Cre Notes P.6

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Theme: Christians on the way
Sub theme: God created me
Understanding and appreciating myself as a unique person
Meaning of uniqueness
Uniqueness refers to the differences in appearance and character among people.

Ways of uniqueness
- Physical uniqueness
- Social uniqueness

Physical uniqueness
- These are visible appearances and characters a person has.

Examples of physical uniqueness

- Difference in height. Some people are short while others are tall.
- Differences in size. Some people are big while others are small.
- Difference in skin colour. Some people are light skinned while others are dark
- Difference in facial appearance. Some people have got long faces while others have
round ones.

Social uniqueness
- These are different ways how people relate with others.

Examples of social uniqueness

- Some people are talkative while others are reserved.
- Some people are cheerful all the time while others are moody
- Somepeople are easily loved by many people while others are hated by many people.
- Some people easily make friends while others have difficulties in making friends.
NB: Unique: means different.

Sample questions
1. What us uniqueness
2. Identify any two ways how people are different from each other
3. State any two forms of uniqueness
4. Give any four examples of physical uniqueness
5. Write down any four examples of social uniqueness
6. Describe your physical uniqueness

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What is a talent?
A talent is a natural ability to do something well or better
Characteristics of talents
i) Talents are natural
ii) Talents are inherited from parents
iii) Talents are received from conception
iv) Talents can be developed or left idle, used well or misused.
v) Individuals with in-born talents are strong in abilities
vi) Talents are used generally in the world.
How talents make us unique
Psalms 139:13 – 16
The above states that God made each individual unique because of his hand work
Examples of talents
i) Dancing
ii) Playing foot ball
iii) Leadership
iv) Singing
v) Artistic work
vi) Debating
vii) Story telling
Ways of identifying talents
 Through practice
 Through the guidance of other people
 Through praying
Human weaknesses and strengths
a) Weaknesses
These are areas an individual doesn’t have strength to excel
NB: life is a balance of talents and weaknesses.
Examples of weaknesses
i) A good foot baller may not excel in class.
ii) A talented singer may be poor at dancing skills
iii) A good leader may be poor at debates
iv) A fine artists may lack skills in weaving baskets
v) A talented mathematician science could be a poor leader.
1. What is a talent
2. State any four examples of talents
3. Point out any four characteristics of talents
4. State any four examples of human weaknesses and strengths.
5. With the help of your teacher, tell classmates your talents and how so you use it to
serve the school.

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Lesson 3 wk I
A word which comes from Latin word Adolescere which means to grow up
Meaning of adolescence
Adolescence is a stage between childhood and adulthood.
Another name for adolescence is teenager (between 13 – 19 yrs)

This is an increase in size, weight and height of individual

This is an increase in the quality of the body, mind and behavior of an individual


 Physical growth and development
 Social growth and development
 Intellectual or mental growth and development.

Characteristics of adolescence

Physical x-tics Physical x-tics
 Body becomes muscular  Body becomes smooth and shapely.
 Voice deepens, Adam’s apple  The voice becomes soft and attractive
appears  They grow wider hips, breasts develop
 They grow taller and bigger,  Pubic hair, hair in the armpits start to
shoulders widens grow
 Beards, pubic hair, hair in the  Reproductive organs become mature
armpits, legs, arms start to grow  They start monthly menstruation
 Genitals become bigger
 They start producing semen
Social x-tics Social x-tics
 They develop strong feelings  they develop sexual feeling
towards opposite sex  Feelings and desires become strong.
 Help become sensitive and socially  They form or join peer groups, close
active associates, they face storm and stress
 They change life style such as that comes with social matters
encouraging in risky aggressive
behavior face storm and stress in
life’s social matters
Mental x-tics Mental x-tics
 They start to think independently  They start to think logically
 Reasoning capacity and ability to  They begin to reason discriminatively

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argue out issues develop about what they hear or see.

1. Explain the meaning of a adolescence
2. Write down any form physical differences between an adolescent boy and girl.
3. State the meaning of the following terms
a) Growth
b) Development
4. Point out any tow instinctually difference between adolescent boys and girls

Lesson I & II week 2

How to relate with others with consideration and respect
Family level
A family is the smallest unit of the community
Types of family
 Nuclear family
 Extended family
 Institutional family
 Foster family
a) Nuclear family
This is a type of family where we find parents and their biological children
b) Extended family
This is a type of family where we find parents, biological children and their relatives.
c) Institutional family
This is a type of family which is set up by a non-Governmental organization like Sanyu
Babies Home
d) Foster family
This is a type of family composed of a adopted children

Members that make up the African family

 Father
 Mother
 Brothers
 Sisters
 Grand parents
 Adopted person
 Cousins
 Nephews

How to relate with servants

 Respect them

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 Do not burden them with work
 Treat them mistakes
 Give them what they need to use
 Pay their wages in time
 Pay them the money they deserve
 Give them medical care
 Do not expose them to harm
How to behave before adults
 Respect up them
 Obeying them
 Being trust worthy
 Being able to share ideas and things
 Helping them
 Forgiving one another
 Being honest
 Being hand working
 Loving them
NB A guardian is a person who is responsible for the care of a child in the absence of

Roles of parents to their children

 To provide basic needs
 To protect the children from harm and danger
 To treat children fairly
 To introduce them to God and religions values
 To train them to respect adults
 To teach them the basic values and norms
 To train them to acquire basic life skills
 To discipline them as a way of teaching right from wrong.
Important people at school
 Headteacher
 Deputy H/T
 Bursar
 Teacher
 Watch man
 Visitors
 Secretaries
 Matrons
 Cooks
 Compound cleaners
Roles of children at school

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 Respecting teachers and other members of the community.
 Greeting teachers, visitors and those we meet at school.
 Obeying school authorities
 Following regulations
 Expressing love, kindness to fellow pupils who need care
 Taking care of school properties
 Respecting other pupils property
 Using the washroom well
 Keeping the compound clean
 Observing person hygiene
 Working hard in school to pass high with flying colours.
 Using good and non abusive language while talking to other people.
 Sharing ideas, knowledge when asked by teacher, friends.

Community level
 Respect the property
 Greet people in the community
 Help people in danger e.g. in case of accident
 Clean the area in the community
 Share with community members responsibly
 Work is any physical or mental activity that man does to change the environment for
good or bad reasons
 Work is any useful or productive activity which involves use of energy.

Reasons why people work

 To get food
 To get money
 To build shelter
 To develop natural talents
 To serve God
 To help the needy
 To express oneself in creative wyas

Types of work
 Domestic work
 School work
 Communal work
 Voluntary work
Examples of work
 Fetching water

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 Farming
 Fishing
 Clearing water source
 Building
 Lumbering
 Hunting
Values of work
 Get basic needs
 Develop talents
 Exercise gifts from the Holy Spirit
 Express in creative ways
 Promotes unity
 Improves on the lives of others in the community
 Perform God’s duty
 Develop the World and protect the environment

Biblical reasons for work

 To fulfill God’s commands Genesis 1:28
 To care for God’s creation Gen. 1:25
 To obtain basic needs for survival
 Develop talents Matthew 25:14-29
 Exercise God’s given gifts
 Develop closer relationship with God and fellow man
 Serve other people

How to work responsibly using God given talents

Parable of the talents: Matthew 25:14-20
Jesus tells people to do the following using our talents
 Develop talents to the full
 Create wealth for the good of the community
 Serve God willingly
 Share the fruits of work
 Use talents well
 Work with joy and happiness
 Enjoy creation because it is the fruits of God’s work
 Work in cooperation with other people

How the life of Jesus teaches people to relate with others

 Obeyed and respected his parents
 Supported his parents in domestic work
 Healed the sick and gave them hope
 Fed the hungry

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 He forgave sinners
 Blessed the people around him
 Prayed for both friends and enemies
Meaning of suffering
Suffering is to experience something bad or unpleasant in life

Forms of suffering
 Physical suffering
 Emotional suffering
 Spiritual suffering
 Mental suffering
 Social suffering
 Economic suffering

Physical suffering
This is the suffering which affects our bodies like eyes, legs, arms, internal body organs etc

Emotional suffering
Emotions are strong feelings
Emotional suffering is the suffering which rises from one’s mind
Outcome of emotional suffering
 Anger
 Stress
 Depression
 Sadness
 Irritation
 Gloom
 Sullenness
 Trauma
Causes of emotional suffering
 Misunderstanding
 Loss of property or loved one
 Failure
 Mental torture
 Worries
 Discomfort
 Fear
 Difficulties
NB: it can cause physical suffering like stomach ulcers and skin rashes

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Spiritual suffering
The suffering which affects one’s soul

Causes of spiritual suffering

 Disobedience to God’s command

Outcome of spiritual suffering

Fear and unhappiness

Mental suffering
This is the suffering caused by mental illness due to diseases , accidents , drug abuse.

