ACE - 2 Lakh With Income From 6th Yr

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A Non Linked participating early income plan

Now, You have the power to choose

Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan

Pay Get

₹ 2,00,000 ₹ 8.89 Cr.

X 12 years Total Income 67.94 L +
(Total 24 Lakhs) Maturity Benefit 8.21 Cr.

₹ 2L p.a. paid for 12 years

Income of ₹ 1,04,529 p.a. paid from year 6 to year 70

(Cash Bonus + Guaranteed Income)
₹ 8.21 Cr.
at Maturity
Policy year 1 Policy year 70
Risk Cover

Age 30 -------------------------------------- Policy term: 70 years ----------------------------------- Age 100

Non guaranteed benefits are demonstrated at 8% | Age 30Y male, PPT 12, PT 70 years, Deferment 5, Auto pay yes, Early income 75% + Wealth 25% | Premium is without GST
Plan Benefits
Proposer – Age 30 years Annual Premium - 2 Lakh PPT – 12 yrs Deferment 5 yrs

Income Benefit
Get regular Income Rs. 1,04,529 per annum from 6th year to 70th year (1,04,529 x 65)
Income consists of 40% Guaranteed Income & 60% Cash Bonus (on 8% illustration)
Total ₹ 67.94 Lakh

Maturity Benefit
Get Maturity Benefit of ₹ 8.21 Crore at the age of 100 years.
Total maturity benefit =
Maturity Sum Assured + Accrued Simple Reversionary + Terminal Bonus
TOTAL = 67.94 Lakh + 8.21 Crore = ₹8.89 Crore

Death Benefit
Enjoy the increasing risk cover, starts from 22 Lakh in year 1 to 8.21 Crore in year 70.

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