Science Python Workbook
Science Python Workbook
Science Python Workbook
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This Workbook
This workbook is very important, look after it carefully. When you do your controlled assessments you will be able to refer to it
to help you.
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Complete them in sequence and do not move on to the next challenge until you have successfully got the program running.
Make sure that you save your solutions to your Python Practice folder using the challenge title/topic as the file name. py
Look at the programs that you have completed in previous lessons for help if you struggle
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Inputting information and strings
print() function
The print function prints information to the screen. Type this in:
input() function
The input function allows the user to enter information into the computer which the computer will save. Type this in:
A string can contain letters, characters and numbers.
1. Asks the user for their first name, in a way that allows the computer to save their response as first_name
2. Asks the user for their surname, so that it can be saved using the variable surname
Use variable
3. Prints the first_name and then the surname name
4. On the next line print the sname and then the first name
Extension: The name may not have a space between first and second names - can you work out how
to add one? surname
Save as: Challenge 1 - Names
Click save
Task: Joining strings together is possible. Find out what this is called and write the answer in your word document.
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Think what this code will do?
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Challenge 5 – I’m floating man….
Type this in:
Line 2 of the code asks the user to enter how Line 3 of the code subtracts how many calories
many calories they have eaten as the variable they’ve eaten and stores it as the variable s
c. It stores it as an integer (whole number)
Line 4 then prints s outs in between 2 ’strings’
1. Write a program that asks the user to enter how much they have spent on their school dinner in a way that the computer
can remember as dinnerCost.
2. Then make the program subtract the dinnerCost from the money the user had at the start of the day.
3. Display the result on the screen.
As an extension – program the computer to repeat this for 5 days and if the total goes negative, give a warning message that they
do not have enough money on their account.
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Now try these challenges. Think carefully – what type of variable will you need to use?
Remember that by default variables are strings.
Save as Area
Get the program to ask for the user’s name and age.
Use the age variable value to work out how many hours that is – there is 24 hours per day
Develop the program further so that it can work out how many minutes and seconds the user has lived for – 60 minutes per
hour / 60 seconds per minute.
Save as Age
Get the program to ask for the firstItem bought so that the computer can remember this
Develop the program to ask for and remember the costofthefirstItem bought, what the secondItem bought was, and the
Develop the program further so that it calculates the total cost of the items bought and then displays what was bought and the
total amount spent.
Project 2 – Pizza
Pizzas come in various shapes and sizes. We can use python to calculate which pizza is the best in terms of size and price
The mathematical formula for area is 3.142 times radius squared if it’s a circle and length times width if it’s a rectangle.
Imagine a pizza 20cm in diameter costing £4.99 and another 20cm in length by 15cm wide and costing £6.99.
a. Write a program in python that calculates the surface are per £ and displays to the program user
which is the best value pizza, the round one or the rectangular one
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Some more about Strings
Strings are variables that contain letters, numbers and symbols. There are lots of things that can be done with strings.
What is shown on the screen should be the same as you typed in.
Then instead of the word lower use the following methods, write down what each one does in your word document.
String method
Challenge 10 – Concatenation
Strings can be joined together – which is called concatenation.
Write a programme that asks for 3 gifts that someone would like for Christmas.
Add the variables (something like this) : giftTotal = gift1 + gift2 + gift3
Then print the variable giftTotal (make sure there are spaces between each word)
Do another test – If the test is False we can get Python to another test: we use elif (short for “else if”)
Do something else – If all the other tests come out false do something else: we use else
Indenting is very important in Python, it’s a necessary part of how you write the code. Indenting tells Python where blocks of
code start and where they end. The Python IDE will do this for you – just be aware that it is doing it.
For testing whether two things are equal Python uses a double equal sign (==) .
if numberWrong == 3:
if name == “Sharon”:
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How to use Python for basic math
Let’s look at how python calculates using numbers.
Challenge 11 – Multiplication
Let’s see how much a student spends on food at school. Do you remember why we have to use int or float?
Challenge 12 – Dividing
An Aunt wins on the lottery. She gives £1000 to you. You are thinking of sharing it with some of your family. How much would
each person get (try different numbers of people to share it with). To get you started:
shares = int(input(“How many people do you want to share the money with? ”)
If you want an answer to be a decimal, instead of typing 1000, try entering 1000.0. Try it to see what happens.
Challenge 13 – Modulus
If we divide two numbers and they don’t divide evenly we get a remainder. Modulus gives us the remainder of a sum.
Print 17 % 2
You should get the answer 1. Try some other numbers to see what you get.
Challenge 14 – Addition
Addition is easy. Try this:
length = 10
length = length + 20
What’s the value of the variable length:________________ Try it out to test it.
length = 10
Another way of writing this in python is:
length += 20
Test it out. It’s quicker
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The +, -, /, * symbols are called operators. That’s because they “operate on” the numbers we put around them.
