External Finance WP Version
External Finance WP Version
External Finance WP Version
Equilibrium Model
Jn Zbojnk
Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Canada. Fax: (613) 533-6668. E-mail: zabo-
jnik@econ.queensu.ca. I would like to thank John Matsusaka, Oguzan Ozbas, and two referees for helpful comments
and suggestions. I have also beneted from discussions with Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Fulvio Ortu, and David Scharfstein.
1. Introduction
A large body of research has stressed the quality of a countrys nancial markets as an important
determinant of the rms real investments and of economic development and growth.
But how
exactly is investment aected by nancial market imperfections? A key result in the corporate
nance literature says that a nancially constrained rm invests less than an identical unconstrained
rm and that the more nancially constrained the rm is the less it invests; see e.g. Rajan and
Zingales (1997), Hubbard (1998), and Stein (2003). It seems natural to conclude from this that
when external nance is associated with a deadweight cost, rms invest less than when markets are
This paper shows that in assessing how nancing frictions distort investment, one needs to
distinguish whether the external cost is idiosyncratic to a given rm or whether it aects the
whole economy. In particular, the frequently used case of an otherwise identical unconstrained
rm is not the appropriate rst-best benchmark when the external cost aects all rms in the
economy, as for example when it reects the countrys legal and nancial institutions, its bankruptcy
procedures, protection of minority shareholders, stock market regulations regarding the disclosure
of information, and so on. Such common factors have market-wide eects, so the appropriate
rst-best benchmark is the investment level that would be chosen by the rm in an economy with
perfect capital markets. It is shown here that economy-wide nancial frictions can easily lead rms
to invest more than under frictionless markets. Similarly, unlike in the case of idiosyncratic external
costs, a higher common external cost can lead to greater levels of investment by individual rms.
The argument is as follows. Suppose that new rms can be established as long as they can nd
Boyd and Smith (1992), Bencivenga et al (1995), Aghion and Bolton (1997), Bernhardt and Lloyd-Ellis (2000),
and Shleifer and Wolfenzon (2002) represent a small sample of this diverse literature. Banerjee and Duo (2005) and
Levine (2005) provide surveys.
For example, Stein (2003, p. 114) argues that the models of costly external nance "unambiguously predict
underinvestment relative to a rst-best benchmark." Similarly, Hubbard (1998, p. 197) concludes that in the presence
of external costs, the equilibrium capital stock "is less than the rst-best desired capital stock in a frictionless setting."
enough internal or external funds to nance their operations. To make things simple, assume also
that all rms in the economy are identical, so that in equilibrium each rm earns zero expected
prot. Then if a deadweight cost is introduced into external nance, the equilibrium interest
rates must fall in order to allow the rms to break even otherwise, no rm would be willing to
raise external nance. The decrease in the equilibrium rate of return tends to decrease the rms
marginal costs of investment, which works against the direct eect of the higher external cost. I
provide simple necessary and sucient conditions under which this indirect, market equilibrium
eect prevails, so that costly external nance leads each rm to overinvest, i.e. to invest more than
it would in a frictionless economy. More specically, I show the following:
When all rms are identical, then each rm overinvests if at the rst best level of investment
the marginal external cost is smaller than the average external cost. Each rm underinvests
if the reverse is true.
Less productive rms are more likely to overinvest than more productive rms. By the same
token, more productive rms are more likely to underinvest.
Cash rich rms and rms with relatively cheap external capital have a greater tendency to
overinvest, while cash poor rms and rms with relatively costly external capital have a
greater tendency to underinvest.
Firms with free cash always overinvest compared to the rst best level. Thus, free cash causes
overinvestment in the present model as in Jensen (1986), although for a dierent reason.
An increase in the cost of external nance can make some rms better o and also improve
All of the above results hold whether the economy is closed or open to capital ows. These
results suggest that while the level of capital market frictions is an important determinant of the
rms investments, so is the composition of the costs associated with these frictions. Moreover,
the results highlight the fact that the aggregate level of investment is not a sucient measure
of investment ineciencies brought about by nancing imperfections. In particular, the results
show that capital market frictions cause misallocation of resources across rms some rms invest
too much and some invest too little compared to the optimal frictionless level. As shown by
Restuccia and Rogerson (2007), misallocation of resources across rms can have signicant eects
on a countrys aggregate output and total factor productivity. In the context of policy distortions
that create heterogeneity in the prices faced by individual producers, their calibrations show that
idiosyncratic investment distortions can lead up to a 50 percent decrease in output and TFP.