Social suffering
This is the suffering which affects one’s relationship with others

Examples of social suffering

 Discrimination
 Imprisonment
 Rejection
 Neglect
 Death of beloved ones

Economic suffering
This is the suffering caused due to financial resources
NB: One fails to buy or meet basic needs

General causes of suffering

 Natural disasters e.g. floods , famine etc
 Mental or physical disabilities
 Wars
 Diseases
 Frustrations
 Poor child upbringing

Effects of suffering
 Lack of peace and harmony
 Misery
 Shortage of basic needs
 Low income
 Fear among people
 Death

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 Loss of faith in God
 Absence of Law and order
 Spread of diseases
 Teenage pregnancies

How the fail of man led to suffering Gen. 3

 Loss of God’s love
 Loss of God’s glory
 Man lost ability to live forever
 Death and pain came into the world
 Man and woman began to quarrel
 All kinds of evil came into the world

NB: It has caused suffering to both the victims and the community

How HIV/AIDS has caused suffering

 Failure to work due to pain
 Loss of job
 Stigmatization
 Hopelessness
 Reduced chances to give birth to healthy children
 Loss of faith in God

To the community
 Financial problem arising from looking after a sick person
 Increased orphans
 Worries by family members and friends
 Failure to participate in community events especially the person fell sick
 Loss of man power at place of work and at home

Election malpractice as a form and cause of suffering

 Elections are rigged
 Lack of civic education
 Lack of transparency
 Human rights are not respected
 Corruption is practiced by buying votes
 Security forces causes fears among people

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Solutions to suffering caused by election malpractice
 Citizen should have adequate civic and voter education
 An independent, honest electoral body should handle electoral duty
 Human rights should be respected
 Leadership posts should be for service not for personal enrichment

Teenage pregnancy as a cause of suffering

 Girls are usually abused used and left to suffer alone
 Teenage mothers have to depend on their parents to bring up the baby
 Early pregnancy many damage the reproductive system of a girl
 Poor feeding may lead to malnutrition of both the mother and baby
 Pre-mature birth is frequent and this put the lives of both the mother and child in
 Caesarean birth that often happens makes the young mother go through a lot of pain
 It may lead to school dropout

 He healed the leper Luke 5:12-13
 He fed the hungry Mark 6:30-44
 He consoled and forgave the sinners
 He resurrected Lazarus
 He taught against injustices
 He made the lame walk

Forms of Jesus suffering

 He was monked and abused
 He was beaten
 Spat on him
 Tore his clothes
 He was crucified

Examples of social evils in the community
 Robbery
 Prostitution
 Murder
 Cheating in business and examinations
 Telling lies
 Torture of innocent people

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 False accusations before authorities
 Disobeying leaders
 Destroying property
NB: To prevent suffering, the above social evil should be prevented

Acting with responsibility

 Keeping and using public property well
 Behaving in respectable manner so that others may respect you
 Respecting other people’s rights
 Actingwith humility
 Being honest at all times
 Observing the law and obeying authorities
 Keeping the good traditions and customs of your community
 Preserving the natural environment

 Seek to reconcile instead of going to war
 Be contented with what you have
 Work diligently
 Avoid laziness

How we can share in the suffering of others

 To pray for them
 To nurse them
 To give them material assistance
 To offer guidance and counseling to them
 To provide them medical care and treatment
 To pay for some body’s medical bills
 Advocate and protect the rights of others who are being denied justice


RELATIONSHIP: refers to connection or feelings that exist between two or more people.
NB: Relationship may be a feeling of love or friendship

Types of relationship
 Husband and wife
 Parent and child

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 Brothers and sisters
 Managers and workers
 Friends

Cause of broken relationships

 God’s disobedience Gen 3:1-24
 Enemnity
 Adultery
 Witchcraft
 Cruelty
 Envy
 Telousiness
 Barrenness and impotent
 Poverty
 Domestic violence

Effects of broken relationships

 Man lost God’s love
 Death came into the world
 God’s image in man is affected
 Hatred among human beings began
 Enemnity between man and animals
 Man had to work for his food
 Woman had to go through pain during giving birth

Ways of restoring broken relationships

 Jesus’ salvation
 Reconciliation
 Repentance
 Encouraging peace talks
 Guidance and counseling


 A redeemer is a person who saves someone from the power of evil
 Another name for redeemer is a savior
Examples of redeemers
 Jesus
 Abraham
 Moses
 Joshua

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 Gideon
 John the Baptist
 Jeremiah
 Ezekiel
 Jonah
 Hosea
 Isaiah

God chose Abraham to be the father of all Nations due to his faith

How did Abraham show his faith to God?

 He accepted to leave his mother land (ur) to go to unknown land (canaan)
 He accepted to change his name from Abraham to Abraham and his wife’s name from
Sarai to Sarah
 Abraham means the father of all believers while Sarah means the mother of all
 He accepted to produce a son at an old age
 He accepted to sacrifice his son (Isaac)
 He accepted circumcision at an old age.

Gideon (Judges 6:11-16)

He defeated the midianites
God’s help to rescue the Israelites
Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9)
He completed the Exodus
Exodus was the journey performed by the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Moses (Exodus 3:1-20)
 He rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
 He led Israelites from Egypt
QN: Why did God send Moses to rescue the Israelites fromEgypt?

Miracles performed by Moses during Exodus

 The ten plagues
- Darkness
- Ignats
- Flies
- Water changed into blood
- First born sons died (Passover)
- Locusts

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- Boils
- Hails
- Death of the animals
 He changed a stick into a snake
 He created a way through the red sea
John the Baptist (Matth 3:1-12)
 He was the last prophet in Christianity
 He preached about the coming of Jesus the savior and repentance
Jeremiah (Jere 1:1-7)
 He preached hope and the new covenants
Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:1-3)
 He preached about God’s judgment
Hosea (Hosea 1:1-11)
 He preached on forgiveness and hope
Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-13)
 He preached about the coming of the Messiah
Jonah (Jonah 3:1-13)
 He was called to go and preach to the people of Ninevi

Ways through which God called messengers

 Through direct communication (Gen 3:1-3)
 Talking from a burning bush )Exodus 3:1-20)
 Talking through an angel (Judges 6:1-16)

 Helps to know things which are above our consciousness
 Enables us to learn the truth about God and Jesus
 It guides us so that we can get salvation
 Gives us patience , confidence, courage and tolerance
 Gives us hope
 Enables us to differentiate between true prophets and false ones
 Enables us to live in union with God

Ways of accepting savior in our daily lives

 Ask for forgiveness (repentance)
 Accept that we are sinners and we need the savior
 Love one another since we are children of God
 Live a Godly life both in action and mind
 Seek guidance of the Holy Spirit

The promise of salvation

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 Angel Gabriel come to Mary and told her that the Lord God had chosen her to be His
 The messenger then told her that she would bear a son whose name would be Jesus
 The child would be great and would be called the Most High God
Nb: Jesus means the Saviour.

How Mary responded to the messenger

 Joy and happiness
 Faith
 Praises to God for the favour
 Humility
 Submission called herself the handmaid of God
 Readness to be the instrument

Message from John the Baptist

 He called people to repent and change from bad ways
 He said the sign of repentance would be accepting to be Baptized
 The announced the coming of the Saviour.

Why God called John the Baptist God called Moses because he had the following
 Humility
 Simple in life style like Elijah
 Able to withstand physical suffering and hardship
 Righteous
 Loyal and faithful to God
 Committed to God’s work

How people responded to the message

 Some responded with the faith and got Baptized
 Others questioned the relevance of John’s message
 There were a good number who accepted readily and became John’s disciple

God message to the people to day

 To repent from their sins and go back to Him
 Accept Jesus as the way, life and the truth
 Become members of God’s family through baptism
 Practice forgiveness in the broken relationships
 Listening to His messengers who bring messages of salvation
 Give themselves to God whole heartedly
 Imitate Mary the mother of Jesus in her response to God’s message
 To love God and fellow men according to God’s law of love

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Topical questions
1. Why did God create man?
2. Who were the first two people to be created by God?
3. In which book of the Bible is the story of creation found?
4. Why was man set away from the Garden of Eden?
5. Identify any two talents God gave you
6a) Define the term family
b) Give any two types of a family
c) State any two roles of a family
7a) In which one way is a school useful to a community?
b) Identify any one good a school gets from the community?
c) Identify any two groups of people that are useful to us
8a) Why do people work? (Give two reasons )
b) Give any two jobs that require special training
9a) In which two ways can people overcome their weaknesses
c) Identify two weaknesses people have
10. On which day did God rest from the work of creation?

