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no urut mahasiswa
In this tutorial the construction of a shield tunnel in medium soft soil and the influence on
a pile foundation is considered. A shield tunnel is constructed by excavating soil at the
front of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) and installing a tunnel lining behind it. In this
procedure the soil is generally over-excavated, which means that the cross sectional area
occupied by the final tunnel lining is always less than the excavated soil area. Although
measures are taken to fill up this gap, one cannot avoid stress re-distributions and
deformations in the soil as a result of the tunnel construction process. To avoid damage
to existing buildings or foundations on the soil above, it is necessary to predict these
effects and to take proper measures. Such an analysis can be performed by means of
the finite element method. This tutorial shows an example of such an analysis.
5m 10 m 20 m
+3 m
0m x

-10 m
-12 m

deep clay

-17 m

deep sand

-30 m

Figure 6.1 Geometry of the tunnel project with an indication of the soil layers

• Modelling of the tunnel boring process
• Modelling undrained behaviour using the Undrained (B) option


The tunnel considered in this tutorial has a diameter of 5.0 m and is located at an average
depth of 20 m. To create the geometry model, follow these steps:

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General settings
• Start the Input program and select Start a new project from the Quick select dialog
• In the Project tabsheet of the Project properties window, enter an appropriate title.
• In the Model tabsheet keep the default options for Model (Plane strain), and
Elements (15-Noded).
• Set the model dimensions to xmin = 0.0 m, xmax = 35.0 m, ymin = -30.0 m and ymax =
3.0 m.
• Keep the default values for units and constants and press OK to close the Project
properties window.

Definition of soil stratigraphy

The soil profile indicates four distinct layers: The upper 13 m consists of soft clay type
soil with stiffness that increases approximately linearly with depth. Under the clay layer
there is a 2.0 m thick fine sand layer. This layer is used as a foundation layer for old
wooden piles on which traditional brickwork houses were built. The pile foundation of
such a building is modelled next to the tunnel. Displacements of these piles may cause
damage to the building, which is highly undesirable. Below the sand layer there is a 5.0 m
thick deep loamy clay layer.
To define the soil stratigraphy:
Create a borehole at x = 0. The Modify soil layers window pops up.
• Create the soil stratigraphy as shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 The soil stratigraphy in the Modify soil layers window

• Keep the Head in the borehole at 0.0 m.

Open the Material sets window.
• Create data sets under the Soil and interfaces set type according to the information

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given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Material properties of soil in the tunnel project
Parameter Name Clay Sand Deep clay Deep sand Unit
Material model Model Mohr- Hardening Mohr- HS small -
Coulomb soil Coulomb
Drainage type Type Undrained Drained Undrained Drained -
(B) (B)
Soil unit weight above p.l. γunsat 15 16.5 16 17 kN/m3
Soil unit weight below p.l. γsat 18 20 18.5 21 kN/m3
Young's modulus at reference E' 3.4·103 - 9.0· 103 - kN/m2
Secant stiffness in standard E50 - 2.5· 104 - 4.2· 104 kN/m2
drained triaxial test
Tangent stiffness for primary Eoed - 2.5· 104 - 4.2· 104 kN/m2
oedometer loading
Unloading / reloading stiffness Eur - 7.5· 104 - 1.26· 105 kN/m2
Power for stress-level m - 0.5 - 0.5 -
dependency of stiffness
Cohesion c 'ref - 0 - 0 kN/m2
Undrained shear strength at su,ref 5 - 40 - kN/m2
reference level

Friction angle ϕ' - 31 - 35

Dilatancy angle ψ - 1.0 - 5
Shear strain at which Gs = γ0.7 - - - 1.3·10-4 -
Shear modulus at very small G0ref - - - 1.1· 105 kN/m2
Poisson's ratio ν' 0.33 0.3 0.33 0.3 -
Young's modulus inc. E 'inc 400 - 600 - kN/m3
Reference level yref 3.0 - -12 - m
Undrained shear strength inc. su,inc 2 - 3 - kN/m2
Reference level yref 3.0 - -12 - m
Horizontal permeability kx 1·10-4 1.0 1·10-2 0.5 m/day
Vertical permeability ky 1·10-4 1.0 1·10-2 0.5 m/day
Interface strength type Type Rigid Rigid Manual Manual -
Interface strength Rinter 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 -
K0 determination − Manual Automatic Manual Automatic -
Lateral earth pressure K0,x 0.60 0.485 0.60 0.4264 -
Over-consolidation ratio OCR - 1.0 - 1.0 -
Pre-overburden ratio POP - 0.0 - 0.0 -

For the upper clay layer the stiffness and shear strength increase with depth. Therefore
values for E 'inc and su,inc are entered in the Advanced subtree. The values of E 'ref and
su,ref become the reference values at the reference level yref . Below yref , the actual
values of E ' and su, increase with depth according to:
E '(y) = E 'ref + E 'inc (yref − y )
su (y ) = su,ref + su,inc (yref − y)
The data sets of the two lower soil layers include appropriate parameters for the tunnel
interfaces. In the other data sets the interface properties just remain at their default

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values. Enter four data sets with the properties as listed in Table 6.1 and assign them to
the corresponding clusters in the geometry model.


