Maintenance Instructions Polydorus
Maintenance Instructions Polydorus
Maintenance Instructions Polydorus
Maintenance Instructions
Document Version
Siemens reserves the right to change its products and services at any time.
In addition, manuals are subject to change without notice. The hardcopy documents cor‐
respond to the version at the time of system delivery and/or printout. Versions to hard‐
copy documentation are not automatically distributed. Please contact your local Siemens
office to order a current version or refer to our website‐
Siemens provides this documentation “as is” without the assumption of any liability under
any theory of law.
The content described herein requires superior understanding of our equipment and may
only be performed by qualified personnel who are specially trained for such installation
and/or service.
“© Siemens, 2002” refers to the copyright of a Siemens entity such as:
Siemens Healthcare GmbH - Germany
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft - Germany
Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd. - China
Siemens Shanghai Medical Equipment Ltd. - China
Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. - USA
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. - USA and/or
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH - Germany
1 Prerequisites / Notes 5
1.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Product-specific Remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Polydoros LX and SX 13
1.1 Requirements
During maintenance on the product, the work steps in the certificate must be documen‐
ted accordingly.
Maintenance is divided into chapters (as a rule, max. 6 hours for components). Since
there can be the same component more than one in a customer system, the component
checkpoints in the certificate are listed accordingly. Each component must then be en‐
tered with the Part Number and Serial Number. There are also "options" in the customer
system. The options must be check marked accordingly in the certificate.
With parts that must be replaced periodically (battery/steel cables...), the startup date or
the last replacement date must be entered to ensure the ability to track the dates. As a
rule, the date can be found in the User Handbook (Handover Protocol / old Maintenance
Required Documents
n Maintenance Protocol
n See also the individual chapters.
1.2 Notes
Dangerous X-radiation during checks and adjustment work steps.
Risk of death or serious bodily injury.
During the check and adjustment work steps that must be performed with ra‐
diation switched on, the mandatory radiation safety measures must be ob‐
served. These check and adjustment work steps are explicitly labeled on the
following pages with the radiation warning symbol x.
The completion times for cyclical replacement of parts, e.g. cables or spring-loaded mech‐
anisms, etc. are not included in these Maintenance Instructions.
The work time can be viewed only as a reference value, because the time for e.g. cleaning
can vary widely.
Limit value for over 3 mm over 6 mm over over over over over
the nominal to 6 mm to 30 mm 30 mm to 120 mm to 400 mm to 1000 mm 2000 mm
range 120 mm 400 mm 1000 mm to to
2000 mm 4000 mm
Adm. tolerance ± 0,5 mm ± 1 mm ± 1,5 mm ± 2,5 mm ± 4 mm ± 6 mm ± 8 mm
Screw material
Nominal thread
diameter Brass CuZn
Iron/steel per DIN 267
Hardness rating 4.6 4.8 5.8 8.8 10.9 12.9
M3 0,5 0,67 0,83 1,3 1,9 2,2 0,62
M 3.5 0,76 1,0 1,3 2,0 2,8 3,4 0,95
M4 1,1 1,5 1,9 3,0 4,2 5,1 1,4
M5 2,2 3,0 3,7 6,0 8,4 10,1 2,8
M6 3,8 5,1 6,4 10,2 14,4 17,3 4,8
M8 9,5 12,6 15,8 25,3 35,6 42,7 11,9
M 10 18,7 24,8 31,1 49,8 70,0 84,0 23,3
M 12 32,9 43,8 54,8 87,6 123,3 147,9 41,1
If no other information is provided, use the corresponding torque values for hardness rat‐
ing 8.8 when checking torque values!
Abbrevia‐ Explanation
SI Safety Inspection
SIE Electrical Safety
SIM Mechanical Safety
PM Preventive Maintenance
PMP Periodic Preventive Maintenance
PMA Maintenance, Preventive Adjustments
PMF Preventive Check of Operating Values and of Functions
Q System Quality, Image Quality
QIQ Image Quality
QSQ System Quality
SW Software Maintenance
CSE Customer Service Engineer
IVK Installed Volume Component
MU Maintenance Unit
ROI Region of interest
Where? Fig.
In the vicinity of the generator on/off switch or system on / off switch. Generator ON
n For the corresponding pictogram (picture name) and part number, see "Warning La‐
bels, AX00-000.820.03..."
PM Cleaning
n Remove collected dust inside of the particular components.
n Remove soiling that is not accessible to the customer's cleaning personnel during
maintenance work.
Small parts that are not needed such as batteries and corona disks should be disposed of
in accordance with national regulations.
The label is required only for the first maintenance after 05.2011. Or if after this date, an
external voltage of more than 24 V has been connected in the generator for the room
light or radiation display.
Even after switching off the radiographic system, electrical voltage is still present
in the generator.
If not observed, death or serious bodily injury can occur.
Read and observe the warning labels in the cabinets.
Switch power off to the radiographic system and to the on-site power supply
and secure them against switching power back on.
