Airside Safety and Driving

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Airport Operating Standard

Airside Safety & Driving

Incorporating Airside Driving Authority Category 2 to 4

September 2021

Airside Safety & Driving 1

2 Airside Safety & Driving
Introduction 2
Part 1 Airside Safety 3
Aerodrome Hazards 4
1. Aircraft hazards 4
2. Vehicle hazards 7
3. Runway incursions 7
4. Environment 8
5. Wildlife 10
6. Human factors 10
Important Safety Rules 11
Manoeuvring your way safely around the aerodrome 13
Aerodrome signage 19
Aerodrome lighting 20
Part 2 Airside Driving Authority (Category 2 & 2.5) 21
Authority to Drive Airside 22
Airside access 22
Important safety rules (Category 2 & 2.5 drivers) 23
Part 3 Airside Driving Authority (Category 3 & 4) 27
Applying for a Category 3 or 4 ADA 28
Rules specific for Category 3 or 4 ADA holders 28
Planning your aerodrome operations 30
Towing operations 31
ATC procedures 31
Communications and radio procedures 32
Further enquiries, contacts and emergencies 39
Definitions and acronyms 40

Appendix 1 – Airside driving areas 43

Airside Safety & Driving 1

Airport Operating Standards have been produced by Perth Airport to ensure safe operations at
Perth Airport. The Airside Safety & Driving standard has been created to promote safe airside
operations at Perth Airport and applies to all aircraft operators, ground handling agents (GHA),
refuelling companies, aircraft servicing companies and any person working and/or driving airside
and are to be performed in conjunction with each individual organisations procedures and
The Airside Safety & Driving standard aims to be a quick reference guide and provide a safe
environment for airside operations and basic awareness of potential hazards, as well as
describing features of the airside environment necessary to assist in identifying and mitigating
associated risks. A significant risk at Perth Airport involves apron and runway incursions and the
content of this handbook aims to provide drivers with the tools necessary to avoid a runway
incursion and generally promote the principles of runway and manoeuvring area safety.
This standard and the procedures described within may be amended from time to time by PAPL.
PAPL will endeavour to provide sufficient notification of changes to airside operators; however, it
is the respo0nsibility of the airside operator to keep informed of any amendments.
Part 1 of this standard, Airside Safety, will help airside operators understand the hazards and
risks involved in working on an aerodrome, and will help protect them from those hazards.
Part 2, Airside Driving Authority (Category 2 & 2.5), provides information on the Authority to
Drive Airside (ADA) requirements and associated rules.
Part 3, Airside Driving Authority (Category 3 & 4), provides information on driving practices for
holders of Category 3 and 4 ADA.
The standard is designed to be read in conjunction with the Perth Airport Operating Protocol, the
Perth Airport Airside Vehicle Control Handbook, the following Airport Operating Standards and
other documents:
• Aircraft Turnaround
• Aircraft Scheduling and Facilities Allocation
• Staging and Storage of Ground Servicing Equipment (GSE) and Unit Load Devices
• Perth Airport Notices (PANs) issued to airside operators from time to time normally on
planned disruptions;
• Ops Advice issued to airside operators from time to time on immediate operational
disruptions; and
• Perth Airport Safety Bulletins issued to airside operators from time to time.
Copies of this Airside Safety & Driving standard are available from the Airport Services Office,
Alpha hKew located on the ground floor, 2 George Wiencke Drive, Perth Airport or via the Perth
Airport Extranet at or the Corporate page on
the Perth Airport website

2 Airside Safety & Driving

Part 1

Airside Safety

Airside Safety & Driving 3

Aerodrome Hazards
The most serious hazard is being on an aerodrome with insufficient knowledge or consideration
of the risks, and being unaware of the protective mitigating measures required.
The Apron is the area for parking and ground servicing of aircraft and where passengers embark
and disembark the aircraft.
Before working Airside at Perth Airport, you need to be familiar with the hazards associated with
aerodromes, these include:
• Aircraft
• Vehicles
• Runway incursion
• Environment
• Wildlife
• Human factors

1. Aircraft hazards
It is important to be aware of anti-collision beacons located on all
The anti-collision beacon is a flashing red light located on top, and
in most cases underneath, the aircraft fuselage. When the red anti-
collision beacon is activated this indicates the aircraft is:
• operational and the crew are in the cockpit, and/or
• the engines are running, and/or
• about to start up, and/or
• about to be pushed back, or towed.
Indicators that an aircraft is about to activate its anti-collision beacon include:
• no vehicles left servicing the aircraft
• a pushback tug or power push unit is attached
• the wheel chocks removed.

1.1 Noise
Noise is a hazard, particularly when combined with other hazards. Localised environmental noise
can mask other hazards which we might otherwise detect by the noise they make.

Protection measures:
1. Wear appropriate ear protection in a noisy environment.
2. Remember that hearing protection can reduce awareness of other hazards.
3. Maintain situational awareness.

4 Airside Safety & Driving

1.2 Jet blast and propeller wash
It is dangerous to be near an aircraft when the engines are running. Turbine and propeller driven
aircraft pose one of the greatest hazards to personnel working Airside.
Jet blast is the blast caused by aircraft engines and can be particularly hazardous. The effects of
jet blast can kill or cause serious injury to people. In order to prevent being exposed to the hazard
from jet blast, always keep well clear of aircraft whilst operating on the manoeuvring area.
Unsecure equipment or foreign objects increase the potential for serious injury or death as they
can be picked up and propelled at great speeds.
Propeller wash can cause objects to be impacted by the strong winds created. Propeller driven
aircraft must be approached with extreme caution, whether the propellers are rotating or not. A
light breeze can cause propellers to spin and become a hazard. At night or in low visibility or
under certain lighting conditions, propellers can appear to be motionless when they are actually
rotating at very high speed. This is a strobe effect and should be considered before approaching
any propeller aircraft.
The exhaust from jet engines and the wash from propellers can be powerful enough to lift a
person off their feet and propel them some distance away.
Ground equipment can be prone to movement in strong winds. Large empty cargo containers are
a particular issue as they are light and often parked on aprons.
The hazard is most acute when aircraft are moving off from parking or arriving on bay.

Protection measures:
1. Stay well away from the blast areas behind jet engines and propellers.
2. Be aware at all times while on the apron of aircraft that have ‘engines running’.

1.3 Intake suction

Engine intakes of aircraft are often at an ideal height to ingest a person if they get too close, even
when running at idle thrust. Such an encounter invariably has catastrophic results.
Ingestion (jet intake) of foreign objects into aircraft engines can also cause catastrophic failure of
the engine and serious injury or death. The area in front of and to the sides of turbine jet engines
should never be approached by unauthorised workers.
It may not be obvious the engine is running when seen from the side. Ear protection may also
mask engine noise when the engine is running.

Protection measures:
1. Do not approach aircraft with engines running and where anti-collision beacons are active.
2. Wait until appropriately trained staff give the ‘all clear’ before approaching the aircraft.

1.4 Rotor and propeller strike

Propellers should be considered as ‘live’ even if not rotating, which is another hazard with usually
catastrophic results.
Protection measures:
1. Stay well away from engines and propellers, whether rotating or stationary.

