Alcoflood 254S
Alcoflood 254S
Alcoflood 254S
We create chemistry
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BASF Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
1. Identification
Product identifier
Alcoflood® 254S
Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
67056 Ludwigshafen
Enhanced Oil Recovery
2. Hazards Identification
Label elements
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
The product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with GHS criteria.
Other hazards
This type of product has a tendency to create dust if roughly handled. The product does not burn
readily but as with many organic powders, flammable dust clouds may be formed in air. The product
is under certain conditions capable of dust explosion.
The product does not contain a substance fulfilling the PBT (persistent/bioaccumulative/toxic) criteria
or the vPvB (very persistent/very bioaccumulative) criteria.
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Not applicable
Chemical nature
polyacrylamide, anionic
4. First-Aid Measures
Description of first aid measures
Remove contaminated clothing.
If inhaled:
Keep patient calm, remove to fresh air, seek medical attention.
On skin contact:
Wash thoroughly with soap and water
On ingestion:
Rinse mouth and then drink 200-300 ml of water. Check breathing and pulse. Place victim in the
recovery position, cover and keep warm. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
Seek medical attention. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth if the victim is unconscious
or having convulsions.
5. Fire-Fighting Measures
Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media:
dry powder, foam
Additional information:
If water is used, restrict pedestrian and vehicular traffic in areas where slip hazard may exist.
Further information:
The degree of risk is governed by the burning substance and the fire conditions. Contaminated
extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with official regulations.
Environmental precautions
Do not discharge into drains/surface waters/groundwater.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
No eating, drinking, smoking or tobacco use at the place of work. Hands and/or face should be
washed before breaks and at the end of the shift. Remove contaminated clothing and protective
equipment before entering eating areas.
Storage stability:
Avoid extreme heat.
Exposure controls
Personal protective equipment
Respiratory protection:
Suitable respiratory protection for lower concentrations or short-term effect: Particle filter with
medium efficiency for solid and liquid particles (e.g. EN 143 or 149, Type P2 or FFP2)
Hand protection:
Chemical resistant protective gloves (EN ISO 374-1)
Suitable materials also with prolonged, direct contact (Recommended: Protective index 6,
corresponding > 480 minutes of permeation time according to EN ISO 374-1):
e.g. nitrile rubber (0.4 mm), chloroprene rubber (0.5 mm), polyvinylchloride (0.7 mm) and other
Supplementary note: The specifications are based on tests, literature data and information of glove
manufacturers or are derived from similar substances by analogy. Due to many conditions (e.g.
temperature) it must be considered, that the practical usage of a chemical-protective glove in
practice may be much shorter than the permeation time determined through testing.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
Manufacturer's directions for use should be observed because of great diversity of types.
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields (frame goggles) (e.g. EN 166)
Body protection:
No body protection required if used for intended purpose and satisfying generally accepted industrial
hygiene rules.
Form: beads
Colour: off-white
Odour: odourless
Odour threshold:
not determined
pH value: 6
Melting point:
The substance / product
decomposes therefore not
Boiling point:
not applicable
Flash point:
not applicable, the product is a solid
Evaporation rate:
The product is a non-volatile solid.
Flammability: not highly flammable
Lower explosion limit:
For solids not relevant for
classification and labelling.
Upper explosion limit:
For solids not relevant for
classification and labelling.
Ignition temperature: 530 °C (BAM)
Vapour pressure:
Study scientifically not justified.
No information is available for the
absolute density. Instead the bulk
density was determined as a more
relevant value.
Relative vapour density (air):
The product is a non-volatile solid.
Solubility in water: Forms a viscous solution.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 21.12.2022 Version: 1.2
Product: Alcoflood® 2548
(ID no. 30483009/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 10.07.2024
Partitioning coefficient n-octanol/water (log Kow):
Study scientifically not justified.
Self ignition: not self-igniting
Other information
Chemical stability
The product is stable if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated.
Conditions to avoid
Avoid extreme temperatures. Avoid humidity.
Incompatible materials
Substances to avoid:
strong acids, strong bases, strong oxidizing agents
Acute toxicity
Experimental/calculated data:
LD50 rat (oral): > 2.000 mg/kg (OECD Guideline 401)
Experimental/calculated data:
Skin corrosion/irritation rabbit: non-irritant (OECD Guideline 404)
Respiratory/Skin sensitization
Assessment of sensitization:
Based on the ingredients, there is no suspicion of a skin-sensitizing potential.
Assessment of mutagenicity:
Based on the ingredients, there is no suspicion of a mutagenic effect.
Assessment of carcinogenicity:
Based on the ingredients there is no suspicion of a carcinogenic effect in humans.
Reproductive toxicity
Repeated dose toxicity and Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)
Aspiration hazard
Toxicity to fish:
LC50 (96 h) > 100 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (static)
(under static conditions in the presence of 10 mg/L humic acid)
Aquatic invertebrates:
LC50 (48 h) > 100 mg/l, Daphnia magna
Bioaccumulative potential
Mobility in soil
According to Annex XIII of Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH): The product does not contain a substance
fulfilling the PBT (persistent/bioaccumulative/toxic) criteria or the vPVB (very persistent/very
bioaccumulative) criteria.
The product does not contain substances that are listed in Regulation (EC) 1005/2009 on
substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Additional information
Contaminated packaging:
Packs that cannot be cleaned should be disposed of in the same manner as the contents.
Uncontaminated packaging can be re-used.
Land transport
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Sea transport
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Air transport
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Not applicable
The data contained in this safety data sheet are based on our current knowledge and experience and
describe the product only with regard to safety requirements. This safety data sheet is neither a
Certificate of Analysis (CoA) nor technical data sheet and shall not be mistaken for a specification
agreement. Identified uses in this safety data sheet do neither represent an agreement on the
corresponding contractual quality of the substance/mixture nor a contractually designated use. It is the
responsibility of the recipient of the product to ensure any proprietary rights and existing laws and
legislation are observed.
Vertical lines in the left hand margin indicate an amendment from the previous version.