Set 2
1. What is a sin?
b) Identify any two results of sin
2a) Who was the first man to commit murder in the Bible?
b) Which punishment was given to him by God?
3. State any one cause of teenage pregnancies
b) Identify any two effects of teenage pregnancies
4. Why did Jesus come on the earth?
b) In which two ways did Jesus take care of people who were suffering?
5. Give two ways how you can care for the needy in your community
b) How can one avoid suffering (give two ways)
6. State any two organization that help people in need
b) Which group of people is directly helped by the UWESO ?
7. What should one do after sinning?
b) State any one reward of avoiding sin
Set 3
1a) Define the term family
b) State any three types of family
2a) Identify any two causes of break ups in families today
b) State any two results of family break ups
3a) Give the meaning of the name Abraham
b) Name the son of Abraham that was born to him by Hagar
4a) Which message was preached by John the Baptist?

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b) Identify two forms of food John the Baptist ate in the wilderness
5a) Which massage did Virgin Mary receive?
b) Give three gifts that were given to baby Jesus by the Magi
6a) How does God communicate to his people today (give two ways)
b) Give any two ways how people communicate with their God

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Term I 2014
Christine religious education schemes of work for primary six 2014
Theme: Christians on the way
Learning outcome: The learner discovers his strengths and weaknesses, develops, responsible, behaviours as a youth and
displays the positive attitude to working alone and with others using his/her God given talents
1 1 God - How to understand - The learners - The learners: - Guided Teachers’ activity - Skills - the Bible - Christians on the
created and appreciate should describes - Reads discussions - Demonstration how - Self es teem Text books way Mk
me myself move his uniqueness - Pronounces - Demonstration teenagers relate - Self awareness Photos standard
- Psalm:137:13-16 both physical and - Speak and uses - Role –play - Guiding Bible reading - Friendship News papers RE
social words to construct - Sharing experiences formation Page 1-4
- Identify people to sentences - Discussing - Values The Holy Bible
relate with correctly - Working in groups - Respect Psalms
- Shows a positive - Unique - Defining a talent Cooperation 139:13-16
attitude to people - Personality - Giving examples of Mk Standard
with whom he/she - Physical talents RE
interacts - Teenage - Explaining weaknesses Pgg5-7
and strength
- Singing
- Dancing

Talents - The learners
- Definition defines a talent - The learners
- Examples - Gives examples - Pronounces ,
- Weaknesses - Explain spells and uses
- Strengths weaknesses and words to construct
- Mathew: 25 :14- strengths of - Talents
30 individual - Dancing
- Singing
- Guardians
- Adolescents
3 God - Adolescents, - The learner gives - The learners - Guided - Giving the meaning - Self esteem - The Holy - Fountain CRE -
created growth and the meaning of pronounces , discovery of adolescents - Friendship Bible pg 5-8
me development adolescents reads , spells - Demonstration - Identify formation - Pictures
- Meaning - Identifies writes words - Brainstorming characteristics of - Self awareness
- Characteristics characteristics fl correctly - Role play adolescents - Values
- Physical adolescents - Adolescence - Explaining different - Low
- Social - Explains - Growth behaviors - Respect
- Emotional behavior - Development - Explaining the words - Cooperation
- Mental - Intellectual family
- Emotions - Community
- Giving roles of family
- Giving the important - Fountain CRE

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- The learners people in school pg 9-14
- The learners pronounces , - Explaining the roles
explains the reads, spells, of children in the
word family and uses words community
- Identifies types correctly
of families and - Family
members - Relationship
- Roles of family - Duty / role
members - Community
- Important
people in a
- Roles of children
in a school
- Defines a
- Identifies
community - Fountain CRE
values pg 25-28
- Roles of children - Explaining work
- Work in the - Giving types of work - Self esteem
- Genesis 1:28 community - Work - Identifying values of - Friendship
- Genesis 1:25 work. formation
- Matthew 25:14-29 - The learner - Giving reasons why - Self awareness
explains team people work - Values
work, - Starting ways of - Love
- Types of work working using talents - Resects
- Identifies the - Cooperation
values of work
- Reasons why
people work
- States ways of
responsibly using
God’s given
- Points out
lessons learnt
from the work of
3 1& Evil and - Meaning of - The learners - The learners - Guided - Explaining terms - - - Holy Bible Gen -
2 suffering suffering forms explains - Pronounces , discovery - Suffering sin 3
- Causes and suffering read, spells, and - Demonstration - Giving the effects of - Fountain CRE
effects - Effects of sin uses words - Brainstorming sin pg 21-23
- Sin - Identifies forms correctly - Role play - Point out causes and
- Poverty of suffering - Sin - Story telling effects
- Political - Points out - Suffering - Story telling
instabilities causes and - Evil
- Famine effects of - Poverty
- Business suffering - Disaster
- Natural disasters

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- Genesis 3
- Fall of man
3 - HIV /AIDS - The learners - The learners - - - - - Fountain CRE -
- Spread /causes explains how pronounces pg 33-44
- Forms of suffering personal read, writes, and
caused by IADS irresponsibility uses words
- Teenage leads to correctly
pregnancies suffering - HIV/AIDS
- Election - Election
malpractices as a - Teenager
form of suffering - Malpractices
- Pregnancy
- Transparency
- Fairness
1 God calls - Restoration of lost - The learners - The learners - Guided - Describing the - Skills - The Holy - MK standard RE -
his people relationships describes the pronounces , discussion broken relationships - Self esteem Bible - Pg 34-35
- Types of relationships spells and uses - Story telling and man identifies - Creative - Text -
relationships between God word correctly - Brainstorming types and effects of thinking books
- Causes of break and man - Relationships - Role play broken relationships - Self awareness
ups of - Identifies types - Restore - Values
relationships of relationships - Original sin - Awareness
- Effects of broken - Gives effects of - Descendants - Appreciationg
relationships broken - Love
- The need for the - The learner - The learner - - Explaining redeemer - - - Standard RE bk -
redeemer explains pronounces , - Explaining 6
- Definition redeemer spells , writes Biblicalpassengersrel - Pg 35-40
- Examples of the - Explains and use words ated to redeemers
redeemers passengers in correctly - Differentiating
- Abraham the Bible that tell - Messengers between messages
- Moses the need for the - Redeemers and messengers
- Joshua redeemer - Characters
- Gideon - Differentiate - Salvation
- John the Baptist between the
- Jeremiah message and
- Ezekiel messengers
- Hosea - Explains ways
- Jonah God called the
- Isaiah messengers.
- How God called
the redeemer
saviour above
(Gen 3:1-3, John
- The promise of - The learner - The learner - - Explain the message - - - Fountain CRE -
salvation explains the pronounces , received by the pg 52-59
- Message Mary message spell, writes, and redeemer
received received by uses the words - Identifying ways of
- How Mary Virgin Mary correctly redeemers received
received the - Explain the - Revelations their messages
message message John - Visions

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- Message from the Baptist - Angels
John the Baptist
2 God calls - God’s message for - The learners - The learner - Guided discussion - Pointing out ways - Skills - The Holy - Fountain CRE -
his people his people today points out ways pronounces , - Demonstration - God communicates - Self esteem Bible pg 63-65
- Ways through God spells, and uses - Brainstorming to people and vise - Logical - Text
which God communicates to words correctly - Role play versa reasoning books
communicates to his people - Communicate - Story telling - Explaining God’s - Self awareness
his people - Points out ways - Prophet message to people - Values
- Ways through people - Confess - Appreciation
which people communicate to - Love
communicate to God - Respect
God - Explain God’s
message to

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Term II 2015

Lesson 1 : wk 1
Subtheme: Christ is the answer
Christ’s concern for different people Mark 1:29-34, 40 -45, John 11:21
Different ways Jesus showed love and compassion to his disciples.
 He healed the sick
 He made the blind to see
 He made the lame to walk
 He raised the dead
 He cast demons
 He fed the hungry
 He healed diseases
 He made the dump talk
 He made the deaf hear
 He washed the disciples’ feet
 He blessed his people

Lesson 2: Wk 1
Prayer Math: 6:5-13
Meaning of a prayer
A prayer is a way of communicating to God.

