SJCHS ESA Newsletter 2019

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Joseph’s Convent High school

Ex-students’ association
Regn. No. f36792 september 2019, vol 14 newsletter, the unconventional


The 11th Annual General Body Meeting of the St. Joseph’s Convent High School Ex-Students’ Association will be held
on Sunday 22nd September 2019 at 11.15 am in the Holy Cross Room next to St. Peter’s Church Office &
Reception in St. Stanislaus School, Hill Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 to transact the following agenda:


1. Prayer & Condolences.

2. Presidential Address.
3. To read and confirm the minutes of the 10th AGM of the Association held on 22nd September 2018.
4. To receive and consider the report of the Managing Committee for the year 2018-19.
5. To consider and adopt the Accounts of the Association for the year 2018-19.
6. To appoint a Statutory Auditor for the Financial Year 2019-20 and fix their remuneration.
7. To pass a resolution to earmark existing FD of Rs. 1.5 lakhs towards General Reserve Fund and transfer 25% of
surplus amount in savings account each year to the Fund. The annual interest amount of this fund or 10% of the
principal amount will be used towards scholarship of a needy student or medical aid for teacher/ex-teacher or
8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chairman.
9. Vote of Thanks.
In the absence of a quorum at 11.15 am, the meeting will be adjourned for half an hour, and thereafter, business will be

Erica Menezes
Hon. Secretary
21st August 2019

Monsoon Mela 2019

The Monsoon Mela is an irresistible draw each year, with one-of-a-kind
products at bargain basement prices. These include stalls by small
business owners, entrepreneurs and NGOs selling yummy food and
accessories. So, we know you will drop in to shop, before or after you
attend the AGM.

As the School is undertaking extensive renovations, we have moved the

venue of the Monsoon Mela to the Shed, St. Stanislaus School, right
across our School, so look forward to seeing you there!

Date and Time: Sunday, 22nd September 2019 8 am to 1.30 pm

Venue: The Shed, St. Stanislaus High School, Hill Road, Bandra
Entrance: FREE

Tables: Rs.700/- each. NGOs free. [Book by 15th September]

For table booking, kindly contact

Ranjana Barve 9821042333


-Kathryn De Sales & Erica Menezes

The 21st Monsoon Mela was a big hit this year, with crowds that seem to be
having a fabulous time, it was an evening to remember with entertainment for
the very first time, a variety of food stalls and, not to forget, the unlimited
shopping options.

There were many stalls from designer clothes to accessories and party signages.
Children’s items were also on display, even household items and plants. There
were food stalls with assorted foods and refreshments apt for any party with
some stalls offering Goan delights from Chirozo Pav to Sorpotel - all home-
made. Even special Pickles, made it all the way from Pune just for this event.

The evening kicked off with

the dance competition from
mid school to teenage students and finally adults. Kudos to all the participants for
their dedication and practice which clearly showed in their performance. The
competition was open to all who love to dance and was judged by 3 experienced
dancers; Ammith M. L. Kumar, The Danceworx (Mumbai), Laxman Kami, SplitSole
Dance Academy and our very own ex-student Simone Mascarenhas, L’Infini
Performing Arts Academy. The show was an absolute houseful.

We wish to acknowledge and appreciate our sponsors for their support in making
the evening a grand success.

I, Kathryn, was delighted to exhibit at the Monsoon Mela, as an Ex-Student, just

being in school brought back fond memories. The joy of coming back to school
and meeting old friends, teachers and making new friends from other schools is priceless.

Come join us as we prepare for this year's much awaited Monsoon Mela.

We look forward to lifelong friendships, collaborations and building one community through St. Joseph's Convent High School Ex-
Students’ Association.


Mrs. Hazel Ruby Branche 16th February 2019

Thank You Note

• The SSC and IGSCE Sections are
now functioning in two separate Wanted to say thank you so much to all the Sisters, Teachers
and ex-students of SJC for all their love and support shown to
buildings Our darling Nana all these years especially this last year. We
will never forget.
God Bless !!
• The SSC Section (Stds I to X)
has been shifted to the All our love, The Branches & The Pintos
Secondary Section of the School

• The Primary Section has been

converted to the IGSCE Section

• Admissions to Jr. & Sr. KG of

Mrs. Adele (Addy) Athaide
the IGSCE Section have begun 4th June 2019
this academic year

Sr. Nandita Mrs. Joy Aranha

9th April 2019 17th February 2019

A date with the x std students

Ranjana Barve

The Ex-Students’ Association held an Georgina Fernandes, our former love and care of her teachers and nuns
interactive talk with the outgoing Std X Secretary of 6 years, shared her prompted her to become a member.
girls on Monday 11th February 2019 – the experience of how she joined the
idea being to spread awareness about the Association in spite of holding a full Future plans to set up an Education Fund
Association, its aims, objectives, the work time job in order to give back to an to assist deserving needy students with
done till date and its future plans. Institution in which she had spent so financial aid were shared with the girls.
many happy years and her earnest desire
to help the school she so loved by
giving back to it in any way she could.

