 Declaration of Non-Blacklisting .............................................................................................. 58
6.5 No Deviation Certificate ......................................................................................................... 59
6.6 Total Responsibility Certificate ............................................................................................... 60
6.7 Self-certificate for Project execution experience (In Bidding Entity’s Letter Head) ................ 61
6.8 General Instructions for the Technical Bid ............................................................................. 62

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6.9 Technical Bid Check-List ........................................................................................................ 64

6.10 Technical Bid Covering Letter ................................................................................................ 65
6.11 Company Credential Summary .............................................................................................. 67
6.12 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations .................................................................................... 68
6.13 Overview of Proposed Solution .............................................................................................. 69
6.13.1 Structure of Proposed Solution ...................................................................................... 69
6.13.2 Project Plan ................................................................................................................... 71
6.13.3 Manpower Plan ............................................................................................................. 72
6.14 Details of Resources Proposed .............................................................................................. 74
6.14.1 Summary of Resources proposed .................................................................................. 74
6.15 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Team Members .............................................................................. 75
6.16 Format for specifying Compliance to the benchmark / minimum Specifications ................... 76
6.17 Bill of Material ......................................................................................................................... 76
6.18 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form .................................................................... 103
6.19 Anti-Collusion Certificate ...................................................................................................... 105
7. Annexure 4 – Formats for Submission of the Commercial Bid ................................................ 106
7.1 Price component for CAPEX ................................................................................................ 107
8. Annexure 5 (a) – Performance Bank Guarantee ........................................................................ 138
9. Annexure 5 (b): – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit ............................................... 140
10. Annexure: 6 – Non-Disclosure Agreement ............................................................................... 142
11. Annexure: 7 - Consortium Agreement ...................................................................................... 145
12. Annexure: 8 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory .................................... 147
13. Annexure 9: Format for Power of Attorney for Lead bidder of Consortium ......................... 149
15. Annexure – 11: Format of Parent Company / subsidiary Company Guarantee (As the case
may be) 153
16. Annexure-12: Format for Authorization Letters from Cloud Service Provider (CSP) .......... 156
17. Annexure 13: Certificates related to Guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance through OM
no. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 ............................................................................................... 158
18. Annexure –14 : E-tendering Instructions to Bidders ............................................................... 159
20. Annexure 16 – PROFORMA FOR SIGNING THE INTEGRITY PACT ......................................... 165

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)


The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (“RFP”) whether subsequently provided to
the bidders, (“Bidder/s”) verbally or in documentary form by RailTel Corporation of India Limited
(henceforth referred to as “RailTel” or “Tender Inviting Authority” in this document) for Department of
Revenue and Disaster Management (DRDM) /Puducherry Smart City Development Limited (PSCDL) or
any of its employees or advisors, is provided to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this Tender
document and any other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFP is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation to any party. The purpose of this RFP is to
provide the Bidders or any other person with information to assist the formulation of their financial offers
(“Bid”). This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by
RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL in relation to this scope. This Tender document does not purport to contain all the
information each Bidder may require. This Tender document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is
not possible for the Chairman & Managing Director of RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL and their employees or
advisors to consider the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each Bidder. The assumptions,
assessments, statements and information contained in the Bid documents, may not be complete, accurate,
adequate or correct. Each Bidder must therefore conduct its own analysis of the information contained in this
RFP and to seek its own professional advice from appropriate sources.

Information provided in this Tender document to the Bidder is on a wide range of matters, some of which may
depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account of
statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. RailTel,
DRDM / PSCDL accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation of opinion on
law expressed herein.

RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL and their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
incur no liability to any person, including the Bidder under law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, the
principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, cost, expense or damage which may
arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of the RFP, and any assessment, assumption, statement or information
contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this Selection Process.

RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise
howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP. RailTel,
DRDM / PSCDL may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, can amend
or supplement the information in this RFP.

The issue of this Tender document does not imply that RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL is bound to select a Bidder
or to appoint the Selected Bidder (as defined hereinafter), for implementation and RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL
reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders or Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.
The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid
including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL or any other costs
incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and
RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or
other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation for submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the Selection process.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)


RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01(Modified) Date:27.07.2023

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd. (RailTel) invites bids against RFP for the work of “Request For Proposal For
Selection Of System Integrator For Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 05 Years Of Integrated Command
& Control Center (ICCC) & Other Associated Activities For Puducherry Smart City Area”

The details are as under: -

a) (i) Release of Original RFP 01/06/2023

(ii) Release of Modified RFP 27/07/2023
b) Last date of receipt of queries 16/06/2023
c) Pre-bid Meeting date 19/06/2023 at 15:00 hrs
d) Closing date for Submission of e-Bids Up to 15:00 hrs. of 10.08.2023 (online)
e) Date of opening of E-Bid (Technical) At 15:30 hrs. of 10.08.2023 (online)
f) Estimated Bid Value Rs. 158.60 Crores (Rupees One hundred Fifty-Eight
Crores and Sixty Lakhs Only.) (Inclusive of all Taxes)

g) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 3,20,00,000/- (Rupees Three Crore Twenty
Lakhs Only)
h) Cost of RFP Document Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand only)
including of GST.
i) RFP portal for Submission of Bids https://railtel.eNivida.com
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd

j) Place of Opening of BID (Online) Plate-A, 6th Floor Office Block -2, East Kidwai
Nagar, New Delhi -110023

k) Presentation and Proof of Concept for To be notified later

Technically qualified Bidders

l) Date of opening of Commercial bids To be notified later


RFP Notice and link for RFP Document are available on RailTel’s website https://www.railtelindia.com/, E-Nivida portal
https://railtel.eNivida.com, CPP portal and https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app for download. For online bid
submission the bidder will have to necessarily download an official online copy of the RFP documents from e-Nivida
Portal. All future Information viz. corrigendum/addendum/ amendments etc. for this RFP shall be posted on the
RailTel’s website & Portal only. Printed copy of RFP document will not be sold from RailTel office. Bid will be submitted
online on e-Nivida Portal only.

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation, submission/participation in the bid. RailTel in no way will
be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

This RFP is covered under Integrity Pact Program of RailTel and bidders are required to sign the Integrity Pact and
submit the same to RailTel along with the bids. RFP received without signed copy of the Integrity Pact document shall
be liable to be REJECTED.

General Manager (Enterprise Business)
RailTel Corporation of India Limited
Corporate Office, New Delhi

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)


Terms Acronyms
ABD Area Based Development
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition
BOM Bill of Material
BEC Bidders Evaluation Committee
BG Bank Guarantee
CC Capital Cost
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CEO Chief Executive Officer
DD Demand Draft
DRDM Department of Revenue and Disaster Management
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
GIS Geographical Information Systems
GPS Global Positioning System
GST Goods and Services Tax
PSCDL Puducherry Smart City Development Limited
HOD Head of Department
ICCC Integrated Control and Command Center
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IOT Internet of Things
INR Indian Rupee
LOA Letter of Acceptance or Letter of Award
LoI Letter of Intent
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MOUD Ministry of Urban Development, GOI
MSI cum PMC Master System Integrator cum Project Management Consultants
NPV Net Present Value
NPW Net Project Worth
OEM Original Equipment Manufacture
O&M Operations & Maintenance
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
PDD Proposal Due Date
POA Power of Attorney
PoC Proof of Concept
PQ Pre-Qualification
PV Present Value
QCBS Quality cum Cost Based Selection
RFP Request for Proposal
RLVD Red Light Violation Detection
ROW Right of way
RI Right to Inspect
SCM Smart Cities Mission
SCP Smart City Proposal
SI System Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TQ Technical Qualification
TRV Total Revenue
UAT User Acceptance Testing
VM Virtual Machine

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)


Term Definition
MSI cum PMC / Authority/ RailTel Corporation of India Ltd
Tender Inviting Authority
System Integrator Selected Bidder with whom the contract agreement is signed
against this RFP.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

1. Introduction
Smart Cities Mission was launched by Government of India on 25thJune, 2015. Puducherry city was selected
among 100 cities to be developed as smart city in India due to various achievements, initiatives and all-
inclusive approach. Accordingly, Puducherry city had submitted “Smart City Proposal” (SCP) to Ministry of
Urban Development, Government of India with required consent of Government of Puducherry State and
statutory authority of Greater Puducherry Smart City Corporation Limited.

The city of Puducherry has been selected to be developed into a smart city under the fast-track mode of first
phase of the Smart Cities Mission. The Smart City Proposal of Puducherry includes the smart city solutions
which involve the use of technology, information, and data to improve infrastructure and services within the
city of Puducherry (The Smart Solutions Projects).

The Client- DRDM / PSCDL has selected RailTel as MSI cum PMC for implementation of above work. Now
RailTel intends to select a System Integrator to design and assist the Client in the Implementation of
Intelligent Transit Management System, City Surveillance System, Area Traffic Control System, Integration
of existing and future system & Integrated Control and Command Centre (ICCC) in Puducherry city as one
of the smart City solutions through RAILTEL as MSI cum PMC. Tender Inviting Authority shall obtain the prior
approval of the client for issue of Work Order to the successful bidder after finalisation of this RFP.

1.1 Introduction to Puducherry Smart City Project

Puducherry is a Union Territory in India located on the eastern coast, known for its rich cultural heritage,
serene beaches, and French colonial architecture. The city has been selected under the Smart Cities
Mission, a flagship program of the Government of India, aimed at developing sustainable and citizen-centric
cities through the use of technology, data, and innovation.
The Puducherry Smart City Project aims to transform the city into a modern, liveable, and resilient urban
centre that offers a high quality of life to its residents. The project focuses on improving infrastructure,
promoting economic growth, enhancing sustainability, and ensuring social inclusion.
The Smart City project is being implemented through Master System Integrator (MSI) cum Project
Management Consultant (PMC), RailTel Corporation of India Limited (RailTel) by Department of Revenue
and Disaster Management (DRDM) for Puducherry Smart City Development Limited (PSCDL), which is
responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the Smart City initiatives in the city.

The Puducherry Smart City Project has identified several key areas for development, including:
1. Infrastructure: The project aims to develop and upgrade essential infrastructure, such as roads, water supply,
drainage, and solid waste management systems, to meet the growing demands of the city.
2. Mobility: The project focuses on improving public transportation systems, promoting non-motorized transport,
and reducing traffic congestion to enhance mobility and accessibility for citizens.
3. Environment: The project aims to promote sustainable practices and improve the environmental quality of
the city by reducing air and water pollution, promoting green spaces, and enhancing energy efficiency.
4. Governance: The project aims to promote citizen participation and transparency in decision-making by
implementing e-governance solutions, promoting citizen engagement, and improving service delivery.
5. Culture and Heritage: The project aims to promote the rich cultural heritage of the city by preserving and
promoting its historical landmarks, promoting cultural tourism, and developing cultural infrastructure.
The Puducherry Smart City Project is a multi-year initiative that will require the participation and support of
various stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, and citizens. The project
presents an opportunity for the city to develop a sustainable and inclusive urban environment that can serve
as a model for other cities in India and beyond.

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Components deployed throughout the city are envisaged to accrue the following benefits for the city of

• Availability of all municipal services at the finger tip of the citizens

• Improved management of utilities and quantification of services
• Availability of adequate parking facilities with IoT based information
• Enhanced traffic enforcement and management
• Enhanced safety and security
• Real time asset management
• Unified operations through integration of urban functions offered by the city

1.2 RFP Format

The intent of this RFP is to invite bids from the Bidders for Implementation of Pan-City ICT Components for
Puducherry Smart City.

The Request for Proposal consists of three volumes viz.

a) RFP Volume 1: Instruction to Bidders

Volume 1 details the instructions with respect to the bid process management, technical evaluation
framework, and the technical & financial forms.

b) RFP Volume 2: Scope of work including Functional & Technical Specifications

Volume 2 of the RFP provides information regarding the Project Implementation Plan, business
requirements/applications to be covered and corresponding process related documentation, scope of
work for the selected bidder and functional requirements.

c) RFP Volume 3: Master Service Agreement

Volume 3 contains the contractual, legal terms & conditions applicable for the proposed engagement.

1.3 Fact Sheet

S. Item Description
1 Method of The method of selection is QCBS – Quality cum Cost
Selection Based Selection with 65:35 weightage for technical
and financial marks (with 65% min qualifying marks in
technical round). The Contract will be awarded to the
bidder with highest Total Score.

2 Availability of Download from https://railtel.enivida.com, (with copies

RFP Documents available at RailTel Website, and CPP Portal)

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

3 (i) Date of 01-06-2023

original RFP
(ii) Date of
modified RFP 24-07-2023
4 Bid The Bidder shall pay EMD of INR 3,20,00,000/- (Indian
Security/Earnest Rupees Three Crore Twenty Lakhs only) in the form of
Money Deposit NEFT/RTGS/Net Banking/ Bank Guarantee.
EMD shall be in favor of RailTel Corporation of India

Union Bank of India

Current A/c No- 340601010050446
IFSC Code- UBIN0534064
Branch: Yusuf Sarai New Delhi

In case of EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee as per

format given in Annexure 5(b)) this RFP from a
nationalized or scheduled bank in India in favor of
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, New Delhi, the
scanned copy of the BG along with SFMS
confirmation must be uploaded along with the
proposal and Original Bank Guarantee shall be
submitted at the earliest and latest by 17th Aug
5 Pre-Bid Queries As per the Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries
or Clarifications through Email: pdysmartcity.rfp@railtelindia.com
Submission on or before 16-06-2023 18:00hrs.
6 Pre-Bid 15:00hrs 19-06-2023
Conference time
& date

7 Pre-Bid RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, RailTel Tower, Plot -

Conference 143, Institutional Area, Sector-44, Gurgaon -122003
8 Posting of https://railtel.enivida.com/
responses to
queries (on
9 Last Date and 10-08-2023 [15:00 HRS]
time for Bid
submission (On
or before)
10 Date, time for 10-08-2023 [15:30 HRS]
opening of Pre-
11 Bid validity Bid must remain valid up to 180 (One Hundred &
Eighty) days from the actual date of submission of
the Bid.
12 Currency Currency in which the Bidders may quote the price will
receive payment in Indian Rupees only

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

13 Address for RailTel Corporation of India Ltd

Correspondence Plate-A, 6th Floor Office Block -2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023
14 Name of the Sh. Anish Singh Gusain
officer Asst. General Manager (EB)
Email: pdysmartcity.rfp@railtelindia.com

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

2. Instruction to Bidders

2.1 General

a. While every effort has been made to provide comprehensive and accurate background information,
requirements and envisaged solution(s) specifications. Bidders must form their own conclusions about the
solution(s) needed to meet the Authority’s requirements. Bidders and recipients of this RFP may wish to
consult their own legal advisers in relation to this RFP.

b. All information supplied by Bidders as part of their bids in response to this RFP, may be treated as
contractually binding on the Bidders, on successful award of the assignment on the basis of this RFP.

c. No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until a formal written contract has
been executed by or on behalf of Authority. Any notification of preferred bidder status by or on behalf of Tender
Inviting Authority shall not give rise to any enforceable rights by the Bidder. Authority may cancel this public
procurement at any time prior to a formal written contract being executed by or on behalf of Authority.

d. Bids shall be received by the Tender Inviting Authority on the e-Procurement portal https://railtel.enivida.com
before the time and date specified in the schedule of the tender notice. In the event of the specified date for
the submission of tender offers being declared a public holiday by the Government of India the offers will be
received up to the appointed time on the next working day. The Tender Inviting Authority may, at its discretion,
extend this deadline for submission of offers by issuing corrigendum and uploading the same on e-
Procurement portal.

e. Deleted

f. Telex, cable or facsimile offers will be rejected.

2.1.1 Instructions for Online Bid Submission : The detailed instructions regarding submission of the
bid through online in e Nivida portal are mentioned at Annexure – 14.

2.2 Eligible Bidders

2.2.1 Bidding entity
i. The Bidder for pre-qualification may be a single entity or a group of entities (the “Consortium”), coming
together to fulfil the deliverables as per the scope of the Bid. However, no Bidder applying individually or as
a member of a Consortium, as the case may be, can be a member of another Bidder. The term Bidder used
herein would apply to both a single entity and a Consortium.
ii. A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, [government-owned entity] or any combination of them
with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement to form a Consortium. A
Consortium shall be eligible for consideration subject to the conditions set out in Clause no. 2.2.2 below.
iii. A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the Bidding Process. Any
Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified.

2.2.2 Consortium Conditions

i) In case a bid is submitted by a consortium of two or more firms/ companies (No. of members shall not be
more than [3]) as consortium members including Lead Member, the members of consortium shall meet the
Prequalification Criteria & Technical evaluation Criteria as defined in this RFP.

ii) A Consortium shall be considered Bidder provided that one of the members of the consortium shall be
nominated as being in-charge (the “Lead Member”) and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the members on a non-judicial
stamp paper of INR 100/- and notarized.

iii) The Lead Consortium Member shall submit the Bid and shall be liable towards fulfilling the obligations in this

iv) The Lead Consortium Member shall designate and authorize one person to represent the Consortium in its
dealings with the Authority through a Power of Attorney to perform all tasks including, but not limited to,
providing information, responding to inquiries, signing of Bid on behalf of the Consortiums, etc.

v) Each member of the Consortium shall have a registered office (under the Companies Act 1956/2013 with
Registrar of Companies) and operations in India.

vi) Every Consortium Member shall provide consent to the Lead Member and make itself aware of all the
proceedings of the bidding process and Project implementation through legally enforceable consortium
agreement (the “Joint Bidding Agreement”), power of attorneys, legal undertakings, etc. entered amongst all
members of that Bidding Consortium including but not limited to those as prescribed in this RFP.

vii) The Lead Member / member of consortium should not be blacklisted/barred by any Govt. Organization or
Regulatory Agencies or Govt. Undertaking. Bidder should submit a self- undertaking signed by its Authorized
Signatories for the same as per Annexure defined in this RFP.

viii) The Lead Member shall submit the Bid after legitimately paying the Bid Document fees for the RFP, and
submission of the EMD/Bid Security as per the various terms, schedules and formats prescribed in this RFP.

ix) The bid, and in case of successful bid the specified Form of Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally
binding on all consortium members as per format given in this RFP.

x) The Lead Member shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and
all members of the Consortium, and the entire execution of the Contract shall be done with the Lead Member
and payment under the contract shall be received by the Lead Member on behalf of the Consortium as per
power conferred to him in the Power of Attorney.

xi) The Lead Member shall be liable for the entire contract in accordance with the contract terms, while other
Consortium Members shall be liable severally for their portion of Work. The statement to this effect shall be
provided along with RFP submissions including the Bid Form and Contract (in case of successful bid).

xii) The list of Consortium Members needs to be declared in the bid which cannot be changed by the bidder later.
Any change in the Consortium member will need to be approved by the Tender Inviting Authority. However,
Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to reject the Bid in case of change in the constitution of the
consortium after the submission of Bid and before the execution of the Agreement.

xiii) The role and responsibility of any member must be commensurate with the technical/financial capabilities
that such member is contributing towards meeting the qualification criteria. Each consortium member is liable
to contribute resources in terms of knowledge, skills, and trained manpower commensurate with its role and
responsibilities during the Contract Period. Any modification in roles and responsibilities between consortium
members during Contract Period shall be allowed only after approval from Tender Inviting Authority. Any
changes and deviation of roles and responsibilities of consortium members during the execution, operation
and maintenance of this Project without prior approval of Tender Inviting Authority shall be viewed seriously
by the as it can affect an important public service. Such unilateral action by the SI shall entitle Tender Inviting

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Authority to take appropriate action including considering it an Event of Default under this Contract leading
to consequences including termination with appropriate notice.

xiv) The Consortium Agreement must also state that the period of the Agreement would coincide with the Contract
period. Consortium must continue to be in existence during the period of the contract and that any change
will be subject to approval of the Tender Inviting Authority only.

xv) Any Dispute arising during Contract Period between the Consortium Members shall be resolved amicably
without adversely impacting Project Implementation and Operation. If in Tender Inviting Authority’s opinion,
dispute between Consortium members adversely impacts implementation and operation of the Project, then
Tender Inviting Authority may its sole discretion in the interest of the Project, (a) Terminate the Contract after
due process and/or (b) Provide a binding solution.

xvi) In case Tender Inviting Authority intends to proceed for termination on account of SI’s Event of Defect and /
or unresolved disputes between the Consortium Members, all the Consortium Members shall be jointly and
severally liable for Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of project at Agreed prices and payment
terms specified in this RFP till Tender Inviting Authority or any new agency appointed by it takes over the

2.3 Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response

a. Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information in the RFP
documents carefully. Submission of the bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and
examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its implications.

b. Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph may render the bid non-compliant and the Bid may
be rejected. Bidders must:

i. Submit the bids (Technical and Commercial) online

ii. Include all documentation specified in this RFP, in the bid.
iii. Follow the format of this RFP while developing the bid and respond to each element in the order as set out
in this RFP.
iv. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP.

2.4 Bidder to Inform

The Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Terms & Conditions, Scope, Service Levels,
Specifications, and Schedules of this RFP. If bidder has any doubts/clarifications as to the meaning of any
portion of the Clauses or Conditions or the specifications he shall, before the last date for Submission of Pre-
Bid Queries, set forth the particulars thereof and submit them to Authority in writing in order that such doubt
may be removed or clarifications are provided.
2.5 Bid Preparation costs

i. The Bidder is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in this process, including, but
not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence activities, participation in
meetings/discussions/presentations, preparation of proposal, in providing any additional information required
by Tender Inviting Authority, to facilitate the evaluation process, and in negotiating a definitive agreement
or all such activities related to the bid process. The Tender Inviting Authority will in no case be responsible
or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

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ii. This Bid Document does not commit the Tender Inviting Authority to award a contract or to engage in
negotiations. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of award. All materials submitted
by the Bidder shall become the property of Tender Inviting Authority and may be returned at its sole

2.6 Pre-bid Meeting & Clarifications

2.6.1 Bidders Queries

Any clarification regarding the RFP document and any other item related to this project can be submitted to
Authority as per the submission mode and timelines mentioned in the Fact Sheet. The pre-bid queries should
be submitted in excel sheet format, along with name and details of the organization submitting the queries.

Authority shall not be responsible for ensuring that the bidders’ queries have been received by them.

Bidders must submit their queries as per the format mentioned in Section 5 – Annexure I
2.6.2 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum

The Tender Inviting Authority will organize a pre-bid conference and will respond to any request for
clarification or modification of the bidding documents. The Tender Inviting Authority shall formally respond to
the pre-bid queries after the pre-bid conference.

The Tender Inviting Authority shall endeavour to provide timely response to all queries. However, Tender
Inviting Authority makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response
made in good faith. Authority does not undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the

Any modifications of the RFP Documents, which may become necessary as a result of the Pre-Bid
Conference, shall be made by Authority exclusively through a corrigendum. Any such corrigendum shall be
deemed to be incorporated into this RFP. However, in case of any such amendment, the bid submission date
may be extended at the discretion of Authority.

Any corrigendum/notification issued by Tender Inviting Authority, subsequent to issue of RFP, shall only be
available/hosted on the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet. Any such corrigendum shall be deemed to
be incorporated into this RFP.

2.7 RFP/Tender Document Fee

• RFP can be downloaded from the website – URL mentioned in the fact sheet.
• Without the payment of Tender Document Fee, the bids will be taken as incomplete and non-responsive and
shall not be considered.
• Receipt or Copy of Tender Document Fee should accompany the Bid response document.
• The cost of bidding documents is non-refundable.
• The Bidders should have the necessary portal enrolment with his/her own Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).

2.8 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) / Bid Security

The Bidder shall pay EMD of INR 3,20,00,000/- (Indian Rupees Three Crore Twenty Lakhs only) in the form
of NEFT/RTGS/Net Banking/ Bank Guarantee.
In case of EMD is submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee form, then the scanned copy of the BG along
with SFMS confirmation must be uploaded along with the proposal.

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No exemption for submitting the EMD will be given to any agency. EMD in any other form will not be

No interest will be payable by the Authority on the Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.

In case a bid is submitted without EMD/Bid Security as mentioned above, then Tender Inviting Authority
shall reject the bid without providing opportunity for any further correspondence to the bidder concerned and
the Bids shall be treated as non-responsive.

The EMD/Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by the Authority, without any interest, as
promptly as possible on acceptance of the Proposal of the Selected Bidder or when the Tender Inviting
Authority cancels the Bidding Process.

