ACME-EHS-EHSF-003-SWP R2 (Locked) (1) - Safety Comment

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Safe Work Procedure


Document Ref: ACME-EHS-EHSF-003-SWP Page 1 of 10

Document Revision: 2
Release Date: 5th April 2024
Revision History

Date Author Descrip on
Vincent Loh
0 11/09/2023  First Issuance
Manager, EHS
Vincent Loh  Change of company logo.
1 07/02/2024
Manager, EHS  Change of colour scheme.
 Insert of safe work procedure
Vincent Loh inventory of work ac vi es at
2 05/04/2024
Manager, EHS page 6.

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
Safe work procedures are direc ons on how work is to be carried out safely and are required
for all hazardous tasks performed at your workplace. They iden fy hazards and clarify what
must be done to eliminate or minimise risks.
Objec ve
If the risk cannot be eliminated, every employer, self-employed person and principal
(including contractor and sub-contractor) must establish safe work procedures to minimise
the risk. Safe work procedures are step-by-step measures of doing or carrying out work safely.
The procedures must include the measures to be taken to safeguard persons in the event of
an emergency. The safe work procedure must be communicated to the worker.
Every employer, self-employed person or principal must specify the roles and responsibili es
of persons involved in the implementa on of the risk control measures and safe work

1. Reference the safe work procedure to the task specific risk assessment.
2. Determine the overall task that requires a safe work procedure.
3. Break down the task into its basic steps.
4. Identify the hazards associated with each step, and ways to eliminate or minimise
the risks to workers from these hazards.
5. Write the safe work procedure, for example the list of actions that workers must do
when performing the task.
6. To review the safe work procedure when there is a review carried out on the risk


 h ps://
 h ps:// ons/codes-of-prac ce/code-of-
prac ce-on-wsh-risk-management

 Contractor requires to submit the risk assessment when submi ng the safe work
 This safe work procedure is required to be task specific and in-line with the method of
procedure and risk assessment.
 Columns highlighted in purple are reserved for Acme Associates Pte Ltd edi ng.

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
Contractor Safe Work Procedure Reference Number & Revision Number
Sample: [Project Name]_[Trade Code]_[Company]_[PRO/FM] _SWP_001_R0
Example for project: DF3_ME_Acme_PRO_SWP_001_R0
Example for facility maintenance: DF3_ME_Acme_FM_SWP_001_R0
If there is a revision, it will be as follows: DF3_ME_Acme_PRO_SWP_001_R1

Department Department Code

Project PRO
Facility Maintenance FM
Trade Trade Code
Civil & Structure CS
Architectural AR
Electrical EL
Fire Protec on System FP
Mechanical ME
Network & Controls NC
Plumbing & Sanitary PS
Security SE
Ver cal Transporta on
(Ver cal transporta on systems are mechanisms
used to transport people or goods between different VT
levels of a building or structure example - Li ,
Escalators, Dock Leveler, Scissor Li Pla orm, etc)
Office (For Acme use only) OF

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
Safe Work Procedure Review Sec on

Contractor Safe Work Procedure Informa on Column

Safe Work Procedure
Reference Number & Revision
Ac vity Loca on 35 Tai Seng St – STT Tai Seng Data Center

SWP Leader
Tay Wee Boon
Building LEW

SWP Approver
Goh Siak Joo
Technical Director
Acme Associates Pte Ltd
Acknowledgement Column

Acknowledged By Acme Engineer

Acknowledged By Acme EHS

(Name, Designa on, Signature, Date)

Acknowledged By Acme Manager

(Name, Designa on, Signature, Date)

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
* To tally with the submi ed risk assessment’s inventory of work ac vi es.

Inventory of Work Ac vi es
1. Delivery of Materials to Site 11.
2. Use of Hand & Electrical Tools 12.
3. Switchboard Servicing (Switching, LOTO and Detection) 13.
4. Test Procedure for Secondary Injection ,Micrologic ,RCCB 14.
5. Test Procedure for ACB Servicing and Contact Resistance Test 15.
6. Housekeeping 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
1. Delivery of Materials to Site
 Upon arrival, the driver must report to the security post to inform the security guard of the
 The driver must wait for the traffic controller and guide to the side.
 The delivery crew must be briefed on site requirements and must be escorted at all times by
traffic controller.
 All vehicles entering site must strictly follow the speed limit of the site and comply with all in-
house rules and regulations.
 Driver to only use approved routes to the delivery point.
 Upon reaching delivery point, delivery crew must wear the required PPE before dismounting
from the vehicle. (Safety Helmet, Safety Shoe & Reflective Vest)
 If the vehicle needs to reverse, the traffic controller must guide the vehicle into position.
 Barricade the area to prevent unauthorised entry and to divert traffic when necessary.
 Once delivery is completed, all barricades must be removed to allow access.