In the nance literature, Shleifer and Wolfenzon (2002) build a framework similar to the one
employed in this paper and use it to provide an explanation for several cross-country empirical
regularities that tie the eectiveness of a countrys judicial system to corporate nance.
the main focus of the present paper is on clarifying the theoretical relationship between the costs
of external nance and the eciency of capital allocation rather than on explaining empirical
regularities, the model also oers some empirical and policy implications that are complementary
to those obtained by Shleifer and Wolfenzon:
The government programs observed in many countries that make it easier for small rms to
obtain investment funds may actually lead to lower equilibrium levels of investment for all
rms and decrease eciency.
The most productive and cash rich rms may benet from the presence of a cost associated
with external nance. Such rms might therefore have an incentive to oppose reforms aimed
at improving the nancial system, consistent with the observation of La Porta et al (2000)
Another recent market equilibrium model that studies the eciency of capital allocation when nancial markets
are imperfect is Almeida and Wolfenzon (2005), whose focus is on the reallocation of capital to and from existing
projects and on the eects of conglomeration.
and other authors.
The possibility of equilibrium overinvestment due to nancial markets frictions suggests cau-
tion when interpreting empirical studies that link investment levels and the average rm size
in a country to the quality of the countrys nancial and legal systems. For example, if a
study nds that the countries with better legal protection of investors have larger rms
, this
does not necessarily mean that those countries also have more ecient rms.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 introduces the basic model with identical
rms competing for costly external funds. Section 3 derives the papers main results. It shows that
a cost associated with external nance can lead to overinvestment relative to the frictionless level
and provides a necessary and sucient condition for this outcome. It also contains an analysis of
the model when rms dier in the quality of their projects, in available cash, and in their costs of
external capital. Finally, the section investigates the robustness of the results to the case where
the economy is open to capital ows from a foreign country. Section 4 discusses some empirical
evidence and policy implications and demonstrates that big rms can benet from a deadweight
cost in external nance. Section 5 concludes.
2. The Model
Consider a closed economy with free entry of identical non-atomic rms. As will be shown later,
the main qualitative results continue to hold when the rms are heterogeneous and the economy is
open to capital ows from another country.
A representative rm in this economy has access to a single, one-period investment project. If
this rm invests an amount 1 at the beginning of the period, its expected revenue at the end of the
See, e.g., Kumar, Rajan, and Zingales (2002).
period is )(1). The investment function )(.) : R
is given by
)(1) = 0 for 1 1, and
)(1) = \ (1) for 1 1,
where 1 0 is a xed cost associated with the rms entry into the market and \ (1) is an
increasing, concave and dierentiable function, with \ (1) = 0 and lim
(1) = 0.
Each rm has an initial cash reserve n 0. For the main part of the analysis it will be assumed
that n 1, so that no rm can invest protably without raising external resources. I will relax
this assumption in Subsection 3.4 and show that the qualitative results continue to hold even if
only some rms need outside capital.
A rm can do two things with its funds. First, it can supply investment funds to other rms,
either directly or through nancial intermediaries (not modelled here). This yields the rate of
return r, which is endogenous and will be determined as part of the equilibrium. Alternatively, the
rm can invest in its own project. If a rm decides to invest an amount 1 n in its own project,
it has to seek external nancing for the dierence c = 1 n.
External resources are costly. The literature has identied several sources of friction that put
a wedge between the cost of a rms external and internal investment funds. External funds can
be costly due to asymmetric information and adverse selection, as in Myers and Majluf (1984) and
Greenwald, Stiglitz and Weiss (1984), debt overhang, as in Myers (1977), or incomplete contracting
and costly state verication, as in Townsend (1979) and Gale and Hellwig (1985).
In modeling this
cost, I will follow Froot, Scharfstein and Stein (1993), Kaplan and Zingales (1997), Matsusaka and
Nanda (2002), and others, and assume that if a rm invests 1 n, then in addition to foregoing the
For surveys of this literature see, e.g., Harris and Raviv (1991) and Stein (2003).
market rate of return r on the whole amount 1, it has to bear a deadweight cost c(0, c) associated
with raising the amount c. The parameter 0 is a measure of frictions in the external capital markets
the higher is 0, the higher is the deadweight cost of raising a given amount c.
The cost function c(0, c) is dierentiable in both arguments; its derivative with respect to
r {0, c} will be denoted as c
(0, c). In addition to c
(0, c) 0 assumed above, c(0, c) is non-
decreasing and convex in c: c
(0, c) 0 and c
(0, c) 0.