Airside Safety & Driving 5

1.5 Aircraft refuelling
Aircraft refuelling involves large volumes of fuel transferred
under pressure and is particularly hazardous.
Fuel Hazard Zones include:
• the hydrant pit
• fuelling point Fuelling
• hoses point Maintain clear
• dispenser Hydrant pit exit for vehicle
• wing vents Wing vent Hydrant dispenser

Protection measures:
Within 3 metres pf the Fuel Hazard Zones the following restrictions apply.
1. Keep all mobile phones and vehicles outside of the hazard zones.
2. Keep all passengers who are on the apron at least 3 metres away from fuelling equipment,
hydrant pits and the wing vents.
3. Ensure passengers have mobile phones and cameras turned off if within hazard zones.
4. Only intrinsically safe electrical equipment may be used within hazard zones.
5. No vehicles, personnel or equipment should be parked under the wing vents as fuel may
pour into the ground in the event of aircraft fuel control system failure.

Safety measures:
Emergency fuel stop buttons
Emergency fuel stop buttons are located on aircraft parking
bays where hydrant refuelling is conducted. The emergency
stop buttons are clearly sign posted. All personnel working
airside are required to familiarise themselves with the locations
and how to activate them. Pressing the button will stop the
flow of fuel from the hydrant.
In case of an emergency, all personnel, regardless of their
normal job, have the authority and responsibility to activate the
fuel emergency stop system to shutdown fuel flow.
You must notify the ACC on (618) 9478 8572 or refuelling
staff as soon as possible.
Do not reset the fuel emergency stop button under any circumstances once activated, even if
you realise later that there is no emergency. Fuel Emergency Stop buttons must only be reset
by the refuelling company.

1.6 Limited visibility

The flight crew can have limited visibility from the flight deck and may not be able to see people
moving around the outside of the aircraft. If you need to work near the aircraft ensure the flight
crew know you are there.

Protection measures:
1. Do not approach aircraft unless it is part of your role and you have been trained to do so.
2. Follow your company operating procedures at all times.

6 Airside Safety & Driving

2. Vehicle hazards
Hazards from vehicles operating on the movement area of an aerodrome are similar to those
encountered on public roads and highways, subsequently, similar precautions should be taken.
If you are wearing hearing protection or there is significant aircraft noise nearby, you may not
hear approaching vehicles as clearly.
Please note, electric tugs operate Airside and can be very hard to hear.

2.1 Aircraft service vehicles

Some airport service vehicles are designed specifically for servicing and handling aircraft, and are
unique to aerodromes. Catering trucks, pallet loaders, baggage trains and tugs all have external
moving parts which present hazards.
Be aware that airport vehicles have platforms that are power operated and may rise and fall
without notice. The operator may have limited vision and not be aware of your presence.

2.2 Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF)

A particular hazard is posed by Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles. ARFF respond
to emergencies on the aerodrome and you must give way.

Protection measures:
1. Wear high visibility clothing.
2. Remain vigilant to what is happening around you.

3. Runway Incursion
Runway incursions represent one of the most significant aviation hazards and involve a person or
vehicle (or aircraft) entering a runway when it has not received a clearance to do so. Several
major aircraft accidents have occurred following runway incursion incidents and have resulted in
multiple fatalities.
Human factors failures are a primary cause of runway incursion incidents. This standard aims to
reduce the risk of you being involved in a runway incursion incident through promoting:
• Sound knowledge of the aerodrome manoeuvring area layout
• Understanding of key phrases and terminology
• Importance of planning your aerodrome operation to prevent unexpected situations
• Radio communication procedures

Airside Safety & Driving 7

4. Environment
Environmental hazards at aerodromes can be extreme. The movement areas are open and offer
little protection from the sun, as a result apron surfaces can reach extreme temperatures.
Thunderstorm activity, strong winds and reduced visibility due to heavy fog pose additional

4.1 Low visibility procedures

Low visibility procedures commence when visibility falls below 2250m due to fog, rain squalls,
dust storms, smoke or low cloud.
During low visibility procedures, vehicular movements airside are restricted to those servicing
aircraft and emergency vehicles in the event of an emergency. When low visibility procedures
commence an Ops Advice notification will be issued and airside access through gates 1, 4 & 14
will be restricted to only those vehicles required to service aircraft. Vehicles already airside and
not required for servicing aircraft must leave the airside by the closest gate or park in their
designated airside area.
In certain circumstances sections of the airside road network may be closed. Drivers must look
out for road closures and take alternate routes as required. Closures will be notified by a Perth
Airport Notice (PAN) when low visibility procedures are activated.
During low visibility procedures drivers must exercise extreme caution and pay closer attention to
their surroundings. Speed must be reduced to ensure the driver can identify hazards and aircraft
manoeuvring in the vicinity. If in doubt or unsure of their surroundings, the driver should proceed
to the nearest storage or parking area and cease driving activities.

4.2 Strong winds

The loading and unloading of empty aircraft containers should not be undertaken in strong winds
due to the risk of containers being unrestrained on scissor-lift equipment and the procedures
adopted to ensure the safety of aircraft must comply with individual aircraft maintenance
manuals for strong wind conditions.
All GSE must be secured during strong winds. High-lift vehicles must be lowered and the
stabilisers deployed. Mobile stairs must be moved to protected positions. Freight pallets and
containers must be tied down and trolleys chocked or adequately restrained. Dollies loaded with
containers must have the park-brake applied where fitted, and if not fitted, dollies should either
be chocked or connected in train.
Maintenance stands and non-motorised steps should have their stabiliser jacks fully deployed
and, in some conditions, be either laid on their side or tied to something suitable. Caution should
be taken if maintenance stands and non-motorised steps are used at or near an aircraft and they
are not to be left unattended, unless suitably restrained. Alternatively, all stands must be
positioned well away from aircraft.
Procedures should be in place for all containers (which may be subject to unplanned movement in
strong winds) to be adequately restrained, whether a strong wind warning has been issued or not.
Container racking provides the most suitable restraint for containers and should be the first
priority. Remaining containers can be stored on dollies which have pallet locks or restraining
straps. In all cases, empty containers must have the container flap in the closed and locked
Any other miscellaneous items of equipment should be adequately secured.

8 Airside Safety & Driving

4.3 Thunderstorm warning system (TWS)
Thunderstorms are difficult to forecast and the location and timing of
lightning cannot be accurately or conclusively determined.
Reasonable endeavours are used by the airline meteorological teams
in monitoring thunderstorm activity and assessing the intensity in
relation to the risk of lightning strike. However, due to the above, they
cannot guarantee they will warn PAPL (and subsequently airside
personnel) of impending activity and none of these parties are liable
for a failure to predict lightning strikes.
It remains the responsibility of each airside operator to conduct a risk assessment on the
lightning strike risk associated with their operations and to determine what systems, processes or
equipment are appropriate for their operations based on the prevailing weather conditions. Each
operator must undertake its own operational assessment as to what actions to undertake when
the TWS activates and develop its procedures in alignment with the system alert phases.
When necessary, activation of the thunderstorm warning system will occur in accordance with the
phases below. At all times, airside personnel are to respond in accordance with their company’s
internal operating procedures.

Phase 1: Storm watch.

• A thunderstorm is within 30 nautical miles (nm) of Perth Airport, but not within 10nm
• Airport Control Centre (ACC) operator monitors the thunderstorm activity.

Phase 2: Thunderstorm approaching.

• Thunderstorm is within 10nm of the airfield, but not within 5nm.

Phase 3: Thunderstorm in immediate vicinity.

• Thunderstorm is within 5nm of the airfield

Phase 4: Thunderstorm cancellation.

