163 God Helps The Israelites Win A Battle
163 God Helps The Israelites Win A Battle
163 God Helps The Israelites Win A Battle
Exodus 17:8-16
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© 2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages
God helps the Israelites win a battle.
Exodus 17:8-16
The Israelites traveled through the desert toward from holding the stick up that he lowered his
the land God promised to give them. Moses led arms. But then the Amalekites started winning
this huge crowd of people and their sheep, goats, the battle! So quickly Moses held the stick up
donkeys and cows. But some people called the and the Israelites began winning again.
Amalekites lived in this desert. They did not want
the Israelites and all those animals to cross their As the battle continued, Moses got more and
land. They wanted to chase them away. more tired of holding up his arms. Aaron and Hur
saw how tired Moses was, so they helped him sit
Moses asked his helper, Joshua, to lead a group down on a rock. Then Aaron stood on one side of
of men to fight the Amalekites. Moses said he Moses and Hur stood on the other side. They held
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would stand on a nearby hill, praying to God and up Moses’ arms for him.
holding up his special stick. Moses knew his men
Finally as the sun was going down, the last of the
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a man named Hur went up on the hill. Moses Moses built a special place to thank God. Moses
raised his stick and started praying. Joshua led wanted everyone to remember how God had
his men out to fight the Amalekites. After a answered their prayers and helped them win
while, Moses saw that the Israelites were the battle!
winning the battle. His arms were so tired
© 2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages