Gad Ese Oral Questions
Gad Ese Oral Questions
Gad Ese Oral Questions
5. What namespace does the web page belong in the .net framework class hierarchy?
6. What is an assembly?
Assembly are the basic buiding blocks of the .net framework.they are the logical grouping of the
functionality in a physical file.
7. What is a constructor?
A special method always called whenever an instance of the class is created.
9. What is CLS?
CLS represents Common Language Specification.
11. Enlist Controls in Windows Forms to Select Data from a list of VB.NET.
The Windows Forms Controls to Select Data from a List are as follows:
1. CheckedListBox
2. ComboBox
3. DomainUpDown
4. List Box
5. List View
12. Explain .NET compilation process.
19. What are the two main parts of the .net framework?
the common language runtime (clr).
the .net framework class library.
3. VB cannot be used to develop Multi-Threaded applications whereas VB.NET helps to develop Multi-
Threaded applications.