Uin: 104N135V02
Uin: 104N135V02
Uin: 104N135V02
(UIN : 104N135V02)
Please note all the incomes listed above shall be paid on Annual Mode
Cash Bonus of Rs.18,042 (@8% Illustration)/ Rs.3,900 (@4% Illustration) will be payable Annually from 1st Policy year onwards till year 25
On 19/Oct/2049 the policy
will mature, Maturity Benefit of
Rs.12,40,632* will be paid to the
policyholder. In case, any survival
benefits were accrued during the
policy term, will also be provided
at maturity.
Sum Assured
on Maturity
Bonus @8%$
Total Maturity
$The Terminal Bonus of Rs.4,48,632 (@8% Illustration)/Rs.3,43,440 (@4% Illustration) will be paid in addition to
Sum Assured on Maturity.
#Only Applicable In case the life insured is female.
*The figures are illustrated @8%. For more information please refer to the benefit illustration attached in the policy pack
Maturity Benefit
#Kindly note that the above scenarios are only illustrations and does not create any rights and / or obligations. The assumed non-guaranteed rates of return
chosen in the above illustration are 4% and 8%. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and are not the upper or lower limit of what you might get
back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance. The actual experience on the contract may be
different from the illustrated.
The minimum death benefit at inception After payment of the death benefit the
is Rs.7,20,000. beneficiaries will also get the following:
Any accrued survival benefit, All future Cash Bonus, Guaranteed Income
if not paid earlier, shall be paid and Maturity Benefit shall be payable as and
in addition to death benefit. when due in future without any need for the
premium payment.
Death Claims Paid Ratio as per Audited Financials for FY 2023-2024. | *As per Public Disclosures 2024.
@Policy Continuance Benefit is available in all plan variants except for 100 – Age at Entry Variant & Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) is available in all plan variants for ages greater than or equal to 18 years.
***Guaranteed Income is a % of Annualised Premium and shall depend on the Guaranteed Income Payout Frequency, Age of the life insured, Plan variant, PCB Option and Premium Payment Term.
Guaranteed Income shall be applicable provided all due premiums are paid. All applicable Guaranteed Benefits in the product are subject to payment of all due premiums. Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan (UIN: 104N135V02) is a non linked participating
Individual Life Insurance Savings plan which provides Cash Bonuses and Terminal Bonus, which are variable in nature and declared by the company from time to time.
For further information on the product and its plan variants please refer to the Prospectus. If you wish to refer to the Terms and Conditions of the product please read the Policy Document available on the company website.
Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axis Bank Ltd. Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Corporate Office: 11th Floor, DLF Square Building, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase II,
Gurugram - 122 002 (Haryana). Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on the risk factors, Terms and Conditions, please read the prospectus carefully before concluding a sale. You may be entitled to
certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and policy benefits. Please note all the tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. Tax benefits are subject to
changes in tax laws. Trade logos displayed belongs to Max Financial Services Ltd. and Axis Bank Ltd. respectively and with their consents, are used by Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Customer Helpline Number: 1860 120 5577.
Website: www.maxlifeinsurance.com, SMS 'LIFE' to 5616188
Name of the Life Assured: Ms. Tag Line: A Non-Linked Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan
Policy Details
Variant Name Insta Income Sum Assured on Maturity (in Rs.) 7,20,000
Policy Continuance Benefit Option Yes Additional Benefit on Maturity (only applicable for female lives) (in Rs.) 72,000
Payment Frequency for Guaranteed Income & Cash Bonus Annual Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the policy) (in Rs.) 7,20,000
Save the date Option No Date of first Survival Benefit payment Sunday, October 19, 2025
Rider Details
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) Rider Premium Payment Term and Rider Term NA Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) Rider Sum Assured (in Rs.) NA
Term Plus Rider Term - Premium Payment Term and Rider Term NA Term Plus Rider Sum Assured (in Rs.) NA
Waiver of Premium (WOP) Plus Rider Term NA Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Coverage Variant NA
Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Rider Premium Payment Term and Rider Term NA Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Rider Sum Assured NA
Premium Summary
Accidental Death & Waiver of Premium Critical Illness and Total Installment
Base Plan Term Plus Rider
Dismemberment Rider Plus Rider Disability Rider Premium
UIN: 104N135V02 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 1 of 4
(Amount in Rupees)
Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 4% per Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 8% per Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-
Guaranteed Benefits
annum investment return annum investment return Guaranteed Benefits
Age at the
Policy start of Total
Annualized Total
Year the Policy Guaranteed Survival &
Premium Additional Total Death Total Death Survival &
Year Guaranteed Special Surrender Special Maturity
Survival Death Maturity Accidental Surrender Surrender Benefit Benefit Maturity
Cash Bonus Surrender Surrender Cash Bonus Value (GSV) Surrender Benefit @
Benefit Benefit Benefit Death Benefit Benefit Benefit @4% @8% Benefit @
Value (GSV) Value (SSV) Value (SSV) 8%
4% (4+6+8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 35 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 - 13,542 13,542 18,042 - 12,348 12,348 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