2. Use of Hand & Electrical Tools

• Tools to be inspected monthly by LEW.
• Tools (hand-tools, working aids, electrical and mechanical tools) must be used in accordance
to the manufacturer's instructions.
• Tools are only to be used for their intended functions and within their capacity.
• Correct tools are to be used and handled in a safe manner.
• The correct and safe use of tools must be given to persons assigned to use the tools by the
immediate Supervisor. Training should include maintenance, checking of their condition and
safety devices
• Tools used must be in a satisfactory condition to serve their purpose.
• Tools must be maintained and stored in a good condition.
• Safety guards and / or devices must be in place and functioning at all times.
• Good housekeeping of tools at work areas is to be practiced and maintained.
• Hand tools and other tools are to be secured to prevent them from dropping below when using
at heights.
• Only non-sparking tools and explosion-proof power tools are allowed to be used in locations
where flammable gas or vapors exist.
• Only insulated type of tools is allowed in live areas.
• An adequate gap must be maintained between bench mounted grinding wheels and their tool
• Cup to be installed on the electrical drill to contain the dust from spreading.
• Electric hand tools must be grounded or double insulated.
• Approved rubber cables are to be used for all portable electrical tools.
• Cable connections must be waterproof type connectors.
• Adjustments or repairs must only be made after disconnecting the power.
• Tools must be inspected and certified in safe operating condition before using them.
• Defective tools must not be used. To be removed from the site.
• Cracked or damaged grinding disks must not be used.
• No modification to machinery, tools or equipment are to be made unless approved by the
manufacturer. Modifications must not in any manner reduce the original safety provision and
• Safety goggles must be used by the Operators when doing drilling, grinding and cutting.
• Use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the specific job.
• Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is in good condition.
• Gloves or loose clothing are not to be worn where it may be entangled such as when using
pedestal or bench mounted grinders, drills, saws and others.
• Self-made or modified tools are not allowed to be used on the project and shall not be used.

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
3. Switchboard Servicing (Switching, LOTO and Detection)
 Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by Client/Representative and in
hand, prior to commencement any works.
 To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
 Identify which Switchgear/Panels/breakers to be tested and its corresponding locations.
 Ensure the entire switchboard is ‘dead’ and LEW has issued PTW before start work.
 Remove the panel metal cover and plastic Perspex and start to perform general cleaning
on the panels.
 Check the tightness of all the cable terminals. 6.6 Perform Secondary injection test for
relay, Micrologic test for micrologic trip unit, ACB servicing and contact resistance test and
RCCB test.
 After all the tests have been completed, call for inspection before covering back.
 Once inspection cleared, proceed to put back all the Perspex and metal covers.

4. Test procedures for Secondary injection, Micrologic and RCCB

Test Procedure for Secondary Injection Test:

- Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by
Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.

 To carry-out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding

 safe work procedures and possible risk involve.
 Identify which Switchgear/Panels to be tested and its corresponding locations.
 Before carrying out the testing, survey the surrounding areas for any signs of
 unsafe conditions, abnormal sounds and odor. Report immediately if there is
 any.
 Ensure the LT switchboard is total ‘dead’ before start of work.

4.1 Reference documentation:

Refer to Manufacturer's Documentation & Schematic Drawings.

4.1.2 Characteristics, method of inspections

1. Over Current & Earth Fault Protection
2. Manual Trip Test
3. Check tightness of all connection
4. Verify connections as per drawings
5. Inspect for physical damage/defects

4.1.3 Current and Earth Fault Protection Checks

1. The Over current and Earth Fault Function should be checked by secondary
2. Injection as per the Schematic drawings and the results recorded in standard Form.
3. The Relay should be checked for pickup current (all phases) for set value.
4. The Relay should be checked for its characteristics by injecting current 2 or 3
5. times the set value and operating time should be recorded in standard form.