Write a program that calculates the answers to these questions and displays the results
1. Two people eat dinner at a restaurant and want to split the bill.
2. The total comes to £100 and they want to leave a 15% tip. How much should each person pay?
3. Make the program ask how many people there are, what percentage the tip should be and how much the bill comes to.
Comments are added to a programme to explain what the programme does and what the section of code is doing. Programmers
do it so that if the code is looked at in the future (either by themselves or others) they can work out what the code is doing.
Comments can easily be added using # at the start of the line of code. Python ignores anything on a line that begins with a #.
print ("I've thought of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it.")
# this loop runs until the number guessed equals the randomNumber
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Making decisions in programmes
Python can make decisions based on the input. To make decisions, programs check to see if a condition is true or not.
Python has a few ways to test something, and there are only two possible answers for each test: true or false
import random
answer2=(“No way Pedro!”)
answer3=(“Go for it tiger.”)
print(“Welcome to the Magic 8 Ball game—use it to answer your questions...”)
question = input(“Ask me for any advice and I’ll help you out. Type in your question
and then press Enter for an answer.”)
print(“shaking.... \n” * 4)
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2: Can you modify this so that it chooses from 5
answer=answer2 possible answers?
Project 3
Write a program in python which asks the user how many hours they slept last night and remembers their
answer. Then if the answer is less than 4 print “Back to bed”, and if the answer is 7 or less print “Not
bad”, otherwise print “Well done”
Project 4
Write a program in python which asks the user how old they are. If they are over 16 but under 18 ask if
they are at work or college or sixth form and display the result. If they are over 18 ask a question about
driving lessons and display the results. If they are 16 or under, ask a question about GCSE courses and
display the results.
Project 5
Write a program in python which asks the user how they got to school today and displays their answer
plus a comment about their choice of travel. Make sure you have covered the options of walking, getting
the tram, getting the bus or traveling by car. Think about how to make allowances for users not writing an
answer you expect.
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Write down in your word document what each of the below lines are doing, for example:
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Challenge 17 – Mega Sale
A local shop is having a promotion. If you spend over £10 you will get a £1 voucher to spend next time you come in the store. If
you spend over £20 you get a £3 voucher.
Write a programme to tell the sales assistant which voucher to give the customer.
Write a programme that gives users a message depending upon how happy they say they are.
You could get the user to rate how happy they feel on a scale between 1 and 10. If the reply is 3 or less it gives one message.
Try to make the messages ones to make them happy all day long!
You want to see how much a mobile phone will cost. There are charges for sending pictures (£0.35), for texts (£0.10) and for
data (£2.50 for 500MB).
1. Write a program that asks the user for how many pictures, texts and data they would use each month. It should then
calculate a total bill for the month.
2. If the total comes to more than £10 they would be better on a contract. Get the programme to give them this advice.
Save this as
Make a program where the user has to enter a secret password to use the programme.
The programme could be one you’ve already written, or make it display a message when they have got the password correct.
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Boolean or logical expression
Boolean is a type of arithmetic that only uses two values: true or false, yes or no, 1 or 0.
We use Boolean expressions and can combine them with and, or and not to make decisions in our programmes.
We may know how many times we want to do it – and we use a counting loop OR
We may want to do it until something happens – and then we can use a conditional loop.
Conditional Loops
This is the simplest loop. Try these out and make a note in your word document of what they do:
The 1 tells the loop: The 11 tells the loop: The 2 tells the loop:
To get out of a loop you can use the command break e.g. if k == 7:
print 'breaking out of the loop!'
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Challenge 22 – For loops
Write a loop that displays numbers 10 to 100 in steps of 5.
Save as 5 timestable.
import random
guess =""
print ("I've thought of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it.")
randomNumber = random.randrange (1,10)
while guess != randomNumber:
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
print("You got it wrong")
input ("Well done. Press any key to exit.")
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print ("bye")
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Some further challenges for you to have a go at. Use this workbook and the programmes you have already used to help you
solve the problems.
We’ve all played the rock, paper, scissors game. The computer will play against you.
The game rules are simple: rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock. Two of the same gives a draw.
You could use pseudo code to help you identify the steps needed.
Add comments to the game so it’s clear what the code in the game is going.
Extension: Ask the user how many rounds they want to play, between 3 and 10.
Keep score and show this at the end of the game.
Further extension: Check to make sure the user can only enter a number between 3 and 10 and give them an error
You can also represent more complicated options using AND and OR
For example:
x=45 x=45 x=45 x=45
while X= <50: while x >45 and x<47 while x<50 and x<47 while x<50 or x<47
print (x) print (x) print (x) print (x)
x +=1 x +=1 x +=1 x +=1
would return 45,46,47,48,49 would return nothing would return 45,46 would return 45,46,47,48,49
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Challenge 26 – Making a times table (using nested if)
With a times table we start with a number and then multiply this by a series of numbers.