The Selected Bidder’s EMD will be returned, without any interest, upon the Selected Bidder signing the
Agreement and furnishing the Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee in accordance with the provision

The EMD may be forfeited in any of the following circumstances:

a. If a Bidder withdraws their bid or increases their quoted prices during the period of bid validity or its extended
period, if any; or
b. In the case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the Contract or to furnish Performance Bank
Guarantee within specified time
c. During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would jeopardize or unnecessarily
delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization.
d. During the bid process, if any information found wrong / manipulated / hidden/ fraudulent in the bid.

2.9 Bid Validity Period

Bid shall remain valid for the time period mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Bids shall be valid for a period of 180
days (One hundred and eighty days) from the last date of submission of the bids. A Bid valid for a shorter
period may be considered as non-responsive. In exceptional circumstances, at its discretion, Authority may
solicit the bidder's consent for an extension of the validity period. The request and the responses thereto shall
be made in writing or by fax or email.

2.10 Contents of Bid

The bid consisting of following document shall be uploaded through the e-Procurement portal.

1. RFP/ tender Document fees

2. Earnest Money Deposit
3. Pre-Qualification Bid
4. Technical Bid
5. Commercial Bid

• Please note that Prices should NOT be indicated in the Technical Bid but should only be indicated in the
Commercial Bid.
• All the pages of the bid must be sequentially numbered. The bid documents must contain in the beginning of
the document, a list of contents with page numbers. Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the
rejection of the Bid.

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• The original bid shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no interlineations or overwriting, except as
necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder itself. Any such corrections must be initialed by the person
(or persons) who sign(s) the bids.
• All pages of the bid shall be initialed and stamped by the person (or persons) who sign the bid.
• Failure to submit the bid before the submission deadline specified in the Fact Sheet would cause a bid to be
• Authority will not accept delivery of bid by fax, e-mail or in person.

2.11 Bid Formats

2.11.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Format

Section # Section Heading Details

As per format provided in Annexure 2
1. Pre-qualification checklist
section 6.1
Pre-Qualification Bid Covering As per format provided in Annexure 2
Letter section 6.2
As per format provided in Annexure 7 of
3. Consortium Agreement
Volume 1
As per format provided in Annexure 2
4. Company Profile section 6.3
Documentary evidence as per format
5. Power of Attorney
provided in Annexure 8 and 9
As per format provided in Annexure 2
No Deviation Certificate section 6.5
7. Total responsibility certificate As per format in Annexure 2 Section 6.6
Self-certificate for Project As per format in Annexure 2 Section 6.7
8. execution experience (On
Bidder’s Letter Head)

2.11.2 Technical Bid Format

Section Section Heading Details


As per format provided in Annexure 3 Section

1. Technical Bid Checklist

Technical Bid covering As per format provided in Annexure 3 section

letter 6.10

Technical Evaluation Information as required in Technical Criteria 3.6

Criteria & 3.6.1

Details as required in Technical Criteria 3.6 &

4. Approach & Methodology 3.6.1

Details as required in Technical Criteria 3.6 &

5. Solution Proposed
Please refer to Annexure 3 as well.

Project/ Credential As per format provided in Annexure 3 section

6. 6.11

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Section Section Heading Details


Project supporting documentary evidences and

7. Bidder’s Experience Self-certifications as per format in Annexure 3
section 6.12 as applicable

• Project plan as per format provided in

Annexure 3 section 6.13.2
• Manpower plan as per format provided in
Annexure 3 section 6.13.3
8. Project Plan and Resources • Summary of resources as per format provided
in Annexure 3 section 3.6.4 and 6.14
• CV of resources as per format provided in
Annexure 3 section 6.15

Authorization Certificate from manufacturer

should be submitted for all active hardware and
software components proposed under this
project like Cameras, Network
switches/Routers, UPS, Server, Storage,
Software products (VMS, ITMS, ICCC, VA,
Manufacturers'/Producers’ EMS, Cloud Service etc).
9. Authorization Form and
OEM Undertakings As per format provided in Annexure 4 section

Bidder to submit all undertakings & certification

as specified under Para-6 of Volume-2 of this

As per format provided in Annexure 4 Section

10. Anti – Collusion Certificate 7.2

11. Non – disclosure As per format provided in Annexure 6


2.11.3 Commercial Bid Format

The Bidder must submit the Commercial Bid is the formats specified in Section 7.

Section Section Heading Details


Total Price Summary with As per format provided in Section 7 Annexure 4.

1. Price component for The price shall be submitted as per format given in
CAPEX and OPEX the e-nivida Portal only.

2.12 Language

The bid should be prepared and submitted by the bidders in English language only. If any submitted
supporting documents are in any language other than English, translation of the same in English language is
to be provided (duly attested) by the Bidders. For purposes of interpretation of the documents, the English
translation shall govern. Such translated documents shall be notarized and in case of any incorrectness of
the translation, the bidder will be penalized.

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2.13 Authentication of Bids

An authorized representative (or representatives) of the Bidder shall initial all pages of the Pre-Qualification,
Technical and Commercial Bids.

Bid should be accompanied by an authorization in the name of the signatory (or signatories) of the Bid. The
authorization shall be in the form of a written power of attorney accompanying the Bid demonstrating that the
representative has been duly authorized to sign.

2.14 Amendment of Request for Proposal

At any time prior to the due date for submission of bid, Authority may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to a clarification requested by prospective bidder(s), modify the RFP document by
amendments. Such amendments shall be uploaded on the e-procurement portal website, through
corrigendum and shall form an integral part of RFP document. The relevant clauses of the RFP document
shall be treated as amended accordingly.

It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder(s) to check the Authority’s website from time to time for
any amendment in the RFP document. In case of failure to get the amendments, if any, Authority shall not be

In order to allow prospective bidders a reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their
bids, Authority, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for submission of bids. Such extensions shall be
uploaded on website of the Authority.

2.15 Bid Price

Prices quoted in the Bid must be firm and shall not be subject to any modifications, on any account
whatsoever. The Bid Prices shall be indicated in Indian Rupees (INR) only.

The Price Bid should clearly indicate the price quoted without any ambiguity whatsoever and should include
all applicable taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges as may be applicable in relation to the activities
proposed to be carried out. Should there be a change in applicable taxes, the actual taxes on the date of
billing would prevail.

Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Price Bid should not be revealed, failing which the
offer shall be liable for rejection.

Bidders shall quote for the entire scope of contract on a “overall responsibility” basis such that the total bid
price covers Bidder’s all obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the bidding documents in
respect of providing the product/services.

2.16 Deviations and Exclusions

Bids shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements and terms & conditions of the RFP. The
Bidder shall submit a No Deviation Certificate as per the format mentioned in Section 6.5. The bids with
deviation(s) are liable for rejection.

2.17 Total Responsibility

Bidder should issue a statement undertaking total responsibility for the defect free operation of the proposed
solution as per the format mentioned in Section 6.6.

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2.18 Late Bids

Late submission will not be entertained and will not be permitted by the e-Procurement Portal.

The bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail/in person etc. shall not be considered. No correspondence
will be entertained on this matter.

Authority shall not be responsible for delay in submission of any online submission related or website related
issues and date of submission cannot be extended for such reasons. Authority reserves the right to modify
and amend any of the above-stipulated condition/criteria.

2.19 Right to Terminate the Process

Tender Inviting Authority may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason.
Tender Inviting Authority makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a business
transaction with anyone.

This RFP does not constitute an offer by Tender Inviting Authority.

The bidder's participation in this process may result in Tender Inviting Authority selecting the bidder to engage
in further discussions and negotiations toward execution of an agreement. The commencement of such
negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by the Tender Inviting Authority to execute an
agreement or to continue negotiations. Tender Inviting Authority may terminate negotiations at any time
without assigning any reason.

2.20 Non-Conforming bids

A bid may be construed as a non-conforming bids and ineligible for consideration:

a. If it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP.

b. If a bid does not follow the format requested in this RFP or does not appear to address the particular
requirements of the solution.

2.21 Acceptance/Rejection of Bids

a. Not used.

b. Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, the Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any
Proposal and to annul the Selection Process and reject all Proposals, at any time without any liability or any
obligation for such acceptance, rejection, or annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefore.

c. Besides other conditions and terms highlighted in the RFP Document, bids may be rejected under following

1. General rejection criteria

i. Conditional Bids;

ii. If the information provided by the Bidder is found to be incorrect / misleading / fraudulent / incomplete at
any stage / time during the Tendering Process;

iii. Any effort on the part of a Bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award

iv. Bids received after the prescribed time & date for receipt of bids;
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v. Bids without signature of person (s) duly authorized on required pages of the bid;

vi. Bids without power of attorney/ board resolution or its certified true copy;

2. Pre-Qualification rejection criteria

i. Bidders not complying with the Eligibility Criteria given in this RFP;

ii. Revelation of prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid;

iii. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP Document or submission of a Bid not substantially
responsive to the RFP Document in every respect;

3. Technical rejection criteria

i. Technical Bid containing commercial details;

ii. Revelation of Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid;

iii. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP Document or submission of a Bid not substantially
responsive to the RFP Document in every respect;

iv. Bidders not quoting for the complete scope of work as indicated in the RFP Documents, addendum
/corrigendum (if any) and any subsequent information given to the Bidder;

v. Bidders not complying with the Technical and General Terms and conditions as stated in the RFP

vi. The Bidder not confirming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of providing services in accordance
with the scope of work and Service Level Agreements of this RFP;

4. Commercial Rejection Criteria

a. Incomplete price Bid;

b. Price Bids that do not conform to the RFP’s price bid format;

c. Total price quoted by the Bidder does not include all statutory taxes and levies applicable;

If there is an arithmetic discrepancy in the commercial Bid calculations the Technical Committee shall rectify
the same. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, its Bid may be rejected.

Misrepresentation/ improper response by the Bidder may lead to the disqualification. If such disqualification
/ rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the L1 Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then
Authority reserves the right to consider the next best ranked Bidder or take any other measure as may be
deemed fit in the sole discretion of Authority, including annulment of the Selection Process.

2.22 Confidentiality

All the material/information shared with the Bidder during the course of this procurement process as well as
the subsequent resulting engagement following this process with the successful bidder, shall be treated as
confidential and should not be disclosed in any manner to any unauthorized person under any circumstances.
The successful Lead bidder and Consortium members on behalf of employees who are proposed to be
deployed on the project need to furnish a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) format provided in Volume 3 of
the RFP.

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2.23 Disqualification

The bid is liable to be disqualified in the following cases or in case bidder fails to meet the bidding
requirements as indicated in this RFP:
a. During validity of the bid, or its extended period, if any, the bidder changes its quoted prices.

b. The bidder’s bid is conditional and has deviations from the terms and conditions of RFP.

c. Information submitted in technical bid is found to be misrepresented, incorrect or false, accidentally,

unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing of the contract (no matter at what stage) or during
the tenure of the contract including the extension period if any.

d. Financial bid is enclosed with the same document as technical bid.

e. Bidder tries to influence the bid evaluation process by unlawful/corrupt/fraudulent means at any point of time
during the bid process.

f. In case any one party submits multiple bids or if common interests are found in two or more bidders, the
bidders are likely to be disqualified,

g. If any of the Lead Bidder and or consortium partner (s) is also partner in any other bid, then all the affected
bids shall be disqualified.

h. Bids without Bid Document fees & EMD will be disqualified

2.24 Key Personnel

Authority has identified certain key positions and minimum qualifications for each of the positions that should
be part of project team of the bidder (hereby referred to as “key personnel”). Details of these key positions
are provided in Section 3.6.2

2.24.1 Initial Composition; Full Time Obligation; Continuity of Personnel

Bidder shall ensure that each member of the Key Personnel devotes substantial working time as per the
staffing schedule/ manpower plan to perform the services to which that person has been assigned as per the

Bidder shall not make any changes to the composition of the Key Personnel and not require or request any
member of the Key Personnel to cease or reduce his or her involvement in the provision of the Services
during the defined term of the engagement unless that person resigns, is terminated for cause, is long-term
disabled, is on permitted mandatory leave under Applicable Law or retires.

In any such case, the Authority's prior written consent would be mandatory.
2.24.2 Evaluations

Bidder shall carry out an evaluation of the performance of each member of the Key Personnel in connection
with the project at least once in each Contract Year. Bidder shall provide reasonable written notice to Authority
of the date of each evaluation of each member of the Key Personnel. Authority shall be entitled to provide
inputs to the bidder for each such evaluation. Bidder shall promptly provide the results of each evaluation to
Authority, subject to Applicable Law.

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2.24.3 Replacement

In case any proposed resource resigns, then the Bidder has to inform Authority within one week of such

Bidder shall promptly initiate a search for a replacement to ensure that the role of any member of the Key
Personnel is not vacant at any point in time during the contract period, subject to reasonable extensions
requested by Bidder to Authority.

Before assigning any replacement member of the Key Personnel to the provision of the Services, Bidder
shall provide Authority with:

a. A resume, curriculum vitae and any other information about the candidate that is reasonably requested by
Authority; and

b. An opportunity to interview the candidate.

The bidder has to provide replacement resource of equal or better qualification and experience as per the
requirements of this RFP.

If Authority objects to the appointment, Bidder shall not assign the individual to that position and shall seek
an alternative candidate in accordance with the resource requirements of this RFP.

The bidder needs to ensure at least 3 weeks of overlap period in such replacements. Authority will not be
responsible for any knowledge transition to the replacement resource and any impact/escalation of cost
incurred by the bidder due to resource replacement.

2.24.4 High Attrition

If in the first 6 month period from the Contract Effective Date and in any rolling 12 months period during the
Term of contract, 25 percent or more of the members of the Key Personnel cease or reduce their involvement
in the Services for any reason other than with Authority’s prior written consent, Bidder shall:

a. Provide Authority with a reasonably detailed explanation as to the reasons for such change, including, where
applicable and permitted, notes from any exit interviews conducted by Bidder with any departing member of
the Key Personnel; and

b. If such change to Key Personnel has or is likely to have any material adverse impact on the provision of the
Services or any substantial part thereof, undertake, at its own costs, such remediation acts as are reasonably
necessary in order to improve the retention of the Key Personnel including making reasonable changes to
the human resources policies and procedures applicable to the Key Personnel (including those related to
compensation, benefits and other conditions so that they are competitive with the market) as may be
necessary to ensure that such policies and procedures comply with Good Industry Practice.

2.25 Inclusion of MSMEs / Start Ups and regulatory compliance in Project Delivery

i) Bidders are encouraged to include Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the delivery of
the project.
ii) Further to promote Make in India initiative of Government of India, procurement guidelines as per Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017, and its subsequent amendments thereof, of
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has to be strictly complied with.
iii) Bidders sharing a land border with India: Office Memorandum F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020
by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Public Procurement Division shall also apply to this
tender. A certificate as per point D of Form No. 07 shall be submitted by all the bidders (Sole Bidder

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and Lead Bidder & all members of consortium) regarding their compliance with this order. If such
certificate given by a bidder whose bid is accepted is found to be false, this would be a ground for
immediate termination and further legal action in accordance with law. Registration should be valid at
the time of submission of bids and at the time of acceptance of bids. In respect of supply otherwise
than by tender, registration should be valid at the time of placement of order.

2.26 Eligible Goods and Services, and OEM Criteria:

a. For purposes of this Clause, the term “goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment,
and industrial plants; and “services” includes services such as insurance, transportation, supply, installation,
integration, testing, commissioning, training, and initial maintenance.

b. The Bidder shall quote only one specific make and model of OEM, for each of the goods. Providing more
than one option shall not be allowed. All goods quoted by the Bidder must be associated with item code and
names and with printed literature describing configuration and functionality. Any deviation from the printed
specifications should be clearly mentioned in the offer document by the Bidder.

c. The components (including but not limited to CCTV Cameras, Video Management System Software, ANPR
Cameras & Solution, RLVD Solution, Speed Violation Solution, Edge Level (Field) Switches, Data Centre
Switches & Routers, Servers, Storage, Racks, Desktop PC and Workstations etc.) should have existing
registered service/support center or establish in India within 30 days of award of contract. The Bidder should
submit an undertaking from the OEM to that effect.

d. All CCTV Cameras, Video Management System, within overall project offering should be compliant to ONVIF
Core Specification ‘2.X’ for Profile ‘S’ and Profile ‘G’. Further, the bidder shall be responsible for ensuring
integration of Video Analytics and any video/image processing solution as per solution requirement.

e. During the Demonstration/Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the field components at technical evaluation stage, the
Technical Committee will give special attention to verify the quality, robustness and appropriateness of the
proposed camera/other equipment for field scenario/conditions. If any brand / product are found un-suitable,
Bidder may get dis-qualified or may be asked to replace the product with better brands meeting the tender
requirements, without any change in commercial bid.

f. Cloud Service Provider (CSP) should meet following minimum capabilities.

The CSP must be an empaneled cloud service provider by MeitY
Note: Necessary certificates / documentary proof must be provided for evaluation.

g. All the OEMs should have authorized presence in India either directly or through channel partner(s) as on
the date of release of RFP.
h. Bidder must quote products in accordance with above clause “Eligible goods and related services.

2.27 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids

a. A Bidders may withdraw the Bid or re-submit the Bid (technical and/ or financial) within bid submission period
as per the instructions/ procedure mentioned at e-Procurement website.

b. Bids withdrawn shall not be opened and processed further.

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2.28 Site Visit

The Bidder may wish to visit and examine the site or sites and obtain for itself, at its own responsibility and
risk, all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into the Contract. The costs of
visiting the site or sites shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.

3. Selection Process for Bidder

3.1 Opening of Bids

The Bids shall be opened by Tender Inviting Authority in presence of those Bidders or their representatives
who may be present at the time of opening.

The representatives of the Bidders are advised to carry the identity card or a letter of authority from the bidder
firms to identify that they are bona fide representatives of the bidder firm, for attending the opening of bid.

There will be Two bid-opening events

a. Technical Bid - RFP/Tender Document Fee, Bid Security/EMD, Pre-Qualification Documents and
Technical Documents

b. Commercial bid

The date and time for opening of Technical & Commercial bid would be communicated to the qualified bidders.

The Technical Bids of only those bidders will be processed who clears the Pre-qualification stage.

The Commercial Bids of only those bidders will be opened who score equal to or more than 65% in Technical

3.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids

Authority shall examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether the documents have been
properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. Any bids found to be nonresponsive for any
reason or not meeting any criteria specified in the RFP, shall be rejected by Tender Inviting Authority and shall
not be included for further consideration.

Initial Bid scrutiny shall be held and bids will be treated as non-responsive, as defined in the para 2.21 &
2.23 of this RFP.

3.3 Clarification on Bids

During the bid evaluation, Authority may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for any clarification(s) of its bid. The
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the
bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.
The Tender Inviting Authority may waive any minor infirmity, nonconformity or irregularity in a bid that does
not constitute a material deviation, and that does not prejudice or affect the relative position of any Bidder,
provided it conforms to all the terms, conditions of the bidding documents without any material deviations,
objections, conditionality, or reservations. A material deviation, objection, conditionality, or reservation is one
(i) that affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Agreement; (ii) that limits in
any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, Authority’s rights or the selected Bidder’s
obligations under the Agreement; or (iii) whose rectification would unfairly affect the competitive position of
other Bidders who are presenting responsive bids.
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3.4 Evaluation Process

Tender Inviting Authority shall constitute a Tender Evaluation Committee to evaluate the responses of the
bidders. The Tender Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the responses to the RFP and all supporting
documents/documentary evidence. Inability to submit requisite supporting documents/documentary evidence
by bidders may lead to rejection of their bids.

The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of bids shall be final. No correspondence
will be entertained outside the process of evaluation with the Committee. The Tender Evaluation Committee
may ask for meetings or presentation with the Bidders to seek clarifications or conformations on their bids.

The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Each of the responses shall be
evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this RFP.

The steps for evaluation are as follows:

3.4.1 Stage 1: Pre-Qualification

a. Authority shall validate the “RFP/Tender Document Fee & Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

b. If the contents are as per requirements, Authority shall consider the Pre-Qualification documents for further
evaluation. Each of the Pre-Qualification condition mentioned in Section 3.5 is MANDATORY. In case,
the Bidder does not meet any one of the conditions, the bidder shall be disqualified.

Bidders would be informed of their qualification/disqualification based on the Pre-Qualification criteria

through Portal and subsequently. The Bid Security amount shall be returned to the respective disqualified
Bidders after the submission of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) by the successful Bidder.

c. Technical and Commercial bids for those bidders who don’t pre-qualify will not be opened and /or evaluated
further. Financial bid will not be opened for those bidders, who don’t qualify in the technical evaluation. Bid
Security amount shall be retuned for those who don’t qualify the financial evaluation stage after PBG is
submitted by successful bidder.

d. Bids of only those Bidders who meets the Pre-Qualification criteria, shall be considered for further evaluation
i.e. Stage-2: Technical Evaluation.

3.4.2 Stage 2: Technical Evaluation

a. Technical Documents will be evaluated only for the bidders who succeed in Stage 1.

b. The Technical Evaluation Committee appointed by the Tender Inviting Authority will review the technical bids
of the short-listed bidders to determine whether the technical bids are substantially responsive. Bids that are
not substantially responsive are liable to be disqualified at Authority’s discretion.

c. The bidders' technical solutions proposed in the bid document shall be evaluated as per the requirements
specified in the RFP and technical evaluation framework as mentioned in Section 3.6 & 3.6.1

d. Bidders shall make a presentation to the Technical Evaluation Committee appointed by the Tender Inviting
Authority to supplement their bids which include the following
• Approach & Methodology including Project Experience.
• Proposed solutions
• Manpower – Technical resources
• Proof of Concept of the proposed solution / Envisaged use cases
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e. The Authority envisages to have proof of concept / technical demonstration to evaluate the technology &
system performance for achieving city business outcome. During the Demonstration/Proof-of-Concept (PoC)
at technical evaluation stage, the Evaluation Committee will give special attention to verify the quality,
robustness and appropriateness of the proposed Solutions/Equipment of same make and model of the
components offered in the Bid. If any brand / products are found un-suitable, Bidder may get disqualified
or may be asked to replace the product with better products, meeting the tender requirements, without any
change in commercial bid. Bidder may demonstrate local setup or existing deployments over network/cloud.
f. The Bidder shall be required to exhibit overall solution architecture along with compliance to
functional and non-functional requirements of the RFP, through presentation.
g. The Authority will notify the date and venue for conducting such proof of concept / technical demonstration
to the prospective bidders.
h. The Bidder shall bear all the costs associated with PoC except for PoC venue, network and internet
connectivity which shall be made available by the Tender Inviting Authority. The bidder shall share the network
and internet connectivity requirements minimum one week in advance prior to the date of PoC to the Authority.
i. Each Technical Bid will be assigned a technical score out of a maximum of 100 Points.
j. Only those bids who get a minimum of 50% of marks in each of the Technical Evaluation Segment and an
overall technical score of 65% or more of the Technical Evaluation Framework as given in Section 3.6 shall
be considered technically qualified and will qualify for the commercial evaluation stage. Failing to secure
minimum marks shall lead to rejection of the bids
3.4.3 Stage 3: Commercial Evaluation

a. All the technically qualified bidders will be notified to participate in Commercial Bid opening process.
b. The commercial of only those bidders which have qualified in Stage-1 & Stage -2 shall then be opened on
the notified date and time and reviewed to determine whether the commercial bids are substantially
responsive. Bids that are not substantially responsive are liable to be disqualified at Authority’s discretion.
c. Commercial Bids that are not as per the format provided in the RFP shall be liable for rejection.
d. The bid price shall include all taxes and levies and shall be in Indian Rupees and mentioned separately
The Authority or any other government agency shall not have any liability of paying any taxes (including
GST)/charges/levies as part of this project. The bidder has to quote their Price duly factoring all these costs
over the project duration.
If there is any discrepancy in the Price Bid, it will be dealt as per the following:
1. If, in the price structure quoted for the required Product and Services, there is discrepancy between the unit
price and total price (which is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity), only the total price/cost
as quoted in the table in the Price Bid Format 1 shall prevail. The unit prices quoted in the Price Bid Format
2 shall be considered only in case of any deviations/modifications in the scope of the work in due course.
2. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.