4.1.4 Secondary Injection Test

1. Ensure that the switchgear is de-energized.

2. Record down the relay particulars, settings and CT information on test form.
3. Make circuit connection as shown in Fig. 1 (Provide control supply to relay and ON, if not
4. Start current injection for L1 & increase it gradually until the relay pick up. Record the reading.
5. Set the SI test current to two times of the plug setting and do the tripping time test.
6. Record down the tripping time. Reset the trip from relay.
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Release Date: 5th April 2024
7. Repeat item 5 to 6 for three and five times of the plug setting (Only for new installed relay).
8. Repeat item 5 to 7 for other phases L2 and L3 respectively.
9. Repeat item 4 to 7 for earth fault

4.1.5 Test Procedure for Micrologic Trip Unit Test:

 Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by

 Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.
 To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
 Identify which Switchgear/Panels/breakers to be tested and its corresponding locations.
 Ensure the breaker is racked out before Micrologic trip test is conducted and open the push
button cover with screwdriver.
 Plug in the testing cable to the micrologic trip unit.
 Check the micrologic battery health. Replace if necessary.
 Configure the test kit and check the micrologic trip unit setting is set correctly by visual check
with the physical unit.
 Perform micrologic trip test (Long time, short time and instantaneous) with the breaker
 Record down the test result in the test form.
 Remove the test cable from the micrologic unit and proceed for sealing and update with new
setting sticker.
 Breaker remains in racked out position and closed the push button cover with screwdriver.

4.1.6 Test Procedure for RCCB Test (For RDUs only)

- Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by
Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.

 To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
 Identify which Switchgear/Panels/Circuitry to be tested and its corresponding locations.
 Ensure incoming power has been received before start of RCCB test. Hand gloves are worn.
 Using the RCD tester, the RCCB test will be done as follows

 0 Deg for 1/2x, 1x, 5x

 180 Deg for 1/2x, 1x, 5x

 Put the probe at phase, neutral and earth and perform RCD test as per 10.4.
 Record the test results in the form.
 Cover back the Perspex after testing and resume for normalization

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Release Date: 5th April 2024
4.1.7 Test Procedure for RCCB Test (For RDUs only)

- Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by
Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.

 To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
 Identify which Switchgear/Panels/Circuitry to be tested and its corresponding locations.
 Ensure incoming power has been received before start of RCCB test. Hand gloves are worn.
 Using the RCD tester, the RCCB test will be done as follows

 0 Deg for 1/2x, 1x, 5x

 180 Deg for 1/2x, 1x, 5x

 Put the probe at phase, neutral and earth and perform RCD test as per 10.4.
 Record the test results in the form.
 Cover back the Perspex after testing and resume for normalization

5.0 Test Procedure for ACB Servicing and Contact Resistance Test:

Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by Client/Representative
and in hand, prior to commencement any works.
1. Record down the test result in the test form.
2. Perform Insulation Resistance test for the ACB with both closed and open positions.
3. Record down the test result in the test form.
4. Ensure the breaker is at ‘rack out’ position after testing
5. To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
6. Identify which Switchgear/Panels/breakers to be tested and its corresponding locations.
7. Ensure the breaker is racked out.
8. Pull out the ACB and perform open and close to ensure the spring mechanism is discharged
before removing the arc chute for servicing.
9. Clean the arc chute, arc contact, arc runner.
10. Call for inspection before closing back.
11. Perform ACB Function test by switching ‘On’ and ‘Off’.
12. Perform ACB contact resistance test
13. Inject 100A for phase L1 top and bottom with breaker closed.
14. Measure the voltage reading using multimeter.
15. The contact resistance can be calculated by dividing the voltage drop by the current.
16. Repeat Step [9], [10] & [11] for other phases. Record down the test result in the test form.
17. Perform Insulation Resistance test for the ACB with both closed and open positions.
18. Record down the test result in the test form.
19. Ensure the breaker is at ‘rack out’ position after testing

6.0 Housekeeping

 Supervisor to ensure proper tool management is being implement, e.g one tool in one tool out
from tool bag to prevent messy work area.
 Screws, bolt and nuts are to be place in a container to prevent slipping inside the tool bag
 Supervisor to supervise workers during housekeeping and ensure they are aware of their
surroundings to prevent slip trip and fall
 Supervisor to regularly inspect work areas to ensure worker complies

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Release Date: 5th April 2024

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