The tunnel considered here is the right half of a circular tunnel. After generating the basic
geometry, follow these steps to design the circular tunnel:
In the Structures mode click the Create tunnel button in the side toolbar and click at
(0.0 -17.0) in the drawing area. The Tunnel designer window pops up displaying the
General tabsheet of the Cross section mode.
• Select the Circular option in the Shape type drop-down menu.
• Select the Define right half option in the Whole or half tunnel drop-down menu.
• In the Offset to begin point group set Axis 2 to -2.5. No change is required for the
orientation axes.
• Click the Segments tab to proceed to the corresponding tabsheet. A segment is
automatically created. A new box is shown under the segment list where the
properties of the segment can be defined.
• In the Segment box set Radius to 2.5 m. The generated segment is shown in Figure

Figure 6.3 The geometry of the tunnel segment

• Click the Properties tab to proceed to the corresponding tabsheet.

• Right-click the segment in the display area and select the Create plate option in the
appearing menu.
Create a new material dataset. Specify the material parameters for lining according
to Table 6.2.

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Hint: In the tunnel as considered here the segments do not have a specific
meaning as the tunnel lining is homogeneous and the tunnel will be
constructed at once. In general, the meaning of segments becomes
significant when:
• It is desired to excavate or construct the tunnel (lining) in different
• Different tunnel segments have different lining properties.
• One would consider hinge connections in the lining (hinges can be
added after the design of the tunnel in the general drawing area).
• The tunnel shape is composed of arcs with different radii (for example
NATM tunnels).

Table 6.2 Material properties of the plates

Parameter Name Lining Building Unit
Material type Type Elastic; Elastic; -
Isotropic Isotropic
Normal stiffness EA 1.4·107 1·1010 kN/m
Flexural rigidity EI 1.43·105 1·1010 kNm2 /m
Weight w 8.4 25 kN/m/m
Poisson's ratio ν 0.15 0.0 -

Hint: A tunnel lining consists of curved plates (shells). The lining properties can be
specified in the material database for plates. Similarly, a tunnel interface is
nothing more than a curved interface.

• Right-click the segment in the display area and select the Create negative interface
option in the appearing menu.
• Right-click the segment in the display area and select the Create line contraction
option in the appearing menu. In the polycurve box specify a value of 0.5% for Cref .
The tunnel model is shown in Figure 6.4.

Hint: A Cref value of 0.5% corresponds to a volume loss of 0.5% of the tunnel
volume. The actual strain that is applied to the line is half the applied
contraction. Hence, the resulting liner contraction is 0.25%.
» The entered value of contraction is not always fully applied, depending on the
stiffness of the surrounding clusters and objects.

• Click on Generate to include the defined tunnel in the model.

• Close the Tunnel designer window.
The building itself will be represented by a stiff plate founded on piles.
Draw a plate from (5.0 3.0) to (15.0 3.0), representing the building.
Create a material set for the building according to Table 6.2 and assign it to the plate.

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Figure 6.4 Tunnel model in the Properties mode

Draw two piles (embedded beam rows) from (5.0 3.0) to (5.0 -11.0) and from (15.0
3.0) to (15.0 -11.0).
Create a material set for the foundation piles according to Table 6.3 and assign it to
the foundation piles.
Table 6.3 Material properties of the piles
Parameter Name Foundation piles Unit
Stiffness E 1.0·107 kN/m2
Unit weight γ 24.0 kN/m3
Diameter D 0.25 m
Pile spacing Lspacing 3.0 m
Tskin,start,max 1.0 kN/m
Skin resistance
Tskin,end,max 100.0 kN/m
Base resistance Fmax 100.0 kN
Interface stiffness factors - Default -

Hint: In the Standard fixities option, a plate that extends to a geometry boundary
that is fixed in at least one direction obtains fixed rotations, whereas a plate
that extends to a free boundary obtains a free rotation.


The default global coarseness parameter (Medium) can be accepted in this case. Note
that the structural elements (plate and embedded beams) are internally automatically
refined by a factor of 0.25.
• Proceed to the Mesh mode.

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Create the mesh. Use the default option for the Element distribution parameter
View the mesh.
• In the Output program click on the Fixities option in the Geometry menu to display
them in the model. The generated mesh is shown in (Figure 6.5).
• Click on the Close tab to close the Output program.