At the beginning of the period, all rms simultaneously approach outside investors with their
investment proposals, in an attempt to raise external funds, c. The total amount of investment
funds available in this economy (including the rms cash reserves, n) is given by the supply function
o(r), which is weakly increasing in the interest rate, r. In this setting, the equilibrium interest rate
is determined by supply of and demand for investment funds. In particular, each investor oers
nancing to those rms that promise the highest rate of return. At the same time, the projects
that rms propose to undertake must be credible, that is, if a rm proposes to invest an amount 1,
it cannot promise to repay more than )(1) at the end of the period. Finally, due to the free entry
of rms, the equilibrium interest rate must be such that each rm earns zero economic prot.
3. The Analysis
3.1. The equilibrium level of investment
Each rm chooses its investment level 1 and the amount of external nancing c, so as to maximize
its prot (1, c, 0, n) = )(1),(1 + r) 1 c(0, c), subject to the nancing constraint 1 n + c.
Because external capital is costly, no rm will raise more than the minimum amount needed to
nance the chosen level of investment, so that c = 1 n. Moreover, if a rm invests a positive
As pointed out by Stein (2003), this reduced-form specication of capital market frictions is more general than
it may seem. Stein (1998) shows that it corresponds to a version of the Myers and Majlufs (1984) adverse-selection
model and Froot, Scharfstein and Stein (1993) map it into a variant of the costly-state-verication models of Townsend
(1979) and Gale and Hellwig (1985).
amount, then it must be that 1 1, so that )(1) = \ (1); otherwise the prot would be negative.
Substituting to the objective function, the representative rms maximization problem becomes
\ (n +c),(1 +r) n c c(0, c).
The associated rst order condition then says that if the rm invests, it chooses the c
(n, 0) given
(n +c
(n, 0))
1 +c
(0, c
(n, 0))
= 1 +r. (1)
It will be assumed from now on that (c
(n, 0) is the equilibrium level of external nancing, which uniquely denes the
equilibrium level of investment: 1
(n, 0) = n +c
(n, 0).
Free entry of rms drives their expected prots to zero. This implies that the equilibrium rate
of return, r
(n, 0)),(1 +r
(n, 0)) 1
(n, 0) c(0, c
(n, 0)) = 0,
that is,
\ (n +c
(n, 0))
n +c
(n, 0) +c(0, c
(n, 0))
= 1 +r
(n, 0))1
(n, 0) \ (1
(n, 0)) = \ (1
(n, 0))c
(0, c
(n, 0)) \
(n, 0))c(0, c
(n, 0) and 1
(n, 0),
is independent of the overall supply of investment funds in the economy, o(r).
In a frictionless world, the optimal level of investment, 1
, would be given by
\ (1
) = 0. (4)
I will refer to the benchmark investment level 1
as the rst best level. As can be seen by comparing
conditions (3) and (4), costly external nance in general causes rms to distort their investment
levels away from the rst best level. I will say that a rm "overinvests" when 1
(n, 0) 1
"underinvests" when 1
(n, 0) < 1
3.2. Investment distortion
Focusing on an individual rm in isolation, the previous work has established that if the rms
external capital is costly, the rm will underinvest, that is, 1
< 1
(from now on, the notation will
suppress the dependence of 1
, c
, and r
= :
, where :
< 1
< 0 if o(r) is strictly increasing; and
All proofs are in the Appendix.
(ii) 1
= 1
= 0 if o(r) is perfectly inelastic.
Thus, if outside capital is costly, the aggregate level of investment is (weakly) smaller than would
be ecient. However, the corporate nance literature has typically focused on the relationship be-
tween external costs and the investment levels of individual rms. For individual investment levels,
the standard partial equilibrium conclusions do not extrapolate into a market equilibrium setting.
Looking rst at the underinvestment result, this is demonstrated in the following proposition.
Proposition 2. If external capital is costly, then each rm overinvests compared to the rst best
level ( 1
) if
(0, c
) <
c(0, c
, (5)
and underinvests ( 1
< 1
) if the reverse is true.
Thus, costly external nance can result in overinvestment relative to the frictionless level. As
shown by Corollary 1 below, one can easily nd examples of cost functions such that condition (5)
is satised.