3.4.4 Successful Bidder Evaluation

65:35 Quality and Cost based Selection (QCBS) method shall be used for evaluation of the bids, as per the
formula given below:
The scores will be calculated as:
Bb = (0.65)*Tb+ (0.35)*(Cmin/Cb * 100)
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a) Bb = overall score of bidder under consideration (calculated up to two decimal points)
b) Tb = Technical score for the bidder under consideration
c) Cb = Price quoted by the bidder under consideration
d) Cmin= Lowest price among the financial proposals under consideration
The bidder achieving the highest overall score will be invited for negotiations for awarding the contract. In
case of a tie where two or more bidders achieve the same highest overall score, the bidder with the higher
technical score will be invited first for negotiations for awarding the contract. In case of a tie on the technical
scores and highest overall scores, the Cb will be calculated to the third place of decimal and the bidder with
lesser Cb will be invited for negotiations for awarding the contract.

3.5 Pre-Qualification Criteria

The bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capabilities in providing services necessary
to meet the requirements as described in the RFP document. Keeping in view the complexity and volume of
the work involved, following criteria are prescribed as the eligibility criteria for the bidder interested in
undertaking the project. The bidder must also possess technical know-how and financial ability that would be
required to successfully provide System Integration, Operation and Maintenance services sought for the
entire contract duration. The bids must be complete in all respect and should cover entire scope of work as
stipulated in the bid document. This invitation to bid is open to all bidders who qualify the eligibility criteria as
given below:

Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded

Sole Bidder/ Lead PQ_1

Bidder and
members of
Consortium (in case
of consortium)
should be a
The sole bidder/ Lead
Company registered Bidder and consortium
under Companies members should submit
Act, 1956 or 2013, the following documents
or a Limited Liability
1 Legal Entity
registered under the 1.Certificate of
Limited Liability incorporation
Partnerships Act,
2008 or a 2. Memorandum and
Partnership firm Articles of Association
registered under the
Indian Partnership
Act existing for the
past 5 years as on

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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
Consortium In case of Consortium, PQ_2
Agreement (in case the Lead Member of
of Consortium) Consortium should furnish
the Consortium
2.1 The Bid can Agreement signed by all
only be submitted the Consortium Members.
by Consortium led
Consortium agreement
by Lead Member.
should clearly mention the
roles and responsibilities
2.2. In case of
of each member.
Consortium, the
same shall be
Consortium Agreement limited to three
2 (Only applicable for members in total.
Consortium Members) Including the Lead

2.3. The Lead

member of one
Consortium cannot
be a member of
another consortium
which is also
participating in this

In case of Sole Bidder/All PQ_3

3.1 The Sole members of Consortium
Bidder/All members (In case of Consortium)
of Consortium (In should furnish
case of Consortium)
should be 3.1.1 Copy of PAN.
3 Tax Registration
Registered in India
and should be 3.1.2 Copy of GST
Registered with the Registration Certificate.
Tax Authorities.

4.1 Specific Power 1. Specific Power of PQ_4

of Attorney in favour Attorney for the Sole
of Authorized Bidder or the Lead
Signatory signing Member (in case of
the Bid and Board consortium) and Board
Resolution in favour of a
4 Power of Attorney Resolution in favour
person granting the
of a person granting
Power of Attorney to sole
the Power of bidder or Lead member.
Attorney for the
Sole Bidder or the 2. In case of consortium,
Lead Member in specific Power of Attorney

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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
case of Consortium for all members of the
who shall sign the consortium to sign the
agreement. consortium agreement as
per format and Board
4.2 Specific Power Resolution in favour of a
of Attorney in favour person of respective
of Authorized consortium members
Signatory signing granting the Power of
Attorney to their
the bid and Board
respective members.
Resolution in favour
of person granting 3. Specific Power of
the Power of Attorney from each
Attorney for the consortium member to the
Lead Member from Lead Member authorizing
each member of the to sign the agreement on
Consortium behalf of them as per
authorizing to sign format.
the agreement on
behalf of them

In case of Sole Bidder, PQ_5

The Sole Bidder should

5.1.1 A self-certified
The Sole bidder / all
undertaking on its
members should
company letterhead
not have been
duly signed by the
blacklisted by any
Central / State
Signatory of the
Government / Union
Sole Bidder.
Territories /
5 Blacklisting 5.1.2 In case of
Consortium, all
Undertaking / ULB
members of
in India in the last 5
Consortium should
years from the date
furnisha self-certified
of the response to
undertaking on its
this Tender.
company letterhead
signed by the

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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
a) The Bidder (Sole PQ_6
Bidder or Lead
Member and /or
members jointly in
case of Consortium)
shall have an
average annual
turnover of INR
79.30 Crores in
three (3) years from
either Financial
years (2019-20, a) CA / Statutory Auditor’s
2020-21 and 2021- Certificate mentioning
22) Or Financial year wise turnover
years (2020-21, supported by Audited
2021-22 and 2022- financial statement for
23) stated 3 financial years
for the Sole Bidder or the
• In case of Lead Member and all
consortium Lead members of consortium
Members should (in case of consortium)
have minimum
51% of the b) CA/ Statutory Auditor’s
6 Average Annual Turnover above average Certificate referring para
annual Turnover of MoA/AoA of the Bidder
requirement. indicating Specific
• Other Business Areas for sole
consortium bidder or the lead
members member in case of
together should consortium.
meet at least
20% of the
above average
Annual Turnover

b) The sole
Member (in case of
consortium) shall
have, as its object
of business, the
following Specific
Business Areas

(including Data
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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
• IT system

The Sole Bidder/ All PQ_7

members of
CA / Statutory Auditor’s
Consortium should
Certificate mentioning
have positive net
year wise Networth
worth for each of
supported by Audited
the last three
financial statement for
audited financial
stated 3 financial years
7 Net worth for the Sole Bidder or the
Lead Member and all
Special note: The
members of consortium
three financial years
(in case of consortium)
should be same as
selected under the
Turnover criteria
(para 6 above).

The Sole bidder or PQ_8

in case of
consortium Lead
Bidder and /or any
member of the
(individually or
jointly) should have
experience of
having successfully
completed or Documentary evidence
8 Project Experience ongoing projects in (Copy of completion /
any of the six areas ongoing certificate and
defined under Work Order/ Contract
similar works during from client.
last 7 years ending
last day of month (i.
e. as on 31st May
2023) previous to
the one in which
RFP is invited.
Three similar works
of not less than the

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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
amount equal to Rs.
63 Crores each
Two similar works
of not less than the
amount equal to Rs.
79 Crores each
One similar work of
not less than the
amount equal to Rs.
126 Crores

Similar work is
defined under note -
1 below.

The Sole Bidder or PQ_9

Lead Member (in
case of Consortium)
should have a local
office in Puducherry.
If the Sole Bidder or An undertaking on its
Lead Member (in company letterhead duly
case of Consortium) signed by authorised
does not have an signatory mentioning
details of local office
9 Presence in Puducherry office in Puducherry
address or for setting up
as on date of
the local office in
submission of bid, Puducherry within 15
the Sole Bidder or days from the date of
Lead Member (in issue of LOA.
case of
Consortium), if
selected, will be
required to open an
office within 15 days
from Issue of LOA.

The Sole Bidder/ In case of Sole Bidder, PQ_10

Lead Bidder (in The Sole Bidder should
10 Accreditations case of consortium) furnish Copy of the
and /or Consortium Certificate(s) signed and
Members should stamped by the
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Name to be
Mandatory documentary
given to the
S.NO Qualification Criteria Details evidence to be
PDF file to
be uploaded
jointly possess any Authorized Signatory of
three of below the Sole Bidder.
certifications which
are valid as on date In case of Consortium,
of bid submission. any Consortium member
should furnish- Copy of
a) CMMI Level 3 or the Certificate(s) signed
Higher for and stamped by the
Capability Maturity Authorized Signatory of
Model Integration the Lead Member of
b) ISO 9001
certification or
higher or equivalent
c) ISO 27001
certification or
higher or equivalent
d) ISO 14001 for
e) ISO 20000 for IT

Special Note for Pre-qualification Criteria:

1. Similar works shall include:

Similar work shall include any order/contract/project received from Central / State Government / Union
Territories/PSUs in India / Reputed Indian Companies (where the Annual Turnover of the reputed Indian
Company in last three Financial years must be greater than 79.30 Crore) in any of the below six categories.
In case of credential from Reputed Indian Companies, the audited Balance Sheets or Certificate from CA
/statutory auditor of the said company confirming the turnover (greater than 79.30 Crores) must be submitted
along with the credential):

a) Design, Build and Maintenance of Integrated Command and Control Centre:

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Designing and setting up of ICCC, Operations & Maintenance (O&M) of ICCC comprising of emergency
response/ Security and Surveillance control/City wide NOC/ITMS/Smart Pole/Control Software, Video Wall,
Operations room, contact centre/ help desk.
b) Installation of CCTV Surveillance system in a single project.
c) Intelligent traffic management System, ANPR, RLVD or Traffic Command and control centre involving
traffic junctions.
d) Supply Installation & commissioning and /or O&M of Information Communication Telecommunication
(ICT) project.
e) Design, Build and Maintenance of Data Center
Project related to implementation or management of IT Infrastructure for Data Center. The Data Center shall
be of minimum Tier II certification.
f) Integration of ICT applications with Command-and-Control Centre:
Integration of components from the following Smart Solutions having bi-directional integration from the list
below with Integrated command and Control centre: (Surveillance System/Parking System, Water & Power
SCADA, Traffic Signal / Traffic Enforcement System / e-Challan/ Smart Lighting/ smart sensors)

2. Documentary evidence for Pre-Qualification and Technical Qualification Criteria

i. For all the project experience, following documentary evidences are required:
a. Work order/ Contract clearly highlighting the scope of work, Bill of Material, and value of the contract/order.
If NDA is signed between Bidder & Client and Work Order/ Contract cannot be submitted as a proof of work,
then Bidder shall submit Certificate mentioning NDA signed, scope of work, Cost of Project, duration of project
and current status of the project signed by the Designated Authority of Client or by the Statutory Auditor.
b. Completion Certificate : for completed project certificate duly mentioning reference of concerned Order
should be issued & signed by the authorized signatory of the end customer on the entity’s Letterhead
In case project is on-going a certificate from the Statutory Auditor duly mentioning reference of concerned
Order has to be provided mentioning that 80% of Capex has been released OR Project should be successfully
implemented and should be in the O & M Stage.
c. Citations
ii. In case the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited and therefore the Bidder cannot
make it available, the Bidder shall give an undertaking to this effect and the statutory auditor shall certify the
same. In such a case, the Bidder shall provide the Audited Annual Reports for 3 (three) years preceding the
year for which the Audited Annual Report is not being provided.
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iii. In Jurisdictions that do not have a statutory auditor, the firm of auditors which audits the annual accounts
of the Bidders may provide the certificates required under this RFP
iv. In case the experience shown is that of the bidder’s parent / subsidiary company if they are wholly owned
subsidiary of their parent company; then the following additional documents are required:
a. Certificate signed by the Company Secretary/statutory Auditor/2 Board of Directors of the bidder certifying
that the entity whose experience is shown is parent/subsidiary Company.
b. Resolution/ Authorization from Board of Parent/ Subsidiary Company to be submitted authorizing use of
Parent/ Subsidiary company’s experiences along with declaration that the Parent/ subsidiary company will
support during project tenure
c. Consolidated Balance Sheet for the last 3 (three) financial years is submitted to establish Parent-Subsidiary
d. Shareholding pattern of the bidding entity as per audit reports or Certificate issued by Statutory auditor.
v. Bidders are allowed to submit experience in terms of technical qualification of their holding (parent)
company or subsidiary company if:
a. a ‘holding company’, in relation to one or more other companies, means a company of which such
companies are subsidiary companies; and
b. a ‘subsidiary company’ in relation to any other company (that is to say the holding company), means a
company in which the holding company— (a) controls the composition of the Board of Directors; or (b)
exercises or controls more than one-half of the total share capital at its own
c. They are wholly owned subsidiary of their parent company
d. Resolution/ Authorization from Board of Parent/ Subsidiary Company to be submitted authorizing use of
Parent/ Subsidiary company’s experiences along with declaration that the Parent/ subsidiary company will
support during project tenure
e. Consolidated Balance Sheet for the last 3 (three) years is submitted to establish Parent-Subsidiary
vi. In case where the Bidder is dependent upon the technical experience of the subsidiary company or the
parent company, with a view to ensure commitment and involvement of the parent/ subsidiary for successful
execution of the contract, the participating bidder should enclose (i) an Agreement (as per format enclosed
at Annexure 10 of this Volume) between the bidder and its parent / subsidiary company for fulfilling the
obligation and deployment of expert during implementation phase for the Track/Component for which the
experience is being used and (ii) Guarantee (as per format enclosed at Annexure 11 of this Volume) from
the parent/ subsidiary company in favour of Authority.
vii. Global Experience of companies registered in India will be considered if the firm is
a. Registered under the Companies Act 1956/2013 in India or LLP firm/ Partnership firm under Partnership
Act of 1932
b. In operation in India for a period of at-least 5 years as on Bid Submission Date

3.6 Technical Evaluation Framework

The Bidder's technical solution proposed in the Technical Evaluation bid shall be evaluated as per the
evaluation criteria in the following table.

Segment Technical Evaluation Segments Points

A Bidder Profile 10
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B Project Experience 50
C Approach & Methodology and POC demonstration 30
D Proposed Resources for the Project 10
Technical Score 100
Important Notes:

a) Definitions/Explanation as provided under Pre-qualification criteria for credentials shall be applicable for
the technical evaluation.

b) Important: Qualification criteria for Technical Evaluation and progression to commercial evaluation
stage: Minimum 65% (65 marks) of the overall technical score total with minimum of 50% in each of
Technical Evaluation Segment.

c) The segment wise technical evaluation shall be based on documentary proof from the Sole Bidder or
Lead Member and /or consortium members jointly (in case of Consortium) shall be considered.

d) Tender Inviting Authority (or a nominated party) reserves the right to check/validate the authenticity of
the information provided in the Pre-qualification and Technical Evaluation criteria and the requisite support
must be provided by the Bidder.

3.6.1 Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria

The following sections explain how the bidders shall be evaluated on each of the evaluation criteria:

Sl Technical Technical Evaluation Parameter Marks Format for

No Evaluation submission
A Bidder Profile Segment (10 marks)
A1 Average Submission of documentary proof from the
Annual Sole Bidder or Lead Member and /or 6 Document as
Turnover for consortium members jointly (in case of defined under
last Three Consortium). special note under
Financial Pre- Qualification
Years. Turnover Marks Criteria.
More than INR 200 Cr -6 Marks
>INR 150 Cr to <= INR 200 Cr 5 Marks
>INR 100 Cr to <= INR 150 Cr 4 Marks
>=INR 79 to <= INR 100 Cr 3 Marks
A2 People in Submission of HR certificate from the Sole 4 HR Certificate.
organization Bidder or Lead Member (in case of
(Full time Consortium) and /or consortium members
Employees in jointly.
Information & Number of FTE Marks
Technology >300 FTE 4
(ICT)) >200 FTE to <=300 3
>100 FTE to <=200 2
B. Project Experience Segment (50 Marks)

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B1 CCTV Surveillance system like CCTV surveillance 6

Surveillance system. The project should have at least 200 Annexure-3
system cameras. (Form-6.11)
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 6
2 projects 4
1 Project 2
B2 Public Address/ a) At least 5 Variable Message Display 4
Information boards or Annexure-3
System b) At least 15 Public Address System/ 10 (Form-6.11)
Emergency Call Box or
c) At least 10 - AQM/Flood/Environmental
Sensors etc or jointly.
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 4
2 projects 2
1 Project 1
B3 Design, Build Design, Build and Maintenance of Data 8
and Center- The Data Center shall be of Annexure-3
Maintenance of minimum Tier II. (Form-6.11)
Data Center
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 8
2 projects 6
1 Project 4

Network Experience in successful execution of 4

B4 Experience Network projects /Fiber Optic Cable Laying Annexure-3
and or LAN projects involving minimum 10 (Form-6.11)
sites each.
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 4
2 projects 2
1 Project 1

B5 ITMS Experience in implementation of Integrated 8

Experience Traffic Management System involving Annexure-3
minimum 10 junctions comprising any of the (Form-6.11)
following key components, Traffic Violation
Detection System with E-Challan generation,
ANPR, SVD, Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 8
2 projects 6

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1 Project 4
B6 Design, Build Design, Build and Maintain Integrated 8
and Command and Control Centre: The bidder Annexure-3
Maintenance should have experience of setting up and (Form-6.11)
of Integrated Operations & Maintenance (O&M) of a project
Command and covering Integrated command and control
Control Centre room/emergency response centre / Security
and Surveillance control room/ City wide
NOC/ Surveillance control room built of value
not less than INR 10 Crore each.
Number of Marks
≥3 projects 8
2 projects 6
1 Project 4

B7 Integration of Should have been awarded and successfully 12

ICT executed components having bi-directional Annexure-3
applications integration from the list below with command (Form-6.11)
with and Control center
Command and a) Surveillance System,
Control Center b) Parking System,
c) Intelligent Integrated Solid Waste
Management System,
d) Water & Power SCADA,
e) Smart Governance,
f) Vehicle Tracking System,
g) Traffic Signal / Traffic Enforcement
System / e-Challan,
h) Smart Lighting / LED Lights,
i) Geographical Information System
j) Smart pole with wifi,/PA system
/environmental sensor/ IOT sensors

Number of Marks
> 5 components 12
5 components integrations 10
4 components integrations 8
3 components integrations 6
2 components integrations 4
1 component integrations 2
C Approach & Methodology & Project Presentation Segments (30 marks)

C1 Technical Following parameters will be evaluated. 5 As per Annexure-

Presentation Marks 3 Form 6.13.
on Approach Particulars
Methodology Understanding of the project
and conformity to volume II:
Scope of Work, Functional

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Requirements and System 1.5

Architecture in the proposed

Proposed deployment
architecture for DC & DR to
meet the functionalities as given
in RFP and Proposed Network
Architecture covering ICCC
platform, DC/DR, to meet the
functionalities as given in RFP

Proposed security solution to

safeguard against various
threats including hacking
attempts, cyber-crime, 1.5
internal/ external threats etc.

Proposed solution for design

& development of SOPs and
KPIs (list down all the SOPs
& KPIs identified for the
Identification of major risks
and suitable mitigation 1
plans for each of
identified risks.
Methodology, tools and
Technologies to monitor &
maintain the SLAs and
managing change

Proposed structure for:

1. Project Strategy
2. Project Management 1
3. Risk Management
4. Resource Plan
5. Project Governance Model

C2 Technical Following parameters will be evaluated 25

Demonstration/ during Technical Demonstration:
PoC Particulars Marks

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(i) Demonstrate Sub-System

Integration & Control with
ICCC Platform (all

a) CCTV Surveillance 20
Solution-(5 Marks)
SVD)- (5 Marks)
c) PA system/VMD solution-(4
d) Environmental Sensor (Any
two Sensors) –(3 marks)
e) Smart Pole solution- (3

Demonstrate Implementing
Security & Surveillance,
Environmental Sensor, VMD, 5
PAS, ECB – 1 Marks
Demonstrate the ICCC Control
Room setup with
visualization of smart
components and integration
with GIS on real time basis
-2 Marks
Demonstrate 3D simulation for
proposed solutions – 2 Marks

*Bidder is required to showcase

3D simulation for a functional
smart city with ICCC showcasing
use cases as mentioned in this
RFP. This simulation should
show movement of data / feeds,
working of field devices, ICCC
dashboards, incident
management from ICCC. Finally,
how the whole scenario is
helping citizens in the Smart
City. Note: The Bidder will be
required to submit softcopy of
both presentation and simulation
video to Authority after
presentation is over.
D Proposed Resources for the Project Segment (10 marks)
D1 People on Each of the following profiles suggested by 10 Annexure-3
project the bidder will be evaluated: (Form-6.14 &
Particulars Marks 6.15)
Project Manager 2
ICCC/ Command Center 1.5

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Solution Architect 1.5
Security Infrastructure 1
GIS expert 1
Data Management expert 1
Business Analyst / Use-
case/SoP 1
Network Architect 0.5
Server/ Storage & 0.5
Database Expert

3.6.2 Technical Demonstration of Proof of Concept (PoC)

Objective of Technical Demonstration/ POC is to evaluate the technology & system performance
for getting city outcome.
During the Technical Demonstration/PoC at the technical evaluation stage, the Technical
Committee of Authority shall give special attention to verify the quality, robustness and
appropriateness of the proposed Solutions/Equipment. If any brand / products are found
unsuitable, Bidder may get dis-qualified or may be asked to replace the product with better
brands meeting the RFP requirements, without any change in commercial bid.

A. System Demonstration ICCC Platform Software

B. Demo Material and Set up Authority scope
a) Power Source
b) Space for installing server and workstation

Bidder scope

a) Demo Material
b) Demo Setup at Site
C. Performance Evaluation Live demo and integration services
D. Suggestive Technology Please refer to parameters mentioned in the
Selection Criteria section Technical Demonstration / PoC Technical
Evaluation Framework

Note: The Proof of Concept/ Technical Demonstration is to be presented by the named resources
(Project Director & Solution Architect) as mentioned in the section 3.6.3. Non-compliance to this will
lead to deduction in marks allocated toward PoC/Technical Demonstration.
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3.6.3 Key personnel Evaluation Criteria

SI shall provide adequate number of personnel, each responsible for a specific role within the project. SI
shall provide clear definition of the role and responsibility of each individual personnel.

SI shall have a defined hierarchy and reporting structure for various teams that shall be part of the project.
SI has to provide the list of proposed Resources for the Project. Any changes in Resource deployment will
have to be approved by the Authority.
Following table indicates the minimum qualification required for Key Positions identified for this project.
However, SI shall independently estimate the teams size required to meet the requirements of Service Levels
as specified as part of this tender.

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Project Manager = 2 marks

a) Educational Qualification: 0.5 Mark
• B.E (I.T/C.S.E);/ B.Tech, (I.T/C.S.E)/M.C.A /M. Tech(C.S.E/I.T) = 0.5 Marks
• Else0
b) Work experience in the capacity of Project Director/ Program Manager in ICT/ Command and
Control Center Implementation Projects: 0.5 Mark
• >=15 years = 0.5 marks
• Else0
c) Project/Program management Experience in Large ICT/ Command and Control Center
implementation Project of value > 100 crores: 0.5 Marks
● >= 3 Projects= 0.5 Marks
● Else0
d) Project Management Certification: 0.5 Mark
● PMP or PRINCE 2 Certificate (Bidder to submit scanned copy of valid certificate in the name of the
resource) = 1 Marks
● Else0
Command Center Expert = 1.5 Marks
a) Educational Qualification: 0.5 Marks
● B.E (I.T/C.S.E);/ B.Tech, (I.T/C.S.E)/M.C.A /M. Tech(C.S.E;I.T) = 1 Marks
● Else 0 Marks
b) Work experience as IT/ICT solution architect: 0.5 Marks
● >=10 years = 0.5 Marks
Else 0 Marks
c) Project Handled as Integrated Command and Control Center Expert Project: 0.25 Mark
● > 3 Project = 0.25 Marks
● Else 0 Mark
d) Project Management Certification: 0.25 Mark
● Certification on any of the ICCC platform (Bidder to submit scanned copy of valid certificate in the name
of the resource) = 0.5 Marks
Solution Architect = 1.5 marks
a) Educational Qualification: 1 Marks
● M Tech (C.S.E;I.T)/ B.E (I.T/C.S.E);/ B.Tech, (I.T/C.S.E)/M.C.A = 0.5 Marks
● Else 0 Marks
b) Work experience as IT/ICT solution architect: 0.5 Marks
● >=10 years = 0.5 Marks
● Else0
c) Project Handled as Solution Architecture for Command and Control Center Project: 1 Mark
● >3Project=0.5 Mark
● Else 0 Mark
Security Infrastructure Specialist= 1 Marks
a) Educational Qualification: 0.25 Marks
M Tech(C.S.E;I.T) / B.E (I.T/C.S.E);/ B.Tech, (I.T/C.S.E)/M.C.A = 0.25 Marks
Else 0 Marks
b) Work experience as Cyber Security expert: 0.25 Marks
● >=10 years = 0.25 Mark
● Else0
c) Project Handled as Cyber Security Expert: 0.25 Mark
● > 3 Project = 0.25 Mark
● Else 0 Mark
d) Certificate such as CISSP, CISM, CISA, OSCP or other equivalent from reputed organization such as
CompTIA, EC Council, GIAC, ISACA and (ISC)2: 0.25 Mark (Bidder to submit scanned copy of valid
certificate in the name of the resource
GIS expert/Data management expert/ Data Analyst/ Business Analyst /Network Architect = 1
a) Educational Qualification: 0.5 Mark
• Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering = 0.25Marks
• Else 0 Marks
b) Relevant Work experience: 0.25 Mark
• >=10 years = 0.25 marks
• Else0
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c) Relevant Certifications: 0.25Mark

• Bidder to submit scanned copy of valid certificate in the name of the resource
Server Storage/Database Expert = 0.5 Marks
a) Educational Qualification: 0.25Mark
● BE/B.Tech = 0.25 Mark
● Else 0 Marks
b) Project Handled as Server Storage/Database Expert/Cloud Expert: 0.25 Mark
● > 2 Project= 0.25 Mark
● Else 0 Marks

The above-mentioned manpower should be on role of the sole bidder / consortium partners.

