IMG - 0009 (DF Anal Geom Reviewer 009)

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\a (€. -S'' r1"jil*: . 8"81
o / oe1 7-6114-61 88jly:r rlfl"1]

t'+t'+2112x+8!i+'162,.+65=0'..,, :

A. SuniB' -, ' :B..4uniB . ,C.3.unib'r D. 6 units

(x * t)- t ( \---+)" + Lz -B)-
4* .'b
f---- :
C.onvert the sphericaloordinate equaUon
A: ; *'7=*r1- , g,.= 60'-lG;;,;;;:#''"-
degrces b fts rec,tangular-coodinate equatc
B. x2+y2=35 r. -: - .b-f +y2=322 /) -' ----,q,
' t-; "':Ei.'
l i: . ,
41. ff the pcrint (3,y) is equrUi*ant fis16"15::- 2) ard (-1,.+), finO y:
-tr r
A. 1 - _ _-? . ,.-Bi z c. gtz D. s/r
,_.1-.;Y =.;If, _ ,aur'
4 * ,-: :4jAf ;- , ,. +'tG *s! : tr7
,T! *, ,Ll ,

42. Fird tln distance between the line x * y = 2 and a glven point (L12, tl3l.
8 ,Ztrq, ft. dl2')lL2 B. s(sq.rt. d 2)16 C. 12(sg.rt. of z)lt
j = -Y -t't: "i"L )/ h<thy +t-
n. {t. b'
v.'--' A-: ' ',71''r
43. Flndthedlstane befirrrcenthi lines, 3x + y - LZ *0and:3x+y-4 0. : j.' = U

A. 16/sq.rt. of lP B. lusq.rt. of 10 C. i{sq.rt of 10 ,iD,e/sq.rt. of fO

t -.? _ ^
, LL'
- -; ;)

: ' ,,1,tit
L ;,.,
44. Defiermine the point of divislon of the line segment fiom A(5,6) b (13,'-2) ftat dMdes this lire segqent, starUng frun A, into
two parb in tfre ratio 1:3. } , {. I 5
A. (1,3) B. (-1,1) C. (0,2) D-. (3,rt) i. ..., ,"?',
' , --.-.r.t'"-, d--'*L
Fird Ure oordinates of tfre potoit P(3, 5) if the orrgin r morca'm tz,+j ry a ranEaon, i ;\ iu..i, ,,i

ru(1,r) B.e;z).;l L.(r,z) i

t 'l - 'u"'-t" ' -' f
,-1 i 3r'',v- k
'"1'' . I :-v n

nofir$degreeterm. - ,l ,ir' ,1. "t'?' S] .r.a' r-.-r , - ,i'
A. (2,4) i,\ i" B.(4,4) C.{4,2) D.(2,1)

) I i.'
rl -
-- -:1. T -j ;

When two llrw are perpendicuhr, frre slope of one ls:

:] .!-
-+l I
A. Equal to the negafiveof the other
L-, -. I t?"
p. Equal to the other .-j 5
i_Crl Equalto the negative recfpfucat dthe,drer r.l7,r
a !

D. Egualto the reciprocal of theclth€r ; V"r,,,r,t."o


,$.r $\1 b' b\ " oo"

51. Theacuteanglebetweenthetuostraightlinesy = 3x+ 2andy = 4x+7 iscJosetO

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