• Thunderstorm has receded beyond 10nm of the airfield.

Protection measures:
1. Stay informed of local weather forecasts.
2. Heed any local weather warnings.
3. Adhere to your company’s internal operating procedures.
4. Wear protective clothing appropriate to the conditions.
5. Ensure you keep well hydrated when working for long periods.
6. Personnel should never shelter under the wings of an aircraft or remain on open
vehicles during thunderstorms. Ideally, take shelter inside buildings, aircraft or fully
enclosed metal bodied vehicles.

Airside Safety & Driving 9

5. Wildlife
Wildlife may result in a direct hazard to personnel working on the apron. Although infrequent, snakes
may be present particularly in hangars.

Protection measures:
1. Know first aid and the location of first aid kits.
2. Be aware of potential wildlife threats.
3. Do not approach wildlife without the appropriate training.
4. Ensure all rubbish and food scraps are appropriately disposed in rubbish bins with secured lids.

It is important that, if you are working on the aprons, you are aware of the potential risk wildlife pose
to aerodrome operations. Reducing the attractiveness of the airport to wildlife, particularly birds,
should be a prime consideration for all those working routinely on the movement area.

6. Human factors
Aerodromes present a number of hazards and risks to personnel, which can be mitigated
individually. It is very rare that hazards present themselves individually, and there are many different
combinations of hazards, which sometimes makes it difficult to assess risk clearly.
Awareness of the hazards and their mitigation, training, and effective management are all means of
addressing human factor risks found in active aerodrome environments. Airside personnel must be
alert to what is happening around them. A persons’ situational awareness can be affected by a
variety of factors including workload, fatigue or boredom.

Protection measures:
1. Be aware of the hazards and risks found when operating on the movement area and that these
hazards and risks may interact in unpredictable ways.
2. Be situationally aware of your surroundings and look out for safety hazards that may affect other
3. Plan ahead.
4. Do not use mobile telephones unless essential for your work and ensure you remain clear of
aircraft refuelling zones.
5. Follow AOS’s and company Standard Operating Procedures.
6. Be vigilant – be aware of other vehicles and aircraft movements.
7. Concentrate on the task at hand.

6.1 Drugs and alcohol

Personnel are not permitted airside while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

6.2 Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Foreign object damage occurs when loose material and debris (FOD) on the movement
/manoeuvring area causes damage to aircraft. FOD incidents are a significant hazard to
airlines and result in millions of dollars of damage and lost productivity through aircraft
downtime each year. Airside workers have a duty of care to preserve the safe operations
of aircraft by reducing FOD. Prevent FOD by ensuring all equipment is appropriately
maintained and in good working order, and all loads are appropriately secured. Any FOD
detected on the aerodrome manoeuvring area must be immediately reported to the ACC
on (618) 9478 8572 so that it can be recovered by Airfield Operations staff. Yellow FOD
bins are supplied at the head of aircraft parking bays for retrieved FOD.

10 Airside Safety & Driving

Important Safety Rules
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
As a minimum, Perth Airport mandates the wearing of the following when working airside, and
in close proximity to, aircraft:
• high visibility garment (vest) in accordance with Australian Standards regulations;
• hearing protection in accordance with Australian Standards regulations; and
• appropriate enclosed footwear suitable for the work you are doing.

Parking of vehicles/equipment
Parking vehicles and ground handling equipment outside the designated ‘equipment storage’
and ‘equipment clearance’ areas represents a safety hazard to both aircraft and other traffic.
Vehicles or equipment must not be left unattended outside these areas.

Seat belts
It is mandatory seat belts are worn while driving or as a passenger in a vehicle airside where

No seat – No ride
A vehicle must not operate with a passenger load in excess of its designated seating capacity.

No smoking / naked flame

Smoking and naked flames, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not permitted anywhere airside
at Perth Airport.

All spills must be notified to the ACC on (618) 9478 8572. Every company must have spill kits
available to enable them to respond to their own minor spills.

Walking Airside
Walking beyond the aircraft parking clearance lines or rear of
stand roads is prohibited unless:
• you are part of the dispatch team for a departing
aircraft, or
• you are part of the receipt team for an arriving aircraft
that is required to stop in the apron taxiway/lane and
be towed onto the parking position, or
• you are a pilot (with or without passengers) or
maintenance personnel walking to an aircraft on the
central GA apron, or
• you are accompanied by a vehicle and driver with the
appropriate ADA and AUA for the area.

Airside Safety & Driving 11

Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are provided on aircraft parking bays for
the initial intervention of a fuel fire. All motorised vehicles
should ideally be equipped with fire extinguishers.
Consideration should be given to personnel engaged in apron
activities being trained by their employer in the use of fire

Emergency eye wash/showers

To ensure that Airside workers have unimpeded access to eye
wash stations under no circumstances is equipment to be
parked or left impeding access.

Incident and hazard reporting

If you see a hazard and/or an incident it must be reported to:
• in a life-threatening emergency situation – 000 then the ACC emergency line on (618)
9478 8500.
• in an emergency situation – ACC emergency line on (618) 9478 8500.
• any other occurrence – ACC (618) 9478 8572.
Reportable incidents include:
• any damage to aircraft
• any unplanned movement of aircraft or Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
• any person, vehicle or equipment near misses with an operating aircraft
• any incident where a person or persons are injured
• all fuel/oil or other material spills.

Impending aircraft movements

When travelling on rear-of-stand roadways, it is imperative the driver looks out for signs that
aircraft are either about to leave or arrive onto the bay. Passengers can assist drivers by keeping a
lookout and not distracting the driver.

12 Airside Safety & Driving

Manoeuvring your way safely around
the aerodrome
Familiarity with aerodrome signs and markings will help you to reduce risks. Common road
signs that meet WA State Regulation standards are used Airside and mean the same as on
Landside roads. Take notice of all signage on the airport and ensure that you understand the
following principles of aerodrome markings.

Apron Signs & Markings

Stop signs and ground

Your vehicle must come to a
complete stop before

Give way signage and

ground markings
As you approach signage,
reduce speed, check for any
other traffic before safely

Aircraft stand give way markings

Approaching drivers must observe aircraft arriving and
departing from the bay indicated on the marking.

Airside roadway
These are defined by a single continuous white line on each
side. Where a double white line is provided separating the
direction of travel, vehicles are not permitted to overtake.

Airside Safety & Driving 13

Apron roads adjacent to a taxiway
Where an apron road is located adjacent to a taxiway, the side
closest to the taxiway is indicated by double white lines. The
double white lines indicate the vehicle limit line and must not be
crossed. Extreme care should be taken at all times when driving
in these areas. The aircraft parking clearance line may also be
present or omitted

Live taxiway crossing

Where an apron road or other Airside road crosses a taxiway or
an apron taxi-lane, the road is marked on each side by a ‘zipper’
line. When approaching the crossing, you should slow down,
have a thorough look for aircraft movements and be sure that
the taxiway is clear before proceeding across it.
When approaching a live taxiway crossing, a driver may only
• If there are no aircraft movements
• after the taxiing aircraft has safely cleared the roadway
• after giving way to vehicles using the taxiways

Aircraft parking clearance line (yellow-red-yellow)

Aircraft parking clearance markings are used to define an
area in which the whole of a parked aircraft and equipment
servicing that aircraft is to be confined. The parking clearance
line separates the apron from the taxilanes/taxiways and
vehicles must remain on the apron side.