Manpower plan for Implementation Phase and O&M Phase to be provided as per Bill of Quantity.

Any additional or support manpower shall be estimated and should be accounted for in the Commercial
proposal by the selected bidder, so that, the project as per the scope defined and agreement are fulfilled,
and the project objectives are met.

4 Award of Contract

4.1 Notification of Award

Authority will notify the Successful Bidder via letter / fax /email of its intent of accepting the bid. Within 7 days
of receipt of the Letter of Intent (LOI) issued by the Authority, the Successful Bidder shall be required to sign
the LOI and return the same to the address specified above as a token of acceptance of the LOI.

4.2 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)

Within fifteen (15) working days from the date of issuance of LOI, the successful Bidder shall at his own
expense submit unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) to the Authority. The
PBG shall be from a Nationalized Bank or a Scheduled Commercial Bank in the format prescribed in Section
8 - Annexure 5 (a), payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfilment of the contract by the bidder.

This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be for an amount equivalent to 5% of total contract value. PBG
shall be invoked by Authority, in the event the Bidder:

a. Fails to meet the overall penalty condition as mentioned in RFP Volume II or any changes agreed between
the parties,

b. Fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations as set out in the RFP to the complete satisfaction of

c. Misrepresents facts/information submitted to Authority.

The performance bank guarantee shall be valid till satisfactory completion of Post Implementation Support.
The performance bank guarantee may be discharged/returned by Authority upon being satisfied that there
has been due performance of the obligations of the bidder under the contract. However, no interest shall be
payable on the performance bank guarantee.

In the event of the Bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason(s), Authority shall have
the right to invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any rights whatsoever of Authority
under the contract in the matter, the proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to Authority as compensation for
any loss resulting from the bidder’s failure to perform/comply its obligations under the contract.
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Authority shall notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such compensation within 40
days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is in default. Authority shall also be entitled
to make recoveries from the bidder’s bills, performance bank guarantee, or from any other amount due to
him, an equivalent value of any payment made to him due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction
or misstatement.

In case the project is delayed beyond the project schedule as mentioned in RFP Vol 2, the performance bank
guarantee shall be accordingly extended by the Bidder till completion of scope of work as mentioned in RFP
Volume II.

This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to a period of six months (6) after the contract completion
period i.e. 72 Months (‘Go- Live (6 Months)’+ 60 months of O&M+6 Months) for the Solution.

On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respects and duly certified to this effect by the
Project Coordinator, Contract Completion Certificate shall be issued and the PBG would be returned to the

4.3 Signing of Agreement

After the notification of award, Authority will issue Purchase Order (PO)/Letter of Intent (LOI). Accordingly, a
contract shall be signed between successful bidder and Authority or the agency designated by Authority. As
an acceptance of the PO/LOI, the Bidder shall sign and return back a duplicate copy of the Purchase
Order/Letter of Intent to the Authority or the agency designated by the Authority. The bidder shall return the
duplicate copy along with a Performance Bank Guarantee within 15 working days from the date of issuance
of PO/LOI.

On receipt of the Performance Bank Guarantee, Authority or the agency designated by Authority shall enter
into a contract with the successful bidder. The Master Service Agreement is provided in RFP Volume III.

4.4 Warranty & Maintenance

Bidder shall also provide complete maintenance support for all the proposed integrated solution as outlined
in this RFP for a period of Sixty months from the date of go-live i.e. “Go-Live” + 60 months. “Go-live” is the
date on which the proposed solution is completely operational as per the requirements provided in this RFP
and all the acceptance tests are successfully concluded to the satisfaction of Authority.

During the warranty period, the bidder shall warrant that the goods supplied under the contract are new,
unused, of the most recent version/models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials
unless provided otherwise in the contract. The bidder further warrants that the goods supplied under this
contract shall have no defects arising from design, materials or workmanship.

Authority or designated representatives of the bidder shall promptly notify successful bidder in writing of any
claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the bidder shall, within the warranty period
and with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the defective systems, without costs to Authority and within
time specified and acceptable to Authority.

If the successful bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the period specified in the
contract, Authority may proceed to take such reasonable remedial action as may be necessary, at the
successful bidder’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights, which Authority may have
against the bidder under the contract.

During the comprehensive warranty period, the successful bidder shall provide all product(s) and
documentation updates, patches/fixes, and version upgrades within 15 days of their availability and should
carry out installation and make operational the same at no additional cost to Authority.
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The successful bidder hereby warrants Authority that:

i. The implemented integrated solution represents a complete, integrated solution meeting all the
requirements as outlined in the RFP and further amendments if any and provides the functionality and
performance, as per the terms and conditions specified in the contract.

ii. The proposed integrated solution shall achieve parameters delineated in the technical

iii. The successful bidder shall be responsible for warranty services from licensers of products included in
the systems.

iv. The successful bidder undertakes to ensure the maintenance of the acceptance criterion/standards in
respect of the systems during the warranty period.

4.5 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP

Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall constitute sufficient
grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event Authority may award the contract to the next best
value bidder or call for new bids.

In such a case, Authority shall invoke the PBG and/or forfeit the EMD.

4.6 Concessions permissible under statutes

Bidder, while quoting against this RFP, must take cognizance of all concessions permissible, if any, under the
statutes and ensure the same is passed on to the Authority, failing which it will have to bear extra cost. In
case Bidder does not avail concessional rates of levies like customs duty, excise duty, sales tax, etc., the
authority will not take responsibility towards this. However, the Authority may provide necessary assistance,
wherever possible, in this regard.

4.7 Taxes

The Bidders shall fully familiarize themselves about the applicable domestic taxes (such as GST, service tax,
income taxes, duties, fees, levies etc.) on amounts payable by Authority under the Agreement. All such taxes
must be included by Bidders in the Price Bid.

4.8 Audit, Access and Reporting

The following paras details the audit, access and reporting rights and obligations of Authority and/or its
nominated agency and the Selected Bidder and its subcontractors, agents, supplier etc. This Schedule is in
addition to, and in derogation of, the audit rights and process provided in the RFP.

A. Audit Notice and Timings

i. As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties shall use their best endeavors to
mutually agree to a timetable for routine audits (Other than those mentioned as part of the mandatory
requirements for successful delivery and acceptance of the System) during the Project Implementation Phase
and the O&M Phase. Authority shall conduct routine audits in accordance with such agreed timetable and
shall not be required to give the Selected Bidder any further notice of carrying out such audits.

ii. Authority may conduct unscheduled audits at its own discretion if it reasonably believes that such
unscheduled audits are necessary as a result of a misconduct or an act of fraud by the Selected Bidder, a
security violation, or breach of confidentiality obligations by the Selected Bidder, provided that the
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requirement for such an audit is notified in writing to the Selected Bidder within a reasonable period time prior
to the audit (taking into account the circumstances giving rise to the reasonable belief) stating the reasons
for the requirement.

Except as provided in para (i) & (ii) above, audits shall be conducted with adequate notice of 2 weeks.

B. Access
The Selected Bidder shall provide to Authority and/ or its nominated agency reasonable access to
employees, subcontractors, suppliers, agents and third-party facilities as detailed in the RFP, documents,
records and systems reasonably required for audit and shall provide all such

persons with routine assistance in connection with the audits and inspections. Authority or its nominated
agency shall have the right to copy and retain copies of any relevant records. The Selected Bidder shall
make every reasonable effort to cooperate with them.

C. Audit Rights
Authority and/or its nominated agency shall have the right to audit and inspect suppliers, agents,
subcontractors and third-party facilities (as detailed in the RFP), data center, documents, records,
procedures and systems relating to the provision of the services, but only to the extent that they relate to
the provision of the services, as shall be reasonably necessary to verify:

i. The security, integrity and availability of all data processed, held, or conveyed by the [Selected Bidder]
on behalf of the Authority and documentation related thereto;

ii. That the actual level of performance of the services is the same as specified in the SLA;

iii. That the Selected Bidder has complied with the relevant technical standards, and has adequate
internal controls in place; and

iv. The compliance of the Selected Bidder with any other obligation under the Agreement.

v. Unless otherwise provided in the RFP, Security audit and implementation audit of the system shall be
done once each year, the cost of which shall be borne by Authority.

For the avoidance of doubt the audit rights under this Schedule shall not include access to (i) the Selected
Bidder’s profit margins or overheads, (ii) any Confidential Information relating to its employees, or (iii) minutes
of its internal Board or Board committee meetings including internal audit, or (iv) such other information of
commercial-in-confidence nature which are not relevant to the Services associated with any obligation under
the Agreement.

D. Audit rights of Subcontractors, Suppliers and agents

i. The Selected Bidder shall use reasonable endeavors to achieve the same audit and access provisions as
defined in this Schedule with subcontractors, suppliers and agents who supply labour, services, equipment,
or materials related to performance of obligations by Selected Bidder under the contract. Without prejudice
to its other obligations under the contract, the Selected Bidder shall inform Authority and/or its nominated
agency prior to concluding supply/ subcontract agreements of any failure to achieve the same rights of audit
or access.

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ii. REPORTING: The Selected Bidder will provide quarterly reports to Authority and/or its nominated agency
regarding any specific aspects of the Project and in context of the audit and access information as required
by Authority or its nominated agency.

E. Action and review

i. Any change or amendment to the systems and procedures of the Selected Bidder, where applicable arising
from the audit report shall be agreed within thirty (30) calendar days from the submission of the said report.
ii. Any discrepancies identified by any audit pursuant to this Schedule shall be immediately notified to Authority
or its nominated agency and the Project Manager of the Selected Bidder who shall determine what action
should be taken in respect of such discrepancies in accordance with the terms of the Agreement

4.9 Records and Information

For the purposes of audit in accordance with this Schedule, the Selected Bidder shall maintain true and
accurate records in connection with the provision of the services and shall handover all the relevant records
and documents upon the termination or expiry of this Agreement.

4.10 Terms of Payment

i. The request for payment shall be made to the Authority in writing, accompanied by invoices describing, as
appropriate, the services performed, and by the required documents submitted pursuant to conditions of the
contract and upon fulfilment of all the obligations stipulated in the Contract.
ii. The Authority shall make all efforts to make payments within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice(s) and all
necessary supporting documents.
iii. The currency or currencies in which payments shall be made to the SI under this Contract shall be Indian
Rupees (INR) only.
iv. All remittance charges shall be borne by the SI.
v. In case of disputed items, the disputed amount shall be withheld and shall be paid only after settlement of
the dispute.
vi. Any penalties/ liquidated damages, as applicable, for delay and non-performance, as mentioned in this RFP
document, shall be deducted from the due payments of the respective milestones.
vii. Taxes, as applicable, shall be deducted / paid, as per the prevalent rules and regulations
viii. Payments to Selected Bidder, after successful completion of the target milestones (including specified project
deliverables), shall be made as mentioned in Volume II of this RFP.

4.11 Right to vary the scope of Work

(i) Right to vary Quantity

a. At the time of award of contract, the quantity of goods, works or services originally specified in the bidding
documents may be increased. It shall be without any change in the unit prices or other terms and conditions
of the Bid and the bidding documents.

b. If the Authority does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than the quantity
specified in the bidding documents due to change in circumstances limited to variation upto 25% of the
project, the bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the bidding

c. Repeat orders for extra items or additional quantities may be placed limited to variation upto 25% of the total
project value, on the rates and conditions given in the contract. Delivery or completion period may also be
proportionally increased.
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d. During the course of implementation and detailed due diligence, it may be required to vary the quantity and
location of the field devices to suit the overall smart city requirements. The Selected Bidder should be required
to provision and supply such field devices and the backend resources at the unit rates quoted in the tender
response. Such escalations/additions may go up to 25% of the total Project value.

(ii) Extra (New) Items

a. The extra items of the work shall not vitiate the contract. The reimbursement for extra items shall be validated
by the tender inviting authority and approved by the client. The SI shall be bound to execute extra items of
work as directed by the Tender Inviting Authority. The rates for extra items shall be worked out based on the
unit rates quoted by the Bidder in Price Bid as per mutually agreed terms and conditions.
b. For new items which are beyond the scope of the BoQ, RailTel, DRDM/ PSCDL authorized official/ agency
shall validate the requirements and necessity of such new/extra items after due diligence, based on site
conditions and work contingencies.
c. The Selected Bidder shall submit in writing well in advance at least 14 days before the Authority a statement
of extra items if any that they need to initiate during the course of project works.

(iii) Payment Certificates

a. The Selected Bidder shall submit to the Tender Inviting Authority monthly statements of the estimated value
of the work completed less the cumulative amount certified previously.
b. The value of work executed shall be determined by the Tender Inviting Authority.
c. The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Bill of Quantities
d. The Tender Inviting Authority may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the proportion
of any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.

4.12 Fraud and Corrupt Practices

Authority requires that Bidder must observe the highest standards of ethics during the entire process of RFP
evaluation and during execution of the contract. In pursuance of this policy, Authority defines, for the purpose
of this provision, the terms set forth as follows:

i. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action
of the Authority in contract executions.
ii. "Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts, in order to influence a procurement process or the
execution of a contract, to the Authority, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after
Proposal submission) designed to establish Proposal prices at artificially high or non-competitive levels and
to deprive the Authority of the benefits of free and open competition.
iii. “Unfair trade practices” means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or change in the Scope
of Work which is given by the Authority in Vol II of the RFP.
iv. “Coercive Practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property
to influence their participation in the execution of a contract.

Authority shall reject the Bid proposal for award of contract, if it determines that the Bidder recommended for
award, has been found to have been engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, or unfair trade practices. Once the
contract is signed and if it is noticed that the SI has indulged into the Corrupt / Fraudulent / Unfair / Coercive
practices, it will be a sufficient ground for the Authority without prejudice to its any other rights or remedies
for termination of the contract and forfeit EMD or PBG and /or initiate black-listing of the SI.

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4.13 Conflict of Interest

a. A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection Process or the Solution delivery
(the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. In the event of
disqualification, Authority shall forfeit and appropriate the EMD, if available, as mutually agreed genuine pre-
estimated compensation and damages payable to Authority for, inter alia, the time, cost and effort of Authority
including consideration of such Bidder’s Bid, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to Authority hereunder or otherwise.

b. Authority requires that the bidder provides solutions which at all times hold Authority’s interests paramount,
avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own interests, and act without any consideration for future work.
The bidder shall not accept or engage in any assignment that would be in conflict with its prior or current
obligations to other clients, or that may place it in a position of not being able to carry out the assignment in
the best interests of Authority.

4.14 Sub-Contracting

The bidder would not be allowed to sub-contract work, except for the following:

• Fiber optic network build, other cabling and fixtures work, and all civil work during implementation
• Fiber optic network build, other cabling and fixtures work, and all civil work during maintenance.
• Facility Management Staff at Integrated Command & Control Center.
• Internet Service Provider/Network Service provider.
• Data Center (Cloud & On-Premise) & Cloud DR Solution Provider

The SI/Consortium Partners may sub-contract/outsource the OEM services like system configurations,
commissioning, product servicing and upgradation support during O&M period from OEMs only.

Sub-contracting shall be informed to the Authority in advance. However, even if the work is sub-contracted,
the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with the lead bidder. The lead bidder shall be held responsible for
any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-contracting
agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted to Authority.

5. Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries

Bidder shall submit all pre-bid queries in excel in the following format.
Request for clarification

Name and Address of the organization

submitting request

Name and Position of person

submitting request

Contact details of the Organization/

Authorized Representative


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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Sl. RFP Section Page# Content of the RFP Clarification Sought

No. Document # requiring clarification

Bidders shall submit their queries at pdysmartcity.rfp@railtelindia.com

Queries not adhering to the specified format shall not be considered.

6. Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid

6.1 Pre-qualification bid checklist
# Documents to be submitted Sub Docum
mitte entary
d Proof
(Y / (Page
N) No.)
Bid Cover Letter and
Particulars of organizations
Bid Document Fees INR
2 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty
Thousand only)
E.M.D. of INR 3,20,00,000
1. 3 (Rupees Three Crore Twenty
Lakhs Only)
Pre- Integrity Pact as per
Annexure 16 of Volume-I of
this RFP
2. 4 (The details of Integrity Pact
Program is enclosed at
Annexure 15 Volume-I of this
Documents for meeting
Technical Pre-qualification
criteria as required under Para
Details of Incorporation of the
4. 6
Consortium agreement (if
5. 7
6. 8 Copy of GST registration
Certified copies of valid PAN
7. 9

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# Documents to be submitted Sub Docum

mitte entary
d Proof
(Y / (Page
N) No.)
Power of attorney / board
8. 10 resolution to the
authorized Signatory of the Bid
Self-declaration for non
9. 11
Certificate(s) from the statutory
12 auditor/CA towards average
Certificate(s) from the statutory
13 auditor/CA towards positive
net worth
14 Project Experience

Undertaking /Presence in

18 Manpower Strength

Accreditation – ISO, CMMi

Particulars of the bidders (As
per section 6.3 of Annexure 2)

6.2 Pre-Qualification Bid Covering Letter

Date: dd/ mm / yyyy

Principal Executive Director, Enterprise Business
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block no. 2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023

Sub: Request for Proposal for Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M
For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for
Puducherry Smart City Area.

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated <<…>>

Dear Sir,

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Having examined the RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to
provide the services as required and outlined in the RFP for the Selection of System Integrator for Design,
Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other
associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area.

We attach here to our responses to pre-qualification requirements, Technical and Price Bids as required by
the RFP. We confirm that the information contained in these responses or any part thereof, including the
exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered Authority is true, accurate,
verifiable, and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements
therein do not in whole or in part mislead the department in its short-listing process.

We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided here is found
to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be disqualified from the selection process or
termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so.

We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP Document and also
agree to abide by this RFP response for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for bid submission. We
hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the performance bank guarantee
bond in the form prescribed in the RFP.

We agree that you are not bound to accept any RFP response you may receive. We also agree that you
reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the bids and also all or any of the products/ services
specified in the RFP response.

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/ organization
and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
(Signature of the Lead bidder)

Printed Name
Business Address:

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6.3 Company Profile

A. Brief company profile (required for both bidder and consortium member)

Details (to be filled by

# Description the bidder)
1 Name of the company
2 Title of the Project
State whether applying as Sole Firm or Lead member of
3 a consortium
4 Official address

5 Phone No. and Fax No.

6 Corporate Headquarters Address

7 Phone No. and Fax No.

8 Website Address

Details of Company’s Registration (Please enclose copy

9 of the company registration document)

10 Name of Registration Authority

11 Registration Number and Year of Registration

12 GST/CST/LST/VAT registration No. (as applicable)

13 Permanent Account Number (PAN)

14 Company’s Turnover for last 3 years (Year wise)

15 Company’s Net Worth for the last 3 years (Year wise)

If Lead Member, state the following details of other

member firms:
i) Name of firm:
ii) Details of Company’s Registration
iii) Official address and principal place of

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6.4 Declaration of Non-Blacklisting

(To be submitted on Rs. 100 stamp paper and duly notarized)

Declaration for Lead Bidder:

Principal Executive Director, Enterprise Business
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block no. 2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023

Subject: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted in response to the Request for Proposal for selection of
System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area”

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,
We confirm that our company or firm, ____________,is currently not blacklisted in any manner whatsoever
by any of the Central, State Government, Union Territories, Government Undertakings or Urban Local Bodied
(ULB) in India on any ground including but not limited to indulgence in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

(Signature of the Sole Bidder or Lead Bidder /all members of consortium in case of consortium)

Printed Name
Business Address:

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6.5 No Deviation Certificate

Principal Executive Director, Enterprise Business
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block no. 2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023

Subject: Self Declaration for No Deviation in response to the Request for Proposal for Selection of System
Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control
Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area”

Ref: RFP No. <<.....>> dated << .....>>

This is to certify that our offer is exactly in line with your tender enquiry/RFP (including amendments) no.
_________ dated __________. This is to expressly certify that our offer contains no deviation either Technical
(including but not limited to Scope of Work, Business Requirements Specification, Functional Requirements
Specification, Hardware Specification and Technical Requirements Specification) or Commercial in either
direct or indirect form.

(Authorized Signatory)






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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.6 Total Responsibility Certificate

Principal Executive Director, Enterprise Business
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block no. 2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023

Subject: Self Declaration for Total Responsbility in response to the Request for Proposal for Selection of
System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area”

Ref: RFP No. <<.....>> dated << .....>>

This is to certify that we undertake the total responsibility for the defect free operation of the proposed
solutions as per the requirement of the RFP for the duration mentioned in all volume of the RFP.

(Authorized Signatory)






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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.7 Self-certificate for Project execution experience (In Bidding Entity’s Letter Head)

This is to certify that <Name of the Bidding entity> has been awarded with < Name of the Project > as
detailed under:

Name of the Project

Client’s name, Contact No. and Complete


Contract value for the Bidder (in India n


Current status of the project

(Completed/ Ongoing)

Activities completed by bidding entity as on

bid submission date

(N.B only relevant activities as sought in the

criteria to be included)

Value of work completed for which payment

has been received from the client

Date of Start

Date of Completion

(Authorized Signatory)




Bidding entity’s name




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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Annexure 3 – Formats for Submission of the Technical Bid

6.8 General Instructions for the Technical Bid

Bidders have to submit a very structured and organized Technical Bid, which will be analysed by the
Technical/Evaluation Committee for compliances with regards to the requirements of the project. Since the
Price Bid shall be opened for only those bidders who qualify the minimum criteria for technical bid evaluation,
the quality and completeness of the information submitted by the Bidder will matter a lot while finalizing the
technical scores.

A. Bidders Profile segment: Bidder’s Competence to execute the project

This document should bring about the capability of the bidder to execute this project. Some of the required
documents are as follows:
• Experience of Bidder in Executing Projects in required Formats and supporting documents;
• Details of IT, Surveillance Domain Manpower in the firm;
• Other parameters as required
B. Proposed Team for the Project
As specified in the Technical Bid Evaluation Framework, client will give high importance on the quality and
competence of the technical manpower proposed for the project. Bidder are required to propose separate
resources for different skill-sets (during Design, Project Implementation & Post-Implementation). Following
documentation is expected in this section:
• Overall Project Team (for Design, Project Implementation & Maintenance phases)
• Escalation Chart for the entire Project Duration
• Summary Table giving Qualification, Experiences, Certifications, Relevance
• Detail of the proposed resources in the Format attached
C. Technical Solution Proposed for the Project
Broad areas to be covered in the Technical Solution documentation are given below:
1. Describe the proposed Technical Solution in a structured manner. Following points should be captured in the
i. Clear articulation of the design, technical solution and various components proposed in the bid including
make/model of equipment with sizing of infrastructure (including diagrams and calculations wherever
applicable) proposed.
a. Justifications for selection of the proposed technology over other available options.
b. Extent of compliance to technical requirements specified in the scope of work
c. Technical Design and clear articulation of benefits to RAILTEL Corporation of India Limited (RailTel),
Puducherry Smart City Development Limited (PSCDL) and other associated project stakeholders w.r.t.
various components of the solution offered vis-à-vis other options available.
d. Strength of the Bidder to provide services including examples or case studies of similar solutions deployed
for other clients.
e. Specific emphasis on fulfilling the requirement of analytics and artificial intelligence as specified in the RFP
f. Detailed Bill of Material for the solution proposed
ii. The overall technical solution should be structured in following sub-sections, which will be evaluated by
Technical Committee for technical scores:

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a. Integrated Command & Control Centre (ICCC) ,Integration and Use cases
b. City App and Integration with other applications
c. Network Connectivity
d. City Surveillance System
e. Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS)
f. Environmental Sensors
g. Variable Message Display & Public Address System
h. Data Centre (DC) & Disaster Recovery (DR)
i. Assumptions
2. Provide detailed approach and methodology for Pre-Implementation, Implementation & Post-Implementation
3. Clearly articulate the Strategy and Approach & Methodology for installation, Configuration &
Operationalization of all the key components of the project
4. Approach & Methodology for Management of SLA Requirements specified in the RFP.
5. Insight on Implementation of different Best Practices like ITIL, BS7799, Security Policy, etc.
6. Detailed Project Plan with timelines, resource allocation, milestones etc. in for supply, installation and
commissioning of the physical and IT components for the project.
D. Compliance Table to the Technical requirement /Specifications.
The Volume II of this RFP has specified the benchmark / minimum specifications for various components.
Bidder is expected to give a comprehensive compliance sheet for the Product and services proposed by
them. The Format to be used for this compliance matrix is as given in Annexure -2 of Volume II.
All above mentioned documents shall have an index page with page numbers specified for all the key
information / headers. (Not applicable for last document type).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bidders shall submit the Technical Solution Proposed and compliance to the min.
specifications for the Project. The Bids submitted without these documents are liable to be rejected. The
Technical/Evaluation Committee’s decision shall be final and binding on all. Format for submitting details on
experience of Bidder (in case of Consortium please provide the details of lead member and other members

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.9 Technical Bid Check-List

Sl # Checklist Item Compliance Page No. and

(Yes/No) Section No. in the

1 Technical Bid Letter

2 Company Credential Summary

3 Project Citations and Self-certifications, as


4 Detailed proposed solution

5 Project plan and manpower plan

6 Proposed CVs

7 Compliance to Requirement (Technical /

Functional Specifications)

8 Proposed Bill of Material (un Priced)

9 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization

10 Cloud Service Providers Authorization Form

11 Anti-Collusion Certificate

12 Non-disclosure agreement

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.10 Technical Bid Covering Letter

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Principal Executive Director, Enterprise Business
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block no. 2, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi -110023

Subject: Request for Proposal for Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M
For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for
Puducherry Smart City Area”

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,
I (in case of single bidder) or We, <<name of the undersigned Bidder and consortium members>>, having
read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in respect of “System Integrator for Design,
Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other
associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area” do hereby propose to provide our services as
specified in the bid submitted by us.

