MBA-2023-25 - Programme Structure
MBA-2023-25 - Programme Structure
MBA-2023-25 - Programme Structure
15 7.5 3
2 15
Indian Students
1085000 20000 1105000
(Amount in INR)
Category 21200 275 21475
(Amount in US$)
International Students
Foreign National
Category 2600 275 2875
(Amount in US$)
All Internal Courses will have 100% component as internal evaluation at the
11. ASSESSMENT Institute level. All external courses will have 60% internal component and 40%
component as external [University] examination.
12. STANDARD OF The assessment of the student for each examination is done, based on relative
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Semester : 1
Generic Core Courses
T2239 0203410101 Business Communication 2 60 40 100
T2216 0203410102 Business Statistics 2 60 40 100
Essentials of Marketing
T2114 0203410103 2 60 40 100
T2003 0203410104 Financial Accounting 2 60 40 100
Basics of Financial
T2778 0203410105 2 60 40 100
T2528 0203410106 Management of Operations 2 60 40 100
T2220 0203410107 Operations Research 2 60 40 100
T2573 0203410108 Organizational Behaviour 2 60 40 100
T2225 0203410109 Research Methodology 2 60 40 100
T6075 0203410110 Managerial Economics 2 60 40 100
T2572 0203410111 Human Resource Management 2 60 40 100
Indian Ethos and Values for
T2729 0203410112 2 100 0 100
T3152 0203410113 Advanced Excel 1 50 0 50
T2802 0203410114 Project 2 100 0 100
Non -
Integrated Disaster Letter
T4005 0203410115 0 0 0
Management Grade
Total 27 910 440 1350
Semester : 2
Generic Core Courses
T2891 0203410201 Business Research Methods 3 90 60 150
T6068 0203410202 Basic Econometrics 2 60 40 100
T2227 0203410203 Business Analytics 2 60 40 100
T2034 0203410204 Financial Management 2 60 40 100
T1140 0203410205 Legal Aspects of Business 2 60 40 100
T6074 0203410206 Macroeconomics for Managers 2 60 40 100
T2237 0203410207 Corporate Social Responsibility 1 50 0 50
T2712 0203410208 Design Thinking 1 50 0 50
Total 15 490 260 750
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
F0002 0203410211 Flexi-Credit Course Marketing 2 100 0 100
T3638 0203410212 Marketing and Sales Analytics Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2148 0203410213 Retail Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100
Sales Force and Channel
T2136 0203410214 Marketing 2 60 40 100
T2145 0203410215 Sustainable Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100
Compensation and Reward
T2296 0203410216 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2574 0203410217 Employment Related Laws Human Resource 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410218 Flexi-Credit Course Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2300 0203410219 HR Analytics Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2284 0203410220 Learning and Development Human Resource 2 60 40 100
Performance Management
T2576 0203410221 Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2281 0203410222 Talent Acquisition Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2011 0203410223 Commercial Banking Finance 2 60 40 100
T2045 0203410224 Corporate Valuation Finance 2 60 40 100
T2013 0203410225 Derivative Markets Finance 2 100 0 100
T2498 0203410226 Financial Statement Analysis Finance 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410227 Flexi-Credit Course Finance 2 100 0 100
T2073 0203410228 International Finance Finance 2 60 40 100
T3658 0203410229 Introduction to FinTech Finance 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410230 Flexi-Credit Course Operations 2 100 0 100
T2165 0203410231 Lean Six Sigma Operations 2 60 40 100
Service Operations
T2187 0203410232 Operations 2 60 40 100
T2827 0203410233 Supply Chain Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T2169 0203410234 Warehouse Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T3577 0203410235 Data Analysis Using Python 2 60 40 100
T3397 0203410236 Data Mining 2 60 40 100
Data Visualization and General
