Quadratic Dpps
Quadratic Dpps
Quadratic Dpps
e Subjective Questions
Working Space
Direction (0. Nos. 1-5) These questions are subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on
4 If the product of roots of the equation X2 - 3kx + 2e21ogk -1 = 0 is 7, then the roots
of the equation are real, when k equals
a. 1 b. 2
c. -2 d. ± 2
6 The value of a for which the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation
x2 - (a - 2) x - a - 1 = 0 assumes the least value is [AIEEE 2005]
a. 2 b. 3
c. 0 d. 1
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. -2
8 If the roots of the quadratic equations are tan 30° and tan 15°, respectively. Then,
the value of 2 + q - P is [AIEEE 2006]
a. 3 b. 0
c. 1 d. 2
9 lfthe difference between the roots of the equation X2 + ax + 1 = ° is less than.j5,
, Working Space
12 For the equation 3x2 + px + 3 = 0, P > 0, if one of the root is the square of the
other, then p is equal to [liT JEE 2000]
a. - b. 1
c. 3 d. ~
13 If ex,~(ex < ~) are the roots of the equation X2 + bx + c = 0, where c < 0< b. Then,
[liT JEE 2000]
a. O<a<~ b. a < 0 < ~ < lal
c. a < ~ < 0 d. a < 0< lal < ~
14 Letf(x)=ax2 +bx+c,a;f;Oand~=p2 -4ac.lfex+~,ex2 +~2andex3 +~3are
in GP, then
a. /J. -:f:. 0
c. c/J. = 0
16 Let p and q be real numbers such that p ;f; 0, p3 ;f; q and p3 ;f; - q. If exand ~ are
non-zero complex numbers, satisfying ex+ ~ =- p and ex3 + ~ 3 = q, then a
a. (p3+q)X2_(p3+2q)x+(p3+q)=0
b. (p3 + q)x2 _ (p3 _ 2q)x + (p3 + q)= 0
C. (p3_q)x2_(5p3_2q)x+(p3_q)=0
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. None of these
Working Space
18 If the equation x 2 + ax + b = 0 has distinct roots and x 2 + a Ixl + b = 0 has only
one real root, then which one of the following is true?
a. b = 0 and a > 0 b. b = 0 and a < 0
c. b>Oanda<O d. b<Oanda>O
20 Let k be a real number such that k =1= O. If a and ~ are non-zero complex numbers
satisfying a + ~ =- 2k and a 2 + ~2 = 4k2 - 2k, then a quadratic equation having
a+f3 a+f3 .
-- and -- as Its roots, equals
a f3
a. 4X2 - 4kx + k = 0 b. X2 - 4kx + 4k=0
C. 4kx2 - 4x + k =0 d. 4kx2 - 4kx + 1= 0
3 2 5
-(1002 x) + log2 x --
21 The equation x4 ~ 4 =.J2 has
a. atleast one real solution
b. exactly three solutions
c. exactly one irrational solution
d. complex roots
2 If a and ~ are roots of equation x 2 - 2x + 3 = 0, then the equation whose roots are
a - 1and ~ - 1will be
a+1 ~+1
a. 3x2 - 2x - 1 = 0
b. 3x + 2x + 1 = 0
C. 3x2 - 2x + 1= 0
d. X2 - 3x + 1 = 0
3 If a and ~ are the roots of the equation. X2 - 3x + 1 = 0, then the equatior vith
roots _1_and _1_ will be
a-2 ~-2
a. X2 - x - 1= 0 b. X2 + X - 1 = 0
C. X2 + X +2=0 d. None of these
7 If the quadratic equations 3x2 + ax + 1 = and 2X2 + bx + 1 =
real root, then the value of the expression 5ab - 2a 2 - 3b 2 = °° have a common
a. 0 b. 1
c. -1 d. None of these
Working Space
8 If the two equations X2 - cx + d == 0 and X2 - ax + b = 0 have one common root
and the second has equal roots, then 2(b + d) is equal to
a. 0 b. a +c
c. ae d. -ac
14 If 201 Ox3 + 4X2 + 1 == 0 has roots ex, f:3 and y. Then, the value of ex -2 + f:3 -2 + y-2 is
a. - 6 b. -7
c. - 8 d. -9
( a+b+c
)2 is equal to
a. k2 b. (k + 1)2
c. (k + 2)2 d. k2(k + 1)2
o Statement Type
Direction (0. Nos. 16 and 17) This section is based on Statement I and Statement II. Select the correct
answer from the codes given below.
a. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct
explanation of Statement I
b. Both Statements I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct
explanation of Statement I
c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
d. Statement II is correct but Statement I is incorrect
· c Working Space
16 Letf(x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c, where b < - < O.
Statement I The equation f(x) = 0 has three real and distinct roots.