It is hereby confirmed that I / We are entitled to act on behalf of our company / corporation / firm / organization
and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this

We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the RFP documents.

We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its exhibits, and
other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to Authority, is true, accurate, verifiable and
complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in
whole or in part mislead the department in its evaluation process. We also confirm that we shall not attract
conflict of interest in principle.

We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract Performance bank
guarantee in the form prescribed at Annexure 5 (a) of Section 9 of the RFP Volume I.

We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained
in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you receive. This bid
is valid for 180 days after opening of technical bid. We shall extend the validity of the bid if required by

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

(Signature of the Lead Bidder)

Printed Name
Business Address

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.11 Company Credential Summary

S No. Project Client Client Project Project Documentary Project

name Name Type Value (In Components Evidence Status
Lakhs) (completed

• Client type – Indicate whether the client is Government or PSU or ULB or Private

• Project Components – Indicate the major project components like application development for security
surveillance, command and control center, Maintenance, Hardware procurement and deployment, DC
equipment setup and maintenance, Facility management services, provisioning manpower, IT support and

• Documentary evidence provided – Indicate the documentary evidence provided with the detailed project
credential like work order or purchase order and completion certificate from the client as defined in para 3.5
and 3.6.

• Project Status – Completed (date of project completion) or Ongoing (project start date)

• Fitment to Evaluation Criteria to be filled with Page number and the concerned TQ Criteria should be

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6.12 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations

Sole or Lead Bidder and Consortium members are requested to furnish the credentials in the following format
for both Pre-qualification and Technical criterion. All credentials should be followed by relevant documentary

Name of the Project & Location

Client’s name, Contact No. and Complete


Contract value for the Bidder (in Indian


Narrative description of project:

Date of Start

Date of Completion

Activities undertaken by the bidder

TQ Criteria Details

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6.13 Overview of Proposed Solution

6.13.1 Structure of Proposed Solution

Bidders are required to provide a detailed Approach & Methodology as part of their technical proposal along
with presentation covering the following to execute the entire project. Bidders are advised to comply with the
below provided headers/Approach components while detailing out their solution.
Sl. No Item

1 Understanding of the project and Conformity to Volume 2 : scope of work functional

requirement and system Architecture of the proposed solution as per requirement of
the RFP
2 Proposed network and deployment architecture for DC/DR to meet the functionalities
as given in RFP, covering ICCC.
3 Proposed security solution to safeguard against various threats including hacking
attempts, cyber-crime, internal/ external threats etc.
4 Proposed solution for design & development of SOPs and KPIs, (list down all the SOPs
& KPIs identified for the solution)
5 Proposed Network Detailed Architecture plan encompassing all ICT elements proposed
in Volume 2
6 Completeness of project plan and ease of implementation (including training and
change management plan)
7 Method of integration proposed with other IT initiative
8 Identification of major risks for the projects and suitable mitigation plan proposed for
each of these risks
9 Methodology, tools and technologies to monitor and maintain all the SLAs and handling
change requests
10 Proposed structure for:
1. Project Strategy
2. Project Management
3. Risk Management
4. Resource Plan
5. Project Governance Model
11 Detailed Business Plan highlighting Revenue Streams for relevant smart elements
12 What will be the approach towards the scalability, interoperability and modularity
features considering the future expansion of the projects? (The response to this
question shall be given considering growth of Smart Cities as well as new applications
or systems that may be envisaged/developed in future)
13 Approach towards testing and quality assurance

14 How SLAs mentioned under this RFP will be measured? What tools will be used for
SLA measurement?
15 Proposed solution ensures the fool proof security to the system from various threats
including hacking attempts, internal threats, etc. Please explain in detail approach
towards the security of the overall solution from external and internal threats
16 What are the key learning from the similar projects and how do you propose to
incorporate them in executing this assignment.
17 Assessment of Manpower deployment, Training and Handholding plan
• Deployment strategy of Manpower
• Contingency management
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• Mobilization of existing resources and additional resources as required

• Training and handholding strategy
Note: The same shall cover all the points mentioned in 3.6.1. C

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6.13.2 Project Plan

A Detailed Project Plan covering break-up of each phase into the key activities, along with the start and end
dates must be provided as per format given below.

Activities Wise Timeline

S. No. Detailed work breakdown structure Month Wise Program

1 2 3 4 5 ……

Project Plan

1 Activity 1

1.1 Sub-Activity 1

1.2 Sub-Activity 2

Note: The above activity chart is just for the purpose of illustration. Bidders are requested to provide detailed
activity & phase wise timelines for executing the project with details of deliverables & milestones as per their

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6.13.3 Manpower Plan

I. Till Go-Live Implementation

Activities Wise Timeline

S. Role Month wise time to be spent by Total

No. each personnel (in days)

1 2 3 4 5 ……

1 Onsite

2 Onsite

3 Onsite

4 Onsite

5 Onsite

6 Onsite

7 Onsite

8 Onsite

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II. Operation &Maintenance (After Go-Live Implementation)

Activities Wise Timeline

S. Man Power Month wise time to be spent by each Total

No. detailed personnel (in days)

Year Year Year Year Year ……

1 2 3 4 5

1 Onsite/Offsite

2 Onsite/Offsite

3 Onsite/Offsite

4 Onsite/Offsite

5 Onsite/Offsite

6 Onsite/Offsite

7 Onsite/Offsite

8 Onsite/Offsite

9 Onsite/Offsite

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6.14 Details of Resources Proposed

6.14.1 Summary of Resources proposed

Certifications Relevant
(e.g., PMP or Total Project
Name of (e.g., B.Sc. or
Sl. Proposed Highest ITIL or Experience
the Experiences
No. Role Degree BE or MCA or
resource TOGAF or (In Years)
CCNP etc.)

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6.15 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Team Members

1. Proposed Position:
2. 1 Name of firm
3. 2 Name of the staff
4. 3 Current Designation in the
5. 5 Proposed responsibilities in
the project
6. 5 Date of Birth
7. 6 Nationality
8. 7 Education
Qualification Institute/University Degree Year of
Obtained passing

9. 8 Membership of Professional
9 Summary of key training and
10 Countries of work
11 Language Proficiency For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or
poor in speaking, reading, and writing
12 Employment Record Employer Position From To

13 Total number of years of

experience for the role
15 Highlight of Relevant assignment handled and significant accomplishments that
Best Illustrates the experience as required for the Role (Use following format for
each project)
Name of Assignment
Main Project Features
Position held
Activities Performed

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6.16 Format for specifying Compliance to the benchmark / minimum Specifications

The bidder should provide compliance to the requirement specifications (both technical and functional)
specified in the Annexures of the Volume II of this RFP. The same should be reproduced here, and
compliance against each requirement line item should be marked. .
This compliance would be needed in two Formats – 1) Summary table given below for all the items, 2)
Compliance tables for each of the line item against the benchmark specifications specified in the Volume II
of this RFP

1) Summary Table of the Compliance of Requirements

Compliance to
Unit of Quantity Make & Required
# Component
Measurement Proposed Model Specifications?
(Yes / No)
1. .............
2. .............
3. .............

2) Detailed compliance tables for each of the above-mentioned items against the benchmark
specifications specified in the Volume II of this RFP

Name of the Equipment:

Minimum Explanation as Remarks

Specification to how Bidder is (If compliance is
/ meeting the No) – state clearly
# Parameter Requirement Compliance if the deviation is
(Yes / No)
mentioned in (along with having a +ve or –
the cross ve impact
RFP references)
1. .............

2. .............

3. .............

6.17 Bill of Material

The Bidder should provide the proposed Bill of Material (BoM) here. Bidders are required to mention the
details of the make/brand and model against each line item, wherever applicable.

The Bidder shall quote only one specific make and model from only one specific OEM, for each of the line
item. Providing more than one option shall not be allowed. Bidders are expected to do the site survey.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

The bid can be considered non-responsive in the absence of such details and the bids will be summarily
rejected. Once the bidder provides this information in the submitted bid, the bidder cannot change it with any
other component / equipment etc. of lower specifications / performance; it can only be upgraded at the time
of actual deployment/installation.

The list of items mentioned hereunder is indicative. The Bidder shall consider the components and quantity
to fulfill the RFP and project requirements in totality. The BoM shall comply with the functional requirements
given in Vol II of the RFP.

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Integrated Command &

Control Centre (ICCC)

ICCC Setup with IT & Non-IT


The control room solution : SITC

of DLP LED based Video wall
cubes. Composed of 12 cubes in a
6 X 2 configuration with 70" Hardware Lot 1
diagonal size of each cube. Total
size of Video wall approx 30 ft X 7

SITC of Video wall controller with

cabling and other fixture and wall Hardware Lot 1
management software

SITC of Operator Workstation

(Helpdesk) with dual monitor
Hardware Number 30
3 (22") with office productivity suite
licenses with Antivirus

Laptop for higher management

with office productivity suite Hardware Number 5

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Network & WiFi enabled

A4/A3/Legal Size MFP Colour
Hardware Number 2
5 Laser Printer/Scanner/Copier with

SITC of IP Phone Hardware Number 30


SITC of Indoor Fixed Dome

Hardware Number 12
7 Cameras for internal surveillance

SITC of Indoor Wi-Fi Access Points

Hardware Lot 5
8 for CCC (3 rooms) with controller

SITC of Networking Cost (Passive

Components such as LAN/CAT 6 Hardware 1
9 m

SITC of IP PABX for CCC including

all accessories (500 users) with
Hardware Lot 1
10 PRI modem pair (2 nos) and PRI
lines (1)

SITC of Digital Set top box

Hardware Number 4
11 including recharge

SITC of Video Conferencing Unit Hardware Number 1


SITC of 55" LED display to present

critical information Display (War Hardware Number 4
Room/Reception/Meeting room)

SITC of Microphone with

Hardware Number 30
14 respective accessories

Headphones Hardware Number 30


SITC of SMS Gateway Hardware Lot 1


SITC of Projector Hardware Number 2


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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Installation, Setting up,

Interior, Configuration and
Testing of Command and
Control Centre
Integrated Command Control
Center = 1350 Sq.ft.
Conference Room + Reception
+ Waiting area = 1400 Sq.ft.
Data center Room = 250 Sq.ft
Power room = 1110 Sq.ft
ICCC Interior (panelling &
painting) and all necessary
accessories, rodent repellent Service Sq. ft. 4110
system, water leakage system,
access control system works
(Raised Floor, False Ceiling,
Ceiling speakers, PVC conduits,
MCBs, wiring, cable work,
illumination, PA system, earthing,
air conditioning, Fire detection and
Fire suppression, Biometric
system, civil, electrical,
networking and with all
standards). Face lifting of ICCC
Furniture and Fixtures for 30
operators, 2 manager desk,
conference room (25 person), War
Hardware Lot 1
19 room (10 person), Reception (1
desk), security room desk (2
person), house keeping (2 person)

SITC DG set for 200 KVA IT load

with installation and
commissioning with AMF panel, Hardware Lot 2
Earthing, Bed, power cable,
change over with accessories

SITC of UPS 60KVA with 150 Ah

Hardware Lot 2
21 SMF batteries backup 2 hrs

A2 DC and DR Setup

Server hardware with licenses like

OS, DB, third party applications Hardware Lot 1

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Primary storage minimum and

secondary storage and SAN
Hardware Lot 1
2 switches with Backup license for

Virtualisation (Hypervisor)
Software Lot 1
3 software with license

Core Switch at ICCC Hardware Number 2


Access Switch - 24 port at ICCC Hardware Number 6


WAN Aggregation Switch at ICCC Hardware Number 2


Core Router at ICCC Hardware Number 2


AAA Solution Hardware Number 2

24 Port L3 Top of the Rack (TOR)
Hardware Number 6
9 Switch

Firewall Hardware Number 2


SITC of Server Racks - (600

/1200) 42U with PDU and Hardware Number 6

SITC of Network Racks - (800

/1200) 42U with PDU and Hardware Number 2

HLD, LLD, Installation,

configuration, integration and
Service Lot 1
13 testing of all IT component at

Cloud based DR Setup for ICCC

Platform and other smart Service Year 1

SITC of Internet Connectivity-

1Gbps (from 2 Different ISP) to
cloud and internet connectivity - Number 3
15 e ar
1Gbps (Only One ISP) for smart
pole WiFi and indoor WiFi

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

ICCC Applications and

A3 Software Platforms on DC and
DR both

Centralized ICCC Platform with

Perpetual License, integrated
command and control software Software
along with responder mobile and Lot 1
application and integration with service
use cases during implementation
and 5 years of O&M Period

Customization/ Integration of
applications hosted by various Software
departments and NIC during and Lot 1
implementation and 5 years of service
O&M Period

Configurable dashboard and Lot 1

Enterprise Management System

during implementation and 5
years of O&M Period (including
SLA Management, Helpdesk
Management, Element
management system, Network
Management) (DAP, NMS, Log Software Lot 1
Managemnt, Patch Management,
Asset Management ). Call Centre
Management (Software + 10 user
License) - Contact Center, ACD,
IVR, Reporting, Voice Gateway ,
Intelligent Traffic Management
B System (ITMS) & General

Adaptive Traffic Control

System (ATCS)

SITC of Traffic Controller Hardware Number 22


SITC of Countdown Timer Hardware Number 80


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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of pedestrain countdown

Hardware Number 80
3 Timer

SITC of Vehicle Detector Camera

Hardware Number 80
4 with illuminator

SITC of Cantilever Pole Hardware Number 80


SITC of Standards Poles for Traffic

Hardware Number 80
6 Signal

SITC of Traffic Light Aspect- Red Hardware Number 160


SITC of Traffic Light Aspect-

Green (Left, Straight and Right Hardware Number 480

SITC of Traffic Light Aspect-

Hardware Number 160
9 Amber

SITC of Pedestrain Lamp heads-

Hardware Number 160
10 stop & Walkman

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 22
11 Box with all necessary accessories

SITC of UPS with batteries - UPS 2

Hardware Number 22
12 KVA

SITC of 24 Port L2 Industrial

Grade Switch with POE at edge Hardware Number 44

HDPE Pipe as per requirement Hardware Meter 5000


DWC pipe Hardware Meter 1000


CAT6 Cable Hardware Meter 12000


Pole Mounted Junction Box Hardware Number 80


SITC of Network Switch 24 PORT Hardware Number 24


SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 22
19 Meter (One-time Charges)

SITC of Intranet Router at DC Hardware Number 2


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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SFP and accessories Hardware LS 1


SITC of Backbone routers Hardware Number 10


ATCS Software Application with

Software Lot 1
23 ICCC integration

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning of Adaptive Traffic
Control System (ATCS), with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 22
24 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured power cable,
Armoured Cable jointing,
terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

Traffic Enforcement System


SITC of Red Light Violation

Detection (RLVD) System
including No Helmet Detection,
Wrong way, No seat belt and
Triple Riding detection for
covering 3 arms & 6 lanes (2
Lanes in each arm) at each Hardwar Junctio
1 junction with complete e n
hardware including ANPR
cameras, Overview Cameras,
IR Illuminator, Local
Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting
infrastructure as required

SITC of RLVD Overview Camera

Hardware Number 15
2 (Provisioned for Five Junction)

SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 54
3 illuminator

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 9
4 (LPU)

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 9
5 Box with all necessary accessories

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 27


SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 9
7 Meter (One-time Charges)

RLVD Software Application License

with ICCC platform Integration Software Number 15
(Provisioned for Five Junction)

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 54
9 with ICCC platform Integration

No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat

belt and Triple riding Detection Software Number 54
Application License

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 9
11 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

SITC of Red Light Voilation

Detection (RLVD) System
including No Helmet Detection,
wrong way, No seat belt and
Triple Riding detection for
covering 4 arms & 8 lanes (2
Lanes in each arm) at each Hardwar Junctio
12 junction with complete e n
hardware including ANPR
cameras, Overview Cameras,
IR Illuminator, Local
Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting
infrastructure as required

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of RLVD Overview Camera

Hardware Number 28
13 (Provisioned for Seven Junction)

SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 96
14 illuminator

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 12
15 (LPU)

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 12
16 Box with all necessary accessories

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 48


RLVD Software Application License

with ICCC platform Integration Software Number 28
(Provisioned for Seven Junction)

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 96
19 with ICCC platform Integration

No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat

belt and Triple riding Detection Software Number 96
Application License

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 12
21 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Red Light Voilation

Detection (RLVD) System
including No Helmet Detection,
Wrong way, No seat belt and
Triple Riding detection for
covering 5 arms & 13 lanes (2
2-Lanes in each arm, 3-3
Hardwar Junctio
Lanes in each arm) at each 1
22 e n
junction with complete
hardware including ANPR
cameras, Overview Cameras,
IR Illuminator, Local
Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting
infrastructure as required

SITC of RLVD Overview Camera Hardware Number 5


SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 13
24 illuminator

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 2
25 (LPU)

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 2
26 Box with all necessary accessories

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 5


RLVD Software Application License

Software Number 5
28 with ICCC platform Integration

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 13
29 with ICCC platform Integration

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat

belt and Triple riding Detection Software Number 13
Application License

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 1
31 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

SITC of Speed Detection

System for covering 2 lanes in
one direction with complete
subcomponents including
ANPR camera, wide angle Hardwar
Lot 3
32 evidence camera, IR e
illuminator, non intrusive
speed sensor with cabling &
mounting infrastructure as

SITC of SVD Camera with

Hardware Number 3
33 illuminator

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 6
34 illuminator

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 3
35 (LPU)

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 3
36 Box with all necessary accessories

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 3


Online UPS with batteries (2 hr.

Hardware Number 3
38 backup at full load) 2 KVA

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 3
39 Meter (One-time Charges)

SVD Software Application License

Software Number 3
40 with ICCC platform Integration

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 6
41 with ICCC platform Integration

SITC of LED display for displaying

Hardware Number 3
42 speed limit

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 3
43 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Entry-Exit
Management System including
covering 2 Lanes at each
locations with complete
hardware including ANPR Hardwar Locatio
44 cameras, Evidence camera, e n
Local Processing Unit, with
cabling, accessories &
mounting infrastructure as

SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 16
45 illuminator

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 4
46 (LPU)

SITC of Evidence Camera with IR

Hardware Number 8
47 illuminator

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 8


Online UPS with batteries (2 hr.

Hardware Number 4
49 backup at full load)

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 4
50 Meter (One-time Charges)

Evidence camera Software

Application License with ICCC Software Number 8
platform Integration

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 16
52 with ICCC platform Integration

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 4
53 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

SITC of Corridor Management

System including covering 2
Lanes at each locations with
complete hardware including Hardwar
Corridor 3
54 ANPR cameras, Local e
Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting
infrastructure as required

SITC of ANPR Camera with

Hardware Number 12
55 illuminator

SITC of Local Processing unit

Hardware Number 3
56 (LPU)
Edge level Switches - 8 Port POE
Hardware Number 3
57 switch

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 3
58 Box with all necessary accessories

Galvanized T/L shape poles Hardware Number 6


SITC of Evidence camera with

Hardware Number 6
60 Illuminator

SITC of Vehicle Detector Camera

Hardware Number 6
61 with illuminator

Online UPS with batteries (2 hr.

Hardware Number 3
62 backup at full load, 2 Kva)

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Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 3
63 Meter (One-time Charges)

Evidence camera Software

Application License with ICCC Software Number 6
platform Integration

ANPR Software Application License

Software Number 12
65 with ICCC platform Integration

Installation, Testing,
Commissioning of Adaptive Traffic
Control System (ATCS), with all
accessories, electrical,
networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including
complete cabling and civil works
as required including but not
Service Lot 3
66 limited to HDPE Pipe at road
crossing, island, median etc. DWC
pipe, Armoured power cable,
Armoured Cable jointing,
terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the
site conditions and ensuring the
aesthetic look.

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Integration with E-Challan

, Application at ICCC, including
integration with State RTO/
Vahan & Sarathi, Payment
67 Portal, City Mobile App
(Emergency vehicels priority,
Citizen Cop etc.) / Payment
portal and Gateway, PUC
integration, SMS portal etc.

Traffic monitoring and

management system software
integration with ICCC during Software Lot 1
implementation and 5 years of
O&M Period

E-Challan handheld device with

software application and
integration with RTO during Lot 25
69 software
implementation and 5 years of
O&M Period

B3 General Surveillance

SITC of Outdoor Fixed box camera

(2 MP with all accessories) with Hardware Number 425

SITC of Outdoor PTZ camera MP

- (2 MP with all accessories) with Hardware Number 35

SITC of 8 Port L2 Industrial Grade

Hardware Number 180
3 POE Switch at edge location

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Online UPS with batteries

Hardware Number 180
4 (2 hr. backup at full load) 2kva

SITC of Poles for cameras and

equipment (Galvanized Standard Hardware Number 180

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 180
6 Meter (One-time Charges)

VMS Base License with mobile app

client to view all cameras with Software lot 1
ICCC Platform Integration

Video management system

(supporting open standard /
ONVIF ) - camera license (460 Software Number 560
new cameras + 100 Existing IP

Video Analytics (VA) Platform for

all cameras with Video Synopsis Software Lot 1
with ICCC Platform Integration

Video Analytics (VA) on all

Software License 940
10 cameras

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Number 180
11 Box for General Surveillance

Networking cost (Passive

Components : Junction box, LIU/
Patch panel, OFC,
Service Lot 180
12 CAT6, Patch chord, Pipes,
Earthing, Lightning arrestor,
Electrical and earthing cables etc

Digging, piping and refilling

including digging for electrical Service Lot 180

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# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Access/ overhead

armoured OFC (as per ITU-T
Rec.G.652 D(03/03 or latest)) ,
OFC patch cords, junction boxes, Service Year 1
networking, civil, electrical and
other accessories (65 Km) to
connect various elements.