Equipment storage areas

Equipment storage areas are defined by a solid white-red-
white line or solid red line and are where vehicles, plant or
equipment may be stored.
Ensure brakes are applied and equipment is secured. Refer to
the Staging & Storage of GSE & ULD’s and Aircraft
Turnaround AOS’s for further information.

Equipment clearance areas

Equipment clearance areas are defined by a broken white-
red- white line and are areas where vehicles and equipment
can be staged for up to 45 minutes prior to an arriving aircraft
If the same GHA is to use the bay for the next scheduled
aircraft then the equipment can remain between services.
Refer to the Staging & Storage of GSE & ULD’s and Aircraft
Turnaround AOS’s for further information.

14 Airside Safety & Driving

Equipment clearance line
Equipment clearance lines are broken red lines (dashed) and
may be found on the T1 Domestic apron. This line is marked
with the aircraft parking position that it is protecting. You
must remain behind this line when aircraft are arriving at and
departing from the bay indicated on the marking. This line is
strictly prohibited for pre-staging unattended GSE.

Aerobridge clearance zones

Aerobridge clearance zone areas are marked as hatched
areas and must be kept clear of equipment, vehicles and
personnel at all times. When aerobridges are in operation a
warning light and alarm will activate.

Unserviceable area
These are marked with red/white cones. Do not enter unless
you are authorised to do so. At night, these areas are
accompanied by red lights.

Works area limit marking

Cones are used to mark areas on the airfield. At night
these markers are supplemented by the use of amber
temporary lights.

Security Restricted Area (SRA) marking

Where possible, the SRA is fenced around the manoeuvring
area which is monitored by radar and includes signage.
Where fencing is not possible, the SRA is bound by a
continuous double green line highlighted white in the centre.
DO NOT CROSS the SRA boundary in either direction.
Crossing a SRA boundary may result in withdrawal of access
provisions and/or airside driving infringements.
Airside Safety & Driving 15
Runway Signs & Markings
Runways are the areas where aircraft are most vulnerable and a great deal of effort goes into
protecting them.

Although Category 2 and Category 2.5 ADA drivers should NEVER find themselves in close
proximity to the runways, it is imperative ALL airside drivers understand the following
markings in the event they become disoriented.

• Runway markings are primarily white
• Taxiway markings are primarily yellow
Examples of common markings are outlined below:

Runway strip markers

White gable markers show the edge of the Runway Strip
Graded Portion. Vehicles are not permitted to enter the
Runway Strip Graded Portion without specific clearance
from ATC. At Perth Airport, the strip is defined by the
gables at a distance of 75 metres from the runway
centreline giving an overall width of the strip as 150 metres.
The declared strip width is an area that also includes the fly
over areas of the runway strip out to a width of 150 metres
from the runway centreline, marked by the herbicide line.

Runway centreline and edge surface markings

These markings indicate the centre and edge of a Runway. The centre line is a white broken line
and the edge is a continuous white line. You must not tow or drive heavy vehicles outside the
defined sidelines of the runway. All runways at Perth Airport are 45 metres wide.

Centreline runway markings Runway edge markings Aiming point markings

16 Airside Safety & Driving

Runway Threshold and end markings
The runway threshold is marked by a series of markings
commonly known as the Piano Keys. A set distance for the
touchdown area is marked by the aiming point markings and
touchdown markers. The Threshold is lit by a series of green
lights as viewed from an aircraft on approach. These are
collocated with red lights opposite at the end of the runway
identifying the runway end to an aircraft taking off in the
opposite direction.

Taxiway strips
The taxiway strips at Perth Airport are not defined
by markers. The majority of taxiways are defined as
23 metre taxiways (operational pavement width).
To ensure appropriate clearance to taxiing aircraft, the following minimum distances from the
centreline of the taxiway must be maintained by vehicles and personnel operating adjacent to

Runway Holding Position

These markings indicate the holding positions for aircraft
and vehicles prior to entering a Runway. You must not cross
in the direction of the solid lines without an approval from
ATC. When instructed to ‘Hold short’ always stop prior to
the first solid line of the runway holding point marking.
Stopbars are also installed at all runway holding points and
are an additional visual cue for pilots and drivers that they
are approaching a runway. Stopbars consist of inset red
lights, 3m apart across the full width of the taxiway.
When taxiway lights are operating, the taxiway lights leading
onto the runway beyond the stopbar will be extinguished, an
additional cue NOT to enter the runway.
You must never cross a lit stop bar. Ensure you have an ATC
clearance and the stopbar has been de-activated prior to
entering the runway.
Cat 2, 2.5 and 3 Drivers must NEVER pass Runway Holding Position markings and Stopbars
at ANY TIME. If you find yourself next to one of these – STOP – you have gone too far. Call
for assistance or just wait & a Perth Airport airfield operations vehicle will assist.

Intermediate Holding Position Markings

Intermediate Holding Position Markings are provided where
Taxiways join or intersect another Taxiway. The markings,
including 3 amber lights, provide visual reference to show
where to stop if required by ATC.

Airside Safety & Driving 17

Taxiway Edge Markings
These markings indicate the edge of a Taxiway or Apron
surface. The edge is a continuous double yellow line. The
double yellow line also indicates low strength pavement from
the outside edge. You must not tow or drive heavy vehicles
outside the defined taxiway edge markings.

Taxiway Centreline
The Taxiway Centreline marking is a solid yellow line that is
located centrally along the Taxiway. At night, the centreline is
marked by green centreline lights. When vacating a Runway at
night, the centreline lights alternate in colour (green / yellow)
from the runway to beyond the runway strip on the exiting
taxiway. Aircraft under tow must position the nose gear of the
aircraft to follow the centreline

Other Markers

Red and white unserviceability cones

Mark the areas restricted for access due to unserviceability. Entry
to these areas is restricted unless authorised by PAPL. Marked at
night with red lights.

ILS Critical Area markers

These identify restricted areas
that require ATC approval to
enter as they are sensitive
areas and vehicle entry could
cause interference to
navigation aids.
The main landing aids at Perth
Glide Path Localiser
Airport consist of the Localizer
and Glide Path. The signals
transmitted from this
equipment assist aircraft to set
up the approach for landing.

Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)

Visual aids such as PAPI are also used by aircraft to set
up an approach for landing along with other radio
navigational aids.
It is important to ensure you do not park directly in
front of, behind or adjacent to these structures.

18 Airside Safety & Driving

Aerodrome Signage
Movement Area Guidance Signs
Along with aerodrome markings and lights, aerodrome signs are designed to assist you in
navigating the aerodrome. The types of signs are outlined below.

Mandatory Instruction Signs

Mandatory Instruction signs identify the entrance to a
runway or critical area, and areas prohibited for use by
aircraft and vehicles. It has a white inscription on a red
Remember: RED and WHITE = RUNWAY in SIGHT.
Remember: As a Cat 3 Driver you must never pass
runway guard Mandatory Instruction Signs at ANY TIME.

Runway Holding Position sign

This is a Mandatory Instruction sign located at the entrance
to a runway, adjacent to the yellow painted runway holding
position marking.
This example indicates that you are on Taxiway Alpha 9
holding short of Runway 21/03. The Runway 03 threshold is
to your right; the Runway 21 threshold is to your left.
Remember: RED and WHITE = RUNWAY in SIGHT.