Wait until all LEDs in the generator go off (at least 5 minutes).
PM Cleaning
See ( Cleaning the Components / Page 12)
If external voltage is to be connected to the external connectors, the "External power sup‐
ply label" must be attached:
n Polydoros SX
On the left, next to the D160 on the panel
If the shielding braid is to be grounded in the generator cabinet, remove the grounding
cable for the measurement.
n Measure the shielding braid against ground; when doing this, move the cables, partic‐
ularly where they are bent or looped.
Required: maximum 1 Ohm/m
n If necessary, replace the high voltage cables.
n Check the high voltage connectors and sockets for damage (burn marks, cracks).
n Check the oil level in the sockets.
Required: 0.8 - 1.1 cm corresponds to approx. 2.5 bottles
n If needed, refill the oil (do not mix oils). To do this, first remove remaining oil with a
lint-free cloth.
n Reinsert the cables.
- Use only oil, do not insert any corona disks!
Cable terminals ( 1/Fig. 1 Page 16) that are incorrectly installed on the rotating anode
cable can cause a ground loop in the X-ray tube assembly cover. The FI fault interrupter
can respond during switch-on.
The cable terminals ( 2/Fig. 2 Page 17) must be insulated with heat-shrink tubing.
The heat-shrink tubing must be in good condition; it may not be porous and may not be
If the cable terminals are long ( 2/Fig. 2 Page 17), make absolutely sure to slightly
bend the cable and terminal in the direction of the tube unit ( Pfeil/Fig. 2 Page 17).
Under no circumstances may the cable terminal with the heat-shrink tubing be up
against the cover ( 1/Fig. 2 Page 17). For a better understanding, a cut-away cover is
shown in the illustration.
X n
Release an exposure.
Radiation is stopped after 0.1 s.
ERROR 550 is displayed.
In countries with a constancy test and regular reporting, this measurement can be skip‐
ped. Prerequisite for this is that reporting is anticipated.
If values for indirect dose control are not yet present in the system, the dose must be
measured directly one time. See the IQ Test Procedure. IQ Test
QIQ Indirect Technique
Indirect Check of the Fluoroscopy Dose Rate at the I.I. Input
n Switch the system on and wait until the system is ready.
n Select the following adjustment parameters: 1
- set the max. SID 2.
- Select I.I. full format.
- Completely open the collimator.
- Move the grid into the beam path 1.
- Place the 2.1 mm Cu precision radiation filter in front of the collimator.
- Select the Fluoro 1 dose rate step and continuous fluoro.
- Do not select any additional filtering at the collimator 1.
X n
At the unit, switch fluoro "On" and let it stabilize.
P n
Make a note of the fluoro kV and mA postdisplay.
These values will be checked again during the final tests.
1. if configured
2. With the C-Arm unit, always set 1 m
In countries with a constancy test and regular reporting, this measurement can be skip‐
ped. Prerequisite for this is that reporting is anticipated. IQ Test
Only if the Iontomat is configured
QIQ Direct Technique
Perform the cutoff dose for direct exposure (indirect dose control) for all workstations
with the IONOTOMAT.
n For workstations with cassette technique:
Insert an 18x24 cm (8 x 10") cassette without film into the spotfilm device.
n For work stations with RAD (exposure detector):
Set the collimation to at least 18x24 cm (8" x 10").
n Select the following adjustment parameters:
- Set the max. SID.
- Select the cassette system.
- Move the grid in to the beam path.
- Select IONTOMAT, middle measuring field, 77 kV.
- Select the “U" screen, correction = 0, small focus, 80%.
- Do not select any additional filtering at the collimator.
- Place the 2.1 mm Cu precision radiation filter in front of the collimator.
X n
Trigger exposure.
P n
Make a note of the fluoro kV and mA postdisplay values.
These values will be checked again during the final tests.
In countries with a constancy test and regular reporting, this measurement can be skip‐
ped. Prerequisite for this is that reporting is anticipated.
1. if configured,
2. With the C-Arm unit, always set 1 m
According to IEC 62353, the measured values from the old Maintenance Certificates as
well as the Startup Certificate from the initial maintenance must be compared with the
new measured values.
If a significant difference is found or if the measured value climbs above 180 mOhm, it
may be necessary to initiate corrective measures.
As a rule, the ground wires are not connected or not correctly connected.
n Test procedure:
- Measure between all conductible parts of the system that can be touched and the
ground wire bus rail (e.g. in the generator, power distributor).
If using direct current, the measurement must be repeated using the opposite po‐
larity of the voltage. Both measured resistance values may not exceed the admissi‐
ble value.
Maximum value: 0,2 Ω (Observe country-specific regulations!)
Exception: Accessory rails on the collimator and tabletop.
Accessory rails on the collimator and tabletop.
Components with Voltage less than/equal to 24 Volts
Place on the covers for electrical components with voltages lower than/equal to 24 V.
For customers without a contract, a label "Next maintenance, MM.YY" can be placed
close to the operating location.