SLOP significantly reduces the potential for collision when applied correctly!
Oceanic errors
ICAO North Atlantic Working Groups composed of State regulators, Air Traffic
Control and representatives from airspace users meet regularly to discuss safety in
Oceanic airspace. The North Atlantic Central Monitoring Agency (NAT CMA)
compile details of errors which impact safety in this region, including Large Height
Deviations defined as being an aircraft deviating from their cleared level by 300 feet
or more.
These errors contribute to the region’s collision risk in the vertical dimension, which
remains a hot topic. During 2008, the two most common types of Large Height
Deviation reported to the NAT CMA were climb/descent without ATC clearance and
errors arising from ATC co-ordination issues, together totalling 86% of the total
minutes spent at an incorrect flight level. Each of these lead to aircraft being in an
unexpected position in a region without the benefit of radar coverage.
The combination of operational errors in the vertical dimension and the rise in very
accurate navigation systems mean that the chance of aircraft being in vertical overlap
(i.e. directly above another) has risen over the last 10 years. Although the Traffic
Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) provides a valuable safety net to
converging aircraft, it still relies on aircraft transponders being switched on and
functioning correctly. A TCAS monitor can provide situational awareness, but it can
also give a false sense of security. In the case of a TCAS Advisory, successful conflict
resolution still relies on correct and timely pilot response, so any additional safety
margins which can mitigate the effect of operational errors before necessitating
avoiding action surely deserve consideration.
One initiative which was introduced in 2004 is the Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure
(SLOP), developed to increase the lateral separation between aircraft with very
accurate navigation systems on adjacent levels in case of altitude deviation errors.
SLOP allows pilots to fly either the centreline, 1NM or 2NM to the right of centreline.
SLOP may be applied from the Oceanic entry point, returning to centreline at the
Oceanic exit point, by any aircraft with automatic offset programming capability.
Pilots should make their own choice of offset using whatever means available, but the
optimal safety benefit is achieved when aircraft are equally distributed across the
three available options. Thus, if the circumstances do not favour a particular offset
position, pilots should make a random choice of centreline, 1NM right or 2NM right.
Although not its primary purpose, SLOP can also be used to avoid wake turbulence,
co-ordinating with other aircraft as necessary. Note that left offsets are not authorised
under SLOP and should not be flown (similarly, right offsets greater than 2NM should
not be used). Offsetting left or more than 2NM right of track is only permissible when
applying weather deviations (with appropriate vertical changes) or following 15NM
offset contingency procedures.
Although the majority of traffic currently transits the NAT on same direction tracks,
SLOP is also able to provide substantial benefit for traffic on random routes and those
which may encounter opposite direction traffic – errors reported to the NAT CMA
show that it is possible in rare situations for uncleared aircraft to transit the NAT,
which may be invisible to your TCAS display if the intruder’s transponder is inactive.
Operators are requested to adopt SLOP as a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
all oceanic crossings for safety reasons, in accordance with the recommendation of
ICAO. Further information on SLOP can be found in Chapter 8.5 of the NAT
MNPSA Ops Manual.
Since 2005, UK NATS has analysed the proportion of NAT traffic using SLOP on
behalf of the ICAO NAT Working Groups. As awareness of the procedure and its
safety benefits have grown, it has been encouraging to see the proportion of SLOP
usage observed (for flights reporting Oceanic position via ADS) increasing steadily to
around 40% by the end of 2009.
The procedure provides maximum safety advantage when roughly a third of aircraft
are using each offset, i.e. 66% of aircraft away from the centreline. These headline
comparative figures of 40% current usage and a 66% target fail to highlight the
importance of the equal distribution across the three options. For example, three
aircraft at adjacent flight levels all opting for 2NM right offsets is clearly not optimal
use of the procedure, even though it may increase the overall SLOP usage statistics.
This misunderstanding has resulted in some airlines mandating one particular offset
option in each case – the safety benefit could actually be negated if all airlines were to
take this approach.
SLOP costs nothing for operators but is priceless in terms of safety when applied
correctly, significantly reducing the vertical collision risk.
Feedback from major carriers who have incorporated SLOP information during crew
recurrence training is that the resulting uptake is very good. An important feature of
SLOP is that the offset is chosen so as to randomise the offsets across the NAT
UK NATS circulate quarterly SLOP usage trend information to airlines, which now
includes a quick reference diagram of which offset options are being used by their
crews. For the most recent analysis of October-December 2009, 60% of the aircraft
were observed on the centreline at 30°W, 30% at 1NM right and 10% at 2NM right.
This is shown in Figure 1, illustrating that we are still some way from the optimal use
for the overall NAT population.
Figure 1: Use of SLOP options for all operators
All Operators
Percentage of offsets