Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek Book Summary
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek Book Summary
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek Book Summary
Leaders Eat Last is a fantastic read all about how leaders can create organisations
and cultures that allow workers to go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by
the work that they do. By creating an environment built on trust, teams will pull
together again and again to help their tribe not just survive, but the flourish.
Exceptional organizations all have cultures in which the leaders provide cover from
above and the people on the ground look out for each other. This is the reason they
are willing to push hard and take the kinds of risks they do. And the way any
organization can achieve this is with empathy.
Leaders of organizations who create a working environment better suited for how
we are designed do not sacrifice excellence or performance simply because they
put people first. Quite the contrary. These organizations are among the most
stable, innovative and high-performing companies in their industries.
To see money as subordinate to people and not the other way around is
fundamental to creating a culture in which the people naturally pull together to
advance the business.
3. Belonging
By creating a Circle of Safety around the people in the organization, leadership
reduces the threats people feel inside the group, which frees them up to focus
more time and energy to protect the organization from the constant dangers
outside and seize the big opportunities. Without a Circle of Safety, people are
forced to spend too much time and energy protecting themselves from each other.
It is easy to know when we are in the Circle of Safety because we can feel it. We
feel valued by our colleagues and we feel cared for by our superiors. We become
absolutely confident that the leaders of the organization and all those with whom
we work are there for us and will do what they can to help us succeed.
4. Yeah, but . . .
As nice as it sounds to do all this, the reality is it’s just not happening. And without
those companies it is going to be harder for us to find a job in a company that truly
does care about our well-being. So, we tell ourselves, what we have will have to do.
A supportive and well-managed work environment is good for one’s health. Those
who feel they have more control, who feel empowered to make decisions instead of
waiting for approval, suffer less stress. Those only doing as they are told, always
forced to follow the rules, are the ones who suffer the most. Our feelings of control,
stress, and our ability to perform at our best are all directly tied to how safe we feel
in our organizations.
Serotonin an oxytocin incentivize us to work together and develop feelings of trust
and loyalty. I like to call these the “selfless” chemicals. They work to help
strengthen our social bonds so that we are more likely to work together and to
cooperate, so that we can ultimately survive and ensure our progeny will live on
beyond us.
6. E.D.S.O.
Two chemicals—endorphins and dopamine—are the reason that we are driven to
hunt, gather and achieve. They make us feel good when we find something we’re
looking for, build something we need or accomplish our goals. These are the
chemicals of progress.
Endorphins serve one purpose and one purpose only: to mask physical pain. That’s
it. Think of endorphins as our own personal opiate. Often released in response to
stress or fear, they mask physical pain with pleasure.
Dopamine is the reason for the good feeling we get when we find something we’re
looking for or do something that needs to get done. It is responsible for the feeling
of satisfaction after we’ve finished an important task, completed a project, reached
a goal or even reached one of the markers on our way to a bigger goal.
Serotonin is the feeling of pride. It is the feeling we get when we perceive that
others like or respect us. It makes us feel strong and confident, like we can take on
anything. And more than confidence boosting, it raises our status.
Oxytocin is most people’s favorite chemical. It’s the feeling of friendship, love or
deep trust. It is the feeling we get when we’re in the company of our closest friends
or trusted colleagues. It is the feeling we get when we do something nice for
someone or someone does something nice for us. It is responsible for all the warm
and fuzzies.
7. The Big C
Cortisol inhibits the release of oxytocin, the chemical responsible for empathy. This
means that when there is only a weak Circle of Safety and people must invest time
and energy to guard against politics and other dangers inside the company, it
actually makes us even more selfish and less concerned about one another or the
thanks to the increased levels of oxytocin and serotonin, is trust and cooperation.