Types of prayers
a) Thanks giving prayer
This is when we express our gratitude to God for His goodness.

Confession prayer
This is a prayer made to repent for the wrong doings

Meditation prayer
This is a prayer made to think deeply about something which is good or bad.

Intercessional prayer
This is a prayer made by Christian to God through a mediator with higher authority.

Praising prayer
This is a prayer through which Christians glorify and worship God.

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Petition prayer
This is a prayer in which a Christian make a particular request to God e.g. rain, peace,
food, etc

Supplicating prayer
This is a prayer in which Christians make a general humble request to God.

Liturgical prayer
This is a prayer which is known to Christians by heart, their format and words don’t
change e.g. apostle’s creed.

Invocation prayer
This is a prayer in which Christians ask God for protection against a particular danger
e.g. accidents.

Dedication prayer etc

Reasons why people pray

 To thank God
 To worship , praise or adore Him
 To ask for our needs
 To ask for forgiveness
 To ask for help
 To strengthen our faith
 To be blessed by God
 To promote peace and unity
 To cultivate good morals

When do Christians pray?

 Early in the morning
 Before meals
 Before and after journey
 Before going to bed
 On Sabbath /Sunday
 During time of joy, sorrow etc

How can people pray

 We pray with faith if we are to get what we want
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 We pray with humility
 We pray with sincerity and not in bad motives
 We pray through Jesus Christ because he is the way to the Father
 Must be made to God
Gestures of humility during prayer
 We closing our eyes
 Keep total silence
 Kneeling down when praying
 Bowing down
 Having faith that God will provide.

Lesson 1: wk 2
Jesus as an example of a prayerful individual
 He prayed before he taught good news
 Left crowds so that he could pray in private
 He prayed before choosing his twelve disciples
 He prayed in the early hours of the morning
 He prayed for little children

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning somebody for the wrong act has done.
Importance of forgiveness
 Restores broken relationships
 Creates inner peace
 Prevents further sinning and revenge
 Removes anger and hatred

Peter’s experience
 He denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed twice
 By weeping , Peter demonstrated the following about repentance and forgiveness
 He showed he was sorry for the misdeeds
 He was ready for a change of heart
 He regretted the weakness he had
 He accepted and recognized that as a human being he was weak
 He knew he was not ready to risk his life for Jesus.

Lesson 2: wk 2
The parable of the unforgiving servant
Matthew 18:21-24

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The servant’s behavior showed that
 He did not love his neighbor as he loved himself.
 He was selfish
 The mission of Peter (John 21:15-19)
 He was given a mission and duty to lead the rest of the apostles to build foundation
of the church after Jesus’ departure

Why Jesus forgave Peter and appointed him as a leader of the church?
 He loved the Lord with all his heart
 He was ready to repent
 He was loyal
 He had faith in Jesus
 He had qualities of a good leader
 He was ready to risk his life for God’s work

Message: imitate Jesus Christ in confession to the suffering and forgiveness to sinners
Lesson 3:wk2
Human weakness
A weakness is a habit by someone which might have unpleasant results.
Examples of human weaknesses
 Being proud
 Being greedy
 Being selfish
 Being unfaithful / untrustworthy
 Being fearful
 Being lustful
 Being jealousy
 Being lazy
NB: The above weaknesses can lead to commit sins

Sin: Is any act done by man against God’s will

What should a Christian do after sinning?

Repent (ask God for forgiveness)

Repentance Is the feel sorry for the wrong done and turn away from it

Ways of repentance
 Feel sorry for having committed sin
 Turn away from that sin

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 Promise not to sin again

Why should we forgive each other?

To be forgiven by God
Forgiveness is a sign of love and peace with others
Lesson 1 and 2 wk 3
Subtheme: Christ’s gifts for the journey
Sacraments and their meanings
A sacrament: Is a visible sign of this invisible grace of Jesus Christ
Is a formal outward expression of spiritual reality
Is a visible sign that communicates invisible reality

Examples of sacraments
 Baptism
 Holy communion/ Eucharist
 Holy matrimony
 Holy order/ordination
 Anointing the sick
 Confirmation
 Penance

This is a sacrament that introduces or initiates a Christian into God’s family.

Symbols of Baptism
 Water
The necessities of Baptism
 For salvation
 For purity against original and personal sins
 For rebirth
 For membership in the family of God
 To give sacramental grace

Importance of Baptism
 Makes us children of God
 Removes original sin
 Removes personal sin
 Gives us holy spirit

This is a sacrament that strengthens one’s relationship with God
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Holy communion/Eucharist
The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word “Eucharistein” referring to Jewish blessings
during meals. Jews recalled God’s works of creation, salvation and holiness.

The sacrament of Holy Communion is done in remembrance of an event that took place at
the last supper by our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was with all the 12 disciples with Him
celebrating the Passover meal.
NB: Holy Communion reminds Christians about the last supper

Symbols of Holy Communion

 Wine – symbolizes Jesus’ blood
 Bread – symbolizes Jesus’ body

The need for the Holy Communion

 A sacrifice
 The completer of Christian initiation
 A source of Christian life

Importance of Holy Communion

 It unites Christians with Christ
 It separates mankind from sin
 Preserves and renews life of grace

This is a sacrament through which we confess and repent to God

Holy ordination / Holy order

This is a sacrament through which a Christian receives religious leadership e..g Priesthood

Holy matrimony
This is a sacrament which gives a man and a woman Holy marriage

Anointing of the sick

Lesson 3: Wk 3
Jesus as the way to God
Qn1: Who said these words; “I am the way, the truth and life”? (John 14:6) Jesus
Qn.2. State the meaning of the phrase: “I am the way, the truth and life”
 The way – the saviour
 The truth – His teaching
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 Life – Jesus is a life

Promise of the conforter (John 14:16-26)

In this passage Jesus let His disciples to know that he was the way to the father. He told
them that;
i) When leaves them, they will realized that He is in the father.
ii) Whoever keeps his commands loves Him and he will be loved by the father
iii) Anyone who loves Him, obey his teaching and his father


The role of the Holy Spirit
Jesus tells the disciples that He will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit who will do the
i) Teach all truth
ii) Encourage people to do good thing
iii) Reveal more about Jesus and the father
iv) Mediate between God and human beings

Events that happened on Pentecost
i) Loud noise was heard from the sky
ii) Strong wind filled the room
iii) Tongues of five spread on top of the heads of the apostles
iv) Each person touched got special strength and courage
v) Each person began to preach in tongues

Where were the apostles on Pentecost day?

The apostles were in Jerusalem

Importance of the Pentecost

i) Jesus fulfilled his promise of sending the Holy Spirit
ii) The church was born
iii) Apostles got special powers to preach
iv) Many people were baptized

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

i) Power to preach
ii) Wisdom
iii) Knowledge
iv) Faith
v) Healing
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vi) Prosperity
vii) Speaking in tongues
viii) Interpreting of tongues
ix) Ability to perform miracles

Ways how people used the gifts of the Holy Spirit

i) Many people teach others
ii) Many people treat others
iii) The preachers helped people to turn away from their bad deeds
iv) People use wisdom to avoid sin
v) Through performing miracles, many people are healed

Ways how the Holy Spirit helps us today

i) Helps us to understand the Bible better
ii) Guides us on our daily lives
iii) Strengthens our faith in God
iv) Gives us power to preach the word of God
v) Gives us power to perform miracles
vi) Unites all believers

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

i) Love
ii) Joy
iii) Peace
iv) Kindness
v) Faithfulness
vi) Humility
vii) Self control
viii) Goodness
ix) Patience

Symbols of the Holy Spirit to day

i) Fire
ii) Dove
iii) Strong wind

1. Who led Jesus to the wilderness or desert? Mathew 4:1-11, Holy Spirit
2. Why was Jesus led to the wilderness? To be tempted by satan /devil
3. Why was Jesus tempted by satan? To test His faith
4. Write down the temptation of satan to Jesus
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 to turn the stone into bread
 to jump from the highest point of the temple
 to bow down and worship satan

Different ways we can avoid temptations

 through praying
 reading the Bible
 joining Christian fellowship
 avoiding bad companies
 not visiting high temptation areas e.g disco halls, videos halls etc

Lesson 1: wk 4
Subtheme: How to behave on the way
Christian community
Qualities of a good Christian
 in Christian community life
 should be trust worthy
 should be faithful
 should be helpful
 should be obedient
 should be kind
 should be loving
 should be considerate
 should be forgiving
NB: Christians should be exemplary in whatever they do