Location Sign
Identifies the taxiway you are currently located on. It has a
yellow inscription on a black background. This example
shows a location sign, co-located with a direction sign.
This sign indicates you are on Taxiway Alpha, and Taxiway
Alpha 9 is located ahead and to the left.
Remember: Black square, you’re there.

Direction sign
Identifies the designation of taxiways leading out of an
intersection along with an arrow indicating the approximate
direction of turn needed to align with that taxiway. They are
located prior to the intersection, normally on the left side and
usually with a location sign. It has a black inscription on a
yellow background. You can use these signs to confirm your
location. This example sign confirms your location on
Taxiway bravo, the apron is ahead, Taxiway Hotel 3 is on
your left and Taxiway Hotel 4 is on your right.

Airside Safety & Driving 19

Aerodrome Lighting
Runway Guard Lights
Runway Guard Lights are located at Runway Holding Positions on each Taxiway. At Perth
Airport, Runway Guard Lights are installed in the following configurations:

Yellow lamps flashing alternate either side of the runway
holding point. Stopbars are also installed at all Runway
Holding Points. Refer Runway Holding Position section
(page 17) for further information.

Runway Edge and Centreline Lights

Runway Edge Lights (60m spacing) and Runway Centreline
lights to be commissioned on transition from Category 1
AGL to Category 3 AGL (due in 2017) are white, and within
600m of the end of the runway the edge lights are yellow.

Taxiway Centreline Lights

Taxiway centreline lights are green. In some locations around
apron areas, taxilane edge lights are installed and these are
blue. When vacating a Runway at night, the centreline lights
alternate in colour (green / yellow) from the runway to
beyond the runway strip on the exiting taxiway. Aircraft
under tow must position the nose gear of the aircraft to
follow the centreline.

Taxiway Edge Lights

In the event of a taxiway centreline light unserviceability, blue edge lights may be positioned on
the edges of a taxiway or portion of taxiway. Operators must remain central to the edge lights.

Stop Bar Lights

Stopbars are installed at all runway holding points and are an
additional visual cue for pilots and drivers that they are
approaching a runway. Stopbars consist of inset red lights,
3m apart across the full width of the taxiway.
You must never cross a lit stop bar. Ensure you have an ATC
clearance and the stopbar has been de-activated prior to entering the runway.
Cat 2, 2.5 and 3 Drivers must NEVER pass Runway Holding Position markings and Stopbars
at ANY TIME. If you find yourself next to one of these – STOP – you have gone too far. Call
for assistance or just wait & a Perth Airport airfield operations vehicle will assist.

20 Airside Safety & Driving

Part 2

Airside Driving
(Category 2 & 2.5)

Airside Safety & Driving 21

Authority to Drive Airside
Application for an Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) must be made in strict accordance with the
Perth Airport Airside Vehicle Control Handbook (AVCH).
Category 2 and Category 2.5 drivers are restricted to aprons (including delineated marked
service road crossings on live taxiways) and perimeter roadways as defined in the AVCH.
Category 2 and 2.5 ADA holders are not permitted to drive on runways and taxiways. Driving on
these areas requires a Category 3 or 4 ADA and are subject to clearance by Airservices
Australia’s (ASA) Air Traffic Control (ATC).
Commonwealth Regulations set out rules in relation to the operation of vehicles Airside. Perth
Airport is authorised to enforce those rules on both drivers and companies. The rules are in
place to protect yourself and others.
Drivers are required to carry a current ADA and display a current ASIC at all times while Airside.
Unless escorted, any motorised vehicle being driven Airside must be ‘Airside registered’ and
display a current Authority to Use Airside (AUA) permit.
To operate a vehicle on the aprons, drivers must operate a vehicle equipped with an amber
rotating beacon (vehicle warning light) visible from 360°.

Airside access
There are three security controlled access gates which provide 24/7 Airside/Landside vehicle
• Gate 4 – which is located south of Terminal 3 (off Bound Avenue)
• Gate 1 – which is located south of Terminal 2 (off Airport Drive)
• Gate 14 – which is located east of Terminal 1 (off Grogan Road into Service Road)
The primary emergency access gate is Gate 6 which is located off Dunreath Drive. This gate is

22 Airside Safety & Driving

Important safety rules (Category 2
& 2.5 drivers)
You must not drive on runways and taxiways.
Category 2 or 2.5 drivers may only drive on Airside service/perimeter roads, aprons, and apron
taxilanes where no service road is provided, and you are operationally required to do so.

Category 2 drivers may only drive on the aprons and the northern perimeter road.
Category 2.5 drivers may only drive on the aprons, northern perimeter, southern perimeter
and powerhouse 24 roads.

At all times, you must have in your possession:

• Authority to Drive Airside (ADA)
The vehicle you are driving must have a valid Authority to Use Airside (AUA) permit and you
must only be driving in areas where you have a valid operational reason.

All vehicles operating on the movement area (e.g. aprons) must have and operate an amber
rotating beacon.

Drugs and alcohol

Drivers are not permitted to work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Driving – speed limits

While Airside, you must obey all signs and, unless indicated otherwise, adhere to the speed
limits as documented in the AVCH.
The speeds indicated are the maximum for that area. It is your responsibility to use caution and
drive at reduced speeds to suit the operating environment.

Location Speed Remarks

Runways (no aircraft nearby) 80km/h maximum
Unless a higher speed is
Taxiways/taxilanes (no aircraft nearby 60km/h maximum operationally required

Apron road ways 25km/h maximum Unless otherwise marked

Aprons (within 15m of aircraft, not on a marked 10km/h maximum Unless otherwise marked
Service tunnels 5km/h maximum Unless otherwise marked
Perimeter roads 50km/h maximum Unless otherwise marked
Perimeter roadways adjacent to runway end 10km/h minimum Strictly no stopping

Please familiarise yourself with the speed signage around the airfield.

Airside Safety & Driving 23

Right of way
All aircraft have right of way over all other vehicles. Where an aircraft’s anti-collision beacon is
activated, it indicates the aircraft is about to start engines, has its engines running or is about to
move. The anti-collision lights are the flashing red lights located on top, and in most cases
underneath, the aircraft fuselage. This is a signal to keep clear of the aircraft bay and give way
to aircraft.
You are not permitted to drive in front of, or pass behind an aircraft if the aircraft anti-
collision beacon is active.

When operating on aprons, headlights at night and in low visibility must be on low beam.

Mobile phones
While driving Airside you must not answer, use, or attempt to answer a handheld phone. All
other functions including texting, video messaging, online chatting, reading messages or
emailing are strictly prohibited.
Use of a mobile phone to make or receive phone calls while driving Airside is restricted to the
use of an acceptable hands free device where:
• the mobile phone is secured in a fixed mounting, or
• if not in a fixed mounting, use of the mobile phone does not require the driver to touch
or manipulate the phone in anyway.

Secure load
Drivers are responsible for the load they carry, therefore it must be secure. This includes all
loose material, garbage, plastic or waste paper. The driver must ensure the load is adequately
secured to avoid becoming Foreign Object Debris (FOD).

Overtaking other vehicles

When overtaking another vehicle you must ensure that it is safe to do so and that you:
• overtake on the right hand side
• do not exceed the speed limit for that area
• do not cross solid white lines.

Lost on the airfield

If, when you are driving Airside, you become lost or disorientated or your vehicle becomes
immobilised – STOP – and call for assistance from the ACC on (618) 9478 8572.