Figure 6.5 The generated mesh


To simulate the construction of the tunnel it is clear that a staged construction calculation
is needed.
• Click on the Staged construction tab to proceed with the definition of the calculation
• The initial phase has already been introduced. Keep its calculation type as K0
procedure. The water pressures can be generated on the basis of a general phreatic
level at a level of y = 0.0 m as already defined in the borehole. Make sure that the
building, foundation piles and tunnel lining are deactivated.

Phase 1: Building
The first calculation phase is used to activate the building.
In the Phases explorer click the Add phase button to introduce a new phase.
• In the Phases window rename the phase as 'Building'.
• In the Deformation control parameters subtree select the Ignore undr. behaviour
(A,B) option. The default values of the remaining parameters are valid for this phase.

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• In the drawing area activate the plate and the foundation piles.

Simulation of the construction of the tunnel

A staged construction calculation is needed in which the tunnel lining is activated and the
soil clusters inside the tunnel are deactivated. Deactivating the soil inside the tunnel only
affects the soil stiffness and strength and the effective stresses. Without additional input
the water pressures remain. To remove the water pressure inside the tunnel the Water
conditions of the two soil clusters in the tunnels must be set to Dry in the Object
explorers. The calculation phases are Plastic analyses, Staged construction. To create
the input, follow these steps.

Phase 2: Tunnel
Add a new calculation phase.
• In the Phases window select the Reset displacements to zero option in the
Deformation control parameters subtree.
• In Staged construction multi-select the clusters inside the tunnel. In the Selection
explorer deactivate the two soil clusters and set the Water conditions to Dry.
• Activate the tunnel lining and the negative interfaces. Note that contraction is not
active in this phase.

Phase 3: Contraction
In addition to the installation of the tunnel lining, the excavation of the soil and the
dewatering of the tunnel, the volume loss is simulated by applying a contraction to the
tunnel lining. This contraction will be defined in a staged construction calculation phase:
Add a new calculation phase.
• Multi-select the plates. In the Selection explorer activate the contraction.

Hint: For a more realistic model, different properties should be defined for the
lining in this phase and in the final one.
» The contraction of the tunnel lining by itself does not introduce forces in the
tunnel lining. Eventual changes in lining forces as a result of the contraction
procedure are due to stress redistributions in the surrounding soil or to
changing external forces.

Phase 4: Grouting
At the tail of the tunnel boring machine (TBM), grout is injected to fill up the gap between
the TBM and the final tunnel lining. The grouting process is simulated by applying a
pressure on the surrounding soil.
Add a new calculation phase.
• In the Phases window do NOT select the Reset displacements to zero option in the
Deformation control parameters subtree.

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• In the Staged construction mode deactivate the tunnel lining (plates, negative
interfaces and contraction).
• Multi-select the clusters inside the tunnel. In the Selection explorer activate
• Select the User-defined option in the Condition drop-down menu and set pref to -230
kN/m2 . The pressure distribution in the tunnel is constant.

Phase 5: Final lining

Add a new calculation phase.
• In the Phases window, do NOT select the Reset displacements to zero option in the
Parameters subtree.
• In the Staged construction set the clusters inside the tunnel to Dry.
• Activate the tunnel lining (plates) and the negative interfaces in the tunnel.
Select some characteristic points for load-displacement curves (for example the
corner point at the ground surface above the tunnel and the corner points of the
Calculate the project.
Save the project after the calculation has finished.


After the calculation, select the last calculation phase and click the View calculation
results button. The Output program is started, showing the deformed meshes at the end
of the calculation phases (Figure 6.6).

Figure 6.6 Deformed mesh after construction of the tunnel (Phase 5; scaled up 20.0 times)

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As a result of the second calculation phase (removing soil and water out of the tunnel)
there is some settlement of the soil surface and the tunnel lining shows some
deformation. In this phase the axial force in the lining is the maximum axial force that will
be reached. The lining forces can be viewed by double clicking the lining and selecting
force related options from the Force menu. The plots of the axial forces and bending
moment are scaled by factors of 5·10-3 and 0.2 respectively (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7 Axial forces and Bending moments in the lining after the second phase

The plot of effective stresses, Figure 6.8, shows that arching occurs around the tunnel.
This arching reduces the stresses acting on the tunnel lining. As a result, the axial force
in the final phase is lower than that after the second calculation phase.

Figure 6.8 Effective principal stresses after the construction of the tunnel

To display the tilt of the structure:

Click the Distance measurement in the side toolbar.
• Click the node located at the left corner of the structure (5.0 3.0).
• Click the node located at the right corner of the structure (15.0 3.0). The Distance
measurement information window is displayed where the resulting tilt of the structure
is given (Figure 6.9).

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Figure 6.9 Distance measurement information window

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