Statement II f (0) f (-a) < o.
17 Fora E R, letf(x) = 2x2 + (2a - 3) x - (2a -1).
Statement I The roots of equation f(x) = 0 are rational for all rational values of a.
Statement II The roots of equation f(x) = 0 are rational, if a is rational and not equal
to -2.
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 18-20) This section contains a paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data etc.
Three questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer
among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Let m and n are positive integers and the quadratic equation 4X2 + mx + n = 0 has
two distinct real roots p and q (p < q).
Also, the quadratic equations X2 - px + 2q = 0 and X2 - qx + 2p = 0 have a
common root say a.
a. 1 b. -.!
1 1
c. d.
2 2
Graphs for Quadratic
Subjective Questions
Working Space
Direction (0. Nos. 1-3) These questions are subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on
v. vi.
o Only One Option Correct Type
Direction (0. Nos. 4-16) This section contains 13 multiple choice questions. Each question has four
choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct. 1
4 The values of a, which make the expression x 2 - ax + (1- 2a 2) is always positive
for real values of x, are
2 2 2 2 2 2
a. --<a<- b. --:'£a:'£- c. --:'£ s s1 d.O<a<-
3 3 3 3 3 3
Working Space
5 Ifthe roots of equation ax2 + bx + e = 0 are real and distinct, where a, b, e E R+,
then the vertex of the graph will lie in
a. I quadrant b. II quadrant
c. III quadrant d. IV quadrant
8 If ax 2 + bx + 10 = 0 does not have real and distinct roots, then the minimum value
of (5a -b) is
a. -3 b. -2 c. -1 d. 0
10 If the roots or the equation bx? + ex + a = 0 are imaginary, then for all real values
of x, the expression 3b 2 x 2 + 6be x + 2c 2 is [AIEEE 2007]
11 Let f(x) be a quadratic expression which is pc::~:\/e for all real values of x. If
g(x) = f(x) + f'(x) + f"(x~ then for all real x [liT JEE 1990]
15 The number of integer values of a for which the inequality x 2 - 2(40. - 1)x + 150. 2
> 2a + 7 is true for every x E R, is
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
16 For a, b, e E Rand b 2 ;?: 4ae, if all the roots of the equation ax4 + bx 2 + e = 0 are
real, then
a. b > 0, a < 0, e > 0 b. b<O,a>O,c>O
c. b > 0, a> 0, e > 0 d. b < 0, a < 0, C > 0
Working Space
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 17-20) This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiments, data
etc. Two questions related to the each paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct
answer among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Passage I
17 If f(x) can take both positive and negative values, then t must lie in the interval
a. (-~,~) b. (-oo,-~)u(~,oo)
c. (-~,~)-{O} d. (-4,4)
a.[~,oo) b. [~ ~]
5' 4
c. [-1 ~]
d. [~, 00 )
Passage II
the equation f(x) = 7x + a has only one real and distinct solution.
19 The value of (a + b) is
a. 4 b. 5
c. 6 d. 7
a. b. 0
c. 4 d. -2
21 If all the solutions of the inequality x 2 - 6ax + 5a2 s 0 are also the solutions of
inequality X2 - 14x + 40 s 0, then find the number of possible integral values of a.
22 If 5x2 - 2kx + 1 < 0 has exactly one integral solution. Then, find the sum of all
positive integral values of k.
24 Let f(x) = kX2 + x (3 - 4k) - 12. If the set of values of k for which
f(x) < Q V X E (-3, 3) and f (- 4) > 0 is (p, q), then find the value of 4p + 3q.
DPP-5 Maxima and Minima
of Rational Expression
1 If A = X2 - X + 1 then
X2 + X + l'
a. -:;:;A:;:;3 b. A ~ 3
c. A:;:;- d. None of these
X2 - X +1
2 y = cannot take any value between
x -1
a. 1 and 3 b. -1and 1
c. -1and 3 d. -3 and 1
If' x I h h . I f 3x 2 + 9x + 17 .