Passenger movements
If you are driving on the Apron and you observe passengers walking to or from the terminal or
from buses to or from an aircraft, and they are in your intended route, you must stop and let the
passengers proceed. Where provided, pedestrians are to be directed to use marked pedestrian
crossings. Vehicles must stop and give way to pedestrians at all times.

24 Airside Safety & Driving

Northern perimeter road
Vehicles travelling on the northern perimeter road are required to give way to all arriving and
departing aircraft on Runway 03/21. Signage and pavement markings in this vicinity must be
adhered to.

Southern perimeter road

Driving on the southern perimeter road requires a minimum Category 2.5 ADA or a “S”:
endorsement on your ADA. You also must have a valid reason for driving in that area. A
Category 3 or 4 ADA does not automatically provide access to the southern perimeter road. A
shortcut between terminals is not a valid reason.
When travelling along the southern perimeter road next to taxiway Alpha you must not move
any further than 3 meters off the roadway.

Height restrictions – gates and head-of-stand roadways

Vehicles entering the airside area through Gates 00, 1, 4 & 14 or using the head-of-stand
roadways on Terminal 1 or entering any other height restricted area are restricted to a
maximum height as signed.
You must be aware of the vehicle height or equipment height you are operating, and ensure you
will clear the height restrictions. Height limits do change across the airfield.
For vehicles 2.1m in height &/or 3m in width or larger, the operating height & width should be
displayed within the vehicle so that it is visible by the driver.

Aircraft movements – rear-of-stand roadways

When travelling on rear-of-stand roadways, it is imperative you look for signs that aircraft are
either about to leave or arrive onto the bay. The following are some indicators that will assist
you in identifying whether aircraft arrival/departure is imminent.
Aircraft preparing to push back:
• aircraft beacon is activated
• no cargo or luggage is being loaded into the aircraft and cargo doors are closed
• tug or push power unit is attached to the aircraft
• the aerobridge or stairs are clear of the aircraft
• engineer or ground handler is connected at the front of the aircraft for push back.
Preparing for aircraft to arrive on bay:
• a marshaller or engineer is waiting on the bay
• the aerobridge is showing a green light
• there are ground staff and service vehicles waiting
• the nose in guidance system (where provided) is showing aircraft type and direction arrows.

Vehicle breakdown
If you break down or are involved in an accident you must call the ACC immediately. The ACC
number is located on the rear of the following cards:
• Perth Airport issued ASIC
• ADA card
• Perth Airport issued Contractor Induction card.

Airside Safety & Driving 25

26 Airside Safety & Driving
Part 3

Airside Driving
(Category 3 & 4)

Airside Safety & Driving 27

Applying for a Category 3 or 4
Application for an Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) must be made in strict accordance with
the Perth Airport Airside Vehicle Control Handbook (AVCH).
Applicants seeking to apply for a Category 3 and Category 4 ADA must have successfully
attained a Category 2 or 2.5 ADA and have operated under that Category for a minimum
period of 6 weeks.
Category 3 ADA holders are permitted to operate in accordance with a Category 2 ADA
plus taxiways and taxilanes for the repositioning of aircraft and/or servicing of facilities.
Category 4 ADA holders are permitted to operate in accordance with a Category 3 ADA
plus runways.

Rules specific for Category 3 and

4 ADA holders
In addition to the safety rules documented in Part 2 of this document, Category 3 and
4 ADA drivers must comply with this section and the Perth Airport Airside Vehicle
Control Handbook. Important requirements relating to driving rules for Category 3 and
4 ADA holders are outlined below.

All vehicles operating on the movement area must have and operate at all times an amber
rotating beacon. The beacon must be visible from 360 degrees.

All vehicles operating on the Perth Airport Manoeuvring Area
(runways and taxiways) must be equipped with a serviceable
Veelo unit, which, when mounted to a vehicle transmits a signal
to the ATC, enabling identification of the vehicle. Any vehicle
note equipped with a Veelo unit will not be permitted to enter
the Manoeuvring Area unless under escort by a Perth Airport
Operations vehicle.

Call sign
Each vehicle is allocated a call sign which is directly linked to the unique code assigned to
the VeeLo unit fitted to the vehicle. Know your vehicle call-sign.

28 Airside Safety & Driving

Drivers operating on the Manoeuvring Area must be familiar with:
• The designations of the Runways and Taxiways
• Aviation radio procedures
• The meaning of ATC light signals
• Signs and markings used on the manoeuvring area
• Content of the Airside Vehicle Control Handbook
Under no circumstances are vehicles, other than Airfield Operations vehicles and emergency
services vehicles in an emergency, permitted on the Manoeuvring Area during Low Visibility
Drivers must be aware of the hazard that can be created by jet blast and propeller wash when
operating a vehicle in the vicinity of the manoeuvring area.
Drivers should not drive from unsealed areas directly onto paved aircraft surfaces to avoid FOD.
You must maintain a listening watch for other vehicles, aircraft and radio transmissions at all times
while operating on the manoeuvring area.

Vehicle unserviceability
If your vehicle becomes unserviceable at any time on the manoeuvring area, contact ATC
immediately to advise them of your location, and then remain with the vehicle. A PAPL Airport
Operations Officer (AOO) will co-ordinate with ATC for assistance.

Airside Safety & Driving 29

Planning your aerodrome operation
A thorough knowledge of the manoeuvring area physical characteristics is essential for safe
driving. Take a moment to think about where you need to go and how you are going to get
there. Listed below are important points of interest to consider BEFORE driving on Perth
Airport’s runways and taxiways:
• You should only enter the manoeuvring area when you have an operational need to do
• Have a current Perth Airport plan of the manoeuvring area available to use. Current
manoeuvring area plan is available from the Perth Airport Airfield Operations office.
• Listen to the ATIS to determine the runway/s in use.
• Check NOTAMs to determine any areas of the aerodrome that may be restricted due to
unserviceability or aerodrome works.
• Plan the tasks to be completed whilst you are on the manoeuvring area, and avoid any
tendency to rush tasks.
• Ensure your vehicle is serviceable, and any loose items that could become FOD are
removed and/or secured
• Check the proposed route against the manoeuvring area plan and pay special attention
to any complex intersections.
• Always be aware of where you are and what is around your vehicle – especially when
operating close to a runway.
• If in doubt of your current location on the manoeuvring area, STOP and request ATC
assistance. Someone will come to assist you. If possible, move off the taxiway or runway
to a safe position.
• Know the light signals to be observed by ATC in the event of radio failure as outlined in
this guide.
• Conduct a briefing with passengers to ensure they are familiar with ‘sterile’ environment
techniques to avoid introducing any distractions within the vehicle.
Situational awareness is key to avoiding a runway incursion incident. Take note of the
• Maintain a ‘sterile environment’ in the vehicle by switching OFF unnecessary distractions
such as external radios and mobile phones.
• Avoid conversations with passengers that may distract you from responding to ATC
clearances/instructions or may contribute to you becoming unfamiliar with your
• Minimise ‘head down’ activities whilst the vehicle is moving.

30 Airside Safety & Driving

Towing Operations
If you are conducting aircraft towing activities on the manoeuvring area, then you must be mindful
of the following:
• Direct line of communication between the tug and the aircraft must be available at all times
during the tow.
• The aircraft’s anti-collision beacon MUST be activated.
• All persons involved in the tow operation are aware of their roles and responsibilities and
must be familiar with the specific company towing procedures.
• Where a PAPL Airfield Operations escort is being provided, follow all instructions of the
Airfield Operations Officer in charge of the escort.

