Ias7 Q8
Ias7 Q8
Ias7 Q8
Non-current liabilities
Staff gratuity 1,400 1,190
Deferred tax liability- net 590 -
1,900 1,190
Trade and other payables 4,200 6,250
59,090 57,440
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 35,000 25,500
Capital work in progress 5,500 10,000
Intangible assets 1,100 1,140
41,600 36,640
Deferred tax asset- net - 350
Long term deposits and prepayments 400 300
42,000 37,290
Current Assets
Tax refundable 950 800
Other current assets 15,700 12,125
Cash and bank balances 440 7,225
17,090 20,150
59,090 57,440
Statement of comprehensive Income for the year ended December 31, 2015
Sales 146,700
Cost of sales (127,500)
Gross profit 19,200
Operating expenses (15,000)
Financial charges (500)
Other income 2,800
Profit before tax 6,500
Tax expense - current (4,660)
- deferred (940)
Tax for the year (5,600)
Profit after tax 900
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IAS 7 Question 8
(iii) WDV of assets disposed off during the year amounted to $1.2 million. (The assets had not
been revalued)
(iv) Other income includes interest earned on short term placements, amounting to $1 million.
The remaining amount represents gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment.
(vi) Intangible assets worth $ 50 thousand were acquired during the year.
Prepare the Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2015 in accordance with
the requirements of IAS - 7 (Statement of Cash Flows) using ‘indirect method’.
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IAS 7 Question 8
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IAS 7 Question 8
W1 – Non-current assets
b/d (25,500 + 10,000) 35,500 Disposal 1,200
Cash β 13,110 Revaluation reserve 1,000
Acc. Depreciation (7,000 – 1,000 -
90) 5,910
c/d (35,000 + 5,500) 40,500
48,610 48,610
W2 – Intangible assets
b/d 1,140 Accumulated amortization β 90
Cash 50 b/d 1,100
1,190 1,190
W4 – Advance Tax
b/d 800 PL 4,660
Cash β 4,810 c/d 950
5,610 5,610
W5 – Share Capital
b/d 20,000
Bonus shares (20,000 x 10%) 2,000
c/d 25,000 Cash β 3,000
25,000 25,000
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