Roles of each member in a Christian family

 to speak the truth
 farming
 healing the sick
 teaching in schools
 governing people
 praying for souls
 selling merchandise
 transporting services
 help others
 live at peace with others

Lesson 2 and 3 Wk 4

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Taking care of God’s creation
Gen: 128- God appoints man to be in charge of God’s creation

How to take care of God’s creation

 not to take care of God’s creation
 not to burn bushes
 not to poach wild animals
 avoid throwing rubbish in lakes and rivers
 planting trees and grass
 good use of wetlands
 good farming methods
 not degrading soil

what role did God give man after creation

 to take care of all God’s creation
 worship God
 to co-create

symbols of a Christian family

 holy cross
 bible
 prayer
 rosary

St. Francis of Assisi- how he cared for God’s creation

 helped the needy ones
 preached and blessed birds

Selfishness Gen 4
 selfishness refers to thinking only one’s personal needs and benefits

Examples of selfishness
 being unjust or unfair to others
 being unhelpful
 bribery
 gloomy
 defilement
 polluting of water resources
 bullying

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 dishonesty

Results of selfishness
 being neglected
 being punished
 being lonely
 being unhappy
 being a cheat
 accidents
 poor roads
 death of people

 unselfishness refers to thinking of others people’s welfare and concerns

Examples of unselfishness
 being just
 being generous to others
 being loving
 being a peace loving citizen

Results of unselfishness
 loved by God and other people
 getting rewards and blessing
 caring
 peace and cooperation

Jesus as an example of unselfishness

 He visited and healed the sick
 He fed the hungry
 He forgave sinners
 He comforted those in sorrow
 He kept the lonely company

Lesson 1: wk 5
Christian attitudes towards justice
Meaning of justice
 Justice means fair treatment to everyone
 Injustice in unfair treatment to people
Ways Christians practice justice in the community

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 By judging others fairly
 By punishing offenders
 Fight for the innocent
 By not telling lies
 By being helpful and kind
 By protecting vulnerable people
 Giving children basic needs

Forms of injustices
 Domestic violence
 Cheating others
 Being greedy
 Stealing property
 Nepotism
 Corruption
 Discrimination

Benefits of justice
 Peace and happiness
 The poor are helped
 The weak are protected
 Net work of love
 Trust for one another
 Services are delivered

Biblical teaching on justice (Proverb 21:6-15, 22: 22-23

 Wealth got through telling lies leads to problems
 Unjust people live wicked lives
 Careful speech saves one from trouble
 Innocent people are always right
 Quarrelsome women is misery to the husband
 A wicked man always thinks evil.

Lesson 2: wk 5
Sub theme: People on the way

The people we meet

 Teachers
 Doctors
 Builders

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 Carpenters
 Politicians
 Soldiers
 Pastors
 Singers
 Dramatists

Contributions of the people we meet

 They give knowledge about something
 They solve financial problem
 They connect you to allow another person
 They give advice and save you from danger

 Diversity means differences in the people we meet
Values of diversity
 Reading market for our goods
 Exchange of science and technology
 Sharing gifts on one another
 Mutual love
 Prevention of shame

Lesson 3: wk 5
International diversity
This means the differences in people according to their races and origin would wide

Benefits of international diversity

 Culture
 Knowledge
 Experts
 Jobs
 Trade
 Commodities
 Development
 Political or government systems
 Religions

Ways through which people communicate to day

 Mobile phones
 Internet

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 Satellites
 Radios
 News papers
 Face to face

Qualities of good communication

 Free from any offences /ideas./ languages
 Freedom to communicate
 Promotion of family welfare and values
 Tolerance of those considered to be enemies
 Does not cause people to violent
 Reasonable control by authorities for the common good

Benefits of good communication

 Promotes cooperation
 Creates peace and harmony
 Encourages support of one another
 Spreads the gospel
 Helps in exchange of ideas fast and effective

Lesson 1: wk 6
Needs and desires
Needs are things people cannot be without

Desires are things people can do without (wants)

Needs and desires of people we meet

 Food
 Clothes
 Shelter
 Medication
 Security
 Education
 Love
 Fame
 Guidance

How Jesus responded to different needs (mark 6:31-44)

 Fed five thousand men
 He cured Simon’s mother in law

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Our responses to different needs
 Enjoy happiness with those who are happy
 Share sorrow with those who are mourning
 Give charity to the needy and poor
 Support the weak ones
 Give food to the hungry

Values of an individual
 Treat them with respect
 Do not lie about them
 Be honest about them
 Pray for them
 Appreciate them
 Ask for forgiveness when you offend them

Lesson 2: wk 6
Good relationships
this means living together in peace, love, unity and harmony

Qualities of good relationships

 Happiness
 Supportive
 Telling truth
 Sharing interests
 Praying together
 Absence of discrimination
 Being open and honest to each other

Church relationship
This is sharing the same blood with Jesus, living as brothers and sisters in Christ

How to develop good relationships in church

 Use personal talents
 Use gifts of the holy spirit
 Pray for one another
 Practice charity for all
 Fight against evil
 Be open in feelings and thought

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 Share responsibilities
 Love without discrimination
 Practice tolerance

Topical questions
Set I
1a) Give any two reasons why Jesus performed miracles
b) State the first miracle to be performed by Jesus
2a) Why do people pray?
b) Mention any two types of prayers
3a) Why should people forgive those who do wrong them?
b) Which disciple of Jesus cut the ear of one of the soldiers that came to arrest Jesus?
4a) Give the meaning of these words spoken by Jesus on the cross “el, el lema sabach
b) How did Jesus show an example of forgiveness?
5a) Who taught the disciples how to pray?
b) In which book of the Bible is the Lord’s Prayer found?
6a) Identify any one parable in the Bible that teaches forgiveness
b) Define the term parable
7a) Why did Jesus teach in parables?
b) State any two parables Jesus taught
c) Name the successor of Jesus Christ

Set II
1a) Which sacrament joins man and woman as husband and wife?
b) Give any two reasons why people marry?
2a) Name the two symbols used in Holy Communion and their significance
b) Why do people take part in Holy Communion?
3a) Who said these words “ Iam the way, truth and life?
b) How can one become a member of the family of God?
4a) Identify any two gifts of the Holy Spirit
b) State any two fruits of Holy Spirit
5a) How can one overcome temptations?
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b) In which two ways did Jesus overcome temptations?
6a) Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness?
b) How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness fasting?
7a) Give the fasting period for Christians
b) State any two reasons why people fast

1a) Give any two reasons why God created man
b) Who named all the creatures God created?
2a) In whose image was man created?
b) Name the three sons of Adam and Eve
3a) In which two ways has man destroyed the environment?
b) State any two ways how the environment can be conserved
4a) State any two benefits of sharing
b) How did Jesus show unselfishness?
5a) Describe the term justice
b) Identify any two forms of injustice committed in our community
6a) Give any one way how St. Francis of Assissi took care of God’s creation
b) Name any organization that promotes environmental conservation
7a) Name any three Christian symbols
b) Give any three of the first five books of the Holy Bible


Set IV
1a) Which group of people provide security services in our community?
b) Why does a country like Uganda need soldiers?
2a) Identify any two needs of people in our community
b) In which two ways did Jesus respond to the needs of people?
3a) How do people in your community meet their needs?
b) Why don’t some people meet their needs in your community?
4a) Give any two qualities of good relationship
b) How did God restore His relationship with man?
5a) Define the term Diversity
b) Give any two benefits of international diversity
6a) How did man destroy his relationship with God?
b) In which five ways does man destroy his relationship with fellow man?