3 IS rea, t en t e maximum va ue 0 IS
3x2 + 9x + 7
a. 41 b. 1
c. d. 2
7 4
. X2 + 34x - 71
4 If x IS real, then the value of 2 will not lie between
x +2x-7
a. -5and 9 b. 5and 9
c. -9 and-5 d. 0 and 9
5 If x is real, then the value of the expression (x + m)2 - 4mn will not
a. lie between m and m + n
b. lie between 2m and 2n
c. greater than m + 2n
d. greater than m + n
6 The values of a for which the expression ax 2 ~ 3x - ~ assumes all real values for
3x - 4X2 +a
real values of x, belongs to
a. (1, 7) b. (1,5)
c. (0,4) d. None of these
mx? - 3x + 4 .
7 If ::;:;7, V X E R, then the value of m IS
X2 + 3x + 4
a. m « 7 b. m ~ 1
c. m e [1, 7) d. m e (-00,1]
2 Working Space
8 Complete set of values of a such that y =~ (x E R) attains all real values, is
1- ax
a. [1, 4] b. (0,4]
c. (0, 1] d. [1,00)
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 10-15) This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory. experiments. data
etc. Six questions related to the each paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct
answer among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Passage I
Consid .
onsi er a rationa If' unction, f()x = X 2 - 3x - 4 an d a qua drati
ratio f unction
X2 - 3x + 4
g( x) = X 2 - (b + 1) x + (b - 1)
where, b is a parameter.
11 If both the roots of the equation g(x) = 0 are greater than -1, then b lies in the
a. (-00, - 2)
Passage II
a. 0 b. ~ c. --1 d. -1
2 2
15 If the equation f(x) = b has two distinct real roots, then the number of integral
value of b is
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. 3
Location of Roots
o Subjective Question
Working Space
Direction (0. No.1) This question is subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on notebook.
1 Find the values of the parameter a for which the roots of the quadratic equation
x 2 + 2{a - 1) x + (a + 5) = 0 are
i. real and distinct ii. equal
iii. opposite in sign iv. equal in magnitude but opposite in sign
v. positive vi. negative
vii. greater than 3 viii. smaller than 3
ix. such that both the roots lie in the interval (1, 3)
2 ;; ;';c!h the roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 2kx + (k2 + k - 5) = 0 are less
than 5, then k lies in the interval [AIEEE 2005]
a. (4, 5) b.(-oo, 4)
c. (6, 00) d. (5, 6)
3 All the values of m for which both the roots of X2 - 2mx + m2 - 1 = 0 are greater
than -2 but less than 4, lie in the interval [AIEEE 2006]
4 If the roots of the equation X2 - 2ax + a2 + a - 3 = 0 are real and less than 3,
a. a < 2 b. 2::;a ::; 3
c. 3 < a ::;4 d. a > 4
6 Number of integral values of k for which exactly one root of the equation
5x2 + (k + 1) x + k = 0 lies in the interval (1. 3), is
a.5 b.6
c.7 d.S
Working Space
G Statement Type
Direction (0. Nos. 7 and 8) This section is based on Statement I and Statement II. Select the correct
answer from the codes given below.
a. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct
explanation of Statement I
b. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct
explanation of Statement I
c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
d. Statement II is correct but Statement I is incorrect
7 Statement I Number of integral values of m for which exactly one root of the
equation X2 - 2mx + m2 - 1 = 0 lies in the interval (-2,4) equals 2.
e Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 9-11) This section contains a paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data etc.
Three questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer
among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
9 The values of a for which both roots of the equation f(x) = 0 are greater than -2
but less than 4, lie in the interval
a. -1 < a < 3
b. 5 < a < 00
c. -2< a < 0
d. None of the above
10 If roots of the quadratic equation g(x) = 0 lie on either side of unity, then number
of integral values of b is
a.1 b.2
c.3 d.4
ii iii ii iii
a. s q,r p b. s q,r s
c. p,s q,s P d. r,s q,r p,s
13 The smallest value of k, for which both the roots of the equation
x 2 - 8kx + 16(k 2 - k + 1) = 0 are real, distinct and have values atleast 4, is .
[liT JEE 2009]
14 Find the number of digits in the sum of all integral values of a in [1, 100] for which
15 Let x1 and x 2 be the real root of the equation X2 - kx + (k2 + 7k + 15) = O. If the
maximum value of(xf + x~)is 18, then find the value of x.
