CF006 - Quality Assurance Policy & Procedures - CBSA

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This policy and procedure are designed to ensure that Complete Business
Solutions Australia (CBSA) has an effective quality assurance approach and
systematically evaluates the services it provides to implement ongoing and
continuous improvement.

1. Systematic Quality Approach
Is committed to ensuring the quality of services provided across of all
of its operations – this includes clients services and processes, client
support, customer service and effective management of the business
and its staff. This includes ensuring the quality of any services provided
to CBSA on behalf by third parties. 1/6
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Ensures that effective systems, policies, procedures and resources are

in place to ensure the quality delivery of all services.
Has convened a governance department which oversees the quality of
services by CBSA.

2. Continuous Improvement
Systematic continuous improvement is a fundamental component of the
quality assurance approach used by CBSA.
Opportunities for improvement will be identified through the following
Surveys completed by clients after service has been provided
Quality Indicator Surveys completed on a six-monthly basis by clients
and industry
Complaints and appeals will be reviewed to identify root causes of the
incidents and identify areas that need improving to prevent recurrence.
Internal audits conducted on a regular basis will identify areas in which
performance could be stronger.
Management meetings held by CBSA will be used as an opportunity for
managers to identify areas that require improvement from their
knowledge and what they have learnt from staff.
Improvements will be recorded and acted upon on a continual basis to
ensure CBSA is responsive to areas that require improvement.

Client Services Feedback

Collect client feedback

Once services have been provided the client should be given the
opportunity to provide feedback on their satisfaction of the given service.
The survey is optional; however, all clients should be encouraged
complete the survey.
Surveys are submitted electronically, with results collated by the
Governance team for review.

A. Quality Indicator Surveys from clients 2/6
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The Quality Indicator Survey will be provided to all clients on a six-

monthly basis
The survey is designed to gather feedback from clients on its given
services and the expectation around those services.
The survey is optional; however, all clients should be encouraged
complete the survey.
Surveys are submitted electronically, with results collated by the
Governance team for review.
Clients should be provided an option to opt-out of receiving the surveys

B. Collate surveys using relevant collation tool

Throughout the year, completed surveys will be returned.

They should be collated by members of the Governance team using the
relevant collation tool.
Staff members need to collate each different type of survey separately.
Using the collated data as a a guide, staff members are to evaluate the
data, identifying areas that show weakness, and/or require improvement.
A summary of the collation should be recorded on the Feedback
Register, and provided to management for review.
The Governance team should bring the Feedback Register to a monthly
meeting to discuss. This will include planning for implementing
identified improvements and discussing all feedback received.

2. Continuous Improvement Register

The Continuous Improvement Register is a master list of all the
improvement suggestions identified and acted upon by CBSA.
Improvements identified through feedback and surveys, quality indicator
data, management meetings, informal suggestions, audits, and
complaints and appeals will be recorded on the register.
The register should be updated regularly with any improvement
suggestions made through formal and informal streams by the
Governance department.
At each monthly Governance meeting the register will be reviewed.
A plan will be put in place for implementing improvements during the
Governance meetings will also be used as an opportunity to identify
improvements made that may not have been recorded on the register.
The plan should be recorded on the register and items marked as
complete once the improvement has been made. 3/6
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3. Governance monthly meeting

A. Schedule meetings

At the commencement of each year, set dates for the Governance

monthly meetings.
Invite all members of the Governance department to attend.
Staff members who have conflicting appointments should notify the
meeting organiser as soon as possible.

B. Prepare agenda

At least 1 week prior to each meeting, develop the agenda.

Use the Meeting Agenda Template to prepare the agenda and it includes
standing agenda items which are to be included at each meeting.
Standing agenda items are:

Review of last meeting minutes – have all items been actioned?

Recent feedback received – collated surveys, feedback register etc
Complaints and appeals – discussion of any recent complaints or
Continuous improvement
Recent or upcoming changes in legislation
Financial performance

Agenda is to be approved by the General Manager prior to circulation.

Circulate the agenda to all attendees along with any relevant
attachments and reading material at least 2 days prior to the meeting.
A copy of the agenda should be saved on the organisations cloud-based
storage system.

C. Record the meeting minutes

Meeting minutes should be documented using the Meeting Minutes

Record names of all people who attended the meeting and any
Record a brief summary of key discussions, all decisions and any actions
agreed upon during the meeting.
The General Manager is to approve the final copy of the minutes prior to
circulation. 4/6
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The minutes with any attachments relevant to the meeting are to be

circulated to all attendees within 1 week of the meeting.
Meeting minutes must be saved to the cloud-based storage system.

D. Follow up actions from management meetings

Ensure items in minutes are followed up accordingly. Tasks that arise out
of the meeting should be communicated to relevant people by their
relevant manager.
Registers should be updated accordingly.

Related Documents
The following are related to this policy and procedures:
FM005 – Feedback Register
FM006 – Continuous Improvement Register
CF005 – Privacy Policy & Procedures
TM006 – Meeting Agenda Template
TM007 – Meeting Minutes Template
CF004 – Continuous Improvement Policy & Procedures

Document Control
Document No. &
CF006 – Quality Assurance Policy & Procedures
Quality Area: Customer Facing (CF)
Author: Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA)
Status: Approved
Approved By: Henry Thomas
Approval Date: 26/10/2018
Review Date: 27/10/2018 5/6
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Complete Business Solutions Australia is a fictional business developed by

Eduworks Resources as a simulated business for students studying
qualifications in business. For more information, please contact Eduworks
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