Smart solution components

(i.e., PA, ECB and VMD)

SITC of PA system (with speakers,

UPS and all accessories) (PA for
Hardware Lot 36
1 18 junctions and remaining at
various locations across city)

PA System Software Application Lumpsu

Software 1
2 with ICCC Platform Integration m

SITC of Emergency Call Box (ECB)

System (with mounting structure, Hardware Lot 25
UPS and all accessories)

Emergency Call Box (ECB) System

Software Application Platform with Software Lot 1
ICCC Platform Integration

Variable Message Display (VMD)

and VMD Controller
(Approximately 3.8m X 1.9m) Hardware Lot 11
Double side display including VMS
controler (with all accessories)

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# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Variable Message Display Software

Application with ICCC Platform Software Lot 1

SITC of Environmental sensor Hardware Number 3


SITC of IOT Gateway Hardware Number 3

SITC of Edge level Switches - 8
Hardware Number 40
9 port

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

Hardware Lot 40
10 Box with all necessary accessories

SITC of Galvanized poles Hardware Number 40


SITC of Online UPS with batteries

(2 hr. backup at full load, 2Kva)- Hardware Number 40
VMD and environmental sensor

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

Hardware Number 40
13 Meter (One-time Charges)

SITC of Wireless integrated PA

system with 10 speakers,
Hardware Number 3
14 amplifier and integration with
existing wireless system

VMD mounting structure, pole

inclusive of all civil, electrical,
erection, earthing work with Service Number 11
necessary foundation for Variable
Messaging Display

C Other Smart Solution

Smart poles (CCTV, Wi-Fi, Air

C1 Quality Monitoring, 5G ready,

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Smart Pole with all

necessary accessories
1 (foundation, brackets, lighting Hardware Number 12
arrestor, civil, network, electrical
accessories) (12Mtrs)

SITC of LED Lumainaire (120w)

2 Hardware Number 12
with Smart Controllers

3 SITC of IOT Gateway Hardware Number 12

SITC of Digital BillBoard

4 (Approximately 1.9 m X 0.95m) Hardware Number 12
for Smart Pole

SITC of PA system (with speakers,

5 Hardware Lot 12
UPS and all accessories)

SITC of Emergency Call Box (ECB)

6 System (with mounting structure, Hardware Lot 12
UPS and all accessories)

SITC CCTV Camera with

7 Hardware Number 36

SITC of Outdoor Wi-Fi Access

8 Hardware Number 12
Points with controller

SITC Air Quality Monitoring

9 Hardware Number 12

Smart Pole Application - Air

quality, PA System, ECB System, Lumpsu
10 Software 1
VMB,LED, WiFi with ICCC m
Platform Integration

SITC of Online UPS with batteries

11 Hardware Number 12
(2 hr. backup at full load) 2 Kva

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

12 Hardware Number 12
Meter (One-time Charges)

Creation of online/mobile
C2 based platform to facilitate
tourists & visitors

Mobile App for Tourists & Citiznes

(iOS, Android) Training and
Capacity building charges
1 City Level Integration Platform Software Lot 1
Citizen engagement and
Grievance Redressal Management
Systems and back end workflow

City open data colloboration

2 Software Lot 1

C3 Flood monitoring

1 SITC of Flood Sensor Hardware Number 20

Flood Sensor Software Application

License with ICCC platform Software 1
2 m

SITC of Outdoor PTZ camera MP

3 - (2 MP with all accessories) with Hardware Number 20

SITC of 8 Port L2 Industrial Grade

Hardware Number 20
4 POE Switch at edge location

SITC of Online UPS with batteries

5 Hardware Number 20
(2 hr. backup at full load) 2kva

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

SITC of Poles for cameras and

equipment (Galvanized Standard Hardware Number 20

SITC of Provisioning of Electrical

7 Hardware Number 20
Meter (One-time Charges)

Video management system

(supporting open standard / Software Number 20
ONVIF ) - camera license

SITC of Outdoor Field Junction

9 Hardware Lot 20
Box for General Surveillance

Networking cost (Passive

Components : Junction box, LIU/
Patch panel, OFC, CAT6, Patch
Service Lot 20
10 chord, Pipes, Earthing, Lightning
arrestor, Electrical and earthing
cables etc

Digging, piping and refilling

11 including digging for electrical Service Lot 20

C4 Smart Kiosk

1 SITC of Smart Kiosk Hardware Number 10

Smart Kiosk Software Application

2 License with ICCC platform Software 1

Geographical Information
System (GIS)

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

GIS information system - GIS

Map Engine, Integration of
shape files on base map, Software/
1 Lot 1
crowd sourcing based data and Service
GIS platform with ICCC

C6 Optical Fiber Cabling (OFC)

1 Restoration charges Service 1

Supply and laying ,testing and

commissioning of 24F armoured
multitube double sheath single
mode OFC (as per ITU-T
2 Service KM 36
Rec.G.652 D(03/03 or latest))
with 40mm HDPE Duct using HDD
method and maintenance for 5
years after commissioning

Manpower for Implementation

Phase and O&M

1 Project Manager - 1 no Service Number 1

Solution Architect and Cloud

2 Service Number 1
expert - 1 no

ICCC / command center Expert -

3 Service Number 1

4 Network Architect - 1 no Service Number 1

Security Infrastructure and CCTV

5 Service Number 2
specialist - 1 each

6 GIS Expert - 1 no Service Number 1

Data Management Expert /

7 Service Number 1
Analyst - 1 no

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Business Analyst/Use case/SOP

8 Service Number 1
Expert - 1 no

Server / Storage/ Database Expert

9 Service Number 1
- 1 no

10 ITMS & ATCS Expert - 1 no Service Number 1

11 Electrical Engineer - 1 Person Service Number 1

12 Electrical Technician - 2 Person Service Number 2

13 OFC Expert - 1 no Service Number 1

14 Helpdesk operator (20 no) Service Number 20

15 Security staff (4 no) Service Number 4

16 Civil Technician - 2 person Service Number 2

17 Civil Engineer - 1 no Service Number 1

18 Field Engineer - 5 Persons Service Number 5

19 Office staff, Reception (3 no) Service Number 3

Training, Certifications and


1 Functional Training (20 Person) Service Batches 30

Administrative Training (10

2 Service Batches 5
Sr. Management Training (10
3 Service Batches 5

Security Audit (VAPT with

certificates STQC, CERT-IN) of
4 Entire ICCC, Cloud, DC- DR at All Service 2
Layers (Network, Application,
Infra, OS, Kernel, ISO 27K)

D Other Usecases

Digital assistant Application

with ICCC platform Integration

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

# Nature of Work Type: UoM Qty Model Full

Hardware/ Mak Detail Complianc
Software/ e/ s e Y/N
Services Mod

Manpower (one person) at one

1 Service Number 1
location of smart kisok

6.18 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form

(This form has to be provided by the OEMs of the hardware and software solutions proposed. This letter of
authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent and
having the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer.)

Principal Executive Director,
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
6th Floor, Plate -A , Office Block 2,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi - 110023.

[ ],

Subject: Manufacturer's Authorization Form

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>
Dear Sir,
We_________ (Name and address of the OEM) who are established and reputable manufacturers of_______
(List of Goods) having factories or product development centres at the locations__________ (addresses of
manufacturing/development locations or as per list attached, do hereby authorize M/s ____________ (Name
and address of the Bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against RFP
No.__________Dated ________for the above equipment /software manufactured or developed by us.

The equipment/Software to be provided are listed below:



We hereby extend, our warranty for the equipment/software products supplied by the bidder and or
maintenance or support services for software products against this invitation for bid
by_______________________ (Name of the Bidder) as per requirements and for the duration of contract as
specified in this RFP i. e. for a period of 60 Months from the date of Go Live.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

We also confirm that our offered product will not be end of life for minimum of 60 months from the date of Go

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of: _________ (Name of the OEM)

Authorized Signatory

MAF is required for the components including but not limited to the below list

Software Applications
1. Integrated Command and Control Software
2. VMS Application Licenses , Video Analytics
3. ANPR, SVD, RLVD Application Software
4. GIS Application Software
5. EMS
7. Other applications (As per solution proposed)

Hardware Components
1. Cameras (All types)
2. Edge Level Switches
3. Data Center switches
4. E-Challan Hand held devices
5. Industrial grade outdoor PoE Switches
6. Variable Messaging Display
7. UPS
8. Video Wall
9. DG Set
10. Firewall
11. Server & Storage
12. Others as per solution prposed.

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

6.19 Anti-Collusion Certificate

[Certificate should be provided by Lead Bidder and on letter head]

Anti-Collusion Certificate

We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our Bid for Request for Proposal
for Selection of Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of
Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for Puducherry Smart
City Area” against the RFP issued by Tender Inviting Authority, we have not acted in concert or in collusion
with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed or thing, which is or could be
regarded as anti-competitive. We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal
gratification in cash or kind to any person or organization in connection with the instant bid.

(Signature of the Lead Bidder)

Printed Name
Business Address:

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

7. Annexure 4 – Formats for Submission of the Commercial Bid

Principal Executive Director,
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
6th Floor, Plate -A , Office Block 2,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi - 110023.

Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Master systems Integrator for Implementation of
Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) and Smart Components in Puducherry City
Ref: Tender No :<No> Dated<DD/MM/YYYY>
We, the undersigned Bidder, having read and examined in detail all the RFP Documents in respect of
Selection of Master systems Integrator for Implementation of Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) and Smart Components in Puducherry Citydo hereby propose to provide services as specified in the
RFP Documents number Tender No :<No> Dated<DD/MM/YYYY>
We are herewith submitting our Price Bid online as per format of this RFP with following Terms and condition


• All the prices mentioned by us in this Price Bid are in accordance with the terms as specified in the RFP
Documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this RFP are valid for a period of 180 calendar
days from the date of submission of the Bid.
• We hereby confirm that our prices include all taxes, charges, levies etc. to be payable to various govt./non-
govt./local authorities.
• We understand and agree that the finalization/selection of the System Integrator is solely on the basis of the
QCBS, subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria.

Note: The Details has to be entered online only.

1. The Total price excluding taxes levies and Duties indicated above will be used for L1 calculations and will be
considered as Lumpsum cost quoted by the bidder which should be uploaded online.
2. Taxes will be paid as per prevailing rates at the time of payment.
3. The SI/bidder has to ensure that their commercial bid contains reasonable unit rates of CAPEX and OPEX
items. RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL may identify abnormally higher / lower unit rates of line items and the
evaluation committee may take decision based on the same and seek justifications from bidders.
4. It is recommended that the Total Capital Price (CAPEX) quoted in the project should not exceed 70% of
Total Price quoted in the commercial bid.
5. In case the bidder quotes higher figures (more than 70% of Total Price) towards CAPEX, the same shall be
restricted to 70% while making payments towards CAPEX. Any value quoted towards CAPEX over and above
70% limit will be paid in equal monthly instalments during O&M phase along with monthly payment subject
to the Clause for incentivizing the Bidder
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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

7.1 Price component for CAPEX

The list of items indicated hereunder is indicative. The Bidder shall consider the components and quantity
to fulfil the RFP and project requirements in totality.

Capex Opex Total

Nature of Work Total
Amount Amount Amount Amount without with GST
without with GST without with GST GST (INR) (INR)
A Integrated Command & Control - - - - - -
Centre (ICCC)
A1 ICCC Setup with IT & Non-IT Infrastrcture - - - - - -
A2 DC and DR Setup - - - - - -
A3 ICCC Applications and Software Platforms - - - - - -
on DC and DR both
B Intelligent Traffic Management - - - - - -
System (ITMS) & General
B1 Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) - - - - - -
B2 Traffic Enforcement System (TES) - - - - - -
B3 General Surveillance - - - - - -
B4 Smart solution components (i.e., PA, ECB - - - - - -
and VMD)
C Other Smart Solutions - - - - - -
C1 Smart poles (CCTV, Wi-Fi, Air Quality - - - - - -
Monitoring, 5G ready, LED, VMB, ECB)
C2 Creation of online/mobile based platform - - - - - -
to facilitate tourists & visitors
C3 Flood monitoring - - - - - -
C4 SITC of Smart Kiosk - - - - - -
C5 Geographical Information System (GIS) - - - - - -
C6 Optical Fiber Cabling (OFC) - - - - - -
C7 Manpower for Implementation Phase and - - - - - -
C8 Training, Certifications and Audit - - - - - -
D Other Usecases - - - - - -
D1 Digital assistant Application with ICCC - - - - - -
platform Integration

Total (A+B+C+D) - - - - - -

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Integrated Command &
Control Centre (ICCC)
ICCC Setup with IT & Non-IT
The control room solution : SITC of DLP LED
based Video wall cubes. Composed of 12 cubes in
a 6 X 2 configuration with 70" diagonal size of Lot 1
1 re
each cube. Total size of Video wall approx 30 ft X
7 ft.
SITC of Video wall controller with cabling and Hardwa
Lot 1
2 other fixture and wall management software re
SITC of Operator Workstation (Helpdesk) with
Hardwa Numb
Three monitor (22") with office productivity suite 30
3 re er
Laptop for higher management with office Hardwa Numb
4 productivity suite licenses re er
SITC of Network & WiFi enabled A4/A3/Legal Size
Hardwa Numb
MFP Colour Laser Printer/Scanner/Copier with 2
5 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of IP Phone 30
6 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of Indoor Fixed Dome Cameras for internal Hardwa Numb
7 surveillance re er
SITC of Indoor Wi-Fi Access Points for CCC (3 Hardwa
Lot 5
8 rooms) with controller re
SITC of Networking Cost (Passive Components Hardwa Lumps
9 such as LAN/CAT 6 Cabling) re um
SITC of IP PABX for CCC including all accessories
(500 users) with PRI modem pair (2 nos) and PRI Lot 1
10 re
lines (1)
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Digital Set top box including recharge 4
11 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Video Conferencing Unit 1
12 re er
SITC of 55" LED display to present critical
Hardwa Numb
information Display (War 4
13 re er
Room/Reception/Meeting room)
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Microphone with respective accessories 30
14 re er
Hardwa Numb
Headphones 30
15 re er
SITC of SMS Gateway Lot 1
16 re
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Projector 2
17 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Installation, Setting up, Interior, Configuration
and Testing of Command and Control Centre
Integrated Command Control Center = 1350
Sq.ft. Conference Room + Reception + Waiting
area = 1400 Sq.ft. Data center Room = 250 Sq.ft
Power room = 1110 Sq.ft
ICCC Interior (panelling & painting) and all
necessary accessories, rodent repellent system, Service Sq. ft.
18 0
water leakage system, access control system
works (Raised Floor, False Ceiling, Ceiling
speakers, PVC conduits, MCBs, wiring, cable work,
illumination, PA system, earthing, air
conditioning, Fire detection and Fire supression,
Biometric system, civil, electrical, networking and
with all standards). Face lifting of ICCC Building.
Furniture and Fixtures for 30 operators, 2
manager desk, conference room (25 person), War Hardwa
Lot 1
19 room (10 person), Reception (1 desk), security re
room desk (2 person), house keeping (2 person)
SITC DG set for 200 KVA IT load with installation
and commissioning with AMF panel, Earthing, Lot 2
20 re
Bed, power cable, change over with accessories
SITC of UPS 60KVA with 150 Ah SMF batteries Hardwa
Lot 2
21 backup 2 hrs re

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )

A DC and DR Setup
Server hardware with licenses like OS, DB, third Hardwa
Lot 1
1 party applications..etc re
Primary storage minimum and secondary storage
and SAN switches with Backup license for Lot 1
2 re
Virtualisation (Hypervisor) software with license Lot 1
3 e
Hardwa Numb
Core Switch at ICCC 2
4 re er
Hardwa Numb
Access Switch - 24 port at ICCC 6
5 re er
Hardwa Numb
WAN Aggregation Switch at ICCC 2
6 re er
Hardwa Numb
Core Router at ICCC 2
7 re er
Hardwa Numb
AAA Solution 2
8 re er
Hardwa Numb
24 Port L3 Top of the Rack (TOR) Switch 6
9 re er
Hardwa Numb
Firewall +IPS 2
10 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of Server Racks - (600 /1200) 42U with PDU Hardwa Numb
11 and accessories re er
SITC of Network Racks - (800 /1200) 42U with Hardwa Numb
12 PDU and accessories re er
HLD, LLD, Installation, configuration, integration
Service Lot 1
13 and testing of all IT component at ICCC
Cloud DR Setup for ICCC Platfrom and other smart
Service Year 1
14 solutions.
SITC of Internet Connectivity-1Gbps (from 2
Different ISP) to cloud and internet connectivity - Service/ Numb
15 1Gbps (Only One ISP) for smart pole WiFi and Year er
indoor WiFi
Centralised IT Security Solution Lot 1
16 e

ICCC Applications and Software

Platforms on DC and DR both
Centralized ICCC Platform with Perpetual License,
integrated command and control software along Softwar
with responder mobile application and e and Lot 1
integration with use cases during implementation service
and 5 years of O&M Period

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Customization/ Integration of applications hosted Softwar
by various departments and NIC during e and Lot 1
implementation and 5 years of O&M Period service
Configurable dashboard e and Lot 1
Enterprise Management System during
implementation and 5 years of O&M Period
(including SLA Management, Helpdesk
Management, Element management system,
Network Management) (DAP, NMS, Log Lot 1
4 e
Managemnt, Patch Management, Asset
Management ). Call Centre Management
(Software + 10 user License) - Contact Center,
ACD, IVR, Reporting, Voice Gateway , Recording.
Intelligent Traffic
B Management System (ITMS) &
General Surveillance
Adaptive Traffic Control
System (ATCS)
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Traffic Controller 22
1 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Countdown Timer 80
2 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of pedestrain countdown Timer 80
3 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Vehicle Detector Camera with illuminator 80
4 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Cantilever Pole 80
5 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Standards Poles for Traffic Signal 80
6 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Traffic Light Aspect- Red 160
7 re er
SITC of Traffic Light Aspect- Green (Left, Straight Hardwa Numb
8 and Right Arrow) re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Traffic Light Aspect- Amber 160
9 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Pedestrain Lamp heads- stop & Walkman 160
10 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 22
11 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
SITC of UPS with batteries - UPS 2 KVA 22
12 re er
SITC of 24 Port L2 Industrial Grade Switch with Hardwa Numb
13 POE at edge location re er
Hardwa 500
HDPE Pipe as per requirement Meter
14 re 0

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa 100
DWC pipe Meter
15 re 0
Hardwa 120
CAT6 Cable Meter
16 re 00
Hardwa Numb
Pole Mounted Junction Box 80
17 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Network Switch 24 PORT 24
18 re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
19 Charges) re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Intranet Router at DC 2
20 re er
SFP and accessories LS 1
21 re
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Backbone routers 10
22 re er
ATCS Software Application with ICCC integration Lot 1
23 e
Installation, Testing, Commissioning of Adaptive
Traffic Control System (ATCS), with all
accessories, electrical, networking, switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
Service Lot 22
24 and civil works as required including but not
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island,
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured power cable,
Armoured Cable jointing, terminating, trenching,

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
compacting, backfilling as per the site conditions
and ensuring the aesthetic look.

Traffic Enforcement System

SITC of Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD)
System including No Helmet Detection, Wrong
way, No seat belt and Triple Riding detection for
covering 3 arms & 6 lanes (2 Lanes in each arm)
Hardwa Juncti
at each junction with complete hardware 9
1 re on
including ANPR cameras, Overview Cameras, IR
Illuminator, Local Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting infrastructure as
SITC of RLVD Overview Camera (Provisioned for Hardwa Numb
2 Five Junction) re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 54
3 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 9
4 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 9
5 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 27
6 re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
7 Charges) re er
RLVD Software Application License with ICCC
Softwar Numb
platform Integration (Provisioned for Five 15
8 e er
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
9 platform Integration e er
No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat belt and Triple Softwar Numb
10 riding Detection Application License e er
Installation, Testing, Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island, Service Lot 9
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching, compacting,
backfilling as per the site conditions and ensuring
the aesthetic look.

Page 117 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of Red Light Voilation Detection (RLVD)
System including No Helmet Detection, wrong
way, No seat belt and Triple Riding detection for
covering 4 arms & 8 lanes (2 Lanes in each arm)
Hardwa Juncti
at each junction with complete hardware 12
12 re on
including ANPR cameras, Overview Cameras, IR
Illuminator, Local Processing Unit, with cabling,
accessories & mounting infrastructure as
SITC of RLVD Overview Camera (Provisioned for Hardwa Numb
13 Seven Junction) re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 96
14 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 12
15 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 12
16 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 48
17 re er
RLVD Software Application License with ICCC
Softwar Numb
platform Integration (Provisioned for Seven 28
18 e er
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
19 platform Integration e er
No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat belt and Triple Softwar Numb
20 riding Detection Application License e er

Page 118 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Installation, Testing, Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island, Service Lot 12
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching, compacting,
backfilling as per the site conditions and ensuring
the aesthetic look.
SITC of Red Light Voilation Detection (RLVD)
System including No Helmet Detection, Wrong
way, No seat belt and Triple Riding detection for
covering 5 arms & 13 lanes (2 2-Lanes in each
Hardwa Juncti
arm, 3-3 Lanes in each arm) at each junction 1
22 re on
with complete hardware including ANPR
cameras, Overview Cameras, IR Illuminator,
Local Processing Unit, with cabling, accessories &
mounting infrastructure as required
Hardwa Numb
SITC of RLVD Overview Camera 5
23 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 13
24 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 2
25 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 2
26 necessary accessories re

Page 119 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 5
27 re er
RLVD Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
28 platform Integration e er
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
29 platform Integration e er
No-Helmet, wrong way, No seat belt and Triple Softwar Numb
30 riding Detection Application License e er
Installation, Testing, Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island, Service Lot 1
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching, compacting,
backfilling as per the site conditions and ensuring
the aesthetic look.
SITC of Speed Detection System for covering 2
lanes in one direction with complete
subcomponents including ANPR camera, wide Hardwa
Lot 3
32 angle evidence camera, IR illuminator, non re
intrusive speed sensor with cabling & mounting
infrastructure as required
Hardwa Numb
SITC of SVD Camera with illuminator 3
33 re er

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 6
34 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 3
35 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 3
36 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 3
37 re er
Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at full Hardwa Numb
38 load) 2 KVA re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
39 Charges) re er
SVD Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
40 platform Integration e er
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
41 platform Integration e er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of LED display for displaying speed limit 3
42 re er
Installation, Testing, Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not Service Lot 3
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island,
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching, compacting,

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
backfilling as per the site conditions and ensuring
the aesthetic look.

SITC of Entry-Exit Management System including

covering 2 Lanes at each locations with
complete hardware including ANPR cameras, Hardwa Locati
44 Evidence camera, Local Processing Unit, with re on
cabling, accessories & mounting infrastructure
as required
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 16
45 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 4
46 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Evidence Camera with IR illuminator 8
47 re er
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 8
48 re er
Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at full Hardwa Numb
49 load) re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
50 Charges) re er
Evidence camera Software Application License Softwar Numb
51 with ICCC platform Integration e er

Page 122 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
52 platform Integration e er
Installation, Testing, Commissioning with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not
limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island, Service Lot 4
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured Power Cable
jointing, terminating, trenching, compacting,
backfilling as per the site conditions and ensuring
the aesthetic look.
SITC of Corridor Management System including
covering 2 Lanes at each locations with
Hardwa Corrid
complete hardware including ANPR cameras, 3
54 re or
Local Processing Unit, with cabling, accessories &
mounting infrastructure as required
Hardwa Numb
SITC of ANPR Camera with illuminator 12
55 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Local Processing unit (LPU) 3
56 re er
Hardwa Numb
Edge level Switches - 8 Port POE switch 3
57 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 3
58 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
Galvanized T/L shape poles 6
59 re er

Page 123 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Evidence camera with Illuminator 6
60 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Vehicle Detector Camera with illuminator 6
61 re er
Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at full Hardwa Numb
62 load, 2 Kva) re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
63 Charges) re er
Evidence camera Software Application License Softwar Numb
64 with ICCC platform Integration e er
ANPR Software Application License with ICCC Softwar Numb
65 platform Integration e er
Installation, Testing, Commissioning of Adaptive
Traffic Control System (ATCS), with all
accessories, electrical, networking, Switch, UPS,
foundation, etc. work. Including complete cabling
and civil works as required including but not
Service Lot 3
66 limited to HDPE Pipe at road crossing, island,
median etc. DWC pipe, Armoured power cable,
Armoured Cable jointing, terminating, trenching,
compacting, backfilling as per the site conditions
and ensuring the aesthetic look.
Integration with E-Challan
software(Central/State/Local), Application at
67 ICCC, including integration with State RTO/
Vahan & Sarathi, Payment Portal, City Mobile

Page 124 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
App (Emergency vehicels priority, Citizen Cop
etc.) / Payment portal and Gateway, PUC
integration, SMS portal etc.