Properties of
Quadratic Equations
2 Find all values of the parameter k for which all the roots of the equation
3 2
X4 + 4x - 8x + k = Oare real.
3 For what value of k does the equation x3 - 2X2 - 4x + k = 0 have atleast one root
strictly between 2 and O?
4 If x 3 + ax + b = 0 has only one real root, then prove that 4a 3 + 27b 2 ::; O.
[liT JEE 2001]
5 Let -1 ::; P ::; 1, then show that the equation 4x 3 - 3x - P = 0 has a unique root in
7 Number of integral values of a for which every solution of the inequality X2 + 1> 0
is also the solution of the inequality (a - 1) X2 - (a + I a - 11 + 2) x + 1;:: 0, is
a.O b.1
c.2 d.3
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 8-12) This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiments, data,
etc. Five questions related to the paragraphs have been given. Each question has only one correct
answer among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Passage I
In the given figure, graph of y = p(x) = X4 + ax3 + bx2 + ex + d is given
(-2,2) (3,2)
! Working Space
8 The product of all imaginary roots of p(x) = 0, is
a.-2 b.-1
c. - - d. None of these
9 If p(x) + c = 0 has 4 distinct real roots a, f3, y and 8, then [a] + U3] + [V] + [8] is equal
a.-1 b. -2
c. 0 d.1
Passage II
If a continuous f defined on the real line R, assumes positive and negative values
in R, then the equation f(x) = 0 has a root in R. e.g. If it is known that a continuous
function fan R is positive at some point and its minimum values is negative, then
the equation f(x) = 0 has a root in R.
Consider f(x) = ke" - x for all real, x where k is real constant. [liT JEE 2007)
11 The positive value of k for which kex - x = 0 has only one root, is
a.- b.1
c.e d.IOQe2
12 For k > 0, the set of all values of k for. which ke it - X = 0 has two distinct roots, is
d. (0,1)
Revisal Problems
for JEE Main
3 The equation, whose roots are the squares of the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, is
a. a2x2+b2x+e2=0 b. a2x2-(b2-4ae)x+e2=0
c. a2x2 - (b2 - 2ae)x + e2 =0 d. a2x2 + (b2 - ae)x + e2 =0
4 If the roots of X2 - 4x -log2 a = 0 are real, then
a. a ~ 2 b. a ~ 2 e. a ~ ~ d. None of these
4 8 16
6 The equation (a2 - a - 2) X2 + (a2 - 4) x + (a2 - 3 a + 2) = ° will have more than two solutions,
if aequals
a. 2 b. 3 c. -2 d. Not possible
12 If the product of the roots of the equation X2 - 3kx + 2es1n k -1 = 0 is 7, then its roots will be
real, if
a.lkl:::;22~ c. Ikl >2 {g d. None of these
15 If p, q and r are positive and are in AP, then roots of the equation px2 + qx + r = 0 are real,
17 If one root of the equation X2 - 30x + P = 0 is square of the other, then p is equal to
a. 120,125 b. 125, -216 c. 125,215 d. None of these
18 The harmonic mean of the roots of the equation (5 + -./2) X2 - (4 + 15) x + (8 + 215) = 0, is
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
20 If the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is equal to the sum of the
22 If a and 0 are the roots of equation X2 - ~ -+. 1 = 0, then a2OO9+ 02009 is equal to
a. -2 b. -1 c. 1 d. 2
23 Let a and 0 be the roots of the equation X2 + x + 1 = O. The equation, whose roots are a 19
and (37, is
a. >? - x - 1 = 0 b. X2 + X + 1= 0
C. X2 + X - 1= 0 d. X2 - X + 1= 0
24 Let a, band c be real. Ifax2 + bx + c = 0 has two real roots a, 0 and under a < -1 and 0 > 1,
then 1 + ~ + I~I is less than
a. 1 b. 2
c. 0 d. 4
25 Ramesh and Mahesh solve a quadratic equation. Ramesh reads its constant term wrongly
and finds its roots as 8 and 2, where as Mahesh reads the coefficient of x wrongly and
finds its roots as 11 and -1. The correct roots of the equation are
a. 11,1 b. -11,1
c. 11,-1 d. None of these
29 If a, band c are the sides of 11 ABC, such that X2 - 2 (a + b + c) x + 3A. (ab + bc + ca) = 0 has
real roots
a. f...<~ b. f... >~
3 3
o Statement Type
Direction (0. Nos. 30- 32) This section is based on Statement I and Statement II. Select the correct
answer from the codes given below.
a. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of
Statement I
b. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct explanation of
Statement I
c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
d. Statement II is correct but Statement I is incorrect
31 Statement I The nearest point from X-axis on the curve {(x) = X2 - 6x + 11 is (3, 2).
Statement II If a > 0 and 0 < 0, then ax + bx + c > 0, 'd x E R.
