ACME-EHS-EHSF-003-SWP R2 (Locked) (1) - Safety Comment
ACME-EHS-EHSF-003-SWP R2 (Locked) (1) - Safety Comment
ACME-EHS-EHSF-003-SWP R2 (Locked) (1) - Safety Comment
Date Author Descrip on
Vincent Loh
0 11/09/2023 First Issuance
Manager, EHS
Vincent Loh Change of company logo.
1 07/02/2024
Manager, EHS Change of colour scheme.
Insert of safe work procedure
Vincent Loh inventory of work ac vi es at
2 05/04/2024
Manager, EHS page 6.
1. Reference the safe work procedure to the task specific risk assessment.
2. Determine the overall task that requires a safe work procedure.
3. Break down the task into its basic steps.
4. Identify the hazards associated with each step, and ways to eliminate or minimise
the risks to workers from these hazards.
5. Write the safe work procedure, for example the list of actions that workers must do
when performing the task.
6. To review the safe work procedure when there is a review carried out on the risk
h ps://
h ps:// ons/codes-of-prac ce/code-of-
prac ce-on-wsh-risk-management
Contractor requires to submit the risk assessment when submi ng the safe work
This safe work procedure is required to be task specific and in-line with the method of
procedure and risk assessment.
Columns highlighted in purple are reserved for Acme Associates Pte Ltd edi ng.
SWP Leader
Tay Wee Boon
Building LEW
SWP Approver
Goh Siak Joo
Technical Director
Acme Associates Pte Ltd
Acknowledgement Column
Inventory of Work Ac vi es
1. Delivery of Materials to Site 11.
2. Use of Hand & Electrical Tools 12.
3. Switchboard Servicing (Switching, LOTO and Detection) 13.
4. Test Procedure for Secondary Injection ,Micrologic ,RCCB 14.
5. Test Procedure for ACB Servicing and Contact Resistance Test 15.
6. Housekeeping 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
- Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by
Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.
To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
Identify which Switchgear/Panels/Circuitry to be tested and its corresponding locations.
Ensure incoming power has been received before start of RCCB test. Hand gloves are worn.
Using the RCD tester, the RCCB test will be done as follows
Put the probe at phase, neutral and earth and perform RCD test as per 10.4.
Record the test results in the form.
Cover back the Perspex after testing and resume for normalization
- Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by
Client/Representative and in hand, prior to commencement any works.
To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
Identify which Switchgear/Panels/Circuitry to be tested and its corresponding locations.
Ensure incoming power has been received before start of RCCB test. Hand gloves are worn.
Using the RCD tester, the RCCB test will be done as follows
Put the probe at phase, neutral and earth and perform RCD test as per 10.4.
Record the test results in the form.
Cover back the Perspex after testing and resume for normalization
5.0 Test Procedure for ACB Servicing and Contact Resistance Test:
Make sure that the permit to work (PTW) is issued to you by Client/Representative
and in hand, prior to commencement any works.
1. Record down the test result in the test form.
2. Perform Insulation Resistance test for the ACB with both closed and open positions.
3. Record down the test result in the test form.
4. Ensure the breaker is at ‘rack out’ position after testing
5. To carry out brief discussion on the work to be carried-out and corresponding safe work
procedures and possible risk involve.
6. Identify which Switchgear/Panels/breakers to be tested and its corresponding locations.
7. Ensure the breaker is racked out.
8. Pull out the ACB and perform open and close to ensure the spring mechanism is discharged
before removing the arc chute for servicing.
9. Clean the arc chute, arc contact, arc runner.
10. Call for inspection before closing back.
11. Perform ACB Function test by switching ‘On’ and ‘Off’.
12. Perform ACB contact resistance test
13. Inject 100A for phase L1 top and bottom with breaker closed.
14. Measure the voltage reading using multimeter.
15. The contact resistance can be calculated by dividing the voltage drop by the current.
16. Repeat Step [9], [10] & [11] for other phases. Record down the test result in the test form.
17. Perform Insulation Resistance test for the ACB with both closed and open positions.
18. Record down the test result in the test form.
19. Ensure the breaker is at ‘rack out’ position after testing
6.0 Housekeeping
Supervisor to ensure proper tool management is being implement, e.g one tool in one tool out
from tool bag to prevent messy work area.
Screws, bolt and nuts are to be place in a container to prevent slipping inside the tool bag
Supervisor to supervise workers during housekeeping and ensure they are aware of their
surroundings to prevent slip trip and fall
Supervisor to regularly inspect work areas to ensure worker complies