Traffic monitoring and management system

software integration with ICCC during Lot 1
68 e
implementation and 5 years of O&M Period
E-Challan handheld device with software
application and integration with RTO during Lot 25
69 softwar
implementation and 5 years of O&M Period

B General Surveillance
SITC of Outdoor Fixed box camera (2 MP with all Hardwa Numb
1 accessories) with illuminator re er
SITC of Outdoor PTZ camera MP - (2 MP with all Hardwa Numb
2 accessories) with illuminator re er
SITC of 8 Port L2 Industrial Grade POE Switch at Hardwa Numb
3 edge location re er
SITC of Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at Hardwa Numb
4 full load) 2kva re er
SITC of Poles for cameras and equipment Hardwa Numb
5 (Galvanized Standard Poles) re er

Page 125 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
6 Charges) re er
VMS Base License with mobile app client to view Softwar
lot 1
7 all cameras with ICCC Platform Integration e
Video management system (supporting open
Softwar Numb
standard / ONVIF ) - camera license (460 new 560
8 e er
cameras + 100 Existing IP cameras)
Video Analytics (VA) Platform for all cameras with Softwar
Lot 1
9 Video Synopsis with ICCC Platform Integration e
Softwar Licens
Video Analytics (VA) on all cameras 940
10 e e
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box for General Hardwa Numb
11 Surveillance re er
Networking cost (Passive Components : Junction
box, LIU/ Patch panel, OFC,
Service Lot 180
12 CAT6, Patch chord, Pipes, Earthing, Lightning
arrestor, Electrical and earthing cables etc
Digging, piping and refilling including digging for
Service Lot 180
13 electrical cabling
SITC of Access/ overhead armoured OFC (as per
ITU-T Rec.G.652 D(03/03 or latest)) , OFC patch
cords, junction boxes, networking, civil, electrical Service Year 1
and other accessories (65 Km) to connect various

Page 126 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )

Smart solution components (i.e.,

PA, ECB and VMD)
SITC of PA system (with speakers, UPS and all
accessories) (PA for 18 junctions and remaining at Lot 36
1 re
various locations across city)
PA System Software Application with ICCC Softwar Lumps
2 Platform Integration e um
SITC of Emergency Call Box (ECB) System (with Hardwa
Lot 25
3 mounting structure, UPS and all accessories) re
Emergency Call Box (ECB) System Software
Application Platform with ICCC Platform Lot 1
4 e
Variable Message Display (VMD) and VMD
Controller (Approximately 3.8m X 1.9m) Double Hardwa
Lot 11
5 side display including VMS controler (with all re
Variable Message Display Software Application Softwar
Lot 1
6 with ICCC Platform Integration e
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Environmental sensor 3
7 re er
Hardwa Numb
SITC of IOT Gateway 3
8 re er

Page 127 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Edge level Switches - 8 port 40
9 re er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box with all Hardwa
Lot 40
10 necessary accessories re
Hardwa Numb
SITC of Galvanized poles 40
11 re er
SITC of Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at Hardwa Numb
12 full load, 2Kva)- VMD and environmental sensor re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
13 Charges) re er
SITC of Wireless integrated PA system with 10
Hardwa Numb
speakers, amplifier and integration with existing 3
14 re er
wireless system
VMD mounting structure, pole inclusive of all
civil, electrical, erection, earthing work with Numb
Service 11
15 necessary foundation for Variable Messaging er
C Other Smart Solution
Smart poles (CCTV, Wi-Fi, Air
C Quality Monitoring, 5G ready,
SITC of Smart Pole with all necessary accessories
Hardwa Numb
1 (foundation, brackets, lighting arrestor, civil, 12
re er
network, electrical accessories) (12Mtrs)

Page 128 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of LED Lumainaire (120w) with Smart Hardwa Numb
2 12
Controllers re er
Hardwa Numb
3 SITC of IOT Gateway 12
re er
SITC of Digital BillBoard (Approximately 1.9 m X Hardwa Numb
4 12
0.95m) for Smart Pole re er
SITC of PA system (with speakers, UPS and all Hardwa
5 Lot 12
accessories) re
SITC of Emergency Call Box (ECB) System (with Hardwa
6 Lot 12
mounting structure, UPS and all accessories) re
Hardwa Numb
7 SITC CCTV Camera with illuminator 36
re er
SITC of Outdoor Wi-Fi Access Points with Hardwa Numb
8 12
controller re er
Hardwa Numb
9 SITC Air Quality Monitoring sensors 12
re er
Smart Pole Application - Air quality, PA System,
Softwar Lumps
10 ECB System, VMB,LED, WiFi with ICCC Platform 1
e um
SITC of Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at Hardwa Numb
11 12
full load) 2 Kva re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
12 12
Charges) re er

Page 129 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
Creation of online/mobile based
C platform to facilitate tourists &
2 visitors
Mobile App for Tourists & Citiznes (iOS, Android)
Training and Capacity building charges
1 City Level Integration Platform Lot 1
Citizen engagement and Grievance Redressal
Management Systems and back end workflow
2 City open data colloboration platform Lot 1

C Flood monitoring
Hardwa Numb
1 SITC of Flood Sensor 20
re er
Flood Sensor Software Application License with Softwar Lumps
2 ICCC platform Integration e um
SITC of Outdoor PTZ camera MP - (2 MP with all Hardwa Numb
3 20
accessories) with illuminator re er
SITC of 8 Port L2 Industrial Grade POE Switch at Hardwa Numb
4 edge location re er
SITC of Online UPS with batteries (2 hr. backup at Hardwa Numb
5 20
full load) 2kva re er

Page 130 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
SITC of Poles for cameras and equipment Hardwa Numb
6 (Galvanized Standard Poles) re er
SITC of Provisioning of Electrical Meter (One-time Hardwa Numb
7 20
Charges) re er
Video management system (supporting open Softwar Numb
8 standard / ONVIF ) - camera license e er
SITC of Outdoor Field Junction Box for General Hardwa
9 Lot 20
Surveillance re
Networking cost (Passive Components : Junction
box, LIU/ Patch panel, OFC, CAT6, Patch chord,
Service Lot 20
10 Pipes, Earthing, Lightning arrestor, Electrical and
earthing cables etc
Digging, piping and refilling including digging for
11 Service Lot 20
electrical cabling

C Smart Kiosk
Hardwa Numb
1 SITC of Smart Kiosk 10
re er
Smart Kiosk Software Application License with Softwar Lumps
2 1
ICCC platform Integration e um

Page 131 of 170

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )

Geographical Information
System (GIS)
GIS information system - GIS Map Engine,
Integration of shape files on base map, crowd
1 e/ Lot 1
sourcing based data and GIS platform with ICCC

C Optical Fiber Cabling (OFC)

1 Restoration charges Service 1
Supply and laying ,testing and commissioning of
24F armoured multitube double sheath single
2 mode OFC (as per ITU-T Rec.G.652 D(03/03 or Service KM 36
latest)) with 40mm HDPE Duct using HDD method
and maintenance for 5 years after commissioning

Manpower for Implementation

Phase and O&M
1 Project Manager - 1 no Service 1

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Digitally signed by RAJEEV

Date: 2023.07.27 23:30:47 IST
RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
2 Solution Architect and Cloud expert - 1 no Service 1
3 ICCC / command center Expert - 1no Service 1
4 Network Architect - 1 no Service 1
Security Infrastructure and CCTV specialist - 1 Numb
5 Service 2
each er
6 GIS Expert - 1 no Service 1
7 Data Management Expert / Analyst - 1 no Service 1
8 Business Analyst/Use case/SOP Expert - 1 no Service 1
9 Server / Storage/ Database Expert - 1 no Service 1
10 ITMS & ATCS Expert - 1 no Service 1
11 Electrical Engineer - 1 Person Service 1
12 Electrical Technician - 2 Person Service 2
13 OFC Expert - 1 no Service 1
14 Helpdesk operator (20 no) Service 20

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Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )
15 Security staff (4 no) Service 4
16 Civil Technician - 2 person Service 2
17 Civil Engineer - 1 no Service 1
18 Field Engineer - 5 Persons Service 5
19 Office staff, Reception (3 no) Service 3

Training, Certifications and

1 Functional Training (20 Person) Service 30
2 Administrative Training (10 Person) Service 5
3 Sr. Management Training (10 Person) Service 5
Security Audit (VAPT with certificates STQC, CERT-
4 IN) of Entire ICCC, Cloud, DC- DR at All Layers Service 2
(Network, Application, Infra, OS, Kernel, ISO 27K)
D Other Usecases

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Type: UoM Qty GST OPEX Per GS

# Nature of Work Hardwa Un % Total Total Durat Year T% Total Total CAPE CAP
re/ it on CAPE CAPE ion OPEX on OPEX OPEX X+ EX +
Softwar Rat CAP X X (in Amo OP Amo Amo OPE OPE
e/ e EX Amo Amo Year) unt EX unt unt X X
Services (IN unt unt with with with wit
R) with with out GST out h
out GST GST for 5 GST GST
GST (INR) for 5 Year (INR) (INR
(INR) Year )

Digital assistant Application

with ICCC platform Integration
Manpower (one person) at one location of smart Numb
1 Service 1
kisok er

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Blank Page

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The Authority will decide total Man months/man power required during O&M phase. Bidder
is required to quote for the following staff.

S. No Resource Requirement for Implementation No. of Resources


1. Project Manager - 1 no 1
2. Solution Architect - 1 no 1
3. ICCC Expert - 1no 1
4. Network Architect - 1 no 1
5. Security Infrastructure and CCTV specialist - 1
6. GIS Expert - 1 no 1
7. Data Management Expert - 1 no 1
8. Business Analyst/Use case/SOP Expert - 1 no 1
9. Server Storage/ Database Expert - 1 no 1
10. ITMS & ATCS Expert - 1 no 1
11. Electrical Engineer - 1 Person 1
12. Electrical Technician - 2 Person 2
13. OFC Expert - 1 no 1
14. Helpdesk operator (20 no) 20
15. Security staff (4 no) 4
16. Civil Technician - 2 person 2
17. Civil Engineer - 1 no 1
18. Field Engineer - 5 Persons 5
19. Office staff, Reception (3 no) 3

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8. Annexure 5 (a) – Performance Bank Guarantee

Ref: _________________ Date _________________

Bank Guarantee No. ______________________




Whereas, <<name of the supplier and address>> (hereinafter called “the System Integrator”)
has undertaken, in pursuance of contract no. <Insert Contract No.> dated. <Date> to provide
Implementation services for <<name of the assignment>> to Puducherry Smart City
Corporation Limited(hereinafter called “the Authority”)
And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said contract that the bidder shall furnish you
with a bank guarantee by a Naionalised or Scheduled bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;
And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its
head/registered office at <Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at
<Address of Local Office> have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee.
Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of
the supplier, up to a total of Indian Rupees<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words>
only) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to
be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the
limits of Indian Rupees<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) as aforesaid,
without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum
specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the bidder before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract
to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between
you and the System Integrator shall in any way release us from any liability under this
guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This Guarantee shall be valid until <<Insert Date>>)

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Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Indian Rupees<Insert
Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only).

II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this bank guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our
liability under the guarantee will automatically cease.

Date _________________

Place _________________ Signature _

Witness ________________
_________________ Printed name _

(Bank's common seal)

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9. Annexure 5 (b): – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit

Principal Executive Director,
RailTel corporation of India Limited,
6th Floor, Plate -A , Office Block 2,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi - 110023.

<Phone Nos.>
<Fax Nos.>
<Email id>

Whereas <<Name of the bidder>> (hereinafter called 'the System Integrator') has submitted
the bid for Submission of RFP <<RFP Number>> dated <<Date>> for <<Name of the
assignment>> (hereinafter called "the Bid") to <<Authority>> .
Know all Men by these presents that we <<… >> having our office at <<Address>>
(hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto the <<Authority>> (hereinafter called "the
Authority") in the sum of Indian Rupees<<Amount in figures>> (Rupees <<Amount in
words>> only) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Authority, the Bank
binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of
the said Bank this <<Date>>.
The conditions of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder having its bid withdrawn during the period of bid validity specified by the
Bidder on the Bid Form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Authority during the
period of validity of bid

(a) Withdraws his participation from the bid during the period of validity of bid document; or

(b) Fails or refuses to participate in the subsequent Tender process after having been short

We undertake to pay to the Authority up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the Authority having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand
the Authority will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one
or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to <<insert date>> and including <<extra time over and
above mandated in the RFP>> from the last date of submission and any demand in respect
thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

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I. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Indian Rupees<<Amount in
figures>> (Rupees

<<Amount in words>> only)

II. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to <<insert date>>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this Bank Guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this Bank Guarantee on or before <<insert date>>) failing which our liability
under the guarantee will automatically cease.

(Authorized Signatory of the Bank)


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10. Annexure: 6 – Non-Disclosure Agreement

WHEREAS, we the undersigned Bidder, __________________________________, having

our principal place of business or registered office at _________________, are desirous of
bidding for RFP No. <<>> dated <<DD-MM-2015>> “Request for Proposal for Selection of
Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of
Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for
Puducherry Smart City Area” (hereinafter called the said 'RFP')to the “RailTel, DRDM /
PSCDL Corporation of India Limited”, hereinafter referred to as ‘Authority'

WHEREAS, the Bidder is aware and confirms that the Authority’s business or operations,
information, application or software, hardware, business data, architecture schematics,
designs, storage media and other information or documents made available by the Authority
in the RFP documents during the bidding process and thereafter, or otherwise (confidential
information for short) is privileged and strictly confidential and or proprietary to the Authority,

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of disclosure of confidential information, and in order to

ensure the Authority’s grant to the Bidder of specific access to Authority’s confidential
information, property, information systems, network, databases and other data, the Bidder
agrees to all of the following conditions.

It is hereby agreed as under:

1. The confidential information to be disclosed by the Authority under this Agreement
(“Confidential Information”) shall include without limitation, any and all information in written,
representational, electronic, verbal or other form relating directly or indirectly to processes,
methodologies, algorithms, risk matrices, thresholds, parameters, reports, deliverables, work
products, specifications, architecture, project information, security or zoning strategies &
policies, related computer programs, systems, trend analysis, risk plans, strategies and
information communicated or obtained through meetings, documents, correspondence or
inspection of tangible items, facilities or inspection at any site to which access is permitted by
the Authority.

2. Confidential Information does not include information which:

a. the Bidder knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation on its

b. information in the public domain as a matter of law;

c. is obtained by the Bidder from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality;

d. the Bidder is required to disclose by order of a competent court or regulatory authority;

e. Is released from confidentiality with the written consent of the Authority.

The Bidder shall have the burden of proving hereinabove are applicable to the information in
the possession of the Bidder.

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3. The Bidder agrees to hold in trust any Confidential Information received by the Bidder, as part
of the Tendering process or otherwise, and the Bidder shall maintain strict confidentiality in
respect of such Confidential Information, and in no event a degree of confidentiality less than
the Bidder uses to protect its own confidential and proprietary information. The Bidder also

a. to maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of bidding for this RFP
and thereafter only as expressly permitted herein;

b. to only make copies as specifically authorized by the prior written consent of the Authority and
with the same confidential or proprietary notices as may be printed or displayed on the original;
c. to restrict access and disclosure of Confidential Information to their employees, agents,
consortium members and representatives strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain
confidentiality of the Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with this clause;

d. To treat Confidential Information as confidential unless and until Authority expressly notifies
the Bidder of release of its obligations in relation to the said Confidential Information.

4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Bidder acknowledges that the nature of activities to be
performed as part of the Tendering process or thereafter may require the Bidder’s personnel
to be present on premises of the Authority or may require the Bidder’s personnel to have
access to software, hardware, computer networks, databases, documents and storage media
of the Authority while on or off premises of the Authority. It is understood that it would be
impractical for the Authority to monitor all information made available to the Bidder’s personnel
under such circumstances and to provide notice to the Bidder of the confidentiality of all such

Therefore, the Bidder shall disclose or allow access to the Confidential Information only to
those personnel of the Bidder who need to know it for the proper performance of their duties
in relation to this project, and then only to the extent reasonably necessary. The Bidder will
take appropriate steps to ensure that all personnel to whom access to the Confidential
Information is given are aware of the Bidder’s confidentiality obligation. Further, the Bidder
shall procure that all personnel of the Bidder are bound by confidentiality obligation in relation
to all proprietary and Confidential Information received by them which is no less onerous than
the confidentiality obligation under this agreement.

5. The Bidder shall establish and maintain appropriate security measures to provide for the safe
custody of the Confidential Information and to prevent unauthorized access to it.
6. The Bidder agrees that upon termination or expiry of this Agreement or at any time during its
currency, at the request of the Authority, the Bidder shall promptly deliver to the Authority the
Confidential Information and copies thereof in its possession or under its direct or indirect
control, and shall destroy all memoranda, notes and other writings prepared by the Bidder or
its Affiliates or directors, officers, employees or advisors based on the Confidential Information
and promptly certify such destruction.
7. Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the
Authority. Upon completion of the Tendering process and or termination of the contract or at

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any time during its currency, at the request of the Authority, the Bidder shall promptly deliver
to the Authority the Confidential Information and copies thereof in its possession or under its
direct or indirect control, and shall destroy all memoranda, notes and other writings prepared
by the Bidder or its Affiliates or directors, officers, employees or advisors based on the
Confidential Information within a period of sixty days from the date of receipt of notice, or
destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction shall be witnessed and so recorded, in
writing, by an authorized representative of the Authority. Without prejudice to the above the
Bidder shall promptly certify to the Authority, due and complete destruction and return. Nothing
contained herein shall in any manner impair rights of the Authority in respect of the Confidential
8. In the event that the Bidder hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential
Information, the Bidder shall give sufficient notice and render best effort assistance to the
Authority to enable the Authority to prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such disclosure.
Bidder shall not disclose to a third party any Confidential Information or the contents of this
RFP without the prior written consent of the Authority. The obligations of this Clause shall be
satisfied by handling Confidential Information with the same degree of care, which the Bidder
applies to its own similar Confidential Information but in no event less than reasonable care.

For and on behalf of:


Authorised Signatory Office Seal:

Name: Place:

Designation: Date :

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11. Annexure: 7 - Consortium Agreement

[On Non-judicial stamp paper of Indian Rupees 100 duly attested by notary public]
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into this day of [Date] [Month] 2015 at
[Place] among _______ ______ (hereinafter referred to as "_____") and having office at
[Address], India, as Party of the First Part and _______ ______ (hereinafter referred as
"_____") and having office at [Address], as Party of the Second Part and _______ ______

(hereinafter referred as "____”) and having office at [Address], as Party of the Third Part.

The parties are individually referred to as Party and collectively as Parties.

WHEREAS RailTel, DRDM / PSCDL Corporation of India Limited has issued a Request for
Proposal dated [Date] (RFP) from the Applicants interested in Request for Proposal for
Selection of Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5
Years of Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities
for Puducherry Smart City Area” :

AND WHEREAS the Parties have had discussions for formation of a Consortium for bidding
for the said Project and have reached an understanding on the following points with respect
to the Parties' rights and obligations towards each other and their working relationship.


i. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the principles of collaboration among the Parties

a. Submit a response jointly to Bid for the “Request for Proposal for Selection of
Selection of System Integrator for Design, Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of
Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) & other associated activities for
Puducherry Smart City Area” as a Consortium.
b. Sign Contract in case of award.
c. Provide and perform the supplies and services which would be ordered by the Authority
pursuant to the Contract.
ii. This Agreement shall not be construed as establishing or giving effect to any legal entity such
as, but not limited to, a company, a partnership, etc. It shall relate solely towards the Authority
for “Request for Proposal for Selection of Selection of System Integrator for Design,
Development, SITC, O&M For 5 Years of Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) & other associated activities for Puducherry Smart City Area” for and related
execution works to be performed pursuant to the Contract and shall not extend to any other
iii. The Lead bidder shall be jointly and severally responsible for complete scope, whereas
consortium partners shall be severally responsible only for their respective scope, and bound
towards the Authority for the performance of the works in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the BID document, and Contract

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iv. ------------------------------------ (Name of Party) shall act as Lead Partner of the Consortium. As
such, it shall act as the coordinator of the Party’s combined activities and shall carry out the
following functions:
a. To ensure the technical, commercial and administrative co-ordination of the work package

b. To lead the contract negotiations of the work package with the Authority.
c. The Lead partner is authorized to receive instructions and incur liabilities for and on behalf of
all Parties.

d. In case of an award, act as channel of communication between the Authority and the Parties
to execute the Contract

v. That the Parties shall carry out all responsibilities as Developer in terms of the Project

vi. That the broad roles and the responsibilities of each Party at each stage of the Bidding shall
be as below:
Party A: ________________________________________________
Party B: ________________________________________________
Party C: ________________________________________________
vii. That the Parties affirm that they shall implement the Project in good faith and shall take all
necessary steps to see the Project through expeditiously.
viii. That this MoU shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India and courts in
Puducherry,UT State shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes arising from the
terms herein.

In witness whereof the Parties affirm that the information provided is accurate and true and
have caused this MoU duly executed on the date and year above mentioned.

(Party of the first part) (Party of the second part) (Party of the third part)

i. _____ ____
ii. _____ ____

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12. Annexure: 8 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory


[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with
relevant Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the
power of attorney.]

We _______________ (name of the firm and address of the registered office) do hereby
irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and authorize Mr./ Ms. (name),___________
son/daughter/wife of ___ and presently residing at __________, who is presently employed
with us and holding the position of __________, as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter
referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and
things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of our
application for qualification and submission of our bid for the Project proposed by the
________ (the “Authority”) including but not limited to signing and submission of all
applications, bids and other documents and writings, participate in pre-applications and other
conferences and providing information/ responses to the Authority, representing us in all
matters before the Authority, signing and execution of all contracts including the Agreement
and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with the
Authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said
Project and/ or upon award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the Agreement with the
AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds
and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the
powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our
said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to
have been done by us.
For __________

(Signature, name, designation and address)


(Signature, Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)

Witnesses: (Notarized)

Seal of firm Company

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Witness 1: Witness 2:


a. To be executed by all the members individually.

b. The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,
if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when
it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the
required procedure.

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

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13. Annexure 9: Format for Power of Attorney for Lead bidder of Consortium

[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with
relevant Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the
power of attorney]

Whereas __________ has invited RFP response for __________ (Name of the Project)

Whereas, the Members of the Consortium comprising of M/s.________, M/s.______, and

M/s._______ (the respective names and addresses of the registered offices to be given) are
interested in bidding for the Project and implementing the same in accordance with the terms
and conditions contained in the RFP Documents.

Whereas, it is necessary for the members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the
lead member with all necessary power and authority to do, for and on behalf of the Consortium,
all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s RFP
response for the Project.


We, M/s._________ and M/s ________ and M/s_________ hereby designate M/s. ______

being one of the members of the Consortium, as the lead member of the Consortium, to do
on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to
the Consortium’s RFP response for the Project, including submission of the RFP response,
participating in meetings, responding to queries, submission of information or documents and
generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with Tender Inviting Authority or any
other Government Agency or any person, in connection with the Project until culmination of
the process of bidding till the Project Agreement is entered into with Tender Inviting Authority
and thereafter till the expiry of the Project Agreement.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant
to this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney
shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us or Consortium.

Dated this the ________ day of _______ 2023



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(Name in Block Letter of Executant) [Seal of Company]

Witness 1 Witness 2

To be executed by all the members individually, in case of a Consortium.

The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,
if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when
it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the
required procedure.

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

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14. Annexure 10: Format of Agreement between Bidder and their Parent Company /
Subsidiary Company (As the case may be)

(On INR 100.00 Non judicial Stamp Paper and duly notarized)

This agreement made this _ day of __ month __ year by and between M/s. _______ (Fill in
the Bidder’s full name, constitution and registered office address) hereinafter referred to as
bidder on the first part and M/s. ____ (Fill in full name, constitution and registered office
address of Parent Company/Subsidiary Company, as the case may be) hereinafter referred to
as “Parent Company/ Subsidiary Company Company (Delete whichever not applicable)” of
the other part:


Tender Inviting Authority (hereinafter referred to as Tender Inviting Authority) has invited offers
vide their tender No. _____ for _______ and M/s. ______(Bidder) intends to bid against the
said tender and desires to have technical support of M/s. ______[Parent Company/ Subsidiary
Company Company- (Delete whichever not applicable)] and whereas Parent Company/
Subsidiary Company Company (Delete whichever not applicable) represents that they have
gone through and understood the requirements of subject tender and are capable and
committed to provide the services as required by the bidder for successful execution of the
contract, if awarded to the bidder.

Now, it is hereby agreed to by and between the parties as follows:

1. M/s.____ (Bidder) will submit an offer to Tender Inviting Authority for the full scope of work
as envisaged in the tender document as a main bidder and liaise with Tender Inviting Authority
directly for any clarifications etc. in this context.