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 33-35) This section contains a paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data, etc.
Three questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer
among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
In the given figure, 110BC is a right angled isosceles triangle in which AC is a median.
Then, answer the following questions.
y = x2 + bx + c
34 The equation whose roots are (a + ~) and (a - ~), where a, 13 (a> 13) are roots obtained in
previous question, is
a. x2-4x+3=O b. ~-8x+12"'O c. 4~-8x+3=O d. x2-16x+48=O
Working Space
~ Only One Option Correct Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 1-13) This section contains 13 multiple choice questions. Each question has four
choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.
2 Let x and y be the positive real numbers such that logx y = - 2, then value of the
31 b. 33
4 4
c. d. 8
5 If X4 + 3 cos (ax2 + bx + c) = 2(x2 - 2) has two solutions with a, b, C E (2 , 5), then the
. I f ac .
maximum va ue 0 2 IS
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 16
2 4x - 12 ..
6 Let pix) = x +-
+ log10(4.9), A = n
I ~,
p(a;), where a" a2, ... , a'2 are positive reals and
B= n p(bj), where b, ~, ... , b'3 are non-positive reals, then which one of the following is
J ~ 1
always correct?
a. A > 0 and B > 0 b. A> Oand B < 0
c. A < 0 and B> 0 d. A < 0 and B < 0
7 If the equation 2x + 2-2 = 2k has exactly one real solution, then sum of all integral values of
kin [-100,100) is equal to
a. 5050 b. 10100
c. 0 d. -5050
8 Let x be a real number which satisfy log3 x = 1+ 2 sin e, where e E [0, 2nl then
I x - ~ I + I ~1- x I is equal to
a. 7 b. 2x-7
c. 7 - 2x d. 4
9 Let A = {x 1 X2 + (m - 1)x - 2(m + 1)= 0, X E R} and B = {x 1 X2 (m - 1) + mx + 1 = 0, X E R}. Working Space
10 The inequalities y(-1) ;:::- 4, y(1) s 0 and y(3) ;:::5 are known to hold for y = ax2 + bx + c, then
the least value of a is
1 b. _ 1
a. -
4 3
1 d. 1
4 8
11 The number of integral solutions of equation l(5x2 + 1)=25 (2x2 + 13), where x, y E /, are
a. 2 b. 4
c. 8 d. I~n~
a. - 5 b. -1
c. 0 d.
13 If a, b are positive real numbers such that a - b = 2, then the smallest value of the constant
L for which ~ X2 + ax - ~ X2 + bx < L for all x > 0, is
1 1
a. 2' b. -J2
c. 1 d. 2
! Column I Column"
-i. -llfax2 - ax + 1 > 0 f~~'atleast one-x then the p. ,[0,4)
I range of a is
ii. 'If x3 - 3x + ~ = 0 has three real and distinct q. [0,3]
roots, then the interval of I a I is
. iii. If x3 + ax2 + ax + 1 = 0 is an increasing function, r. !R
i then the interval of a may belong to
iv. If quadratic equation X2 - 3ax + (a2 - 9) = 0 has s. ! (-3, 3)
roots of opposite sign, then a belongs to I
i iii iv iii iv
a. r p q s b. P s q
c. r q p s d. s P q
Column I Column"
a= p. I 0
ii. I
b= q. 2
iii. r. i
c= 3
iv. If the roots off' (x) = k are equal, thenk = s. I -1
iii iv iii iv
a. r q p s b. q s P
c. s q s r d. p q s
Working Space
o One or More than One Options Correct Type
Direction (0. Nos. 16-18) This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has four
choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
16 Let a, band c be three distinct non-zero real numbers satisfying the system of equation
111 111 111
- + -- + -- =1 - + -- + -- =1 - + -- + -- = 1 then
a a-1 a-2 "b b-1 b-2 "c c-1 c-2 '
a. a + b + c = 6 b. abc =2
c. (1-a)(1-b)(1-c)=1 d. (a - 2) (b - 2) (c - 2) = 2
17 The roots of equation x5 - 40x4 + 00(3 + j3x2 + yx + & = 0 are real and in GP. If the sum of
their reciprocals is 10, then & can be
a. -32 b. _ 1
c. 32 d. 1
18 Let ((x) = (x2 + 2x + 3f + 2(x2 + 2x + 3) + 3, then which of the following statement(s) is/are
a. The equation {(x) = 0 has no real roots
b. The equation {(x) = 0 has two real and two imaginary roots
c. The minimum value of ((x) is 11
d. The minimum value of f(x) is 12
o Comprehension Type
Direction (0. Nos. 19-24) This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiments,
data, etc. 6 questions related to the paragraphs have been given. Each question has only one correct
answer among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Passage I
Let p(x) = x5 - 9x + px3 - 27x2 + qx + ( (where, p, q, r'E R) be divisible by X2 and a, /3, y
20 If (a -1), (/3+ 3) and (y + 7) are the first three terms of a sequence whose sum of first n
terms is given by Sn' then i~
is equal to
a. b. -
c. - d. 2
a. .L b. .L c. 25 d. 26
26 27 26 27
Passage II
((x) = - X2 sin2 e - 2 cas e· x + 1, where e * tttt, n E I.