Corollary 1. Suppose rms have no internal funds ( n = 0) and the deadweight cost of external
capital is given by c(0, c
) = c(0) + ,(0)c, where c(0) 0 and ,(0) 0 are increasing
functions of 0. Then external cost of nance always causes overinvestment: 1
The logic behind the above two propositions and the corollary is as follows. First, nancial
frictions in the present framework lead to a decrease in the equilibrium interest rate, because the
introduction of the deadweight cost c(0, c) would cause the rms to lose money if the interest rate
remained at the frictionless level r
. Therefore, the interest rate must fall to induce the rms to seek
external nancing. This is counter to the intuition one might have based on the models of nancial
contracting in which asymmetric information and agency problems lead investors to increase the
price of the investment funds, thus in eect passing on to the rm the expected cost that arises
due to the contracting imperfections. Note, however, that because they also bear the external cost
c, the "eective" interest rate faced by the rms may or may not be lower than the frictionless
rate. Second, the fall in interest rates causes the aggregate amount of supplied funds to decrease
if o(r) is upward sloping, which in equilibrium translates into a decrease in the aggregate level of
investment. Finally, to see why the rms individual investments can increase, note that if the xed
deadweight cost of external nancing is relatively large compared to the marginal deadweight cost,
as in the example of Corollary 1, then the resulting break-even interest rate r
, an external cost of nancing should also cause a fall in the aggregate demand for
labor and depress real wages. This in turn should further boost each individual rms investment level, magnifying
the eects analyzed in this paper.
external nance dier in their nature from the distortions at individual rms. For example, it is
possible that each individual rm deviates from the rst-best level of investment, but the aggregate
investment remains at the rst-best, frictionless level. The reverse situation is also possible. Thus,
to get a complete picture of how capital market imperfections aect the allocation of investment
funds in the economy, one has to consider both the aggregate and the individual level distortions.
This conclusion is in line with the point made by Restuccia and Rogerson (2007), who also stress the
importance of distortions at the level of individual producers. Restuccia and Rogersons calibrations
indicate that policies that lead rms to idiosyncratic investment distortions can cause up to a 50
percent decrease in output and TFP.
3.3. The eects of an increase in the cost of external nance
Treating the rate of return as exogenous, Kaplan and Zingales (1997) show that a rms investment
level always weakly decreases in the cost of external nance. In the present model, an increase in
the deadweight cost of external nance can lead to an increase in the equilibrium level of investment
for each rm. This is illustrated in Proposition 3 below for a class of linear cost functions.
Proposition 3. Let c(0, c) = 0( + c), where 0 is a constant. Then
0 if n,
< 0 if < n, and
= 0 if = n.
Thus, when the deadweight cost of external funds is linear with a relatively large xed cost, each
rms equilibrium level of investment increases in the degree of nancing friction. For example, if
rms have no internal resources (n = 0), then the equilibrium level of investment increases in the
cost of external capital whenever external capital is associated with some positive xed cost. On
the other hand, when n = 0 and external funding entails no xed cost ( = 0), then the individual
investments are always at the rst best level, 1
= 1
, no matter how costly are the external
funds. In this case the deadweight cost of external nance is completely oset by a decrease in the
equilibrium rate of return. The cost of external nance is then reected solely in the equilibrium
number of rms and in the equilibrium aggregate level of investment.
The literature on nancial frictions and development has for the most part focused on how the
allocation of resources and a countrys economic development depend on the degree of nancial
market imperfections. Propositions 2 and 3 suggest that it is equally important to consider the
composition of the deadweight costs. The larger is the xed cost of external nance, and the
smaller is the marginal cost, the larger should be the average size of the rms operating in the
given economy.
The xed costs associated with external nancing can include, for example, a
part of the decline in the stock price upon the announcement of a stock issue, government taxes and
fees, xed fees paid to the underwriter, and so on. These factors direct the ow of resources towards
a relatively small number of large rms. The marginal costs include any cost that depends upon the
amount of the capital raised in the external markets. For example, agency costs should be higher
the higher is the percentage of a rms stock held by outside investors, underwriters marketing
costs may be increasing in the size of the equity issue, expected bankruptcy costs increase with the
amount of debt, and so on. In the present model, these factors tend to direct resources towards a
relatively large number of smaller rms.
3.4. The eciency of investment when rms are heterogenous
This subsection extends the above analysis to a setting with heterogenous rms; it also allows for
the possibility that some rms are able to nance all their investments internally. In particular,
assume that the economy has a measure 1 of potential rms parameterized by t, which is distributed
on [0, 1] according to a cumulative distribution function G(t). The parameter t will be given three
Obviously, the model ignores dynamic considerations, which could play an important role. For example, if rms
could time their investments, large xed costs of external nance could lead them to invest larger amounts, but less
alternative interpretations. Accordingly, let t {0, c, j}. When t = 0, the rms dier in the costs
they face when raising external funds, where, in contrast to the previous analysis, each rm can
have a dierent 0. As before, c
(0, c) 0; in addition, c
(0, c) 0. When t = c, the rms dier
in projects they have access to: )(1) = \ (1, c) for 1 1, where \
(1, c) 0 and \
(1, c) 0.
