Link 1998
Link 1998
Link 1998
Development and Validation of the municipal sewage processing, and dumping of metal-
containing wastes. Many of these metals are potentially toxic
New EPA Microwave-Assisted Leach to both humans and ecosystems, and the mobility and
bioavailability of these metals must be determined. Acid
Method 3051A leaching of solid samples is the most common method for
estimating the mobility or bioavailability of toxic heavy metals
in an environmental sample (2, 3). Leach methods for solid
samples currently listed in the EPA’s SW-846 manual of
methods include Methods 3050B and 3051. These methods,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 308 Mellon Hall, outlined in Table 1, are used when it is more appropriate to
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15282-1503 determine the amount of analyte that may become available
under worst case environmental conditions rather than either
the total amount of analyte present or a TCLP evaluation
(EPA Method 1311 (4)). EPA Method 3051, originally
An updated, optimized method has been developed to developed in 1988, was restricted to the exclusive use of HNO3
minimize the chemical biases and inefficiencies between to minimize potential instrumental interferences from HCl
two EPA SW-846 alternative leach methods, microwave- and its resulting species on some analytical detection
assisted Method 3051 and open vessel Method 3050B, for methods, such as graphite furnace atomic absorption
the determination of metals in solid samples. The spectroscopy (GFAAS) and inductively coupled plasma mass
microwave method is more easily transferred and provides spectrometry (ICP-MS).
more reproducible leach results, mainly from more EPA Method 3051 was developed as a microwave-
precise control of the temperature during the extraction enhanced alternative to leach Method 3050B and has been
process. Previously, reagent limitations originally placed on a promulgated SW-846 method for several years (4, 5). Closed
Method 3051 did not allow these alternative methods to vessel microwave heating offers several advantages over hot
plate heating for acid leaching of environmental samples.
yield similar results for some analytes. This work describes
Higher pressures attainable in closed vessels allow elevated
the development and validation of EPA Method 3051A, temperatures to be reached, thus reducing reaction times
which includes an option to add HCl to improve the chemistry from several hours to minutes. Closed fluoropolymer vessels
of the microwave method, making it comparable to open also minimize potential losses of analytes due to volatilization
vessel Method 3050B. Including HCl provides complexation (1, 6). In addition, use of temperature feedback control in
and stabilization of some analytes by Cl- species, leading microwave leaches typically provides much better control of
to improved recoveries. Optimizing the acid combination the temperature than is possible on a hot plate, typically
involved adding either 1, 3, or 5 mL of HCl to 9 mL of HNO3 (2.5 °C or less. This is an important advantage because
and performing a series of leaches on standard reference leach levels are highly dependent on the reaction conditions
materials (SRMs). Optimum recoveries are achieved achieved, and temperature has been proven to be one of the
most important parameters in determining leach precision
for “problem” analytes, such as Ag and Sb, by adding 3
(1). Because precision is used as accuracy when comparing
mL of HCl. Recovery of other metals, such as Cu and Ni, leach results, this precise temperature control becomes even
are unaffected. Method validation was provided by more significant. Leachable amounts are not absolute
leaching and analysis of SRMs. quantities, which forces the precision of the measurement
to be used as an indicator of the accuracy of the measurement.
Also, using microwave energy and temperature feedback
Introduction control allows for better transfer of standard methods
between analysts, laboratories, and even foreign countries
The method of expressing analyte concentrations when
as compared to the wide variability and subjectivity associated
environmental leach methods are used poses unique quan-
with hot plate methods. Despite these advantages, Method
tification problems. When analyte concentrations from leach
3051 shows a negative bias for certain analytes as compared
methods are compared, the precision of the measurement
to Method 3050B leaches (6-9). Biases on recoveries of
is used as a defacto expression of accuracy. In contrast to
certain RCRA-regulated metals have been demonstrated.
total decomposition methods, such as EPA SW-846 Method
Recently, an updated version of the microwave leach method
3052, that provide absolute analyte concentrations, leach
was accepted by the EPA and is included in Update IVA of
methods provide only relative concentrations based on the
the SW-846 manual. As shown in Table 1, the new EPA
sample preparation procedure and reaction conditions
Method 3051A provides the analyst with options to perform
achieved. Standard methods are used by a large number of
either a HNO3-only or a HNO3-HCl mixed-acid leach when
different laboratories. Achieving comparable results among
appropriate for the recovery of the target analyte(s). This
these laboratories depends on achieving comparable oper-
paper describes the control and transfer of elemental leach
ating conditions. Control and transfer of leach methods is
methods, presents the development and validation of EPA
more difficult than for total decomposition methods. The
Method 3051A, and extends the fundamental understanding
reproducibility of the results depends on the conditions
of key parameters and acid chemistry to achieve optimum
achieved during the leach process. Microwave heating with
leach recoveries.
temperature feedback control has demonstrated more precise
temperature control than is possible using a hot plate (1).