22 Nature of roots of ((x)
a. both roots are positive b. both roots are negative
c. both are of opposite sign d. both are imaginary
23 Real number 1 lie between the roots of f(x), then e should lie between the interval
a. [-~,~] b. (~,n]
c. [-n, rt] d. None of these
24 Locus of vertex of f(x) is Working Space
X2 1 X2 1
a. -+ -=1 b. - - - = 1
I y I y
c. -I + -1 = 1 d. None of these
X2 Y
25 If X2 -I a -11 x + 1 = 1x 1has exactly three real roots, then sum of the values of a is
27 Find the sum of all real values of k for which the equation
28 If the system of equation 3x2 + 2x -1 < 0 and (3a -2) x - a2x + 2 < 0 posseses solution,
find the least natural number a.
:!9 If f(x) = x3 - 3x + 1,then find the number of distinct real roots of the equation f[f(x)] = o.
30 Let f(x) = X4 + ax3 + bx2 + ex + d be a polynomial with real coefficients and real roots. If
1 f(i) 1 = 1,then find the value of (a + b + e + d).
JEE Main & AIEEE Archive
(Compilation of Last 13 Years Questions)
a. .J61 b. 2m a. (-3,3)
c. (3,00)
b. (-3,00)
d. (-00, - 3)
9 9
c. -J34 d. 2113 11 If the roots of the quadratic equation
9 9 X2 + px + q = 0 are tan 30° and tan 15°
respectively, then the value of 2 + q - P is
3 The real number k for which the equation,
a. 3 b. 0 (A1EEE2006)
2x3 + 3x + k= 0 has two distinct real roots in c. 1 d. 2
[0, 1] (JEE Main 2013)
a. lies between 1 and 2 12 All the values of m for which both roots of the
b. lies between 2 and 3 equation X2 - 2mx + m2 - 1 = 0 are greater than
c. lies between - 1and 0 -2 but less than 4 lie in the interval (A1EEE2006)
d. does not exist a. m»3
b. -1 < m < 3
4 If the equations X2 + 2x + 3 = 0 and c. 1< m < 4
ax2 + bx + c = 0; a, b, C E R, have a common root, d. -2 < m < 0
then a : b : c is equal to (JEE Main 2013)
a. 1 : 2 : 3 b. 3 : 2 : 1 13 The value of a for which t;le sum of the squares
c. 1 : 3 : 2 d. 3: 1 : 2 of the roots of the equation
X2 - (a - 2)x - a - 1 = 0 assume the least value is
5 The equation esin x - e- sin x - 4 = 0 has (A:~EE 2005)
a. - 4, - 3 b. 6, 1 a. (4,5] b. (-00,4)
c. 4, 3 d. - 6, - 1 c. (6,00) d. (5,6]
a. 0, 1 b. -1, 1 a. 2 b. 4
c.O,-1 d.-1,2 c. 1 d. 3
18 If one root of the equation X2 + px + 12 = 0 is 4, 23 The value of 'a' for which one root of the
quadratic equation
while the equation X2 + px + q = 0 has equal roots,
then the value of q is (AIEEE 2004) (a2 - 5a + 3)x2 + (3a -1)x + 2 = 0
49 is twice as large as the other, is (AIEEE 2003) .