That is, the higher is a rms c, the greater is the total and marginal productivity of its project
say, due to a greater degree of monopoly power the rm has in its product market. Finally, when
t = j, the rms dier in the levels of their internal funds, n(j), with a higher j indicating a smaller
amount of cash reserves, i.e., n
(j) < 0. To streamline the exposition and to better isolate the
eects of each parameter, I will assume that the rms always dier along a single dimension, while
the other two dimensions are uniform. Also, because a rms prot when it invests optimally at a
given rate of return depends monotonically on t, I will sometimes refer to t as the rms protability
In either of these three settings, the equilibrium levels of investment are again determined by
an equation analogous to (3), except now this equation is derived from the zero prot condition for
the marginal rm. The marginal rm is the rm whose protability parameter is
t such that the
capital markets clear, that is,
(t)dG(t) o(r
) = 0, (7)
) 1 c(0, 1 n(j))}
is the optimal level of investment by a rm with protability parameter t. Let c(t) = max{0, 1
n(j)} denote rm ts level of outside nancing. The eciency of investment in the above three
frameworks is characterized by the following proposition.
Proposition 4. Suppose that rms dier in their protability, as measured by parameter t.
(i) The marginal rm,
t, overinvests compared to the frictionless level (1
t) 1
t)) if
0, c
t)) <
0, c
, (5)
and underinvests (1
t) < 1
(t)) if the reverse is true.
(ii) There exists a t
(t) 1
(t) if t < t
and 1
(t) < 1
(t) if t t
As before, the deadweight cost of external capital tends to increase the rms marginal costs of
investment. At the same time, it decreases the equilibrium interest rates, which tends to decrease
the marginal cost of investment. Part (i) in Proposition 4 says that these two eects lead to the
same qualitative results when rms are heterogeneous as they did when rms were identical. Part
(ii) then demonstrates that the eects of costly external nance on a given rm depend on the rms
characteristics in a systematic way. Overinvestment compared to the frictionless level is more likely
to be observed in low productivity rms, in rms with large cash reserves, and in rms with low
costs of external nance.
This is detailed in the following corollaries.
Corollary 2. Suppose rms dier in the productivity of their projects ( t = c). Then either all
rms overinvest, all rms underinvest, or there is a productivity level c
, so that 1
(t) < 1
(t) always. In
this case, all but the most protable rms underinvest, and overinvestment is not a concern.
In general, it is hard to pin down the conditions for
t < t
, .)
such that all rms with less costly external funds overinvest and all rms with more costly
external funds underinvest;
(b) the rms with costless external funds ( c(0, c) = 0 for all c) always overinvest compared to the
rst best level.
Corollary 3 conrms the standard partial equilibrium result that, all else equal, a rms optimal
level of investment decreases in its cost of external funds, but in addition it shows that, due to the
market equilibrium eects on the rate of return, the rms with the lowest costs of external nance
may in fact invest more than in a frictionless world.
Corollary 4. Suppose rms dier in their cash reserves ( t = j). Then
(a) either all rms overinvest, all rms underinvest, or there is a level of cash reserves n(j
such that all rms with cash reserves greater than n(j
) underinvest;
(b) the rms with free cash (n(j) 1
) always overinvest compared to the rst best level.
All else equal, cash poor rms need more outside funds than cash rich rms, which means
that, due to the convexity of c(., c), cash poor rms face a higher marginal cost of investment
than cash rich rms. Cash poor rms are therefore more likely to underinvest, while cash rich
rms are more likely to overinvest. Thus, as in Jensen (1986), free cash induces overinvestment
in the present model, albeit for a dierent reason. In Jensens model, the ineciencies are due
to agency problems in declining industries, whereas here the inecient overinvestment is due to
low equilibrium interest rates: Capital market frictions depress the equilibrium interest rate below
what it would be if outside nancing were costless, because otherwise the cash poor rms would
not be able to survive. Since the cash rich rms do not need to worry about the costs of external
nance, this low interest rate leads them to overinvest. Corollary 4 also demonstrates that the
papers main insights continue to hold even if only a small fraction of rms need outside capital.
3.5. Open economies
So far, the analysis was conducted under the assumption that the economy is closed to capital
ows. It is relatively straightforward to extend the results to a setting where capital can ow freely
between countries. Suppose there are two economies, 1 and 2. Economy 1 has perfect capital
markets, so that external capital is costless, while in economy 2 external capital is associated with
a deadweight cost, c(., c). The supply of external capital provided by the investors in economy , is
(r), where for simplicity o
(r) = o
(r) = o(r). As in the previous subsection, rms dier in a
parameter t, which here measures either their productivities (t = c) or their cash reserves (t = j).