Heavy metals enter the environment as a result of
Experimental Section
industrial processes, incineration, fossil fuel production, Sample Preparation and Analysis. Microwave leaches were
performed using the MLS 1200-Mega with the microwave
* Corresponding author phone: (412)396-5564; fax: (412)396-5359; digestion rotor MDR-300/10 from Milestone USA (Monroe,
e-mail: CT) and the MDS-2100 using HDV (heavy duty vessels) from
3628 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 32, NO. 22, 1998 10.1021/es980559n CCC: $15.00 1998 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 09/19/1998
TABLE 1. Comparison of Three EPA SW-846 Leach Methods (4)
EPA Method 3050B EPA Method 3051 EPA Method 3051A
vessels open vessel closed vessel closed vessel
heating method hot plate microwave microwave
heating block
open vessel microwave
reagents HNO3 HNO3 HNO3 or HNO3 and HCl
heating program series of 95 °C 175 °C in 5.5 min 175 °C in 5.5 min
refluxes 2-8 h or more hold at 175 °C for 4.5 min hold at 175 °C for 4.5 min
FIGURE 1. Typical temperature and pressure profiles for the heating interval. b Bias signifies no overlap at 95% confidence interval.
of leaching acids using EPA Method 3051A.
sample is present) increases as the volume of HCl is increased
CEM (Matthews, NC). Concentrated HNO3 and HCl were (9). Heating 10 mL of HNO3, labeled 10:0, results in a pressure
obtained (ACS reagent grade, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, of approximately 5 atm. As HCl is added, the pressures inside
PA) and purified by subboiling distillation using a DuoPUR the vessel increase dramatically, with the 9 mL of HNO3: 3
quartz still (Milestone USA, Monroe, CT) prior to use. The mL of HCl mixture reaching approximately 12 atm. The
standard reference materials (SRMs) used in this study, SRM increased pressures result from the formation of several
2704 (Buffalo River sediment), SRM 4355 (Peruvian soil), SRM additional species, including chlorine gas and nitrosyl
1084a (wear-metals in lubricating oil), and SRM 1634c (trace chloride (NOCl), which further decomposes into Cl2 and NO
metals in fuel oil), were obtained from the National Institute (10). These gaseous products increase both the pressure
of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. and the reactivity of the reagent mixture. Pressures of nearly
These SRMs were also used in the original NIST round-robin 30 atm have been reached during the heating of 250-mg
validation study evaluating Method 3051 versus Method samples of oil-type matrices, which produce greater amounts
3050B (7, 8), allowing for appropriate extension of these of CO2 and NOx gas upon decomposition of the matrix (1).
studies for comparison and validation of the mixed-acid This is possible only when the reagents have sufficient
option of Method 3051A. For validation of Method 3051A, oxidizing strength to provide total decomposition of the
appropriate masses of the solid samples were leached matrix, as in an HNO3-only digestion. Typically, mixed-acid
according to method specifications (see Table 1). After leaches of soils and sediments generate higher pressures due
filtration and dilution, elemental analysis was performed to heating of the acids themselves (Figure 1), while leaches
using either flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) of oils generate less pressure due to incomplete decomposi-
(AAS 1100, Perkin-Elmer) or ICP-MS (PlasmaQuad II, VG tion of the matrix. It is also important to note that internal
Elemental). To minimize the potential for cross-contamina- pressures will vary somewhat depending on the vessel
tion, all microwave vessels and materials coming in contact manufacturer due to the various heat loss characteristics of
with samples were cleaned using either hot or room- different vessel materials and designs. A more detailed
temperature acid cleaning procedures prior to use and evaluation and discussion of this concept is given elsewhere
between each set of leaches. All procedures prior to and (1).
