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A+ Blog SSLC Biology Chapter 4 Focus Area Based Notes (Em)

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Chapter – 4
Keeping Diseases Away
Pathogen  Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Organs/ Body parts affected  Lungs (mainly), Brain, Kidneys, Bones, Joints
Symptoms  Loss of body weight
 Fatigue
 Persistent cough
Modes of transmission  Through air
 When the patient speaks, coughs or sneezes, the pathogens
spread into the air and enter the body of others.
Treatment  Use of antibiotics
Prevention  Vaccination
Preventive vaccine: BCG

AIDS -Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

 H IV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Ø: HIV multiplies in the human body?

 The virus enters the body. Then it multiplies using the genetic mechanism of the lymphocytes.
Ø: The number of lymphocytes and AIDS
 The HIV uses the genetic mechanism of lymphocytes. Hence the number of lymphocytes decreases
considerably. Thus the body loses its immunity. This makes the body weak and other pathogens
enter into the body.
Ø: Condition that makes AIDS fatal
 In an AIDS patient, the number of lymphocytes will be very low. So the immunity of the person also
will be very low. Thus he can be subjected to any disease, because he has lost the power to resist any
Ø: What are the way by which a person gets infected with HIV?

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 Through sexual contact with HIV infected person

 From HIV infected mother to foetus
 By sharing the syringe and needle used by an AIDS patient
 By receiving blood or organ from an AIDS patient
AIDS does not spread under the following conditions
 By touch, shaking hands, coughing, sneezing
 Bites of mosquitoes, house flies etc.
 By staying together and sharing food.
 By using the same toilet.
 By bathing in the same pond.
Diseases Pathogen Vector Symptoms
Malaria Protozoa Female Anopheles  High fever with shivering.
plasmodium mosquito.  Profuse sweating
 Headache,Vomiting,Diarrhea,Anemia

Sickle cell anaemia

What is the cause of sickle cell anaemia?
 The defect in genes can cause deformities the sequencing of amino acids which are the building
blocks of haemoglobin. Due to this the structure of haemoglobin change and this in turn changes the
shape of the RBC’s. they become sickele shaped
Ø: Why sickle cell anemia called so?
 Structural deformity occurs in the hemoglobin molecules and the RBC undergoes change in shape and
transforms in to sickle shape cells. Hence this genetic disorder gets the name called sickle cell
Ø: How does the deformity of red blood cells in sickle cell anaemia patients affect their body?
 Decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of RBC to the tissues.
 The RBC in the shape of sickle aggregate and block the flow of blood through the blood vessel

 Uncontrolled division of cells occurs, and the cells spread to other tissues.
Ø: What are the causes of cancer?
 Environmental factors, Smoking, Radiations, Virus, Hereditary factors

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Ø: How does cancer becomes complicated?

 The disease becomes complicated when cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body through
blood and lymph.
Ø: How do normal cell get transformed into cancerous cells?
 The normal cells get transformed into cancerous cells when the control system of cell division fails.

 Surgery •Chemotherapy •Radiation therapy
Significance of early diagnosis
 Recovering from the disease is difficult if the disease becomes severe. So early diagnosis of the
disease is important in the treatment.
Lifestyle Diseases
 Diseases caused by unhealthy living styles are called lifestyle diseases.
Causes of life style diseases
 Bad food habits, Lack of exercise, Smoking, Drinking • Drug abuse, Mental stress
Ill effects of unhealthy life style
Disease Cause
Diabetes Deficiency of insulin or its malfunctioning
Fatty Liver Deposition of excess fat in the liver
Stroke Rupture of blood vessels in brain, block of blood flow.
Hypertension Decrease in the diameter of arteries due to deposition of fat.
Heart attack Block of blood flow due to deposition of fat in coronary arteries, which carry blood to

Animal Diseases
Disease Pathogen
Anthrax, Inflammation of udder Bacteria
Foot and mouth disease Virus
Plant Diseases
Pathogen Disease
Bacteria Blight disease of paddy, Wilt disease of brinjal
Virus Mosaic disease in peas and tapioca, Bunchy top of banana
Fungus Quick wilt in pepper, Bud rots of coconut.
Prepared by:
PPMHSS Kottukkara
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