2. M/s. ___ (Parent Company/ Subsidiary Company Company (Delete whichever not
applicable) undertakes to provide technical support and expertise, expert manpower and
procurement assistance and project management to support the bidder to discharge its
obligations as per the Scope of work of the tender / Contract for which offer has been made
by the Parent Company/Subsidiary Company Company (Delete whichever not applicable) and
accepted by the bidder.

2. This agreement will remain valid till validity of bidder’s offer to Tender Inviting Authority
including extension if any and till satisfactory performance of the contract in the event the
contract is awarded by Tender Inviting Authority to the bidder.

3. It is further agreed that for the performance of work during contract period bidder and Parent
Company/Subsidiary Company (Delete whichever not applicable) shall be jointly and severely
responsible to Tender Inviting Authority for satisfactory execution of the contract.

4. However, the bidder shall have the overall responsibility of satisfactory execution of the
contract awarded by Tender Inviting Authority.

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For and on behalf of ___ (Bidder) For and on behalf of ___ (Parent/subsidiary
Signature: Name: Designation: company)
Signature: Name: Designation:

Witness 1: Witness 1:
Signature: Full name: Address: Signature: Full name: Address:

Witness 2: Witness 2:
Signature: Full name: Address: Signature: Full name: Address:



1. Guarantee should be executed on stamp paper of requisite value and notarized.

2. The official(s) executing the guarantee should affix full signature (s) on each page.

3. Resolution passed by Board of Directors of the guarantor company authorizing the signatory
(ies) to execute the guarantee, duly certified by the Company Secretary should be furnished
along with the Guarantee.

4. Following certificate issued by Company Secretary of the guarantor company should also
be enclosed along with the Guarantee.

“Obligation contained in the deed of guarantee No.___ furnished against tender No. _____
are enforceable against the guarantor company and the same do not, in any way, contravene
any law of the country of which the guarantor company is the subject”

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

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15. Annexure – 11: Format of Parent Company / subsidiary Company Guarantee (As
the case may be)


THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE executed at ........... this ........ day of ......... by M/s
.............................. (mention complete name) a company duly organized and existing under
the laws of ...................... (insert jurisdiction/country), having its Registered Office at
............................................. hereinafter called “the Guarantor” which expression shall, unless
excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context thereof, be deemed to include its
successors and permitted assigns.


B. [<<City Name>>] Smart City Limited, a statutory body under ______ , having its Registered
Office at ____, hereinafter called “Authority” which expression shall unless excluded by or
repugnant to the context thereof, be deemed to include its successor and assigns, invited
tender number ..................... for ........ on ..............

C. M/s ....................... (mention complete name), a company duly organized and existing under
the laws of ................ (insert jurisdiction/country), having its Registered Office at
.......................... (give complete address) hereinafter called “the Company” which expression
shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context thereof, be deemed to include
its successor and permitted assigns, have, in response to the above mentioned tender invited
by Authority, submitted their RFP number ........................ to Authority with one of the condition
that the Company shall arrange a guarantee from its parent company guaranteeing due and
satisfactory performance of the work covered under the said tender including any change
therein as may be deemed appropriate by Authority at any stage.

D. The Guarantor represents that they have gone through and understood the requirement of
the above said tender and are capable of and committed to provide technical and such other
supports as may be required by the Company for successful execution of the same.

E. The Company and the Guarantor have entered into an agreement dated ........ as per which
the Guarantor shall be providing technical and such other supports as may be necessary for
performance of the work relating to the said tender.

F. Accordingly, at the request of the Company and in consideration of and as a requirement

for Authority to enter into agreement(s) with the Company, the Guarantor hereby agrees to
give this guarantee and undertakes as follows:

1. The Guarantor (Parent Company / 100% Subsidiary Company (Delete whichever not
applicable) unconditionally agrees that in case of non- performance by the Company of any of
its obligations in any respect, the Guarantor shall, immediately on receipt of notice of demand
by Authority, take up the job without any demur or objection, in continuation and without loss
of time and without any cost to Authority and duly perform the obligations of the Company to
the satisfaction of Authority.

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2. The Guarantor agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain valid and
enforceable till the satisfactory execution and completion of the work (including discharge of
the warranty obligations) awarded to the Company.

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Master system Integrator (MSI) for
Implementation of Integrated Command & Control Center (ICCC) in <<(Name of Smart City)>>

3. The Guarantor shall be jointly with the Company and also severally responsible for
satisfactory performance of the contract entered between the Company and Authority.

4. The liability of the Guarantor, under the Guarantee, is limited to the 50% of the annualized
contract price entered between the Company and Authority. This will, however, be in addition
to the forfeiture of the Performance Bank Guarantee furnished by the Company.

5. The Guarantor represents that this Guarantee has been issued after due observance of the
appropriate laws in force in India. The Guarantor hereby undertakes that the Guarantor shall
obtain and maintain in full force and effect all the governmental and other approvals and
consents that are necessary and do all other acts and things necessary or desirable in
connection therewith or for the due performance of the Guarantor’s obligations hereunder.

6. The Guarantor also agrees that this Guarantee shall be governed and construed in
accordance with the laws in force in India and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
of [<<City Name>>}.

7. The Guarantor hereby declares and represents that this Guarantee has been given without
any undue influence or coercion, and that the Guarantor has fully understood the implications
of the same.

8. The Guarantor hereby agrees that no change or addition to or other modification of the
terms of the contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which
may be made between Authority and the Bidder Company shall in any way release Guarantor
from any liability under this guarantee and Guarantor hereby waive notice of any such change,
addition or modification.

9. The Guarantor represents and confirms that the Guarantor has the legal capacity, power
and authority to issue this Guarantee and that giving of this Guarantee and the performance
and observations of the obligations hereunder do not contravene any existing laws.

For and on behalf of _____ (name of the Parent Company/Subsidiary company)

Signature: _______

Name: _____

Designation: ______

Common seal of the guarantor company:

Witness 1:

Signature: ___

Full Name: ____ Address: ____

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Witness 2:

Signature: ___

Full Name: ____ Address: ____

Volume I

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Master system Integrator (MSI) for
Implementation of Integrated Command & Control Center (ICCC) in <<(Name of Smart City)>>


1. Guarantee should be executed on stamp paper of requisite value and notarized.

2. The official(s) executing the guarantee should affix full signature (s) on each page.

3. Resolution passed by Board of Directors of the guarantor company authorizing the signatory
(ies) to execute the guarantee, duly certified by the Company Secretary should be furnished
along with the Guarantee.

4. Following certificate issued by Company Secretary of the guarantor company should also
be enclosed along with the Guarantee.

“Obligation contained in the deed of guarantee No.___ furnished against tender No. _____
are enforceable against the guarantor company and the same do not, in any way, contravene
any law of the country of which the guarantor company is the subject”

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16. Annexure-12: Format for Authorization Letters from Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

Date: <dd/mm/yyyy>


Subject: Authorization Letter to M/s. -------------- for the participation in the Bid for .... Ref: RFP
No :<No> Dated<DD/MM/YYYY>


We ________, (name and address of the CSP) who are established and reputed CSP of
_______ having operations at ______ (addresses of service locations) do hereby authorize
M/s _________ (name and address of the Bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract
with you against the above mentioned RFP for the services provided by us.

The services to be provided are as listed below: ......


We herewith certify that the above-mentioned services will be provided through M/s______
[name of the bidder] as part of the subject project and we hereby undertake to support the
same for the duration of minimum 60 Months from the date of Go Live. We also confirm the

1. We are a MeitY empanelled CSP and have successfully completed the STQC audit.

2. We confirm that we shall comply with any security requirements applicable to CSPs which
is published (or to be published) by MeitY or any standards body setup / recognized by
Government of India from time to time, and notified to the CSP/Service Providers by MeitY as
a “mandatory standard”.

3. We confirm the availability of our public SLAs and provide public links of their website as
confirmation. Various tiers of support provided are available at .....( website address) and
accessible to the Bidder.

4. We confirm that the data of the Client will reside in India, and shall not be accessed by
anyone other than the Tender Inviting Authority/Client, unless legally required, provided the
SI, selects the CSP India Region for storing content.

5. In the event of change of SI, CSP shall provide Exit Management assistance, to the extent
available, as part of its managed services to Tender Inviting Authpority/Client.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of M/s __________(Name of the CSP) Signature:

Name : Designation : Address : Date :

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Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the concerned CSP and should be
signed by an authorized signatory of the CSP. The same would need to be submitted by the
Bidder as a part of Technical Bid.

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17. Annexure 13: Certificates related to Guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance

through OM no. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020

(i) Certificate to be provided by Tenderer on their letter heads:

“I have read the clause regarding restrictions on bidder of a country which shares a land border
with India; I certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if from such a country, has
been registered with the Competent Authority, I hereby certify that this bidder fulfils all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of
valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached.]”

(ii) Certificate for Tenderer for Works involving possibility of sub-contracting:

“I have read the clause regarding restrictions on bidder of a country which shares a land border
with India and on sub-contracting to contractors from such countries; I certify that this bidder
is not from such a country or, if from such a country, has been registered with the Competent
Authority and will not sub-contract any work to a contractor from such countries unless such
contractor is registered with the Competent Authority. I hereby certify that this bidder fulfils all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of
valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached]”.

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18. Annexure –14 : E-tendering Instructions to Bidders


i. Following are the instruction for online bid submission as per the term and conditions:
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the e-tender
Portal, using valid Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are
meant to assist the bidders in registering on the e-tender Portal and submitting their bid
online on the e-tendering portal as per uploaded bid. Prepare their bids in accordance with
the requirements and submitting their bids online on the e-tender Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the e-tender Portal may be obtained
at: https://RailTel.enivida.com.
i. Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement Portal (URL:
https://RailTel.enivida.com) by clicking on the link “Online bidder Registration” on the
e-tender Portal by paying requisite Registration fee as mentioned on the e-portal
(Approx Rs.2360/-) Per vendor/per year.
ii. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
iii. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part
of the registration process. These would be used for any communication with the
iv. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Only Class III Certificates with signing + encryption key usage) issued by
any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudhra
etc.), with their profile.
v. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to
vi. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID
/password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
vii. The scanned copies of all original documents should be uploaded in pdf format on
portal https://RailTel.enivida.com.
viii. After completion of registration payment, you need to send your acknowledgement
copy on our help desk e-mail id ewizardhelpdesk@gmail.com for activation of your
i. There are various search options built in the RailTel Corporation of India Limited e-
tender Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active tenders by several parameters.
ii. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested, they can pay the
processing fee as mentioned on the e-portal (Including GST) (NOT REFUNDABLE) by
net-banking / Debit / Credit card. After that respective contractor/Vendor may download
the required documents / tender schedules, Bid documents etc. Once you pay both fee
tenders will be moved to the respective ‘requested’ Tab. This would enable the e- tender
Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum
issued to the tender document.

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i. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.
ii. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
iii. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated
in the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF formats. Bid
Original documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with colored option which helps in
reducing size of the scanned document.
iv. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has
been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Documents” available to them to
upload such documents.
v. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My Documents” area while
submitting a bid and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction
in the time required for bid submission process.
i. Bidder should log into the website well in advance for the submission of the bid so that
it gets uploaded well in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be
responsible for any delay due to any issues.
ii. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions
laid down by RailTel.
iii. Bidder has to select the payment option as “Online Payment” to pay the tender fee /
EMD as applicable and enter details of the instrument.

iv. Bidder should submit the EMD online as per the instructions specified in the tender
document. In case of non-submission of EMD amount (where applicable) online, the
uploaded bid will be summarily rejected.
v. Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids
in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given
as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be
downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the
BOQ file, open it and complete the white Colored (unprotected) cells with their
respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other
cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should
save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to
be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
vi. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the
bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
vii. All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. Data storage encryption
of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is subjected

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to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key. Further this key is
subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener public keys. Overall, the
uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
viii. The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
ix. Upon the successful and timely submission of bid click “Complete” (i.e. after Clicking
“Submit” in the portal), the portal will give a successful Tender submission
acknowledgement & a bid summary will be displayed with the unique id and date &
time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
x. The tender summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the
submission of the tender. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any
bid opening meetings.
1. Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant
contact person indicated in the tender.
2. Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to e-
tender Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 Helpdesk Support.
Please feel free to contact RailTel E-Nivida Helpdesk (as given below) for any query
related to e-tendering.
i. Helpdesk landline No: 011-49606060

ii. Mr. Amrendra (9355030628)

iii. Mr. Birendra Kumar (09205898228

RailTel Contact-I (for general Information)

(____________ ) To be mentioned
Telephone 0124-2714000
E-mail ID: _______________@railtelindia.com

RailTel Contact-II (for general Information)

(____________ ) To be mentioned
Telephone 0124-2714000
E-mail ID: _____________@railtelindia.com

NOTE: Bidder must ensure that the bid must be successfully submitted online as per
instructions of RailTel E-Nivida Portal.

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The bidder is required to submit all the relevant documents online only with the
following documents.
a) EMD submission as per details mentioned in tender notice.
b) Tender Cost submission as per details mentioned in tender notice.
c) Power of attorney to be submitted online in accordance with Clause – 34, Chapter 4
Original copy is needed to be submitted by the successful bidder before issuance of
d) Deleted
Eligibility criteria related documents as applicable shall also be scanned and submitted
NOTE: In case of internet related problem at a bidder’s end, especially during ‘critical
events’ such as a short period before bid-submission deadline, during online public
tender opening event, during e-auction, it is the bidder’s responsibility to have backup
internet connections.
In case there is a problem at the e-procurement/ e-auction service provider’s end (in
the server, leased line, etc.) due to which all the bidders face a problem during critical
events, and this is brought to the notice of RailTel by the bidders in time, then RailTel
will promptly reschedule the affected event(s).
The RailTel Tenders are published on www.RailTelindia.com and on RAILTEL E-
NIVIDA Portal https://RailTel.enivida.com/.
NOTE: For online bid submission the bidder will have to necessarily download an
official online copy of the tender documents from RAILTEL E-NIVIDA portal, and this
should be done well before the deadline for bid-submission.
This e-tender should be duly submitted online using the e-Procurement Portal
https://railtel.enivida.com/. For detailed instructions please refer to RAILTEL E-NIVIDA
Representatives of bidders desirous to attend the tender opening can do so on
production of a proper letter of authority from the respective firm, failing which they
may not be allowed to attend the tender opening. Authorized representatives of those
firms who have submitted the tender documents alone shall be allowed to attend the
tender opening.

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19. Annexure -15: RailTel’s Integrity Pact Program :

RailTel has adopted Integrity Pact Program and for implementation thereof all tenders relating
to procurement of OFC, quad cable, pre-fab shelters, electronic equipment and its installation
and/or commissioning etc. and other item(s) or activity/activities proposed to be carried out or
required by the Company for the value exceeding Rs. 15 crores at a time including for repair
and maintenance of cable/network and any other items required for special works assigned to
RailTel will be covered under the Integrity Pact Program and the vendors are required to sign
the IP document and submit the same to RailTel before or along with the bids.
a) Only those vendors who have purchased the tendert document and signed the IP
document can send their grievances, if any, to the Independent External Monitors
(IEMNs) through the nodal officer, i.e. Principal Executive Director/EB, RailTel.

Name of IEMs and contact details:

Name Contact
Shri. Vinit Kumar Jayaswal E-Mail: gkvinit@gmail.com

Shri. Punati Sridhar E-Mail: poonatis@gmail.com

Name & contact details of Nodal Officer (IP) in RailTel:

Principal Executive Director /Enterprise Business
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd
6th Floor, Office Block Tower-2,
NBCC Complex, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi-110023
Email: pdysmartcity.rfp@railtelindia.com

b) If the order, with total value equal to or more than the threshold value, is split to more than
one vendor and even if the value of PO placed on any/each vendor(s) is less than the
threshold value, IP document having been signed by the vendors at bid stage itself, the Pact
shall continue to be applicable.

c) Bidder of Indian origin shall submit the Integrity Pact online on a non judicial stamp paper of
Rs. 100/- duly signed by the person signing the bid. If the bidder is a partnership or a
consortium, the Integrity Pact shall be signed by all the partners or consortium members.

d) Bidder of foreign origin may submit the Integrity Pact online on its company’s letterhead,
duly signed by the person signing the bid.

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e) The ‘Integrity Pact’ shall be submitted online by the Bidder duly signed in all pages along
with the Bid. Tender received without signed copy of the Integrity Pact document will be
liable to be rejected. Proforma for signing the Integrity Pact is available in Annexure-16
of this RFP document.

f) The hardcopy of Integrity Pact has to be submitted preferably within 15 days of last date
of submission of bids.

g) In case, the hardcopy of signed Integrity Pact is received along with the bid, then, on

behalf of RailTel, the Integrity pact will be signed by the concerned representative
in the Bid Opening Committee immediately on receipt of Integrity Pact signed by the
Bidder at the time of Bid opening. One copy of the Integrity Pact shall be retained by
RailTel and the 2nd copy will be issued to the representative of the bidders during bid
opening. If the Bidders representative is not present during the Bid opening, the 2nd
copy shall be sent to the bidder by post/courier.

h) In case, the hardcopy of signed Integrity Pact is received after the date of bid opening,
then, on behalf of RailTel, the Integrity pact will be signed by the concerned representative
in the Bid Opening Committee immediately on receipt of Integrity Pact signed by the Bidder.
One copy of the Integrity Pact shall be retained by RailTel and the 2nd copy shall be sent to
the bidder by post/courier.

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2 copies -( non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-)

RailTel Corporation of India Limited, hereinafter referred to as “The Principal”.


……………………………., hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/ Contractor”

The Principal intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures,
contract/s for
……………………………………………The Principal values full
compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules, regulations, economic use of
resources and of fairness/transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s) and /or
Contractor(s). In order to achieve these goals, the Principal will appoint an Independent
External Monitor (IEM), who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the
contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above.

Section 1- Commitments of the Principal

1. The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:-
a. No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in connection
with the tender for, or the execution of a contract, demand, take a promise for or accept,
for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally
entitled to.
b. The Principal will during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason.
The Principal will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all
Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s)
confidential/additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an
advantage in relation to the process or the contract execution.
c. The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons.
2. If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this
regard, the Principal will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate
disciplinary actions.
Section 2- Commitments of the Bidder(s) / Contractor(s)

1. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commit himself to take all measures necessary to prevent

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corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his

participation in the tender process and during the contract execution.
a. The Bidder(s)/contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other persons or firm, offer
promise or give to any of the Principal’s employees involved in the tender process or
the execution of the contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which
he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage during
tender process or during the execution of the contract.

b. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to
prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non
submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce
cartelization in the bidding process.

c. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act;
further the Bidder(s) /Contractors will not use improperly, for purposes of competition
or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the
Principal as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and
business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.

d. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of
the Agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly, the bidder(s)/contractor(s) of
Indian Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals, if any.
Further details as mentioned in the “Guidelines on Indian Agents of Foreign Suppliers”
shall be disclosed by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s). Further, as mentioned in the
Guidelines all the payments made to the Indian agent/representative have to be in
Indian Rupees only. Copy of the “Guidelines on Indian Agents of Foreign Suppliers’ as
annexed and marked as Annexure A.

e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all
payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any
other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract.
2. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.

Section 3: Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts

If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), before award or during execution has committed a

transgression through a violation of Section 2, above or in any other form such as to
put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the tender process & exclude him from future business
dealings as per the existing provisions of GFR,2017,PC ACT 1988) or take action as
per the procedure mentioned in the “Guidelines on Banning of business dealings” and
any other Financial Rules/Guidelines applicable to the Principal. Copy of the
“Guidelines on Banning of business dealings” is annexed and marked as Annex-“B”.

Section 4: Compensation for Damages

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1. If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the award
according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover the damages
equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.
2. If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section 3, or if the Principal is
entitled to be terminated the contract according to Section 3, the Principal shall be
entitled to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages of the Contract
value or the amount equivalent to Performance Bank Guarantee.
Section 5: Previous Transgression

1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last three years
with any other company in any country conforming to the anti corruption approach or
with any other public sector enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the
tender process.
2. If the bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process for action can be taken as per the procedure mentioned in “Guidelines
on Banning of business dealings”.
Section 6: Equal treatment of all Bidders / Contractors/Subcontractors.

1. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a signed

commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact, and to submit it to the Principal before
contract signing.
2. The Principal Contractor shall take the responsibility of the adoption of IP by the
subcontractors. It is to be ensured that all sub-contractors also sign the IP.
3. In case of a Joint Venture, all the partners of the Joint Venture should sign
the Integrity pact.

4. The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact
or violate its provisions.

Section 7: Criminal charges against violation by Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Sub


If the Principal obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of

an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or
Subcontractor which constitutes corruption, or if the Principal has substantive suspicion
in this regard, the Principal will inform the same to the Chief Vigilance Officer.

Section 8: Independent External Monitor / Monitors

1. The Principal appoints competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this
Pact as nominated by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Government of India,
from the panel of IEMs maintained by it. The task of the Monitor is to review
independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the
obligations under this agreement.
2. The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
performs his functions neutrally and independently. He reports to the CMD, RailTel.

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3. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction to all project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the
4. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid
interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same
is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the
information and documents of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) with
5. The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among
the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the
contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer to the
Monitor the option to participate in such meetings.
Note : However, the documents /records/information having National Security implications and
those documents which have been classified as Secret/Top Secret are not to be

6. For ensuring the desired transparency and objectivity in dealing with the complaints
arising out of any tendering process or during execution of contract, the matter should
be examined by the full panel of IEMs jointly, who would look into the records, conduct
an investigation, and submit their joint recommendations to the Management. Beyond
this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific
manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
The advice of the IEM panel is restricted to resolving issues raised by a bidder regarding
any aspect of the tender which allegedly restricts competition or bias towards some

7. The panel of IEMs are expected to submit a joint written report to the
CMD, RailTel within 30 days from the date of reference or intimation to him
by the Principal and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting
problematic situations.

8. Monitor shall be entitled to compensation on the same terms as being extended to/
provided to Independent Directors on the RailTel Board.
9. The IEMs would examine all complaints received by them and give their
recommendations/views to the CMD, RailTel at the earliest. They may
also send their report directly to the CVO in case of suspicion of serious
irregularities requiring legal/administrative action. Only in case of very
serious issue having a specific, verifiable vigilance angle, the matter should
be reported directly to the Chief Vigilance Commission.

10. The word ‘Monitor’ would include both singular and plural.
11. In the event of any dispute between the management and the contractor
relating to those contracts where Integrity Pact is applicable, in case,
both the parties are agreeable, they may try to settle dispute through
mediation before the panel of IEMs in a time bound manner. If required,
the organizations may adopt any mediation rules for this purpose. In

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case, the dispute remains unresolved even after mediation by the panel
of IEMs, the organization may take further action as per the terms
& conditions of the contract. However, not more than five meetings shall
be held for a particular dispute resolution. The fees/expenses on dispute
resolution shall be equally shared by both the parties.

Section 9: Pact Duration

Integrity Pact, in respect of a particular contract, shall be operative from the

date IP is signed by both the parties till the completion of contract. After
award of work, the IEMs shall look into any issue relating to execution of
contract, if specifically raised before them. However, the IEMs may suggest
systemic improvements to the management of the organization concerned, if
considered necessary, to bring about transparency, equity and fairness
in the system of procurement.

In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire after six months
from the contract has been awarded.

If any claim is made / lodged by either party during this time, the same shall be
binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this pact as specified above,
unless it is discharged / determined by CMD of RailTel.

Section 10: Other Provisions

1. This agreement is subject to Indian Law, Place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Registered Office of the Principal, i.e. New Delhi.
2. Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing.
3. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all
partners or consortium members.
4. Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder
of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an
agreement to their original intentions.
5. The parties signing the IP shall not approach the Courts while representing
the matters to the IEMs and he/she will await the decision in the matter.
6. Principal contractor shall take the responsibility of the adoption of IP by the sub-
7. The Integrity pact shall be deemed to form a part of contract and parties
shall be bound by it’s provision.

8. Issues like warranty/guarantee etc. should be outside the purview of IEMs.

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

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RFP No. RCIL-2023-PDY-Smart City-RFP-01 (Modified)

(For & on behalf of the Principal) (For & On behalf of Bidder/Contractor)

(Office Seal) (Office Seal)

Place ——————————
Date ——————————
Witness 1: (Name & Address) ————————————————
Witness 1: (Name & Address) ————————————————

Digitally signed by RAJEEV

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