following microwave leaching were performed in a class 100
As another safeguard, when using the mixed-acid option
clean laboratory (1).
of Method 3051A, the order of adding the acids is also
specified. The analyst is cautioned that “The addition of
Results and Discussion hydrochloric acid must be in the form of concentrated
Safety. Because Method 3051A involves heating reagents in hydrochloric acid and not from a premixed combination of
closed vessels, pressure must be considered from a safety acids as a buildup of chlorine gas, as well as other gases, will
standpoint. The reagent change causes the pressure during result from a premixed acid solution. These gases may be
a typical leach to nearly triple, making certain vessels specified violently released upon heating” (4).
for use in the original EPA Method 3051 inappropriate for Reagent Chemistry. Several studies have determined that
use in the updated Method 3051A. Prior pressure specifica- alternative leach methods do not yield comparable results
tion in Method 3051 was 10 atm (110 psi), but vessels for use for some RCRA-regulated elements (6-8). As Table 2
in Method 3051A must be capable of withstanding pressures demonstrates, the results using the microwave method in
of at least 30 atm (435 psi). Figure 1 shows that the pressure general show better precision due to more precise control
resulting from heating the leaching acid(s) (i.e., no solid of temperature. However, Method 3051 demonstrates a bias
Increasing the temperature of HNO3 to 175 °C provides
TABLE 3. Some Possible Species Produced during Acid similar oxidizing strength as compared to the open vessel
Leaches with Methods 3050B and 3051 (1, 6) leach using both HNO3 and H2O2. The key difference between
EPA EPA Methods 3050B and 3051 and the new Method 3051A is the
Method 3051 Method 3050B complexation and stabilization properties gained by adding
HCl. The following equations describe specific reactions of
reagents HNO3 HNO3
certain metals that form stabilized chloro complexes. Ad-
H2O2 ditional information on the chemistry of typical mineral acid
reactive species H2O H2O decomposition reagents with most elements is provided on
H3O+ H3O+ the worldwide web at Duquesne University’s SamplePrep
NO3- NO3- website, which is coordinated with references (14). A recent
NO2+ NO2+ review of acid chemistry is also available (1).
NO2 NO2 Antimony. Sb has been documented to be unstable and
O2 O2 insoluble in the oxidizing environment encountered with
digest productsa Cl- HNO3 leaches (15). This environment typically oxidizes Sb
to the 5+ oxidation state. Losses of Sb in the 5+ state have
HO2- been reported due to an oxidation/sorption process (16-
O22- 19). Various mechanisms, shown in eqs 3 and 4, have been
O2 b proposed for this process whereby Sb is oxidized in strongly
digest productsa oxidizing environments and subsequently adsorbs either onto
a Digest products may include such species as aqueous metal nitrates, undigested reactive silicate particles in the solid matrix or
carbon dioxide, water, etc. b Free radical oxygen species. onto glass surfaces such as vessel walls (20):
TABLE 4. Comparison of Recoveries of Analytes from SRM 2704 (Buffalo River Sediment) Using both Digest Options of EPA
Method 3051A (7-9)a
element 10:0 leachb 9:1 leachb 9:3 leachb 9:5 leachb 3050Bc 3051c total
Co 12.2 ( 1.84 11.7 ( 2.66 11.8 ( 1.15 12.3 ( 3.78 11.1 ( 2.75 10.7 ( 1.46 14.0 ( 0.22
Cd 3.40 ( 0.34 3.60 ( 0.36 3.62 ( 0.17 3.35 ( 0.50 3.32 ( 0.43 3.19 ( 0.61 3.45 ( 0.22
Cr 84.7 ( 5.6 79.0 ( 10.1 77.7 ( 12.6 82.2 ( 12.2 83.3 ( 14.0 81.7 ( 5.33 135 ( 5
Ni 45.5 ( 5.94 36.5 ( 1.26 42.2 ( 3.17 38.9 ( 6.11 37.7 ( 5.15 36.4 ( 2.52 44.1 ( 3.0
Pb 163 ( 8.6 148 ( 6.9 161 ( 17 151 ( 8.4 147 ( 16.6 143 ( 9.46 161 ( 17
V 16.5 ( 3.00 19.5 ( 2.69 21.9 ( 3.68 22.3 ( 2.57 24.2 ( 7.21 21.0 ( 2.46 ncd
a Results reported in mean µg/g analyte ( 95% confidence interval. Total analyte concentration taken from NIST SRM certificate of analysis.
b Results of analysis for current validation study. c Results of analysis from validation study of Method 3051 vs Method 3050B. d nc, not certified.
