MBA-2023-25 - Programme Structure

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2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

To provide the students:

1. Conceptual knowledge of business along with a sound understanding of
1. OBJECTIVE management theory and practice.
2. Corporate exposure to the methods of business and best business practices.
3. Building interpersonal skills and leadership qualities.
2. 24 (Full Time)
3. INTAKE 180
4. RESERVATION I.Within the a) SC b) ST c) Differently abled
sanctioned intake (In Percentage) (In Percentage) (In Percentage)

15 7.5 3

II.Over and above

a) Kashmiri Migrants b) International Students
the sanctioned
(In Seats) (In Percentage)

2 15

Graduate from any recognised University/ Institution of National Importance with a

5. ELIGIBILITY minimum of 50% marks or equivalent grade (45% marks or equivalent grade for
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes).
SELECTION Symbiosis Nation Aptitude Test Score, Group Exercise, Personal Interaction and
PROCEDURE Writing Ability Test (GE-PIWAT)
7. English
8. Semester
9. As per Annexure A
10. FEE Academic Fee p.a Institute Deposit Total

Indian Students
1085000 20000 1105000
(Amount in INR)
Category 21200 275 21475
(Amount in US$)
International Students
Foreign National
Category 2600 275 2875
(Amount in US$)
All Internal Courses will have 100% component as internal evaluation at the
11. ASSESSMENT Institute level. All external courses will have 60% internal component and 40%
component as external [University] examination.
12. STANDARD OF The assessment of the student for each examination is done, based on relative

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

performance. Maximum Grade Point (GP) is 10 corresponding to O (Outstanding).

For all courses, a student is required to pass both internal and external examination
separately with a minimum Grade Point of 4 corresponding to Grade P. Students
securing less than 40% absolute marks in each head of passing will be declared
FAIL. The University awards a degree to the student who has achieved a minimum
CGPA of 4 out of maximum of 10 CGPA for the programme.
Master of Business Administration will be awarded at the end of semester IV
13. AWARD OF DEGREE examination by taking into consideration the performance of all semester
examinations after obtaining minimum 4 CGPA out of 10 CGPA.
Specializa- Non-Letter
Generic Generic Specializa- Open Grade
Semester tion Grade Audit Total
Core Elective tion Core Elective Mandatory
Elective Course/s
1 27 0 0 0 0 1 27
As per the
2 15 0 0 0 16 0 student's 31
3 15 0 0 0 14 0 29
4 7 0 0 0 6 0 13
Total 64 0 0 0 36 0 100


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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Semester : 1
Generic Core Courses
T2239 0203410101 Business Communication 2 60 40 100
T2216 0203410102 Business Statistics 2 60 40 100
Essentials of Marketing
T2114 0203410103 2 60 40 100
T2003 0203410104 Financial Accounting 2 60 40 100
Basics of Financial
T2778 0203410105 2 60 40 100
T2528 0203410106 Management of Operations 2 60 40 100
T2220 0203410107 Operations Research 2 60 40 100
T2573 0203410108 Organizational Behaviour 2 60 40 100
T2225 0203410109 Research Methodology 2 60 40 100
T6075 0203410110 Managerial Economics 2 60 40 100
T2572 0203410111 Human Resource Management 2 60 40 100
Indian Ethos and Values for
T2729 0203410112 2 100 0 100
T3152 0203410113 Advanced Excel 1 50 0 50
T2802 0203410114 Project 2 100 0 100
Non -
Integrated Disaster Letter
T4005 0203410115 0 0 0
Management Grade
Total 27 910 440 1350
Semester : 2
Generic Core Courses
T2891 0203410201 Business Research Methods 3 90 60 150
T6068 0203410202 Basic Econometrics 2 60 40 100
T2227 0203410203 Business Analytics 2 60 40 100
T2034 0203410204 Financial Management 2 60 40 100
T1140 0203410205 Legal Aspects of Business 2 60 40 100
T6074 0203410206 Macroeconomics for Managers 2 60 40 100
T2237 0203410207 Corporate Social Responsibility 1 50 0 50
T2712 0203410208 Design Thinking 1 50 0 50
Total 15 490 260 750

