Ways To Feed Animals
Ways To Feed Animals
Ways To Feed Animals
Key Terms:
Ñ free-access feeding
full feeding
limit feeding
scheduled feeding
supplemental feeding
Scheduled feeding is providing feed to animals at approximately the same time(s) each
day. Feeding may be done once, twice, or even three times daily.
The purpose of scheduled feeding is to train the animals to arrive at the feeding area at the
time feed will be distributed. This allows large groups of animals an equal chance to consume
the same amount of feed as their pen mates.
Many people teach their house pets to be fed on a schedule. For example, someone who
works long days and can allow his or her dog outside only during early morning and late eve-
ning will feed the dog on a schedule. This better facilitates the dog’s house training and allows
its digestive system to be most
active when the animal has access
to the outdoors for waste
Some beef producers experi-
ment with feeding their pregnant
cows on a schedule during the
calving season. When the cows
closest to calving are fed in the
late evening, they are more likely
to give birth during the daylight
hours. This method is not 100
percent reliable but does con-
dense the births to a smaller time
frame when ideally more labor is FIGURE 1. This farmer has trained his cows to arrive at a specific location for
a scheduled feeding. (Courtesy, USDA)
available to provide assistance if
Limit feeding is providing only enough feed to animals to meet their minimum needs.
Animals on a limit-feeding diet should not be expected to lose or gain weight. The method is
designed to maintain the animals in good health but not change any of their physiological
Full feeding is manually providing animals with all the feed they can consume at one or
two feedings. This is sometimes called hand feeding because it requires carrying the feed to the
animals and distributing it.
Full feeding is commonly used with animals that are on a finishing diet and approaching
harvest weight. Animals on full feed will gain weight rapidly and will eventually produce high-
quality carcasses.
A diet fed using the full-feeding method is typically a high concentrate feed with possibly
some supplements, such as vitamins and minerals, added. Animals must be slowly built up to
the full-feeding method. Feed should be gradually increased over several weeks, and all feed
should be cleaned up within a few hours after feeding.
Free-access feeding is allowing animals to eat feed any time they want. It is sometimes
called free-choice feeding.
Basically, a large amount of feed is readily available to the animals, and they go to the feed-
ing system any time they wish to eat. This type of system is extremely beneficial in areas where
the climate is very hot during the day and cool at night. Animals will rest in cool areas during
the day and access the feed during the night when the temperature is lower.
Market pigs and many pets are fed using the free-access method. It works well for market
pigs, as overeating will usually not cause bodily harm. On the other hand, pets with free-access
feed tend to overeat regularly and, without appropriate exercise, will put on excess fat. This can
cause bodily harm and major health problems later in life.
Supplemental feeding is providing additional feed to animals that hunt or graze for
their main diet. Sheep, cattle, goats, and wildlife in captivity are commonly fed using the sup-
plemental-feeding method. The supplemental-feeding method may provide additional nutri-
ents, such as protein, energy, vitamins, or minerals.
2 The five most common ways of feeding domesticated animals are scheduled feed-
ing, limit feeding, full feeding, free-access feeding, and supplemental feeding. Each
is designed for specific production methods and should be carefully evaluated
before being adopted into a production system. Animals can become ill and experi-
ence long-term damage or even death if a feeding method is not implemented
slowly or is not appropriate for the situation.
´ 1. List the five most common ways of feeding domesticated animals, and briefly
explain each.
2. Why would a producer select the scheduled-feeding method?
3. When should a limit-fed animal’s diet be adjusted?
4. With what type of animals is full feeding commonly used?
5. Explain why free-access feeding should not be used with pets.
6. What are the most common times for supplemental feeding?
L Take a field trip to an animal or pet food store. Speak with someone knowledgeable
of how to feed animals properly. Interview the individual about feeding a particular
species. (Be sure to pick a common species, such as cattle, swine, horses, sheep,
dogs, or cats.) Ask which method would work best for a specific type of feed.
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