2 36 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 27,084 33,084 33,084 18,042 - 27,117 27,117 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
3 37 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 49,626 58,626 58,626 18,042 7,200 43,949 43,949 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
4 38 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 1,02,168 1,06,968 1,06,968 18,042 45,600 63,070 63,070 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
5 39 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 1,27,710 1,39,710 1,39,710 18,042 57,000 84,719 84,719 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
6 40 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 1,53,252 1,82,052 1,82,052 18,042 68,400 1,09,158 1,09,158 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
7 41 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 1,78,794 2,29,194 2,29,194 18,042 79,800 1,53,092 1,53,092 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
8 42 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 2,31,744 2,81,136 2,81,136 18,042 1,18,608 2,08,559 2,08,559 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
9 43 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 2,91,600 3,54,651 3,54,651 18,042 1,64,322 2,73,618 2,73,618 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
10 44 60,000 558 7,20,000 - - 3,900 3,58,260 4,39,007 4,39,007 18,042 2,16,840 3,49,124 3,49,124 7,20,000 7,20,000 4,458 18,600
11 45 60,000 558 7,23,492 - - 3,900 4,31,838 5,33,512 5,33,512 18,042 2,76,276 4,36,682 4,36,682 7,23,492 7,23,492 4,458 18,600
12 46 60,000 558 7,89,264 - - 3,900 5,12,208 6,38,367 6,38,367 18,042 3,42,504 5,37,213 5,37,213 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
13 47 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,48,934 7,01,046 7,01,046 18,042 3,65,088 5,97,150 5,97,150 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
14 48 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,85,588 7,22,889 7,22,889 18,042 3,87,600 6,23,442 6,23,442 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
15 49 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,81,130 7,41,901 7,41,901 18,042 3,69,000 6,47,836 6,47,836 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
16 50 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,76,672 7,61,530 7,61,530 18,042 3,50,400 6,74,181 6,74,181 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
17 51 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,72,214 7,81,775 7,81,775 18,042 3,31,800 7,02,584 7,02,584 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
UIN: 104N135V02 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 2 of 4
Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 4% per Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 8% per Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-
Guaranteed Benefits
annum investment return annum investment return Guaranteed Benefits
Age at the
Policy start of Total
Annualized Total
Year the Policy Guaranteed Survival &
Premium Additional Total Death Total Death Survival &
Year Guaranteed Special Surrender Special Maturity
Survival Death Maturity Accidental Surrender Surrender Benefit Benefit Maturity
Cash Bonus Surrender Surrender Cash Bonus Value (GSV) Surrender Benefit @
Benefit Benefit Benefit Death Benefit Benefit Benefit @4% @8% Benefit @
Value (GSV) Value (SSV) Value (SSV) 8%
4% (4+6+8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
18 52 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,67,756 8,02,649 8,02,649 18,042 3,13,200 7,33,195 7,33,195 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
19 53 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,63,298 8,24,139 8,24,139 18,042 2,94,600 7,66,143 7,66,143 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
20 54 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,58,840 8,46,245 8,46,245 18,042 2,76,000 8,01,616 8,01,616 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
21 55 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,54,382 8,82,911 8,82,911 18,042 2,57,400 8,53,753 8,53,753 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
22 56 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,49,924 9,20,629 9,20,629 18,042 2,38,800 9,09,852 9,09,852 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
23 57 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,45,466 9,59,389 9,59,389 18,042 2,20,200 9,70,158 9,70,158 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
24 58 - 558 7,89,264 - 3,60,000 3,900 5,41,008 9,99,149 9,99,149 18,042 2,01,600 10,34,975 10,34,975 7,89,264 7,89,264 4,458 18,600
25 59 - 558 7,89,264 7,92,000 3,60,000 3,900 - - - 18,042 - - - 7,89,264 7,89,264 11,39,898 12,59,232
1. Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any, and Goods and Service Tax. Refer Sales literature for explanation of terms used in
this illustration.
2. The survival benefits are payable at the end of the policy year.
3. The surrender benefit, death benefit and maturity benefit shown above are at the end of the Policy Year.
4. The Surrender Value is higher of the Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) and the Special Surrender Value (SSV).
5. Refer Sales literature (Prospectus) and Policy Document for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
6. Above benefits include terminal bonus payable,if any.
7. The above benefits are with assumptions that save the date option is not selected by you. For details on save the date option , please refer the Policy Document.
8. Under column 15 and 16,Maturity Benefit also includes the 'Terminal Bonus (If Declared) at Maturity'.
UIN: 104N135V02 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 3 of 4
I, ……………………………………………. (name),have explained the premiums, and benefits I, ……………………………………………. (name), having received the information with respect
under the product fully to the prospect / policyholder. to the above, have understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
UIN: 104N135V02 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 4 of 4