To avoid the issue of intra-rm transfers of funds across economies, I will assume that each
rm can be established only in one or the other economy, but not in both. Moreover, to be able
to raise funds in a given economy, a rm has to be established in that economy. It follows that
it is not possible for rms established in economy i to directly raise capital in economy ,, i 6= ,.
However, if the economies are open, the capital can move freely between the two economies, so a
rm established in economy i can be indirectly nanced by capital from economy ,, if this capital
ows to economy i. This setup ensures that it is not possible for the rms in economy 2 to avoid
If the rms only diered in their external costs and the economies opened up to capital ows, all the funds from
economy 2 would ow to economy 1 and no rm would get nanced in economy 2.
the deadweight cost associated with raising funds in this economy.
Suppose rst the economies are closed to capital ows. As before, the equilibrium rate of return
in each economy must be such that the marginal rm earns zero economic prot, while the capital
markets clear. That is, in economy ,, , = 1, 2, the marginal rm is the rm whose productivity
parameter is
, given by the market clearing condition
(t, r
)dG(t) o(r
) = 0. (8)
(t, r
) = arg max
{\ (1, c),(1 +r
) 1 `c(0, 1 n(j))}
is the optimal level of investment by a rm whose protability parameter is t and was established
in economy ,, with ` = 0 if , = 1 and ` = 1 if , = 2. This investment level is given by the rst
order condition
, c) (1 +r
)[1 +`c
(0, 1
n(j))] = 0. (9)
To simplify notation, denote the optimal investment level of the marginal rm as
, i.e.,
, r
). The zero prot condition for the marginal rm is then
\ (
, c
),(1 +r
)) = 0. (10)
Conditions (8) (10) jointly determine the equilibrium in economy ,.
The rst question of interest is which economy oers the higher rate of return. To answer this
question, note that holding the rate of return r
constant, (9) implies that 1
(t) decreases in ` for
any given t, while (10) and the Envelope Theorem imply that
increases in `. Hence, 1
(t) < 1
for all t and
, which means that the left hand side of (8) is smaller in economy 2 than in
economy 1 if the rate of return is held constant. In a similar way, it is possible to check that 1
decreases and
increases in r
, so that the left hand side of (8) decreases in r
. The comparative
statics results of Milgrom and Roberts (1994) then immediately imply that r
< r
. Moreover,
since capital markets are frictionless in economy 1, the rms in this economy invest at the rst best
level, so that r
< r
= r
If the economies open themselves to capital ows, capital will ow from economy 2, in which
external nancing is costly, to economy 1, where capital markets are frictionless and therefore
(initially) oer higher rates of return. This capital reallocation increases the supply of investment
funds in economy 1 and decreases in economy 2, causing a decline in the rate of return in economy
1 and an increase in the rate of return in economy 2, until r
= r
= r
< r
, where r
the equilibrium rate of return in economy , when the two economies are open. This analysis yields
the following results.
Proposition 5. Suppose that rms dier in their protability, as measured by parameter t, and
that there are two economies open to capital ows: economy 1 with no cost of external capital
and economy 2 where external nancing is costly. Then:
(a) All rms established in economy 1 overinvest compared to the rst best level.
(b) The marginal rm,
, established in economy 2 overinvests compared to the rst best level if
1 +r
1 +r
1 +c
(0, c
)), (11)
and underinvests if the reverse is true.
(c) Part (ii) of Proposition 4 continues to hold in this setting.
Proposition 5 shows that allowing for perfect capital mobility between economies does not aect
this papers main results in any important way. The rms in economy 2, of course, invest less than
the rms in economy 1, because the equilibrium interest rates are the same in the two economies and
the rms in economy 2 also face the additional marginal cost of external nance, c
(0, c). However,
due to the inow of capital from economy 2, the rms established in economy 1 overinvest compared
to the rst best level because the capital inow decreases the interest rates in economy 1 below
the ecient level (i.e., r
< r
= r
). This conclusion holds as long as economy 2 is not so small
compared to economy 1 that it does not have any eect on the world interest rates.
On the other hand, the outow of capital from economy 2 causes the interest rates to rise in this
economy, which curbs the investment levels of the rms established in economy 2. Nevertheless,
these rms can still overinvest if (a) the rise in the interest rate in economy 2 is not too large (which
depends upon the distribution, G(t), of the rms protability parameters), and (b) condition (5)
is satised for the marginal rm in a closed economy 2. These two requirements combine to yield
condition (11) in the proposition.