a. - b. 12
4 2
a. -
c. 3 d. 4 3
b. -2
19 If 2a + 3b + 6c = 0, then atleast one root of the 3
equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 lies in the interval c.2
(AIEEE 2004) 3
a. (0,1) b. (1,2) d. -1
c. (2,3) d. (1,3) 3
20 Let two numbers have arithmetic mean 9 and 24 If a;c 13and a2 = 5a - 3, 132 = 513- 3, then the
geometric mean 4. Then, these numbers are the
roots of the quadratic equation (AIEEE 2004)
equation having ~ and Q. as its roots, is
13 a
a. X2 + 18x + 16 = 0 b. X2 - 18x + 16 = 0 (AIEEE 2002)
c. X2 + 18x-16=0 d. X2 -18x-16=0 2
a. 3x + 19x + 3 = °
b. 3x2 -19x + 3 = 0
21 If the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0 is equal to the sum of the squares c. 3x2 - 19x - 3
,E 2003)
The quadratic equation p (x) = 0 with real
coefficients has purely imaginary roots. Then,
Statement I (p2 - q) (b2 - ac ) ~ ° and
2 Let a and ~ be the root sof X2 - 6x - 2 = 0, 8 Let a, ~ be the roots of the equation X2 - px + r =0
sn the with a > ~. If a" = an - ~n for n ~ 1, then the and ~2' 2 I-'
R be the roots of the equation
a -2a
value of 10 8 is
X2 -qx + r = O. Then, the value of r is
28g (2011, Single Option Correct Type)
(2007, Single Option Correct Type)
E 2002) a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
a. ~(P-q)(2q - p) b. ~(q - p)(2p-q)
9 9
3 A value of b for which the equations c. ~(q -2p)(2q - p) d. ~(2p-q)(2q - p)
X2 + bx - 1 = 0, X2 + X + b = 0 have one root 9 9
in common is (2011, Single Option Correct Type)
Passage for Q. Nos. (9-11)
a. -.J2 b. -i13 If a continuous f defined on the real line R, assumes
9, is c. i.J5 d. .J2 positive and negative values in R, then the equation
: 2002) fix) = 0 has a root in R. e.g. If it is known that a
4 Let p and q be real numbers such that p "* 0, continuous function f on R is positive at some point
p3 "* q and p3 "* - q.
If a and ~ are non-zero and its minimum values is negative, then the
complex numbers satisfying a + ~ = - p and equation fix) = 0 has a root in R.
a3 + ~3 =o, then a quadratic equation having Consider fix) = kex - x for all real x where k is real
~ and Q. as its roots is constant. (2007, Comprehension Type)
~ a (2010, Single Option Correct Type)
a. (p3 + q)x2 _(p3 + 2q)X+(p3 + q) = 0 9 The line y = x meets y = ke x for k ~ 0 at
b. (p3+q)X2_(p3_2q)x+(p3+q)=O a. no point b. one point
c. two points d. more than two points
c. (p3 _q)x2 _ (5p3 -2q)x +(p3 -q) = 0
d. (p3 _q)x2 _ (5p3 + 2q)x +(p3 -q) = 0 10 The positive value of k for which ke x - x = 0 has only
one root is
5 The smallest value of k, for which both the
roots of the equation
a. 2 b.
X2 - 8kx + 16(k
- k + 1) =
and have values at least 4, is
are real, distinct
° e
c. e d. log" 2
(2009, Integer Type) 11 For k > 0, the set of all values of k for which
ke x - x =0 has two distinct roots, is
6 Let (x, y, z) be points with integer coordinates ( 1\ (1 ;'\
3. ! O.- I b. -, I J
satisfying the system of homogeneous
l e) l,e /
equations 3x - y - z = 0, - 3x + z '"' 0,
- 3x + 2y + z = o. Then, the number of such 1/ l-e
d. (0.1)
points for which X2 + l
+ Z2 ~ 100 is . OJ
(2009, Integer Type) 12 It a, b, c are the sides of a MBC such that
X2 - 2 (a + b + e) x + 3.A (ab + be + ca) = 0 has real
7 Let a, b,e, p, q be the real numbers. Suppose
roots, then (2006, Single Option Correct Type)
a, ~ are the roots of the equation
X2 + 2px + q = °
and a, are the roots of the
a. A <.:!
b. A>~
~2 '" { -1,
equation ax + 2bx + c = 0, where
0, 1}.
c. AE(~'~) d. AEG,~)