TABLE 5. Comparison of Recoveries of Analytes from SRM 4355 (Peruvian Soil) Using both Digest Options of EPA Method 3051A
vs Validation Data for EPA Methods 3050B and 3051 (8, 9)a
element 10:0b 9:3b 3050Bc 3051c total
Ag 1.28 ( 0.11 1.61 ( 0.16 <4 <4 (1.90)
Cd 0.86 ( 0.16 0.85 ( 0.17 1.03 ( 0.08 0.90 ( 0.09 (1.50)
Cr 14.6 ( 0.47 19.0 ( 0.69 17.1 ( 2.37 13.8 ( 1.18 28.9 ( 2.8
Ni 9.9 ( 0.33 11.2 ( 0.44 9.93 ( 1.45 9.59 ( 1.10 (13)
Pb 124 ( 5.3 130 ( 3.6 131 ( 5.4 121 ( 3.0 129 ( 26
V 64.5 ( 1.6 86.1 ( 2.0 81.4 ( 6.5 61.2 ( 2.1 (151)
a Results reported in mean µg/g analyte ( 95% confidence interval. Total analyte concentration taken from NIST SRM certificate of analysis.
Values in parentheses indicate reference concentrations. b Results of analysis for current validation study. c Results of analysis from validation
study of Method 3051 vs Method 3050B.
has both national and worldwide importance. This requires
TABLE 6. Comparison of Recoveries of Analytes from SRM methods that provide reproducible control and accurate
1084a (Wear-Metals in Lubricating Oil) Using both Digest transfer. As demonstrated, use of microwave energy and
Options of EPA Method 3051A (9)a temperature feedback control exceeds other methods in
element 10:0 leach 9:3 leach total terms of the reproducibility of conditions and ease of method
transfer from one user to another. Temperature, the
Ag 93.3 ( 2.9 98.2 ( 6.2 101.4 ( 1.5
parameter that controls reactions, can be maintained more
Al 96.7 ( 4.2 99.0 ( 5.2 (104)
Cr 91.2 ( 3.3 94.3 ( 3.1 98.3 ( 0.8 accurately, resulting in more precise results.
Cu 91.6 ( 4.0 93.0 ( 2.6 100.0 ( 1.9 Summary. The data presented here provide additional
Mg 93.2 ( 3.6 93.5 ( 2.8 99.5 ( 1.7 validation for the updated EPA Method 3051A. The ef-
Ni 91.6 ( 3.9 92.9 ( 3.4 99.7 ( 1.6 fectiveness of including HCl in the leaching acid mixture for
Pb 104 ( 4.1 99.5 ( 5.1 101.1 ( 1.3 enhancing the recoveries of problem RCRA-regulated metals,
a Results reported in mean µg/g analyte ( 95% confidence interval. such as antimony and iron, has been shown. The mixed-
Total analyte concentration taken from NIST SRM certificate of analysis. acid leach option also shows comparable recoveries for other
Values in parentheses indicate reference concentrations. nonbiased analytes. The chemistry of the open vessel
methods, which include HCl and H2O2, is more closely
reproduced by the mixed-acid option of microwave Method
TABLE 7. Comparison of Recoveries of Analytes from 3051A. The mixed-acid microwave Method 3051A provides
Simulated Sludge (∼0.25 g of SRM 2704 (Buffalo River an efficient, unified leaching chemistry for all 26 RCRA-
Sediment) and ∼0.25 g of SRM 1634c (Trace Metals in Fuel regulated elements in a single microwave leach method.
Oil)) Using both Digest Options of EPA Method 3051A vs
Validation Data for EPA Methods 3050B and 3051 (8, 9)a
element 10:0 leachb 9:3 leachb 3050B leachc 3051 leachc
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reproducibility of the reaction conditions is critical. Also, it
Received for review June 2, 1998. Revised manuscript re-
is the practice of some testing labs and agencies in foreign
ceived August 5, 1998. Accepted August 13, 1998.
countries to adopt EPA methods as their standard methods.
Thus, the development of reproducible standard methods ES980559N