4. Empirical implications and policy considerations
While the primary goal of this paper is to clarify the theoretical relation between external cost of
nancing and investment eciency, this section briey discusses some available empirical evidence
and some implications of the above analysis for evaluating government policies that aect the costs
of raising outside capital.
4.1. Empirical implications
One could perhaps imagine dynamic settings in which investment and rm size are only loosely
related, but in the static framework explored here, rms that invest more are inevitably larger.
Taking this relationship at face value, the models predictions appear to be consistent with the
available empirical evidence. In particular, Proposition 4 implies that cash rich rms and the rms
with less costly external funds should be bigger. This is consistent with the evidence that larger
rms tend to have easier access to outside capital and more internal funds than smaller rms. For
example, Mayer (1988) shows that large rms tend to nance their projects from internal funds
or through captive or closely related banks. La Porta et al. (1997) show that in the countries
with poor creditor protection, a disproportionate share of credit goes to the few largest rms. And
according to Altinkilic and Hansen (2000), large rms face lower underwriting spreads than small
rms for both equity and bond issues. Thus, there appears to be a positive correlation between a
rms cash reserves and its size, as well as between a rms cost of external capital and its size.
The model also suggests caution in interpreting evidence about the relationship between the
distribution of rm sizes in a given country and the countrys costs of external funds. For example,
Kumar, Rajan, and Zingales (2002) document that countries with better legal protection of outside
investors tend to have bigger rms. The above analysis says that one cannot take this as evidence
that the countries with less costly external funds have more ecient rms, because bigger does not
imply more ecient in a market equilibrium framework. It could well be that the rms in the low
cost countries invest too much compared to the rst best level. Proposition 2 says that this would
be in particular true if the xed costs of raising outside capital in these countries were relatively
high compared to the marginal costs, and Proposition 5 shows that when capital can ow freely
between countries, all rms in a country with frictionless capital markets are too big compared to
the rst best benchmark (unless, of course, all countries have frictionless capital markets).
It is possible, of course, that the causality runs in the opposite direction, i.e., that big rms have easier access to
funds because they are big, rather than productivity advantages and cheap funds leading some rms to grow large.
One way to capture the former relationship in the present model would be to make the external cost function concave
rather than convex. As long as the rms objective functions remain concave, the main qualitative eect of such a
concave external cost should be to increase the equilibrium dispersion of the rms sizes.
4.2. The eects of external costs on prots
One might be tempted to conjecture that a deadweight cost of external nance cannot make rms
better o. This conjecture is false, as can be easily shown when rms dier in their level of internal
cash reserves or in their productivities. To focus on the argument, suppose that there are only two
types of rms: measure / of rms have internal funds equal to n
(type H rms), while the rest
of the rms are of type 1, with internal funds equal to n
< n
. There is free entry of the 1-type
rms, which means that the 1-type rms earn zero prot, while the H-type rms earn positive
prots, because it is easier for them to avoid the high cost of external capital.
Now consider an increase in the cost of external nance, which drives the equilibrium rates of
return down, as in the previous analysis. These changes do not aect the equilibrium prots of the
1-type rms (who again just break even), but they can benet the H-type rms. In fact, if these
rms have enough internal funds to nance all their investments, their prots always increase with
the external costs, as can be seen by inspecting their prot function
= \ (1
) (1 + r
An important implication of this observation is that the H-type rms would have an incentive to
oppose any corporate governance reform that would decrease the cost of external nancing. This
comports well with the observations of La Porta et al (2000) and other authors, who argue that in
many countries large corporations (presumably the most productive and/or cash rich rms) tend
to oppose reforms of the nancial and legal systems that would facilitate external nancing. This
result also complements the nding of Shleifer and Wolfenzon (2002), who show that in their model
a stronger protection of outside investors would be opposed by the marginal (zero-prot) rms.
The Envelope Theorem says that the eects of a change in 0 on 1
1 +c
. (12)
Then there exist cuto values /
0 and /
such that if / [/
, /
] the overall surplus
of investors and entrepreneurs decreases in n
Condition (12) is satised in many reasonable settings. For example, it holds when \ (1) =
, 1
\ (1
(0, c
\ (1
and 1
Now, in equilibrium, supply of funds must be equal to demand for funds: 1
= o(r
) and
= o(r
). Thus, 1
= 1
< 1
if r
< r
, and 01
,00 < 0 if 0r
,00 < 0.