Anoushka Dutt, our very young

member echoed these sentiments saying
it was a pleasure to keep in touch with
the school and be a part of it. She said
when in the Xth Std itself she could not
wait to escape from the restrictive walls
of her school life but later recalling the
To conclude the session, students were
asked to pen down the activities that
The session began with the Secretary, would encourage them to come back to
Erica Menezes giving an audio-visual school. Meeting teachers, clan reunions,
presentation on the various events and picnics, children’s day programs, dance
activities held since the inception of the and singing competitions being the
Association. This was followed by overwhelming favourite replies which gave
Yvonne Rozario, the oldest member the Committee food for thought to usher
enlightening the girls of the brainwave of in more members. Overall it was a very
starting the Association, its early days and satisfying experience.
the achievements till date.

Cambridge is back – our first batch of igsce girls:

Current topper – Jessica lobo
St Joseph’s Convent International School (IGCSE) the
latest venture of St Joseph’s Convent High School which
started 3 years ago delivered its first batch of 8 Cambridge
IGCSE girls with a 100% success results. Four students
received Distinctions, 3 students got A* in four different

Miss Jessica Lobo was the overall topper of the school and
also secured the highest in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
and History. An all-rounder with her musical talent and
athletic abilities, she has been an asset to the school.

An insight and experience from Jessica Lobo:

When Sr. Blanche Rodrigues, the school principal
approached my parents to transfer me to the newly
opened IGCSE Section from the SSC section, I initially
disliked the idea because I could not bear the thought of
leaving my friend circle, the teachers that I knew so well and moving away from the milieu that I was comfortable in. But after much
deliberation my parents convinced me to join the IGCSE Board and in retrospect I am grateful for the decision that they made because
I moved from merely learning information to application of information.

The system has taught me to think, analyse and form my own opinion and express myself. I think that it has been a valuable learning
experience which I can use in any scope of life. Some of the changes seemed negative at first but I quickly learnt to accept them and
make it a positive experience. We also had to get used to the feedback system of operation. The teachers would give us feedback in
the areas where we could improve. This was an entirely different learning experience for me.

The athaide sisters – par excellence

The quintessential Merlin D’Souza

Wynrica Gonsalves

Popularly known as the ‘Female Rehman’, Merlin D’Souza is a master of all genres and sounds. Her petite stature belies her
tempestuous talent and she holds you enraptured as she effortlessly glides across the piano.

An illustrious pianist, composer and music director, Merlin is no stranger to the music scene. A formidable force in the industry, she
has been consistently picking up accolades for her contributions.

Merlin states that it was her mother who constantly pushed her to excel. She started learning the
piano at the tender age of six, and then went on to become a performing artiste at All India
Radio when she was only nine years old. At 12 she started playing in church and at 18 she
bunked college to perform and score for Noel Godin’s musical production ‘Blood Brothers’. She
has gone on the score for several productions since then and even made a foray into Bollywood.
An ex-student of St. Joseph’s Convent, Bandra, she recalls with pride that her memories of
school are of absorbing knowledge through fun methods. She credits the encouragement she
received from SJC faculty members in aiding her on her journey to becoming the person she is
today. She says, “Our teachers, Sr. Zita especially, gifted me the freedom to reach for the
constellations! Playing the piano every morning for the school assembly mastered my confidence
to experiment and foray into fusion and improvised music!”

When asked why she doesn’t focus on a single style, she says that she has such as vast repertoire because the different genres allow her
to express her mood, emotion and technique.

However, the road has not been easy for Merlin who has to prove herself at every step of the way. She has taken every obstacle in her
stride and turned her hardships into success. She now has her own recording studio and company called Music Mode.

An advocate for budding musicians, Merlin’s advice to them is to keep performing at any available opportunity and not to discredit any
breaks because she believes that inspired efforts will be rewarded.

“The best opportunity is one that YOU create. Even in the absence of it, follow your passion, as that is life’s true elixir.”

Editorial Team: Erica Menezes, Wynrica Gonsalves, Sheila Pereira Design and Layout: Leanne Manchanda St. Joseph’s Convent High School, Bandra

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