ATC Procedures
Drivers of vehicles must obtain an ATC clearance and instructions before entering the
manoeuvring area.
• Once receiving an ATC clearance or instruction you should:
• Ensure that you understand the instruction and ask for clarification if unsure.
• Read back the clearance or instruction including your vehicle call-sign.
• Monitor ATC clearances/instructions issued to other vehicles and aircraft to help you
achieve an awareness of what is happening around you.
• Be cautious of similar sounding call-signs of other aircraft and vehicles. Call-sign confusion
is a common causal factor of runway incursion incidents.
• Avoid over-transmitting other aircraft or vehicles when reading back an ATC clearance –
over-transmitting can contribute to a runway incursion incident. If you are unsure that ATC
has received your read back then you should ask for clarification.
• Listen carefully to avoid responding to a clearance/instruction intended for someone else.
• Advise ATC if you anticipate a delay, or are unable to comply with their instructions.
• Look for light signals from the tower if you suspect radio problems.

Remember an ATC instruction to operate on taxiways or other areas of the

aerodrome is NOT a clearance to cross a runway holding position, or to enter or
operate on a runway. Only the words CROSS or ENTER authorise a vehicle to
operate on a runway.

Airside Safety & Driving 31

Communications and Radio Procedures
Effective driver/ATC controller communications are vital to safe aerodrome operations. You can help
enhance the controllers understanding by responding (read back procedures) appropriately and
using standard phraseology.
Guidelines for clear and accurate communications:
• Use standard phraseology when contacting ATC to ensure clear and concise communication.
Your initial transmission should contain these elements:
- Who you are calling
- Your call-sign
- Where you are located
- A concise description of what you want to do
• State your position whenever making initial contact with any tower or ground controller,
regardless of whether you have previously stated your position to a different controller.
• Focus on what ATC is instructing you to do. Do not perform any non-essential tasks while
communicating with ATC.
• Keep your communications concise and to the point.
• Acknowledge all clearances - read back all required elements of the clearance and end your
transmission with your call-sign. Remember, keep transmissions clear and concise.
• Read back the holding position specified in a clearance or instruction and any clearance or
instruction to:
- Hold short of a runway
- Enter a runway
- Cross a runway
• Include the runway designator in all read backs
• Clarify any misunderstanding or confusion concerning ATC instructions or clearances

Conditional Instruction
A conditional instruction or clearance means the tower may give approval to undertake a task or
action and include a condition as part of the approval.
Note: If your request is complex, you should consider contacting ATC by phone to discuss any
special procedures that may be required prior to the first radio transmission.

Entering the Manoeuvring Area

Before you request to enter the manoeuvring area you must give consideration to the following:
• The communications equipment is in good working order (radio check should be considered
to check equipment).
• Be sure you are on the correct frequency.
• Ensure the squelch is set correctly if manually adjustable.
• Volume is set to an acceptable level.
• Ensure the frequency is clear by listening prior to transmitting (i.e. there are no other
communications in progress – this also allows you to gain an awareness of other traffic and
current RWY availability).
• If transmitting from an open vehicle, a headset and wind protected boom mike should be
• All other communications equipment that may be a distraction must be switched OFF.

32 Airside Safety & Driving

The below is an example of a radio transmission between a vehicle and Perth Ground.
Identify who you are calling:
Tell Ground who you are:
Tell Ground where you are:
Tell Perth Ground what you wish to do:
Your transmission:

Perth Ground responds:


Your transmission:

All instructions from ATC must be carried out promptly and safely – if you are not 100%
sure of an instruction or clearance, DO NOT MOVE. Confirm the instruction or clearance
and if you hear a conflicting transmission on either frequency, advise ATC immediately!

If you have been given a clearance to cross or enter a runway, you must monitor
transmissions for that runway. If you detect a landing or takeoff clearance on the runway
you are operating on, confirm your clearance immediately, conduct a visual check and if
you are in any doubt vacate the runway without delay.

Anyone using a radio (VHF to communicate with ATC) is required to hold an Aeronautical Radio
Operator Certificate (AROC). All instructions by ATC must be responded to immediately.
Unauthorised transmissions on an ATC registered frequency may lead to prosecution.

Radio Frequencies
Radio frequencies (MHz) currently in use at Perth Airport are as follows:
127.4 Perth Tower Aerodrome Controller
121.7 Surface Movement Controller (West)
122.2 Surface Movement Controller (East)
123.8 Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)

Airside Safety & Driving 33

Transmission Techniques
The efficient use of two way radio depends on microphone technique, the method of speaking and
the choice of words used by the operator.
You should make use of the following principles:
• Think before you transmit.
• Be concise.
• Speak clearly.
• Speak plainly and end each word clearly to prevent consecutive words running together.
• Avoid the tendency to shout.
• Avoid hesitant sounds such as ‘er’ and ‘um’.
• Maintain a business-like manner and do not use colloquialisms, first names or be unduly
familiar with others.
• If improvisation is required, make it brief and unambiguous.

Signal Strength
Readability of radio signals (i.e. how well a transmission is able to be heard)
1. Unreadable.
2. Readable now and again.
3. Readable but with difficulty.
4. Readable.
5. Perfectly readable.

Radio Failure procedures

Should you experience a radio failure adopt the appropriate following procedure: For Vehicles
(excluding Tugs)
a. If on a Runway, vacate the Runway immediately;
b. Vacate the manoeuvring area using the safest direct route available;
c. Upon vacating the manoeuvring area, establish contact with the Tower using another radio or
by mobile telephone and advise that you are clear of the area;
d. Do not re-enter the manoeuvring area until the radio has been replaced/repaired.

Light Signals from ATC

Where communications with ATC are lost, ATC may attract your attention through visual signals. If
you receive signals from the Tower, you should respond immediately. The meaning of these signals
must be displayed on the vehicle within easy sight of the driver.
The signals are as follows:
FLASHING RUNWAY OR Vacate the manoeuvring area and observe the Control Tower for light
STEADY RED Stop immediately.
RED FLASHES Move off Runway or Taxiway and watch out for aircraft.
GREEN FLASHES Permission to cross Runway or to move to a Taxiway.
WHITE FLASHES Vacate Manoeuvring Area in accordance with local instructions.

34 Airside Safety & Driving

Phonetic Alphabet
The International Phonetic Alphabet is used to assist in voice transmission of call signs,
Runway/Taxiway designators and the spelling of proper names and unusual words.
The phonetic alphabet is made up of particular words to denote the letters. When used, the
pronunciations as shown are to apply:



Numbers are to be transmitted using the following pronunciations:



In general, numbers except whole thousands are to be transmitted by pronouncing each digit

Airside Safety & Driving 35

Commonly Used Phrases

APPROVED Permission for proposed action granted.
CONFIRM Have I correctly received the following?
CORRECTION An error has been made in this message, the correct message is “…..”
DISREGARD Ignore previous transmission.
GO AHEAD Proceed with your message
(normally only after stand by – THIS IS NOT A CLEARANCE TO ENTER
HOLD POSITION Stop - Do not proceed until advised.
HOLD SHORT OF Stop before a specified location (For a Runway this is at Runway strip edge
and for a Taxiway it is at the Taxiway intersection line).
HOW DO YOU READ What is the readability of my transmission (or how well can you hear my
transmission normally radio check is used).
NEGATIVE No, or permission not granted, or that is not correct.
RADIO CHECK I wish to know how well you can hear me. Please advise your readability of
my transmission.
REQUEST Request permission to, or I would like to know.
ROGER I have received your last message.
SAY AGAIN Repeat all, or the following part of your last message (say again after “…..”).
STAND BY Wait and I will call you back.
VACATE Move off the Runway/Taxiway area immediately.
VACATED I have vacated Runway/Taxiway area.
WILCO I (fully) understand your message/instruction and will comply.