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1 1 Christ is - Actions of Jesus; - The learner - The learner - Guided discussion - Explaining and Skills The Holy Fountain CRE
the - Miracles explains miracles pronounces, spells - Roles play identifying miracles - Self esteem Bible
Answer - Jesus’ concern - Gives examples of and uses words - Brain storming - Describing the - Problem solving Text books
for the needy miracles correctly - Demonstration actions of Jesus for - Self awareness
- Jesus’ concern - Describes the - Sinner - Guided discovery the needy and - Decision making
for the sinners actions of Jesus for - Paralytic sinners - Faithfulness
the needy and - Heal - Repentance
2 - Prayer - The learner - The learner - Do - - - - Fountain CRE -
and - Meaning explains prayer pronounces ,
3 - Types - Identifies types spells and uses
- Importance of of prayers words correctly
prayer - Gives the - Prayer
- How to pray value/reasons for - Worship
- Jesus of prayerful prayer - Prayerful
people - Describes the
prayerfulness of
- Identifies ways
of praying.
2 1 - Forgiveness - The learner - The learner - - - - - MK standard -
- Meaning and explains the pronounces , CRE
importance of meaning of spells and uses
forgiveness forgiveness and words correctly
- Peter’s experience its importance - Repent
- Need to forgive - Explains Peter’s - Forgiveness
others experience in the
- Matthew 18:21-24 Bible
- Luke 22:54-64 - Explain why we
- John 21:15-19 need to forgive
- Human weakness others.
2 Christ’s - Sacraments - The learners - The learner - Guided - Explaining the - Self esteem - The Holy - Fountain CRE -
and gift for the - Meaning explains the term pronounces , discovery term sacrament - Problem solving Bible
3 journey - Identifying “sacrament” spells and uses - Role pay - Identifying - Self awareness - Text
sacraments and - Identifies words correctly - Brainstorming sacrament - Cooperation books
symbols used sacrament in - Anointing - Demonstration - Point out the - Love
- Significance of the Christianity - Sacrament importance of - Appreciation
sacrament - Points out the - Sacred sacrament
- Mark 14:22-26 significance of
- Luke 22:14-20 sacrament
3 1 - Jesus as the way - The learner - The learner - - Explaining how - - - MK standard -
and to God explains Jesus as pronounces, Jesus is the way to CRE
2 - John 14:16-26 the way to God spells, and writes God
- The Holy Spirit - Identifies the words correctly - Identifying roles of
and roles and roles and - Holy the Holy Spirit
importance importance of - Temptations - Explaining gifts
- Pentecost and the Holy Spirit - Evangelism and fruits of the
events - Gives gifts of the - Prophecy Holy Spirit.
- Gifts of the Holy Holy Spirit - Pentecost

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spirit - Explains ways of
- Fruits of the Holy overcoming
Spirit temptations
- Overcoming
3 How to - Community life - The learner gives - The learner - - Giving the - - - MK standard -
behave on - Meaning of the meaning of pronounces , meaning of CRE
the way community the community spells and uses community
- Qualities of a true - Describes words correctly - Describes qualities
Christian qualities of a true - Qualities of a true Christian
- Roles of a Christian - Selfishness
Christian in the - Describes roles - Community
community of a Christian in - Benefits
the community - Justice
4 1 How to - Taking care of - The leaner - The learner - Guided - Identifying ways of - Self esteem - Holy Bible - Fountain CRE -
and behave on God’s creation identifies ways of pronounces , discovery caring for God’s - Creative thinking - Text
2 the way - Roles of human caring for God’s spells, writes and - Role play creation - Friendship books
being in God’s creation uses words - Brain storming - Explaining roles of formation
creation - Explains how St. correctly - Demonstration St. Francis of - Values
- Ways of caring for Francis of Assissi - Selfishness Assisi on - Awareness
the environment took care of - Care conservation of - Love
- St. Francis of God’s creation - Unselfishness God’s creation - Appreciation
Assiss - Identifies results - Conserve - Exercising
- Results of of selfishness unselfishness
selfishness and benefits of
- Benefits of unselfishness
- Jesus as an
example of
3 - Christian attitudes - The learner - The learner - - Explaining justice - - - Fountain CRE -
towards justice explains justice pronounces , and injustice
- Meaning and injustice spells, writes and - Identifying the
- Benefits of Justice - Identifies the use words benefits of justice
- Guidelines of benefits of correctly - Identifying forms
justice justice - Justice of injustice
- Forms of injustices - States guided - Fortune
- Biblical teaching lines on justice - Violence
on justice - Identifies forms - Suppression
of injustice - Oppression
- Explains Biblical - Cheating
teaching on
5 1 People on - The people we - The learner - The learner - - Identifying - - - MK standard RE -
the way meet identifies pronounces, examples of bk 6
- Examples of examples of spells and uses people we meet
people we meet people we meet words correctly - Explaining
- Contributions of - Identifies - Diversity contributions of
the people we contribution of - Uniqueness people we meet
meet people we meet - Culture - Mentioning values

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- Values of diversity - Mentions values - Norms /customs of diversity
of diversity
2 People on - International - The learner - The learners - Guided discussion - - Self esteem - - Fountain CRE -
the way diversity mentions the pronounces - Demonstration - Creative thinking
- Meaning meaning of ,spells, writes - Story telling - Self awareness
- Benefits of international and uses words - Brainstorming - Appreciation
international diversity correctly
diversity - Describes - International
- Ways through benefits of diversity
which people international - Communicating
communicate to diversity - Religions
day - Points out ways - Expert
- Qualities of good people - Development
forms of communicate
communication today
- Values of good
3 - Needs and desires - The learner - The learner - - - Do - - Fountain CRE -
of the people we identifies needs pronounces,
meet - Explains how spells, and uses
- Examples of needs Jesus responded words correctly
- How Jesus to different - Overseas
responded to needs - Abroad
different needs - Explains how - Luxury
- Our responses to people respond - Prestige
different needs to needs
- How to value - Values other
individual person’s individuals
6 1 R - Relationships - The learner - The learner - - - - - Fountain CRE -
- Meaning explains the pronounces,
- How to identify meaning of spells and uses
good relationships relationships words correctly
- Qualities of good - Explains how to - Exemplary
relationships identify good - Confidence
- Church relationships - Discrimination
relationship - Describe church
- How to develop relationships and
good relationships how to develop

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Friendship is relationship between people who love or like each other.
Friend is a person whom you can relate freely.

Importance of friendship
- It makes one feel secure
- Enable one to have someone to share and secrets
- Brings joy
- Gives individual self confidence
- Gives one a sense of belonging
- Brings opportunities to others.

Jesus’ examples of friendship (John 15:12-15) love the life of God

This commandment urges people to love one another as Jesus loved them.

Qualities of a good friend

- Honest
- Respectful
- Trustworthy
- Peaceful
- Generous
- Humble
- Loving
- Kind
- Faithfulness

How Jesus expressed His love to mankind?

- He revealed to His disciples the secrets of the kingdom of heaven
- He was merciful to sinners
- He was considerate
- He had compassion and fed the hungry
- He consoled the sorrowful Mary and Martha
- He called children to Him and showed them love
- He taught His disciples the skills of love

Lesson 2 Wk 1
This is an opinion or suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation
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Importance of advice (Sam 2:12)
- May save someone from danger
- Promotes peace and harmony
- It promotes unity
- It promotes friendship
- Encourages development (2 Sam 1:12) difficult mission of prophet Nathan)

Characteristics of bad advice

- It encourages evil
- It encourages biasness
- It is dishonest
- It is not corrective

Crisis and how friends offer support in times of crisis

Meaning of crisis
Crisis is a time of trouble in which a quick solution should be given (Proverb 17:17-18)
A friend is always a friend at all times in happiness or in sorrow.

Lesson 3: wk 1
Meaning of marriage
Marriage is a legal love union between man and a woman as a husband and wife

Qualities of a good marriage partner according to the Christian teaching

- Age
- Beauty
- Character

- Dignity
- Education
- Family background
- Godliness
- Status

Reasons why people marry

i. To have children
ii. For companionship
iii. To express love
iv. For sexual desires
v. For security
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vi. For prestige
Signs of marriage
i. Mutual love
ii. Patience
iii. Trust
iv. Openness
v. Faith fullness
vi. Bearing children
vii. Fulfillment of marital duties
viii. Showing sympathy to each other
Marriage as a social institution
It is the society concern because it involves all members of the community such as wedding
preparations, witnessing the marriage ceremonies.
It unites different families, clans, tribes and races

Marriage vows
In bad and good times, poverty and riches, sickness and healthy, only death that will
separate us

What the couple does in the church

i) Vows
ii) Signing marriage certificates
iii) Exchange of rings

Types of marriages
i) Religious marriage
ii) Customary marriage
iii) Civil marriage

Religious marriage
This is a type of marriage officiated by a religious leader

Customary marriage
This is a type of marriage officiated by both the parents of the bride and the bride groom

Civil marriage
This is a type of marriage officiated by government official like CAO

Bride price /dowry

This is the money and property in some societies that the bride groom must pay to the
bride’s family.
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i) It recognizes marriage
ii) It creates a bond between the family of the bride groom and the bride.
iii) It is a way of thanking the parents of the bride for having kept their daughter.