For the 2 times table we multiply it by 1 to 12, before moving on to do the 3 times table, etc.
Computers are very good at this sort of task and we can do it using loops within loops to consider every combination – these are
Type this code in (try to predict what you will get before you do it).
# print a title at the top of the times table to show which times table
# we are working on
Maths Teachers will be impressed if you’ve worked out the 1345 x 1 to 12 times table - change the programme to work out your
own different times tables.
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Challenge 27 – Chicken Wraps (using nested if)
Students can choose to have any combination of ingredients in their chicken wrap.
To start with see what this code does. It uses loops within loops to consider every combination – these are called NESTED
Note: The \t is an instruction to Python to tab the data – that is put it into columns
Develop this to that it creates all combinations for Salad and Chilli.
Test the programme to see if the results are as you would expect. You will have to do some manual calculations and work out
the costs ar.
Add another column labelled cost. Calculate the total cost of the ingredients in each option.
Think carefully before you do this – there is a very simple way, and much longer ways.
Test it. You will have to do some manual calculations and work out what the costs should be.
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Programming languages have pre-made functions for us to use. Python has some such as print() or random.
But we can make our own functions, these are called user-defined functions:
A function is a block of organised, reusable code that is used to perform a single action.
By using functions we can make our programs modular (made up of separate parts) and simpler, because we don’t have to write
the same instructions many time but reuse the same code.
length = 200
We can define a function to calculate area when we need it and one to calculate the perimeter when we need it:
def area(): To define a function type in def and the function name:
shapeArea = length * width def area():
print("Area = ",shapeArea)
def perimeter():
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Look at the code and think what it is doing. Then type it into Python and run the code. Write your own explanation.
Add your own comments to the programme to explain what the code is doing.
Have the programme ask the user to input their own measurements.
Add an option to the programme to calculate the volume defining a new function called volume()
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Working with lists
A list is different to a string or an array in that it allows you to identify and manipulate individual elements of a variable.
The numbering system used by lists is also a bit odd in that it starts counting at 0.
In the example above apple would be fruit[0] – this is the 1st item in the list
pear would be fruit[2] - this is the 3rd item in the list
In the above example len(fruit) would return a value of 3 because there are 3 items in the list
numbers[5, 4, 10, 30, 22]
print(max(numbers)) would return the value 30 as it is the biggest number in the list
numbers[5, 4, 10, 30, 22]
print(min(numbers)) would return the value 4 as it is the smallest number in the list
numbers[2]=77 would alter the value of the 3rd item on the list from 10 to 77
del numbers[2] would delete the 3rd item from the list
example[4:]=list(“baby”) would return the string “sandbaby” as the instruction is to replace from
item 5 to the end of the list, with the word baby
numbers[5, 4, 10, 30, 22]
print (numbers) would return nothing as the instruction was to clear off the whole list
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tuna=ages.copy() copies the contents of the ages list into another called tuna
numbers[5, 4, 10, 30, 22]
numbers.append(45) would add the value 45 onto the end of the list
print(numbers) would return 5,4,10,30,22,45
numbers.count would return the value 6, as there are 6 items in the list
one = [1,2,3]
two =[4,5,6]
one.extend(two) adds all the items from the list two onto the end of the list one
print(one) 1,2,3,4,5,6
a.index(“brown”) would return 2, as brown is the 3rd item on the list
a.insert(2, “horse”) inserts the item horse into the list
print(a) “hey”,”now”,”horse”,”brown”,”cow”
a=pop(1) takes now, the 2nd item, out of the list
print(a) “hey”, “horse”,”brown”,”cow”
a.reverse swaps the contents of the list around
print(a) “cow”,”brown”,”horse”,”hey”
a=remove(“brown”) takes the item “brown” out of the list
print(a) “cow”,” horse”,”hey”
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Making use of the list index
Lists can sometimes be very long so there are a number of index features to make lists more helpful
Remember the index counter in lists starts at 0 so the third item in a list is indexed as [2]
print (names[2]) returns “Charlie” as it is the 3rd item on the list
Notice: the close variable (round) bracket on the print statement is after the close
print (names[2:3]) returns “Charlie” because the instructions is to start at the 3rd item
and stop before the 4th item
print (names[2:4]) returns “Charlie”,” David” because the instruction is to start at the
3rd item and stop before the 5th item, even though there isn’t
actually a 5th item
print (names[0:3:2]) returns “Alf”,”Charlie”, because the instruction is to start at the 1st
item on the list and stop before the 4th item, displaying :2 only
every other result i.e. items 1 and 3 in this example
listOne =[128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1]
listTwo =[1,0,1]
result =listOne[0]*listTwo[0] In this example the instructions are to multiply the contents of
item 1 from listOne by the contents of item 1 from listTwo
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