I will rst show that r
< r
To see that r
< r
, it is enough to apply the above argument to the case where the initial
equilibrium is the rst best equilibrium (i.e., there are no external costs). Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 2. Evaluate both sides of (3) at 1 = 1
. The concavity of the rms
objective function implies that 1
< 1
if and only if the left hand side of (3) is greater than the
right hand side. From (4), the left hand side of (3) evaluated at 1
is zero. Hence, 1
< 1
if and
only if the right hand side of (3) evaluated at 1
is greater than zero. Substituting for \ (1
) from
condition (4) yields condition (5) in the proposition. Q.E.D.
Proof of Corollary 1. If c(0, c) = c(0) + ,(0)c, then c
(0, c)c = ,(0)c < c(0) + ,(0)c = c(0, c)
for all 0 and c, because c(0) 0. Hence, it must be c
(0, c
) < c(0, c
, which means that (5)
always holds when n = 0. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 3. Dierentiating (5) implicitly with respect to 0 yields
(0, c
) \ (1
(0, c
\ (1
(0, c
) \
+c(0, c
Due to concavity of \ (1), the denominator is always positive. The sign of 01
(0),00 is thus
determined by the sign of the numerator. Solving for \ (1
)[1 + c
(0, c
)] < c
(0, c
+ c(0, c
Using c(0, c) = 0(+c), this condition simplies to < n. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 4. (i) Since the equilibrium interest rate is determined by the zero prot
condition for the marginal rm, this part is proved exactly the same way as Proposition 2.
(ii) The prot-maximizing investment level of a rm t, 1
, c) (1 +r
)[1 +c
(0, 1
n(j))] = 0. (13)
When t = c, implicit dierentiation of (13) with respect to c yields
, c)
(1 +r
(., c
) \
, c)
Similarly, from the rst order condition for the rst-best level of investment, 1
(c), one gets
, c)
, c)
Now suppose there exists a
c such that 1
c) = 1
c). Then 01
c),0c 01
c),0c, so that
(c) 1
(c) decreases in c at c =
c. Hence, 1
(c) and 1
(c) can cross at most once. This implies
that 1
(c) 1
(c) < 0 for c
c and 1
(c) 1
(c) 0 for c <
c. In this case, c
c. If there is
c such that 1
c) = 1
(c) 1
(c) for all c, in which case c
= 1,
or 1
(c) < 1
(c) for all c, in which case c
= 0.
When t = j, then 01
(j),0j = (1 + r
(., c
(j), [(1 +r
(., c
) \
)] < 0, while
(j) is independent of j, i.e., 01
(j),0j = 0. Similarly, when t = 0, then 01
(0),00 = (1 +
(0, c
), [(1 +r
(0, c
) \
(t) 1
(t) decreases in t, which immediately implies
the claim. Q.E.D.
Proof of Corollary 2. Follows directly from Proposition 4. Q.E.D.
Proof of Corollary 3. Part (a) follows directly from Proposition 4. Part (b): A rm 0 overinvests
if and only if its marginal cost of investment, (1 + r
)[1 + c
(0, 1
(j) n(j))], is lower than the
ecient marginal cost, 1 +r
, that is, if and only if
1 +r
1 +r
1 +c
(0, 1
(j) n(j)). (14)
For the rms with c
(0, c) = 0 this reduces to
< r
Proof of Corollary 4. Part (a) follows directly from Proposition 4. In part (b), the logic is the
same as in part (b) of Corollary 3. When n(j) 1
(j), then c
(., 1
(t) n(j)) = 0 for this rm
and (14) reduces to
< r
. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 5. (a) This claim follows directly from the rst order condition (9) (where
` = 0) and from r
< r
= r
(b) A rm with productivity t established in economy 2 overinvests if and only if its marginal
cost of investment at the ecient level, (1 +r
)[1 +c
(0, 1
(t) n(j))], is lower than the ecient
marginal cost, 1 +r
, that is, if and only if (11) holds.
(c) This part holds because the rst order conditions for the rms investments, both in the
presence and in the absence of a deadweight cost C(0, c), are the same whether the economy is
open or closed, and because r
< r
. Hence, the proofs of parts (ii) and (iii) of Proposition 4
apply also when the economies are open. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 6. When the H rms nd it protable to seek outside capital, their prots
are given by
= \ (1
) (1+r
)[c(0, c
) +1
]. Suppose o
) +
. Dierentiating this with respect to n
and using the Envelope Theorem yields
). If / is suciently close to /
then o(r
) /c
< 0. Since
< 0 if (12)
holds and / is suciently close to /
= /
) = (1 +r
+ 1) from the rst order condition for c
. Q.E.D.
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