Biblical teaching on marriage (1 Cori 7:1-16)

i) It encourages monogamy
ii) A man should fulfill his duty as a husband and a woman should fulfill her duties as
iii) A husband is a master to his wife’s body

Common marriage problems

i) Quarrels
ii) Fights
iii) Lack of respect
iv) Neglect of children
v) Lack of trust etc

Lesson 1: wk 2
Subtheme: Christian organization in development

Cooperation means working together to achieve a desired goal

Possible ways of cooperation

i) Through good leadership
ii) Through democratic laws and rules
iii) Through concern of welfare of other people
iv) Through working hard
v) Through provision of freedom and security

Voluntary organization
These are organizations that offer free services to people

Importance of voluntary organization

i) It promotes the welfare of vulnerable people
ii) They help to fight poverty
iii) They help to drill bore holes and provides water sources
iv) They offer guidance and counseling services

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Examples of Christian organizations
Organization Function /role
- Christian children’s’ - Sponsors needy children in education
fund (CCF) - Provides health care for needy children
- World vision - Supports orphans
international - Promotes welfare of the peasants
- Builds schools, clinic and safe water sources
- Adventist development - Builds and facilitates schools
relief agency (ADRA) - Helps people affected y diseases e.g. earth quakes
- Builds schools, clinics and provides water sources
- Compassion - Caters for orphans gives clothes and other necessities to the
international needy children
- YMC /YWCA - Provides education, counseling and sponsorships to
- Mothers union - Promotes women’s projects
- Offers counseling to married women and those seeking for
- Catholic women’s guild - Promotes women’s projects
- Scripture and Christian - Promotes the teaching of the word of God in schools and
union institutions

Lesson 2 and 3 wk 2
Roles of science teaching lody and education in development
This is the study of physical or world of material things and natural environment

This is the making and uses of tools and machines to do work

Roles of science in development
- Discovery of medicine to cure diseases
- Knowledge of how the body function
- Control and prevention of killer epidemics
- Better nutrition
- Improvement of agriculture
- Control and better care of the natural environment

Roles of technology
- Improve on transport
- Improve communication
- Discover the sources of power to run industries
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- Improve on medical services
- Build complicated infrastructure
- Invent recreation facilities
- Promotes peace and security

Disadvantage of technology
- It causes air and water pollution
- It increases the rate of unemployment
- Interferes with our culture
- Increases high rate of deaths

Roles of education
- Acquisition of knowledge
- Promotes literacy
- Learning of knew language
- Learning of knew faith e.g. Christianity , Islam and etc

Importance of laws in society

- Guide people how to treat others
- It makes people fear crime
- Guides leaders on how to govern their people
- Protect the vulnerable groups e.g. women, children and elderly
- It ensures adequate sharing of world resources
- Promotes respect of authority

The ten commandants

- Worship no god but Me
- Do not worship idols
- Do not use my name for evil purposes
- Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy
- Respect your father and mother
- Do not commit murder
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not a cause any one falsely
- Do not desire another man’s wife, house, land, slaves, and cattle
NB: The above commandments were given to guide people

Lesson 1 and 2 : Wk 3
Good citizenship
Meaning of citizenship
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Citizen is a person who has legal rights to belong to a country.
Citizenship is one’s legal belonging to a country

Qualities of a good citizen

- Follows the laws of the country
- Participates in national building activity
- To serve his /her country faithfully when given chance
- Respect those in authority
- Has ability to tolerate diversity in the population
- Pays taxes
- Respect the property, right and freedom of other people

Electoral process
Meaning of election
An election is a democratic right of choosing a leader or a political system a country would
wish to adopt.

Requirements for participating in an electoral process

- Be 18 years and above
- Be a citizen of a country
- Be a registered with the electoral commission
- Be registered to vote under one polling situation
- Be of sound mind

What a voter should know

- Have knowledge of rights as citizens
- Must have gone through enough voter education
- Be aware of the polling process
- Be aware of the rules and regulations in the polling process
- Be aware of electoral offences and avoid them.

Duties of the electoral commission

- Register citizens for voting
- Organic voters education
- Democratic electoral districts or constituencies
- Update voters registers
- Organize by elections
- Settle electoral disputes among candidates
- Announce election results
- Drink voting materials
- Keep all records or materials of election safely
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- Preside over all election in the country

Qualities of good electoral commission

- Should be independent
- Does not accept brides
- Should be free from corruption
- Guide timely and enough vote education
- Respect the national constitution
- Should not practice tribalism, nepotism and secretarialism
- Does not serve self interest
- Follows strictly the laws governing elections

Election malpractices
As a voter, he/she should not participate in the following
- Vote buying
- Double voting
- Intimidation
- Under age voting
- Defacing of posters
- Campaigning of the official deadline
- Use of offensive language

Rights and freedoms of voters

Rights of voters
- Vote candidates of their choice
- Have information about the electoral process
- Participate in free and fair election
- Support the candidates of their choice
- Observe the electoral process

Freedom of voters
- Freedom of assembly to listen to speeches
- Freedom of association to choose any political party of their choice
- Freedom of movement during campaign
- Freedom of speech and expression of opinions

NB: An election official should have the following pillars

- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Honesty
- Responsibility
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- Caring concern
- Peaceful
- Fairness
- Justice
- Good citizenship
- Good fearing

Lesson 3: wk 3
Subtheme: Happiness on the way to arrival
Developing good relationship with God
Meaning of happiness
- Happiness is the mental state of well being
- Happiness is the feeling satisfied that something has been done well
Signs of happiness
- Has creative ideas
- Commits few or no crime
- Enjoys good health
- Has a stable marriage
- Is an achiever
- Is optimistic
- Is God fearing
- Is cool tempered
- Lives life full of virtues
- Worship and love God
- Love one another as they love ourselves
- Live in peace and as peace makers
- Respect humans and peoples’ rights
- Avoid evil ways of living
- Support the helpless such as orphans and widows
- Practice and promote justice in our community
Biblical teaching on happiness
(Psalms 1:1:3)
- Happy are those who does not follow satan
- Happy are those who do not listen to sinners
- Happy are those who do not befriend scoffers (those who laugh at others)
- Happy are those whose joy is in the law of the Lord

Giving and receiving as a source of happiness

- Giving and receiving involves sharing what one has
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- Giving and receiving cannot be avoided because one person cannot have everything
one wants
- Happiness consists in giving and serving others
- Give to the world the best you can and the best will come to you
- The way you give is worth more than the gift you receive
- No one has even become poor by giving (john 13:14-17)

Values and benefits of giving and sharing (Acts 4:32-35)

- Improves on inter-personal relationship
- Strengthens unity among members of the community
- Sustains life
- Creates friendship
- Brings peace
- Makes us secure with one another in the community
- Allows us to enjoy God’s blessings

Causes of death
- Old age
- Mis fortunes
- Witch crafts
- Accidents

Biblical teaching about life and death (John 11: 1-44, 11:25-27)
Lesson we learn from the above text
- There is life after death
- God is more power full than death
- In Christ, people over come death
- The dead shall resurrect one day
- Jesus’ mission is to set every free
- Jesus is the resurrection

Meaning of suffering
- Suffering means bodily or mental pain one under goes as a result of an experience

Causes of suffering
- Selfishness
- Greed
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- Dishonesty
- Life without prayer
- Giving in to desire of the flesh

Enduring suffering (Mathew 26:39-42, 26:39-42)

- Pray constantly
- Imitate Jesus Christ
- Understand suffering as a step to victory
- Endure to the end, never give up
- Have faith in God
- Suffer with joy – not regret
- Be courageous

Values / benefits of suffering

- A test of our faith
- A sharing of Christ’s suffering
- Purification of our faith
- A way to salvation
- A son of acts of love to God
- A way Christians have their sins forgiven
- A way believers become holy
- An act of devotion to God’s service
- A way to comfort those who are suffering
- A preparation for heaven

Ways of enduring suffering success fully

- Through constant prayers
- Reading holy books
- Seeking guidance and counseling
- Being hard working
- Meditating and devotion to God
- Fasting

Examples of people who endured suffering in the Bible

- Job
- Daniel
- Jonah
- Jesus Christ
- Moses
- Hosea
- John the Baptist
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Biblical concept on Heaven
- Heaven is a perfect place of dwelling after earthy life
- Heaven is a condition of great joy after death
- Heaven is living with God