Open Elective Course Group

(Choose any eight courses)
T2130 0203410209 Brand Management Marketing 2 60 40 100
T2139 0203410210 Digital Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
F0002 0203410211 Flexi-Credit Course Marketing 2 100 0 100
T3638 0203410212 Marketing and Sales Analytics Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2148 0203410213 Retail Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100
Sales Force and Channel
T2136 0203410214 Marketing 2 60 40 100
T2145 0203410215 Sustainable Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100
Compensation and Reward
T2296 0203410216 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2574 0203410217 Employment Related Laws Human Resource 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410218 Flexi-Credit Course Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2300 0203410219 HR Analytics Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2284 0203410220 Learning and Development Human Resource 2 60 40 100
Performance Management
T2576 0203410221 Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2281 0203410222 Talent Acquisition Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2011 0203410223 Commercial Banking Finance 2 60 40 100
T2045 0203410224 Corporate Valuation Finance 2 60 40 100
T2013 0203410225 Derivative Markets Finance 2 100 0 100
T2498 0203410226 Financial Statement Analysis Finance 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410227 Flexi-Credit Course Finance 2 100 0 100
T2073 0203410228 International Finance Finance 2 60 40 100
T3658 0203410229 Introduction to FinTech Finance 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410230 Flexi-Credit Course Operations 2 100 0 100
T2165 0203410231 Lean Six Sigma Operations 2 60 40 100
Service Operations
T2187 0203410232 Operations 2 60 40 100
T2827 0203410233 Supply Chain Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T2169 0203410234 Warehouse Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T3577 0203410235 Data Analysis Using Python 2 60 40 100
T3397 0203410236 Data Mining 2 60 40 100
Data Visualization and General
T3451 0203410237 2 60 40 100
Modeling Management
T2353 0203410238 Entrepreneurship 2 60 40 100
T2645 0203410239 Lean Startup 2 60 40 100
T3531 0203410240 R Programming 2 60 40 100
T2692 0203410241 Social Media Analytics 2 60 40 100

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Venture and Private Equity General
T2607 0203410242 2 60 40 100
Funding Management
Total Required Credits 16 600 200 800
Semester : 3
Generic Core Courses
T2906 0203410301 Summer Internship 6 180 120 300
T2209 0203410302 Business Forecasting 2 60 40 100
T2244 0203410303 Innovation Management 2 60 40 100
T2253 0203410304 Strategic Management 2 60 40 100
Concepts and Applications in
T2595 0203410305 1 50 0 50
T2802 0203410306 Project 2 100 0 100
Total 15 510 240 750

Open Elective Course Group

(Choose any seven courses)
T2118 0203410307 Consumer Behaviour Marketing 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410308 Flexi-Credit Course Marketing 2 100 0 100
Integrated Marketing
T2127 0203410309 Marketing 2 60 40 100
T2154 0203410310 Marketing Simulation Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2143 0203410311 Services Marketing Marketing 2 60 40 100
Sports and Entertainment
T2144 0203410312 Marketing 2 60 40 100
T2294 0203410313 Conflict and Negotiation Human Resource 2 60 40 100
Economics of Human
TM2001 0203410314 Human Resource 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410315 Flexi-Credit Course Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2297 0203410316 HRD Audit and Scorecard Human Resource 2 100 0 100
T2286 0203410317 Industrial Relations Human Resource 2 60 40 100
Organizational Development
T2578 0203410318 Human Resource 2 60 40 100
and Change
T2283 0203410319 Talent Management Human Resource 2 60 40 100
T2076 0203410320 Advanced Technical Analysis Finance 2 60 40 100
TM2111 0203410321 ESG and Sustainable Finance Finance 2 60 40 100
T2056 0203410322 Financial Risk Management Finance 2 60 40 100
T2019 0203410323 Fixed Income Markets Finance 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410324 Flexi-Credit Course Finance 2 100 0 100
T2047 0203410325 Mergers and Acquisitions Finance 2 60 40 100
Microfinance and Social
T2025 0203410326 Finance 2 60 40 100

