The Ultimate Meet Your Needs Guide
The Ultimate Meet Your Needs Guide
The Ultimate Meet Your Needs Guide
Honoring Our Needs - 02
Primary Needs - 04
Emotional Wounds - 09
Speaking The Language - 11
Reflection Space - 12
False Priorities
Honoring our Needs
This is when we become disconnected from our center, who we truly are. This
is how we remain in situations that do not promote our highest selves, and this
is how we repeat the same painful emotional cycles over and over without ever
fully resolving them. It is because we make ourselves blind to our authentic
selves and our needs, in order to accommodate for the society we live in and
the environment we grew up in.
If you are here reading this right now, it means you are breaking these patterns
and cycles. You are here to play a vital role in the creation of new structures
and new ways of being that are more supportive to our natural essence.
Whether this is the first time these concepts are being brought into your
awareness or you’ve been working extensively at unraveling who you are,
because you are here right now, it means you have already begun a process of
transcending everything that has been learned, every pattern that has been
passed down, and every belief that no longer serves. So thank you for
everything you have done thus far to lead you to this point, and thank you for
what you will do.
Jenny Blakely
What creates it or diminishes it
Hostility in environment
Abandonment (polarity between extreme love and loss)
Physical boundaries
Lack of contextual understanding
Needs that have to do with regulating our bodily functions & systems such as
food, water, & sleep fall under a branch of the "safety" category. However,
contrary to popular beliefs, it is not always our #1 need in terms of priority.
Have you ever been so upset or nervous that you couldn't eat? This
demonstrates how our emotional needs such as our need for love & belonging
can take priority at times over our physiological needs.
Primary Needs & Priority of Needs
Emotional Wounds
It is important to address emotional wounds when discussing our needs.
Emotional wounds are created when our most basic needs are not honored, and
they occur on the level of our need for safety. What happens when our needs
aren't honored by our attachment figures is that we proceed to not meet those
same needs for ourselves or allow those needs to be expressed. The reason we
don’t is because at some point we were made to feel that it wasn't safe to
express these needs.
Our primary needs follow a hierarchical structure, meaning that certain needs
have to be met before we prioritize or are inclined to meet other needs. Refer
to the previous page for a visual of our priority of needs.
We can experience emotional wounds at any level of our needs. The main
point is that it is occurring on the level of our safety needs, and secondary
needs not being met as a result. Abandonment wounds occur and
Emotional Wounds
are related to our sense of love & safety. Children need to feel their
attachment figure’s presence & love to feel safe and secure so this is an
example of our love needs crossing with our safety needs.
When we have emotional wounds, we will have less emotional energy for the
higher level needs such as purpose/creativity and esteem/worthiness. In other
words, we will have difficulty flourishing or seeing abundance in our lives
because at the most basic level, our needs are not getting met. It is only until
we release the stored emotions & begin meeting our needs that we can start to
return back to our natural, energized flow.
At their core, core wounds are unexpressed emotions. If we don't feel safe to
meet our needs, we will continue finding ourselves in experiences where those
needs do not get met. When the belief initial internalized false story around
the wound is released, then the emotion can be felt and integrated. This is the
process in which emotional wounds are healed.
Attunement to ourselves
Attunement to ourselves begins with one key factor, awareness. To begin
speaking the language of our needs we have to begin to practice bringing
awareness to our thoughts and emotions. This can be done through slowing
down, being intentional, and/or cultivating a regular mindfulness practice
such as mediation. This is an important element because in order to hear what
our bodies are trying to speak to us, we have to open up the space for this to
occur, which means we can’t be in problem solving or “doing” mode 100% of
the time. In the next section we are going to be going over ways to increase
Reflection Space
Where the magic happens.
Reflection Space
Reflection Space
Reflection Space
Use the list below as well as your own ideas to fill out the table
on page 18.
Reflection Space
Reflection Space
Reflection Space
Getting to Know Your Preferences Table
Copyright © 2021 Jenny Blakely