Christian teaching about Heaven

Christian have developed about what heaven is Christians say that heaven is
- A home of God, so as God’s children it is a home where mankind go after living on
- Throne – Heavens is God’s throne because God is vegarded as king of the whole
- Kingdom – Heaven is regarded as a kingdom because God is a king
- Eternity – Heaven is where those who die believing in Jesus Christ to live forever
without dying again
- Heaven is a place of angles it is where angels dwell
- Heaven is for Christ because Jesus had been with God
In summary, heaven is a dwelling place of God, Angles and Saints


Meaning of purity
- Purity is a state in which an individual is right with God
- Purity can also mean a righteous living

Characteristics of a person with pure heart

- Considers ___________ before himself or herself
- Loves peace
- Seeks forgiveness and forgives
- Has self-control
- Does not focus on material wealth
- Reads God’s word
- Seeks fellowship with other believers

How to achieve purity after uncleanness

- Give sacrifice of particular animals
- Make offering of food items
- Regular washing or ablution
- Observe the day of atonement
- Washing of contaminated clothes

Biblical teaching on purity according to New – Testament

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(math 5: 13-48 fulfillment of the old covenant)
- Killing and anger that can lead to murder is forbidden
- Adultery is forbidden
- Divorce was allowed but whoever re-marries when the partner is still alive commits
- It was forbidden to take false taths but swearing itself is wrong –simply say “Yes” or
- You were taught to pay an eye and titi for tat.

The values Jesus taught to help us achieve purity

- Faithfulness
- Love for enemies and friends alike
- Forgiveness
- Mercy
- Compassion
- Kindness
- Careful use of language
- Holly living

Purity of the heart

The heart controlled by the Holy Spirit produces the following fruits:-
- Love
- Generosity
- Mercy
- Kindness
- Honesty
- Charity
- Modesty – Not talking in a proud way
- Chastity – when one lives without having sex
- Peace
- Integrity
- Truth fullness
- Loyalty
- Hope
- Faithfulness

Impurity of the heart

The heart that is controlled by Satan produces the following:-
- Hatred
- Desire to commit adultery
- Evil ambitions
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- Murder
- Anger
- Desire to fornicate
- Evil thoughts
- Permissiveness

How to live a life of purity to enter Heaven

- Keep all the commandments without breaking even one
- Respect and honour God and its house of worship
- Avoid desires of the flesh
- Read the word of God often
- Imitate Jesus Christ in His way of life while He was on earth
- Pray all the time




1 (a) Name the greatest commandment Jesus gave to his followers.

(b) How can people know that Christians are followers of Jesus Christ?

2 (a) In which two ways did Jesus show his love to man-kind.
(b) How useful are pieces of advice given to us by our elders?

3 (a) Give any two characteristics of bad advice

(b) Identify any two groups of people that need guidance and counseling.
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4 State any two qualities of a good marriage partner according to Christian teaching
5 Which type of marriage is practiced in the church?
6 Identify any two problems facing families today
7 How useful is a stable peaceful family to children?
8 Identify any two causes of street children today.
9 name any two Christian organizations that cater for the needs of people in our
1o why do Christians give offertories

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1. (a) What does the word happiness mean?

(b) In which two ways can man achieve happiness?
2. (a) Give any two benefits of sharing and giving
(b)Why are some people in our community selfish?

3. What is the biblical teaching on life and death?

4. What are the values of suffering (Give two)

5. What does the Bible teach about heaven?
6. Which religion was in Africa before the coming of Europeans?
7. Name any three religions in Uganda.
8. What is the meaning of death in African tradition?
9. Name three causes of death in traditional Africa beliefs
1o. State any three causes of death today

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1 1 Friends on Friendship The learner:- The learner:- - guided - Bible reading Skills - The holy The holy Bible
the way - Meaning - Explains the - Pronounces, spells - discovery - Discussion - Self esteem Bible John 15:12-15
- Importance meaning of and uses words - brainstorming - Role playing - Self awareness - Text books
- Jesus example of friendship correctly - demonstration - Creative thinking Fountain
friendship - Identifies the - Generous - role play CRE
- John 15:12-15 importance of - Friendship - guided discussion Values 128-133.
- Qualities of a good friendship - relate - Awareness
friend - Explains Jesus’’ - Appreciation
- Jesus’ friendship example of - Love
from the gospel to friendship
the apostles and - Points our qualities
other people of a good friend.
- Describes Jesus’
according to the
2 Importance of advice The learner: The learners:- - - - - - Fountain -
- Characteristics of - Explains the - Pronounces, - CRE
bad advise value of good spells and uses - 133-138
- Crisis and how advise words
friends offer help - Explains the - Crisis
in time of crisis meaning of crisis - Emergency
Proverbs 17:17-18 - Explains how - Will dishonesty
friends offer help - Biases
in times of a
3 Marriage The learner:- - The learner:- - - - - - Fountain -
- Meaning - Explains the - Pronounces, - CRE
- Types meaning of spells and uses - 138-143
- Reasons why marriage words correctly
people marry - Identifies types - Morals
- Qualities of a of marriage - Healthy
marriage partner - Explains qualities - Wealth
of a marriage - Jealousy
partner - Companionship
2 1 Roles of Christian The learner:- The learner:- - - - - - -
organization in the - Defines - Pronounces,
development. “organization” spells and uses
- Definition of - Identifies words correctly
organization examples of - Organization
- Examples of Christian
Christian organizations
organizations - Explains the
- Contributions of contributions of
Christian Christian
organizations. organizations
2and Friends on - Roles of science - The learner - The learner - Guided - Bible reading - Self esteem - The Holy - Fountain CRE -
3 the way and technology in - Defines terms pronounces , discussion - Story telling - Creative Bible Bk 6
development - Technology spells and uses - Demonstration - Role playing thinking - Text

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- Definitions of - Science words correctly - Role play - Discussing - Friendship books
technology and - Education - Technology - Guided formation
science - Points out roles science discovery - Appreciation
- Roles of education of technology, - Development - Story telling - Awareness
- Roles of science, science and - Education - Love
technology and education in - Law
education development
- Importance of law - Explains the
in society importance of
- The ten law
3 1 Good citizenship The learner The learner - - - - Fountain CRE -
and - Meaning of - Explains the - Pronounces, pg 154 to 162
2 citizenship meaning of spells and uses
- Roles qualities of citizenship words correctly
citizenship - Identifies roles of - Mal-practice
- Requirements for citizens - Citizen
participating in - Identifies - Elections
general elections requirements for - Voting
- Rights freedoms participating in - Rights
of votes national election - Requirements
- Election - witness
3 Happiness Happiness The learner - The learner - - - - MkStandard CRE -
on the - Meaning - Explains the - Pronounces, Pg 136-139
way to - Signs of happiness meaning of spells and uses
arrival of a person. happiness words correctly
- God as a source of - Identify signs of - Happiness
happiness a happy person - Giving
- Giving and - Explains how - Receiving
receiving God is a source
- Values of giving of happiness
and receiving - Explains the
John 13:14 values of giving
and receiving
4 1 Happiness - Life and death The learner The learner - Bible reading - Guided discussion Skills - The holy - Fountain CRE -
on the - Meaning of life - Explains the - Pronounces, - Demonstration - Guided discovery - Self esteem Bible - Pg 169-170
way to and death meaning of life spells and uses - Story telling - Creative - Text
arrival - Causes of death and death words correctly thinking books
- Biblical teaching - Mentions causes - Death Value
about life and of death - Life - Awareness
Death - Explains the - Heaven - Application
Biblical teaching - Destination
about life and - Judgment
2 Suffering and The learner The learner - - - - - Fountain CRE -
perseverance - Explains - Pronounces, - Pg 171-174
- Meaning suffering and spells and uses
- Causes of endurance words correctly
suffering - Identifies causes - Faith
- Values/benefits of suffering - Perseverance

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of suffering - Points out values - Selfishness
- Ways of enduring of suffering - Suffering
- Suffering of - Mentions ways of
people who persevering
endured suffering - Identifies people
in the Bible who endured
suffering in the
2 Biblical concept on The learner The learner - - - - - MK Standard RE -
heaven - Gives the - Pronounces, Bible Pg 147-
- Meaning of meaning of spells and uses 149
Heaven heaven and words correctly
- Purity – meaning purity - Purity
- Characteristics of - Mentions - Paradise
pure – hearted characteristics of - Eternal
person a pure – hearted
- Biblical teaching person
on purity on the - Explains the
old testament and Biblical teaching
New testament on purity
- How to achieve - Explains impurity
purity of the heart.
- Impurity of the

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