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Project Feasibility and
T2063 0203410327 Finance 2 60 40 100
Security Analysis and Portfolio
T2043 0203410328 Finance 2 100 0 100
T3395 0203410329 Digital Transformation Operations 2 60 40 100
T3158 0203410330 E-Business Operations Operations 2 60 40 100
F0002 0203410331 Flexi-Credit Course Operations 2 100 0 100
International Trade and
T2159 0203410332 Operations 2 60 40 100
T3394 0203410333 Internet of Things Operations 2 60 40 100
T3082 0203410334 IT Consulting Operations 2 60 40 100
T2193 0203410335 Project Management Operations 2 60 40 100
T3312 0203410336 Project Management Suite Operations 2 60 40 100
Supply Chain Modeling and
T2179 0203410337 Operations 2 60 40 100
T2181 0203410338 Supply Chain Strategy Operations 2 100 0 100
T2182 0203410339 Technology in Supply Chain Operations 2 60 40 100
T3507 0203410340 Customer Analytics 2 60 40 100
Introduction to Natural General
T3655 0203410341 2 60 40 100
Language Processing Management
T2354 0203410342 Social Entrepreneurship 2 60 40 100
T3639 0203410343 Spreadsheet Modelling 2 60 40 100
T2246 0203410344 Technology Innovation 2 60 40 100
T2693 0203410345 Visual Analytics 2 60 40 100
Total Required Credits 14 500 200 700
Semester : 4
Generic Core Courses
Corporate Governance and
T2236 0203410401 2 100 0 100
Game Theory for Strategic
T2254 0203410402 2 100 0 100
T2387 0203410403 Global Business Environment 2 60 40 100
T2801 0203410404 Project 1 50 0 50
Total 7 310 40 350

Open Elective Course Group

(Choose any three course)

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development,

Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Annexure A
Course Internal External Total
Course Course Title Specialization Credit
Code Marks Marks Marks
Customer Relationship
T2121 0203410405 Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2125 0203410406 Marketing Strategy Marketing 2 100 0 100
T2141 0203410407 Rural Marketing Marketing 2 100 0 100
Coaching, Counseling and
T2298 0203410408 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
Strategic Human Resource
T2760 0203410409 Human Resource 2 100 0 100
Emotional Intelligence at
T2299 0203410410 Human Resource 1 50 0 50
T2759 0203410411 Psychological Issues at Work Human Resource 1 50 0 50
T2055 0203410412 Behavioral Finance Finance 2 100 0 100
T2021 0203410413 Insurance Management Finance 2 100 0 100
T2856 0203410414 Taxation Finance 2 100 0 100
T2502 0203410415 Wealth Management Finance 2 100 0 100
T3288 0203410416 Business Process Management Operations 2 100 0 100
Operations Strategy and
T2189 0203410417 Operations 2 100 0 100
Probability Model for Simulation
T2797 0203410418 Operations 2 100 0 100
and Analytics
T2195 0203410419 Project Risk Management Operations 2 100 0 100
T2170 0203410420 Sustainable Supply Chain Operations 2 100 0 100
Advanced Strategic General
T2255 0203410421 2 100 0 100
Management Management
T3564 0203410422 Cloud and Big Data 2 100 0 100
T3532 0203410423 Machine learning 2 100 0 100
Total Required Credits 6 300 0 300

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M.B.A. 2023-25 SCMHRD, Pune

Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource

Development, Pune
Master of Business Administration
Programme Structure 2023-25

Semester Internal Credits External Credits Total Credits Total Marks

Semester 1 5 22 27 1350
Semester 2 6 25 31 1550
Semester 3 7 22 29 1450
Semester 4 11 2 13 650
Total 29 71 100 5000

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