TOS Microbiology

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Table of Specification (TOS)

Unit Topic MCQs Mark SEQs Marks
UNIT I: 1. Define microbiology. 2 2 1 5
INTRODUCTION TO 2. Explain the importance of
MICROBIOLOGY microbiology in nursing practice
3. List the contribution of the
following scientists in the field of
 A.V. Leeunvenhork
 F.Redi
 L.. Pasteur
 R.Koch
4. Distinguish between eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cell.
5. List some basic properties of virus
6. List basic nutritional requirements
of microorganisms
7. Classify bacteria on the bases of
their nutritional requirement and
8. Morphology
Unit II: 1. Explain importance of the control of 5 5 1 5
CONTROL OF microbial growth.
MICROORGANISMS 2. Describe some physical and
chemical methods to control
microbial growth
3. Define the terms i.e. sterilization,
antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic,
macrobiotic, microbiocidal,
antibiotic etc.
4. Differentiate between broad
spectrum and narrow spectrum
UNIT III: 1. Explain the role of good health in 5 5 1 5
DEFENSE protection against the microbial
MECHANISMS OF infection.
THE BODY 2. Define resistance and susceptibility.
3. Define nonspecific resistance.
4. Describe the role of the skin and
mucous membrane in non specific
5. Explain the process of phagocytosis.
6. Define the specific resistance,
innate resistance and immunity.
7. Explain four types of acquired
8. Differentiate between humoral and
cell mediated immunity.
9. Define antigens, happen and
10. List the five classes of antibodies
and their functions.
11. Explain the role of memory,
tolerance and specificity in
12. Distinguish between primary and
secondary immune response.
13. Define Hypersensitivity.
14. Differentiate between i.e. delayed
and immediate Hypersensitivity.
UNIT IV: 1. Define normal flora of the body. 5 5 1 5
HUMAN AND 2. Differentiate between resident and
MICROBIAL transient normal flora.
INTERACTION 3. List at least three beneficial roles of
normal flora.
4. Define nosocomial infections.
5. List at least three measures to
control nosocomial infections.
6. Describe some pathogenic microbes
and diseases i.e. tetanus, typhoid,
7. Cholera, diphtheria, tuberculosis,
pertussis, mumps, measles, polio,
8. Influenza ascariasis, taeniasis and
UNIT V: 1. Describe how microorganisms 3 3 1 5
MICROBIOLOGY IN affects environment i.e. air, water
EVERY DAY LIFE and food.
2. List some safety measures to control
water and food borne diseases.
3. Differentiate between food infection
and food poisoning.

TOTAL= 20 MCQs = 20 marks

TOTAL= 05 SEQs= 25 marks

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