If good people are asked to work in a bad culture, one in which leaders do not
relinquish control, then the odds of something bad happening go up. People will be
more concerned about following the rules out of fear of getting in trouble or losing
their jobs than doing what needs to be done. And when that happens, souls will be
The Boomer generation would emerge bigger and more powerful than any opposing
force that could help keep things in check. Without a balancing tension, the
impulses and desires of one group would prove to be hard to restrain. Like the
unchecked power of America after the fall of the Soviet Union, like the dictator who
overthrows his predecessor, like legislation passed when one party has a
supermajority in Congress, the Boomers would start to impose their will on the
world around them, surrounded only by outnumbered voices telling them they
couldn’t. By the 1980s and 1990s, this “shockwave,” this “pig in the python,” as the
Baby Boom is sometimes described because of its sheer size and force, this
demographic bulge able to remodel society as they passed through it, was fully in
When our leaders give us something noble to be a part of, offer us a compelling
purpose or reason why we should come to work, something that will outlive us, it
seems to give us the power to do the right thing when called upon, even if we have
to make sacrifices to our comfort in the short term. And when a leader embraces
their responsibility to care for people instead of caring for numbers, then people
will follow, solve problems and see to it that that leader’s vision comes to life the
right way, a stable way and not the expedient way.
Rule 3. Meet the People You Help. As social animals, it is imperative for us to see
the actual, tangible impact of our time and effort for our work to have meaning and
for us to be motivated to do it even better.
Rule 4. Give Them Time, Not Just Money. A leader of an organization can’t simply
pay their managers to look out for those in their report. A leader can, however, offer
their time and energy to those in their care, and in turn those managers would be
more willing to give their time and energy to their subordinates.
Rule 5. Be Patient—The Rule of Seven Days and Seven Years. I have no data to
say exactly how long it takes to feel like we trust someone. I know it takes more
than seven days and I know it takes fewer than seven years. I know it is quicker for
some and slower for others. No one knows exactly how long it takes, but it takes
16. Imbalance
"Destructive Abundance” is what I call the result of this imbalance. It is what
happens when selfish pursuits are out of balance with selfless pursuits. When the
levels of dopamine-incentivized behaviors overwhelm the social protections
afforded by the other chemicals. When protecting the results is prioritized above
protecting those who produce the results. Destructive Abundance happens when
the players focus almost exclusively on the score and forget why they set out to
play the game in the first place.
Every single one of us should look at our managers or the leaders of the companies
we work for and ask ourselves, “Would I want to be in a foxhole with you?” And the
managers and the leaders of companies who rely on our hard work should, in turn,
ask themselves, “How strong is our company if the answer is no?
It is a given that profit is the goal of any business, but to suggest it is the primary
responsibility of a business is misguided. It is the leaders of companies that see
profit as fuel for their cultures that will outlast their dopamine-addicted, cortisol-
soaked competitors.
Mother Nature could not have imagined or prepared us for a time when chemicals
like nicotine and alcohol would be available to short-circuit our reward systems.
Dopamine was built for a time when food was not so readily available. Our bodies
weren’t built for a food-whenever-we-want-it world. Bingeing, gambling, drinking
and smoking are all, ostensibly, dopamine addictions. They are easy ways to get
the shot of dopamine we love and crave. And when we are unable to keep our desire
for those dopamine bursts in check, they become addictions. We reach a point
where a chemical designed to help keep us alive actually rewards us for engaging in
behaviors that can harm us. This is exactly what has been happening in our
corporate cultures where incentive programs create environments ripe for a new
kind of dopamine-driven addiction. We are addicted to performance.
A side effect could be a generation that struggles to find happiness and fulfillment
even more than the generations that preceded them. Though there is a desire to do
good, their acculturated impatience means that few will commit time or effort to
one thing long enough to see the effect of service—the thing we know gives a
sense of fulfillment. In doing research for this book, I kept meeting amazing,
wonderful, smart, driven and optimistic Gen Yers who were either disillusioned with
their entry-level jobs or quitting to find a new job that will “allow me to make an
impact in the world,” discounting the time and energy that is required to do it.
25. Step 12
Few if any of the alcoholics enrolled in AA will find sobriety until they complete Step
Twelve. Even if they make it through all the other eleven steps, those who do not
complete Step Twelve are very likely to drink again. It is those who complete Step
Twelve who overcome the addiction.
Step Twelve is the commitment to help another alcoholic beat the disease. Step
Twelve is all about service. And it is service that is the key to breaking our
dopamine addictions in our organizations too.
Everything about being a leader is like being a parent. It is about committing to the
well-being of those in our care and having a willingness to make sacrifices to see
their interests advanced so that they may carry our banner long after we are gone.