36 Airside Safety & Driving

Airside Safety & Driving Awareness 37
Your safety as an Airside Operator is important to us and particularly
as a holder of an ADA. You are responsible for your own safety and
the safety of those around you.
Here are some safety points to remember:

Aircraft have the right of way

It is important you understand the environment you work in. The road system on this
aerodrome will take you behind and around aircraft. You must remain observant at all

Know where you are

The airfield is a complex environment. Category 2 and 2.5 drivers are not allowed to
drive on taxiways or runways. If you need help, please call the ACC on (618) 9478
8572 for assistance. If you find yourself lost – STOP – where you are and someone
will come by to assist you.

See and be seen

Remember you should wear your high visibility clothing at all times when you are
Airside. Other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn as required by
your company’s Standard Operating Procedures.

Mobile telephones and radios can be a distraction. If you must use a hands free phone
– keep the call short. Concentrate on what you are doing

38 Airside Safety & Driving

Further Enquiries, Contacts &
Further enquiries & changes
If you have any questions in relation to this standard, please contact:

General Manager Operations

Perth Airport Pty Ltd
PO Box 6
Cloverdale, Western Australia, 6985
Phone: (618) 9478 8879
Fax: (618) 9478 8889

For proposed changes to this standard, please email

Changes will be considered by the Ramp Safety Committee and the Local Runway Safety Team.

Important contacts
Airport Control Centre (ACC)
Phone: (618) 9478 8572
Airfield Safety & Operations Manager
Phone: (618) 9478 8434
Mobile: 0439 528 530
Airfield Duty Manager (ADM)
Phone: (618) 9478 8424
Mobile: 0419 195 790

In case of emergency contact 000 (if life threatening situation) then ACC on (618) 9478 8500.

Airside Safety & Driving 39

Definitions and Acronyms
Term Definition
Aerodrome Controller A position within Airservices Australia (AsA) that controls
(ADC-Perth Tower) the movement of aircraft and vehicles on the runways of an
aerodrome. This position provides take-off and landing
clearance to aircraft.
Aeronautical Information Procedural information pertaining to the operational
Publications (AIP) requirements at Australian Aerodromes produced and
published by Airservices Australia (AsA).
Airport Control Centre The centre at the Airport known as the ‘Airport Control
(ACC) Centre’ and being the centre from which PAPL controls and
coordinates Airport operations, including airfield, terminal
and landside operations.
Airport Perth Airport.
Airside The following areas, access to which is restricted by the
aerodrome operator, or by a Federal or State authority, to
authorised persons only:
(a) The movement area of the aerodrome;
(b) Where their purpose and use is to directly
support aircraft operations – the terrain and
buildings adjacent to the movement area, or
particular portions of such adjacent terrain and
buildings. (Part 139 MOS section 3.01)
Airside Vehicle Control The regulatory document under which an airport operator
Handbook (AVCH) on Federally Leased land controls the access and vehicle
movement requirements on an aerodrome.
Apron The Apron is the defined area on a land aerodrome to
accommodate aircraft for the purposes of loading or
unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or
maintenance. (Part 139 MOS section 3.01)
Advanced – Surface A system providing routing, guidance and surveillance for
Movement Guidance and the control of aircraft and vehicles in order to maintain the
Control System (A- declared surface movement rate under all weather
SMGCS) conditions within the aerodrome visibility operational limit
while maintaining the required level of safety (ICAO

40 Airside Safety & Driving

Term Definition
Air Traffic Control (ATC) A branch within Airservices Australia (AsA) that controls
the movements of aircraft at a controlled aerodrome.
Authorised Escort Officer An ADA holder who accompanies a vehicle and accepts
responsibility for its use Airside. Authorisation for this must
be given by Perth Airport in writing.
Authority to Drive Airside An authority (ADA) issued in accordance with
(ADA) Commonwealth Regulations, authorising the holder to drive
an approved vehicle Airside (also called, Airside driver’s
Authority to Use Airside An authority (AUA) issued by PAPL for a vehicle or
(AUA) equipment for its use Airside subject to an assessment of
Aviation Security A card which provides a means of identification for persons
Identification Card who have a justifiable need for unescorted access to an
(ASIC) airside or landside security zone of a security controlled
airport. ASICs may be colour coded to define areas of
permitted access.
Escort Supervision of a vehicle Airside where the supervising
person takes responsibility for the vehicle being escorted.
Landside That part of the Airport not designated Airside and to
which the non-travelling public normally has free access
and otherwise defined in the Airports Regulations and the
Aviation Transport Security Act 2004.
Low Visibility Conditions Conditions where visibility at the aerodrome has reduced
below 800m horizontally. Special procedures are
implemented in Low Visibility Conditions by ATC and the
aerodrome operator to protect the runways.
Manoeuvring Area Those parts of the airport used for the takeoff, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons (e.g. Taxiways and
Part 139 (Aerodromes) Sets out the standards and operating procedures for
Manual of Standards certified, registered aerodromes and other aerodromes
(MOS) - used in transport operations. It is made in accordance to
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 139.
Markers A physical structure used that defines a particular area or
Markings A line, symbol or group of symbols, displayed on the
surface of the movement area to convey information.

Airside Safety & Driving 41

Term Definition
Movement Area That part of the Airport that is used for the surface
movement of aircraft including manoeuvring areas and
NOTAM Publication produced by Airservices Australia via the
(Notice To Air Men) NOTAM Office advising changes to physical and operating
standards of the aerodrome.
Perth Airport Pty Ltd The owner/operator of land and infrastructure on the Perth
(PAPL) Airport estate.
Runway Strip A specific area on each side of the Runway designed to
reduce the risk of damage to an aircraft should it run off the
Surface Movement A position of ATC that controls all aircraft and vehicle
Controller movements on the manoeuvring area.
(SMC–Perth Ground)
Taxiway Strip A declared area on each side of the Taxiway designed to
ensure an obstacle free area for the safe taxiing of aircraft.
VeeLo Electronic surveillance equipment fitted to a vehicle in
order for that vehicle to be permitted to operate on the
Manoeuvring Area. Electronic surveillance equipment must
meet the technical standards defined in Part 139 MOS
Section 19.01

Airports Council International ACI Runway Safety Handbook, First Edition, 2014 Airservices
Australia Airside driver’s guide to runway safety, 3rd edition – June 2012

42 Airside Safety & Driving

Appendix 1 Airside Driving Areas

Airside Safety & Driving 43


44 Airside Safety & Driving


Airside Safety & Driving 45

Perth Airport Pty Ltd
Level 2, 2 George Wiencke Drive Perth Airport WA 6105
PO Box 6, Cloverdale WA 6985

T: +61 8 9478 8888

F: +61 8 9478 8889

© Copyright – 2021 Perth Airport Pty Ltd

Copyright in this document vests in Perth Airport Pty Ltd. Enquiries regarding copyright should be
addressed to Perth Airport.


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