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(PATHFit 1)

(Part 1)
• Sets, repetitions, and rest intervals are the basis of weight
training programs. You need to know what they mean and
how to mix and match them for best effect to reach your

• Your training program will differ in the weights used,

number of repetitions and sets, rest intervals, and speed of
execution depending on whether you are training for fitness,
muscle growth, strength, power, or endurance.
• A repetition (rep) is one completion of an exercise, such as
one deadlift, one bench press, or one arm curl. A repetition
maximum (1RM) is your personal best, or the most you can
lift once in a single repetition of an exercise. Therefore, a
12RM is the most you can lift and successfully perform 12
repetitions with proper form. As with any rep-based weight
lifting exercise, be sure to improve your grip by using a
quality lifting chalk.
•A set is a series of repetitions performed
sequentially. For example, eight repetitions
can be one set of bench presses.
The rest interval is the time spent resting between sets that allow the muscle to recover. The rest
period between sets may range from 30 seconds to two minutes. Some exercises also have short
rests between reps.
The ideal rest period depend on your goals. Muscle hypertrophy, or muscle building and growth,
may require less rest than power lifting, for example.
• Muscle hypertrophy: 30 to 60 seconds
• Muscle endurance: 30 to 60 seconds
• Power: 1 to 2 minutes
• Strength: 2 to 5 minutes
It's important to time your rest between sets. If you don't rest long enough and start with
another set too soon, you may fatigue your muscles too quickly and risk injury. If you rest too
long between reps, your muscles may begin cooling down and releasing tension before you start
Speed of Exercise Execution
Contraction velocity is the speed at which one rep of an exercise is
performed. This has an effect on training goals and results. Both
concentric (shortening of the muscle; often the lifting part of a rep)
and eccentric (lengthening of the muscle, often the lowering part)
moves help to build muscle mass.

• Strength: 1 to 2 seconds concentric and eccentric

• Hypertrophy: 2 to 5 seconds concentric and eccentric
• Endurance: 1 to 2 seconds concentric and eccentric
• Power: Less than 1 second concentric, 1 to 2 seconds eccentric
The theoretical distribution of repetitions against a percentage of 1RM (your
maximum lift) is as follows.1 This example uses a bench press where your 1RM is 160

• 100% of 1RM: 160 pounds, 1 repetition

• 85% of 1RM: 136 pounds, 6 repetitions
• 67% of 1RM: 107 pounds, 12 repetitions
• 65% of 1RM: 104 pounds, 15 repetitions
• 60% of 1RM: 96 pounds, warm-up reps
• You should be able to do one lift at your personal best, six lifts at 85% of your
personal best, and 15 lifts at 65% of your 1RM personal best. This is a guide you can
refer to when you choose appropriate weights for working out.
Use Goals to Build a Program
A training program is a schedule of exercise types, frequency, intensity, and volume, whether
for weight training or any other fitness training. You can devise many combinations of sets,
reps, rest, and exercise types to find what works best for you. A qualified strength and
conditioning trainer can help you plan a program. These variables can be adjusted in any
weight training program:
• Exercise selection
• Weight or resistance
• Number of repetitions
• Number of sets
• Velocity of movement
• Rest time between sets
• Rest time between sessions (training days/week)
• Time between periodization cycles
• A basic strength training fitness program should target both strength
and muscle-building. Between eight and 15 repetitions for two to four
sets will help you accomplish both.

• Choose eight to 12 exercises, making sure to hit your lower and upper
body and your core. At this stage, don't lift too heavy or too light (you
should feel fatigued by the last rep, but it shouldn't be overly difficult)
to ensure a good foundation before trying more goal-specific
• To build strength, use the most weight, the least number of
repetitions, and the longest rest periods. When your aim is strength,
lift heavier for fewer reps, compared to when you're trying to build
muscle size or muscular endurance. The neuromuscular system
responds to heavy weights by increasing your ability to lift those
heavy loads.

• For example, those with a strength goal might use a 5x5 system.
That means five sets of five repetitions. You'll use relatively higher
loads (heavier weights), plus take a longer rest between sets (about
three to five minutes).
• Hypertrophy for muscle size and bodybuilding training uses lighter weights, more
repetitions and less rest time. Muscle requires metabolic stress to increase in size. This
means working the muscle to the point where lactate builds and muscle suffers internal
damage, then resting and eating appropriately to help the muscle repair. The muscle
grows larger in the process.

• This sort of training requires a higher number of repetitions in each set in order to
stimulate that breaking point. It is sometimes called "training to failure."

• A typical approach to reps and sets for those looking to build muscle might be three sets
of eight to 12 reps, at loads that reach failure point (or near) on the last few repetitions.
• Power training involves somewhat lighter weights and longer rests
while concentrating on the speed of execution. "Power" is the ability
to move an object at a high speed. Power training requires practicing
the acceleration part of a lift, then resting and repeating.

• In power training, you lift moderately heavy weights, accentuate the

concentric first movement of the exercise, then rest sufficiently to
recover before doing that rep or set again. You need to ensure each
push, pull, squat, or lunge is done at a quick tempo.
• Endurance weight training requires more repetitions in each set,
perhaps up to 20 or 30, with lighter weights. You may want to
consider why you set this as your goal. What is the day-to-day
function that requires muscular endurance? For example, if you're a
runner, you might want to concentrate on endurance in your legs.
Swimmers might focus on their arms.
• Olympic lifting requires strength and power. Olympic lifters train to
do just two lifts: the clean and jerk and the snatch. Training sessions
include six or fewer repetitions for a higher number of sets, about 10
to 12. The goal here would be to get better and stronger at these
particular movements, and also increase the weight used in the
• Non-locomotor movement is movement that
does not involve traveling from one place to
another. It is movement that occurs around the
axis of the body, such as the spine, or in parts of
the body, such as the arms or legs. Non-
locomotor movement includes actions such as
leaning, swinging, bending, stretching, swaying,
twisting, and turning.
1. Bracing the core
• Do 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use time lapse.
• This can serve as your resting time.
• Take note of the corresponding resting time that would be inlined
with your goal in mind for the workout routine.
2. Dead bug series
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in
• Keep in mind that there are different variations for this in the video
presented so you also have to make 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps per
variations for mastery of movement.
3. Rolling
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in
4. Bird dog series
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in
• Keep in mind that there are different variations for this in the video
presented so you also have to make 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps per
variations for mastery of movement.
5. Press up, scapular protraction &
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in
6. Plank series
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in
• 30 seconds for females while 45 seconds for males
• Keep in mind that there are different variations for this in the video
presented so you also have to make 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps per
variations for mastery of movement.
7. Squat series
• Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps and record yourself doing it. You can use
time lapse.
• Take note pf the speed of execution inlined to your desired goal in

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