T3451 0203410237 2 60 40 100
Modeling Management
T2353 0203410238 Entrepreneurship 2 60 40 100
T2645 0203410239 Lean Startup 2 60 40 100
T3531 0203410240 R Programming 2 60 40 100
T2692 0203410241 Social Media Analytics 2 60 40 100
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Venture and Private Equity General
T2607 0203410242 2 60 40 100
Funding Management
Total Required Credits 16 600 200 800
Semester : 3
Generic Core Courses
T2906 0203410301 Summer Internship 6 180 120 300
T2209 0203410302 Business Forecasting 2 60 40 100
T2244 0203410303 Innovation Management 2 60 40 100
T2253 0203410304 Strategic Management 2 60 40 100
Concepts and Applications in
T2595 0203410305 1 50 0 50
T2802 0203410306 Project 2 100 0 100
Total 15 510 240 750
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Project Feasibility and
T2063 0203410327 Finance 2 60 40 100
Security Analysis and Portfolio
T2043 0203410328 Finance 2 100 0 100
T3395 0203410329 Digital Transformation Operations 2 60 40 100
T3158 0203410330 E-Business Operations Operations 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410331 Flexi-Credit Course Operations 2 100 0 100
International Trade and
T2159 0203410332 Operations 2 60 40 100
T3394 0203410333 Internet of Things Operations 2 60 40 100
T3082 0203410334 IT Consulting Operations 2 60 40 100
T2193 0203410335 Project Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T3312 0203410336 Project Management Suite Operations 2 60 40 100
Supply Chain Modeling and
T2179 0203410337 Operations 2 60 40 100
T2181 0203410338 Supply Chain Strategy Operations 2 100 0 100
T2182 0203410339 Technology in Supply Chain Operations 2 60 40 100
T3507 0203410340 Customer Analytics 2 60 40 100
Introduction to Natural General
T3655 0203410341 2 60 40 100
Language Processing Management
T2354 0203410342 Social Entrepreneurship 2 60 40 100
T3639 0203410343 Spreadsheet Modelling 2 60 40 100
T2246 0203410344 Technology Innovation 2 60 40 100
T2693 0203410345 Visual Analytics 2 60 40 100
Total Required Credits 14 500 200 700
Semester : 4
Generic Core Courses
Corporate Governance and
T2236 0203410401 2 100 0 100
Game Theory for Strategic
T2254 0203410402 2 100 0 100
T2387 0203410403 Global Business Environment 2 60 40 100
T2801 0203410404 Project 1 50 0 50
Total 7 310 40 350
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Customer Relationship
T2121 0203410405 Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2125 0203410406 Marketing Strategy Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2141 0203410407 Rural Marketing Marketing 2 100 0 100
Coaching, Counseling and
T2298 0203410408 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
Strategic Human Resource
T2760 0203410409 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
Emotional Intelligence at
T2299 0203410410 Human Resource 1 50 0 50
T2759 0203410411 Psychological Issues at Work Human Resource 1 50 0 50
T2055 0203410412 Behavioral Finance Finance 2 100 0 100
T2021 0203410413 Insurance Management Finance 2 100 0 100
T2856 0203410414 Taxation Finance 2 100 0 100
T2502 0203410415 Wealth Management Finance 2 100 0 100
T3288 0203410416 Business Process Management Operations 2 100 0 100
Operations Strategy and
T2189 0203410417 Operations 2 100 0 100
Probability Model for Simulation
T2797 0203410418 Operations 2 100 0 100
and Analytics
T2195 0203410419 Project Risk Management Operations 2 100 0 100
T2170 0203410420 Sustainable Supply Chain Operations 2 100 0 100
Advanced Strategic General
T2255 0203410421 2 100 0 100
Management Management
T3564 0203410422 Cloud and Big Data 2 100 0 100
T3532 0203410423 Machine learning 2 100 0 100
Total Required Credits 6 300 0 300
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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune
Semester 1 5 22 27 1350
Semester 2 6 25 31 1550
Semester 3 7 22 29 1450
Semester 4 11 2 13 650
Total 29 71 100 5000
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