PT 1 Evs Chapter 1

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Page 1 Workbook (EVS Class-4) Chapter 1


Going to School

1- Select the best option

(i) Which of the following work cannot be done by a pulley?
(a) Helping a trolley move across a river c
(b) Helping a blind man cross the road c
(c) Taking out water form a well c
(d) Lifting bricks to a height c
(ii) You can reach school on a bullock-cart, if you have to
(a) cross a thick forest c
(b) go over rocky footpaths c
(c) move through snow c
(d) move through green fields c
(iii) The jugad is made out of
(a) a motorcycle c (b) planks of wood c
(c) waste material c (d) All of these c
(iv) Knee-high water is found after rain in
(a) Assam c (b) Uttarakhand c
(c) Dense forest c (d) Ladakh c
(v) The transport used for going to school in .......... makes a phut-phut-phut sound.
(a) Uttarakhand c (b) Kerala c
(c) Gujarat c (d) Northern hills c
(vi) Where do you see a "Jugad"?
(a) Bengaluru c (b) Delhi c
(c) Rajasthan c (d) All the above c
(vii) Which animal is not used as a means of transport?
(a) Camel c (b) Elephant c
(c) Cow c (d) Horse c

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Page 2 Workbook (EVS Class-4) Chapter 1

(viii) The bridges in early days were made of .......... .

(a) cement c (b) wood c
(c) steel c (d) bricks c
(ix) Corporal punishment in schools should be .......... .
(a) strict c (b) compulsory c
(c) optional c (d) banned c

2- Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

(i) We can ride a bicycle to go to school, if it can be reached by road. c
(ii) We can go to school on a trolley if the school lies across a river. c
(iii) We can ride a jugad to reach school if it lies across green fields. c
(iv) We cannot reach school, if we have to cross a road bridge. c
(v) We can ride a camel-cart to school through a thick forest. c
(vi) A camel-cart is generally found in deserts. c
(vii) It is easy to walk on snow. c
(viii) In hilly places, a trolley or ropeway is used to transport goods or people
from one place to another. c
(ix) Brave children are taken out on elephants in the Republic Day parade. c
(x) Trains can easily move over a bamboo bridge. c
3- Fill in the blanks.
Bamboo, Kerala, Sunlight, camel cart, rocky paths, pulley, Howrah bridge, hills,
valleys, jugad, stronger
(i) A vallam is used to reach school in some parts of ................
(ii) In parts of Assam, children reach school by crossing over ............... bridges.
(iii) Children in the mountains of Uttarakhand reach school by going on ................
(iv) In Rajasthan, children use a ............... to reach school.
(v) ............... does not pass through thick jungle.
(vi) A ............... is a vehicle used in rural areas, made by putting together parts from
other vehicles or machines.
(vii) A ............... makes drawing of water from well easier.
(viii) A cement bridge is ............... than a bamboo bridge.
(ix) A bridge helps us to cross over canyons, ..............., ............... and waterbodies.
(x) The ............... in Kolkata is the busiest bridge in the world.

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4- Match the type of bridge in Column A with the material it is made of in Column B by
drawing arrows.
Column A Column B
(i) Trolley bridge (a) Bricks, iron rods and cement
(ii) Bamboo bridge (b) Wood and iron rope
(iii) Cement bridge (c) Iron
(iv) Iron bridge (d) Bamboo and rope

Very Short Answer Type uestions

5- Answers in one word or one sentence.
(i) Where is a camel-cart used for going to school?

(ii) By which ride the children can travel through the difficult roads by their own?

(iii) When we go to school through a jungle, what sounds can we hear?

(iv) If we have to reach school by going through snow, what happens if the snow is soft?

(v) Who will face difficulty to walk on rocky path?

(vi) Which type of bridge may have steps?

6- The names of some forms of transport age given below in jumbled form (in some, both
words are jumbled). Write the correct name of the form of transport against each.
(i) eilccyb .................................................................................................
(ii) eamlc tarc .................................................................................................
(iii) eolrtyl .................................................................................................
(iv) obambo reigbd .................................................................................................
(v) aamllv .................................................................................................

(i) Which methods for going to school
(a) require the least effort?

(b) are the most dangerous?

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Page 4 Workbook (EVS Class-4) Chapter 1

(c) require some skill or practice?

(d) are the fastest?

(e) involve going on roads?

(ii) In which mode of transportation

(a) use animals?

(b) require the children to walk?

(c) require motorised or other type of transportation mechanism?

(d) require the children to use own energy other than walking?

Short Answer Type uestions

8- Answer in 30-40 words.
(i) What is a trolley? How it moves?

(ii) How 'Jugad' is made?

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(iii) Compare the difficulties between going to school as shown in Picture 1 and Picture

Picture 1 Picture 2

Long Answer Type uestions

9- What are the differences between a bamboo bridge and cement bridge?

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Think, Find and Write

10- School children face many problems while travelling to school. Mention any five such

11- Match the description with the given pictures.

(i) Riya lives in a small town of Punjab. (a)
Her school is near her house. She can
go to school by riding a

(ii) Tayyab lives in Uttarakhand. His (b)

school is situated on the other side
of the hill form his house. He goes to
school through a

(iii) Rajesh and his friends live in a small (c)

town of Rajasthan. They go to their
school situated 8 km from their home,
by taking a

(iv) Adityan lives in Kerala. He lives on (d)

the bank of river. His school is located
on the other side of the river. He cross
the river by a

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Page 7 Workbook (EVS Class-4) Chapter 1

12- Write and label the states in a political outline map of India with the help of information

(i) The state where children walk through rocky paths. ....................
(ii) The state where you are living. ....................
(iii) The state where bamboo bridges are used. ....................
(iv) The state where children walk through jungles. ....................
(v) The state where a trolley is used by children to reach the school. ....................
(vi) The state where children use a jugad to reach the school. ....................
(vii) The state where a vallam is used by children to reach the school ....................
(viii) The state where camel-carts are used. ....................

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Page 8 Workbook (EVS Class-4) Chapter 1

13- Complete this analogy.

(i) camel : .................... horse : Tonga
(ii) cement bridge : .................... bamboo bridge : not strong
(iii) ropeway : .................... boat : river
(iv) desert : .................... plains : bullock-cart

14- Write the places or states where the following are used to travel?
(i) Jugad ............................................................
(ii) Camel cart ............................................................
(iii) Bamboo bridge ............................................................
(iv) Vallam ............................................................
(v) Rope Bridge ............................................................

15- Complete the following:

(i) Camel : Camel cart = .................... : Bullock cart
(ii) Bamboo bridge : .................... = Cement bridge: Strong
(iii) Rope bridge : .................... = Vallan : Kerala
(iv) .................... : Kashmir = Rocky path : Uttarakhand

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